nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dkf9s/data/0531.pdfthe louisvi 0 a l a ipa d.ajdls ub.nal 0 1111...

THE LOUISVI D.AJDLS UB.NAL 0 A l A IP A 0 1111 XWL!lVWmBl.lMWMdW3Jf OLUME XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, U61 NU3185ER 296 MM III IBI J WWII MJ WmiWwlW LOUISVILLE JOURNAL nturro ajid auacin bt USIAL HUCI BWJEif,, HUM 8TU5ET, between' tL'ikd ty,i Ff.gHTa. fymiraiK-FHir.4-'H7V- fA u the cltr PJ ?ily,by ma.it, in advaiica.. ,rf' 'Jountry daly , ; f 00 8 (M Weekly, In advanca. ainle C.T7 S M) to elaba cf Are or over If 9V Rnltia-i- c by uail in reUt-r- U:!.. at oar .TT8 07 AJJVFBTThot js i ll7! LOTTTEVlLLJE JOURNAL FoS RiiGULAlt ADYCil J'ili! R3. w square, cbrvngaabl" TocVy, per arianm fi 'i On "So do S time it trwbeh, ftr annum.. !V fl do ti'ji do do ItK Vi Bach additional ;".vi. th'- above rrr. SpsnWmen(i publiphed at lrvrTve f for t and Ocent for evh TsfcrQ-js:i- une. Ammcin candid v. 1 per fen eah nim. VwaH" aif rUae-- . p. uauUrlj , Ml sthr la cJ- - Heal fftfr and pVanb.j&t idve'lvn';1'! VA oommipf1r.n?rp' pftter-- rifMi-j- , th.':. '.mil, or similar advert iiMn, not puMiphert by ton yeir. Acertienientp for chifitaMp ii:'titi'tia, iVr corupa- - Cns, ward, irtd other pabllc ci') is, sq-- eneu lixo, 'to rial notJeft vjd In c4- - Mial ooiornn and to i aieSnter-)tp, li wot par Uas- t:et oH r.wrted &i. he diKcre- - 01 tb ftd ((. No lTnmur"-atl',- t..r;r accom- - 4 by tH ra) mrro of H o v.h'.i-t- . Steamboat adrnrti;T int , .m. f 3rrt tner-ro- o and I2' cent fVr w'a ich rliange CDcIderwJ a new vJvri!ni'irt. Advertitioront? iTFPHtvj only ii ti Tr:rpn; HntJfn ill be f el hK the aho-- - firiw !I d ' v J.nrrl arrt cou'Jr 'itwi, f?fft mjeii ia, to the litu- nltiilielin, ?nvtr..irtf) th b vp r . Kant1? an ettra rriie. i'Un;wr!, tint i; um-- t r' h fDt'n'inpj. , . . ... . . . ?J not'remi!'. kp tr, tp c :t a :d tT of ppm-I- ''fekuc' la yen ohpr-ri.- n wo thai- rhan;'- tM fltnp No ooiitrart. of ysiriy t1 'COO' anp i.hnt 'io?'re ow. ut W'l any rsi.fv.'" ma4e or le than or.o rear at tre warly r&U'M MEDICAL. No More Private Diseases! AM TDOSE FFT.D WITH FSIVATK D!8 or sutfprtnj trotn Ui-- tr cn'u nrff. and I LM.ALK Dbli4tiL:d of wtry "r'.Tl,niu. mil D.j & a';d ppet-d- ure by to l'K 103 kHBHMk.HL TI-- wi sly, fi,:r ,u)y FKL EN Ti"E Bfc'ulurt infeseli-j- hv tbo v!'1jIjc , 'raiEfy, Dyapppeia, T'tvpl.l Liw, BiobcbJu, Li.-- - tKe Skin, etc , ulll be tre'.ea whh tLe greats fus- - Pa?3coTfl aid other 2&alip?aat T'uiots be nirV J vit?ut tn'f . cr ceuet'r by conctltatlrual trcatmeu'. IW'Ofiice ecuthect corner of Maikst tJ l'curtrQtli fcrr ?sr .ir r l it-- . ':.-- naciimatl Venereal Hospital, FOB THIS FRIVAT3 nntfer the eorit! tro of thi meet eminent the word. nT, F. BCNAVAK't'K-f- v "J! and. anfl for t!i3 W;: ' is ct tbe ":funn.J 9efea1 and Dr. E. B. r.syai'a!?, Iflt cfNVw fcrsu Tbli ie ti:e only oSoe in tfl c'tv w'u?tp a cure of prlvata dje'iBJ"1 rxn be cL'Lalnpd w;tf??nt bp o?e cf auoredrp jr charr.e of Jie. ;"ioi,orrhi i cured n 6 to O'.set 2 10 dayF. P.rl?f irui mrei in I to t xtwLa. Ncct-not- p'j;iBiona ftofp"' 'a V flya. Secu'ikl waaJtneps c:irfrt !a 9 to 8 teVj. rj!Lill- - In its primary taea cntr.d (n S dayi. car-?- In 1 o H ww. L1.!!! dls'.e wtWJ In 1 to 8 wflta. Impotnry v.r'f rei o1"' in 1 4 voei. Ail diwaoi nfa firi at iiatiira ieat0'3 with rraHif4 incim male or fpmali. Ir. work on irlcati? Cipoappn, ths fcrlvati pi'rle to be?Jtb, Is d3p?.c'h1 to sl, malt) fc-- eii tbe old an-- yonnf abcjld read t'us book. J "Vtep Those woo firai e in uaitnoc. rfice ctnV--, ma, by roaU. Dr. P.:apa't( Clbrst'-- d PrevD; uevr ba? ncr ave? wi'i fail married ia?uF too iwrr'e to ryr a .heh'iavd of lifs'ihciidbain popflesai-'- n t'H 'nvQtt";n. Prl rf.d'ir.r-- to $5. ?p. Fren-r- t'atent M?;e S'ifftI I is ffe; and never fails to givi path taction. I la tbe ily ea?6 and pore jrovnutlve eaiiiet preijriAury and ?irae. The price of tbo Fre.ncli Patent Male Bafe in f 1 tt? liagle one, $4 cr 1 r. $7 per dorn. ?ent fry ma'l. TVlSiA Lciri(r Fcrr a"? -- ntty pin are a tie "?d rellsble roivdy f" earpre-wioo- and a!l foaials Lcdi-- eUo. Jd nr thevj d""n p'ptip.op, u they vlli rr tduce niipcaniay-1- Price vl I'?r box tra fnr eeu to any aiidre? bv mil. B. A R-- are the nj.n to w:lt, t'r.oy se ".Doe-fbnabl- y arknoyd'd to t tor '.bsmnion and and Ping voereal dtaeace. and thonly Doci-ir- v. ho rocotvo ont Dly RpoiLp trom the old world; they have been from an ea !y age of youih to wltntjea tbe dippRPPs whivb nauklnJ, and to wath the (.rogrEca, tbroueh fc long c : of i.role:lonal ttydy, in fery pphere of life, fro.n tie h.LTNf- - abode of poverty Ic tbe maueions of the weslt'w, aid baring beoad a donb the vsst Furine: of huioauiry, they to select tbe taM-itiv- e nyptem as tfieir rhidy, and to drvote tiieir wbole ar tent ion to the Ulelatjon ot the di'e oftiie tiuioitant f mcttoca No letteri will be acsw red aoLd tU-- a remit taDC? ot a tvtage Bta.aij. Call, or addieiM Dr.. BONAPAJTOROTOZIVS, r tice ho-j- r A. M, to 9 P. M. A CURE F0H CONSUMPTION. COireUKD SIKIP of spise-ms- a tab. pfHB SIRUP WILL L'UK!''. rr3(?VTI'jN AND tl klivij of CjiHs and Uoid?, H:vnr?Mti- -, and Dypypala. It arte li'-- :,Ly and pt;rlit'v Lie Moou improvee tbo ppptiTe atd :'fnrB the couiplpjsoQ, ibis medtcine - made of pmpait'on. t a)o make a Mlclne tor STufnia- aleo a Miliclne for Womm and Felons before t i: y bi"ho;-3- a'.ao a PTOntra, ion fo thy gnr l'7--- . iiratui T l Join i'l tint, and tbe YtlloT Thrai"li Miii- - inoe ere twui3 oi and r In the mlioVip Dr-i- otor T GiJttJialii Co., on ccvm'r oi Oivsu aid LicveJth tree a. John 4 Co., ivj comr of Tenth arI Walnut P. C- Went on M.irkt etre.'t, Prestt-n- . Schmltt 4i Euttab, ou corner of Ligbh a.'jd Jelerson rtreeip. 1 can niuinond Mrs, C'.iuiOiiiid Sinip nSpikenani and Tr. I b.tve hin tick r a long time, ha'.e had ffferal docoi", and tb:-- In nf cs I w vTy coifii aid ha-- a pvcre tough. Aftr your 'ii s while I vr.3 tr ! of my rojuli aud rrMvid of n;' . V." com 1ft goott, and uom- J rut dl'.nc inv ov. u worc. My yotiugppt rhil.l ba-- a Iwd 1'H a iuiu t'ui-.i- , to levre tht ber bratMce pnn! tVom pvere eoiictilng In tbtj aba', a .bi'!.ju K.r.r-- . 'nt t; ana looks wp!1. SI'" b.wl lu'.Ttd b. tde s lor a loitg lime, but Lbrv all to cttrv br eotigh. Now ikiie - 1 Hll t"Tr nanaln rour feiud. Wis. JLX14 WILL! lyn'Fpi it,.S, AiifiV. I L- LiMCf4jM- - y'iaii.- I iiave yur 'm-nn- Simp In ny own ckp.j t" dei i!Ve bionchta) e trwni'pa, with whlrh I bavs Nt'.'j eJi'l. t t for ny rrd o twen.y yeara, and ecv i";tn"i1, alttr ti0-- ln t; keu t)itp battle?, that It 1b an drirabte ojmp"iind tor ti;e tliei of aud difhuiltnss, 'or be ttire bottb-- s 1 b w nafil hiT--e me mre tlwn eiytblng I hae tak"ii, aud I IV uk ft will rur tue fito tuaHy if I coutloi j tiee - Lt inv opinion a V) t iperior diaractr cajt br; of auv ervkd ou are at lib-- arty to twe it as yju Lauik r!Oier. liev, ELIJAH 8LTTON. Any prrB'"tT" marring with s.mt ff fbp o5 meu- tinned abovecau be a7yii'TOc0ntt 1 witti board nd ami attention. I hav dcelrabio mom? for frtiniiles cr 6lu gle gentlemen deciriiw uHvale hrardio" Mm. vrrii. Jackacu p! rwt, Inr es! Morrill aud Mc"--. a3o drm Iwl hiure front tin: enrn-- r nf Mivket. rnnrt in Ilb.noi rartns for f 1,000 THE I:liaoi e.eutral IUi-- n Lui-iii- ottt--i rlli lf?7J Prairie Land.- to i P.aitroa.1 at 11 per aore. a irniTot etrtyB-re- rj;i'-- a g.ou conif 'rtahic h'tmeptoad. 'I hv purfiia- r mai- buy on long credit, pnvni 'nt.t wt t 1 t cei:t. annn ilK , and It he hat on" litn?ulo datura in money li''. cjiu, tni? ,n)vr. at, tbe low p ices lundp-i-- , (nut i act for a cunveiiUiit hout-e- , teoicmg, ai:J lamilita twtl. Thy 'oinD-in- 1ms sold owr one Hi.wio.u4d '" firh tmrts o! iniid tbi soil lt ii wull known tiiat ChUnpo nio- - ijm.ni U. mark ex than mIJ tfi ti irre mciiitinl. 1 IiU v tlw bPt pi oot of t"t T!'Jt:iij: and kivat - of tl IMtnols landa. 1 ttlutolsOnirul aw hiuib-- In built through u p;1 tt' .1 c untn . It (flkwto market ih'n rtar upai-d- ol tblitfn loiliiou bijbels oi grnlo, beeiJca caUle, h, ajid miiy utli- - r rodu.'t- - l or further ifui-iii:- !on am ly by 'T In to "LiSu J t,itminlbuouer, IILijou (.tutial llaurnrd u Chlrn o. III. ln.!'!ni Do Your Own Printing! C'ooley9? CaMnet Printing CHice, espied ftr Small Pnahej"', Etatiouera, Merchants, JJinggifw, (ircctr?, bAiiK'-rw- , Aijctvrji t!:e Army, ard &c. IHE Presses wh rflvr tor sl of ai'v pt'"m: IIih injil''j aud tlroiit-s- and niaJe of ny cheap vvir vei:tTi, u.id f cri:p 1m Rare: cau b( op"i-ati- l by a'iy one, wlwilm p. iul'-- i iio,aid are aold at prlrvp iiltUni to :ihejir.l ot. tb it is to say e.t about tbe pr;"s of Jol, Proi r.cw tn iee. l no ar.ioe;-- (npjn wnscn i rt-- ? 'tiun) are eocjpon-- oi euiiui Cje, ucvly atid ttroiv-'- put to- - fbt'cr, ana tor t'is ajin bULocv havo i;v er ben ejual-- CkII and eiriuiiu. Gr e ul Ccj clr.u lara, giving mm, f a a, flldtin J. ft iOLKY A 1 Smi.- - t NY 'IinB bfcrctotoro M:?'ng tli 1 nnderiood, a"der tin- hnn ff JA'JU. i tUtOTH V K, is Ht aiy dioiv(.'l. .J (j. ,lt-- havi ni'tnurcd the entiie Intrert in the flti sr.l a?::. airho-.izi- ! to tittlc the pait;i;.ri:i' botiaws fiiil ':) 2e Qanrf cf the orui fr tne iAirp.sa J O J a, LoaisrlUe, , 1, - !. THK will cotfin--- V: : T'IOL!'5ALi X GROOtRY and l "OMM(Si(.lN i .itCicol fnd, tio. Alain r.trcit, between Third son FVnrUi. J. 0. JACK. Louisvllto, . V, 1"r". t'tf TgTTANKS A CO- have aocit- - 1 W. G ML with their jVtv ard v e? 1 the atf SMITH fe OMF.Jt, ii E.e Market t:, bMw Floj d, wh'rd thy .! ci'sjd-.- th WlfOLK-6A1J- S w;d KWi'AIL a:d PV.o.'UCK djbL Coi!P-o- re l with their house tVy hare a WAOON-- ARO, ni'.h ftLitl" toroGifnodAtioria for aornei, wyras, and ??L6r Vvrjcb , aJ vrriu gd wj tw tbelr old hieo-H- . T. 3 UA - IT. T. LORD, laly 18, dtf V7. A. GAlL.IiRAl'AI. w Che?c:Jr wci.cdx 'iiif'r r ex.' ? .IN;.). J ii'.'WAItrj I 'I., 'l. If-- Thhd and Foir tb .Tn. 2 UGAR CV'KP O HAMS 4 on toiiyumpiit KJ r. ud for sale low to clo h tft UAiU RK.FlNkO . VJ bhl9 Wh'.t" rtAWSt bau arid pi K c do Ja a tn 1;jj ao ti ii&yta fTrlti.; A :'0 itJ fccTj ileirhkit r.h-- and (ii HfcRHiSO io:-i- GAHD.MUi CO. MEDICAL. XXl.. XX A Xi Xj'B Louisville MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON THB FLAN OF THE UOSFITAL DE3 VENEHIKNS, PAEI8, WHERK tbo ft!Mete3 with any torn; o; rvivaw i iteaaaft ran mcive ii:ipt treatuint Ttrhoot nsK or Gtt'-- t, Strictures, Licera, Tumoro, (Jaocnrp, Secondary, and Coit?titn-tlona- l Syphilin, 1 (ieeaeee of tb err. Ly this eyftem it It rovl that thevenpHal eoinplalot r a entirely under the control af raedifiue as Is a cnmrnoQ cold or e fevar: and, wftLIe iajfutliriut parsopp are daily pending awy Hied , nH fivir.R them npoti'r from lane own lonompeteaey, criri and r.f nan.erit curei ar constantly being effected at thYOrWlAP.Ki TAKE PARTICUI.AR NOTICF- .- Dr IL dovotes riuoh of Mb tiui to tbp trKitme-e- of tbee cnpa caueed hy a Fprret habit wieh niltia xxv ai;d mind, unfitting th aofortunate individual for el t liar bueiowia or society. Tbo aad fffect of tbse early h.At.its, or Hie excett ol HptT years, are to weaken and dfbi'itAte the routlt,tlon, destroy the poyical t..d menial rowers, diuiiuieh and enfeeble the nstiu al fwl-fin- d exliaupt vital enerjrla of manhood; the Dteaures of life are raeTed. the obtest of mam ape and enii'te'ice irseli renderd a term of cioceria-iof- r iui"jry and twI. 2nch person, especially thoa ftontturlating nianHane, pbonid loae do time In uiaHn Immediate a Dr. H.. by bin iw le enabled M inpure fiir-- dr and Purmaont cure. DR. BALL'S AMERICAN PERIODICAL PILLS.-- No trtlrle of nied'cln.' lntndd for ttie eicliiive aee of feoajet has evr tet boen inbodnced Uit hafriv?Ti pneh universal ?atl -- faction as the Amerlrjn Ferlclicel Pilli. Tney can be rIId on In all caeea of MtQrl'l Obstruc- tion?, IrrejmWrJtlej, as a eore iid aaie rfmdy. Pri?. r njall, ?1 ttTid one poatfp stamp Paif!ti l'rip at adieanrean tie cirrf at Lome by ending a doscrirticn of their dissaie aad Inditing a tp.rrip. r.:'-ne ent lr aop addrep. wr Ortitfl No iirt JefToi-fA- street, MtTea Ftrft aid Second. Omce open from 7 A M. to 9 F. M. flfi4dtf L. HALL, Bf. D. THE P1UNCIPLE OK NO CtBS r0 f AY in ever? lnsrance tb cruvey wUl be refuo-Je- if the en- - not Fifp dollars is th fe 1'rom two to eight woeka is as long a tircp as the dee toi reiiirt lo port'orm a cure, flcroiula. Pile and all Chroale Dtpwaws treated by Or Price-- No chargH for meJirlnep or ii plarfftl under hie chase unless a ttae U porformtiL W. .!" vneT'gntiA. from ptfoi1 k?!0,w1eJf?. are able to state that Lt Price can certainly and pi! rely re- lieve tha horrid etfeote of Onanism or n aad peifcnn a "needy oure In ali cf the dtsaeea enuujo-rat- alic'9 Ve have seen certiiirat" from respweta-b'.- e petvnts eertii.ing to The curva en. migrated d by Th irice. V"e bar no dmibt of hia ability to do aU he oroi-o- j?. irfLMAM 8 D MEOOWAN, Late i?'jyiiff of Jefferson comity, Ky. LOVEL Ef- - ROnSSBAL. aut4 dw Col Ooinmandin Kentucky K'"' PRTVATK MEDICAL TREATTSE ON THE parsiouKiiCAL view oy marriage. S50 Pae and 10 Fine Plain aaI Co!ore4 Lithograph, I25TRICE ONLY TWSNTY-F1V- CETS Sgcut frejs of pj;tago lo ail part of tLe UnioiuAf Ayx OS tbe lm1rro!tlee ef yocth ? ''X "d inability, dicloelng the pe- - ? vrt eretfoilie of both seiea of all i in :H"e nemory, tndiges-- ltuie, coipprip- - and MlMH-atfe- 'i:.v;.v?5.''9v-it- nrward-o- f onehundr-- and TVfhIrty eDgraWnps It is a adir to ths ra"iid and " x ' e" those contarin' top1 ru.niigo, w ho entrtaiD secret dnbta ci tbelr pli?lai condition, and who ate eonici:t9 of having haaarded tbe hesltb, hapvl'ia, Bv-- to nhi?b eveTT uiician b"ing Is e'.t.tled. With Coo'eaeloiu of a PotrdW Srborl Mfpe. College Student, and a Yoang Mauled Lady, full ot roiyance and thrilling tnterppt. Yoocg men who ir troubled with weakr.ep. (teral-!- v censed bv a bpd habit vouth, the ecte ot which ure dveztncin, pfiins, forgHtfufnw, Mmetimes a ringing tn thear, weak eye, wealuieri of the bacfe and lower cstmuiitiL-a- , (nnfusioQ of lda. lod of li.yrtc-rr- . wi'n NEW FARI8 AND L0N1XN TRFATMFNT Wo hr.re recefitly davoiM "inch o" car time VI8ITINO THE EL'KOPf-A- K HOSPITAJ, availing onraelvfp of the knowledge and rwpearchc" no LjCtt &siH"d Fbvaifl o and S!v"Os in LKNOIKE, RICORD, BHSCRKTF.AU, ACTON, A CURLINGS, of the French ai-- FiigUeh bcpitalf. tear extended through France. Italy, Oermwiy, Hol- land, England, Ir. iand, Scotland, and Waloj, vMting nonr route the yrincip.ii bopT.ltala in Pari2, Lonn-- , . Vaniou rianm IWun Jho Wo h.ve ben amply rit,fiid bp toe additional knowl edge we hav HCgiiired 'ii tbe tieanent cf varioui to r.biib w bav directed cur attentiou. l:io?o who i.'.aoo th.ni'glrre tmJer our care will, whfctpr n'ftle vr ferjaie, now have ttie full benefit of tbe many NEW AND EFPICIENT REMEDIES which re aie enabled to introduce Into our practice, and tbe p.ib'ic may rest of the same Hial, a?iciuity, SRCKKCY, and attention being paid to th;ir caees, which has so suceeppfnlly (Jistins.iinbed ua ai a Physician, in oiir PEC L LIAR department oi'profej-Hioar- nrn.ctlce Mwliciaea with full dlrevttona teat to tnv oartoftba United Sl tea or Canadas. bv ratleuta oommuoicjirlug the'r pyr.ttoina by let tar. Buainesi eorrespondeuee inotiy conUdentja! rrDr it Office la itill located as wtsbll-he- tbpranieof DR LA CROIX. tVTo lp.nr s.fotv to all Mterw sitnpty addreet "TUll LA CROIX MEDICAL INSTITUTE," i wtf No 81 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. Tha Adams Express Co VK DAVC AOl,N J'S AT GKN. ROl SPKCd AND Sl-- m:ic-- f 'ia'i'4'iruterB Camp Muldraiwh), al at ("amp jb aud ruu mengfre d.v.17 to p)e', wlio v. ill tilo cbnvgrt of &Dd diillvor all and paohat!s dpilned tor thoe pltwop. Otir to Lebanon aod Eardptwn will a!ao ta'tu 4ivi(ib - packpRr? to equips on the lino of thwr rorea. freight ir Kliaabt tli town u;ust in all cases b pro-- pad. o- - a'm A. A JONL.S, Agent. uf ntornt ana copy. 'lHK COPAR NKK-IM- b. tt',fnr e.T'.jtuig r 1 tJw linn 'f ?..J. HARif. CO. i tMs day ill- Ivc-t- by noitiuil cMitviit, aid 8 J. t rhargid with tlie fitttje LPiut of tlui DUdiuttfS. 8. I. UAUK, t;. t:. HAKLi, LoutivUle, 0;t IX 1'- - R MILLS. J J. 1JRR will continue the bUBluM at uv old tnl nlridtf a .1 HAWK Baltimore Oyster Depot, No. ;i Third ., bet. Market ait JuSon-on- , A. BLXE3 --- Aont rSf'FRCSH BALTIXOR6 OY8TKR3, In ciis and half cans picked iu ice, rcoived da'ly bv l'j;'fi. Trae In the. city, count ttns si savnboat. ttutdio" alwa.vn Hupj llod st tiie lowest rate, and In all C'tPV U'AHIt N t'l ji t LESua db'WHT, 0ij dim PAIMILV PLOUB. Ty mvv, in tuKy. fr family i y- n- 1 T C:i hhln Ad iatJc MlHs Double Flonl; t!") hh'rf O. W. th XXX " -t bb G W. Siuith " hit hb" enwr c k Ml IiU No. ' ' U h'-- Pa'ltic Milln ' l ? Lh'e titk Fliur, ' H. FF.UOI SON A SON, n T dtf Fitth . on donr north nf Maraot. lieaclyniado Clothing J. M. ARMSTRONGr'g. fto Mnlu, cppwlte tfc PfMlonal HolsL BU LK fiT'HK I'F PRESS CLOIUIN'?; SUFfc'li STOCK OF Bt&lNC3a Stlld: liL O ANT ; CULAF OYK1UCOAT3; LAROU dTO.K 01" PANTS AND VEST?; SHIRTS, HOSiKRY, LNDLRWL4R, , FULL STOCS OF KOYa'8 CLOTf UNQ tM eiit. rtfay for Caa'i ff' IIAVAiA CIGARS. lst lM'tJRTFD CIOAR3 cf tbe nixt e U,JUU lectbraods iurldd-- El S''L MO'lmifuto Coy tt nun, Washbictt-P- . Ls laChay, Cita,'t. Mslcriv Iutiaiidad, 4c A'so Cbewiog' and Smoking Tobacco For eats ale and retail by LDWD PEYNALM), o'.i PeonieuL IxuUnlle UotcL O KS5 PLllB MALAGA WUv t for raedi eVoal pur- - pootp, fr sale by KDW'D PEYNADO, of FiaetiiU'ut Couievil'.e liot-d- . ADn.X"5T SHIRTS THE GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE SPRODXE & KANDEVILLE, Csrcr Main ncd Firth ?taM und-- r Natloo;ii 11 ittl. t v a I- - n v a y x r t T rnr. oteat t lothino hoi f J FRO ILL M.i ' I'LVILLb. THE GR!;Af 1 01 JT.INO HOC L of VT I Y, it; M AMHVI1LF, F jutUi atid Mam et., uudet National HvteL 3. S. MARK. G. Y. DOWNS I ECEIVTD thlf day a euitil lot of It Bjrub.bvf; --t tj'.ark Muslin t!" Lalnec; t'ruuch MtruiOi, Fur aie at l.iw iH'ico5. n MARX A DOWNS. 4f t. C(iAK ja! hhla CnuhAi, Pondertd. Granulated, a: ud Yellow for tale by RAWflON. TODD. A CO. i HANDY AND WINK CASKS frr Catawba u ior ilio by AiiiONY XANONU ft SON, Filth t., bf'low Main. fOFFEK bags piiine Rio Coffee In rtore and toi nit by AND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO. 'ri'A 17. pvW-s- Greea aud H's ii etre uid frt ?Je by MARSHALL HALPPRT m On. tn cuka M.ileirft Win; d: twVe "rt do; j.i c?ika yuac-i- o , U n'i.l ;o.ifi Ui r re a t a!t cv otAKUALL b Ai bnhi CO. w. i-- r. STOKES, rauccESHOR to r ft w. H. stokebj, IMPORTER 1STJ3 J3I5A.IL,ICR IIST COACH AND SADDLERY HAKDWAEE, Saddlery Warehca?ej XTc. 4:35 Main St., between ITiflh and Sixth, rjoriieville, XS.jTi m6 Mon.ifru-tnrrr- ! wcj!d find it to thatr than, and ordsn frcm a dltanoe will bo attenfi:a to ae u ATTHACTIVE GOODS u.t Low I?rices. 1 1 'E dsditt to redcee our preeont stock to lire loweat " llnjlt before the lrt of January, te tre-pr- p for an entire wrw assortment next Spring, aod In order to effect thia we shall cfler rveclal inducements to our customen from now until that date. Ve ask bvrvra to examine tbe quality end rwrirad prices ef mir ( hiaa Dianer ;ud Tea Sets, Glaware, Silver and FlatedM'are, And other Hoaekcf piu Good?, And orpaciilly our magruliicent aesortmeut of Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures. We promise satisfaction In all cae. E. V. HAUGH W0UT & CO., !'o;. y. 4')t and , of Broorre. etieet, MtW VOUH, prFoitlce throughout th counlry eKnding orderi br matl wtfl reoeira prrtltely tbe same ad van tap's, aud thetr crders be as pTttiiij'tly attended to, as if personal- ly prefeut to mike the pnrcbaee. 0'2 dtjanl INDIA RUBBER G00D3 niLITARV OiTHTci. COii'3, POICUFS. CLOAKS, CAFES, RIIMNQ LF.OGl.fc3, I1 KIM (UNO CVFS, CAPS, UAVELOCXa, And a lariet.rnf tr'hm' npiful a rt' t. Cornpanl-- s or lndi'idiijil Volunteera supplied at MamjfeciuTi"-- ' Lw t Price?. Are In.itrd in pt ie a cal' Orders fi ?ni airv part 7f tbs counti y promt Uy a' to. ddrcs BRT A- - IIK KIVV, Uuia K ibber lepr . U Wwl Ppurtu , O. CC'ARlERMABriJlS OTHERS to contract tor the aboe artlelep are respectfully in- vited to csll and en.amtno onr goods and p?t priret. Banpl-E- will tri fumleb.'d ain) glren by address ing BART Ar Hit KO, 49 West 1 tmrth srfet. oTS dim (M'I5AI, . MILITARY EQUIPMENTS ! ENTliXD Rlt'LCS, CAVALRY BAUKES. TIPLD AND STAl'F 0 WO HUP, 8A8HP3, CPALXET5, eilOULDra BTHAPS, ec. Orders pr.'xp'.Iy filled V F. h; AjUiy COJTBA'.TO?. o2i d'm Fo. 3Irilda Lanp.NKW YO K, Camp Equipage. AM rvepi to infiiiaii KfEimciiis or tororh3 witJi Carji o'ovcp. Camp Kwtt!' Plates. ArmCnp Knifes aod rmt:3. Spoon. Lautoeut, Mvas Pans, Cot, Caiap flto-jlr- Ac-- , on e'.oit notice P. M-- JONKfl. 012 blSljtX Fourth t , nrnr Nt'.-na- H Ae), Officers' Camp Che&t, r fHK most eomp'.eta article of the kind ever InrenhBd, Call and ace lt P Nf JONLM, t ir National Hntpl. Preserve tne Hair: STRATTAN' lTkATIIAIIION, Tot Rtorinp, nd Boaa-tlfio- s- tho Hair. 4 Tt'oTLY CKLKBHATI'.D AHTICLP. 13 MANU-- jL factiireJ in the Ci op Locievif.i.r;, at thtj x ' Dm 8t.jrrt, nd tbe pro;"?ctor :iUr,3 that It i nioerior In many reape to anv prepwraiioo of tbe kind n.w 10 H:. 'hat It t;jvec aat inaction. Itr, vlrtoep have been C'Hy t"1,!, a .,1 n;imbeTlppi can be t,rod-jce- ai to lf ; e'ficacy. OrdTB troia the couiitiy o( Wbolppale price $1 M r"r dozr-o- . Fetalis at 9$ ennti per O. IL BiRVTTAS, Mai..iri.-- , Juoe4dt the Pot-ofrkf- FsrrfliiDery, Ocap. Toilet Goods, Ate .Tl'ST RECTMVKD AND OPENED ALiF.OK IITAVR yf Ilandkopchlef tTtiarie, To'b r oAie, Brnnhf-a- , and Kat:cy loMv wblch I an sellins at low ra'oa. I intend to cter to the anM oi my friends and pif in onry luticu'.ar, aud trust they will coatiau fcrpier.fftors. O. IL 6IR5TTAV, Apothecary, June dtt Oppn.dtfl the Grayson Springs, Ky. nndVrstgned bavii'g tb entire control of Jamee TTTE ciarkwm s interest in this establishment, will tpn tne ssme Mr tue rcepuon 01 visifore onnraium if Jui with a pvnmSse t" kp a plain and eubstaoMU Keairkc1 Hotel, inch-din- B.I tjie fct suppiles tc country will afioid, aud solicits patronage. Tract or Rouu Board rvjr day e i Do. weph, 7 00 Io. tnonlh. - 89 tW Children .and aud Uau prlre. OASHI O JX. 0 II ! Great Sacrifice of LACE8, EMBROIDraurS, FANCY GOODS, nOOP SKIRTS, HOdlRRY, WH1TR GOODS, LINES CAM- BRIC, JACONKTand Sttiaa EDGINGS and INSF-B- INGS, JACONKT, SWISS, and LACE FLUUNHN08, and la short our entire etock, cociirlilr the moft beaa-Hni- l deeiDB exd ft: lea. Will be Sacrificed for Cash. The Ulies will do wU to call at once aad iscure tiie Creates! acd moot declrale BARGAINS of the r eaaon. OBItUAKT X- - CANNON nt7 Jtlff Fonrtb at., oipott Mozart DalL ECO'Sr PPe.INOS. HOT SPRING COUNTY, ARKANSAS. 'I"1!? a UotfJrrinCT (Il.il andProctwfloMf 1 have Ixwn bifndfd and lD"rovpments nnde to acpommodat four irmPBKD tlvtobs at aay time throuirout the ver- These wondertul Svrhigf positive- ly fere RhPiinfitipTiK Contracted .lolnta, Neuralgia, Lnnihapo, paraisle, Gnt, St, Vi'ua'e Dance, Uy?tria, Bteiilitr lmptency from dieence, Va&ral di.Hafa, Mercureal diritj?, Glaaduhu dureaa, aad all formi ui Bkin dhwascs. R. S. CLAYTON, Froprifrtor. Vt. G. W LawrencA, tbe MdJ?al es- miner ef Hot 8vrln8. will eupf'ly ciic.tlarB to api'llcajits. N. R MflrrjrtaL Iodine, 8 lfpbnr, and cthr irMi-eate- d von frirn!sbwl nhenre-in-irM- . JanJj dly Brandies & Crawford, ffTAVB removed to the ne Wareh.oosa on the tonth-1- 1 vert comet oi Main and First treeta. We will ray th b'gheet market prlee fraJl fctnfft of Oralu, del iv red at onr Ktore oral anyirood ihjcvlna rolnt on t the 0 o lirer. dfi Ait RRANDfflS CRAWFORD. Mutual Lile Insurance, TI1W NFW FNi:i,A0 Ml'TTlTA MKB COMPANY, Na W State e treat. Boa-to- luFurea Uvea no the mnf "al nrlncMe. Net AecumuIatioQ exceeding 4 I .VAU.OIMI, end h emaaus, for tbe benefit of njouil-tr- e. pre-n- t anJ tho "hole aafrly and ad"aotR)rionty lirrwti The butnte. conducted exclulvly (or tbe brneht of th? y reoiw incur!. The rreatont rtjk taken on a Ufe 1 5,N1. SuryhiB diatributed the irjmbere evry 6fh yrar, from leceaiber L 14J iettiod in cah or by to notify. Premiums may be paid qnrtrly or wn-r- aeijeo. aa ainounre nr.T too naii Fon-jo- f apolt'-atic- and na'DphletB of the Co?npau and reports to h? bid cf U t or at th onice of tha cr forward?! fcy tjii'L if wt'tt:u fcr Eiet-ral- tMRECl'OH: M.irthiH P Wilder, Tfl-- i a- -, CharlM P C'u-tu- . Vi'i'jtn li. Ryrjoldt, Tomaa A. , Oorpa H. Folper, Charles A. W Thast r, Francia C. LoeM Jirjoa Sturjtti. WILLARD MULLIF3, FTtaHtnt Pt-'av- F. Ptiivt.(.-8- . gerr'ary. W. W. MoSLAJfD, M- - !., Cowaultlng Pbyekian. a::8l dly fT ALL qnabtfea aODtantly on hand arifl ft? tal tey V DAYib a n tJSU, Agpou icr tna Msuuiacturen t a... urn Uttfat. Hi Tie 6 Spues Ageuti of Oriental Powder Co.rLC't'?,''e: teVa We have teen utin$ yoaT Bhttng Pf.dar cd ta rleanire In etatUif tfcat fhid it eauallf net tccsncr tc any rcwar iu t ARTDUR lor 6nL'tlt A Snu rr I or6J!-- - trr.-.'- m the abore and ehiarfaj'r revai- mend lt tj the public J. V. BMliu, I coacldRr tlis cvn Powfier tvfzxlzz to any we have ever been abiu to obtAin, tt. tvaiii. We take eleaenre tn reconxmer-Sin- r your Indian Otle tal RiSe Powdtr af oul If . joarior to any w hae ever nt?d, i bt'n Terr ed erone. Thii we fr ft' th'ri'ch a). tfniiy yjr. CJKJE w. WOMAC1U I. FRY LAWKKNCA, S. P. RV.OWDl'.R, M A. RNllARTKi, ZiW.AKV L.'iYT-0- ao7dtf A BL'R.iA. Vl"V A HMY RKOI I.Al IONS .hr-- t I I - oi; L, A, JAVILL. infrept to escmine my ctock botora .iig tbfr pur maaw in pt;ron. f.i doowAweowtf MISCELLANEOUS. ROCKWELL'S COMBINATION UNION CMIP CHEST (Patent Applied For. TIFTAmr Sz. CO-- , 590 and 552 Broadway, N. 80LB AOENT8. Invite O'p aHntbvg f Ani'- - tod Navy officers' iuee?es to tn; cew and ln;rivl Union Camp Cliest, Which conjprtsep within lb dimensions of ill Inches b'UKlh, tj iottiPfl tffadlii, and II Inches depth, a irirta-bl- e Pantrr, couiloing all the oiHoan' J"d inectiaotcal ap,i!1aur-- ferfuiT or lis person; n DfniiiR Table of flu bv ni iuchflp FTirtd, durable enoch for tlie routcheet rfar. and a st u p, tiom tt and POiieolnt siiiiplt'lty, especially suited foi caiip . Ihls contbination ci PAXTRY, STOVE, AXD TABLE, the res'ilt of p nm- -t cartl study ot the u'ressities and tnctd?u of and of the articles iu use by the coronifcds itwlf to the AmeHcan sobUtT alike by Its aonvnlanne, d 'rabi'lty, anJ ntpneltv. Tho ageoti had in tb.-d- etjibl'-hme- ewy can:L' ch-- ot not u iv ;jt hum an ! sVoad, and do no n"p1tit- t prououuci) this one. lp their jidruut, infinitely sfuctiftr to anT' kn-v- t r tho Tf which apse.Uni they rt al eiAa'aaiioo and ecn'tiarU" ?. Tne STO'.'B, 9 we!! ss tbe TAPLP. so enpfncted a to be sold by ir,Bp;t, cd can be asid with any army cheet or trunk in vonuc Price of Ihiloo Camp Chest i and $1?; of Table to rf Ktove J . oil dtf CLARK'S RESTAUR ANT. FIRST Ot TUB SCAS'JN. Q!i3iU Grouse, Venison, B!:eil Oy& ern, Aid all other delicacies of tha sssson. W. A. CLARK, riaprieor. Tab- - )"Iote frm 1 to 4 oclo-lt- - o:?d'm WOTIOJJ, 'rilB rAKTNTTRflHlP beretofnrs Mltinir between 1 J. C GOLDBACH A CO was diseolved on thSlst 0f (obr b- mutual consent. BCHWlIcS & BROTHKR. tnnxhwd the en ilm interwt of J. C GOLDBACf I, will continue tbe HIDH aud LEATHCR btialnesa at the old etand.on tbe north side ot" Market, between Secmid and Third sti 0n Scbv (19 Broth have the riht to receive all debts due to the late firm, aod will pty all debt d'jeby it ,f. C. GOl. ORACH. o3dlm G. SCHWaisa a BRO. A Ohnnco for Farms in Indiana, We for fa!e. in the orjnUps of White, u,,1 P',lakl IntHsna, luv acres of nch Jl. rarmin Land, iraide, cf tha bett ifuHty for giain or stock fanos. Wo -- ell tn TKN ' TiMtC at ten dollars per acre, t b down, the balance In ten equal annual payments. We baveaiKi ( t'res m .fatei cnnty, excellent for a stock fTH, which we will a I at ft 4 per acre cah, SlOTSUNBl'R'.; 4 PROWS, oi dm New Albany. Indiana. " IYyholesale Wwth of DESIRABLE CLOTHING J- -5 vcr Cent. Ija&i 17 IX .L 1ST o o m T f Icr Caslis DEVLIN, HUDSON, A CO,. BROADWAY. COKNLK WABKEN STREET. Spiit -- bottom hairs. v;b ark agkkns for tir bal; of ken- - tucity P'iU"utiary Chalre, aeJ liava tn (tore for sale a la'e lt : f A Avsir A. L 4 SON. If d Wall Ptret mix 3 couleurs! L. B B, la CRfiTY fK RABV, Agont), IMCrtrn street, aolnlr lis- - Jeamnl Offc p lf- Uf in ptore end r tiie Iu (.oipfitltlep Pornar.; RoriltAUs; Da Mvi'V: i rontlnan; Lttoei; &L Eatethe. Volay. Kiu fle-fl- o HoreHo, V!n 3& Tokay, Aruagnae, anfl. Ceidiaia. iai'4 Jly ELIA3 MOW, Jr., flOiS S.n.ROrER'S r a t t , TUff MOST RKCPfT IMPROVFD Shuttle SewingMacliine FOR ALL EIN'PS OF W HK. PRKTR 7K T7ananted the J$ot in the Warkot; Fine finished, etmnij and dtirahl: whorl feed of pnwor; excpcdirely simple in cppftnir.tion: not a wire ai It; nil it? part. ar mosd Bcinlrablv and liigenlona- - ty arranged; cannot oihlv et oiit cf onler. hman Brrrv-Jbiu- ie n.mHQc nflv nono fo raelly nn- - drt-?o- and onrraN .1, r.nd kw ttw rnoet ititco ever , precisaly alike on aid-- . Tal- low and til who have n it oiouonn it tiie hWt Mv rhhie tr tbli ricinlty. AU arc ccrd: ally bi- - it d to examlua it. T. JOHNSTON. Awnt. iS dly gig Katirth stro?L Having jiwt retnraed from ijlnr'anatl, where I have procured, throuyh the klndne of CoL A.soKtBON, one Urt-- ood oris ma!l fLnM Pnnro-nar- fl of hirofcit, lu hiil uniform, rith tbj Identical loak ttd cap w"-- by him at. Fort durl.iff the I arj nw rady to fhruieb hie fneada and sffpIrHTB Hf h d:ij.lh at or wh elze at my Gallery or at irauk Madieoii Bookstore, i;ul 1 Mrd i"l. K. KLAOBBH, Ree Hive OalUr, str, Irtnel A'.vit lwlwni Third nd 8. 8. MARKS. G. F. DOWN?, CHEAT baiu;aiis DryGoocls II A'iNG iletvimliied lo mifce a rhanee In out busl Dft oil ot btf.ne the let of Jannavy n?rt, we ivill oT)rfrcni thh; dit, rnir large aud wd! cssciicd slock FANCY BUY GOODS At f'RKATLY RP.or:D FUKT.S y arlce wlllbeeold 1 AH f.tOW iC-S- OF lUPORPATlON ZSAKX fit SOWN 8, oii 4LI Main street. J, G. JAOK, E. W .1ACK, LtOateMlie, i y. New Orleans, JACK & BROTHER, Wholesale Grocers, FMVlSIOHMIIimi EMBANK No. north aide Main it, bctHTPn Third end Fourth. IHUHYIM.E. K.Y, UOAR, tOFKKr, jftNH MOL,ASSrS iV l.hdP nnme N. O. S.ifan lirj haa inirae Rio OtT; Vt) b: I; (J niched. Powdered and Graaolated Sugar; Vi) do Plantation Molaaaes; tffi Kbblt do do; &) fcbble Golden Strnp; lcalloD kea Goldea Btrup; lo ftore aod for i&ie h JACX A BROTH EB, 111 Malott, MAN1 TACTVRED TOBACCO bo;8 Sjii Miee.j'ari Tohsccot Ft do O. PHie do &n lt do Hhin.n' do t'W do Va. ai'd" Ky. dx Tarisui bracda: la ft or a and tor bale ty jav K i;rriiKK, Maine JKAN3 A NO LINSEYS-l'- W halra Nep Jnni and (best brandp lu nt ore and torealhy JACK A BROTHER, 51 Main it. KANAWHA BALT-?y- bhln Kaaawha Salt, beat store an-- for s! by JACK ft BROTH 818 Main t O 40 halt ch&et- - O'M'rcwitr T; lo .lo fa R.-i- r dr. V d"zt! FhaJc'! T'ood ': do fa pry vrC tlf i dft V do pai-P- d bnrketF. W n1?!. do Tub: dn:e!i Zinc Warh-Bci5- ftcils Cottf d all elra 8 do Hewy do, do; l'"1' boree Caudlet; 4 Co Stan-h- C" lioifin Soop; ?i do Film d ; IH Co OfrniRn w.t IJ bM Ctt'"1" Vk;i, all nuiiihart: Jo do Cam-i- t Ciaiu; ) do S'S do Wiftpphie ; in b.iB Ft'Jce: It do Fort lU' runtg Cl'ir.ai.iOn: case i'fdiaM aud Maijilla Ijjijo 8 CRAF M Pd'.'ir; l bt i A'n.i5i. f (io (t' catf Ve'vcicrlc 9;' 1 cao Nutiiif fr; Ki,iV,o f; v. and 3 B. Cirr 7fi frcrs Matrhee 1?" do Maecn e lare an 53iaU Biaciinn: 2' tica aseortf fl Cicdy; 4 bblp Cider Vhieyer: On hand aad for eale by m37 dtc JACK 4 BROTiiKR, 5'? MeL" JltiAK-- 4r bb'.a Lwvertu e Crush Powdered, aud J GituiulaUrd juat reculvod aud tor rale by oO UAKUMRR CO. If FK4K ''J bT Wtspfrn Reserve and ' ( reti-- l c4 iw ftoil r.r a l.v .Loi. F. If jWAlil) & i Ml'is '1 htrd uad I juih 1. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL Gheat Naval Lmi-moss- . Tbe ew Tyrk orld eaya the expeJition which has left Hainn- - wn r.oada comprises, transports and all, about eighty vossoli, of all el;ea, from Cvlosaa! stean fritates 3owntothe uuutiast little gncboats, and carry, with their full crcwa, over thirty thousand sol'iiers, a !are force of engineers, mechanics, and laborers, and an immense supply of all the n:4tiiaLc war, erery cioan" of at'.ack aijd whxh mUitary art can invent or money eunply. The enterprise is one of the mct furmi-daL-- Ie vf the kind the world has seen since the In- vention of gunpju Jet. Though it will not com- pare T,"ltb thnt agaicGt StibaatLrpol, wldca ouni-bere- d rm its hundred rebels and ninety thou- sand aiPij Jt fjjjurns rtfipectably by the side of any other that can be named. Tbe world-famou- s "Invincible Arm id a," despatched nnder 1'hilip li. of iSpiin fee the conquest of England, tc be eare, numbered one hundred etnl thirty seven ships, btit the largwt of these vessels were mere cock- boat; compared with some cf ours, acl they alto- gether embarked or.ly twenty Ih iwtid acd eleven thousand s&ikrt. fiu tbe expedition of Charles V. to Tunia numbered fh-- buu-dri- d jeno-- s and SpinUn reas-'-- J, but canied only f. frty thousand men. That of Ector the Great tjtn tbo Caspian eea nQmberd two hundred and seventy ebipa, but tDTy twen- ty Ihoueand men. Tbe expedition of tiueta-vu- a Adolphm to Uenuasy numbered tfteen or eighteen thousand men, that of Juseuf agaiOL-- Cuoiia Ihirty thoDacd, that of Kionperti a;in3t the eame otrunghold llfty thousand, that of Cbtirlc U. upjn EVjninaik fifty thousand. Hor: be, in bis attempted ;!eecent upon Ireland, counted twenty-riv- tbocc-aud- . Bjnpjrte'ii to E'pt coneiatd !,f t'.i entj-thr- w thca-irao- d y !ih thirtasa jhitV.tsvsa'.eca friitefl, and font bandred trantrta. AbarrjrLUible'i cx- - peditin to Liv-p- nninls;red twenty thousand in on; Caibcart s to Copenhagen tventy-fiv- o thousand, V eiiiucton'a to Portugal fifteen thca-i-an- d, and to Spain thirty thousand. Bnaparte'e ounteiuplated e.'pediliun, in wht- - b preparatic-n- were maJe ihiowing a b aod red ami bfty thchiaasd diijciplutel eterans upon EnlanJ, by means of r.Q'J'j pianaevs, protected by bO shira of the line, is not entitled to be brought Into com- parison, inasmuch as It was never tarried cut The English t.- - peilitiun egajast 'asb 101.03 numbered eight tbuaaaad, aad ae.injt Nsw rifleen . l"be Erencb espdition against Igien thirty thouia.d. The E cited States expedition, nuder fjnert;! ycdt, rk'-us- I Mexico, twelve IhcuiairE r5jjrbe Kiyal ladies of tire Point held thoii fiirt meeting at the residence of Mrs. J. Y. alums on Thursday aorciog. B!rs. Eiac Bjile? was chosen Mits li. 8. Mcrria S re! a.r , and Mr. J. F. Murria Treasurer. After recsiving tbe cod trlbu lions co'lt- 'e! iu ci?h and materia!, the following namei Lidies were added to ,he couimitte to solid t donations, viz: Mis. John lbumae, Mrs. Gecre Mi;d Wbeelci, MUi ilaggiel"bunias, Mrs. Mana Silcr, Miss fcilub lift Id, Misd Theresa BHder, Mu. James 'lumer, Mre. James Alfc-rd- Miss Elma Irwin, aid Mrs. Sarah Smiih. 'I be follov-iD- (; ladies w ere appointed the purchasing commit-t- x. Mrs. Ejaat. Butler, Mrs. John IL Cbimb-r- s, Mrs. Geor Saiple?, and Mrs. '. V. Mu'fis. Afier th eyp'escion of a tv laloi heartily In the good wu:k of prt oriog aU needed couiur' '."ijr nold? defeadori. ti:e inetij.; ad-- j jurucd lo me-.- t again at tbe same pUoe cn Mun-- J iy neit at 1'. ovtock. when anJ where ail friends of the bra-- oianteers aro ri nested to meet, et which time v,c.k will Le giyeii out to th"?e ivil!-I- c 'aboi in tbe gved cause. The cex; meeting cf the loyal Iad.es cf the Eighth Ward mil bo held at the rsiidsnoe of Mw. U. K borer on Tuesday t nioa The has aJJ-- J to toe com- mittee tbe following Mrs. Carulb. Mrs, leDnis, Mrs. Cosby. Mrs. John Hughes, Mn. n, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Tope. Mrs. Pennebaktr, Mrs. James Ward. Mrs. EaUhaw. Mrs. Lr. Aadefon, Mrs. Tague, Mrs. Wm. Owen?. Mrs. Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Jaruos Brewer, Mrs. Leach, atd Mrs. C. Schwinir. A ful? atteadabcecf the committee and of ali the loyal ladies of the waid ia ear- nestly rc'iaosled. It is that ei?b lady will send in tc tho all contributions tcaa tat male of dothlf;;, ? that the taina wy be luted and for tbe t' tt ?'l!ia:9 ai epecdiiy as possible. .It.-'.- b .. uf llrnn county, lid., oce of tlie most waul .by farmers in the Stafe. waa arretted and taken to 'nJicnapolis on 8 itrjrdrvy las , on the ch ireof having st 11 inules in tentULliy which nfterwanli fuundtheir way to Secwsiondon. Kentiui L-- to ha- - a bearinj In-- trj the t'uited S'atej Coromiosi 'ner Tuesday next, lie stiles in paltiilion that it was a bus- iness transaction, and that be sold tbs males to the same party he ba Eupplial for yeara. A brother of Ksntner relornod from Parts rr ll:e .. .B ir,:,,.. l,:a car . orvl flkrfnn tn "k " y lu the l'enleral troyererne.it. Cou Giion.ti Coiuiicl H. TV. Grcver, who v;a3 diDjruusly wuuriJed Iq the cf Lea-into- n, Misei-uri- , JieJ in St. Lunig on Weloedsy. CoL Grover waa a c i ( i n of Johu:m county, Mo., whew tie had real-Je- a nnmttar of years. years eo he s a member of tbo Sttiie Seoato, and iras &q icdefaliahle f.ier.d of iaterral TVhen he received tbs v.'uuod whith lenriDatod hij lifj, he ttas Lieuteaant-CVIori- of a regiment c;)mrn.ssd prittip.O-- (.f litLCj f Johnson and I'atUs coautiy3. Tun Fe3Ti'AL or Aix Sj.my. Atinie-Licn-ce- d feat i Tal vas obsen -- 'i yt.ter Uy by the lujiuaa Catholics throughout the world. We aiiud to tbe festival of All SaUtii, vhkh il has been tbe luslcru of the cbarch t" cU.rH'. al:u--- er gjit 'e HB K't liaiil U. ii is u I1 VUB eh arch alio to cbiuut a evU iiune 'h morjiug of the tlay eucceflim' thaL of All Saiats, 'n uf a!i fUhfal ljl! wbj Lie this life. JYU'-- Frid-- itvr K Alice Smith, asuault on hllea Flaot. Dlsmijsed. LIbn riial vs. Alice ivxitb. penc Tarrant. Oismte'sed. The grand jury returned twenty-liv- e ic Jkt-me- r"Tbe oaly cjllactiui of e!reoty-ti:- l pUtea of the Hible ut the ifl It the hand? of the S.'nthwealern riihlihio Hou?e al hislni'le. The ha-- recently is?as.J an edition of tfca New Teatamtnt. ySotue meoiberH of tho Kintjteenth Illinois Regiment, Col. Turrbin, Btat'uned at tliiabeth-tow- have cjinmeccod the imbikaliou tf a p.apr entitled tbe Z iaas-- GatDtto. Ii. is a Fribtly sheef, ao-- I ve wish H Buci.e?s. Of.SKKAL Tho N. V. Tim&8 Washiotou oorre'iocd ;ul etya that, (General Cintielmas ill sojn he entiled to wer tbe Im o stars ca hid shouKier sirup. He graduated in lffji?, and all tbe nev, BndieM. rAiiiJ LHjv s inn Ri p.m,-- AH per.i;;ns re- siding north of ths Ohio river leaving tits pjrt or New Albany by boat fot mora southern paint?. mustoMaia their pe3sea from Mr. !!. J h'e?'"-- . or the Ma or of iiew AlVan'. I"e , Fai yf. We h- e recti-- . ed t!te hrt numt-e- r of a new weekly paper f'.oei Mjdisu. lnd.. entitle! lh iudepeuilent 113. IL ii ed- ited with by W. W. fltbben, L j. U is a hic4tome. sprightly, anJ readal.Io sheef . TheThu. The ten mile race between Sleepy David and Maj )r llcger?, at the Fracklin "Irvt,-ti- n Fark, B.ton, oq Monday, f"t ft pua of 1,0,j0, resulted. In the cf the former; time 32:JotJ. CaT Twenty-s- priva!(? in Coinpany A, of tbe Fifteenth regiment of Ohio Volunteer;., hare signed an lo uia CO pafsce Un,u3ire whe Id the eerdo. H"Cbarle4 McJain, a tea cf Car.taio Mf Lali., of tbe 6teaaier Charley Kjwen, a young ni io about eighteen yeara of a;e, wsj kil'ed at tbe battle of Fredericktowrj, Mo. c3rh"ra ere Dow live huniJteJ iceu ia L'ai' Jo Hull, opposite tlii3 dif, altacbeiltv L.t. E1 "E regiment, which will cuon be blUJ uf. f'liur; M. Owin, of Me7 AJh,r-v- , is Ihe i'"t arl j :ianf". 3 I i, f! a .rt,r il EKOMCAMP ANDY JOHKSOS. ;0cJtonal uf t'!fl Lotii jHJle Joflrua! IJLALrjAinEni CtL. llOBiOp'B Rhi't, Oct. B' 1W--. C:'Ni LEjfKN. 1 ser.d yon 5- - for which yon will send four cepirj of the Journal for eoe month oue copy to Lieut, ( u!. J. ij. Ctirlile, one number tc Cii;iu B. P. Eatcs, one uumber to D. T. TowIps, aod one Luxber to Joi. Wilron (Camp-belbvUl- Ky.) Our eucampmont lb now situated rn one of the moft beautiful and healthy locations in this pirt of Kentucky. Cohcel Hobson's regiment is rap- idly tiling up and will be full in a thort time, tie ha3 now seven baodrnd men attached to bis rejnuient and the number is Increasing daily. Colonel Hobann has made the necessary arrange- ments and is now prepared to pay oach man. when mustered Into sendee for three year or during tbe war, one irumth a fail pay In advance. Every arrangement Is now made for tbe health and comt'oitof the eMuiers. I nerd not speak of the othoers of tbo fclecood Kentucky liniment, as tbey are all koown as gentlemen pssesinfr the rt'fuiaito qualifications for tbe positions which tby occupy. The Green Tliver people all knew them and know their qualiticationu. A fow days ajo, a tuad of U'in. Burknsr'a most AAperieut ed rogues came into Green county and stnie two horea and one rido gun and pito) from Mr. L. Tburman. Tbiy woiHd have takoo bis nerues and hor?es, but be bad notice of their apprcmdi, and rnit them leyctfd the reach of tb scitrp". We bavB bsard of numerous thefts which have beca committed In Green county wit bin the labt few dava by these rebels. Many of tha Bruuudreie v. bo are engaged in rob-bi- the iefpleof Green county are citiena of the county, who have tlod to the S'jQtbern army for protection, as ir- - say. Perhaps the moat cktlful rogue of tbe lot is one Drewry Hudson, wht1 was a merchant in Greenabur. This man Iludsou was one cf the gaug who robbed Mr. 1 bur man, and he hi known to have been euaed in a'ealiiiic frum men v. ho have been his beat friends. Lie is a fkiiful thief, f.nd no doubt his Da".ie will be inscribed blth on ihe roll uf Buck-nar- 'a rofjuep. Ample ai rangeroenta have lieen made by Gtn. M aid to stop theee lawle-.- bands from cum!ng into GMen and Tavlr.r count ttw, and I am ctinSdent that before tbe sun eets V'o ill hi ea b't thorn In camp. A EEMTCKY MJLL'!- TEEH. BOARD GiTaLdE.EMEM. Thtusdav E.Niva, tw.t. f3. rre?ct F.e:idsnl Shacks end ell th m em- ber i except Mr. Trahne. On m.tiLii, the reading cf the jourea! cf tbe pre: ions meeting was di&pnRed with. A onimuti teat ion wab reigned fir-- his the Urvot, with hu ol itlioiie and veto of the ra:.-'i- ' a joint conimlttoe to prepire a oer police oidli':'.rice. wben the Mayor's veto was trained ai;d the reevlntion by thi yMf: "teas MesrT. Bown nouh'r-n- , end Baird 3. Niv3 Mr. Frets:l.ei!i ohankii and Modern Down-i- n jr. Ciunkle, Oihitce, Jeflsr.-on- , aod 'lorry A communication vae read from the Mvr, calling ibe atten'joa cf the Council to tbe "f tl: new ordinance book, ordered to ha pjblished, aud recommoLdm some action (o be tkea t ir it? cumploii-jn- , which whp read and refe-re- d to the Committee on FuSIic VinOD;r. A ie'itir.D from sund persons to hve the bi'iiuta of iba j iving of tbe sidaw:t!ki complete'' on fouib of Chestnut strpet. between &bellv and CiinpSell streeirt. whii.h was referred to the irfet Vcmxii.iee of FisW-rt- i Dis'rirt. Tu bill i,f d. Downing Jr.. f-- r t J for Fmnt'ios win referrt'f' to the on Fublic Works. Tb Kniceerj reiwrt of tLe roat of a culvert at tuj interjecti'-- ot Nimb and Broidway dtreete wis referr'-- tc ihe oq htreeta of the Western L'istri-:t- . Ths Almshouse repmt f, r C:tohcr. ltit, dT4 f'G, waj reforred t' the Comir.iftee on Aimsbousie. Jhe bill of V. W. Mm for t0 ,7 for iron rad-ir:- ,: ia Au 'ttor s ( Ihe wad referred lu the e on Kuhlic W'ck. The bill of J. M. iSuijirors ll O'J for new puniD vrus rr?n-- to th? Com nut on Fublic Work?. The hi!! of Oosneil A ,u for i 40 for k f ir:;',t!h"d civ :.!!. es ws t ffrre- to the CooinjiL-te- e oa Vinar re, Ihe bill f F. T. Neale fjr f--r repain to tridr.e a 9 Feir;;rasB cref:k on the Ijf.jwnhoro nid wab referred to th Commit t on Fublic TheS'riet Inspector report, of th M'eitem District tjt v j l' from the l"th to the Jl- h uf wis referred to Fee Slieet (Jcoitiijttee of tin 'eler'l Diitiict. The Street In'p-'ctot'- rep rt cf t!i3 Fitern Di: riLt for iloo 1J, from the 1 Teh to the cf Oct. ber, was referred to tbe iree. of the l.wtem Dint net. A ptiii'in was read fro?n J. F. Fearwm praying for tue of tbe Heecue Lupine Uou-e- , on the Sd'.biilh d;.y. when a resolution was adapted al- - lowing bbn the use of tho tame. A teolaii u from the Common Ccunul, raitlnjr aj 8???hn, at B ocl .ck, for tbe election of an Atant City Attorney in place of A. M. Strut, raciied, cod an hi? pooler of Coal in place of Dr. U Vaitiiao, wa adovled. Ihe ii;;.rt. of the Cltv M&isdal for lbs month of OcU-bei-- Job', waa id'A. '!V1' SHVIC'5. Pro.ia::- - to Mj.ti-;n- T '.i(d: mat in i 'int te3tij;i at y o .iock, hen tbe fallowing city o'Ti 'era w ere elected; . S H. ub'V. ALjJi-- jt L'itr Atlornei- -. TV. W. Id bolt, lapecUr of Wo"l CAt aud Liuie. Vd no'Iou, ths ; hit ee?t-io- aro. Alderman ikiird, from the Hp.viiioD Crcniittee, otFarel a resolution r d&ims a int aaon et 0 o'cioik thia evening fr the elect icn of one Ir.ipcc'yr, wb:ch whs rejected. Alderman Houhicn, from the Street Commit- tee of tbe West1 Diatriet, ottered a r:dation approyir. the L iiner s prade nvip of an alley betwcin Kib'h and Ninth and Br?adniy axd T ork streets, wbi,b waa adopted. CLAIMS ALU"Elw iepariite rooolationa were adojod alloivirfg tbe folb'winjf cUims; Ai&x. Durall 7 76, for seniots rnderd in Au- ditor's (tlice: Cha-- . Ffaiff.-- ?1 i'K wvrk ca nillert, Eaet-er- n District; Fres. Moaus eJ for graveling straets.EisterD Dia'r.C; Brown Fro. 70, for 1 barrl cement; A. Brisvalder '2$, for ropi trine plcka, to, Street hmdrf, hastern ltrict, i)f from to Itih 0" tuber; Wm. Kogera i?, for ditch on the Point; John Kpeun ? f.r repairy (o streets, W eii.?rn Di- - trie N. Camp (, for sbT.e furoiabed si ?th flliee'; W. L. Murvhy 1 Co. $UJ W. for coal jdl; (ieo. Morris for rrpsirs to market hoQ36 No. f: Tlios. M'.jri!n for storfo. o!d eDines, James f.. Tvlr o' f r insnrina bre cngifl s, OhicMrlng i Bro. JL roo:o t al e!eo-tiun-n. A Herman Bojmi, from Conimttle on TararnB and CcOee hou.-- We-ter- District, reported a io!ut:on frjiu the Coma:on Council, granting a tavcic licriii'e to Kenoe, Siaele 4 Co., ou Miin streot, between hth and tb, which wae ad'ptetL Alderman efler;on, from Committee on Fire DepirtuKut, presented a r solution dirt dine the Mayor to oolruet for the repair int; of the ohl .'uterus now ouf. of repair, which wis adopted. Alderman Jcircon. from same c inmitt, pre- - fenled a resolution, directing the City Knuineer to require all coutr; cora to pnt in ijod order all Msterns recently constructed, tht ned repairs, whi-'- was ftdojtd. F resident b ai.ki presented a reco!uion the Mavor to employ emie suitable person to iude ? the procsedin;? (f the H ard of Aldermen, omitted hy the Ute L'terk in J09 and 't.i. which waa ad.optL A rosoludoo from the Common Council anthor- - Uio the iioutemnster uf the Hjme Guanl to substitute any eolvect pirticy as principal and secuiitv for the anna sod equipments belnoijine to tbe city, v. bwe the companl"3 are full, wae ailpteu. A fr in the Common Coancil allow- ing 11. J. UxkiT l,iA) for work on well wm to Strotrt Coisimittee, Western District. A resolo' Ion from tbe Common Conncil author-i.;;i- the Mayor to purha6esi?i hundred bubU of coal for the use of ih-- ci'.y cilicos, wtts adopted. A resolution was received from the Common Council irrdnfinx the ltd lowing licenses, which wna itfiired lo Co rim it Ice on Taverns and Cof feehouse?. Fit tern Distrkt, viz: John Munchoif, cpfteeb-juev- enrr Preston and Grce:i gtieeti. A reJutloa was received fn.m the Common Couni.il irrantms a cafteehouse license to Watts f lionet j. com oi Foun h and tireen streets, which wad referred to Taverns and Cof- - Western l'istric A iea.diition fivm the Common Council allow- - i"-- 1 bo Bannon IJ J fr work, tc, on Unrh street, was isfcrrcd lo Strwst Vet lorn F'istrict. A v. as rcned from tbe Common Council dirctin the Mayor to bsue bis provia-nii:o- u calling upon tho captains and euretiea cf each company of ihe Home Guard to return guns, Kc, Monjinj to the ciiy. v hero Ihe comptrii'-.- h u e di: band". d, ard the cup'aina of full comp-t-rjie- to repirt to Brig.dier Geaeral Fops, which wts adopted. A resolution frnm the Common Council direct- ing the City Luinecr to rriiuira the late con- tractors to rejwir Ihecia'erre lately tioldied, and directing the Mayor t i have repaired all tbe old cisterns which dj not hold water, waa adop'ed. A resolution from the Common Cuuncif rant-i- n perniiis to the l.'uited sick eoldiers to the City Uo plta!, provided the Government pay t!;e ex'anse of iiue. wnd adopted, The retc'Vicc tliowhm Pearson & Kiui Kr ail is waa receivel irora tbe Common Coun-c- il anienuei to i til, which aniemlmenl vos con- curred in. and itie adopted as amended. The resignation uf Kubt. Vauhan, Coal ln- - sptt-.-r- . v as fK-- th9 Council ud'1. lilsrJ- - 'lba j Tt lbs vf Maraet-i-iiu- -1 to January la b, A3,.?J, ves received !r' ii" 'Le L'vruL'ic-f- Cviincil aud onleird to be A Tpvhil:nn tn an,nnrn tn rreer r,r. ri.'Th.v o.V.iVrf, lith. r .1 ; n ... m I n. 11. i' ar-- i ,1. i,f. A MILi l.i:. ( A FREE GIFT. TO THE AMERICAN IXOFLK. V. HAT THE FEDERAL TROCTS AliL FIGHTING TO SUSTAIN. HUV UUB S0EDIEE3 feHOCLD BE FFtEPAKED TO IIGHT. It t a elogular fact that a large majority of the people cf the United 6tat are unaor-atote- d wttn tl grtat Irrrntacce of the causa for the goldi-r- e of the LVim are fighting. Let every man and woman through- out the Tnlted fctatea carefully read and tfrnly the of the raited Btatea, they will become of the holloete of our and of the wicked-ne- w of thoee wtw era striving to trmtbrow thie gracd pel lnd him of freedom. We trul? bIict. tuL liad the readier of the ConU-t!tlo- n been atloyttd ae a dally tenon la throiighoat the Uutted Btatee. tlw doctrines at eecefvlan and rotate right would nerer hs-- j attained th pwUlon of a ilt Ileal queuUon, nor troa Id the eouutry have been called apoo to mooru for the oofortunate wratigllug acd mlHContrt ructions that hare arisen, and Vhlch wo many of our BtatenneD hav-r- j lost their tkue In attecptlug lti tnteiTfetl!on. Mllti jua of onr cttlrone hare uever thorwiehly rtU-- t!i rvimt hr'.ion, aud, erm at the orement Uuwtien It Is tbe duty of ererr eltizen of thie country to Inform himself of tbe rtghte and rilvtlrgw eeourvd to him, lhi protertluf arm, lt U not lu one faouKhold In five IioduiwL Iu lew, tberefjrv, of eonvctiog thte grat owTElrht, and lo fhraisb every man, woruau, and rhlld throuphiut the United Btatea nith the means cf study-lu- g th'a great palladium of Hhert1, and to protect us egatiiit future late doctrlne-au- polltlCAl dldietei, I'R8. BAtTWAY & CO. ITf-e- to thj A"rt'a;- - publl. f.ee M charge, the Con- stitution of the TYtUd Btatea of America, neatly bound, toKwth.r wl'h an imposed Almeuc for theear lswi, ea.Hwd' !r Cocrtitutional Almanac" Am toon ad ;Tact:cable, rr every vt!!ef"ard toira throughout the UnioB, will be finitehed with a urvly fr tree cirr,jtatlcnu A coiy oi the eainenlll be cut to eH vba ill lcl-js- a ertirjp fvr the of pccts. F'HCtlOlSTi. BOOK8TLLEH8 NE'Vbr&ALLP.S TURorauovT the cointky, rEsiaous OF AftMN'r 18 IN DfSrBIlTTIX TO THE ?E'jpi.E TUK CH? ST! riTlONAL ALMANAC. AKE INC ITED T 8 KNB IN THEIR OR?irH S . hO LU A R'JE WILL BL MADE FOR T!!B 8Ai!E. 'o also In. lie t!:e pow 'e of the Canada?, Biiri b Provioref. and. fn fart, al! whocaaread the English lan- guage thrruphoirt the wvr!d, lo eeccT m - from ua cur Cuuftthrtional Almaua.. VE WILL ?V.Sl) TO ANY t'NC, HU 19 WILL- - D 'j TO PAY TUL roSTAOB ON IT A CPY. OR, IF TUB CTTIiENS OV ANY TOW N OR VILLAGE WILL ACCEPT l"KOM lJ TO MM COFlKS, WE V.1LL KIKNIPU THKM KKEE OK ClIiRGB, BKT0 CON- VINCED THAT IK OCR KORKION MtlENDft WILL CAHLFCLLY RHAD THE CONSTITITION, TtiEY WILL gATienEO THAT OUR FEOPLE, IN St PPOKTtNU OUR Q KTHNMHNT !N !FlNO OTT TLIS KCi"L PLOT OF eECEtff ION FltOM OUR Ey UT'. HKiN. ARE NOT ONI.Y KI'JUT, BUT APE T AB LI 5 M I NU ON A Pol NO BAbIB TH.C. FKE&-I- OF THE TUROUOUOLT THE RLL'. EADWAY &. CO, 23 JOHN STREET Ne York. Ot R SoLLUBKi! 8HOU-L- BE FHETAKEO TO fig ii r. HE.ALT3 ANU MSVirUNF. tTa'ith and dis:i;'ttne are lh motit iu an any? to iofur ruccesa. without IU proro as Iwilhiil as shot without ijwu9T. Health Is the rroyslllng force of the arm; aud is the of rt' tor.'. It !e, UieMvre. of the greatest importauce ttiat the sysm of cjedcjitlon beet adAted tor the irotecttnn of ''!df!S apefejt tlTlcoem, ae wll a that knMTi to be the v.-- -- r.iy aad tottua! in restoring thi e'ek to fceilth, without regaid to rrcrfessiTnal pTe.tdtce, ha evlovted. I b'-- i is no t!re fr ot-jK- rartlMKtH ti 'tT:'hbk.i:ot pryrttrf'onal dignity. All the d'gulty the cu brinf bear 111 neither present sl among th trop" nor cjre toee a!ted. Oui armlet, te l if.iet be k?it in a hvil'hy ccTidt!--u- and th- - mo.'l cue !j:iViu of securing th'.;di'Jttu7'; ts threjfrli the r mc-ii- povi ra of RAD WAY'S READY EKLIU , h!- -' has a'. ready v d itself in o er t?fy ?ef,!i3ents, pa'-- st V.'.v cat of wr n?ar Wajhiogton, te a rfd-t!v- e pteutve atf'n.-- t Bickoesa the foimof CMII.l AND FKma, FKVLR ANf AC.ri; 1MIJ" SFfcYLR, tVPUOlD FVEB, T I AKU I Tt LA, VY f IK H V, tMALL MLASLf.H, a)d wthr and !L'f:tW;e diseatefl. Ktr lti we my, 'hat EAi'WAYL: KCADY P-- LIEJ will prott1: the trxop9 i:s&d to thve dlieasea ar.i'mt atlocLa h jw, !l - wueeikd by all tbe tred'cal men In tir army that th?y bare no ralaMe meani to rrcrvont attackt ol th te neither hav they aay aee:aao9 0f curiug the p'tk, bet, ou the contrary, tho majority of th? slLk. efe'.x:d vlth fereraed ague, t.ThoM, b!l!ous aud other fevers elthor d!9 or llneer alorr. uuUl thev are reduced to mere reefcsaud Uij sVstoiJ9. hat ectabP-hr- the tict that ths trattue?t CAlcioel, 'j'llniue. aud ter-.i- ry lu caosof fsver and ague. 1 v lo'.d feTer, aed ether of till- class lf nton In caruoi th.au lu private r!cti'.. When we Lake iuto cons'ldcratitrntbat mvw v alls and e'pwore to beay drws and Ibv mala'la from pool of water n& donp gnniodp. prow b"Jt a poor hol ler for tlje flck, vs may coaierl'jrs that tha netialti-.-- of lu'jal ad yi'iiine trvatoeut 1'!, lu the of rv, be eablh'tfd in Ihe form of Dpuialoia. pw ta; and ttf&ieu in tbe tut, of the llrer, Jaundice, ytitow lauadir-d;T- s pvp-'- a, plouri.jv, cntlu, cotd blcb 1!I cling to tho unfortunate patlwt for years. IN DR. RADWAV3 RLMLI'ILS the enhiler ha a poeKlvw prwrenltre epi'iic?! attacks of theeu L"t eren eoldlpr caxrv a bottle of BADWAVd RLADY RELIIiF IN D1S KNATSACK. ud when epr-t- to a'ft, damp and chillv weather, or encan'pMl in malaiju districts, take a teacpooDtul, tu hall a cup of water, ae a drink, early lu the mornluu bofor? eating, nud three or Knjr tliuee dur'jig the dar. and tf ou picket or g'lard duty ocaelouallv duitog the ulht, will ewat all sickness aod coattuue tJ eny gjod hsaJth. WHEN PICK h. RdwrS Rdy Relief and Radwa-- V Reffolatlnt Pi lx' owl ci'onllilj to dlrecUonK, ami thr; catieiit vi!i rvcorer. Dr. KadA"aJe KemMlfj make a perfect cure Iu C5ea of KlTF.rMATI9Mt NKLBALG1A, LLMHAOO. BtlMTlCA, UtlrtKHLNESS, DIIJTHERIA, 1NFM;KN7 A. COLULl. TOOTH ACH. nKADACfK, aOHBTHBOAT, I)tfFlCULT I'KOd t.D FLtf BKEATHlNa, BWKLLLNOa OF HILBLAIN, TUt. JolSTe. pAlNdIN iUE LEGS, nioLp, ML'LKS. r" KNS, H.'AL.I.S, 81KAI. BFRAINS, WOLNI'9, ueASNEt?d IN THE If FINK and In a!! os h where thre ii pain, Kadway'it Ready R hef arTord immediate eae aud quickly cure lb$ pi'.leuh DLr' OF CTVILUN;?. C't"1Iiati9 bavlna fMjnO!i er relatives la Uiti amy elfjuld eud them a fw bottlee cf RadaB Ready f aud a bo.x f Rad'.sy's Fills. The Uoverurnrtt tuaki no pros ielw for tb4 ahiab'.e rereedUaj ?atb? medical ftoree. Tbe 6c Idler dtpnde upon h!s Crtcude for a eupvly of these linJuableciedicluee. A bottle or t'.u rf the Btaiv' Relief may law the lla ot it it t jldier trl-d- . AKHY TfJ Do RGL M EST V- - e ha recel ed a lanre numbtr of lei-- ra from iiTr.y nirgwoa, othewa, and privates who bavv deM'-- bene fib from tbo u.:e of KADWAV6 REAPY EELICF Ainooi th;? gruat numbtr n'e have on lily we ppf'.-- to tb.- hUovtag: IL Tncty, M. D., Surgoo and Medic-i- Director of the K.vcl-lo- r Mrlft do. Q?i. IX Simpin, M. B'iryeon AimIlThoii ivuare Rfvinict- - Ool. n"k'"a, Ntcth VniPTit N.Y. V. Ool. Ktuhth Rerrt.nt, N. V 8-- M- - CoL Vieorfw Lin I U tVcoiid Re(diueot Kiotl-lc-- r tMg Cot Walt;r, Thirty third Rtlment N. Y. V. t. TlnoeCL Motile" Jan Rl'W tl. Wi'w (jten, Lutted State- - Arnir. M"iorO V. , Andron Zmnw. Moj r famt-- a f Turoir, Keplintmi N V.v. Col. Wm. Wllwn. ttnd hf oOiwre thrwih T. Vf. Mohjhan, KeJ-- . WUaou'a Zauave, Foil Plokwu. NOT ONE IN TUK HOSPITAL. We hve th Rwumuw of offlor of over fifty rri nwiuN of th voluot tr torwe that tJtfcre not a Blticle nia.u In rygliueiiti w'o h d Rm- - a'i Rtaut Relief tlmt h3 aent to the hwpltaJ, nor hw tner, out of the trreat nunih-- of etck rho have uied thlf Ui valuable airdlclne, a dnath occurred. IMVORTANT T3 FAMILIES. Fvfrr fanil y nliould deep aWntleof BApffArtPnw rr In the houpe. It a p it We preveiit vwarJiiit Pirkii- - tt 11. In a f'- - miimte relieve the imJIh t ivmx pa'o, aod will ppedily curv the ot tbe and complaints it le pivscrllMd f I'R. RAOVTAVB HCLS KADWAV8 REG' 'LATINO FILLS .e pUla in u- -. They are the fily p;rttTtiPg el ble vi ft've niMiti!' fr fatoru"! known, uue to th'ee of rrdwuy' Fill win opwrate iiiicker than tvn to 1 '!i"ommon d'Bftlc pill No elckners a Btoia-ik- no irrhdni putni felh-- their uae-- . 1hey leavethe Mwelsiwilax aud heaU'- !,et th 'o hnve V--n lo rfbahit cf urtng othnr luaWe trial of a few dnf fv'a'i RerfuUtlnf Filla iccutw! ih usv. I attention U directed to RPWAV8 RBVOVATIS'J RF.iOL"E-?- rr evRLs, with abtjnisujn'J rafujitt. Prof"U B r,,,l". lever 8ora Hani. fca!t Rhenn, Ir dir-'- U Rick-- a. Sc.ld Head, floie Lfj. t ABkera, t'ilan.hilar 6weUinfS White S veiling . .ttb Vj'iv , HtrnmiuD D Hchare trom th-- Farn. Oothal'niK lch, Copptltutlonal DehUiU-- , ai In aod Lecav el the li dy. Bklu KMiptlooa, rhnplwand ju.t-t-- Tuniorv. ( airerua Aff rtlon. DjepepU, "Water Braah, Neuralr.a, Chronic Rheuni.tlero, ani tiut. IIL'MOBS AND SORL3 OF ALL KINl'g, end all diseases entailed from emall-Po- , Meai-le- . and Apie, Yellow ryphua, and other 1 ever, such a Dropi leafuea. Fit, Lo.'s of M'UiO vhen hifaiita and young cblldrtD are afi'.'eJ'el with Sort u4'tlie Otiu. Canlcerp to the Moiit.h. Bore lunsaod Liee, elthtr L jm AVorui", Teetblug, or auy euer cause?, RAD WAY" 3 RF.NOVATINO RTSOLVT.ST m III epeedily eradlcjite every particle of diteaee, aod the child with bealtu. LADIF3 r icted 11 h Falling of t li". Womb, I" leers cf the Woiuh, DUcharye from the Cterut, Ch'oroU and ail wmken. lug dirrharfes way depend upon a wwtsdy cum by tha usp ol" lUdway'a Renovating H solvent. In Cbroaic Neural ga. GiMit. ' n' ktu n -- uactluu ith h.iiiv a., a Puis and Kce-I- Kul'tt.wH! and cure. I'JTICL. Dr. Radwai 't Rntedi an' sold hy AmepsLe hi 7 vlllrtjie, lnn. aud city lu the I'nt"i 8Tau.-n- , C'aulii, f,r.A I'rlo- ?S rnts, euti, and if I, H.UWA 0" , No. l'1 John rfffft. y.-- V.i'K IL WlfTiML A.'r.t, Ky. dMi". 'lti lHiiti Rally! Bally! Vn$ men of Ebolby, TO THE EE9UE-A- T THE CALL CF TWE It L CAFT W. A MMXnVE' I., of 8mpsrM!le. fa fS ''horiiw3 to to.1.-- ud trantnoit 1t 1t triPia to "Camp Andrww Je(;':,,' ntrtr to he received uvo Ty rfiimont, f ro;-- l n i mat poiut Tftii :unp Uu tl H:d orjimnWentty Ifca'd imy lit-!- f ou 'h railroad In tvry re'r health v t!jere haviuj boon no u:diposittci:i aisee ib titelltithinect o the cami. - ft. T- JAvOD C lopal, o VS UYJX W. WOMACK ?tt. Col'mH. To the Patriot Sous of Kentucky. 'f We are dflairons of fl ling np onr Reglmpnt fffl to media 'ety to- - actir (wrlce Apil'nof tlie Kpfftro"U'. u c at Oimp FI'!- - jiore, on the r ir lironnd- - n?3" K lr.fre. . tn we coroia'ly 'nvte brr patriots v lolu us The ramp la In a b a''hy do oTjlortaMfi Irte, the water Is fin a dahunirjt. aod errrthin Me to a tidier Is rwady at O' m o-- prnjilici. Mankte, c There hi alo Su hr-- s bl of nusioatlUe Camp. W, U. Will AKKK. tl rt df to. . TroM. r. IJxvige-'.srKita- , Jfffr?toti strt,) LottisVilla, Ky- -, Oct 11, I! f OFF 1CPJR9 of Rall'.u and 8rambot Orptwn plni ',tsa to Louinl8 fur luy cs I ry rgl any enirp nhja or rr's of 'Vrupaai'-'- frtitn anv of ruy rrriittnn oa;-"- , tUff a ol th-- ) oiimtw of men nod an ombt "u die lor f . amount of cii'i'-p- , wwu. ou prwfntiiUou at cp luwioutrter. win cw nromtitiy pnld. JtaK It L A. I. Orjt'-- a Cn-alr- y j RALLY, ZOUAVES ! WANTED. To fill op tba rark.1 of the DTJPONT ZOUAVES I ! FAY FROM to 430 PER MONTH, 1 ' 0 ACRE3 OP LAMA, AND $lirj BOLNTY. t 1 The Comriny, biv!nr ilTtie1 frita car:?, M m have rpli-e- lo vc!:i3t-- r th lr fer"k. a In l UrmK3 "f he PUte od fo- - rhat ooe hava JI pAned o(t- - et tlii irirmr, f .)t H(ii. .h''T'Tnt stret bft Sixth and Kt- - eotti and a C- ' t'", .ft! ttrj rtrets d'?i afc'vp '. wiire tf:nrf wip be ri In a"-n- anrewhi wiH tvralva r miila. T1h Onipu-r- f wll' b ntUched o Comi fcjoae Rfgtniit uor orgulsti neir oufyherdwrille. J as R Nom.r. 25 imm waTSD. Cavalry Recruits SRra''.. L t'rvtifik r.Ti oj W VJ b jrnd fLird t e- in. a. v.r r. B r IUULrowi Uv-- fl ht. A iiiijrp -- v j Kf- al nn iim wanted to fill up hia cemvuiy tn Col. Jf-t- U"V ir.'frhiH'ot. Tina cert pany le riuf at I'm Fntr iijiiiid and ia uiajlv f:;U. Wa.:t-- fioin Wln3p. f ra.'nth ne uiontl: s will be rrtld a i coiiiptity in jn'.:rten'd in n. . (vr.Mura- u. aid uni forvn furnlahed Gffi-- rV.aiiv, in'iltc and plenty to taal '1'.'? la a "iendii uvfTuni' r fif yllilB ll.CO tO do'!,ir UT'. . t nW fot jid, uiya, a:il i! b- - tr.if a, OhJ. ac l 'HUiuia fight oar Iv.ttyj hi' k; '4 houia Inactive. C. L. I Nfli INK, aiu. B. W. RAP! EE, -t l.fr.-t- oltdtf HE H . l.Vnt. To ths People of Keatuoky, 'CAMl CTlITTUNDEN!" T AM a'imorl? dt r.Ve a Rf (T'm t, rf ti fiui"' tr. bi ci'fif-r- Ijw ttse vtv " the tni:"i a i h ie - L cd frwn livlo-so- tl:s ija v.Tit'-- tt'jLiijrilv t ' wtu a canif cf r(i!;-- ' e.2d l:ts motion. LMtUte. Kv., 'rt. i, I1 U. f 'rif'Tf M. Ha!,i ,?;- Yen aut':n -- .d to MaN llh ueai ihi't.jn, Kv , a fucj! jmiut Ni i iip d''-ua- t a ruiip fr rti'h - an.j wv may recuhv ah r"mc i'?!f uyL !) th tv1s of b" o!'"i , j 1 p-- j la viia'fr'ci L:dy heuycvsda'j tci thli !' B':'''"ifi!-- , I'.i F. T Af- LFSO'V. PrW U 6 A. tmznicdlcjf fn t'tr.''. "!rtr thg tV' I l.s v tb-- hi'J a M'i? rr I "l'S!o"-- r'!l rtc!voi fi ?m any p.irt cf tin hitt, ar.d n ps h roh Lhn-:- will b? i'u wtiit b tTitiiiue n3t-:;- - ear'' tj ruakt thr' cor if iih: boni of Bfrtr'rkj 'e ujt 01t'ingui ht;! The eft oi tra(vpi'rt:iHou to IN. l! u re jIzvtjT!", apfc!l aetheco! ''t nb'.jti"K tue tici-- pT'njj their l'Pi:;g n?iiitrfd lii'j tiie ;er-lc- j, t paid t the l""ernT.'F 't. A f.-- n. cc iu'joiiea Cau-- i.' ewlll be suiv'i'l !th u':;Kne an-- t.ia giiiie to Lo lud o tte i.o.mtT,- A'l h euili be tnt!tirl i r " r thr-i- to yi- u anq i arr-j- cT i".r., d e w! Eiv be wor rd I1 'i i s ( per1-'- .u d'uh'K iL'- I am hp tu h" rIO"! to ap';fnp th 'ni'ure VV H, Ilaa, of w01Ktt Lj'.-- it C"henl o' he flret :iinont which C!y 1h oiiiii;'d at "r'arpp '. rl' AP tlt. Camp in ii A' t"a la'lrotid H'i'tlnff trort and to a livrpn xir.-- r counties v,lti iwii li are tuii'.;i' - tt li d;J and e;-'ct- tc i'jfke ' C a nip Cnt'nd- n ' a PEKMANt.S C REND!" VOL'S. Aud I appeal to .y m- luP1' cvtrs forward a'J'l fn.-c-- t''.;Tiif1;er' f.; 'fitr In vadd fi'j'te apj'ali? to them rJ ;."elr ttr;'i r wronged ai:i dfr cnunrv- t hrui- - The nuea ot rni!!!'.ii lil.'fiT and of ropiil't'c In.-- ' htv- - wl;r trT!" fo th(l"j All 1 n' in c.an fc'OwnuiPtit; ! limp at e'.alits c'.y true maa ehoula corte to the Tin. ti'P'S i' I;.."' tiTV, t :;n. o Jifrr. (. ('. u:it-tottf- ai-- t '"u ti iM t" te tp anu f th n.ii'pp ! h..h A iA rfr litrj" P.vnry fousid'-v-ii'i-'- ot ''''Va d e"f "'ip to the fiei'l. It fiir li , &'! i".(j A iM oui a'l "Ur if"B '.:tii" k. livr c' t.r, nil (rjr pf?? ' od of eTtry ' T,t:,i 'ii b urlt-s- . Tote ti'irfel'.-X- cjj ijjid'.ic" tr? j riin, not le."B timn tr we dir ti'.'.'o o'jr count y fr.r.o dftrrmi;tton aod t'hnvu'v Y'b ittiitrt r"Jiy uow li;rp ih Nft.tirufJ FUa lui-ti- Urf- - i tv;rj. h 1 us rd 'p the whole ptivrnith f o"i bifre oji l pjj'? )Vr tne rlkt, and way he 0t) ol ha! ' iu i'i l;uui very Mow e ptrtki. r'or onr J aui nn;; t" '.be Df,'p,', rnF.i jtati OVrFfN AP iA,vOl:i-'t;- roon iTi(;ili'? t"1 'e cl'lin a l"jrij'',:,,i frxrwnment. I ctnu t he Indlrrvid i" t wiil :h au uun&iuiai ene'M hae iorcci v. ltq KcLit irt na. JOilN M- - UAHLAN. Oclobvr 7, 1ATI. orSJ .'.tf i' .l. L. s. ArmT a raw raosij RECRUITS WANTED ! rt'H TOTS MARION RIFLES, For the State Sowlco- - PAV I KOM THIRTKCK TO TWHNTV DOLLARS iisi't!i, cnJ( trcstmoi't, CLiujiorti'hle q iarters clo'h'mr, M;dfcil attwdnuai, aud traupo;tutlou tu aud Crom i 'amp true of ihirgi. UN'E MUMG3 TAV IS ADVANCE. Itiii ltfd aud l'v Arrncry, Jcfier-ao- tnx:l, halwenu 1 nlrd m l 1 ourth, o6 .imoj iW.tipy.A rR1-it'- . HURRAH FOR TIIE ARMY! Cavalry! Cavalry'! KENTUCKY BUST i5iJ mi EE KESEVffl! Vh AIU.KFOOIKH MP WHO WIBH Til X3 f!l tin a Oave'r;' itinip-- unrhr my con - yStiJ? mid 'mrv uaat'i. frii, tr t ov iyr. or du ' h it-- vw, no'd do wil to il t!ifl P'air Oiouiiii, BmwTvb.j'O enh-oc'- . "r at ai? head-tuar- t ib, 4irt.Hf,j..-fA--u frv t, n rL1' M, a ie doorv Fourth treet, or on ''v cf t'"' of c."'ifa-- . nl"8 rpcnil'!i, pud iir'iU y'Limt'lii-- withcot d ley. Pay fern 4 C por month, tt1. X' bi'ntv, J" cf laitd. a:l t'luni i ;ni" rn-- Manic? men, t, tth fatutUu, w 11 he n'jw ni iuypi r1 f"f tl tr fatu'iiea or ua inv lu vA aure i n Oiireri'ie rn"p 1 tvrT and tH e:iU i!ia will be jll 'o jutT t'wtVids .) thstr pay fr the "ipf"T. ot t Ir far-i'I- " he d'awn rj'iuthlr- - Hft-'- " belnf Tn'tt ed f ?rvrn iun?ter;d In-- wrTlce its eon a1 J '.'l. W? hvtj cii'Intble unartT', 1 and tViibie nf? oetx tn talto cliirtw oi joa. 6i'iJ at dj bityeiisn afttfr eiill-l- h o3 dtl JI'.SW BA YIjF'5! OoIciifL ATTENTION, mUBICSAKBI OOOD DKUMMKK ANlJ FiVl.K V ANTK1) Ic dipt, Itliirt.!'B OTiraov City P".TOt O"Hi r"low ! hp l'v , corwr Fiftonih tnd rr-- - To those wbo know how to cea tho &flo. The QQ4erirntd propoia. b h pi,-?- to ri'fA, f.r ti-- W the CaH i'if iivf (Jiivrinieat, fr tntf'noj thw t vrare A&JSUor dniti thenar, h c"i:ptiy ot Bhfi'p Bhoei. t . o uj i'pwed of n Id ye tb afi TtU will hi n t ad" pet id ' nt cifp. Th men "111 ik r.nil with 'h'l Ku;i-- nr cv.!o Rlt' hy tho ni';4jt. and will be nrmsterod Imo sjr. ice a-- tie rjal--It- UiJ'n'er iv ob'a'n J A '.ila it iww.n v il'li Kdntnlt ano hav-- b"eu uc i to bvitlie. it U hrP"d thra w.ll h no del tv In fi'.'In? nplif ra.nta. Call at ,L Wd Wlht u'e .!-- , rppn-tt- th? e. and i rovir nm-j- h-- ail nc-;M- r fonnarioo will l fit'n. rJidff K:AKl) T. vnr.ooN Caialrv AtteutioD. Kontnckfons To Arm-- ? J J The relfi.od t? dnlv 8"thoHfE.'i1 bv Bdcv fJlrW 'ItT KMM-- t oi 1he DepWrV IiYi'n-eu- t or Ci'mbruiniL '.o ri 0 .1 of HLi3L infantry for tru ycjirp or d'irtne the iar. I niu J'.o to the tn tho next iliirtj' daT au-- l.avo lt hiu ulce ConjpMilep mut eoujiit of not lt?d Ilaq i hoc wore than ! men. V i.rtcr? thi beet kind have boon fbrcrmv paiilea r purtp of ponies, t'ltticers wlil plaQ report pp ntpily at Bii--'- ! Ma.t!f'-.R- orli-f- t, on Fi'fh lrpt, the OO'.irt- House, wbrre be!i3iiaitT9 will be ttr tbe rr-- nt, 14 dtf GLO. WABUIGTON ANrtiHON, CoL A Call Vpca the Patriotic. One huiidrfcd ar,J c??n axe wautvl a f'l B ii ifrv cf Leht Artillery, o bo c;n'iLJideti ty YtCa.t i W acot 0 tMsieftv prisJ The Falti-r- hs to be atr.h:d te 0". Apjer-mn-v column ar.J ij to be exrnjlw ly Vt (icJ'.d rjen. ouna active, .blp-bo- mei g inw to ri 'e veH aud Ivjw t.iki f cd use u- a bonw, will be prrepted. and np othent Tiio-- e of lift tnb1 luop! tKi'jtJtul biiLnrh tf tt ik;rlce rj;n en Cant I. W o1t at hU? rcvioUino), corner of "U nut and 3e. ond pi reel's. It i ti e intentloo to inaKc t'Ja one cf th-- ''cack eompAQiw1 of tue rriov', id n .me otpl app'y to ty. r It vrho l?mt n'Si-- l v to ad Lu th' tutf'1 "n.ana whrt not ready tor the iu?t awl i"n Ftrr-- v th .f-c-i- T of this cjj!iiptiy ter;i le. tLu- ro- - .icr ftrrt? rt tlU C"u!t-e- SlHt-t-- lfh O- - Tl. AI'ihlT- - pahi in l ort Stuupter d'ains rjie "it.ee, aiul d''ilucai'hvl iilmeW rvry niiich cmler tiia ey ci the (;oi's,U Tt-- romaitiirui odkvn p re pnt!MiM': f th'clty, tn niicnj the men cau iJ-- v tLeuwtt eit) dti AUCTION ALl-- a. . tirrtsT .....jr, h. at-ii- i A TTOKFFTTP ANT COMMISSION VCV N'jrfl JY. cwv of M;n end WM! IjCnij" MK T f Cash adycaees made oa cctntigiHS .' 03 H ao? amxint, W We u e a5? timi rdr to ai Vni to 0 RjJ Bsetc .!jili5." or ("Tfft,k-'- i SbJ-"- . Hrruhol am Itm cn r.a satisfActrv t.t iUi- - ILITAUY ?rit I! I ir..:-- . u.i thi- - ..l.v.T.

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Page 1: nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dkf9s/data/0531.pdfTHE LOUISVI 0 A l A IPA D.AJDLS UB.NAL 0 1111 XWL!lVWmBl.lMWMdW3Jf OLUME XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, U61


1111 XWL!lVWmBl.lMWMdW3Jf


LOUISVILLE JOURNALnturro ajid auacin bt


between' tL'ikd ty,i Ff.gHTa.fymiraiK-FHir.4-'H7V- fA u the cltr PJ

?ily,by ma.it, in advaiica.. ,rf''Jountry daly , ; f 00

8 (M

Weekly, In advanca. ainle C.T7 S M)

to elaba cf Are or over If9V Rnltia-i- c by uail in reUt-r- U:!.. at oar


w square, cbrvngaabl" TocVy, per arianm fi 'i On"So do S time it trwbeh, ftr annum.. !Vfl do ti'ji do do ItK Vi

Bach additional ;".vi. th'- above rrr.SpsnWmen(i publiphed at lrvrTve f for t

and Ocent for evh TsfcrQ-js:i- une.Ammcin candid v. 1 per fen eah nim.VwaH" aif rUae-- . p. uauUrlj , Ml sthr la cJ- -

Heal fftfr and pVanb.j&t idve'lvn';1'!VA oommipf1r.n?rp' pftter-- rifMi-j- , th.':. '.mil,

or similar advert iiMn, not puMiphert by ton yeir.Acertienientp for chifitaMp ii:'titi'tia, iVr corupa- -

Cns, ward, irtd other pabllc ci') is, sq-- eneu lixo,

'to rial notJeft vjd In c4- -

Mial ooiornn and to i aieSnter-)tp,

li wot par Uas- t:et oH r.wrted &i. he diKcre- -01 tb ftd ((.No lTnmur"-atl',- t..r;r accom- -

4 by tH ra) mrro of H o v.h'.i-t- .

Steamboat adrnrti;T int , .m. f 3rrt tner-ro- o

and I2' cent fVr w'a ich rliangeCDcIderwJ a new vJvri!ni'irt.

Advertitioront? iTFPHtvj only ii ti Tr:rpn; HntJfnill be f el hK the aho-- - firiw !I d ' v

J.nrrl arrt cou'Jr 'itwi, f?fft mjeii ia, to the litu-nltiilielin, ?nvtr..irtf) th b vp r .

Kant1? an ettra rriie.

i'Un;wr!, tint i; um-- t r'h fDt'n'inpj. , . . ... . . . ?J

not'remi!'. kp tr, tp c :t a :d tTof ppm-I- ''fekuc' la yen

ohpr-ri.- n wo thai- rhan;'- tM fltnpNo ooiitrart. of ysiriy t1 'COO'anp i.hnt 'io?'re ow. ut W'l any rsi.fv.'"

ma4e or le than or.o rear at tre warly r&U'M


No More Private Diseases!AM TDOSE FFT.D WITH FSIVATK D!8

or sutfprtnj trotn Ui-- tr cn'u nrff. andI LM.ALK Dbli4tiL:d of wtry "r'.Tl,niu. mil D.j &

a';d ppet-d- ure by to l'K 103kHBHMk.HL TI-- wi sly, fi,:r ,u)y FKL ENTi"E Bfc'ulurt infeseli-j- hv tbo v!'1jIjc ,

'raiEfy, Dyapppeia, T'tvpl.l Liw, BiobcbJu, Li.-- -tKe Skin, etc , ulll be tre'.ea whh tLe greats fus- -

Pa?3coTfl aid other 2&alip?aat T'uiotsbe nirV J vit?ut tn'f . cr ceuet'r by conctltatlrual

trcatmeu'.IW'Ofiice ecuthect corner of Maikst tJ l'curtrQtli

fcrr ?sr .irr l it-- . ':.--

naciimatl Venereal Hospital,

FOB THIS FRIVAT3nntfer the eorit! tro of thi meet eminent

the word.nT, F. BCNAVAK't'K-f- v "J! and.

anfl for t!i3 W;: ' is ct tbe ":funn.J9efea1 and Dr. E. B. r.syai'a!?, Iflt cfNVwfcrsu Tbli ie ti:e only oSoe in tfl c'tv w'u?tp a

cure of prlvata dje'iBJ"1 rxn be cL'Lalnpd w;tf??ntbp o?e cf auoredrp jr charr.e of Jie. ;"ioi,orrhi i curedn 6 to O'.set 2 10 dayF. P.rl?f iruimrei in I to t xtwLa. Ncct-not- p'j;iBiona ftofp"' 'a

V flya. Secu'ikl waaJtneps c:irfrt !a 9 to 8 teVj.rj!Lill- - In its primary taea cntr.d (n S dayi.

car-?- In 1 o H ww. L1.!!! dls'.ewtWJ In 1 to 8 wflta. Impotnry v.r'f rei o1"' in 1

4 voei. Ail diwaoi nfa firi at iiatiira ieat0'3 withrraHif4 incim male or fpmali.Ir. work on irlcati? Cipoappn, ths

fcrlvati pi'rle to be?Jtb, Is d3p?.c'h1 to sl, malt) fc--

eii tbe old an-- yonnf abcjld read t'us book. J"Vtep Those woo firai e in uaitnoc. rfice ctnV--,

ma, by roaU.Dr. P.:apa't( Clbrst'-- d PrevD; uevr ba? ncr

ave? wi'i fail married ia?uF too iwrr'e to ryra .heh'iavd of lifs'ihciidbain popflesai-'- n

t'H 'nvQtt";n. Prl rf.d'ir.r-- to $5.?p. Fren-r- t'atent M?;e S'ifftI I is

ffe; and never fails to givi path taction. I la tbeily ea?6 and pore jrovnutlve eaiiiet preijriAury and

?irae. The price of tbo Fre.ncli Patent Male Bafe in

f 1 tt? liagle one, $4 cr 1 r. $7 per dorn. ?entfry ma'l.

TVlSiA Lciri(r Fcrr a"? -- ntty pin are a tie"?d rellsble roivdy f" earpre-wioo- and a!l foaials

Lcdi-- eUo. Jd nr thevj d""n p'ptip.op,u they vlli rr tduce niipcaniay-1- Price vl I'?r box

tra fnr eeu to any aiidre? bv mil.B. A R-- are the nj.n to w:lt, t'r.oy se ".Doe-fbnabl- y

arknoyd'd to t tor '.bsmnion and and Pingvoereal dtaeace. and thonly Doci-ir- v. ho rocotvo

ont Dly RpoiLp trom the old world; they have beenfrom an ea !y age of youih to wltntjea tbe

dippRPPs whivb nauklnJ, and to wath the(.rogrEca, tbroueh fc long c : of i.role:lonal ttydy, infery pphere of life, fro.n tie h.LTNf- - abode of povertyIc tbe maueions of the weslt'w, aid baringbeoad a donb the vsst Furine: of huioauiry, they

to select tbe taM-itiv- e nyptem as tfieirrhidy, and to drvote tiieir wbole ar tent ion to the

Ulelatjon ot the di'e oftiie tiuioitant f mcttocaNo letteri will be acsw red aoLd tU-- a remittaDC? ot a tvtage Bta.aij.


r tice ho-j- r A. M, to 9 P. M.

A CURE F0H CONSUMPTION.COireUKD SIKIP of spise-ms- a tab.

pfHB SIRUP WILL L'UK!''. rr3(?VTI'jN ANDtl klivij of CjiHs and Uoid?, H:vnr?Mti- -,

and Dypypala. It arte li'-- :,Ly and pt;rlit'v LieMoou improvee tbo ppptiTe atd :'fnrB the couiplpjsoQ,ibis medtcine - made of pmpait'on.

t a)o make a Mlclne tor STufnia- aleo a Miliclnefor Womm and Felons before t i: y bi"ho;-3- a'.ao aPTOntra, ion fo thy gnr l'7--- . iiratui T l Join i'l tint, andtbe YtlloT Thrai"li Miii- - inoe ere twui3 oi

and r In the mlioVip Dr-i- otorT GiJttJialii Co., on ccvm'r oi Oivsu aid LicveJth

tree a.John 4 Co., ivj comr of Tenth arI Walnut

P. C- Went on M.irkt etre.'t, Prestt-n- .

Schmltt 4i Euttab, ou corner of Ligbh a.'jd Jelersonrtreeip.

1 can niuinond Mrs, C'.iuiOiiiid SinipnSpikenani and Tr. I b.tve hin tick r a long

time, ha'.e had ffferal docoi", and tb:-- In nfcs I w vTy coifii aid ha-- a pvcretough. Aftr your 'ii s while I vr.3 tr !of my rojuli aud rrMvid of n;' . V." com

1ft goott, and uom- J rut dl'.nc inv ov. u worc.My yotiugppt rhil.l ba-- a Iwd 1'H a iuiu t'ui-.i- , to

levre tht ber bratMce pnn! tVom pvereeoiictilng In tbtj aba', a .bi'!.ju K.r.r-- . 'nt t;

ana looks wp!1. SI'" b.wl lu'.Ttd b. tde s

lor a loitg lime, but Lbrv all to cttrv breotigh. Now ikiie -

1 Hll t"Tr nanaln rour feiud.Wis. JLX14 WILL!

lyn'Fpi it,.S, AiifiV. I

L- LiMCf4jM- - y'iaii.- I iiave yur 'm-nn-

Simp In ny own ckp.j t" dei i!Ve bionchta)e trwni'pa, with whlrh I bavs Nt'.'j eJi'l. t t for ny rrd

o twen.y yeara, and ecv i";tn"i1, alttr ti0-- ln t; keut)itp battle?, that It 1b an drirabte ojmp"iind tor ti;etliei of aud difhuiltnss, 'or bettire bottb-- s 1 b w nafil hiT--e me mre tlwneiytblng I hae tak"ii, aud I IV uk ft will rur tue fitotuaHy if I coutloi j tiee - Lt inv opinion a V)

t iperior diaractr cajt br; of auv ervkd ou are at lib--arty to twe it as yju Lauik r!Oier.


Any prrB'"tT" marring with s.mt ff fbp o5 meu-tinned abovecau be a7yii'TOc0ntt 1 witti board nd amiattention. I hav dcelrabio mom? for frtiniiles cr 6lugle gentlemen deciriiw uHvale hrardio"

Mm. vrrii.Jackacu p! rwt, Inr es! Morrill aud Mc"--.

a3o drm Iwl hiure front tin: enrn-- r nf Mivket.

rnnrt in Ilb.noi rartns for f 1,000THE I:liaoi e.eutral IUi-- n Lui-iii- ottt--i rlli

lf?7J Prairie Land.- to i P.aitroa.1 at 11 peraore. a irniTot etrtyB-re- rj;i'-- a g.ouconif 'rtahic h'tmeptoad. 'I hv purfiia- r mai- buy on

long credit, pnvni 'nt.t wt t 1 t cei:t. annn ilK , andIt he hat on" litn?ulo datura in money li''. cjiu, tni? ,n)vr.at, tbe low p ices lundp-i-- , (nut i act for a cunveiiUiithout-e- , teoicmg, ai:J lamilita twtl. Thy 'oinD-in- 1mssold owr one Hi.wio.u4d '" firh tmrts o! iniid tbisoil lt ii wull known tiiat ChUnpo nio- - ijm.ni U.mark ex than mIJ tfi ti irre mciiitinl. 1 IiUv tlw bPt pi oot of t"t T!'Jt:iij: and kivat - of tlIMtnols landa. 1 ttlutolsOnirul aw hiuib--

In built through u p;1 tt' .1 c untn . It(flkwto market ih'n rtar upai-d- ol tblitfn loiliioubijbels oi grnlo, beeiJca caUle, h, ajid miiy utli- - r

rodu.'t- -

l or further ifui-iii:- !on am ly by 'T Into "LiSu J t,itminlbuouer, IILijou (.tutial llaurnrd uChlrn o. III. ln.!'!ni

Do Your Own Printing!C'ooley9? CaMnet Printing CHice,

espied ftr Small Pnahej"', Etatiouera, Merchants,JJinggifw, (ircctr?, bAiiK'-rw- , Aijctvrji t!:e Army,

ard &c.

IHE Presses wh rflvr tor sl of ai'v pt'"m:IIih injil''j aud tlroiit-s- and niaJe of

ny cheap vvir vei:tTi, u.id f cri:p 1m Rare:cau b( op"i-ati- l by a'iy one, wlwilm p. iul'-- i iio,aidare aold at prlrvp iiltUni to :ihejir.l ot. tb it is to say e.tabout tbe pr;"s of Jol, Proi r.cw tniee. l no ar.ioe;-- (npjn wnscn i rt-- ? 'tiun) areeocjpon-- oi euiiui Cje, ucvly atid ttroiv-'- put to- -

fbt'cr, ana tor t'is ajin bULocv havo i;ver ben ejual-- CkII and eiriuiiu. Gr e ul Ccj clr.ulara, giving mm, f a a,

flldtin J. ft iOLKY A 1 Smi.- - t NY

'IinB bfcrctotoro M:?'ng tli1 nnderiood, a"der tin- hnn ff JA'JU. i tUtOTH

V K, is Ht aiy dioiv(.'l. .J (j. ,lt-- havi ni'tnurcdthe entiie Intrert in the flti sr.l a?::. airho-.izi- !

to tittlc the pait;i;.ri:i' botiaws fiiil ':) 2e Qanrfcf the orui fr tne iAirp.sa J O J a,

LoaisrlUe, , 1, - !.

THK will cotfin--- V: : T'IOL!'5ALiX GROOtRY and l "OMM(Si(.lN i .itCicol

fnd, tio. Alain r.trcit, between Third son FVnrUi.J. 0. JACK.

Louisvllto, . V, 1"r". t'tf

TgTTANKS A CO- have aocit- - 1 W. G MLwith their jVtv ard v e? 1 the atf

SMITH fe OMF.Jt, ii E.e Market t:,bMw Floj d, wh'rd thy .! ci'sjd-.- th WlfOLK-6A1J- S

w;d KWi'AIL a:d PV.o.'UCK djbLCoi!P-o- re l with their house tVy hare a

WAOON-- ARO, ni'.h ftLitl" toroGifnodAtioria foraornei, wyras, and ??L6r Vvrjcb , aJ vrriu gdwj tw tbelr old hieo-H- . T. 3 UA

- IT. T. LORD,laly 18, dtf V7. A. GAlL.IiRAl'AI.

w Che?c:Jr wci.cdx 'iiif'r r ex.' ?.IN;.). J ii'.'WAItrj I 'I.,

'l. If-- Thhd and Foir tb .Tn.

2 UGAR CV'KP O HAMS 4 on toiiyumpiitKJ r. ud for sale low to clo h

tft UAiURK.FlNkO .

VJ bhl9 Wh'.t"rtAWSt

bau arid pi K cdo Ja a tn

1;jj ao ti ii&yta fTrlti.;A :'0

itJ fccTj ileirhkit r.h-- and (iiHfcRHiSO io:-i- GAHD.MUi CO.


XXl.. XX A Xi Xj'BLouisville


DE3 VENEHIKNS, PAEI8,WHERK tbo ft!Mete3 with anytorn; o; rvivaw i iteaaaft ran mcive

ii:ipt treatuint Ttrhoot nsK or

Gtt'-- t, Strictures, Licera, Tumoro,(Jaocnrp, Secondary, and Coit?titn-tlona- l

Syphilin, 1 (ieeaeee of tberr. Ly this eyftem it It

rovl that thevenpHal eoinplalotr a entirely under the control af

raedifiue as Is a cnmrnoQ cold ore fevar: and, wftLIe iajfutliriut

parsopp are daily pending awy Hied, nH fivir.R

them npoti'r from lane own lonompeteaey, cririand r.f nan.erit curei ar constantly being effected atthYOrWlAP.Ki TAKE PARTICUI.AR NOTICF- .-Dr IL dovotes riuoh of Mb tiui to tbp trKitme-e- oftbee cnpa caueed hy a Fprret habit wieh niltiaxxv ai;d mind, unfitting th aofortunate individual for

el t liar bueiowia or society. Tbo aad fffect of tbse earlyh.At.its, or Hie excett ol HptT years, are to weaken anddfbi'itAte the routlt,tlon, destroy the poyical t..dmenial rowers, diuiiuieh and enfeeble the nstiu al fwl-fin- d

exliaupt vital enerjrla of manhood; theDteaures of life are raeTed. the obtest of mam ape

and enii'te'ice irseli renderd a term of cioceria-iof- riui"jry and twI. 2nch person, especially thoa

ftontturlating nianHane, pbonid loae do time In uiaHnImmediate a Dr. H.. by bin iwle enabled M inpure fiir-- dr and Purmaont cure.


trtlrle of nied'cln.' lntndd for ttie eicliiive aee offeoajet has evr tet boen inbodnced Uit hafriv?Ti pnehuniversal ?atl --faction as the Amerlrjn Ferlclicel Pilli.Tney can be rIId on In all caeea of MtQrl'l Obstruc-tion?, IrrejmWrJtlej, as a eore iid aaie rfmdy.Pri?. r njall, ?1 ttTid one poatfp stamp

Paif!ti l'rip at adieanrean tie cirrf at Lome byending a doscrirticn of their dissaie aad Inditing atp.rrip.

r.:'-ne ent lr aop addrep.wr Ortitfl No iirt JefToi-fA- street, MtTea Ftrft aid

Second. Omce open from 7 A M. to 9 F. M.flfi4dtf L. HALL, Bf. D.


CtBS r0 fAY in ever? lnsrancetb cruvey wUl be refuo-Je- if the

en- - not Fifp dollars is th fe1'rom two to eight woeka is as long a tircp as the dee

toi reiiirt lo port'orm a cure,flcroiula. Pile and all Chroale

Dtpwaws treated by Or Price--

No chargH for meJirlnep or ii plarfftl underhie chase unless a ttae U porformtiL

W. .!" vneT'gntiA. from ptfoi1 k?!0,w1eJf?. areable to state that Lt Price can certainly and pi! rely re-

lieve tha horrid etfeote of Onanism or n

aad peifcnn a "needy oure In ali cf the dtsaeea enuujo-rat-

alic'9 Ve have seen certiiirat" from respweta-b'.- e

petvnts eertii.ing to The curva en. migrated d

by Th irice. V"e bar no dmibt of hia abilityto do aU he oroi-o- j?.

irfLMAM 8 D MEOOWAN,Late i?'jyiiff of Jefferson comity, Ky.

LOVEL Ef- - ROnSSBAL.aut4 dw Col Ooinmandin Kentucky K'"'

PRTVATK MEDICAL TREATTSE ON THEparsiouKiiCAL view oy marriage.

S50 Pae and 10 Fine Plain aaI Co!ore4 Lithograph,I25TRICE ONLY TWSNTY-F1V- CETS

Sgcut frejs of pj;tago lo ail part of tLe UnioiuAf

Ayx OS tbe lm1rro!tlee ef yocth? ''X "d inability, dicloelng the pe- -

? vrt eretfoilie of both seiea of all

i in:H"e nemory, tndiges--

ltuie, coipprip- -and MlMH-atfe-

'i:.v;.v?5.''9v-it- nrward-o- f onehundr-- andTVfhIrty eDgraWnps It is aadir to ths ra"iid and

" x ' e" those contarin' top1 ru.niigo,w ho entrtaiD secret dnbta ci tbelr pli?lai condition,and who ate eonici:t9 of having haaarded tbe hesltb,hapvl'ia, Bv-- to nhi?b eveTT uiician b"ingIs e'.t.tled. With Coo'eaeloiu of a PotrdW Srborl Mfpe.

College Student, and a Yoang Mauled Lady, full otroiyance and thrilling tnterppt.

Yoocg men who ir troubled with weakr.ep. (teral-!- v

censed bv a bpd habit vouth, the ecte ot whichure dveztncin, pfiins, forgHtfufnw, Mmetimes a ringingtn thear, weak eye, wealuieri of the bacfe and lowercstmuiitiL-a- , (nnfusioQ of lda. lod of li.yrtc-rr- . wi'n


Wo hr.re recefitly davoiM "inch o" car timeVI8ITINO THE EL'KOPf-A- K HOSPITAJ,

availing onraelvfp of the knowledge and rwpearchc"no LjCtt &siH"d Fbvaifl o and S!v"Os in

LKNOIKE, RICORD, BHSCRKTF.AU, ACTON, ACURLINGS, of the French ai-- FiigUeh bcpitalf.tear extended through France. Italy, Oermwiy, Hol-land, England, Ir. iand, Scotland, and Waloj, vMtingnonr route the yrincip.ii bopT.ltala in Pari2, Lonn-- ,

. Vaniou rianm IWun Jho Woh.ve ben amply rit,fiid bp toe additional knowledge we hav HCgiiired 'ii tbe tieanent cf varioui

to r.biib w bav directed cur attentiou.l:io?o who i.'.aoo th.ni'glrre tmJer our care will,whfctpr n'ftle vr ferjaie, now have ttie full benefitof tbe many NEW AND EFPICIENT REMEDIESwhich re aie enabled to introduce Into our practice, andtbe p.ib'ic may rest of the same Hial, a?iciuity,SRCKKCY, and attention being paid to th;ir caees,which has so suceeppfnlly (Jistins.iinbed ua aia Physician, in oiir PEC L LIAR department oi'profej-Hioar-

nrn.ctlceMwliciaea with full dlrevttona teat to tnv oartoftba

United Sl tea or Canadas. bv ratleuta oommuoicjirlugthe'r pyr.ttoina by let tar. Buainesi eorrespondeueeinotiy conUdentja!rrDr it Office la itill located as wtsbll-he-

tbpranieof DR LA CROIX.tVTo lp.nr s.fotv to all Mterw sitnpty addreet

"TUll LA CROIX MEDICAL INSTITUTE,"i wtf No 81 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.

Tha Adams Express Co

VK DAVC AOl,N J'S AT GKN. ROl SPKCd ANDSl-- m:ic-- f 'ia'i'4'iruterB Camp Muldraiwh), al

at ("amp jb aud ruu mengfre d.v.17 top)e', wlio v. ill tilo cbnvgrt of &Dd diillvor all

and paohat!s dpilned tor thoe pltwop. Otirto Lebanon aod Eardptwn will a!ao ta'tu

4ivi(ib - packpRr? to equips on the lino of thwr rorea.freight ir Kliaabt tli town u;ust in all cases b pro--

pad. o- - a'm A. A JONL.S, Agent.uf ntornt ana copy.

'lHK COPAR NKK-IM- b. tt',fnr e.T'.jtuig r

1 tJw linn ' f ?..J. HARif. CO. i tMs day ill- Ivc-t-

by noitiuil cMitviit, aid 8 J. t rhargid with tliefitttje LPiut of tlui DUdiuttfS. 8. I. UAUK,

t;. t:. HAKLi,LoutivUle, 0;t IX 1'- - R MILLS.

J J. 1JRR will continue the bUBluM at uv oldtnl nlridtf a .1 HAWK

Baltimore Oyster Depot,No. ;i Third ., bet. Market ait JuSon-on- ,

A. BLXE3 --- AontrSf'FRCSH BALTIXOR6 OY8TKR3, In ciis and

half cans picked iu ice, rcoived da'ly bv l'j;'fi.Trae In the. city, count ttns si savnboat.

ttutdio" alwa.vn Hupj llod st tiie lowest rate, and In allC'tPV U'AHIt N t'l ji t LESua db'WHT, 0ij dim

PAIMILV PLOUB.Ty mvv, in tuKy. fr family i y- n-

1 T C:i hhln Ad iatJc MlHs Double Flonl;t!") hh'rf O. W. th XXX "

-t bb G W. Siuith "hit hb" enwr c k Ml IiU No. ' 'U h'-- Pa'ltic Milln ' l

? Lh'e titk Fliur, 'H. FF.UOI SON A SON,

n T dtf Fitth . on donr north nf Maraot.

lieaclyniado ClothingJ. M. ARMSTRONGr'g.

fto Mnlu, cppwlte tfc PfMlonal HolsL



FULL STOCS OF KOYa'8 CLOTf UNQ tM eiit.rtfay for Caa'i ff'

IIAVAiA CIGARS.lst lM'tJRTFD CIOAR3 cf tbe nixt e

U,JUU lectbraods iurldd-- El

S''L MO'lmifuto Coy tt nun,Washbictt-P- . Ls laChay,

Cita,'t. MslcrivIutiaiidad, 4c

A'so Cbewiog' and Smoking TobaccoFor eats ale and retail by

LDWD PEYNALM),o'.i PeonieuL IxuUnlle UotcL

O KS5 PLllB MALAGA WUv t for raedi eVoal pur--pootp, fr sale by

KDW'D PEYNADO,of FiaetiiU'ut Couievil'.e liot-d- .


SPRODXE & KANDEVILLE,Csrcr Main ncd Firth ?taM und-- r Natloo;ii 11 ittl.

t v a I- - n v a y x r tT rnr. oteat t lothino hoi f


THE GR!;Af 1 01 JT.INO HOC L ofVT I Y, it; M AMHVI1LF,F jutUi atid Mam et., uudet National HvteL


I ECEIVTD thlf day a euitil lot ofIt Bjrub.bvf;--t tj'.ark Muslin t!" Lalnec;

t'ruuch MtruiOi,Fur aie at l.iw iH'ico5.

n MARX A DOWNS. 4f t.C(iAK ja! hhla CnuhAi, Pondertd. Granulated,a:ud Yellow for tale by


i HANDY AND WINK CASKS frr Catawbau ior ilio by AiiiONY XANONU ft SON,Filth t., bf'low Main.

fOFFEK bags piiine Rio Coffee In rtore and toinit by


'ri'A 17. pvW-s- Greea aud H's ii etreuid frt ?Je by


tn cuka M.ileirft Win;d: twVe "rt do;j.i c?ika yuac-i- o ,

U n'i.l ;o.ifiUi r re a t a!t cv

otAKUALL b Ai bnhi CO.

w. i--r. STOKES,rauccESHOR to r ft w. H. stokebj,



XTc. 4:35 Main St., between ITiflh and Sixth,rjoriieville, XS.jTim6 Mon.ifru-tnrrr- ! wcj!d find it to thatr

than, and ordsn frcm a dltanoe will bo attenfi:a to ae u


u.t Low I?rices.1 1 'E dsditt to redcee our preeont stock to lire loweat

" llnjlt before the lrt of January, te tre-pr- p

for an entire wrw assortment next Spring, aod Inorder to effect thia we shall cfler rveclal inducementsto our customen from now until that date. Ve askbvrvra to examine tbe quality end rwrirad prices ef mir

( hiaa Dianer ;ud Tea Sets,Glaware, Silver and FlatedM'are,And other Hoaekcf piu Good?,

And orpaciilly our magruliicent aesortmeut of

Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures.We promise satisfaction In all cae.E. V. HAUGH W0UT & CO.,

!'o;. y. 4')t and ,

of Broorre. etieet,MtW VOUH,

prFoitlce throughout th counlry eKnding orderi brmatl wtfl reoeira prrtltely tbe same ad van tap's, audthetr crders be as pTttiiij'tly attended to, as if personal-ly prefeut to mike the pnrcbaee. 0'2 dtjanl






And a lariet.rnf tr'hm' npiful a rt' t. Cornpanl-- s orlndi'idiijil Volunteera supplied at MamjfeciuTi"-- ' Lwt Price?.

Are In.itrd in pt ie a cal' Orders fi ?niairv part 7f tbs counti y promt Uy a' to.

ddrcs BRT A- - IIK KIVV,Uuia K ibber lepr .

U Wwl Ppurtu ,O.

CC'ARlERMABriJlS OTHERSto contract tor the aboe artlelep are respectfully in-

vited to csll and en.amtno onr goods and p?t priret.Banpl-E- will tri fumleb.'d ain) glren by addressing BART Ar Hit KO,

49 West 1 tmrth srfet.oTS dim (M'I5AI, .





Orders pr.'xp'.Iy filled V F. h;


o2i d'm Fo. 3Irilda Lanp.NKW YO K,

Camp Equipage.AM rvepi to infiiiaii KfEimciiis or tororh3witJi Carji o'ovcp. Camp Kwtt!' Plates. ArmCnp

Knifes aod rmt:3. Spoon. Lautoeut, Mvas Pans, Cot,Caiap flto-jlr- Ac-- , on e'.oit notice

P. M-- JONKfl.012 blSljtX Fourth t , nrnr Nt'.-na- H Ae),

Officers' Camp Che&t,r fHK most eomp'.eta article of the kind ever InrenhBd,

Call and ace lt P Nf JONLM,t ir National Hntpl.

Preserve tne Hair:STRATTAN' lTkATIIAIIION,

Tot Rtorinp, nd Boaa-tlfio- s-

tho Hair.4 Tt'oTLY CKLKBHATI'.D AHTICLP. 13 MANU--jL factiireJ in the Ci op Locievif.i.r;, at thtj x '

Dm 8t.jrrt, nd tbe pro;"?ctor :iUr,3 that It i nioeriorIn many reape to anv prepwraiioo of tbe kind n.w 10H:. 'hat It t;jvec aat inaction.Itr, vlrtoep have been C'Hy t"1,!, a .,1 n;imbeTlppi

can be t,rod-jce- ai to lf ; e'ficacy.OrdTB troia the couiitiy o(Wbolppale price $1 M r"r dozr-o- . Fetalis at 9$ ennti

per O. IL BiRVTTAS, Mai..iri.-- ,Juoe4dt the Pot-ofrkf-

FsrrfliiDery, Ocap. Toilet Goods, Ate.Tl'ST RECTMVKD AND OPENED ALiF.OKIITAVR yf Ilandkopchlef tTtiarie, To'b r oAie,

Brnnhf-a- , and Kat:cy loMv wblch I an sellins atlow ra'oa. I intend to cter to the anM oi

my friends and pif in onry luticu'.ar, aud trustthey will coatiau fcrpier.fftors.

O. IL 6IR5TTAV, Apothecary,June dtt Oppn.dtfl the

Grayson Springs, Ky.nndVrstgned bavii'g tb entire control of JameeTTTEciarkwm s interest in this establishment, will

tpn tne ssme Mr tue rcepuon 01 visifore onnraiumif Jui with a pvnmSse t" kp a plain and eubstaoMUKeairkc1 Hotel, inch-din- B.I tjie fct suppiles tccountry will afioid, aud solicits patronage.

Tract or RouuBoard rvjr day e i

Do. weph, 7 00

Io. tnonlh. - 89 tW

Children .and aud Uau prlre.




INGS, JACONKT, SWISS, and LACE FLUUNHN08,and la short our entire etock, cociirlilr the moft beaa-Hni- l

deeiDB exd ft: lea.

Will be Sacrificed for Cash.The Ulies will do wU to call at once aad iscure tiie

Creates! acd moot declrale BARGAINS of the r eaaon.

OBItUAKT X-- CANNONnt7 Jtlff Fonrtb at., oipott Mozart DalL


'I"1!? a UotfJrrinCT (Il.il andProctwfloMf1 have Ixwn bifndfd and lD"rovpments nnde to

acpommodat four irmPBKD tlvtobs at aay timethrouirout the ver- These wondertul Svrhigf positive-ly fere RhPiinfitipTiK Contracted .lolnta, Neuralgia,Lnnihapo, paraisle, Gnt, St, Vi'ua'e Dance, Uy?tria,Bteiilitr lmptency from dieence, Va&ral di.Hafa,Mercureal diritj?, Glaaduhu dureaa,aad all formi ui Bkin dhwascs.

R. S. CLAYTON, Froprifrtor.Vt. G. W LawrencA, tbe MdJ?al es- miner ef Hot

8vrln8. will eupf'ly ciic.tlarB to api'llcajits.N. R MflrrjrtaL Iodine, 8 lfpbnr, and cthr irMi-eate- d

von frirn!sbwl nhenre-in-irM- . JanJj dly

Brandies & Crawford,ffTAVB removed to the ne Wareh.oosa on the tonth-1- 1

vert comet oi Main and First treeta.

We will ray th b'gheet market prlee fraJl fctnfft ofOralu, del iv red at onr Ktore oral anyirood ihjcvlnarolnt on tthe 0 o lirer.


Mutual Lile Insurance,TI1W NFW FNi:i,A0 Ml'TTlTA MKB

COMPANY, Na W State e treat. Boa-to-

luFurea Uvea no the mnf "al nrlncMe.Net AecumuIatioQ exceeding 4 I .VAU.OIMI, end h

emaaus, for tbe benefit of njouil-tr- e. pre-n- t anJtho "hole aafrly and ad"aotR)rionty lirrwtiThe butnte. conducted exclulvly (or tbe brneht of

th? y reoiw incur!.The rreatont rtjk taken on a Ufe 1 5,N1.SuryhiB diatributed the irjmbere evry 6fhyrar, from leceaiber L 14J iettiod in cah or by

to notify.Premiums may be paid qnrtrly or

wn-r- aeijeo. aa ainounre nr.T too naiiFon-jo- f apolt'-atic- and na'DphletB of the Co?npau

and reports to h? bid cf U t or at th onice oftha cr forward?! fcy tjii'L if wt'tt:u fcrEiet-ral-

tMRECl'OH:M.irthiH P Wilder, Tfl-- i a- -,

CharlM P C'u-tu- . Vi'i'jtn li. Ryrjoldt,Tomaa A. , Oorpa H. Folper,Charles A. W Thast r,Francia C. LoeM Jirjoa Sturjtti.

WILLARD MULLIF3, FTtaHtntPt-'av- F. Ptiivt.(.-8- . gerr'ary.W. W. MoSLAJfD, M- - !., Cowaultlng Pbyekian.a::8l dly

fT ALL qnabtfea aODtantly on hand arifl ft? tal teyV DAYib a n tJSU, Agpou icr tna Msuuiacturen

t a... urnUttfat. Hi Tie 6 Spues Ageuti of Oriental Powder

Co.rLC't'?,''e:teVa We have teen utin$ yoaT Bhttng Pf.dar cdta rleanire In etatUif tfcat fhid it eauallf net

tccsncr tc any rcwar iu tARTDUR

lor 6nL'tlt A Snu rrI or6J!-- - trr.-.'- m the abore and ehiarfaj'r revai-

mend lt tj the public J. V. BMliu,I coacldRr tlis cvn Powfier tvfzxlzz to any we have

ever been abiu to obtAin, tt. tvaiii.We take eleaenre tn reconxmer-Sin- r your Indian Otle

tal RiSe Powdtr af oul If . joarior to any w haeever nt?d, i bt'n Terr ed erone. Thii we

fr ft' th'ri'ch a). tfniiy yjr.CJKJE w. WOMAC1UI. FRY LAWKKNCA,S. P. RV.OWDl'.R,M A. RNllARTKi,ZiW.AKV L.'iYT-0-

ao7dtf A BL'R.iA.

Vl"V A HMY RKOI I.Al IONS .hr-- t I I

- oi; L, A, JAVILL.

infrept to escmine my ctock botora .iig tbfr purmaaw in pt;ron. f.i doowAweowtf


UNION CMIP CHEST(Patent Applied For.

TIFTAmr Sz. CO-- ,590 and 552 Broadway, N.

80LB AOENT8.Invite O'p aHntbvg f Ani'- - tod Navy officers' iuee?esto tn; cew and ln;rivlUnion Camp Cliest,Which conjprtsep within lb dimensions of ill Inchesb'UKlh, tj iottiPfl tffadlii, and II Inches depth, a irirta-bl- e

Pantrr, couiloing all the oiHoan' J"d inectiaotcalap,i!1aur-- ferfuiT or lis person; n DfniiiR Table of flu

bv ni iuchflp FTirtd, durable enoch for tlie routcheetrfar. and a st u p, tiom tt and POiieolnt

siiiiplt'lty, especially suited foi caiip . Ihlscontbination ci

PAXTRY, STOVE, AXD TABLE,the res'ilt of p nm- -t cartl study ot the u'ressitiesand tnctd?u of and of the articles iu useby the

coronifcds itwlf to the AmeHcan sobUtT alike by Itsaonvnlanne, d 'rabi'lty, anJ ntpneltv.

Tho ageoti had in tb.-d- etjibl'-hme- ewycan:L' ch-- ot not u iv ;jt hum an ! sVoad, and dono n"p1tit- t prououuci) this one. lp their jidruut,infinitely sfuctiftr to anT' kn-v- t r tho Tfwhich apse.Uni they rt al eiAa'aaiioo andecn'tiarU" ?.

Tne STO'.'B, 9 we!! ss tbe TAPLP. so enpfncteda to be sold by ir,Bp;t, cd can be asid with any armycheet or trunk in vonuc

Price of Ihiloo Camp Chest i and $1?; of Tableto rf Ktove J . oil dtf


FIRST Ot TUB SCAS'JN.Q!i3iU Grouse, Venison, B!:eil Oy& ern,

Aid all other delicacies of tha sssson.W. A. CLARK, riaprieor.

Tab- - )"Iote frm 1 to 4 oclo-lt- - o:?d'm

WOTIOJJ,'rilB rAKTNTTRflHlP beretofnrs Mltinir between1 J. C GOLDBACH A CO was diseolved on thSlst

0f (obr b- mutual consent.BCHWlIcS & BROTHKR. tnnxhwd the

en ilm interwt of J. C GOLDBACf I, will continue tbeHIDH aud LEATHCR btialnesa at the old etand.on tbenorth side ot" Market, between Secmid and Third sti0n Scbv (19 Broth have the riht to receive alldebts due to the late firm, aod will pty all debt d'jebyit ,f. C. GOl. ORACH.

o3dlm G. SCHWaisa a BRO.

A Ohnnco for Farms in Indiana,We for fa!e. in the orjnUps of White,

u,,1 P',lakl IntHsna, luv acres of nchJl. rarmin Land, iraide, cf tha bett

ifuHty for giain or stock fanos.Wo --ell tn TKN ' TiMtC at ten dollars per

acre, t b down, the balance In ten equal annualpayments.

We baveaiKi ( t'res m .fatei cnnty, excellent fora stock fTH, which we will a I at ft 4 per acre cah,

SlOTSUNBl'R'.; 4 PROWS,oi dm New Albany. Indiana." IYyholesale

Wwth of


-5 vcr Cent. Ija&i17 IX .L 1ST o o m T f

Icr Caslis



Spiit -- bottom hairs.v;b ark agkkns for tir bal; of ken- -

tucity P'iU"utiary Chalre, aeJliava tn (tore for sale a la'e lt : f A Avsir

A. L 4 SON.If d Wall Ptret

mix 3 couleurs!L. B B, la CRfiTY fK RABV, Agont),

IMCrtrn street, aolnlr lis- - Jeamnl Offcp lf- Uf in ptore end r tiie Iu (.oipfitltlep

Pornar.; RoriltAUs;Da Mvi'V: i rontlnan; Lttoei;&L Eatethe. Volay. Kiu fle-fl- o

HoreHo, V!n 3& Tokay, Aruagnae, anfl. Ceidiaia.iai'4 Jly


Shuttle SewingMacliineFOR ALL EIN'PS OF W HK. PRKTR 7K

T7ananted the J$ot in the Warkot;Fine finished, etmnij and dtirahl: whorl feed ofpnwor; excpcdirely simple in cppftnir.tion: not a wireai It; nil it? part. ar mosd Bcinlrablv and liigenlona--ty arranged; cannot oihlv et oiit cf onler. hmanBrrrv-Jbiu- ie n.mHQc nflv nono fo raelly nn- -

drt-?o- and onrraN .1, r.nd kw ttw rnoetititco ever , precisaly alike on aid-- . Tal-low and til who have n it oiouonn it tiie hWt Mvrhhie tr tbli ricinlty. AU arc ccrd: ally bi- -

it d to examlua it. T. JOHNSTON. Awnt.iS dly gig Katirth stro?L

Having jiwt retnraed from ijlnr'anatl, whereI have procured, throuyh the klndne of CoL

A.soKtBON, one Urt-- ood oris ma!l fLnM Pnnro-nar- fl

of hirofcit, lu hiil uniform, rith tbj Identicalloak ttd cap w"-- by him at. Fort durl.iff the

I arj nw rady to fhruieb hie fneadaand sffpIrHTB Hf h d:ij.lh at or wh elze at my Galleryor at irauk Madieoii Bookstore, i;ul 1 Mrd i"l.

K. KLAOBBH,Ree Hive OalUr, str,

Irtnel A'.vit lwlwni Third nd

8. 8. MARKS. G. F. DOWN?,

CHEAT baiu;aiisDryGooclsII A'iNG iletvimliied lo mifce a rhanee In out busl

Dft oil ot btf.ne the let of Jannavy n?rt, we ivilloT)rfrcni thh; dit, rnir large aud wd! cssciicd slock

FANCY BUY GOODSAt f'RKATLY RP.or:D FUKT.S y arlcewlllbeeold 1 AH f.tOW iC-S- OF lUPORPATlON

ZSAKX fit SOWN 8,oii 4LI Main street.

J, G. JAOK, E. W .1ACK,LtOateMlie, i y. New Orleans,


Wholesale Grocers,FMVlSIOHMIIimi EMBANK

No. north aide Main it, bctHTPn Third end Fourth.


UOAR, tOFKKr, jftNH MOL,ASSrSiV l.hdP nnme N. O. S.ifan

lirj haa inirae Rio OtT;Vt) b: I; (J niched. Powdered and Graaolated Sugar;Vi) do Plantation Molaaaes;tffi Kbblt do do;

&) fcbble Golden Strnp;lcalloD kea Goldea Btrup;

lo ftore aod for i&ie hJACX A BROTH EB, 111 Malott,

MAN1 TACTVRED TOBACCObo;8 Sjii Miee.j'ari Tohsccot

Ft do O. PHie do &nlt do Hhin.n' do

t'W do Va. ai'd" Ky. dx Tarisui bracda:la ft or a and tor bale ty

jav K i;rriiKK, Maine

JKAN3 A NO LINSEYS-l'- W halra Nep Jnni and(best brandp lu nt ore and torealhy

JACK A BROTHER, 51 Main it.

KANAWHA BALT-?y- bhln Kaaawha Salt, beatstore an-- for s! by

JACK ft BROTH 818 Main tO 40 halt ch&et-- O'M'rcwitr T;lo .lo fa R.-i- r dr.

V d"zt! FhaJc'! T'ood ':do fa pry vrC tlf i dft

V do pai-P- d bnrketF.W n1?!. do Tub:

dn:e!i Zinc Warh-Bci5-

ftcils Cottf d all elra8 do Hewy do, do;

l'"1' boree Caudlet;4 Co Stan-h-

C" lioifin Soop;?i do Film d ;IH Co OfrniRn w.tIJ bM Ctt'"1" Vk;i, all nuiiihart:Jo do Cam-i- t Ciaiu;

) doS'S do Wiftpphie ;

in b.iB Ft'Jce:It do FortlU' runtg Cl'ir.ai.iOn:

case i'fdiaM aud Maijilla Ijjijo8 CRAF M Pd'.'ir;

l bt i A'n.i5i.f (io

(t' catf Ve'vcicrlc 9;'1 cao Nutiiif fr;

Ki,iV,o f; v. and 3 B. Cirr7fi frcrs Matrhee

1?" do Maecn e lare an 53iaU Biaciinn:2' tica aseortf fl Cicdy;4 bblp Cider Vhieyer:

On hand aad for eale bym37 dtc JACK 4 BROTiiKR, 5'? MeL"

JltiAK-- 4r bb'.a Lwvertu e Crush Powdered, audJ GituiulaUrd juat reculvod aud tor rale by


If FK4K ''J bT Wtspfrn Reserve and' ( reti-- l c4 iw ftoil r.r a l.v

.Loi. F. If jWAlil) & iMl'is '1 htrd uad I juih 1.

LOUISVILLE JOURNALGheat Naval Lmi-moss- . Tbe ew Tyrkorld eaya the expeJition which has left Hainn- -

wn r.oada comprises, transports and all, abouteighty vossoli, of all el;ea, from Cvlosaa! steanfritates 3owntothe uuutiast little gncboats, andcarry, with their full crcwa, over thirty thousandsol'iiers, a !are force of engineers, mechanics,and laborers, and an immense supply of all then:4tiiaLc war, erery cioan" of at'.ack aijd

whxh mUitary art can invent or moneyeunply. The enterprise is one of the mct furmi-daL-- Ie

vf the kind the world has seen since the In-

vention of gunpju Jet. Though it will not com-

pare T,"ltb thnt agaicGt StibaatLrpol, wldca ouni-bere- d

rm its hundred rebels and ninety thou-sand aiPij Jt fjjjurns rtfipectably by the side of anyother that can be named. Tbe world-famou- s

"Invincible Arm id a," despatched nnder 1'hilipli. of iSpiin fee the conquest of England, tc be eare,numbered one hundred etnl thirty seven ships,btit the largwt of these vessels were mere cock-boat; compared with some cf ours, acl they alto-gether embarked or.ly twenty Ih iwtidacd eleven thousand s&ikrt. fiu tbe expeditionof Charles V. to Tunia numbered fh-- buu-dri- d

jeno-- s and SpinUn reas-'-- J, but caniedonly f. frty thousand men. That of Ectorthe Great tjtn tbo Caspian eea nQmberdtwo hundred and seventy ebipa, but tDTy twen-ty Ihoueand men. Tbe expedition of tiueta-vu- a

Adolphm to Uenuasy numbered tfteenor eighteen thousand men, that of Juseuf agaiOL--

Cuoiia Ihirty thoDacd, that of Kionpertia;in3t the eame otrunghold llfty thousand, thatof Cbtirlc U. upjn EVjninaik fifty thousand.Hor: be, in bis attempted ;!eecent upon Ireland,counted twenty-riv- tbocc-aud- . Bjnpjrte'ii

to E'pt coneiatd !,f t'.i entj-thr- w thca-irao- d

y !ih thirtasa jhitV.tsvsa'.eca friitefl,and font bandred trantrta. AbarrjrLUible'i cx- -

peditin to Liv-p- nninls;red twenty thousandin on; Caibcart s to Copenhagen tventy-fiv- o

thousand, V eiiiucton'a to Portugal fifteen thca-i-an- d,

and to Spain thirty thousand. Bnaparte'eounteiuplated e.'pediliun, in wht- - b preparatic-n-

were maJe ihiowing a b aod red ami bftythchiaasd diijciplutel eterans upon EnlanJ, bymeans of r.Q'J'j pianaevs, protected by bO shira of

the line, is not entitled to be brought Into com-

parison, inasmuch as It was never tarried cutThe English t.- - peilitiun egajast 'asb 101.03

numbered eight tbuaaaad, aad ae.injt Nswrifleen . l"be Erencb espdition

against Igien thirty thouia.d. The E citedStates expedition, nuder fjnert;! ycdt, rk'-us-I

Mexico, twelve IhcuiairE

r5jjrbe Kiyal ladies of tire Point held thoii fiirtmeeting at the residence of Mrs. J. Y. alums on

Thursday aorciog. B!rs. Eiac Bjile? was chosen

Mits li. 8. Mcrria S re! a.r , and Mr.J. F. Murria Treasurer.

After recsiving tbe cod trlbu lions co'lt- 'e! iuci?h and materia!, the following namei Lidies

were added to ,he couimitte to solid t donations,viz: Mis. John lbumae, Mrs. Gecre Mi;d

Wbeelci, MUi ilaggiel"bunias, Mrs. ManaSilcr, Miss fcilub lift Id, Misd Theresa BHder,

Mu. James 'lumer, Mre. James Alfc-rd- Miss

Elma Irwin, aid Mrs. Sarah Smiih. 'I be follov-iD- (;

ladies w ere appointed the purchasing commit-t- x.

Mrs. Ejaat. Butler, Mrs. John IL Cbimb-r- s,

Mrs. Geor Saiple?, and Mrs. '. V. Mu'fis.Afier th eyp'escion of a tv laloi

heartily In the good wu:k of prt oriog aU neededcouiur' '."ijr nold? defeadori. ti:e inetij.; ad-- jjurucd lo me-.- t again at tbe same pUoe cn Mun-- J

iy neit at 1'. ovtock. when anJ where ail friendsof the bra-- oianteers aro ri nested to meet, etwhich time v,c.k will Le giyeii out to th"?e ivil!-I- c

'aboi in tbe gved cause.

The cex; meeting cf the loyal Iad.es cf theEighth Ward mil bo held at the rsiidsnoe ofMw. U. K borer on Tuesday t nioa

The has aJJ-- J to toe com-

mittee tbe following Mrs. Carulb. Mrs, leDnis,Mrs. Cosby. Mrs. John Hughes, Mn. n,

Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Tope. Mrs. Pennebaktr, Mrs.

James Ward. Mrs. EaUhaw. Mrs. Lr. Aadefon,Mrs. Tague, Mrs. Wm. Owen?. Mrs. Mrs.Lee. Mrs. Jaruos Brewer, Mrs. Leach, atd Mrs.C. Schwinir. A ful? atteadabcecf the committeeand of ali the loyal ladies of the waid ia ear-

nestly rc'iaosled. It is that ei?b lady will

send in tc tho all contributions tcaa tatmale of dothlf;;, ? that the tainawy be luted and for tbe t' tt?'l!ia:9 ai epecdiiy as possible.

.It.-'.- b .. uf llrnn county,

lid., oce of tlie most waul .by farmers in the

Stafe. waa arretted and taken to 'nJicnapolis on8 itrjrdrvy las , on the ch ireof having st 11 inules

in tentULliy which nfterwanli fuundtheir way to

Secwsiondon. Kentiui L-- to ha- - a bearinj In--

trj the t'uited S'atej Coromiosi 'ner Tuesday

next, lie stiles in paltiilion that it was a bus-

iness transaction, and that be sold tbs males to

the same party he ba Eupplial for yeara. A

brother of Ksntner relornod from Parts rr ll:e.. .B ir,:,,.. l,:a car . orvl flkrfnn tn"k " y lu

the l'enleral troyererne.it.

Cou Giion.ti Coiuiicl H. TV. Grcver, who

v;a3 diDjruusly wuuriJed Iq the cf Lea-into- n,

Misei-uri- , JieJ in St. Lunig on Weloedsy.CoL Grover waa a c i ( i n of Johu:m county, Mo.,

whew tie had real-Je- a nnmttar of years.years eo he s a member of tbo Sttiie Seoato,and iras &q icdefaliahle f.ier.d of iaterral

TVhen he received tbs v.'uuod whithlenriDatod hij lifj, he ttas Lieuteaant-CVIori- of

a regiment c;)mrn.ssd prittip.O-- (.f litLCj f

Johnson and I'atUs coautiy3.

Tun Fe3Ti'AL or Aix Sj.my. Atinie-Licn-ce- d

feat i Tal vas obsen -- 'i yt.ter Uy by the lujiuaa

Catholics throughout the world. We aiiud to

tbe festival of All SaUtii, vhkh il has been tbe

luslcru of the cbarch t" cU.rH'. al:u--- ergjit 'e HB K't liaiil U. ii is u I1 VUB

eh arch alio to cbiuut a evU iiune 'h morjiugof the tlay eucceflim' thaL of All Saiats, 'n

uf a!i fUhfal ljl! wbj Liethis life.

JYU'-- Frid-- itvr K

Alice Smith, asuault on hllea Flaot. Dlsmijsed.

LIbn riial vs. Alice ivxitb. penc Tarrant.Oismte'sed.

The grand jury returned twenty-liv- e ic Jkt-me-

r"Tbe oaly cjllactiui of e!reoty-ti:- l pUtea

of the Hible ut the ifl It the hand? of the

S.'nthwealern riihlihio Hou?e al hislni'le.The ha-- recently is?as.J an edition of

tfca New Teatamtnt.

ySotue meoiberH of tho Kintjteenth IllinoisRegiment, Col. Turrbin, Btat'uned at tliiabeth-tow-

have cjinmeccod the imbikaliou tf a p.aprentitled tbe Z iaas-- GatDtto. Ii. is a Fribtlysheef, ao-- I ve wish H Buci.e?s.

Of.SKKAL Tho N. V. Tim&8

Washiotou oorre'iocd ;ul etya that, (General

Cintielmas ill sojn he entiled to wer tbe Im o

stars ca hid shouKier sirup. He graduated in

lffji?, and all tbe nev,


rAiiiJ LHjv s inn Ri p.m,-- AH per.i;;ns re-

siding north of ths Ohio river leaving tits pjrtor New Albany by boat fot mora southern paint?.mustoMaia their pe3sea from Mr. !!. J h'e?'"-- .

or the Ma or of iiew AlVan'.

I"e , Fai yf. We h- e recti-- . ed t!te hrtnumt-e- r of a new weekly paper f'.oei Mjdisu.lnd.. entitle! lh iudepeuilent 113. IL ii ed-

ited with by W. W. fltbben, L j. U is a

hic4tome. sprightly, anJ readal.Io sheef .

TheThu. The ten mile race between SleepyDavid and Maj )r llcger?, at the Fracklin "Irvt,-ti- n

Fark, B.ton, oq Monday, f"t ft pua of1,0,j0, resulted. In the cf the former;

time 32:JotJ.

CaT Twenty-s- priva!(? in Coinpany A, of tbe

Fifteenth regiment of Ohio Volunteer;., haresigned an lo uia CO pafsce Un,u3irewhe Id the eerdo.

H"Cbarle4 McJain, a tea cf Car.taio Mf Lali.,of tbe 6teaaier Charley Kjwen, a youngni io about eighteen yeara of a;e, wsj kil'ed attbe battle of Fredericktowrj, Mo.

c3rh"ra ere Dow live huniJteJ iceu ia L'ai'Jo Hull, opposite tlii3 dif, altacbeiltv L.t. E1 "E

regiment, which will cuon be blUJ uf. f'liur;M. Owin, of Me7 AJh,r-v- , is Ihe i'"t arl j :ianf".

3 I i, f! a

.rt,r il

EKOMCAMP ANDY JOHKSOS.;0cJtonal uf t'!fl Lotii jHJle Joflrua!

IJLALrjAinEni CtL. llOBiOp'B Rhi't,Oct. B' 1W--.

C:'Ni LEjfKN. 1 ser.d yon 5- - for which yon willsend four cepirj of the Journal for eoe monthoue copy to Lieut, ( u!. J. ij. Ctirlile, one numbertc Cii;iu B. P. Eatcs, one uumber to D. T.TowIps, aod one Luxber to Joi. Wilron (Camp-belbvUl-

Ky.)Our eucampmont lb now situated rn one of the

moft beautiful and healthy locations in this pirtof Kentucky. Cohcel Hobson's regiment is rap-idly tiling up and will be full in a thort time,tie ha3 now seven baodrnd men attached to bisrejnuient and the number is Increasing daily.Colonel Hobann has made the necessary arrange-ments and is now prepared to pay oach man. whenmustered Into sendee for three year or duringtbe war, one irumth a fail pay In advance. Everyarrangement Is now made for tbe health andcomt'oitof the eMuiers. I nerd not speak of theothoers of tbo fclecood Kentucky liniment, astbey are all koown as gentlemen pssesinfr thert'fuiaito qualifications for tbe positions whichtby occupy. The Green Tliver people all knewthem and know their qualiticationu.

A fow days ajo, a tuad of U'in. Burknsr'amost AAperieut ed rogues came into Green countyand stnie two horea and one rido gun and pito)from Mr. L. Tburman. Tbiy woiHd have takoobis nerues and hor?es, but be bad notice of theirapprcmdi, and rnit them leyctfd the reach of tbscitrp". We bavB bsard of numerous theftswhich have beca committed In Green countywit bin the labt few dava by these rebels.Many of tha Bruuudreie v. bo are engaged in rob-bi-

the iefpleof Green county are citiena ofthe county, who have tlod to the S'jQtbern armyfor protection, as ir- - say. Perhaps the moatcktlful rogue of tbe lot is one Drewry Hudson,wht1 was a merchant in Greenabur. This manIludsou was one cf the gaug who robbed Mr.1 bur man, and he hi known to have been euaedin a'ealiiiic frum men v. ho have been his beatfriends. Lie is a fkiiful thief, f.nd no doubt hisDa".ie will be inscribed blth on ihe roll uf Buck-nar- 'a

rofjuep. Ample ai rangeroenta have lieenmade by Gtn. M aid to stop theee lawle-.- bandsfrom cum!ng into GMen and Tavlr.r count ttw, andI am ctinSdent that before tbe sun eetsV'o ill hi e a b't thorn In camp.



Thtusdav E.Niva, tw.t. f3.rre?ct F.e:idsnl Shacks end ell th m em-

ber i except Mr. Trahne.On m.tiLii, the reading cf the jourea! cf tbe

pre: ions meeting was di&pnRed with.A onimuti teat ion wab reigned fir-- his

the Urvot, with hu ol itlioiie and veto of thera:.-'i- ' a joint conimlttoe to prepire a

oer police oidli':'.rice. wben the Mayor's veto wastrained ai;d the reevlntion by thi

yMf:"teas MesrT. Bown nouh'r-n- , end Baird 3.Niv3 Mr. Frets:l.ei!i ohankii and Modern Down-i- n

jr. Ciunkle, Oihitce, Jeflsr.-on- , aod 'lorryA communication vae read from the Mvr,

calling ibe atten'joa cf the Council to tbe"f tl: new ordinance book, ordered to

ha pjblished, aud recommoLdm some action (obe tkea t ir it? cumploii-jn- , which whp read andrefe-re- d to the Committee on FuSIic VinOD;r.

A ie'itir.D from sund persons to hve thebi'iiuta of iba j iving of tbe sidaw:t!ki complete''on fouib of Chestnut strpet. between &bellvand CiinpSell streeirt. whii.h was referred to theirfet Vcmxii.iee of FisW-rt- i Dis'rirt.

Tu bill i,f d. Downing Jr.. f-- r t J forFmnt'ios win referrt'f' to the on FublicWorks.

Tb Kniceerj reiwrt of tLe roat of a culvertat tuj interjecti'-- ot Nimb and Broidway dtreetewis referr'-- tc ihe oq htreeta of theWestern L'istri-:t- .

Ths Almshouse repmt f, r C:tohcr. ltit, dT4

f'G, waj reforred t' the Comir.iftee on Aimsbousie.Jhe bill of V. W. Mm for t0 ,7 for iron rad-ir:- ,:

ia Au 'ttor s ( Ihe wad referred lu the e

on Kuhlic W'ck.The bill of J. M. iSuijirors ll O'J for new

puniD vrus rr?n-- to th? Com nut on FublicWork?.

The hi!! of Oosneil A ,u for i 40 for kf ir:;',t!h"d civ :.!!. es ws t ffrre- to the CooinjiL-te- e

oa Vinar re,Ihe bill f F. T. Neale fjr f--r repain to

tridr.e a 9 Feir;;rasB cref:k on the Ijf.jwnhoronid wab referred to th Commit t on Fublic

TheS'riet Inspector report, of th M'eitemDistrict tjt v j l' from the l"th to the Jl- h uf

wis referred to Fee Slieet (Jcoitiijttee oftin 'eler'l Diitiict.

The Street In'p-'ctot'- rep rt cf t!i3 FiternDi: riLt for iloo 1J, from the 1 Teh to the cfOct. ber, was referred to tbe iree. ofthe l.wtem Dint net.

A ptiii'in was read fro?n J. F. Fearwm prayingfor tue of tbe Heecue Lupine Uou-e- , on theSd'.biilh d;.y. when a resolution was adapted al- -lowing bbn the use of tho tame.

A teolaii u from the Common Ccunul, raitlnjra j 8???hn, at B ocl .ck, for tbe election of anAtant City Attorney in place of A. M. Strut,raciied, cod an hi? pooler of Coal in place of Dr.U Vaitiiao, wa adovled.

Ihe ii;;.rt. of the Cltv M&isdal for lbs monthof OcU-bei-- Job', waa id'A.

'!V1' SHVIC'5.

Pro.ia::- - to Mj.ti-;n- T '.i(d: mat ini 'int te3tij;i at y o .iock, hen tbe fallowing cityo'Ti 'era w ere elected;

. S H. ub'V. ALjJi-- jt L'itr Atlornei- -.

TV. W. Id bolt, lapecUr of Wo"l CAt audLiuie.

Vd no'Iou, ths ; hit ee?t-io- aro.Alderman ikiird, from the Hp.viiioD Crcniittee,

otFarel a resolution r d&ims a int aaon et 0

o'cioik thia evening fr the elect icn of oneIr.ipcc'yr, wb:ch whs rejected.

Alderman Houhicn, from the Street Commit-tee of tbe West1 Diatriet, ottered a r:dationapproyir. the L iiner s prade nvip of an alleybetwcin Kib'h and Ninth and Br?adniy axdT ork streets, wbi,b waa adopted.

CLAIMS ALU"Elwiepariite rooolationa were adojod alloivirfg tbe

folb'winjf cUims;Ai&x. Durall 7 76, for seniots rnderd in Au-

ditor's (tlice:Cha-- . Ffaiff.-- ?1 i'K wvrk ca nillert, Eaet-er- n

District;Fres. Moaus eJ for graveling straets.EisterD

Dia'r.C;Brown Fro. 70, for 1 barrl cement;A. Brisvalder '2$, for ropi trine plcka, to,Street hmdrf, hastern ltrict, i)f fromto Itih 0" tuber;Wm. Kogera i?, for ditch on the

Point;John Kpeun ? f.r repairy (o streets,

W eii.?rn Di- - trieN. Camp (, for sbT.e furoiabed si ?th

flliee';W. L. Murvhy 1 Co. $UJ W. for coal

jdl;(ieo. Morris for rrpsirs to market hoQ36

No. f:Tlios. M'.jri!n for storfo. o!d eDines,

James f.. Tvlr o' f r insnrina bre cngifl s,

OhicMrlng i Bro. JL roo:o t al e!eo-tiun-n.

A Herman Bojmi, from Conimttle on TararnBand CcOee hou.-- We-ter- District, reported aio!ut:on frjiu the Coma:on Council, grantinga tavcic licriii'e to Kenoe, Siaele 4 Co., ou Miinstreot, between hth and tb, which wae ad'ptetL

Alderman efler;on, from Committee on FireDepirtuKut, presented a r solution dirt dine theMayor to oolruet for the repair int; of the ohl.'uterus now ouf. of repair, which wis adopted.

Alderman Jcircon. from same c inmitt, pre- -

fenled a resolution, directing the City Knuineerto require all coutr; cora to pnt in ijod order allMsterns recently constructed, tht ned repairs,

whi-'- was ftdojtd.F resident b ai.ki presented a reco!uion

the Mavor to employ emie suitableperson to iude ? the procsedin;? (f the H ard ofAldermen, omitted hy the Ute L'terk in J09 and't.i. which waa ad.optL

A rosoludoo from the Common Council anthor- -Uio the iioutemnster uf the Hjme Guanl tosubstitute any eolvect pirticy as principal andsecuiitv for the anna sod equipments belnoijineto tbe city, v. bwe the companl"3 are full, wae

ailpteu.A fr in the Common Coancil allow-

ing 11. J. UxkiT l,iA) for work on well wmto Strotrt Coisimittee, Western District.

A resolo' Ion from tbe Common Conncil author-i.;;i-

the Mayor to purha6esi?i hundred bubUof coal for the use of ih-- ci'.y cilicos, wtts adopted.

A resolution was received from the CommonCouncil irrdnfinx the ltd lowing licenses, whichwna itfiired lo Co rim it Ice on Taverns and Coffeehouse?. Fit tern Distrkt, viz:

John Munchoif, cpfteeb-juev- enrr Prestonand Grce:i gtieeti.

A reJutloa was received fn.m the CommonCouni.il irrantms a cafteehouse license to Wattsf lionet j. com oi Foun h and tireen streets, whichwad referred to Taverns and Cof- -

Western l'istricA iea.diition fivm the Common Council allow- -

i"-- 1 bo Bannon IJ J fr work, tc, onUnrh street, was isfcrrcd lo StrwstVet lorn F'istrict.

A v. as rcned from tbe CommonCouncil dirctin the Mayor to bsue bis provia-nii:o- u

calling upon tho captains and euretiea cfeach company of ihe Home Guard to return guns,Kc, Monjinj to the ciiy. v hero Ihe comptrii'-.-

h u e di: band". d, ard the cup'aina of full comp-t-rjie-

to repirt to Brig.dier Geaeral Fops, whichwts adopted.

A resolution frnm the Common Council direct-ing the City Luinecr to rriiuira the late con-

tractors to rejwir Ihecia'erre lately tioldied, anddirecting the Mayor t i have repaired all tbe old

cisterns which dj not hold water, waa adop'ed.A resolution from the Common Cuuncif rant-i- n

perniiis to the l.'uited sick eoldiers tothe City Uo plta!, provided the Government payt!;e ex'anse of iiue. wnd adopted,

The retc'Vicc tliowhm Pearson & KiuiKr ail is waa receivel irora tbe Common Coun-c- il

anienuei to i til, which aniemlmenl vos con-

curred in. and itie adopted as amended.The resignation uf Kubt. Vauhan, Coal ln- -

sptt-.-r- . v as fK-- th9 Councilud'1. lilsrJ--

'lba j Tt lbs vf Maraet-i-iiu- -1

to January la b, A3,.?J, ves received!r' ii" 'Le L'vruL'ic-f- Cviincil aud onleird to be

A Tpvhil:nn tn an,nnrn tn rreerr,r. ri.'Th.v o.V.iVrf, lith.

r .1 ; n ... m I n. 11. i' ar-- i

,1. i,f. A MILi l.i:. (




It t a elogular fact that a large majority of the peoplecf the United 6tat are unaor-atote- d wttn tl grtatIrrrntacce of the causa for the goldi-r- e of theLVim are fighting. Let every man and woman through-out the Tnlted fctatea carefully read and tfrnly the

of the raited Btatea, they will becomeof the holloete of our and of the wicked-ne- w

of thoee wtw era striving to trmtbrow thie gracdpel lnd him of freedom.

We trul? bIict. tuL liad the readier of the ConU-t!tlo- n

been atloyttd ae a dally tenon lathroiighoat the Uutted Btatee. tlw doctrines at eecefvlanand rotate right would nerer hs-- j attained th pwUlonof a ilt Ileal queuUon, nor troa Id the eouutry have beencalled apoo to mooru for the oofortunate wratigllug acdmlHContrt ructions that hare arisen, and Vhlch wo manyof our BtatenneD hav-r- j lost their tkue In attecptlug ltitnteiTfetl!on.

Mllti jua of onr cttlrone hare uever thorwiehly rtU--t!i rvimt hr'.ion, aud, erm at the orement Uuwtien ItIs tbe duty of ererr eltizen of thie country to Informhimself of tbe rtghte and rilvtlrgw eeourvd to him,

lhi protertluf arm, lt U not lu one faouKhold In fiveIioduiwL Iu lew, tberefjrv, of eonvctiog thte gratowTElrht, and lo fhraisb every man, woruau, and rhlldthrouphiut the United Btatea nith the means cf study-lu- g

th'a great palladium of Hhert1, and to protect usegatiiit future late doctrlne-au- polltlCAl dldietei,

I'R8. BAtTWAY & CO.ITf-e- to thj A"rt'a;- - publl. f.ee M charge, the Con-

stitution of the TYtUd Btatea of America, neatly bound,toKwth.r wl'h an imposed Almeuc for theear lswi,ea.Hwd' !r Cocrtitutional Almanac" Am toonad ;Tact:cable, rr every vt!!ef"ardtoira throughout the UnioB, will be finitehed with aurvly fr tree cirr,jtatlcnu A coiy oi the eainenlll becut to eH vba ill lcl-js- a ertirjp fvr the of



'o also In. lie t!:e pow 'e of the Canada?, Biiri bProvioref. and. fn fart, al! whocaaread the English lan-guage thrruphoirt the wvr!d, lo eeccT m - from uacur Cuuftthrtional Almaua..






HE.ALT3 ANU MSVirUNF.tTa'ith and dis:i;'ttne are lh motit

iu an any? to iofur ruccesa. withoutIU proro as Iwilhiil as shot without ijwu9T.

Health Is the rroyslllng force of the arm; aud is theof rt' tor.'.

It !e, UieMvre. of the greatest importauce ttiat thesysm of cjedcjitlon beet adAted tor the irotecttnn of''!df!S apefejt tlTlcoem, ae wll a that knMTi to be

the v.-- --r.iy aad tottua! in restoring thi e'ek tofceilth, without regaid to rrcrfessiTnal pTe.tdtce, haevlovted.

I b'-- i is no t!re fr ot-jK- rartlMKtH ti 'tT:'hbk.i:otpryrttrf'onal dignity. All the d'gulty the cubrinf bear 111 neither present sl among thtrop" nor cjre toee a!ted. Oui armlet, te l

if.iet be k?it in a hvil'hy ccTidt!--u- and th- -

mo.'l cue !j:iViu of securing th'.;di'Jttu7'; ts threjfrlithe r mc-ii- povi ra of

RAD WAY'S READY EKLIU ,h!- -' has a'. ready v d itself in o er t?fy ?ef,!i3ents,

pa'-- st V.'.v cat of wr n?ar Wajhiogton, te a rfd-t!v- e

pteutve atf'n.-- t Bickoesa the foimofCMII.l AND FKma, FKVLR ANf AC.ri;1MIJ" SFfcYLR, tVPUOlD FVEB,T I AKU I Tt LA, V Y f IK H V,tMALL MLASLf.H,

a)d wthr and !L'f:tW;e diseatefl.Ktr lti we my, 'hat EAi'WAYL: KCADY P--

LIEJ will prott1: the trxop9 i:s&d to thve dlieaseaar.i'mt atlocLa h jw, !l - wueeikd by all tbe tred'calmen In tir army that th?y bare no ralaMe meani torrcrvont attackt ol th te neither hav theyaay aee:aao9 0f curiug the p'tk, bet, ou thecontrary, tho majority of th? slLk. efe'.x:d vlth fereraedague, t.ThoM, b!l!ous aud other fevers elthor d!9 orllneer alorr. uuUl thev are reduced to mere reefcsaud

Uij sVstoiJ9. hat ectabP-hr- the tictthat ths trattue?t CAlcioel, 'j'llniue. aud ter-.i- ry lucaosof fsver and ague. 1 v lo'.d feTer, aed etherof till- class lf nton In caruoi th.au lu privater!cti'.. When we Lake iuto cons'ldcratitrntbat mvwv alls and e'pwore to beay drws and Ibv mala'la frompool of water n& donp gnniodp. prow b"Jt a poor holler for tlje flck, vs may coaierl'jrs that thanetialti-.-- of lu'jal ad yi'iiine trvatoeut 1'!, luthe of rv, be eablh'tfd in Ihe form of

Dpuialoia. pw ta; and ttf&ieu in tbe tut,of the llrer, Jaundice, ytitow lauadir-d;T- s

pvp-'- a, plouri.jv, cntlu, cotd blcb 1!I cling totho unfortunate patlwt for years.

IN DR. RADWAV3 RLMLI'ILSthe enhiler ha a poeKlvw prwrenltre epi'iic?! attacks oftheeu

L"t eren eoldlpr caxrv a bottle ofBADWAVd RLADY RELIIiF

IN D1S KNATSACK.ud when epr-t- to a'ft, damp and chillv weather, or

encan'pMl in malaiju districts, take a teacpooDtul, tuhall a cup of water, ae a drink, early lu the mornluubofor? eating, nud three or Knjr tliuee dur'jig the dar.and tf ou picket or g'lard duty ocaelouallv duitog theulht, will ewat all sickness aod coattuue tJ enygjod hsaJth.


h. RdwrS Rdy Relief and Radwa-- V ReffolatlntPi lx' owl ci'onllilj to dlrecUonK, ami thr; catieiitvi!i rvcorer. Dr. KadA"aJe KemMlfj make a

perfect cureIu C5ea of


TUt. JolSTe. pAlNdIN iUE LEGS,

nioLp, ML'LKS.r" KNS, H.'AL.I.S,


and In a!! os h where thre ii pain, Kadway'it Ready

R hef arTord immediate eae aud quickly cure lb$pi'.leuh

DLr' OF CTVILUN;?.C't"1Iiati9 bavlna fMjnO!i er relatives la Uiti amy

elfjuld eud them a fw bottlee cf RadaB Ready f

aud a bo.x f Rad'.sy's Fills. The Uoverurnrtttuaki no pros ielw for tb4 ahiab'.e rereedUaj ?atb?medical ftoree. Tbe 6c Idler dtpnde upon h!s Crtcude

for a eupvly of these linJuableciedicluee. A bottle or

t'.u rf the Btaiv' Relief may law the lla ot it it t jldiertrl-d- .

AKHY TfJ Do RGL M ESTV- - e ha recel ed a lanre numbtr of lei-- ra from iiTr.y

nirgwoa, othewa, and privates who bavv deM'-- bene

fib from tbo u.:e of KADWAV6 REAPY EELICFAinooi th;? gruat numbtr n'e have on lily we ppf'.-- totb.- hUovtag:

IL Tncty, M. D., Surgoo and Medic-i- Directorof the K.vcl-lo- r Mrlft do.

Q?i. IX Simpin, M. B'iryeon AimIlThoii ivuareRfvinict--

Ool. n"k'"a, Ntcth VniPTit N.Y. V.Ool. Ktuhth Rerrt.nt, N. V 8-- M- -CoL Vieorfw Lin I U tVcoiid Re(diueot Kiotl-lc-- r tMg

Cot Walt;r, Thirty third Rtlment N. Y. V.t. TlnoeCL Motile" Jan Rl'W

tl. Wi'w (jten, Lutted State- - Arnir.M"iorO V. , Andron Zmnw.Moj r famt-- a f Turoir, Keplintmi N V.v.Col. Wm. Wllwn. ttnd hf oOiwre thrwih T. Vf.

Mohjhan, KeJ-- . WUaou'a Zauave, Foil Plokwu.NOT ONE IN TUK HOSPITAL.

We hve th Rwumuw of offlor of over fifty rrinwiuN of th voluot tr torwe that tJtfcre not aBlticle nia.u In rygliueiiti w'o h d Rm- - a'iRtaut Relief tlmt h3 aent to the hwpltaJ, norhw tner, out of the trreat nunih-- of etck rho have uiedthlf Ui valuable airdlclne, a dnath occurred.


Fvfrr fanil y nliould deep aWntleof BApffArtPnwrr In the houpe. It a p it We preveiit vwarJiiit

Pirkii- - tt 11. In a f'- - miimte relieve the imJIh tivmx pa'o, aod will ppedily curv the ot tbe

and complaints it le pivscrllMd f


.e pUla in u- -. They are the fily p;rttTtiPgel ble vi ft've niMiti!' fr fatoru"! known, uue toth'ee of rrdwuy' Fill win opwrate iiiicker than tvn to

1 '!i"ommon d'Bftlc pill No elckners a Btoia-ik-

no irrhdni putni felh-- their uae--. 1hey leavetheMwelsiwilax aud heaU'- !,et th 'o hnve V--nlo rfbahit cf urtng othnr luaWe trial of a few

dnf fv'a'i RerfuUtlnf Filla iccutw! ih usv.I attention U directed to


rr evRLs, with abtjnisujn'J rafujitt.Prof"U B r,,,l". lever 8ora Hani. fca!t Rhenn,I r dir-'- U Rick-- a. Sc.ld Head, floie Lfj. t ABkera,t'ilan.hilar 6weUinfS White S veiling . .ttbVj'iv , HtrnmiuD D Hchare trom th-- Farn.Oothal'niK lch, Copptltutlonal DehUiU-- , ai In aodLecav el the li dy. Bklu KMiptlooa, rhnplwand ju.t-t--

Tuniorv. ( airerua Aff rtlon. DjepepU, "WaterBraah, Neuralr.a, Chronic Rheuni.tlero, ani tiut.

IIL'MOBS AND SORL3 OF ALL KINl'g,end all diseases entailed from emall-Po- , Meai-le- .

and Apie, Yellow ryphua, and other1 ever, such a Dropi leafuea. Fit, Lo.'s of M'UiO

vhen hifaiita and young cblldrtD are afi'.'eJ'el withSort u4'tlie Otiu. Canlcerp to the Moiit.h. Borelunsaod Liee, elthtr L jm AVorui", Teetblug, or auyeuer cause?,

RAD WAY" 3 RF.NOVATINO RTSOLVT.STm III epeedily eradlcjite every particle of diteaee, aod

the child with bealtu.LADIF3

r icted 11 h Falling of t li". Womb, I" leers cf the Woiuh,DUcharye from the Cterut, Ch'oroU and ail wmken.lug dirrharfes way depend upon a wwtsdy cum by thausp ol" lUdway'a Renovating H solvent.

In Cbroaic Neural ga. GiMit.

' n' ktu n -- uactluu ith h.iiiv a., a Puis andKce-I- Kul'tt.wH! and cure.


Dr. Radwai 't Rntedi an' sold hy AmepsLe hi 7vlllrtjie, lnn. aud city lu the I'nt"i 8Tau.-n-, C'aulii,f,r.A I'rlo- ?S rnts, euti, and if I,

H.UWA 0" ,No. l'1 John rfffft. y.-- V.i'K

IL WlfTiML A.'r.t, Ky.dMi". 'lti lHiiti

Rally! Bally! Vn$ men of Ebolby,TO THE EE9UE-A- T THE CALL CF TWE

It L CAFT W. A MMXnVE' I., of 8mpsrM!le. fafS ''horiiw3 to to.1.-- ud trantnoit1t 1t triPia to "Camp Andrww Je(;':,,' ntrtr

to he received uvo Ty rfiimont, f ro;-- ln i mat poiut Tftii :unp U u tl H:d orjimnWentty

Ifca'd imy lit-!- f ou 'h railroad In tvry re'rhealth v t!jere haviuj boon no u:diposittci:i aisee ibtitelltithinect o the cami.

- ft. T- JAvOD C lopal,o VS UYJX W. WOMACK ?tt. Col'mH.

To the Patriot Sous of Kentucky.'f We are dflairons of fl ling np onr Reglmpntfffl to media 'ety to- - actir (wrlce Apil'nof

tlie Kpfftro"U'. u c at Oimp FI'!- -jiore, on the r ir lironnd- - n?3" K lr.fre. .

tn we coroia'ly 'nvte brr patriots v lolu usThe ramp la In a b a''hy do oTjlortaMfi Irte,the water Is fin a dahunirjt. aod errrthin

Me to a tidier Is rwady at O' m o-- prnjilici. Mankte,c There hi alo Su hr-- s bl of nusioatlUe

Camp. W, U. Will AKKK. tlrt df to. . TroM. r.IJxvige-'.srKita- , Jfffr?toti strt,)

LottisVilla, Ky- -, Oct 11, I! f

OFF 1CPJR9 of Rall'.u and 8rambot Orptwnplni ',tsa to Louinl8 fur luy cs Iry rgl

any enirp nhja or rr's of 'Vrupaai'-'- frtitn anv ofruy rrriittnn oa;-"-

,tUff a ol th-- )

oiimtw of men nod an ombt "u die lor f . amount ofcii'i'-p- , wwu. ou prwfntiiUou at cp luwioutrter.win cw nromtitiy pnld. JtaK It L A.

I. Orjt'-- a Cn-alr- y j



To fill op tba rark.1 of the



t 1 The Comriny, biv!nr ilTtie1 frita car:?,M m have rpli-e- lo vc!:i3t-- r th lr fer"k. a In l

UrmK3 "f he PUte od fo- - rhat ooe havaJI pAned o(t-- et tlii irirmr, f .)tH(ii. .h''T'Tnt stret bft Sixth and Kt- -eotti and a C- ' t'", .ft! ttrj rtretsd'?i afc'vp '. wiire tf:nrf wip be ri In a"-n-

anrewhi wiH tvralva r miila. T1h Onipu-r- f wll' bntUched o Comi fcjoae Rfgtniit uor orgulstineir oufyherdwrille.

J as R Nom.r.

25 imm waTSD.Cavalry RecruitsSRra''.. L t'rvtifik r.Ti oj

W VJ b jrnd fLird t e- in. a. v.r r. B rIUULrowi Uv-- fl ht. A iiiijrp -- v j Kf- al nn

iim wanted to fill up hia cemvuiy tn Col. Jf-t- U"Vir.'frhiH'ot. Tina cert pany le riuf at I'm Fntriijiiiid and ia uiajlv f:;U. Wa.:t-- fioin Wln3p. f

ra.'nth ne uiontl: s will be rrtld a icoiiiptity in jn'.:rten'd in n. . (vr.Mura- u. aid uniforvn furnlahed Gffi-- rV.aiiv, in'iltcand plenty to taal '1'.'? la a "iendii uvfTuni' r fifyllilB ll.CO tO do'!,ir UT'. . t nWfot jid, uiya, a:il i! b- - tr.if a, OhJ.ac l 'HUiuia fight oar Iv.ttyj hi' k; '4 houiaInactive. C. L. I Nfli INK, aiu.

B. W. RAP! EE, -t l.fr.-t-

oltdtf HE H . l.Vnt.

To ths People of Keatuoky,'CAMl CTlITTUNDEN!"

T AM a'imorl? d t r.Ve a Rf (T'm t, rf tifiui"' tr. bi ci'fif-r- Ijw ttse vtv " thetni:"i a i h ie - L cd frwn

livlo-so- tl:s ija v.Tit'-- tt'jLiijrilv t 'wtu a canif cf r(i!;-- ' e.2d l:ts motion.

LMtUte. Kv., 'rt. i, I1 U. f'rif'Tf M. Ha!,i ,?;- Yen aut':n -- .d to MaN

llh ueai ihi't.jn, K v , a fucj! jmiut Ni i iip d''-ua- t

a ruiip f r rti'h - an.j wvmay recuhv ah r"mc i'?!f uyL !) thtv1s of b" o!'"i , j 1 p-- j la viia'fr'ci L:dy

heuycvsda'j tci thli !' B':'''"ifi!-- ,

I'.i F. T Af- LFSO'V.PrW U 6 A. tmznicdlcjf

fn t'tr.''. "!rtr thg tV' I l.s vtb-- hi'J a M'i? rr I "l'S!o"-- r'!lrtc!voi fi ?m any p.irt cf tin hitt, ar.d n ps hroh Lhn-:- will b? i'u wtiit b tTitiiiue n3t-:;- -

ear'' tj ruakt thr' cor if iih:boni of Bfrtr'rkj 'e ujt 01t'ingui ht;!

The eft oi tra(vpi'rt:iHou to IN. l! u re jIzvtjT!",apfc!l aetheco! ''t nb'.jti"K tue tici-- pT'njjtheir l'Pi:;g n?iiitrfd lii'j tiie ;er-lc- j, t paid tthe l""ernT.'F 't.

A f.-- n. cc iu'joiiea Cau-- i.' ewlll besuiv'i'l !th u':;Kne an-- t.ia giiiie to Lo lud otte i.o.mtT,-

A'l h euili be tnt!tirl i r " r thr-i-

to yi- u anq i arr-j- cT i".r., d e w!

Eiv be wor rd I1 'i i s ( per1-'- .u d'uh'K iL'-I am hp tu h" rIO"! to ap';fnp th 'ni'ure VV H,

Ilaa, of w01Ktt Lj'.-- it C"henl o' heflret :iinont which C!y 1h oiiiii;'d at "r'arpp '. rl'

AP tlt. Camp in ii A' t"a la'lrotid H'i'tlnfftrort and to a livrpn xir.-- rcounties v,lti iwii li are tuii'.;i' - tt li d;Jand e;-'ct- tc i'jfke ' C a nip Cnt'nd- n ' a

PEKMANt.S C REND!" VOL'S.Aud I appeal to .y m- luP1' cvtrs

forward a'J'l fn.-c-- t''.;Tiif1;er' f.; 'fitr Invadd fi'j'te apj'ali? to them rJ ;."elr ttr;'i r wronged ai:idfr cnunrv- t hrui- - The nueaot rni!!!'.ii lil.'fiT and of ropiil't'c In.-- ' htv- -

wl;r trT!" fo th(l"j All 1 n' inc.an fc'OwnuiPtit; ! limp at e'.alits c'.y true maaehoula corte to the

Tin. ti'P'S i' I;.."' tiTV, t :;n. o Jifrr. (. ('.u:it-tottf- ai-- t '"u ti iM t" te tpanu f th n.ii'pp ! h..h A iA rfr litrj"P.vnry fousid'-v-ii'i-'- ot ''''Va d e"f "'ipto the fiei'l. It fiir li , &'! i".(j A iMoui a'l "Ur if"B '.:tii" k. livr c't.r, nil (rjr pf?? ' od of eTtry ' T,t:,i 'ii burlt-s- . Tote ti'irfel'.-X- cjj ijjid'.ic" tr? j riin,not le."B timn tr we dir ti'.'.'o o'jr count y fr.r.odftrrmi;tton aod t'hnvu'v Y'b ittiitrt r"Jiy uow li;rp ihNft.tirufJ FUa lui-ti- Urf- - i tv;rj. h 1 us rd 'pthe whole ptivrnith f o"i bifre oji l pjj'? )Vr tnerlkt, and way he 0t) ol ha! ' iu i'i l;uui very Mow

e ptrtki. r'or onr J aui nn;; t" '.be Df,'p,',rnF.i jtati OVrFfN AP iA,vOl:i-'t;-roon iTi(;ili'? t"1 'e cl'lin a l"jrij'',:,,i frxrwnment. Ictnu t he Indlrrvid i" t wiil :h au uun&iuiaiene'M hae iorcci v. ltq KcLit irt na.

JOilN M- - UAHLAN.Oclobvr 7, 1ATI. orSJ .'.tf i' .l. L. s. ArmT

a raw raosijRECRUITS WANTED !



iisi't!i, cnJ( trcstmoi't, CLiujiorti'hle q iartersclo'h'mr, M;dfcil attwdnuai, aud traupo;tutlou tu audCrom i 'amp true of ihirgi.

UN'E MUMG3 TAV IS ADVANCE.Itiii ltfd aud l'v Arrncry, Jcfier-ao-

tnx:l, halwenu 1 nlrd m l 1 ourth,o6 .imoj iW.tipy.A rR1-it'- .

HURRAH FOR TIIE ARMY!Cavalry! Cavalry'!


Vh AIU.KFOOIKH MP WHO WIBH TilX3 f!l tin a Oave'r;' itinip-- unrhr my con -

yStiJ? mid 'mrv uaat'i. frii, t r t ov iyr. or du' h it-- vw, no'd do wil to il t!ifl P'air

Oiouiiii, BmwTvb.j'O enh-oc'- . "r at ai? head-tuar- t

ib, 4irt.Hf,j..-fA--u frv t, n rL1' M, a ie doorvFourth treet, or on ''v cf t'"' of c."'ifa-- .

nl"8 rpcnil'!i, pud iir'iU y'Limt'lii-- withcot d ley.Pay fern 4 C por month, tt1. X' bi'ntv, J"cf laitd. a:l t'luni i ;ni" rn-- Manic?men, t, tth fatutUu, w 11 he n'jw ni iuypi r1 f"ftl tr fatu'iiea or ua inv lu vA aure

i n Oiireri'ie rn"p 1 tvrT and tHe:iU i!ia will be jll 'o jutT t'wtVids .) thstrpay f r the "ipf"T. ot t Ir far-i'I- " he d'awnrj'iuthlr- - Hft-'- " belnf Tn'tt ed f ?rvrn

iun?ter;d In-- wrTlce its eon a1 J '.'l. W? hvtjcii'Intble unartT', 1 and tViibie nf?oetx tn talto cliirtw oi joa. 6i'iJ at dj bityeiisn afttfreiill-l- h

o3 dtl JI'.SW BA YIjF'5! OoIciifL


r"low ! hp l'v ,corwr Fiftonih tnd rr-- -

To those wbo know how to cea tho &flo.The QQ4erirntd propoia. b h pi,-?-

to ri'fA, f.r ti-- W the CaHi'if iivf (Jiivrinieat, fr tntf'noj thw t vrareA&JSUor dniti thenar, h c"i:ptiy ot Bhfi'p Bhoei.t . o uj i'pwed of n Id ye tb afi TtUwill hi n t ad" pet id ' nt cifp. Th men "111 ik r.nilwith 'h'l Ku;i-- nr cv.!o Rlt' hy tho ni';4jt. andwill be nrmsterod Imo sjr. ice a-- tie rjal--It-

UiJ'n'er iv ob'a'n J A '.ila it iww.n v il'liKdntnlt ano hav-- b"eu uc i to bvitlie. it UhrP"d thra w.ll h no del tv In fi'.'In? nplif ra.nta.Call at ,L Wd Wlht u'e .!-- ,

rppn-tt- th? e.

and i rovir nm-j- h-- ail nc-;M- r

fonnarioo will l fit'n.rJidff K:AKl) T. vnr.ooN Caialrv

AtteutioD. Kontnckfons To Arm-- ?

J J The relfi.od t? dnlv 8"thoHfE.'i1 bv BdcvfJlrW 'ItT KMM-- t oi 1he DepWrVIiYi'n-eu- t or Ci'mbruiniL '.o ri 0 .1 ofHLi3L infantry for tru ycjirp or d'irtne the iar. Iniu J'.o to the tn tho next iliirtj'daT au-- l.avo lt hiu ulce ConjpMilepmut eoujiit of not lt?d Ilaq i hoc wore than !men.

V i.rtcr? thi beet kind have boon fbrcrmvpaiilea r purtp of ponies, t'ltticers wlil plaQ reportpp ntpily at Bii--'- ! Ma.t!f'-.R- orli-f- t, on Fi'fh lrpt,

the OO'.irt- House, wbrre be!i3iiaitT9 will be ttrtbe rr-- nt,


A Call Vpca the Patriotic.One huiidrfcd ar,J c??n axe wautvl af'l B ii ifrv cf Leht Artillery, o bo c;n'iLJideti ty

YtCa.t i W acot 0 tMsieftvprisJ The Falti-r- hs to be atr.h:d te 0". Apjer-mn-v

column ar.J ij to be exrnjlw ly Vt

(icJ'.d rjen. ouna active, .blp-bo- mei g

inw to ri 'e veH aud Ivjw t.iki f cd use u- a bonw,will be prrepted. and np othent Tiio-- e of

lift tnb1 luop! tKi'jtJtul biiLnrh tf tt ik;rlce rj;nen Cant I. W o1t at hU? rcvioUino), corner of "U

nut and 3e. ond pi reel's.It i ti e intentloo to inaKc t'Ja one cf th-- ''cack

eompAQiw1 of tue rriov', id n .me otpl app'y to ty.r It vrho l?mt n'Si-- l v to ad Lu th' tutf'1 "n.ana whrt

not ready tor the iu?t awl i"n Ftrr-- v th .f-c-i- T

of this cjj!iiptiy ter;i le. tLu- ro- - .icr ftrrt? rttlU C"u!t-e- SlHt-t-- lfh O- - Tl. AI'ihlT- -pahi in l ort Stuupter d'ains rjie "it.ee, aiul d''ilucai'hvliilmeW rvry niiich cmler tiia ey ci the (;oi's,U Tt--

romaitiirui odkvn p re pnt!MiM': f th'clty, tn niicnjthe men cau iJ-- v tLeuwtt

eit) dti


a. . tirrtsT .....jr, h. at-ii-i

A TTOKFFTTP ANT COMMISSION VCV N'jrflJY. cwv of M;n end WM! IjCnij" MK Tf Cash adycaees made oa cctntigiHS .' 03 Hao? amxint,

W We u e a5? timi rdr to ai Vni to 0RjJ Bsetc .!jili5." or ("Tfft,k-'- i SbJ-"- . Hrruholam Itm cn r.a satisfActrv t.t iUi- -

ILITAUY ?rit I! I ir..:-- .

u.i thi- - ..l.v.T.