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Training Centre Guide for Trainers developed to harmonise activities of a Training Centre that falls outside the main programmes particularly those activities that go down after working hours.








Objective of Manual2

Trainees recruitment / courses offered4

Facilities & services5

Sports facilities/ OHS & Safety9

Trainees discipline/Rules & regulations10

Trainees Grievances & procedures14

Staff Discipline16

Fees Refund Policy17

Annex I19

Annex II22


Our Purpose:

Facilitate and ensure the full development of young peoples potential through the provision of strategic supportive networks and initiatives for character, skills and sports development

Our Vision:


Our Mission:


Our Organizational Values:

In delivering its core business, the Ministry of Youth and Sports is committed to upholding the following values and principles as illustrated in the SEVEN stars as part of the Ministrys logo which symbolizes seven star performance and the following seven elements of success

1. Passion, 2.Perseverance, 3.Focus,4. Integrity, 5. Ambition, 6. Drive and 7. Positive Attitude

Core Competencies: Analytical Thinking, Strategic Awareness, Communication, Public Relations, Innovative thinking, Financial & Resource Management Bula vinaka to you all and welcome to the Youth Training Centre Nasau at Sigatoka in the Western Division. We thank you for choosing YTC-NASAU to provide you a second chance in life through trainings as clearly outlined in the goals of the Centre. You must remember that you are the fortunate ones selected from a larger group of school dropouts around Fiji. We trust that you will use this opportunity to learn as many things in life that will bring back those lost glory that you once came across in your early educational life. We also trust that you will enjoy your stay and we will do our best to make sure that you do not regret choosing the Centre. At YTC-NASAU you will realize your full potential as it provides you with the followings reasons that support your choices to study at the Centre. 1. The Centre provides you one of the best places of study meaning you have no transport costs and it is easy for you to be on time to attend classes, church service, sports and morning and afternoon duties.2. The place is quiet and peaceful, and it is green and relaxing, providing an ideal environment for learning.3. It provides the facilities for you to complete your practical learning and also enjoy yourself in sports.4. A lot can be shared with each other and other trainees would be able to assist in areas of your learning as you all share common goal, needs and purpose.5. Dining hall facilities closer to the dormitories will provide three meals daily except during public holidays. Special arrangement will be made to cater for your food during public holidays.

Objective of the manual The aim of this manual is to provide the trainees with information to assist and guide you throughout your stay at YTC-NASAU. We believe the more information you are given, the fewer queries you will have to make especially during the weekends and other times when there are fewer staff on duty to help you. It contains information about the facilities and services within and what to do in the case of an emergency. It also contains information about the rules and regulations of the campus in general.

Administrative guidelines and procedures Step 1Funding Proposal sent as R.I.E to Ministry of FinanceStep 2Approval of Trainers sought from HQ when funding is approved. All project staff appointments are to be approved by administration on the recommendation by the relevant Divisional/Sectional HeadStep 3Preparation of Training Program and yearly calendar to be submitted to HQ accordingly.Step 4Advertisement of Training program in our daily newspaper and call for interest.-Awareness is on-going through divisional programs and Radio Talk Back Shows.Step 5Shortlist names and preparation for interviewsStep 6Final names confirmed and contactedStep 7Training starts accordingly [Trainees sign indemnity forms.Step 8 Graduation for studentsStep 9 Monitoring and evaluation of students in the field and the provision for SME

Trainees Recruitment YTC-NASAU is a youth empowerment and skills training Institution located approximately 5 kilometers from Sigatoka town up the Sigatoka Valley.

The Centre focuses mainly on developing market oriented Non-formal education courses for unemployed, rural based youths.

The 2 courses offered are:

1. General Carpentry-FNU(NPTC) Class III Trade CertificateIt is 10 months course with a maximum of 15 20 Trainees.

Criteria for admission to carpentry trainingInterested participants should have reached Form 5 or Form 6 level, and are between the ages of 18 -30 with basic knowledge in wood work and technical drawings. Knowledge and skills in construction work is an advantage.

Progress of Trainees within the Training Period

The method used to determine the trainees progress towards next step depends on the trainees performance both in theory and practical and these are closely monitored and recorded by the trainer.

In terms of examinations, written test is the method used to collect evidence of trainees knowledge. Theoretical test is carried out each time after a unit is completed. Those that do not perform well are given more attention and time until satisfactory result is produced.

The practical assessment of trainees is done to check competency using a list of competency as a guide. We use method such as:

Observation Questioning Demonstration of skills Assessment of work produced by trainees Review of work carried out by trainees

Any trainee not performing to expectation is re-trained on the particular unit until he is able to demonstrate the abilities and competencies.

For any trainee to move on for further training is of his own choice since the highest level reached at YTC-NASAU in General Carpentry is Trade Test Class III certificates.

Trainees are encouraged to pursue to next level at TPAF (FNU) to do Trade Test Class II and Class I.

For those seeking employment after training, we will provide them assistance to find places for work attachment or employment by networking with employers in the building industry. Requirement for Successful Completion of Program

In order to complete the program, trainees are required to complete certain hours of practical session and theory. That is on 70% practical and 30% theory basis. Trainees sit for theoretical tests, papers for which are set by National Productivity Centre of Fiji [TPAF]. Practical session comprises of 3 months practical or work attachment in building industry for carpentry. Trainees have to record work diary or journal which are signed by the supervisor as evidence of completing certain type of work. The diary or journal is returned to the trainer at the end of practical for assessment. Written or verbal reports from supervisors are also considered.

Since the trainees reside within the Youth Training Centre Nasau premises, it is compulsory for them to attend all the theory and practical sessions. The only exception given is in case of sickness or family emergencies.

2. Sustainable Agriculture YTC-NASAU/OISCA Fiji International. The course is basically in conjunction with OISCA Fiji teaching and developing young farmers on the agriculture systems and production for a positive impact in the community and also the economy of the nation. Interested participant should have a long term interest in farming and has the desire to start a farming business.

Criteria for Admission into the Agriculture Course1. Must be a matured youth of between 18-34 years of age reaching Form 4 level2. Must submit his/her academic achievements if he has attended secondary or tertiary school.3. A letter of support from Turaga-ni-koro, Advisory Councilor or community rep informing of his or her involvement in village work and an active farmer. 4. Must secure a piece of land as a lease holder or written consent from the members of the mataqali or landowner. 5. Must at least have crops and livestock on the ground.6. Must be physically fit.7. Must have a clear police record.8. Must be single.

Facilities and ServicesDormitoriesThere are separate dormitories for male and female trainees. A male dormitory is divided into two main larger rooms for Carpentry and OISCA trainees. There are two sick-bays at both ends of the dormitory which specifically set aside for sick trainees. Similarly, the female dormitory is a single large building with two larger rooms at both ends of the building that house the female trainees while the sick-bay with two smaller rooms is in the middle. Rooms are to be kept cleaned and tidy at all times. You are to put up your suitcases and bags on top of your bed to allow those morning duty cleaners to easily sweep the floor. All dormitories will have two or more prefects to ensure the maintenance of rooms and to assist the staff on duty in terms of discipline and other aspects.

Toilet and Bathroom facilitiesMales have eight sets of bathroom and toilets while females have got two toilets and two bathrooms. You must ensure that these facilities are kept clean all the time and it is the responsibility of individuals to maintain its cleanliness. You are not allowed to remove any taps and must report any damaged pipes or leaks to the staff on duty or handyman immediately.Dining HallThe dining hall will open from 7.00am in the morning, lunch at 12.00pm and dinner at 6.00pm daily. You are to dress neatly every meal time and observe all rules and regulations of the dining hall. You will be given turns to assist cooks in the food preparation but you are to listen carefully to the instruction given by them.Remember that you are to bring your own cups and spoons. The dining hall is closed on all public holidays.Drinking WaterThe school provides three sources of drinking water such as PWD, borehole and rainy water collected in specialized tanks. These water sources are safe for drinking, however, we advise that you dont drink borehole water for safety reasons. You are also advised to use the water appropriately as we experienced some low periods of supply during the year. CanteenThe Centre will open its own canteen at the beginning of every year. Goods such as biscuits, noodles, soap, sweets and peas will be sold in the canteen to stop trainees from going out of the school compound. You can also buy goods from nearby shop in the evening provided you ask permission first from staff on duty. No trainees will be allowed to go out of the school compound after the lali is beaten at 9.00 pm.ClinicThis is an important service provided to you whenever you get sick. The matron will be fully responsible for those that got sick and any sick person should see her at any time except on Sunday and Monday during which time you can see the staff on duty. You will be accompanied to the hospital by Matron should you wish to see the doctor. All trainees are required to seek the advice of the doctor if you are unfit for duty or decide to miss classes. Workshops FacilitiesThe workshop plays a major part in the learning aspect of the carpentry trainees. No trainees are to remove any tools from the workshop without prior approval from the carpentry instructor. You must ensure that all tools are properly signed upon every release and signed as they are returned in a proper inventory book at the counter. Before leaving the workshop you must ensure that all doors are properly locked after every session. Farm facilitiesThe farm facilities cover the major part of YTC-NASAU facilities. Since it is an almost agriculture based institution much of the learning and work will be centered on the farm works. You will have the liberty to learn about pigs, poultry and crops. As you gain experience through your practical you will be given plots to plant recommended short term crops with income derived from the selling of vegetables to be deposited into your individual savings account.It is your responsibility to ensure that every tools release for your use should be properly and returned to the tools storeroom. No tools are to be left carelessly on the farm.You are not allowed to harvest and sell any produce from the farm. Harvesting crops produce from the farm without permission is stealing and it is an offence.You are to take care of the farm animals as it assists us in your farm work. Animals should not be used for any other purposes except for farm works.

SPORTS FACILITIESPlaying sports are the only form of relaxation and enjoyment at YTC-NASAU. The sports facilities include the playground and the sports gear. Every Wednesday afternoon is sports day for the Center and it is an opportunity to show your talents. All sports gear is to be returned to the main office after use. During wet weather you are to stop using the playground. You are advised to bring along your own sporting uniforms, boots and canvas to protect you from cuts and injuries.

OHS & SAFETYIn the case of an emergency at the school such as an accident or injury your dorm prefects are the first people to turn to for help. It is important that you follow their instructions and that everyones safety is treated as the highest priority.In the case of fire, you are to make every attempt to stop small fires. However, if you cannot control then the Fire Authority must be contacted by dialing 919. Also make an attempt to remove some of your valuable items from burning. On such case you are to make your way to the playground for assembly and roll check must be done immediately. In the case of a national emergency such as cyclone, the school management will meet as soon as an official disaster is broadcast. The school management will organizes preparations to make the school physically as safe and secure as possible and will make sure that residents have sufficient food and water to cope with the aftermath of a disaster.In an emergency it is important that you obey the instructions and do not leave campus without permission

DISCIPLINETrainees DisciplineThe Youth Training Centre Nasau expects its trainees to behave as mature, considerate and responsible clients. In addition, it expects its trainees to obey the rules and regulations of the Centre. Breaches of the Centres laws and regulations will result on students facing disciplinary actions under the Offences and Disciplinary Measures of the Centre. The Disciplinary Committee may impose one or more of the following penalties on a student found guilty of breaking the regulations. There will be no warning and trainees will face automatic expulsion if they commit offences that are considered Grade 1 : use of substance or illegal drugs, alcohol, rape, sexual offence, indecent assault and intruding and larceny. These offences are Grade 2 offences such as physical assault, stealing, cheating, forgery, gambling, swearing at a staff member, insubordination to staff, pornography, smoking cigarette, bullying, misconduct publicly, away without official leave, swearing, vandalism and truancy will require counseling for the first time it is committed, suspension for two weeks if committed for the second time and face automatic expulsion if committed for the third time. Offences such as littering, improper dress code, unpunctual and chewing of gums will face detention.

Rules and Regulations of the InstituteOnce you enrolled at the Centre you are expected to strictly obey the rules and regulations.1. PunctualityThe routine time schedule and timetables must strictly be followed at all times.Any trainee who fails to follow the schedules will be disciplined.

2. LeaveNo trainees shall leave the premises at any time unless requested by a staff member or for the following reasons.

a) Sick leaveAny trainee who is sick must inform matron or the staff on duty.Any trainee wishing to go to the hospital must be accompanied by matron or a staff member. Any serious cases at night must be reported to the staff on duty.

b) Home leaveAll trainees will be allowed home leave during long weekends. This will be granted at the discretion of the Director of the Centre. Any special requests must be directed to the Director.

c) Shopping leaveAll trainees will be granted shopping leave in the weekends. This will be at the discretion of the Director who will decide as to what group will be allowed for shopping leave. All trainees must note the following once leave is grantedi) A leave book is placed at the office verandah for everyone to sign at departure and upon returning to the Centre.ii) Trainees returning from home leave should sign in by 5.30 pm at the latest on Sunday or Monday if it is a long weekend. Leave will be suspended for those late comers on shopping leave.iii) Any trainee returning to the Centre after the duration of two weeks of taking leave will be expelled except with the provision of a medical certificate if sick.iv) Management will not assume any responsibility for any accidents or mishaps that might cause loss of life or death to any trainee while on leave.

3. Dress codeProper uniforms; navy blue sulu & blue shirt for male trainees ; navy blue skirt and blue blouse or top must be worn at ALL times during assembly, lectures and official function.Uniforms must also be worn when leaving and returning to the Centre for weekend shopping, leave, home leave or hospital leave.Casual wear Male trainees must wear sulu and shirt while female trainees must wear sulu/skirt and top during meal time. No round collar T-shirts shall be worn during meal times. Appropriate clothing must be worn at all other times when moving within campus compound.

Safety WearProper safety wear and appropriate clothing must be worn during farm or field work and practical classes.

4. Dormitories/Toilet Blocksi) All dormitories/ toilet blocks must be kept clean, neat and tidy.ii) All rubbish is to be placed in the rubbish bins located outside the dormitories and toilets.iii) Dormitory checks will be conducted weekly. These checks may include searching through suitcases, other storage materials to ensure that the right items are kept in the dormitory.iv) No male trainee shall enter the female trainee dormitory likewise No female trainee shall enter the male dormitory.v) Sick trainees are to be isolated from the dormitory and kept at the sick bay.

5. Dining Halli) All meals will be served at the allocated time.ii) Male trainees will use the main dining hall while the female trainees will use the small dining room in their building.iii) No meals will be provided for anyone who fails to be present at any meal time except when reported sick.iv) No food is allowed in the dormitory and lecture halls.v) You are to use chairs and not to sit on top of the table eating or watching television.vi) No excessive noise is allowed in the dining room.vii) No trainee shall enter the dining hall except for the group on duty. Group on duty must follow orders given by the cooks.viii) The dining hall must be kept clean, neat and tidy at all times.

6. Institutional propertiesi) Every trainee should take greater care while using tools, farm equipment, eating utensils, beddings, buildings, dining room and classroom furniture, electrical installation such as power points and light switches. ii) No trainee shall tamper with installation design to protect people and property in the institution against fire, hurricane and other hazards.iii) Safety precaution should be taken while travelling in the vehicle and tractors. Sitting on the front bumper of tractors is strictly forbidden.iv) It is an offence to deface property belonging to the institute or its staff.

7. Dangerous drug, alcohol and yaqonai) No trainee shall possess or consume any dangerous drug including marijuana or cigarettes within the premises.ii) No trainee shall possess or consume any alcohol within the premises.iii) No person shall enter the premises under the influence of alcohol or a dangerous drug.

8. Personal hygieneIt is your responsibility to ensure that you are physically and mentally fit. Personal appearance and hygiene is important. These include the followings:i) No spitting carelessly on premisesii) Cover your mouth when coughing.iii) Wash your hands after visiting the rest room.iv) Wash your hands before and after meals.v) Wash eating utensils properly.vi) Brush your teeth regularlyvii) Male trainees must have their hair cut short.viii) Prevent borrowing of clothes, coma, shaving gears, underwear as this can cause skin disease.ix) Always use deodorant to prevent body odor.

9. Staff quartersStaff quarters are out of bound to all trainees unless permission is granted by the owners.

10. VisitorsAll visitors must first report to the office. They must report to the staff on duty if the office is closed.

Note: Any trainee breaching or breaking any of the above rules will be dealt with severely according to the discipline procedures.

11. Youth Training Centre Nasau Ethics The term Ethics simply means moral principles.The purpose of ethics is to define appropriate behavior and create an environment of learning. The code of ethics of an institute indicates the aspirations of all members of the institute and provides standards by which to judge conduct.

Appropriate rules do not inhibit people rather they are to protect the rights of individuals. The following statements have been used to formulate the rules and regulations of the Training Centre. Trainees will not interfere with the rights of others to learn and must come prepared to participate in the learning process. Trainees will follow staff instructions, observe and abide with the Centers rules at all times. Trainees will not endanger the health of others including themselves by the use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. Trainees to be courteous and be well mannered. Trainees to respect and protect the school property and environment. Trainees to be punctual. Trainees to be neat clean and dressed appropriately at all times in the Centre.

Trainees Grievance Procedure

The Youth Training Centre Nasau has 5 different Sub Committees for its trainees as follows:

1) Worship Sub Committee;2) Food Sub Committee;3) Social Sub Committee;4) Disciplinary Sub Committee; and5) Assembly Sub Committee.

The environment at Youth Training Centre Nasau should not give rise to trainees grievances. However, should there be any grievances that trainees have; they can raise it with the respective committees in writing.

The grievance Procedure to be followed is as follows:

Principal Youth Officer Western

Senior Youth Officer [YTC-NASAU]

Youth Officer

Food QCC Social Disciplinary OHS Sub Committee Sub Committee Sub Committee Sub Committee Sub committee

Trainee with Grievance Trainee with a grievance will write to the respective Sub Committee

Procedure to be followed:

Step One:Trainee with grievance to inform the respective Sub Committee in writing.

Step Two:Sub Committee receiving the grievance, should respond to the trainee in writing within 7 days to address the issue through a possible solution.

If Sub Committee is unable to deal with the matter, they need to refer the issue to the Youth Officer and inform the trainee accordingly.

Step Three:If the Trainee is not happy with the action taken by the respective Sub Committee, he can write to the Youth Officer.

Step Four:Youth Officer upon receiving the grievance, should respond to the trainee in writing within 7 days to address the issue through a possible solution.

If the Youth Officer is unable to deal with the issue, he/she will refer the matter to the Senior Youth Officer and inform the trainee accordingly.

Step Five:If the Trainee is still not happy with the action taken by the respective Youth Officer, he can write to the Principal Youth Officer.

Step Six:Principal Youth Officer upon receiving the grievance, should respond to the trainee in writing within 14 days to address the issue through a possible solution.

If the Principal Youth Officer is unable to deal with the issue, he/she will refer the matter to the Director of Youth and Sports and inform the trainee accordingly.

Step Seven:Director/PSYS of Youth and Sports provides the final solution.

STAFF DISCIPLINEThe PS Code of Conduct is the guiding principle on how a government employee should behave in the course of his/her duties.Code of Conduct 1. An employee must behave honestly and with integrity in the course of employment in the public service.2. An employee must act with care and diligence in the course of employment in the public service.3. An employee, when acting in the course of employment in the public service, must treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and without coercion or harassment of any kind.4. An employee, when acting in the course of employment in the public service, must comply with all applicable Acts and subordinate legislation.5. An employee must comply with all lawful and reasonable directions given by persons in authority in the employee's Ministry, department or parliamentary body.6. An employee must maintain appropriate confidentiality about dealings that the employee has with any Minister or any member of the staff of a Minister.7. An employee must disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with employment in the public service.8. An employee must use Government resources and assets in a proper way.9. A person must not, in the course of or in connection with employment in the public service, provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes.10. An employee must not make improper use of official information or of the employee's duties, status, power or authority in order to gain, a benefit or advantage for the employee or for anyone else.11. An employee must not, except in the course of his or her duties as an employee, or with the express authority of the chief executive of his or her Ministry, department or parliamentary body, give or disclose, directly or indirectly, any information about public business or anything of which the employee has official knowledge.12. An employee must at all times behave in a way that upholds the Public Service Values and the integrity and good reputation of the public service.13. An employee on duty overseas must at all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of the State.14. An employee must comply with any other conduct requirement prescribed by regulations, specified in directions or required of the employee by his or her chief executive.15. In this section employee includes a wage earner.FEE REFUND POLICYYouth Training Centre Nasau (YTC-NASAU) will refund prepaid fees and charges Administration fees, caution fees & T- shirts costs under the following conditions. All refunds will be paid to the person/entity responsible for the fees and charges. Should more than more person/entity be responsible, the refund for each person/entity will be pro-rated according to the payments made? As all fees are charged in Fijian dollars all refunds will be calculated in Fijian dollars, prior to any foreign exchange conversions.A.REFUND OF FEESTuition money is the tuition fee or student contribution amount paid for a unit of study.1.Refund where student withdraws is suspended from course.Students my find it necessary to withdraw from a subject or course before the semester or term has been completed. The amount of refund to which the student is entitled will be calculated in relation to the time of the withdrawal.In most cases: If a student withdraws or cancels an application for any reason before the first day of classes in the year, YTC-NASAU will refund to the student all tuition money for education services that the student has not yet received; If a student withdraws from enrolment after the first day of course but before the last day to withdraw from the course, YTC-NASAU will refund to the trainee all fees payable to the office.

Special circumstances are circumstances which in the view of YTC-NASAU. Are beyond the students control; and Do not make their full impact on the student until on or after the last day to withdraw from classes; and Make it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements for the unit during the period with the person undertook, or was to undertake, the unit.

YTC-NASAU will be satisfied that a students circumstances are beyond the students control if a situation occurs which a reasonable person would consider is not due to the students action either direct or indirect, and for which the student is not responsible. YTC-NASAU will be satisfied that a students circumstance did not make their full impact on the student until on or after the after the last day to withdraw from classes if the circumstances occur before the after the last day to withdraw from classes, but worsen after that date; or before the last day to withdraw from classes, but the full effect or magnitude does not become apparent until on or after that day; or on or after the last day to withdraw from classes. Special circumstances that would make it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements of the course would include medical circumstances, family circumstances, personal circumstances, employment related circumstances or course related circumstances.B.Refund of FeesIf a student has been accommodate in YTC-NASAU dormitory and withdraws or is suspended from his/her course of study, YTC-NASAU will; Refund on a pro rata basis to the students withdrawal. The refund will be calculate on the following basis:

Month of withdrawalMonthCarpentryAgriculture

Month 1100%100%

Month 29080

Month 38060

Month 47040

Month 560nil

Month 650

Month 740

Month 830

Month 920

Month 10nil

Month 11

C.Registration FeeBefore registration, any student withdrawing is entitled to a full refund of the Registration Fee. Once registered, this fee is NOT refundable

REVIEW OF A REFUND DECISIONStudents who are dissatisfied with a refund decision may apply in writing to the Head of Centre for a review of the decision, stating the reasons why a review is requested. The time limit for applying for a review of decision is 14days from the students receiving notice of the original decision. Within 28 days of receiving the review application, the Head of the Centre will notify the student of the review decision and the reasons for making it.

Annex I


1. COURSE APPLIED FOR (Tick the appropriate box)


2. PERSONAL DETAILSSurname/Family Name First Name Middle Name(s)

Date of Birth:

Gender: (Tick the appropriate box)

Male Female Marital Status:(Tick the appropriate box)

Single Married

Home Address/Location: (Where you live)

Phone No.:

Postal Address:

Religious Belief: (Tick the appropriate box and if Christian please state denomination)

Christian __________________ Muslim Hindu Others



Home Address:

Phone No.:

4. REFERENCES (Give the name and address of TWO persons other than relatives who will give references)

1. Name: Address:

Phone No.: ___________________

2. Name: Address:

Phone No.: ____________________

5. POLICE RECORD ( Provide details of any previous convictions)

6. EDUCATION DETAILS (Attach copies of exam results/school reports)

Primary SchoolFrom (Year)To ( Year)Examination(s) passed

Secondary SchoolFrom (Year)To ( Year)Examination(s) passed

Other Course(s) Attended:

Course/Type of TrainingConducted ByDuration

7. MEDICAL (Tick the appropriate box)(a) Do you suffer from any sickness, illness or injury that may restrict your performance during training? Yes No

If yes, please provide details - ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

(b) Are you prepared to have a medical examination if required? Yes No

8. GENERAL QUESTIONS(a) What are your plans after completing the Course?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(b) List your hobbies and special interests.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(c) Any other information relevant to this application.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


I hereby declare that the information provided is true and accurate.

Signature: __________________________ Date: ______________________



I.. , hereby declare and give my consent for (Parent/Guardian)..(Son/Daughter) to attend to any extra (Name of Trainee)Curriculum activities during his/her training period at the Youth Training Centre Nasau.

Dates atThisDay of.20


SignedSigned.. (Trainee) (Parent/Guardian)Name: Name: .

Address: Address: .



Signed: ..Designation: ..(Signature of witness: JP, Reverend, Roko Tui, District Officer, Senior Civil Servants)


Organisation: .

Address: Telephone:

Validity: From: .To: ..