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    Sinister Sites Astana, KhazakhstanBy VC | March 7th, 2009 | Category: Sinister Sites | 202 comments

    Astana is the first capital being built in the 21st century and it perfectly represents where the world is headed. It istruly one mans vision: Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan (yes Borats country, I know). Backedby billions of petrodollars, the city is being built from scratch in a remote and deserted area of the Asian steppes.The result is astonishing: a futuristic occult capital, embracing the New World Order while celebrating the mostancient religion known to man: Sun Worship. The city is still a huge construction site, but the buildings that arealready completed already sum up Nazarbayevs occult vision.

    The Pyramid of Peace

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    Conceived by Britains most prolific architect, Lord Norman Forster, this giant pyramid is an odd presence in themiddle of the Asian Steppes. The building is dedicated to the renunciation of violence and to bring togetherthe worlds religions. Norman Foster has said that the building has no recognizable religious symbols to permitthe harmonious reunification of confessions. In reality, the pyramid is a temple for the occultists only TRUEreligion: Sun worship. A journey inside this building is a truly symbolic one. It represents each humans path toillumination. Lets take the tour.

    The Pyramidal Shape

    The initiates accepted the pyramid form as the ideal symbol of both the secret doctr ine and those institutions establishedfor its dissemination

    -Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

    Novus Ordo Seclorum = New Order

    for the Ages

    As Manly P. Hall stated, the pyramid is the ultimate symbol representing the mysteries of ancient civilizations.Sublime in their simplicity, divine in their proportions, they embody both the divine knowledge owned by the

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    illuminated and the bewilderment of the masses. Todays elite, initiated to the occult, are the heirs of this ancientwisdom and use the pyramid as a symbol of power in the modern world. The illuminated/floating/missingcapstone represents the divine principle present in the universe as well in each human being. Another symbolicmeaning attributed to the missing capstone is the unfinished nature of the New World Order. It is said that thecapstone of the Great Pyramid will be reinstated when this age old project will become reality. Here are otherpyramids appearing across the world, representing the elites power over the masses.

    Mem phis Arena

    Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas

    Raffles Hotel, Dubai

    The Opera House (Basement)

    When entering the pyramid at ground level, the interior is dark and cavernous. The basement houses Astanasopera house, where the unsuspecting mass gets entertained.

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    Underground Opera House

    Despite the darkness, a huge image of the sun occupies almost all of the ceiling.

    The Midsection

    Around the Sun Table

    Right on top of the opera house is the central space of the pyramid. It acts as the meeting room for conferencesreuniting religious leaders of the world. Take a minute and soak up the symbolism here. You havereligious leaders from around the world sitting around a huge figure of the sun, discussing how to reconcile theirdifferences for the coming New Age. The symbolism is blatant: all these theologies are simply outgrowth of the

    original object of worship: the Sun.

    This space is much more luminous than the opera house, representing the progress towards illumination. The sunimage in the middle of the round table is exactly on top of the sun of the opera house. So while the generalpopulation is being entertained in the darkness of the material world, the illuminated, sitting right on top of them,are contemplating how to reach godliness.

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    If you read other articles on this site, you might be aware of the objectives of the New World Order. One of themis the replacement of all religions by a form of neo-paganism. This is what those meetings are for. The city of

    Astana is truly a city of the New World Order.

    The Apex

    The apex is literally heavenly. It is round, totally windowed and bathing in glorious sunlight. Images of white dovesare embedded in the windows, representing peace, which will result in the unification of the world governmentsand religions in the New World Order. The apex is the ultimate representation of the achievement ofillumination, on an individual and on the worldly level.

    Look at the ceiling of the apex:

    The solar deity is shining upon the illuminated. Beautiful.

    The pyramids divisions (the lower dark opera house, the middle conference room and the godly apex) embodythe Pythagorean vision of the world. Pythagoras teachings are thoroughly studied in todays occult societies.

    Pythagoras divided the universe into three parts, which he called the Supreme World, the Superior World, and the Inferior

    World. The highest, or Supreme World, was a subtle, interpenetrative spiritual essence pervading all things and therefore

    the true plane of the Supreme Deity itself, the Deity being in every sense omnipresent, omniactive, omnipotent, and

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    omniscient. Both of the lower worlds existed within the nature of this supreme sphere.

    The Superior World was the home of the immortals. It was also the dwelling place of the archetypes, or the seals; their

    natures in no manner partook of the material of earthiness, but they, casting their shadows upon the deep (the Inferior

    World), were cognizable only through their shadow. The third, or Inferior World, was the home of those creatures who

    partook of material substance or were engaged in labor with or upon material substance. Hence, this sphere was the

    home of () mankind and the lower kingdoms, those temporarily of the earth but capable of rising above that sphere by

    reason and philosophy.


    The three sections of thePyramid

    In other words, this pyramid, much more than being a tourist attraction, is a representation of the philosophy ofthe initiates. As Dan Cruikshanks rather cryptically said in his documentary, it is a representation of the power tocome.


    Also designed by the distinguished British architect Sir Norman Foster, the monument is meant to embody a

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    folktale about a mythical tree of life and a magic bird of happiness. The bird, named Samruk, had laid its egg inthe crevice between two branches of a poplar tree. The egg the golden globe at the top of the monument represents, once again, the Sun, the Supreme Deity.

    This tree of life, represents the channel through which spirits go to leave the material world and join the divineworld. This concept is a recurrent in most (if not all) esoteric societies.

    Inside the Golden Globe

    The Total Recall Thing

    Visitors can go at the top of the tower and get a wonderful view of Nazarbayevs city. There are also some strangeitems to look at.

    Inside the globe we find this enigmatic thing. Its a golden triangle with president Nazarbayevs handprint in it.Why? I honestly dont know. All I can say is that it looks like something out of the movie Total Recall.

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    Bata Composition

    It is a globe signed by representatives from seventeen religious denominations. Yes, once again, talking aboutuniting all religions into one for the NWO and all of that.

    Masonic Pillars

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    Two pillars and one in between, further away. Is there a chance that this may be Masonic symbolism?

    Yes, the twin golden pillars represent the two pillars of Masonry named Boaz and Jachin. I wont go into the wholesymbolism behind those pillars, but we can probably assume that Nazarbayev is a Free and Accepted Mason.

    Presidential Palace

    Placed in a commanding position in the city, the Presidential Palace sits at the end of a ceremonial route whichstarts with the Bayterek tower. A big fat dome sits on top of the palace, representing the female principle, inopposition to the phallic Bayterek tower the male principle. This layout is present in almost all important cities,including Washington DC and Paris.

    Khan Shatyry Entertainment Center (The WorldsBiggest Tent)

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    This unfinished oddity is designed, once again, by Sir Norman Foster (he basically designed the whole city).Underneath the tent, an area larger than 10 football stadiums, will be an urban-scale internal park, shopping andentertainment venue with squares and cobbled streets, a boating river, shopping centre, minigolf and indoorbeach resort. It has been said that this structure is made to look like a tabernacle, on par with the Temple ofSolomon.

    These portable places of worship, composed of tents, were used by Jews during biblical times. Initiates attributeto these ancient settlements an esoteric meaning.

    Coming Soon in Astana

    Astana is still under heavy construction, but there are some truly amazing projects in the works. Here are some ofthem.

    Central Markets

    Designed by our good friend Norman Foster.

    Crazy Towers (not the official name)

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    All-Seeing Eye Stadium (not the offical name)

    To Conclude

    As members of the world elite are fulfilling the conditions required to unite the world into a single government,they are scattering all over the world symbols of their power. The fact that the general population have no ideawhat those structures represent is exactly the reason why their plans go forward unquestioned and unnoticed. Butthose plans have been here for ages now. Manley P. Hall wrote in 1918:

    When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the

    state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be

    transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, and fear into love

    Mob is equal to democracy, church is equal to religion and state is equal to countries. In other words, before mencan live in harmony, we have to abolish democracy (because the mass is too dumb), religions (because they aresuperstitions) and states (because we need one world government). He continues:

    The perfect government of the earth must be patterned eventually after that divine government by which the universe is

    ordered. In that day when perfect order is reestablished, with peace universal and good triumphant, men will no longer

    seek for happiness, for they shal find it welling up within themselves

    Sound good doesnt it? Only one catch. When this will happen, most of the world population will be dead. On thatnote, have a nice day.

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    202 Comments to Sinister Sites Astana, Khazakhstan

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    Tamiflusays:May 1, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    Great work, well researched



    4911 1249 721 11.7K

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    Remesays:November 9, 2010 at 3:27 pm

    What is the importance of Kazakhstan? Well take a guess where Ashkenazi Jews originate from? They comefrom Khazaria which is not our maps anymore but is located in modern Kazakhstan.


    Katharina von Brandtstein says:

    December 10, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    Ashkenazi is the hebrew name for Germany, I am German-Jewish(Messianic Sec) I can tell you thatAshkenazis origins begin in the Rhein Flussenthal Region 400 years before the birth of Yeshua(Jesus),Kazakhstans German ethnic peoples have suffered greatly when Stalin ousted then from theVolga(Wolge) region in Russia, they were forced out in the dead of winter with no food, water andshelter and those few out of 500.000K Volga-Germans made it to Kasachstan(auf deutsch)Kazakhstan is over 80% Islamic, not Jewish but in this fair and non-judgmental country Lutherans,Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Jewish, Messianic-Jewish(Messianische-Jdische, dass ist mich) andother Judaism groups like the Samaritans are all welcomed.Kazakh-Muslims dont believe all people must be followers of Islam but should believe in God, to whichother Islamic Groups, Jews, Christians, Buddhist, Messianic-Jews do.I am going to this beautiful country to teach German to the ethnic-Germans there, most speak Russian

    and Kazakh and little Plattdtsch(Low German).I just love learning about other ethnic groups and Kultur and Kazakhstan welcomes people with a warmheart, sounds like the Ost-Prussen


    Ifeanyi Akaolisa says:February 28, 2011 at 9:05 am

    The body claiming the cloth had nothing to do with the actual ownership of the cloth. These Jews arephallus worshipers, exactly for which reason YHWH commanded the surrounding nations to besterilized. To maintain that these Jews are the same as the historical Hebrews who were thedescendants of Jacob/Israel is the same as saying that the title of Von is of Jewish origins.

    And I mean no insult in the slightest.


    Katharina von Brandtstein says:December 10, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    Ashkenazi is the hebrew name for Germany, I am German-Jewish(Messianic Sec) I can tell you thatAshkenazis origins begin in the Rhein Flussenthal Region 400 years before the birth of Yeshua(Jesus),Kazakhstans German ethnic peoples have suffered greatly when Stalin ousted then from theVolga(Wolge) region in Russia, they were forced out in the dead of winter with no food, water andshelter and those few out of 500.000K Volga-Germans made it to Kasachstan(auf deutsch)

    Kazakhstan is over 80% Islamic, not Jewish but in this fair and non-judgmental country Lutherans,Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Jewish, Messianic-Jewish(Messianische-Jdische, dass ist mich) andother Judaism groups like the Samaritans are all welcomed.Kazakh-Muslims dont believe all people must be followers of Islam but should believe in God, to whichother Islamic Groups, Jews, Christians, Buddhist, Messianic-Jews do.I am going to this beautiful country to teach German to the ethnic-Germans there, most speak Russianand Kazakh and little Plattdtsch(Low German).I just love learning about other ethnic groups and Kultur and Kazakhstan welcomes people with a warmheart, sounds like the Ost-Preuen(East PRussia) of old, where my family came from until Stalin forcedout my family in the dead of winter know as the Prussian Death March,,, so much hate, so much eviland so little love and too little brotherhood!

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    Ifeanyi Akaolisa says:February 28, 2011 at 9:10 am

    But you are posturing as should have been evident from the onset

    To Astana, then. To the orgies and the unrestrained excesses


    Avenueof l igh tsays:May 6, 2009 at 10:45 pm

    Please visit my website at your convenience



    The Worlds Greatest Prostitution (Cover-up) EVER!

    This is the most subtle, engulfing, suffocating, living and breathing organism ever conceived that has interwovenand intertwined throughout mans history and conscience; purposely designed to deceive every man, woman andchild on planet Earth. AvenueOfLight


    Exposing Lucifer Worshipers

    (Plotting Soon World Takeover)

    Revelation 6, 8, 9, & 16


    Greetings Dear Seeker in the Name above all Names Jesus Christ.

    So that I that I may place tangible, verifiable proof and evidence of exactly what is about to take place and changeplanet Earth forever until the very soon appearing of our Lord and Saviour.. I ask you to bare with me a moment.

    When you receive this; you need to be made aware and fully understand the complicity behind the cataclysmicevent which has been foretold long ago in the Word Of God. The people having been and still today are (evidence-will be sent if you desire) Re: (Summer 2005); that since 1917, The Great Chastisement declared by Mary atFatima will come upon the whole world to bring man back in good standing with God. Dear beloved of the Lord; thisis being created by the Vatican and will deceive the whole world.

    The Assumption of MaryYesWhatever they mutter and peep, the whole world being in total and utter darkness,

    void of the truth; assumes EVERYTHING Rome//Vatican//POPE teaches to be infallible truth; INCLUDING allPROTEST(ants) for none read the Scriptures for themselves but put their eternal lives in the hands of Luciferean-Satanists who worship a dead woman,(according to the Sacred Scriptures) along with the Venerable DAY OF THESUN,(SUN-day)- and the human representative of the (SUN-god)/Lucifer//Horus,(Pontifex Maximus) directly fromBabylonion Mystery Religion; starting with Nimrod,(after the flood) used by Constintine in 321 to CREATE (RomanCatholic)-Christ-ianity. and to further adjoin itself with paganism of gathering all into the same fold.

    Every civilization that has ever lived upon the earth has been under the same systemic oppressive cult ofLuciferean, Satanic, SUN worship (illumined) and I will go so far as to say Eve was the first human under thissystem before Babel in direct rebellion against God; the final fruition was Cain killing Abel(blood sacrifice)//murder.Everything around us Today boasts of this same system of SUN worship including the pyramid(back of dollar bill),capstone, all-seeing eye, Christ//mass tree, SUNday, Easter//(Ishtar)(not Passover), Christmass- Dec 25//(birthdate


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    of the SUN) Look in any good encyclopedia! The Great Seal of the (UNITED)//global states: Annuit Coeptis NovusOrdo Seclorum) meaning The new birth of a New World Orderon the back of the dollar bill placed there byFreemasonry who were used by the Jesuit Order(Carroll family) to set up AmeriKa to become the militant strongarmof Rome forcing all to worship her image( Roman Catholocism)! Daniel 11:45, (The Final Antichrist, the MAN of sin,Son of Perdition, Pontifex Maximus-False Messiah(POPE)! Matthew 24:15-22, Daniel 12.Most all the signers of the Constitution were Freemasons who ARE CONTROLLED BY the Jesuits; (JesuitOrder//Society of Jesus) I.H.S.

    I WAS BORN IN (mARY)landnamed not after the Queen of England as MOST summize, but after the deadQueen of Heaven. At the so called created, false apparition Of Mary which just so happened on the 13th day ofMay continuing to reappear on the 13th day for the next six months UNTIL the 13th of October 1917. The 13th ofOctober is EXACTLY the SAME day the Knights Templar (Todays Freemasons) were disbanded! (survivors wentunderground) thus the origin of the supposed prank day of Friday 13th. (April fools day) and the world at large arethe fool not knowing history nor the bible our only true compass. And 1917 the very same year the BolshevikRevolution and Russia became Communist..

    She warned if Russia was not consecrated to herself by 1960, the Great Chastisement would come unto the worldwhich they shall blame on God; but, in truth it is they themselves who shall unleash The Great Deception; bringingforth their Utopian scheme( Dream,) N.W.O.,United, One, when wickedness shall be crushed(meaning us)all whooppose. they declare a population reduction from 6.2 billion down to 5 1/2 million: Georgia Guidestones//(http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm ) THUS, killing even HALF their own people! Dear reader is this of God?OR His only BEGOTTEN Son Jesus Christ the Saviour of humanity? This having been foretold by the Scriptureslong ago Revelation 6, 8, 9, & 16 .But Beloved of the Lord; the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is @hand; this being the VERY SIGN alerting Gods people of the His imminent return which will immediately follow thisearth shattering event between 3 1/2 and 3 3/4 years. see:( Matthew 24:15-22 (Daniel 11:45 and Daniel 12). HeHimself shall obliterate this opposed earthly system of Lucifer once and for all, and personally annialate the PopeHimself!

    Please Keep This Letter so to keep this fresh//refreshed in your mindMalachi Martin and William Cooper spoke ofthis having full knowledge of what they have in store for the sleeping and unsuspecting world and we know whattheir end was. Both assassinated! And the 13th of May 1981, The Pope (J.P. II) was (supposedly) shot; but,miraculously SAVED by Mary.Which is also esteemed and declared the Official Feast-Day of Mary as (Our LadyOf Fatima)! She is glorified as Todays Queen Of Heaven//CoRedeemer//Saviour with our Lord Jesus Christ.

    The infiltration and controlling of the Vatican Hierarchy by the Jesuit Order of Priests intend to use the Dogma ofMary to bring the whole world into submission. Sadly the people are taught anything BUT the truth (II Thes.

    2:2-12) Let us remain Watchful and try and awaken as many as we can during these final daysWe shall indeedbe held accountable for them and to the Lord for the tools HE has provided us with for gathering His lostTheharvest is ripe.Time is @ hand!

    May the Lord bless you in all you do for Him, The Kingdom, and Eternity.. Please keep this on hand so as whenyou receive this proof you shall have a little light to guide you in understanding the magnitude.

    God Bless you all Avenueoflight

    Avenue Of Light

    P.O. Box 74

    Floral City, FL 34436-0074352 726 8952

    ~The Lucifer Project~

    (Cassini impacts Saturn in July 2008)



    Avenueof l igh tsays:May 6, 2009 at 10:47 pm


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    The system of popes, and all its priests, cardinals and nuns is the greatest deception and fraud ever to beperpetrated upon true Christianity. The plain truth, there is no priesthood and popes in the worship of trueChristianity! If that be true, then just who are these frauds? Amazingly, they come straight from Babylon MysteryLucifer Sun Worship!!


    Everyone knows this system of popes and priests of Lucifer Sun Worship, known also as Roman Catholicism,teaches and was officially declared by Pope Eugene IV at the Council of Florence, that it is the only true church, andoutside of it, there is no salvation for mankind! Now, it is this boastful and arrogant lie, enforced whenever they havegained the power that motivates their Holy Mission Inquisition, to convert every human being on planet earth toRoman Catholicism, and purge or exterminate all those who refuse.


    This is what the history of the medieval Dark Ages is all about, when it cost untold tens of millions of people theirlives. But even though the Protestant Revolution put a temporary end to Romes barbarian atrocities, Rome hasvowed, schemed and dreamed to have it fully restored in the splendor such as has never been before in the historyof the Church! Wow! Double Wow!


    Romes strategy to establish their religion worldwide is: to work through the U.S. government and create terrorismworldwide, bringing the whole world under a martial law police state, and then devastate it with World War III and anawesome cosmic explosion they call the Great Chastisement, declaring it to be an act of God because of mansgreat wickedness. And precisely as designed: after humanity is battered, death weary, bloodied, mangled, starving,homeless and hopeless, the Virgin Mary comes on the scene and announces to save the human race, mankindmust return to God and worship according to Roman Catholicism, the worlds only true religion, and accept themessiah dictator pope ruling the whole world from Jerusalem. Victory is complete. The end truly justified themeans! Simply stated: Roman Catholicisms New World Order KINGDOM OF LUCIFER utopian dream has nowcome true!

    Dear Friends, the most urgent message of this flyer, is not just to warn you of the ferocious fast coming storm thatwill destroy this world and incapacitate humanity forever but more important, to introduce you to the most kind,merciful, compassionate loving true God of the universe, and His Son, the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, whooffers free citizenship to their paradise Kingdom of Righteousness to whosoever is battle weary of being violatedby all the misery, tears, and death found on this sin cursed earth, and longs from the depth of their soul forsomething immensely better. The true God does not lie! Wont you reach out and accept this unfathomable gift??

    By the Grace of God you have been made aware of coming satanic events, designed purposely to deceive andforce humanity into the gates of hell. But for full information, order the fully documented 400 page book, THEGRAND DESIGN EXPOSED that lays bare the history of just how the Jesuits, Freemasonry and other secretsocieties have masterminded world events to successfully establish the New World Order for Rome.


    Msays:October 17, 2010 at 11:19 pm

    More tired anti Catholicism from an ignorant protestant who can point neither to Peter or the Holy Eucharist inhis version of Christianity and who got his bible from those Catholics he is enjoying bashing.

    One wonders what Our Lord will say to these people who hate His Mother so much? They have the devilsown anger and hatred for the Blessed Virgin Mary, equal perhaps only to the Christ hating Jxxx in their Talmudreferring to her as Miriam the Whore.

    Vatican II was the takeover of the Catholic church by masonic and Jxw infiltrators just google How the Jews

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    Changed catholic Thinking for the REAL story. The apostasy HAS to come from the true Church and itstakeover for a time by the devil. To believe in the protestant version of events, where was the true Churchhiding all those centuries including the four before the Bible even existed before being defined by THECATHOLIC CHURCH?! One has to swallow the enormously ridiculous preposition that Christ abandoned Hisflock until the 16th century when Luther (whom the zionists, by the way, openly admit was one of their ownagents, as well as Calvin, both of whom took their canon of the Old Testament from the Christ hating rabbiswho had truncated it down from its original version which the CATHOLIC CHURCH maintained, including allthe prophecies that were making pious Jews convert to the Catholic Faith) showed up. I guess Jesus wasLYING when He said He would not leave His followers orphans. If He made it a REQUIREMENT for

    SALVATION to belong to HIS CHURCH as He clearly states at the end of St. Marks Gospel He whobelieves and Is baptized shall be saved, He who believeth not shall be condemned then it wasNECESSARY that He make it a CLEARLY VISIBLE INSTITUTION for men to seek out and find in order tosave their souls otherwise He would be a very unjust God indeed!

    The Vatican II church REMOVED the VALID apostolic sacraments and replaced them with PROTESTANTMASONIC MEAL SUBSTITUTES as documented in a google search of comparison of altars. The V2counterfeit church that has stolen in and taken over what WAS the Catholic Church has set up an altar overand against the altar of God. This is clearly always done even in the OT when the Jews were busy engagingin false worship. The table is NOT of God. The ALTAR is. Now all the so called Christians: not only theVatican II Catholics but also many many protestant sects are busy morphing into Jews and adapting/adoptingJewish worship service, including Jewish holy days and practice and many protestants are busily helping theChrist hating Jews to rebuild the temple. The last time this was attempted by Julian the apostate God

    intervened and destroyed and directly killed many Jews who were working to rebuild it by destroying thefoundations (new ones laid which also blows the wailing wall theory that that is part of their temple still which negates what OUr Lord said about that not a stone would be left unturned) and those who did not diefound that their clothing was emblazoned with crosses which would NOT BE WASHED OUT.

    Protestants and their believe in Jesus and you are sAVED business is Christianity lite. No observing thecommandments to save your soul (IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS), no listening to God theSon where HE called marrying a person while your first spouse still lives adultery, which the last time Ichecked is even in the King James version of their Bible last time I checked all protestants engage in andendorse divorce and remarriage and that is clearly against God the Son. There is also NO REALPRESENCE OF THE EUCHARIST SINCE THEY DO NOT HAVE APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION TOCONSECRATE SAID EUCHARIST INTO THE TRUE BODY, BLOOD SOUL AND DIVINITY OF CHRIST UNLESS A MAN EATS MY FLESH AND DRINKS MY BLOOD HE SHALL NOT HAVE LIFE WITHIN HIM.Jesus gave the KEYS to PETER where is PETER and HIs Successors in the protestant sects? This isentirely LUDICROUS. YOU ALL WERE CATHOLICS TO BEGIN WITH. LOOK AT THE WORLD ALMANACAND SEE WHAT THE AGNOSTICS AND ATHEISTS WHO HAVE NO POLITICAL AX TO GRIND SAY WASTHE CHURCH JESUS STARTED IN 33 A.D. OBVIOUSLY THE MASONS WANTED TO TAKE OVER THETRUE CHURCH IT HAPPENED IN THE MACCHABEES BUT SINCE YOU GUYS TOOK THOSE BOOKSOUT OF YOUR CANON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT YOU CANNOT HAVE THE LIGHT TO SEE THATJUDAS MACCHABEUS STORY IS REPEATING ITSELF AGAIN.


    Msays:October 17, 2010 at 11:25 pm



    Msays:October 17, 2010 at 11:33 pm



    john doee says:

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    February 13, 2011 at 10:51 am

    comparison of altars..i clicked on this ite..and avg reported it as an attack site

    ho humsnide.


    Abrahamsays:May 7, 2009 at 5:08 am

    A total waste of money,etc. With the worldbecoming hotter,better to plant more trees,createparks,ponds,lakes,canal,water fountains so as to make the world cooler.As always political leaders and the toppeople NEVER care about people,except themselves.



    Joseph says:May 7, 2009 at 6:12 am

    That is the stupidest, most ignorant and ill-informed piece of nonsense I have ever seen. Pull your heads out of yourasses and look around you. The world has real problems, not this OMG ILLUMINATEE LOL!!!1 crap.



    itokio says:May 7, 2009 at 6:55 am

    These buildings are seemingly innocent to the untrained eye but once you have knowledge and understanding ofthe occult then it is clear to see how they plant symbolism in your faces every single day. The illuminati does exist,global warming is a farce, government does not give a crap about you, stop leading ignorant lives and go do someresearchit will change your life for the better!





    Kieth says:May 7, 2009 at 7:54 am

    The world is getting cooler, not hotter.. The illuminati are real.. They are planning a NWO. They will be defeatedwhen WE wake up. WE ARE GOD.. but for some reason people cant see. But our numbers are growing as we cansee through the lies. Cant be fooled? People actually believed the world was flat, some believe Columbus

    discovered America.


    nadia says:September 12, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    we are not God do not say that. The illuminati say that they are Gods there is only ONE God our father in theheavens Jehovah (name of God Psalms 83:18) We are his children and we must do what we can do stand upto these fake gods. Wolves in sheeps clothing



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    Lone says:May 7, 2009 at 8:55 am

    excellent piece !

    Check sites as matthewdelooze.uk.co , he has very good insights, how these kind of buildings tap the energy of (unaware ) persons in it, and that energy is directed to the builders goals




    Paulsays:May 7, 2009 at 11:41 am

    you need to go deeper than this.Yahushua said as in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son OfMan and what was He referring to?he was referring to the nephillim or giants that were taking over the world andwere the direct offspring of the sons of God (or fallen angels) having sex with the daughters of men.They are knownas the annukim and they are coming back to earth in another set of serious deceptions which the world doesnt knowabout.The day is coming when the 3rd and 4th dimensions shall merge and the whole wolrd will see what is actuallygoing on in the universe.satans army is huge and Aliens are actually fallen angels that have lost their beauty andare grotesque creatures and we are called to fight these beings with weapons that yaweh has given us.



    Joel S. says:May 7, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Interesting stuff you have here. I plan to return.



    Billsays:May 7, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    In Downtown Johnstown Pennsylvania, on top of the Crown America building is some kind of temple, could beEgyptian. It looks very odd. I will look for a picture. Thank You.



    Michaelsays:May 7, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    I think anybody that cant see whats going on in this wold right now has been deceived by Satan already. Thegovernment has been planning a New World Order for a long time. Like right now, everybody thinks Obama is theAntichrist. I dont think he is. I think hes being used to pave the way for the coming beast. Ive done a little researchon the possible Antichrist. From what I understand The Knights Of Templar stole the Shroud of Turin some how theRoman Catholic Church got a hold of it and gave it to the secret society (Illuminati etc..) and they took the shroud

    and where it had Jesus his blood stains on it, they used the blood stains to clone another Jesus. They put the cloneegg in Princess Diana. So now I think Prince William is the Antichrist. Im I 100% sure about that? No, but if youthink Im crazy go on You Tube, to search and type in Antichrist Is A Clone Beast and watch segments 1-9.



    mandysays:May 7, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    hi.i am only 42 years oldthe scene is being prepared for the return of the antichristrevelationswill come true,theremay be some difficult times ahead,,but i will refuse to worship or receive the markof the beast,and if im to be beheaded..then so be it. i will then have all eternity to sing gods praises.wowgalaxys to explore, i will have foreverunder gods loving care.. it will be a eternity that will be amazing..


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    the high most god, yah is awesome, he is wonderful, he know those whick are is own, he cans themand they answer him.but before eternity can begin all this new world order and antichrist agenda has to happen,may you know or get to know the lord jesus christ he is the only wat to the father, dont let his death bein vain.mandy xx


    Brownhawksays:May 7, 2009 at 6:49 pm

    How thorough has been the suppression of Christs message to humanity as to the nature of the True God, and ofitself. What we need to get our minds around is exactly what this message is that characterizes what is being calledthe Awakening. If we are to truly open our eyes and see, then we MUST move towards understanding themetaphysical overtones implicated by this suppression. We underestimate just how asleep we really have been.

    That which hovers above the pinnacle of the Great Pyramid, referred to as the Luciferian Consciousness of the 4thdimension, is where the real masons dwell. The symbolism of the bricks they use goes beyond it signifying theconstruction of a prison ON the Planet. The prison is the Planet itself, as it has been consensually perceived to be.The actual masonic construct has to do with the containment of Life in matter. Our Truth embodies that which Christtold mankind who and what it really is- expressions of the Divine, with an inherent capability of mastering physicalreality. Justifying death perpetuates a monumental lie, and represents a shirking of our responsibility to Life in waysthat boggle the mind when the Truth is fully understood.

    That we consider this to be mystical, or occult nonsense, simply indicates to what extent we have been duped. Infact, that which makes us dupes carries a definition that is truly astounding, given how we are conditioned toexperience Life in our sleeping states. What has been referred to as a Celestial Error constitutes that Great Lie,under whats auspices Life has been experienced. This experience is characterized by the inhibiting of free-willexpression. As unbelievable as it seems, who we really are has been coerced into a superimposed state of Being,resulting in our having been duplicated. A manufactured deception has put us in a place where we misperceive theTruth of our existence, demonstrated by our containment in matter; where matter is perceived to be authentic, andhaving authority. Ultimately, THIS is what is at the heart of the Spiritual War being waged.

    Mastering physical reality can mean existing in that reality, if you were to so choose. It all depends on what youwould intend to do. This is what ultimately empowers us, and comprises what is being awakened to. It is knowledgethey are desperate to withhold from mankind. The irony is, who they are have the same potential within them toact from Love, and not abuse the power. But by not choosing to match the Divine Intent, thus rejecting Love, theyopted for developing the power to rule over a death-culture, which characterizes Life as weve known it in ourmisperceiving state.



    shepshetsays:May 7, 2009 at 11:23 pm

    There are some things Icke preach that I align with ..like this control grid i.e. the Matrix. But what I despise aboutDavid, is that he like Jordan Maxwell are racist white men. David has been so disrespectful to the AncientEgyptians. He know very little if anything about them and where does he get his info from the likes of ZechariaSitchin whom I wont trust as far as I could throw. You constantly say how the ancients were evil sun-worshippers.FYI the ancient egyptians surpassed by light years anything that you know today. All these symbols like the obeliskswere stolen from Ancient Egypt and while they were in Egypt they were not used negatively like the white man isusing them today. (But watch this same energy come back and kick your arses). So stop beating up on these beingsand address the real issues. All you white men do is beat down the Ancient Blacks but these beings were moreadvanced that you. I know that such knowledge does not align with your superiority complex. What the Ancientsdid with their minds, you have to build a machine to do. Not to worry because theres a shift in Konsciousnessmoving on this planet. David Icke you are no trail-blazer nor enlightened one. There were many before you.



    chiun99 says:May 8, 2009 at 2:05 am


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    Astana anagram for Satana in Russian Satan.


    kazakh says:December 9, 2010 at 11:28 am

    oh please, I am Kazakh and I live in Astana, and you should know that Astana is Kazakh for Capital, so thename of the citizen is literally Capital, btw dont bring Russian into discussion its not our language.

    Read this part backwardsdekcart gnieb ma I kniht I


    kazakh-2says:February 23, 2011 at 7:20 pm

    It is Satana indeed! Nazarbayev and his wife have created a cult and worship some strange Deities.Solai bauylar! Astana Satana is the temple of Satan.


    Brownhawksays:May 8, 2009 at 6:21 am

    Shepset #15,

    Whats with the white man-black man references? This has nothing to do with a legitimate search for Truth, andeverything to do with keeping us distracted in that search.

    Read my post to get a feel for what is really behind this power ; and how it is used as a holding maintainence ofcontainment that stifles our ultimate free-will expression. Open your eyes people!



    shepshetsays:May 8, 2009 at 8:45 am

    @Brownhawk..This black-man-white-man reference has to do with the lies and deceptions that has been dealt tothe Black man at the hands of the white man. And dont tell me about my manufactured reality because you too,may have benefited from this fraud as well. Back in Kemet, the pyramid and the obelisks were not used negatively.Today, these spiritual symbols have been prostituted by the white man, the same man that has brought you and Ithis lie. This is not about collectivism neither, because at the end of this shit, NO white should ever rule anddominate on this planet again. They can return to their draco star from when theyve descended. I say to all blackpeople dont fall for this bullshit. For too long we have been absorbing the negative energy on this planet and withthis shift thats coming now, we NEED to get off hid grid. Return to the teachings of our Ancestors.



    Michaelsays:May 8, 2009 at 4:09 pm

    Brownhawk sounds like you go to the same church Barack Obama went to. And you call us raciest. I pray you findthe truth.



    Michaelsays:May 8, 2009 at 4:51 pm


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    Sorry brownhawk I meant shepshet


    Franksays:May 8, 2009 at 6:59 pm

    What a lot of absolute rubbish.



    Avenueof l igh tsays:May 8, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    this is not why I posted I am not here to argue for it does not ANY good but separation.(divide and conquer). iam not into the rascism issue i KNOW that the Lord separated the nations (cult ures) according to HIS purposeThe ONLY reason I even respond to this is you might do well to study AMEN @ the end of MOST peoplesprayers Represents Horus. the name Amen was added to the SUN-god-man-priest-kings (humanrepresentatives//Pontifex Maximus) of that luciferean sun system from Babylon such as Amenhotep.Amen-Ra(lucifer)This SAME system started in the garden of Eden this male phallus sun worship systemmeant exactly the same THEN as it does now In Luxor// homo //sexual activites are pictured embedded in thewalls. The Temple of Karnac, greatest man-made temple of worship ever built the diety worshiped there

    was""AMEN"". something to ponder and greatly research. FEW grasp this NONE will touch it.Egyptians were from Ham Noahs mother taught her son(ham-black) the black artsand it was restartedimmediately after they landed the research is out there if you seek to really understand and not just a biased andclosed minded view History reveals all the SO CALLED greek gods and godesses were real peopleex:Athena=Eve Illumined sorry to drag on but i thought you needed to know this.



    goldenage2012says:May 9, 2009 at 2:16 am

    I am really getting tired of all these people who think pyramid shapes are evilthat means basically everyskyscraper is evil because the top ends in a pyramid shapeso then the crysler building is evil ? the empire

    state building is evil ? then everybody must be evil because they live in a house with a gable or hip roof ?Are people for real on these sights.does anybody ever study architecture ? who cares if things have solar orlunar or planetary meanings,they always haveevery day of the week was named after a planet..is thatevil too? astana looks like something out of the jetsons..like dubai..are the jetsons evil too ? get a lifepeople



    radoa1 says:May 9, 2009 at 3:05 am

    For those people who believe this stuff, what exactly is the problem, how doesis effect humanity, and what are yourproposed solutions? Please please give me a response if you are good enough.



    countesshoneysays:May 10, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    Avenue, I hear you loud and clear. No, this thing has more to do with man versus Yah than a mere black/white issue,except that the Egyptians were Cushites, black, at first until Ptolemy Dynasty (Cleopatra). Then things went reallyhaywire and there was a lot of selling out at that point. Aside from that small fact, I am not even sure the Egyptianswere the originators of the pyramids and all the knowledge therein, but were merely ordered, taught and followedand did reap enormousbenefits from their willing actions. I nor anyone else can say where this knowledge wasbrought forth from Egypt but the fact is they knew it and used it well thereafter until the Ptolemy Dynasty when all


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    was lost or inverted, I should say.

    What fascinates me more is the Hebrew lineage thereafter and how these peoples heritage, rites and customs werealso inverted and fell into chaos and since have been taken over by strangeness that never was before and that weare now only left with liesIf given a thought maybe what was once in Egypt was usurped as was the Hebrewpeople of yesterday. In any event, I agree with youIt is far more than a black/white issue nowIt is at the verycore of the downfall of whatever we are now which is about to be unrecognizable and immemorable, which is such asad state of affairsor not, depending on how one looks at it.


    Thomas says:May 11, 2009 at 10:35 am

    I am a LEO,I deal with real life everyday and if any of you crazy-ass people come to my town I will shoot you.Ypeople scare the shit out of me.



    damien says:May 11, 2009 at 1:41 pm

    well, these comments go to show that most ppl would rather eat a chicken-tumor sandwich and pleasure themselvesthan rather explore the idea that the holy sheep are being fleeced and fucked. welcome to ferndale.



    Tiki mon says:May 12, 2009 at 8:30 am

    This website and this comment thread bring it home ever more powerfully why Im not religious any more. Theignorance and total lack of critical thinking to be found here is staggering. You have thrown every bit of reason andgood sense out the door so you can believe in your tired old myths. Then you hold up those ancient lies as reasonsto hate and mistrust others. Yep, sounds like a philosophy based on love NOT.

    Religion is the most powerful force for ignorance and evil I have ever heard of.



    Jaredsays:May 12, 2009 at 10:30 am

    Looking at your piece about pyramids, I am reminded of the fiasco surrounding the construction of the MemphisPyramid. Im a Memphis native, though Ive since moved on.

    It was mismanaged from the start by Sidney Shlenker who stole the city and countys money and built somethingsub par. The first big game held there caused a flood when all the toilets were being flushed at the same time byspectators.

    It was used, briefly, as the stadium for the Memphis Grizzlies until their permanent stadium was built a few blocksaway (again at the tax payers expense).

    It stands empty. When I left Memphis, there were talks that Bass Pro Shop might take it over.

    A local film maker used it as his studio for a movie.

    Thats it.

    What goes on there now that there are no official functions?

    Its still open. Someone must be using it.


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    Dave says:May 12, 2009 at 11:47 am

    Great work. Very eye opening, even for people who thought they knew enough about the NWO.



    arexsays:May 12, 2009 at 12:42 pm

    I, for one, WELCOME our new reptilian overlords.



    Phi lsays:May 13, 2009 at 6:35 am

    Truly the most hilarious load of rubbish I have ever heard.

    One world government? They can barely agree on anything already.

    If you omit 99% of the glaring facts on front of you face and focus on a few odd coincidences you may come tothese stupid conclusions but then I suppose its only paranoa until youre proven right.

    Dont hold your breath though my friend.

    PS, instead of being the internet equivalent of the crazy man shouting on a street corner, go and do something tohelp people with some REAL problems in the world. Ill list a few of them quickly.

    1: Poverty2: AIDS3: Political oppressionetc etc.

    You could actually have an effect on real lives if you shifted your bizarre focus.


    kasaksays:January 26, 2011 at 12:56 pm

    Then look at Bilderbergers and their closed door meeting evry year. There are gathereng the most influencialand rich people on earth just to discuss the weather, eh?Think about that see who they are and what they are there from. Daniel Estulin have discussed this topic inEuropean parliament and wrote books about them. You should be wise and not a sheeple as they like to callus.



    mrgerbiksays:May 13, 2009 at 10:32 am

    I agree with the idea that various oligarchies wish to push their agenda (in the myriad of form that entails) upon themasses. I agree we need to be vigilant in confronting any type of injustice, oppression and 4th world policies . Wecant stand by and allow a few privileged people to decide the fate of our race without OUR input and knowledge.

    I understand (to the best of my knowledge) the mechanics what I dont necessarily agree with is completedisregard of evry symbol and idea as being evil just because it generally falls under the same umbrella as occult.Occult really just means in secret. It dosen`t mean evil.


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    There is a lot to be learned from mystery teachings so please try and open up, BALANCE yourself and dont bequick to throw the baby out with the bath water. If we wish to become REAL we need to look and truly study all sides whether we like it or not.


    Vigilantsays:May 13, 2009 at 11:22 am

    ^ Good Point. Occult teachings reveal the real beauty of our world and our true nature as human beings. Thewhole point of these articles is to encourage people to leave their state of ignorance to pursue their ownresearch.

    It is true that occult means secret. But occult implies hidden from the masses partly because thoseteachings are a source of power. While the mysteries were apparently used for good in ancient times, theirapplications in our modern days seem to have taken a sinister turn. Ancient Egypt fell off due to the perversionof their sacred knowledge. Is the same thing happening now?


    countesshoneysays:May 13, 2009 at 3:38 pm

    VigilantExcellent Point and one with which I fully concur as in my own statement above. Those of us who readthings of this nature and and come up with a conclusion of hogwash only show that they have not studied and donot know the full matters of what is entailed in the workings of the world and its planned affairs. I have learned tokeep my knowledge to myself and not cast it to swine. These matters take study. They take thought and it is quite asacrifice. I am not here to change the world, only further my own knowledge.



    mark radowickisays:May 16, 2009 at 5:31 am

    the masses punk off the on coming 2012 where satans right hand man shall try to rule the earththe masses are

    distracted by media and self indulgence in entertainment and instant gratification.Satans right hand man is alreadsyrunning the Usa and paving the way to a new world order which translates into mass slavery masked byobodiance.We are trylly doomed as the begininng of the end has started.



    Christsays:May 17, 2009 at 9:51 am

    I have never seen something as sinister as this city in my life.



    Kazakhs tan..why all t he no ise? seeker401says:May 18, 2009 at 12:20 am

    [...] i was also forwarded this link from zippydmm at wiredpirate: http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=421 [...]



    Michael Archangelsays:May 25, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    I have watched a lot of Christian films on the rapture. And how a lot of people are bamboozled by the governmentsand their illusions to form a One World Government. By some of the peoples comments on here and you know who


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    you are, your brain washed already. Now you can comment on what I have just written and call me everything in thebook, a crazy Christian, a radical, etc. It doesnt matter. All it proves to me that what Jesus, and John said is righton. In the bible it talks about in the last days, there would be scoffers and people turning away from the faith. I seethat right now. Avenue of Light is trying to warn people that the end of age is near. Jesus Christ is about to return.And some of you.. scoffers calling him names, saying all this is rubbish and hogwash. If you dont believe in whathe says and too ignorant to check it out, thats not our problem. Were not the one who will be left behind, we wontbe the one who will have to face the Antichrist, we wont be the ones who will have to face the plagues and Godswrath who ever takes the mark of the beast. So you scoffers laugh it up, call us names. Bing it on.


    hmmmm says:June 1, 2009 at 11:53 pm

    Very interesting, however this NWO thoelogy is only swapping one theology for the others,in this case 17 others asthis site mentioned. What is even more interesting is that people posting to this site appear very superstitious andare qouting how people are bambozzled by the NWO. I hate to break it to the Christians and other religions but yourfear of people being bamboozled is a strange one since you yourself have been bamboozled by religions and havingimaginary friends in the sky for thousands of years.

    It doesnt matter whether it is a NWO pyramid or a cross or a crescent moon it all represents one thing..CONTROLof the sheep. Fear fear and fearend of days blah blah blah. Do some historic (non Bible) study and you will find

    that all the semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) all originally came from SUN worship and paganism,hence Easter and so forth..

    Lets face it, the world is at war due to religion, always has been and always will be. Surely getting away from all thedifferent types of religions and only having one which is essentially an ancient one, older than Christianity andarguably where Christianity came from is a good thing. Surely the above qoute is startelingly accurate:

    When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and whenthe state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance mustbe transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, and fear into love

    In the words of Carl Sagan man needs to free himself from his Demon haunted past Man needs a new level ofconsciousness, a renaissance, a move away from the primative superstiions of old. Should we be free? Yes weshould, should we be free to worship yes, so long as it is informed and stands up to open scrutiny, something that

    organised religion is not familiar with. And, remember that liberty and freedom of choice was given by the laws ofman not the laws of religion.




    Bad Bloodsays:June 2, 2009 at 4:30 am

    Well the crazy towers definitely have Sacred Geometry features. The capitol means literally temple. Dont see thestandard obelisk phallic symbol yet. I believe the name Astana is a variant of Ishtar or Astar or Astarte Goddess?

    How were tipped off to this locale and its occult origins? Great research!!

    Some other known occult places:





    Bad Bloodsays:June 2, 2009 at 4:31 am



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    Salty Bob says:June 6, 2009 at 1:46 pm

    Ack! Id better add another couple of layers to my tinfoil hat!



    Daan Zonderlandsays:June 6, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    Great stuff. Truly excellent material. If someone would have tried to think this all up, for a plot in a bad novel, or avery mediocre sitcom, it would have been classified as a Mission Impossible.Its wonderful to see that Internet provides in a niche that is so hard to fill: A harmless way to to occupy the thederanged minds that would otherwise have populated the streets of the civilized world. Thank you, thank you, thankyou. Oh and, thanks for StumleUpon, without which I would never have found this gem, this masterpiece ofcontemporary prose.

    You guys sure made my day

    @Salty Bob: How many layers would you recommend?Im guessing 8 or 9 layers should suffice?



    Malaclypse the Youn gersays:June 6, 2009 at 5:06 pm

    I must warn you to cease and desist this dangerous libel immediately. All these buildings are merely an attempt toenlighten humanity, their is no secret order behind this, just an attempt to educate the foolish masses. If you do notremove these flaccid lies we will be forced to wield our considerable power (thats what he said). Fear our hail ofapples as it will be sudden and surprising.

    Long Live Discordia!

    (Weve got out all seeing eye on you!!!)



    Steve Borkow skisays:June 20, 2009 at 10:40 am

    Does anyone agree that President Nazarbayev is on the right track in his efforts to have dialogues between all theleaders of the worlds religion like the one scheduled for July 1 and 2? I have been workiong for 26 years to get theUN to back a disclaimer before any religious teaching in schools. For example, Since God has never been proven tobe a fact, what is said is just a belief of a God we believe exists. The idea is to prevent a certainty of belief making itmore a truth than facts as we know them in reality based on empirical data. This is my reason for being an agnosticDeist which allows me to state that no one knows more about God than I do-and I know nothing about God, Pleaseprove me wrong. Steve Borkowski of Hutchinson Island, Jensen Beach, Fl



    Nicolae says:June 27, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    In 1492, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, foradvice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion.2 This was the reply:


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    Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortuneswhich you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.

    The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:

    1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.

    2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that theymay despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.

    3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that theymay take away Christians lives.

    4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that theymay destroy their churches. [Emphasis mine]

    5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and seethat they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world andbe avenged on them.

    6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are,you will reach the actuality of power.


    2. The reply is found in the sixteenth century Spanish book, La Silva Curiosa, by Julio-Iniguez de Medrano (Paris,Orry, 1608), on pages 156 and 157, with the following explanation: This letter following was found in the archives ofToledo by the Hermit of Salamanca, (while) searching the ancient records of the kingdoms of Spain; and, as it isexpressive and remarkable, I wish to write it here. vide, photostat facing page 80.

    ~ The above was quoted from Waters Flowing Eastward by Paquita de Shishmareff, pp. 73-74


    Is Kazakhs tan th e Seat of Satan? seeker401says:June 29, 2009 at 10:38 pm

    [...] references an article titled Sinister Sites Astana, Khazakhstan, which is A MUST READ because it shedssome light on this curious futuristic city with definite [...]



    sitting in theatersays:July 1, 2009 at 11:00 pm

    It seems that most readers of this article are like the people sitting in the theater on the lowest level of the pyramid.Looking at their comments, they have no idea about the occult and are arrogant and ignorant. The people sittingabove them must be laughing their ass of about their dumbness. I think this dumbness is not just because their braindoes not work. Its also a choice. A choice to be a coward and let this world go to hell.



    not sitting in the theatersays:July 1, 2009 at 11:09 pm

    Hi Steve Borkowski,

    I got saved many times in miraculous ways from certain death. For me thats enough proof that god excists.



    N in Van says:50.

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    July 3, 2009 at 12:39 am

    This is a well researched and interesting article. I think it would be interesting to see if there are any astrotheologicalconnections to any of these buildings. If Nazarbayev has used Masonic principles in their location and design areany of them located at certain degrees of latitude and longitude that are favored by Masons?

    I also find it interesting that this nations resources have been used for these abstract and oddly symbolic buildings.It is curious for a nation that supposedly has a majority Muslim population these structures reflect no elements orprinciples of that faith. Could it this be a return to the ancient religions that used all of their nations resources tobuild temples of worship that were only meant for the elite? I also find the buildings (temples) that have recently built

    in Dubai have weird mythology and symbolism that is a total paradox to the Muslim faith of that nation. I think theelite are sparing no expense or resource to ensure that the whole has temples to their gods. The movie Babylon A.D. shows how a neo-pagan could arise in the world.

    We constantly hear about the new environmental or green ethos of the world yet the planet has been razed to buildthese towering structures. I think the elites want to show they have control of the world and display their dominionover the planet. I think Dubai where the desert has been reshaped to become a great playground in the desert, andKazakhstan are the most recent examples of these neo-pagan centers of worship.


    YungSage says:July 6, 2009 at 9:26 am

    Well I guess allot of these viewers are the ones attending the opera house basement..



    killuminatorsays:July 6, 2009 at 10:59 am

    greatly stupid people do greatly stupid things. Nature will not remember them



    Avenueof l igh tsays:July 6, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    The movie: 2012.

    The Illuminati CONtrol Holly wood. check this outreal significant.

    The Katholic Church tells everyone THIS IS the Great Chastisement; they will blame GOD for this claiming HE isangry against man. Man WILL believe it. It IS a total lie!

    This IS EXACTLY what the Scriptures teach IS going to happen and notice the tsunami at the end??????possibly from the mountain sized planetary fallout named:(WORMWOOD)!!!!!!! HMMMMMM! this is big news..real big news. opening date (of this movie)? November (11) 13th.




    Thomas Jennings says:July 8, 2009 at 6:40 am

    As the Jews rejected the one true God, so does the world reject His one True Church. The Roman Catholic Churchis not synthetic but God made. The origins of this institution is Heaven and brought down to us by God made manand its greatest character is charity, the one True Church constantly preaches detachment from the temporal worldand demands that God is glorified every Sunday, the day God Made man rose from the dead and the day Hebrought His Church of Heaven down to earth (R C C). Since then all who reject Christ and His Mystical Body (RCC)


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    have conspired to destroy Her presence on earth and to assassinate Her character. none more than the syntheticman made protestant cults. The corner stone of Catholicism is Love, Charity and sacrifice. The corner stone ofLutherism is lust power and greed, the corner stone of Anglicanism is MURDER, lust and greed. For these falseforms of Christianity to succeed they have had to omit certain sections of Holy Scripture- take a look at the book ofMacahabees! but the one means of union with all the protestant sects is their hatred of the God made Catholicchurch. The world rejected the one True Christ it must also reject His Holy institution The Roman Catholic Church.They point one finger at Rome but three poin directly at them selves!


    billsays:September 20, 2010 at 2:12 pm



    Msays:October 17, 2010 at 11:48 pm

    Thank you for making this point the ONLY thing that unites the various protestant sects in their varyingdogmas and doctrines are (1) their united HATRED of the Catholic Church which includes the charge, in

    spite of centuries of evidence that Catholic priests have cast out devils successfully when many protestantministers could NOT (see the true story of the Wizard Clip from early US history) necessarily making theCatholic Church the receiver of the same kinds of insults that Our Blessed Lord received from the apostateJews By the prince of devils He casts out devils! (2) their united HATRED of the Blessed Virgin Mary (3)their UNITED hatred of Peter and his perpetual successors to whom ALONE Christ gave the power to bindand loose in HIs name and authority (4) their united PRESUMPTION that God will let them into Heaven aslong as they do what Luther advocated and SIN BOLDLY BUT BELIEVE MORE BOLDLY ignoring what OurLord said Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but HE WHO DOESTHE WILL OF MY FATHER i.e. meaning KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS oh, last time I checked thereare a heck of a lot of protesants who are freemasons Billy Graham notoriously 33rd degree according to JimShaws book THE DEADLY DECEPTION, Pat Robertson (Oh, the Lord is healing this person of theirheadache right now!) with his lions paw on some national magazine cover and his Illuminati point within acircle in one of his books on every page, Paul Crouch of TBN, and some dubious relationships like the

    LaHayes of the Left Behind series and their pussyfooting with the Moonies, etc. Dr. James Wardner exposedjust how many protestant ministers are listed in the Masonic book 10,000 FAMOUS FREEMASONS. Entirehordes of various sects have their clergy full of them. Indeed, my friend used to play the organ in a Baptistchurch where the minister was pestering her, in spite of her being a lapsed Catholic, to join Jobs Daughters!



    Msays:October 17, 2010 at 11:53 pm



    Bannd1 says:July 14, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    Astana is sinister compared with what? If this city is sinister, what is dexter? Can you give examples of things whichare the opposite of sinister?

    How do you decide what is sinister and what isnt? Is it just how you feel about it, or do you have explicit reasons forputting something in one category or the other?


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    ChildOfGodsays:July 26, 2009 at 3:07 pm

    Look up Sabbath in the dictionary. The Sabbath is on Saturday.

    And thats FAR from all. http://www.666truth.org



    blabla says:July 27, 2009 at 7:12 am

    Why this negroidal song apotheosis of the Kazakh capital is sung in Russian, pure Russian with no foreign accentis a mistery



    ZOGnightmare says:July 27, 2009 at 7:13 am

    Why this negroidal song apotheosis of the Kazakh capital is sung in Russian, pure Russian with no foreign accentis a mistery



    Yurisays:July 27, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    It seems the infection of rap is spreading.Those sounds grate on the mind of a genuine white man.



    OTODudeRanch says:July 28, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    Wow! That has got to be one of the most beautiful modern cities I have ever seen. Stunning architecture for sure. Ican see the symbolism, yes, but I really dont find much of it sinister or disturbing. Masonic architecture is scatteredall over the world, especially here in the US. People just dont realize what they are looking at. My grandfather was amason and I have all of his masonic jewelry and other items. Its interesting stuff, for sure. Im not sure what everpossessed the man to become a mason, but whatever. I dont remember him being sinister in any way or performingstrange rituals, but he wasnt a high ranking member either as far as I know. Im very interested in your work,vigilant. Keep it up and keep posting it for us to check out. By the way, there is a TON of masonic inspiredarchitecture right here in the city I live in, in Montana. Used to be a masonic paradise in its early years and still is,really. It once had more millionaires per capita than any other city in the world, on account of the gold mines which ishow it became a city in the first place. The first masonic meeting to ever take place on the continental divide took

    place near here on Mullan Pass in the 1860s. Its not well marked but us locals know the spot. Theres a monumentthere in reference to it. This, in the high country of the Rocky Mountains of Montana and in an extremely rural place.Its a very creepy, lonely site. I ought to take pics of it for you. I think youd be interested. Check out some of theother architecture in our city on the net if you like. Youll see what Im talking about. Hint: we are the capital city ofMontana state. Thanks and keep up the good work.



    catholic_for_life says:July 29, 2009 at 2:55 pm

    The Crazy Towers look like the ashlars in the National Memorial you describe elsewhere.


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    Thanks for taking the trouble to educate us on these truly disturbing occurrances. It is clear that, for many decades,those in power have used ugliness and lack of symmetry to create a feeling of unease in public places. This citymakes me think I am in the middle of an Ayn Rand novel. (Yikes!)

    Our only defense is prayer.



    August 1, 2009 at 10:36 pm

    I found this article interesting, but not convincing. Upon finishing it, I randomly went to this link


    This is a snippet from the penultimate paragraph:

    The International Research Exchanges Board (IREX) is an internationally recognized organization whosemultifarious programs are all intended to nurture A NEW WORLD ORDER and provide the ideal environment forsustainable development and meaningful collaboration. There are a number of fellowships and scholarships suitedto those students and professionals with study abroad requirements in Kazakhstan

    IREX incidentally are not quite so brazen on their own website about their intentions, but the allusion is still there!


    IREX is an international nonprofit organization providing leadership and innovative programs to improve the qualityof education, strengthen independent media, and foster pluralistic civil society development.



    Interestingsays:August 12, 2009 at 1:51 pm

    To explain a bit further, there are 3 US bodies offering scholarships to Kazakhstan:

    1. IREX are funding scholarships in Kazakhstan. The Title VIII Special Initiatives Fellowship program, maintains U.S.expertise in the regions and brings open source, policy-relevant research to the service of the U.S. Government.

    1. American Councils for International Education is internationally funded and focused on providing collaborativeeducational opportunities for advanced projects between American and Eastern European scholars: Topics must besocio-political in nature. Up to $35,000 is available for fellowships compare that to the average fellowship of $3K!

    3. US federal government. Their main interest is in training the next level of security personnel and fund the David L.Boren Scholarships. This is a scholarship for service program which means once youve graduated you will beexpected to repay the government in kind: with a term of service in national security ideally putting your newknowledge to work. Those chosen may receive up to $25,000 for a year of study abroad.

    Thats a whole lot of money and brains being thrown at Borats Kazakhstan for the use of the US government, CIAand NWO agenda led IREX! Why could this be? As the College Study Abroad website says, Kazakhstan lies

    smack-dab in the middle of Eurasia, abutting China, Russia and a few other -stans: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and underscoring its position to the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan are just south ofthese. Historically, Kazakhstan takes up what might be referred to as the cradle of humanity, that region of the worldwhere it is believed most of the worlds civilizations first were spawned and spread forth. Does this translate aswhen, historically, there was just one government mechanism operating on Earth? Maybe, maybe not.

    The CIA have done a whole study of the Stans entitled, Long-Term Scenarios for the Central Asian, Caucasus,And Caspian Region Suggest a Pessimistic Future. The purpose of the report was to assess a range of potentialfutures that the CIA envision for the region. A year was dedicated to consulting experts to arrive at a set of plausibleoutcomes for 2015 and what the US can do to steer these outcomes to a more beneficial result for them. In effectdriving the future of a whole region that is not theirs to command control of. That said, all governments have amanipulative role in forging the destiny of nations whether theyre successful or not depends on how accurateand


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    comprehensive their analyses are. By why 2015?


    Avenueof l igh tsays:August 21, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    Everyone SHOULD BE FULLY AWARE..without question, doubt or uncertainty. read what Manly P. Hall secondonly to Albert Pike the Grand Commander of Freemasonry. Soon as I saw this LONG AGO I put it away UNTIL i put

    up my site. It is from my site(page 2). Really ponder these words How much plainer can it be?Not only were many of the founders of the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a (secretand august body) existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for A PECULIAR ANDPARTICULAR PURPOSE known only to the initiated few.

    The Great Seal is the Signature of this exalted body, unseen and for the most part unknown; and the unfinishedpyramid upon its reverse side is a trestleboard setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which theUnited States Government was dedicated (from the day of its inception)Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pp. XC and XCI

    This exalted body is none other than the Jesuit Order of Priests! Who alone answer to the Superior General Of TheJesuit Order; Adolfo Nicholas(Black Pope).If you really want to see how Luciferean Satanism is all over the mail meyour address in an envelope)adress is on my site and i will send you a free dvd which has the Head of the

    U.N. stating all will worship lucifer or not enter the N.W.O.(Novus ordo Seclorum) which is another name for RomanKatholocism aka SUNworship! Do some real searching thru my site look up Project Vatican. Look up theGreat Chastisement all the traditionalists await! But they also have Lucifer//satan deceived! Shows Hinn,Copeland, Hagee, etc verbally, visibly, audibly hailing satan before their followers UNaware! The Amero. thecapstone (their Great Work and Grand Design) IS attached. Look at the aerial photo from the Smithsonion I haveof the satanic pentagram of Washington D.C.s street design! Come ON! do some digging I have a lot ofinformation there. the ankh(ribbon) on the cars(support our troops) represents reincarnation. Time IS @ Hand!



    JB says:August 26, 2009 at 2:27 am

    Best way of hiding the details from anybody is to make them feel they know it.

    I have read many articles at your site, though you are spot on some of the facts, you seem to totally miss out onmany many facts (or dont really ask deeper questions) concerning that. Of course, it is not possible for me tohighlight my POV here, it is just to be taken.

    BTW, this article on Astana is very interesting. But the Conference hall and its lighting comment (!) pls give me abreak!!!



    Another Catholic for life says:September 10, 2009 at 2:57 am

    I just found this site to day great work! Love this site!!!I second that question why have a Total Recall hand print for the president?What purpose does it serve or symbolize?

    Side note Avenueoflight is an agent of the Talmud. Your site is a honorable mess of half truths and conjecture. Siteyour verifiable proof and evidence next time you try to post suppositions. The message you preach and the liesyou portray only cause division but I guess that was your intention.

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon;where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy;O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to


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    understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it isin dying that we are born to eternal life.

    Blessed be Jesus Christ the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit


    sls21 says:September 21, 2009 at 10:17 am

    Ive been studying these occult symbolisms for a while and the Millenium Park in Chicago has some interestingthings in it. One of them is a giant silver bean that nobody really knows what its for. Does Chicagos Millenium Parkhave some masonic meanings to it?



    sls21 says:September 21, 2009 at 10:34 am

    I usually dont post comments to others when I leave my questions or comment, BUT WTF!!!!! are you talking aboutAnother Catholic for life? First of all, I read your comment and you started off loving the site,(first paragraph), thenyou call the site out for lies (second paragraph), lastly you End with a huge prayer(third paragraph). Are you on




    The Vigi lant Ci tizen DATACHURCHsays:September 21, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    [...] Gems: Astana, Kazakhstan Sim City of the 21st Century [...]



    C. Sittersays:September 21, 2009 at 7:06 pm

    Dear Editor of Vigilantcitizen.com

    For the past 4 days it has been quite difficult to get on your website. In order to get this page one has to google yoursite, then click on cache this site. Do look into what could potentially be the cause of this because this has beenexperienced by others as well.

    Thank you for your work.Sincerely,Isis



    Mark86says:October 22, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    If you contemplate in Fig. ,



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    astel inasays:October 26, 2009 at 6:57 am

    as a citizen of this new capital i may tell all of u that ur comments about Astana architector just a silly chats. thatsall. u better not read too much fantastic books but live ur own life. everyone has dreams and our President made hisdream come true. and coz of this dream lots of people now have jobs and new working places in Asnata. othervisehere could be still be a small town unnown to anyone. we just proud of our president and that he made this decisionto create a new city on the open territory of steppes. u have no rights to tell jokes of the mane of Astana as thename came from Kazakh language and doesnt