nw2014 diabetic macular edema treatment options

The Current Treatment Options for DME ,in Brief Nawat watanachai CMU 01, 2014

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ways to treat diabetic macular edema, in brief


Page 1: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

The Current Treatment Options for

DME , in Brief

Nawat watanachaiCMU

01, 2014

Page 2: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

treatment options for DME




new comers

Page 3: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

Laser treatment



focal/ grid laser to microaneurysms or area ofDME

Page 4: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

laser + antiVEGF


prospective trial

comparing standard laser to combination wit h Lucentis or steroid

VA : laser + Lucentis > laser alone

Page 5: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

laser + antiVEGF


randomized control

VA : Lucentis/ Lucentis+laser > laser

1 yr : Lucentis(7inj) = Lucentis + laser

2 39yrs : Lucentis( . inj) = Lucentis( 35. inj) + laser

Page 6: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

laser + antiVEGF


Asian population

similar to RESTORE

1at yr 1at yr Lucenti s

Lucentis+laser laserlaser


S letter)

5+ .5+ .99

5+ .5+ .77


no of injection 7878 74.74. --

Page 7: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

antiVEGF mono therapyLucentis

RISE and RIDE trials

- double masked, sham controlled, multicenttt

Lecentis monthly 0.3mg, 0.5mg, sham

24mths duration + additional Rx throug t ttt3 6

after 3 mtgs : rescue laser could apply

Page 8: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

antiVEGF mono therapyLucentis


24mths24mths tttttttt 0.30.3 05. mg05. mg

ttttttt > 15 gain (%) 181181 448448 392392

tttttttt t (%) 1111 00 0808

Page 9: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

antiVEGF mono therapyLucentis


24mths24mths tttttttt 0.30.3 05. mg05. mg

ttttttt > 15 gain (%) 123123 336336 457457

tttttttt t (%) 123123 1616 1616

Page 10: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

antiVEGF mono therapyLucentis


24mths : macular laser procedures needed

sham1 .8 ,1 .6

l ucent i s 0308


august 2012 : USFDA approved 0.3mg Lucentis f or DME Rx

Page 11: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

antiVEGF mono therapyAvastin

tttt tttttt

125. mg Avastin VS laser

- - non ischemic center involving Ctt t

12mths : median VA (ETDRS let t er s)

8Avastin: +

- 05laser : .

Page 12: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New Comers


- sustain released dexamethasone intravitreal implant

22G needle

last 6 mths

FDA approved for

BRVO/CRVO associated ME

- non infectious uveitis

Page 13: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New Comers Dexa implant


Haller J, Kuppermann B, Blumenkranz M.

Randomized Controlled Trial of an Intravitreous Dexamethasone Drug Deliver ySysteminPatientsWi t h Di abet i c Macul ar Edema. Ar ch Opht hal mol 2 0 1 0

persistent DME > 90d, 171 eyes

observation VS Ozurdex 350mcg, 700mcg

6 mths : BCVA improved > 10 letter

23observe %

350 19Ozurdex mcg %

Ozurdex 700 mcg 30%

6 700mths : CRT, FA leakage also better in the mcg groups

Page 14: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New Comers Dexa implant


Boyer D, Faber D, Gupta S, et al. Dexamethas one Intravitreal Implant for Treatment of Diab etic Macular Edema in Vitrectomized Patients.

Retina 2011

700improved VA and CRT with the mcg impl ant

Page 15: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New Comers fluocinolone implant

I l uvei n

ttttttttt-ttttttt tttttttttttt tttttttttttt implant

25G needle

- 253last . yrs

Page 16: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New Comers fluocinolone implant


tttt ttttt

prospective randomized trial

3 yrs data

02 05. mcg/d, . mcg/d, sham

Page 17: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New Comers fluocinolone implant


FAME study

3 yrs : >15 letters gain

02 287. mcg/d . %

05 278. mcg/d . %

1 8.9%

all phakic developed cataract

48 81glaucoma Sx . and . %

approved for treating DME in Europe

not in the USA

Page 18: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New ComerEylea

Eylea (Aflibercept)

- FDA approved for AMD

recombinant fusion protein comprising the - key VEGF binding domains of human VEGF

receptors 1 and 2

higher binding affinity versus Lucentis/ Avttttt

Page 19: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New ComerEylea

Eylea (Aflibercept)

Da Vinci trial : phase II

- center involving DME : 5 groups

eylea 0.5mg q 4 wks

eylea 2 mg q 4 wks

eylea 2 mg mthly for 3X, then q 8 wks

eylea 2 mg mthly for 3X, then as needed


Page 20: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

New ComerEylea

Da Vinci trial : phase II

1 yr 1 yr

05. mg 05. mg

q 4 wks

2mg 2mg

q 4 wks

2mg for 2mg for 3 8X, thenq wk 3 8X, thenq wk


2mg for 2mg for 3x, the 3x, the

t tttt ttttttttttttt

mean B CVA (lett

ers)110+ .110+ . 131+ .131+ . +9.7+9.7 120+ .120+ . 13+ .13+ .

15gain> letters (

%)409.409. 455.455. 238238 422.422. 114.114.

Mean CR T (mcn)






Page 21: Nw2014 Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment Options

the time to evolve is NOW!!

- 20after > yrs, macular focal/grid laser monotherapy is now called into question as ttt tttt tttttttt tttttttt- ttttttttt tt tttttt ttt tttttttt tt tttt ttt tttttttt tttttt-ttttttttt ttt tt tttt-tttt therapy, par t i cul ar l y r ani bi zumab wi t h or wi t hout l aser t r eat ment- tt tttt-tttt ttttttt ttttttt ttttttt tttttt tttttt ttttttttt tt ttt tttttttt t’,tttt tttttttttt- ttt ttttt tttt ttttttttt ttttttttt tttttttt ttt ttt tt tt ttttttttttt

- mont hl y i nj ect i on- tt-tttttt- ttttttt“ ”

- tt ttttttttttt tttttt tttt ttt tttt ttt tttt ttttttt tt ttt tttttttttt tttt tt ni bi zumab monot her apy had a l ower pr ogr essi on t o pr ol i f er at i ve r et i nopat hy t h

tt ttt tttt ttt- Bevacizumabr emai n r eadi l y avai l abl e al t er nat i ves t o r ani bi zumab.

- The role of aflibercept has yet to be established but its Phase II data demonstrates promising effitttt ttt tttttt- - - The extended release steroid devices are intriguing for post vitrectomized eyes or potentially for rtttttttt ttttt tt tt t