nutrition, behavior health, and behavior change: rethinking the current model of health presentation...

Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N.

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Page 1: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of HealthPRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N.

Page 2: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

My Philosophy

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition”- Thomas Edison

Page 3: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

Nutrition Defined

Nutrition refers to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

Overall, Nourishment

Page 4: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

What does nutrition have to do with behavior health?

- The body runs on the nutrients we consume.

- The bioavailability of nutrients is based on the quality of food.

- Essential Nutrients are needed to maintain life.

- The brain is only as good as the food consumed.

- Malnutrition also affects mental health.

- Proper nourishment as well as lack of proper nourishment affects the workings of the brain.

Page 5: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

Where do we get this nourishment?

- Three main sources of nourishment aka energy


Fats Proteins

Page 6: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N


- A main energy source for the body. - Converts to glucose, then stored in the muscle and liver tissue as glycogen- Able to penetrate blood-brain barrier to provide energy to the brain.- Different types convert differently and affect the brain

- Simple carbohydrates- One or two sugars Converts to blood sugar easier

- Complex carbohydrates- Three or more sugars Takes longer to convert to blood sugar

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Processed Carbohydrates

- Too much sugar or refined carbohydrates at one time can actually deprive the brain of glucose

- Refined carbohydrates lacks basic nutrients needed for digestion

- Cause insulin release=hormone dysregulation= potential mood disorder

- Refined, processed, cheap, stimulating

Much like something else

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A slow digesting energy source converted to free fatty acids that the body and mind can use once glycogen stores begin to run low. - Saturated- Unsaturated- Trans-fat

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Saturated and Unsaturated

- Mental and physical health

- Necessary for production of myelin

- Sustained source of energy

- Helps maintain hormone homeostasis

- Needed for absorption of essential vitamins and minerals

- Satisfying, reduces cravings for nutrient deprived foods

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Trans Fats, Flours, Sugars, Various Chemicals

- Packaged food items

- Fast food items

- Candy, soda, sugary drinks of any type, fruit juices, fruit snacks, etc.

- Margarine and hydrogenated oils

- High Fructose Corn Syrup (worse than sugar)

- Take place of nutrient dense food

- Anti-nutrients, free radicals, inflammation

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- This food substance is used by the entire body and mind at the cellular level. - Amino Acids - Sustain blood sugars- Nitrogen balance- Neurotransmitters

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- Serotonin (tryptophan)

- Contentment, satisfaction, overall definition of happiness, engaged interests

- Norepinephrine (Tyrosine)

- Stress hormone, attention and responding actions, fight-or-flight response, directly increasing heart rate, reduce neuroinflammation

- Dopamine (Tyrosine or phenylalanine)

- Helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centers, helps regulate movement and emotional responses, people with low dopamine activity may be more prone to addiction

Page 13: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

Eating for Success

- More attentive

- Improved retention

- Increase positive outlook

- Feel better/look better

- Increased Self esteem

- Less stress on the body

- Processed food not a necessity

- Less medication, better absorption Just a day at the park!

Page 14: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

Body in Balance

- Homeostasis, body runs more efficiently

- All nutrients utilized in efficient system

- Vitamins and minerals utilized in balance with each other

- The brain burns most of our daily caloric intake

- The regulation of bodily functions

- metabolism and sustaining life uses almost all energy consumed

- Too much of any one nutrient can disrupt the delicate balance of the body

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Supplements, too much of a good thing

- Imbalances aren’t just a deficiency

- Too much of any single nutrient can be problematic

- Certain nutrients balance each other:

- When one goes up, other needs to go up as well

- Nutrients regulate each other

- Liver and kidneys struggle

- Difficult to know contents

- Difficult to absorb

- Can be ineffective versus whole food sources

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Easy Right?

Proper nutrients are needed for each and every cell!

Page 17: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

Out of Whack aka Substance Abuse

-What does happen when the body is out of whack?

- Deficiencies/toxicities occur

- Body unable to perform daily functions properly

- Illnesses, inflammation, psychosis, increased rate of neural degeneration

- Body corrodes

- Chronic fatigue/pain

- Medication induced deficiency


- Substance Induced Mental Health Symptoms

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Mental Health Symptoms in Treatment

- Schizophrenia

- Depression

- Anxiety

- Bipolar Disorder

- Eating disorders


- Personality Disorders

- Others?

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- What causes someone to use in the first place?- Escape- Others?

- Why continued use?- Physiological need

- Once craving substance, best method to help quit?- Coping skills, new behaviors- brain and body health needed!

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Why the body craves?

Think of a pizza

Kind of like this!

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Pizza vs. Drug Use

- Stimulation

- Rewarding to my brain

- Relaxing (emotional)

- Nostalgic

- Hunger?

- Continued use

- Trouble stopping

- Hunger hormones


Page 22: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

Pizza vs. Drug Use

- Rewarding

- Stimulating

- Pleasurable

- Relaxing

- Bringing back old memories

- Emotions (positive and negative)

- Withdrawal


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Mental Health and Substance Use

- Chicken or the egg

- Self-medication

- Maladaptive coping skill

- Symptom management

- Justifying

- Drug use imbalance vs natural imbalance by brain with mental health symptoms vs nutrient deficiencies

- Difference?

Page 24: Nutrition, Behavior Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health PRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N

How Nutrition Can Help

- Fulfill deficiencies/prevent toxicities

- Fulfill cravings, increased life satisfaction

- Sustain homeostasis

- Whole food sources are rich in necessary nutrients for the body to recover from day to day breakdown

- Improved cognitive ability (Maslow’s Hierarchy)

- Increased self esteem (knowledge, control, body)

- Assist in digestion and absorption of medication

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Treatment with Nutrition*

- Axis I (Proper nutrition can assist treatment of symptoms of major mental health as well as aid in medication absorption or possibly eradicate altogether)

- Axis II (Proper nutrition can aid in emotional regulation)

- Axis III (Physiologically the body can recover more efficiently with nutrient needs met)

- Axis IV (Many of these problems can be alleviated with preventative health measures or while in treatment help the person better handle stress)

- Axis V (GAF score increases significantly as mind and body feel better)

*Note here that side effects are minimal utilizing nutrition in treatment

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Give me a few reasons why not?


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Other Side of the Coin

- Counselors

- Staff

- Directors

- CFOs

- Psychiatrist

- Psychologist

- MDs/GPs

- Peers

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Behavior Change Needed

- Counseling techniques to enforce belief in nutritional therapy

- Nutritional Therapist with own treatment plan

- Learning and applying CBT/DBT skills

- Positive reinforcement

- Nutrition education

- Less treatment interference

- Physical and mental

- Increased structure

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From A to B

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Reinforce the Facts

- Body needs balance

- Nutrients run the body as efficiently as possible

- Proper nutrition accounts for any deficiencies in body and mind

- Proper nutrition encourages structural health of brain

- Alleviate MH symptoms, increase likelihood of staying sober, Improve quality of life

- Assist with medication effectiveness

- Increase self esteem

- Education is empowering


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- Food is needed to live!

- Further research is needed on effects of nutrition and mental health

- Belief that this current model of treatment can change

- Better budget analysis needed to determine higher cost of food vs detrimental effects of poor eating/med management/low self esteem/medical issues

- Disease/mental health symptoms can be prevented/treated

- Processed food can kill more people than any drug, what we choose to eat as either clinicians or clients has a direct effect on this

- The brain is built on what we consume. No essential nutrients= No essential functions= no......

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When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves


Thank You