nutritio nand digestion1


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Post on 03-Jun-2015




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• Nutrients are substances found in foods that provide energy and materials for cell development, growth, and repair.

• The amount of energy available in food is measured in calories

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• There are 6 kinds of nutrients:

–Proteins–Carbohydrates– Fats–Vitamins–Minerals–Water

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• Proteins are large molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. They are made up of amino acids.

• Amino acids are the building blocks of protein– Essential amino acids cannot be made by the

body’s cells, and must be supplied by the food you eat

• Protein is used for growth and repair of body cells and helps to form muscle, skin and hair

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• Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body

• All carbohydrates are not the same

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* There are three types of carbohydrates: sugar, starch and fiber

- Sugars are simple carbohydrates- Found in table sugar, fruits, honey, milk…

- Simple carbohydrates are digested and absorbed quickly

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• Starches and fiber are complex carbohydrates

• Complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly; they help maintain healthy blood sugar levels facilitate steady, long-lasting bouts of energy

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• Starches are made up of many simple sugars in long chains–Pasta, potatoes, rice, white breads…

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• Fiber is found in the cell walls of plant cells

• Fiber cannot be digested. It is needed to keep your digestive system healthy

- Fiber is found in whole grain breads and

cereals, beans, vegetables and fruits

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• Fats or lipids are necessary nutrients because they provide energy and help your body absorb vitamins

– Fat tissue cushions your internal organs

– Fat is a storage unit for energy; it can release twice as much energy as carbs

– Excess energy from all foods you eat is converted to fat and stored for later use.

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• Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature–Vegetable oils, avocado, the fats in nuts and


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• Saturated fats are solid at room temperature

–Animal products such as meat and milk are sources of saturated fat

– Saturated fats are associated with high levels of cholesterol in the blood

• Cholesterol can block blood supply to organs and increase blood pressure. This can lead to heart disease and stroke

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• Vitamins are organic nutrients needed in small amounts for growth, regulating body functions, and preventing diseases.

• Most foods provide some vitamins, but no one food has them all

* Organic means that they are derived from living matter

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• Minerals are inorganic nutrients that regulate chemical reactions in the body

• Your body uses about 14 different minerals

• The minerals used in largest amounts are calcium and phosphorus

• Other minerals include potassium, iron, and sodium

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• Water is the most important nutrient for survival

• The human body as about 60 percent water

– Your cells need water to carry out their functions

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• Your body loses water through breathing, sweat, and excretion

• Water needs to be replaced every day

• Water is not only found in liquids but also in many foods

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• Because no food has every nutrient, you need to eat a variety of foods to maintain optimum health.

• A food group is a collection of foods that contain the same type of nutrient

• There are five food groups:–Bread/cereal–Vegetables– Fruit–Dairy–Meat/beans

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