nutrients for wellness

Nutrients for wellness By Joseph Packard Health 1 st period

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Nutrients for wellness. By Joseph Packard Health 1 st period. 6 MAIN NUTRIENTS. Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water. Carbohydrates. Sugars and starches that occur naturally in foods, mainly in plants. 45%-65% of your total calories should come from carbs.(250 grams) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Nutrients for wellness

By Joseph PackardHealth 1st period

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• Carbohydrates• Proteins• Fats• Vitamins• Minerals• Water

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• Sugars and starches that occur naturally in foods, mainly in plants.

• 45%-65% of your total calories should come from carbs.(250 grams)

• There are simple carbs and complex carbs.• Simple carbs are separate while complex carbs are

stringed together.• Carbohydrates are in almost every food we eat,

there are a lot of carbohydrates in breads and pasta.

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• Nutrients your body uses to build, repair, and maintain cells and tissues.

• Complete proteins come from beef, pork, veal, fish, eggs, and dairy. While plant proteins come from nuts, peas, and dried beans.

• 10-30% cals. Should come from protein.(150g)

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• The parts of fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans that your body cannot digest. Since it cannot be digested it does not contribute to any of the calories your body eats.

• They reduce the risk of certain diseases.• They also speed up the digestive system.• Fiber one bar’s are a good source of fiber.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate.

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• 20-35% of calories should come from fat.(55.6g)

• Sat. fats stay solid at room temp.- they can increase risk of heart disease. While unsaturated fats that stay liquid at room temp. have HDL cholesterol which removes bad cholesterol.

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• A fatty substance found in the blood, caused from eating foods high in cholesterol.

• 2 different types HDL and LDL.• If you have to much LDL cholesterol it will start to clog

your arteries. One way to fix this is by consuming HDL cholesterol which removes the coating on the arteries.

• If you have high cholesterol you are more likely to get a lot of life-threatening diseases such as heart disease.

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Water• Water is something that all of us need to survive. • Water helps you digest food as well as keep you hydrated.• You need to replace the water the body loses by drinking at

least eight 8-ounce servings of water per day. • If you play sports this number needs to be higher.• Sweating is the way your body cools itself down.• When you sweat you lose vital nutrients that your body needs

so you should replace those by eating healthy and drinking lots of water.

• If you do not replace the water your body loses you can become dehydrated and maybe even die.

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Vitamins and Minerals

• Some vitamins are water soluble while other vitamins are fat soluble.

• This means that water soluble vitamins are stored outside the body and need to be replenished regularly, and fat soluble vitamins are stored in the bodies fat until they are needed.

• The best way to get vitamins is to choose nutritious foods.

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• Nutrients affect you physically by making you stronger and feeling better. They also help fight off diseases by strengthening your immune system.

• Mentally and emotionally your are smarter and more emotionally secure.

• And socially you feel better about yourself so you are able to talk to people.

Health Triangle

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Personal Story

• I chose this topic because I wanted to learn more about the nutrients my body needs. Almost every morning my mom makes me a green smoothie which we are about to try, these have a lot of nutrients and they even taste good. Eating healthier has made me feel better. Stay healthy you will feel better and happier.