nutrients and survival. proteins help build, repair and replace body cells. important for growth and...

Nutrients and Survival

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Post on 08-Jan-2018




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Carbohydrates A very important energy source. Simple carbohydrates, or sugars (glucose, fructose) – They break down easily, and give us energy right away. Complex carbohydrates, like starch (chains of sugar molecules) and fiber (from plant cell walls). We can’t digest fiber, but it’s good for your digestive system.


Nutrients and Survival Proteins Help build, repair and replace body cells. Important for growth and building muscles! Are made + built from amino acids. Essential amino acids cant be made by our body. We have to get them from food. An enzyme is a protein. What are some foods high in Protein?? Carbohydrates A very important energy source. Simple carbohydrates, or sugars (glucose, fructose) They break down easily, and give us energy right away. Complex carbohydrates, like starch (chains of sugar molecules) and fiber (from plant cell walls). We cant digest fiber, but its good for your digestive system. Vitamins Help with growth and body functions. E.x. Vitamin A, in carrots, helps with vision. Some vitamins only dissolve in water, e.x. Vitamin C in fruit Some only dissolve in fat or oil, e.x. Vitamin D, which is added to milk. Minerals Nutrients with no Carbon. They are inorganic (NOT organic) molecules. E.x. Calcium strong bones and teeth Iron part of red blood cells; carries oxygen through our bodies Phosphorus Strengthens bones and teeth, helps muscles contract, and stores energy. Sodium helps our body store water. What nutrient is this person missing? Soft, fragile bones Without calcium, our bones become frail and soft. This condition is called Rickets. Vitamin D and Calcium work together. Vitamin D helps bring the calcium to our bones. Without vitamin D, the calcium goes through our bodies. Milk has lots of calcium; today, Vitamin D is added to milk to help our bodies USE that calcium! Fats (lipids) Protect cells and organs, like the fat on your stomach, and help keep you warm. Provide lots of energy! Help your body absorb some vitamins, e.x. Vitamin D. Without Vitamin D, we cant absorb calcium. Without enough calcium Rickets! (previous picture) Water the 2 nd most important factor for human survival Most nutrients dissolve in water. Our body is over 60% water; our blood is over 80% water! Without water, wed dry up and die very quickly. We can live for weeks without food, but not much more than 3 days without water. The only thing more important than water is Oxygen! Survival Activity Choose 2: Write a survival journal for 1 scenario. Draw a comic for another. Pirates Out at sea for 3 months. No ice, no fridge. A big problem = Scurvey (no Vitamin C)! Supplies: Fishing net (breaks after 1 month), fresh fruit (rotten in 2 weeks), bread (lots!), sun. Desert Wander the desert for 3 weeks; you run out of water after 2 weeks! Supplies: Shovel, tent, condensation, cactus. Arctic Your plane crashes Youve got 1 month before anyone finds you. Supplies: Scrap metal from the plane, fire, a rifle.