nursing administration department. by d/ ahlam el-shaer lecture of nursing administration faculty of...

Nursing Administration department

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Page 1: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Nursing Administration


Page 2: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University


D/ Ahlam EL-ShaerLecture of Nursing Administration

Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Page 3: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Outlines• Definition

• Principles of time management

• Nurses' time wasters

• Strategies to control interruptions

• Tools for time management– Nurse kardex system– Time log– A weekly schedule– Scheduling grid– To do list

Page 4: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time is the stuff of which life is made

What is time?

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend

Time is the most perishable of all resources because it cannot be stored or recovered. once a minute has passed, it is gone forever.

Page 5: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

What is Time Management?Is a technique for allocation of one’s time through setting goals, assigning priorities, identifying and eliminating time wasters, and use of managerial techniques to reach goals efficiently

Page 6: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

60 minutes per hour

1,440 minutes per day

525,600 minutes per year

Everyone has the same amount of time

Page 7: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

The principles of time management

Are designed to enhance effectiveness and increase productivity. As well as these

principles are equally applicable to personal and professional expectations.

It includes:

1. List goals and set priorities

2. Make a daily “to do” list

3. Start with the A’, not with the C’

Page 8: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

The principles of time management

4- Ask: what is the best use of my time right now?

5. Handle each piece of paper only once

6. Do it now!

7. Setting priorities by placing elements of importance and urgency.

Page 9: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time wasters Time waster is something that prevents a

person from accomplishing the job or achieving goals .

Page 10: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Nurses’ time wasters

Time is wasted by the nurse manager when time is devoted to something that

really not need be done.

Time is also wasted when more time than is actually necessary is spent in

doing something. Interruptions and distractions are major time wasters

Page 11: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time wasters How We Waste Time :

Lack of discipline

Cluttered desk and personal disorganization

Poor delegation Skills, working on routine asks

Waiting for others

Personal habits



Page 12: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time wasters Lack or unclear communication and instructions

Inability to say no

Lack of daily and or weekly plans

Lack of knowledge on how to spend her time

How We Waste Time cont.

Page 13: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time Waste - Caused by OthersTelephone Interruptions

Drop-In Visitors

Lack or unclear communication and instructions

Crisis situations for which no plans were possible

Unscheduled Meetings

Confused chain of Authority

Inadequate, inaccurate, or delayed information from others

Page 14: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Strategies to control interruptions

Time -Saving Tips InterruptionsClose your door

Distinguish between necessary visits and interruptions

Use different techniques

1 -Visit others

2 -Arrange appointment

3 -Leave your office

4 -Establish regular meeting time

Page 15: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time - Saving Tips: Telephone CallsDon’t answer phone!

Leave specific message

Mark availability on calendar message

Time-Saving Tips: MeetingsRequest agenda

Arrive early

Notify chair if you will be late

Avoid routine, emergency, important meetings

Page 16: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Set time limits for visits , and stick to them .

Set the agenda early in the conversation .

Meet visitors outside your door

Time-Saving Tips: visitor interruptions

Page 17: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University


Hospitals cannot function effectively without good information systems. There are some basic principles can help the nurse manager process information while reducing it as a waster of time

A-plan and schedule paperwork.

Writing and reading reports forms and letters are essential elements of the nurse manager’s job.

Page 18: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time - Saving Tips: Paperwork

Delegate both routine and none routine paperwork functions

Write effectively Analyze paperwork frequently Do not be paper shuffler.

Page 19: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Tools for time management

•Nurse Kardex system

The Kardex provides a summary of information a manager needs to know about assigned


Page 20: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Kardexاالمامية الصفحة


: السن: التشخيص

: النوع

: الحالة المستشفى دخول تاريخاالجتماعية:

: الديانة

: العملية اجراء :تاريخ الوظيفة

Temp. pulse. Resp. Bl.p weight

: : االخراج: المحاليل الوجبة


: خاصة بيانات

: عالج  من حساسية

: : لسرير رقم الحجرة رقم

: المريض ام

Page 21: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University


الخلفية الصفحة

العالج التحاليل


, و , , المرات عدد الجرعة النوعتناوله كيفية

تاريخ استالمها

تاريخ اخذها


Page 22: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time Log

It is a time log that can be used to list activities related to work and used to

identify how you spent ( or plan to spend) your time. It can be adapted to an eight-

hour workday activities.

Page 23: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Time Log

Page 24: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

Activity Goals Notes

Total 9:00 am

10:00 am

11:00 am

12:00 pm

1:00 pm

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:00 pm

Time Log

Page 25: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

A Weekly Schedule

The weekly schedule is used to assign blocks of time to different types of activities, but you also need to

keep track of the specific tasks that must be accomplished within each activity.

It is helpful to keep one’s schedule in an appointment book or electronic organizer, but for purposes of

planning you can use a scheduling grid.

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Sample Scheduling GridMon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

9:00 am













Page 27: Nursing Administration department. By D/ Ahlam EL-Shaer Lecture of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University

To-Do Lists

Are prioritized lists of all the tasks that you need to carry out. They list every thing that you have to do with the most important tasks at the top of the list

and the least important tasks at the bottom. Keeping a to-do list is a good way to accomplish


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