
NUMBER SYMBOLISM Numerology is a language that expands the horizon your personal awareness opening doors that you did not know existed. Expansion occurs when one is introduced to the language of numbers. The universe of your own soul is far greater and more complex than you imagined, yet easier to grasp through numbers. Symbols reveal relationships as images that define the arrangement of multiple, often abstract ideas at seeming variance, into one coordinated whole. They reveal how things are related by their very nature. The personality of each number is so clear and defined that once you get to know the numbers you can define what they will do in any given circumstance and possess nuances within its field of characteristics that are enhanced or diminished due to its position and surrounding numbers in your energy field. Certain numbers compliment other numbers and the right combinations will enhance and support each other. Numbers are so much like people that getting to know them is a continuing process. Every human characteristic, quality, or idiosyncrasy is represented in one of the 9 cardinal numbers, 9 energy archetypes with additional master archetypes from which they are patterned, and are recognized even as stages of development that runs in 9-year cycles in our lives. Nine is a circle on a lead line that turns back into itself eternal infinite, completing a cycle. Any number that is added to 9 comes back to itself. All numbers are contained in 9, and 1 is contained in all numbers. You can look at a number in relation to the shape of its symbol, the mathematical strangeness, and what it represents in numerology. The symbols of all numbers reflect their natures. The pillar one represents independence alone. 1 – organizing principle for our minds-One attracts qualities that naturally belong together and are related to each other-One symbolizes will, beginning, courage, determination, originality, independence, and individuality-One embodies masculinity and a strong drive-The personality of the one is the opposite of two-The one is the most independent, unconventional, and individualistic of all the numbers-It is the source, the beginning, the originator, and inventor of one who is individualistic-Is ambitious, directed, goal-oriented, doubts not its course of action, stubborn, and has strong opinions of right and wrong-It is a high-energy relentless dynamic force that drives relentlessly toward its destiny and is the instigator of many causes. 1-Life Path-You are a born leader, insisting on the righteousness of the Word and your ability to make up your mind in righteous discernment based on freedom of thought and chosen course of action. You won’t let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal. Responsible protector and provider of loved ones. You demand respect and attention according to your high calling and need to feel in command of important undertakings, resisting the supportive role. You seek the foreground and the limelight. You are exceptionally creative and original with a touch of the unusual. Unique approach to problems with courage to wander from the beaten path, performing best when left to your own devices. Own a business in construction or crafts and be your own boss. Hold fast to your life’s dream and work with the determination you possess to realize it. Don’t let pride and over-confidence be your masters. Remember your talents and abilities are a gift from the higher source, which should promote gratitude and humility. Fully employ your pioneering spirit. Your talents are varied and your potential for success is considerable. You may be attracted to business, the military, or governmental institutions, as long as you have a leadership role and the possibility to do things your way. The humble, sensitive, and diplomatic 2, represents a resilient, spring-like shape. It is easy to depress and to squash, yet it is flexible, and like a spring rises again, much easier and quicker than the 1. The 2 is the most gentle of all numbers, representing cooperation, diplomacy, and tact. It is the power behind the throne; it is a supportive number, playing the role of advisor. It is very feminine and subtle. It is loving, vulnerable, and humble. It loves music and harmony in any form. It is easily hurt and does not handle criticism well. Extremely resilient, 2 is the peacemaker. Most human things go in pairs." The number two appears to always have carried with it the idea of duality, of opposites and mutual antithesis. The Greek god Janus, for whom January is named sees, both inward and outward and has the wisdom of both past and future. Sun and moon, light and darkness, heat and cold, fire and water; day and night; active and passive; male and female all represent 2. The 2 Life Path – Peacemaker, sensitive, perceptive, shy. These are strengths and weaknesses. You somehow find a way of creating harmony amongst dissension. Enjoy music and poetry. You have an eye for beauty with fine sense of rhythm. Healing capabilities. Have considerable inner strength to employ. Disregard thoughtless remarks of others. When you find yourself easily hurt, regard your sensitivity as important in a jaded world desensitized, for you may be tuned such as this to not miss certain traits in others that they themselves have missed. Don’t run from confrontation to avoid a battle, but face it head on with faith that the Word is your all in all. You have enormous powers to direct situations toward your goals. You can save up this personal power and use it for the greater good when it is needed. Your awareness, diplomatic skills, and organizational talents give you the ability to bring off difficult tasks. You willingly step out of the lime-light to facilitate the success of your endeavor. You are often the power behind the throne. You often do receive the credit you deserve for the fine work you’ve done, or your role is under-estimated and your accomplishments overlooked. You are a perfectionist with excellent taste. When you have found your niche in life you have all the talents and intelligence for great success. Seek out work that allows your sensitive nature to flourish. Be the glue that binds others together. You are uniquely suited for a career in music, architecture, advertising, agriculture, industrial design, fashion, repairing watches and other fine machinery. Politics and law allow you to use your considerable talents in negotiation and problem solving.

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Page 1: Numerology

NUMBER SYMBOLISMNumerology is a language that expands the horizon your personal awareness opening doors that you did not know existed. Expansion occurs when one is introduced to the language of numbers. The universe of your own soul is far greater and more complex than you imagined, yet easier to grasp through numbers. Symbols reveal relationships as images that define the arrangement of multiple, often abstract ideas at seeming variance, into one coordinated whole. They reveal how things are related by their very nature. The personality of each number is so clear and defined that once you get to know the numbers you can define what they will do in any given circumstance and possess nuances within its field of characteristics that are enhanced or diminished due to its position and surrounding numbers in your energy field. Certain numbers compliment other numbers and the right combinations will enhance and support each other. Numbers are so much like people that getting to know them is a continuing process. Every human characteristic, quality, or idiosyncrasy is represented in one of the 9 cardinal numbers, 9 energy archetypes with additional master archetypes from which they are patterned, and are recognized even as stages of development that runs in 9-year cycles in our lives. Nine is a circle on a lead line that turns back into itself eternal infinite, completing a cycle. Any number that is added to 9 comes back to itself. All numbers are contained in 9, and 1 is contained in all numbers. You can look at a number in relation to the shape of its symbol, the mathematical strangeness, and what it represents in numerology. The symbols of all numbers reflect their natures. The pillar one represents independence alone.

1 – organizing principle for our minds-One attracts qualities that naturally belong together and are related to each other-One symbolizes will, beginning, courage, determination, originality, independence, and individuality-One embodies masculinity and a strong drive-The personality of the one is the opposite of two-The one is the most independent, unconventional, and individualistic of all the numbers-It is the source, the beginning, the originator, and inventor of one who is individualistic-Is ambitious, directed, goal-oriented, doubts not its course of action, stubborn, and has strong opinions of right and wrong-It is a high-energy relentless dynamic force that drives relentlessly toward its destiny and is the instigator of many causes. 1-Life Path-You are a born leader, insisting on the righteousness of the Word and your ability to make up your mind in righteous discernment based on freedom of thought and chosen course of action. You won’t let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal. Responsible protector and provider of loved ones. You demand respect and attention according to your high calling and need to feel in command of important undertakings, resisting the supportive role. You seek the foreground and the limelight. You are exceptionally creative and original with a touch of the unusual. Unique approach to problems with courage to wander from the beaten path, performing best when left to your own devices. Own a business in construction or crafts and be your own boss. Hold fast to your life’s dream and work with the determination you possess to realize it. Don’t let pride and over-confidence be your masters. Remember your talents and abilities are a gift from the higher source, which should promote gratitude and humility. Fully employ your pioneering spirit. Your talents are varied and your potential for success is considerable. You may be attracted to business, the military, or governmental institutions, as long as you have a leadership role and the possibility to do things your way.

The humble, sensitive, and diplomatic 2, represents a resilient, spring-like shape. It is easy to depress and to squash, yet it is flexible, and like a spring rises again, much easier and quicker than the 1. The 2 is the most gentle of all numbers, representing cooperation, diplomacy, and tact. It is the power behind the throne; it is a supportive number, playing the role of advisor. It is very feminine and subtle. It is loving, vulnerable, and humble. It loves music and harmony in any form. It is easily hurt and does not handle criticism well. Extremely resilient, 2 is the peacemaker. “Most human things go in pairs." The number two appears to always have carried with it the idea of duality, of opposites and mutual antithesis. The Greek god Janus, for whom January is named sees, both inward and outward and has the wisdom of both past and future. Sun and moon, light and darkness, heat and cold, fire and water; day and night; active and passive; male and female all represent 2. The 2 Life Path – Peacemaker, sensitive, perceptive, shy. These are strengths and weaknesses. You somehow find a way of creating harmony amongst dissension. Enjoy music and poetry. You have an eye for beauty with fine sense of rhythm. Healing capabilities. Have considerable inner strength to employ. Disregard thoughtless remarks of others. When you find yourself easily hurt, regard your sensitivity as important in a jaded world desensitized, for you may be tuned such as this to not miss certain traits in others that they themselves have missed. Don’t run from confrontation to avoid a battle, but face it head on with faith that the Word is your all in all. You have enormous powers to direct situations toward your goals. You can save up this personal power and use it for the greater good when it is needed. Your awareness, diplomatic skills, and organizational talents give you the ability to bring off difficult tasks. You willingly step out of the lime-light to facilitate the success of your endeavor. You are often the power behind the throne. You often do receive the credit you deserve for the fine work you’ve done, or your role is under-estimated and your accomplishments overlooked. You are a perfectionist with excellent taste. When you have found your niche in life you have all the talents and intelligence for great success. Seek out work that allows your sensitive nature to flourish. Be the glue that binds others together. You are uniquely suited for a career in music, architecture, advertising, agriculture, industrial design, fashion, repairing watches and other fine machinery. Politics and law allow you to use your considerable talents in negotiation and problem solving.

The 3 shows self-expression, verbal art, enthusiasm, and inspiration, and this is reflected in its open and inviting shape, which is ready to embrace anything in this world and the world above. It is the most playful of all numbers, creative and motivating. Self-expression and communication are its central qualities. It is happy go lucky, enthusiastic and positive. Its energy is expansive and moving outward, and often scattered. It lifts up those around it. It is the sunshine number. The 3 Life Path – Possess a great talent for creativity and self-expression. Writers, poets, actors, musicians are 3’s. Witty, gift of the gab, with a talent for expressive arts is so abundant that you may well have felt echoes of your calling at a young age. Your artistic abilities can only be developed through discipline and commitment to the true development of your talent. Optimistic, with resilience to overcome many setbacks, you can be generous to a fault and have difficulty handling money. Three represents the triad of family; male, female, and child; beginning, middle, and end; birth, life, and death. Of two things we say both; of three things we say all.

The square shaped 4 is down-to-earth. It sits on the ground and it is a foundation and a rock of support for others. It represents discipline by limitations and is never a dreamer. It is the most practical of all numbers and has a sharp eye for details. It is very systematic, methodical and precise. It is reliable, punctual, and dependable. It does what it says it will do. It is honest, trustworthy, and totally without artifice. It is rigid and it dislikes change. It needs predictability and forms the foundation of every enterprise. It is the rock and the cornerstone. The 44, You are realistic with your workload and loyal to the team with your own responsibility and well-defined task that does not overlap with others. The jobs you do are specific to you, and you alone, for others do not have your vision of the whole picture. As a 44 banking, accounting, management, organization, building, agriculture, science and the legal fields. You possess rare discipline and perseverance and not everyone can keep up with you. You know where to delegate the authoritative handling of large sums of money. Flexibility is cultivated in your character. You are zealous with a fervent repentance, and vengeful, seeking within the Word of God the true definition of Justice. You are courageous and a true survivor. You are the builder and the foundation of any enterprise. Your hard work and practical values based in tradition pay off to provide you with the rewards of wisdom you desire.

The 5 is the most dynamic of all numbers and the symbol seems to turn around its central point. Five encompasses the first even number (2) and the first odd number (3) and is called the number of 'marriage' or 'wedlock' as it consists of both male and female representations. In Kabbalah, the fifth Hebrew letter, pronounced Hay, is associated with Aries or the Ram. It has a value of five. The 5 will try anything at least once, and true to its nature is open both front and back. It is persuasive, a promoter; a promoter; a salesperson par excellence. It is versatile and adaptable, the experimenter and the explorer, bright, quick-witted, and a straight shooter with extra-ordinary reflexes. It is the juggler of many projects and is easily distracted for sensual pleasures and immediate gratification. It is adventurous and courageous, the travelers number. Fifty-five is unlocked by the true understanding of freedom. . You possess the curiosity of a Lion, and your deep longing to experience all is be filled by all. You are involved in several things at once but are equally yoked, for all things in their time climax together. You are multi-talented expressing a rich variety of diverse abilities. You come bearing gifts so that the focus of others may be well spent on our Lord and Master Gent God. These positions must be placed to realize the true fruit of your abilities as director of the Host of Hosts. For you, the sky is the limit, heaven found. Perceived as a wild child by some and a concern to your parents shows of the apparent blindness of many to your true character. You are a late bloomer and will experience life before you commit to your hearts desire. Learn the true meaning of freedom in your constantly changing world. Adapt, maintain and endure

The number 6 is the most loving and sacrificing of all numbers. It is the motherhood\fatherhood number and seems pregnant with Love. It is harmonious with all other numbers, is committed, caring, sympathetic, protective, nurturing, responsible, self-sacrificing, and undemanding. It is domestic, marriage and family oriented and community conscious. It

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is the teacher and the healer, and the 6 cares for those who are weaker. It is visually artistic, creative, and a craftsperson. The 66 possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others. You have concern for the weak and the downtrodden that they might be uplifted. You are capable to giving comfort to those in times of need. One of your tasks is to develop the tools to be truly helpful to others. Find the balance between help and interference. Know when to leave others to their own struggles. You are naturally balanced and therefore well equipped to help others in their struggles. It is in your nature to take on responsibility and you often fill the void left by others, turning not away from personal sacrifice. The love others bestow upon you is your well-deserved reward. You will bring about and maintain harmony within the family or group fusing divergent forces. You are often admired, even adored. You are humbled yet carry a deep pride. It is in your nature to be attracted to the weaker brothers and sisters among us. You are not the savior of the world but point unto him crying grace, grace. You are blessed with musical talent and gifted in the visual and performing arts. With effort you can make success in a number of fields. Enormous talent in business and blessed with a great deal of charm and charisma you use your manner to effectively attract the people and support you need. Through the teaching of the Word offering hospitality towards God unto the ark of this hour in the power of creation 3rd pull is the full measure made.

Seven is the thinker and the hermit, the seeker of truth, an old wise man with an outstretched arm. In his hand he holds a lamp, shining its light in search of answers. It is the most spiritual of all numbers. It is mental, analytical, focused, contemplative, and meditative. It is the accumulator of knowledge and wisdom and the intellectual and abstract thinker. It is insightful and understanding, self-oriented, and often withdrawn. It is an inward interior journey. It is the scientist, philosopher, preacher, scholar and sage. It is reflectivity, alones and quiet contentment, the hermit’s number. As 77 it is your duty to seek out the truth left asunder. You have a clear and compelling sense of your spiritual being. As a result your devotion is dedicated and devoted to investigations into the unknown, and to finding the answers to the mysteries of life. You are well equipped to handle your task. You possess a fine mind; you are an analytical thinker who is capable of highly creative insight and of practical solutions to problems. You enjoy your solitude and work well alone. You need time to contemplate your ideas without the intrusion of other people’s thoughts. You enjoy research and putting the pieces of a puzzle together. Once you have enough pieces in place you are capable of highly creative insight. You are a lone wolf, the black sheep so to speak, and live by your own ideas and methods. You need your space and privacy. You enjoy displaying your wit and knowledge to those who appreciate and can learn. You must hold fast to your unique view of the world yet stay open to others and the knowledge they have for you. By the time you reach middle age you will radiate refinement and wisdom. Seven is one of the main astrological numbers. Since 4 lunar phases made a complete lunar cycle of 28 days, each phase was 7 days, which defines the week. There are seven stars in the Pleides.

There are seven stars in the Big Dipper, the most prominent of the "indestructible" stars, the circumpolar. " and the bear, which revolves in its place and watches Orion, and alone of the stars never takes a bath in the ocean." There are seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, and blue, indigo, violet. Wisdom - Seven is often used as a number of wisdom. "Wisdom hath built her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars." Seven acts of creation: 1) light (2) firmament (3) plants (4) heavenly bodies (5) fish & fowl (6) animals & humans (7) rest. Seven also numbers the days of Passover and the branches of the menorah. There are 7 church ages and 7 messengers to the 7 church ages, 7 trumpets, 7 seals, and 7 vials.

Eight represents the balance between the material and the spiritual world, and the symbol represents heaven and earth stacked one on top of another. It is the most result oriented of all numbers. It is a powerful and ambitious money conscious number, but it is also generous. It understands money as a tool and is the leader and businessperson with big dreams and plans. It is the over seer and the manager. It is strength and perseverance to see things through. It is the gambler. It is understanding, forgiving, and broad-minded. It is a visionary.

The 9 makes complete the circle, giving its love to the world shows its humanitarian traits. It is effort and sacrifice without the need for reward. It is giving, caring, loving and sharing. It is the statesperson, the politician, lawyer, philosopher, and above all, the idealist. It is world-wide consciousness, genius, and a synthesizer. It is creative and artistic. It is the architect, the landscaper, and the designer; a combiner of colors and materials. It is aloof, noble, aristocratic, and a healer of the many.As 1 – 9 represents the full scope of everything human, they can be combined in an endless variety resulting in endless forms of expression attributed to the Great Attributor, even as 3 primal colors form the basis of the millions in the universe.

Master Numbers are 2-digit numbers rooted in single numbers, and require special emphasis and attention. These possess more potential than other numbers. They are highly charged, difficult to handle, and require time, maturity, and great effort to integrate into one’s personality. They are extremely challenging and paradoxical in nature. On one hand they connote great potential and the presence of some highly developed ability. On the other hand they represent a great deal of inner-tension that originates from a deep desire to achieve some high ideal. Master Numbers suggest the influence of archetypes or highly focused energies that directs ones life toward its goals. These energies can easily take control of ones life if they are not careful and the master number then becomes that person’s master. It is the challenge of the individual with the Master Number to take charge of that energy and to use it according to the pattern of your cloth. Understanding and using a Master Number is a usual process, and it is not usually until spiritual maturity that one can take full control of their Master Numbers.

The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination and is a channel to the sub-conscious; insight without rational thought; sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. It is a dreamer and has all the aspects of the 2 enhanced, and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, creating dynamism, inner conflict, and other catalyses with its mere presence. If not focused beyond itself it can turn inward and create fears and phobias. The 11 walks the edge between greatness and self-destruction. Its potential for growth, stability, and personal power lies in acceptance of intuitive understanding. For 11, peace is found not in logic, but faith. Eleven is the most rounded of all master numbers, for it contains the potentials or combinations of variations of every Master Number, and is a part of every master number save the 2 secret master numbers 13 and 19. The 33 is often called the Master Builder for 33 was the years of our Master Builder manifest in His perfect Word image made flesh. Thirty-three is the number of the Ar-chi-tech. "Thirty-three appears to be the most mysterious of numbers. It is found over and over again in the stories of the Bible and elsewhere. Jesus Christ was thirty-three when he was crucified; the first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years before being pillaged. The Temple of Solomon was a cube, measuring thirty-three and a third feet; we once more turn to the Bible to read: King David reigned in Jerusalem for 33 years Forties Forty is the number of trial and privation, possibly starting when the Babylonians observed the forty-day disappearance of the Pleides which coincided with the rainy season, storms and floods, trial, danger. The Pleides' return marked the start of the New Year Festival. Other negative associations for forty are:40 days of Moses on Sinai - 40 days of Elijah's journey - 40 days of mourning for Jacob - 40 days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown, said Jonah. -40 days was Jesus Tempted - 40 day period of isolation in the Roman port, which survives in the word quarantine. 40 years of Philistine dominion over Israel

The M. Numbers 11+22 are commonly understood as the only Master Numbers, with 33 considered a secret master number. This is untrue, for master numbers are comprised from 11-99, with the two secret and most powerful Master Numbers being 19 and 13. There is an order of power and placing in respect to importance, with the Master Numbers being the keys that unlock the tumblers to the hidden code of numerology. Ninety-nine is made up of nine eleven’s, and embodies eleven powered 9 times greater to embody and produce manifestation, so that in turn 88, 77, 66, 55, 44, 33, 22, and 11 are descending in power. The power that descends must be ascended. Eighty-eight is four times as dynamic as 22, but if you do not master your 22 energy then your 88 energy will be chaotic and out of control. To master 88 you must learn and understand to control every master number under it. These will prepare your for the power you will wield when you can submit yourself fully to the sun 13 in repentance and thereby have access to God 19, who will become the Master 99 in gifts and ministries where you are lacking.

The name of the Thirteenth Letter, (Mayim), means Water, or "King over Water." The letter Mayim has two numbers associated with it, 40 and 600. The 13 will work very hard to accomplish any task. Obstacles stand in their way and must be overcome time and again. Though at times one may often feel futile and burdened by his efforts, keeping the hand to the plow will bring forth the peaceable fruits of sowing. You will not surrender to the difficulties and give up the goal One simply must work hard and keep their eye on the prize. Focus, and direct your energies in one specific direction on energies and projects that amount to further your ambitions. Do not take shortcuts, they are set with

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snares and trap where way-lay would be found, and as such does not your way lay. Maintain order in your life, it is essential to success. Keep a schedule, keep appointments, and follow through. Keep your environment neat and under control, and never procrastinate. If you sustain a steady and consistent effort, you will realize much reward.

The person to whom the sacred duty of 19 is found will learn independence and the proper use of power. You are forced to stand up for yourself and often stand alone in your convictions. Difficulties will be faced and overcome through personal struggle. Do not seek to conquer such heights alone, but know when to reach out for the help that has been offered and to enter those doors that have been opened. No man is an island, and the fullness of every master number represent in one, though full of power, is also full of weakness and challenges, hurdles and tests that must be passed before the Spirit has full control over every rein and is given every string to pull. Within the Circle of the Zodiac position a triangle's second and third vertices at 90 degrees plus 19.5 degrees below the apex of the circle. 19.5 is repeated throughout the geometry of the monuments of Cydonia and is an indication that the intelligences behind monumental structures utilize "Tetrahedral Geometry" and "Hyper dimensional Physics". 19.5 is the signature number of Hyper Dimensional Travel research, since the number 19.5 is derived by placing a tetrahedron in a sphere with one of the vertices at the pole. This is the three dimensional configuration of an equilateral triangle circumscribed by a circle. The remaining three vertices will touch at 19.5 latitude. Nineteen is a number not without significance, it is a combination of 9 and 10, and would denote the perfection of divine order connected with judgment. It is the number of the Hebrew names for Eve and Job. Though the ominous meaning of 19 is evident, there is more to the equation. The .5 of a degree connected to the number of judgment reveals that the complete message is one of hope. The number five resolves the sentence of judgment, for it is the number of grace and forgiveness.

The new beginning of anything is associated with resistance-bringing forth the need or will of determination and courage to stand independently in the originality of your individual expression of fore-bearing truth against what has been established. The beginning opens us up to what is inherent within ourselves waiting manifestation through recognition and acceptance to be what we are, for we are I Am. You can’t talk about patterns without symbols. Symbols serve to draw upon themselves the vast amount of knowledge that exists in the archetypal world. Archetypes are unique bundles of information stored in our subconcious until we have the means to attract their rich knowledge and wisdom into our lives. They convey understanding of higher truth that we were not conscious of knowing. Numbers are a reflection of greater truth that exists beneath the exterior of language, a springboard to larger realities. The Word is infinite, and numerology opens up a window to the vastness of creation, and that exists within you, an attribute of the

Word manifest with potential far beyond what we could even dream of imagining. Numerology is used as a practical method of understanding your own deeper nature: your talents and how they can fulfill your life goals; your life goals and hidden characteristics; opportunities and challenges. Numerology is a self-help tool. It is highly accurate. I marvel at its insight. Numerology is not about math, though addition, subtraction, division and multiplication are used. The art of numerology is based upon the personality of numbers, their inner nature and vibration, that in turn reveal aspects of your character and personality in a way that is fresh and inspiring, giving perhaps a new vantage point from which to look at your self, increasing your awareness of both strengths and weaknesses, insights into cycles, and helps you prepare for the future. It allows you to cultivate your strengths and overcome your weaknesses. The rewards in your life are comparable only to what you sow and labor unceasing toward. Little effort brings small rewards, and likewise great effort brings great rewards. Numerology reveals the sowing and harvesting cycles of life, for you do not want to plant when it is time to harvest, or harvest when it is time to plant. Also, if you have sown seeds of greed and selfishness you will reap a time of loss that is equal to that which you held back or took from others, in loneliness suffering your harvest having not but self, for in greed you so planted that to your self you might enjoy the object of your greed. You are the object of your greed, so you in misery will lonely be, for greed can not ever be shared but with its holder. Every number suggests potential strengths and weaknesses and all contain a dual nature that is balanced between extremes. It is your freedom as an individual to draw from your highest potential. Consider the balance of the numbers in your name and where the energies are spread. Make your greatest weaknesses your greatest strengths in someone else, and make your greatest strengths positioned in the place of another’s greatest weaknesses. In this way are you balanced and properly represented in the body. No particular number is better than another, all numbers containing the negative and positive charges that hold the balance. A number represents more than just a quantity. The numbers 1 through 9 represent archetypes with a certain character and personality.

The fundamental premise of numerology is that life, and the universe as a whole is an orderly system, and that numbers reflect that orderliness. The universe is infinitesimally ordered and the macro reflects the micro. The natural sciences such as physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and astronomy are all based on orderliness, even predictability, of natural law. The natural law is a type of the higher, or spiritual law. The universe not only maintains form and structure, it also changes in precise and orderly ways. We continually witness to this process, and man has been an enduring witness, having left a record of this change dating back 6000 years. Day turns into night, night turns into day; spring to summer to fall calls winter hinter yonder fonder spring sprung again summer. And figs grow on a fig tree, and Israel brings forth the 12 tribes of Israel. Sails catch wind, and numbers hold meanings defined by symbols and words. Orderliness is seen in every aspect of existence from the subatomic world to the cosmos of stars and galaxies. When we look at the very basics of life-the world of DNA we see an awesome sequence unfolding. DNA is such a profound orderliness that it has been the template for producing literally billions upon billions of human beings with the same characteristics, yet there are no two alike, and it is even more marvelous then to witness the creation of twins. But even herein does the intricacy of such as the fingerprints discern that there are no two individuals exactly the same. In creation there is no randomness. We must reconcile the awareness that beneath our feet and above our heads-indeed, even our bodies- are the product of profound order that permeates and resonates through every fiber of our existence, awaiting recognition and acceptance as part of the greater body of truth that makes up the framework of the earth and the underlying physics of the Universe. As you learn more through the doors opened by numerology you will gain a great appreciation of the higher implicit order. Where appearance of great disorder exists take note that a much higher state of order beyond our apprehension is at work. Experiences of synchronicity violate our perception of space and time with peeks into the grander design and universal scale of Spirit physics in motion continual unceasing to maintain and sustain while expanding at the same time a systematic pattern that is found from the soul invisible to the magnificence of awe saw the majesty of the entire universe. Though our rational reasoning mind cannot comprehend, our minds were designed to understand these glimpses, and these glimpses can be appreciated intuitively. There is a universal unity among all phenomena. The universe is characterized by the fundamental interdependence between all phenomenon. We cannot separate any material part of the universe from the rest without making an error. The new vision of reality is a spiritual vision in its essence. Progress for the human spirit is an elevation of consciousness for individuals collectively become aware of their integral part in the cosmos and its significant import to the whole. This mode of consciousness is far greater than anything that could possibly develop from a rational thought process. Contrary to the knowledge of the mind, this understanding is rooted in seeing a far deeper level, even recognizing through acknowledgment that we are co-creators. Science is trying to reach this understanding on its own. The scientist does not recognize that science has its place and order, and the true nature of science is not understood by science, but by spiritual maturity in fruitful knowledge found in wisdom based on revelation from the Spirit of God through the opening of the 7 seals in a Son of Man ministry. In ancient times natural science was merely the tool to discover the underlying order of the universe. Numerology manifests itself in a very intimate way in all our lives. The intuitive mind is capable of connecting our names and date of birth with our deepest being in a way that the rational mind cannot readily understand, and then interpret them. The act of giving something a name is a reflection of our deep experience of the thing we are naming. It comes out of our connection, or our intuitive feeling that we receive from the vibration and resonance of its harmony reverberating with its potential energy pulsating its passions for manifestation. The moment of your birth was a total transformation from the unconscious being of your soul within the womb to its animation in the body. From the moment you receive your spirit the recording of your life begins. From the expression 'It is written in the Stars' - the Creator of this reality - an electromagnetic grid program - left messages in the heavens. Whenever the world will go through a period of evolution it was often foretold in the stars - something celestial will occur. We always look to the heavens for answers - yet all the while it is our soul that is above guiding us in many different ways through synchronicity. The celestial bodies are patterns - reflected in our myths about creation and the gods and goddesses linked to each creational story. You have to be ready to throw away the emotions and the illusion of 3D. If you still want to believe in 3D and the drama - it will be difficult to move past the illusion even as your soul keeps showing you digital codes. You soul says it is Time - and you say, "I am not ready to find out what they are about for me!" So you stay and play a while longer and your soul creates all kinds of synchronicities with these digits until one day - when you are ready - you find out what the digits are about! From that day forth - your spiritual journey into awareness takes hold and you keep on healing and searching on and on and on. Just don't let things get complicated. They are easy. Once you move into higher frequencies - you begin to create more quickly - or become more aware of synchronicities - meaningful coincidences - that your soul creates for you to remember and trigger your awareness. Please remember that you create every experience that you have. People report synchronicities with the numbers, as the numbers seem to 'pop up' everywhere - always followed by something sort of event that makes us wonder. Upon seeing your digit encoded numbers - you may

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feel a sense of urgency or related emotions. Chill out! For now there is time! The numbers usually signal changes in the patterns of your life. They may confirm something that you are experiencing whenever the numbers appear to you. You may dream about the numbers - linked with things you do not as yet understand.