nuclear terrorist attack in america planned part 2

1 Nuclear Terrorist Attack In America Planned Part 2. Saturday, May 07, 2016 From The Desk Lloyd T Vance Tony Wishart Julie Waters AussieNewsOnline Tasmania Australia Greetings Fellow Australians Our American friends and friends around the World, enough time has passed since I wrote and complied Nuclear Terrorist Attack In America Planned Part 1. which was put out in Sept 2012.

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Welcomed I hope you enjoy sitting back and reading all these letters, articles and books I write


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Nuclear Terrorist Attack In America Planned Part 2. Saturday, May 07, 2016 From The Desk Lloyd T Vance Tony Wishart Julie Waters AussieNewsOnline Tasmania Australia Greetings Fellow Australians Our American friends and friends around the World, enough time has passed since I wrote and complied Nuclear Terrorist Attack In America Planned Part 1. which was put out in Sept 2012.

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Now has come the time to write and put together Part 2., and this is where we go turning back the hands of time to around 2003 with Dr David Kelly, yes the same David Kelly who was an English Weapons Inspector for Iraq. And roughly this is how the story goes, dating back to the late 1980’s Sir Kenneth Warren, Dr David Kelly and David Cameron were involved. These three did the deal in South Africa. The nukes ended up on the black market. One was used in North Korea, the other two are still missing and are rumored to have been purchased by a Middle East Country. (People suspect Israel) The four warheads were originally taken to Oman by Astra Holdings. When Dr Kelly went to check them, they were missing. Questions were asked in parliament regarding where the money had gone and what it was used for, the question was never answered. The source who broke this story has been speaking to MI6.

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What MI6's involvement is, is unclear. The guest went on to say how he believes these nukes could be used in a False Flag Attack where it could be blamed on AL CIAda. The Big 'Allivane-Astra' Picture. The Trail of Illegal Weapons Sold To "Iran" And Iraq Starts In Washington And London" "Many have died trying to expose their wicked game, including microbiologist Dr. David Kelly (2003) and Gerald Bull (1990), the former chairman of the Space Research Corporation. Although both deaths remain suspicious and never thoroughly investigated, Dr. Kelly and Bull were extremely close and casting a dark light on the clandestine, illegal money-raising deals by U.S. and UK politicians in arming Iraq in Iran. And in the specific case of Bull, he was in the midst of revealing when he turned up dead, the beneficiaries of "commissions," many of the recipients being high level politicians in Washington and London.

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Even though observers close to Dr. Kelly and Bull have so solid evidence they were killed, it's interesting to note that most of the pair's damaging information has been redacted from official records, silenced by corrupted courts or kept from public view through a compliant press. " DR DAVID KELLY AND 'MISSING NUCLEAR BOMBS' In 1991, Dr David Kelly oversaw the UK government's purchase of 3 battlefield plutonium bombs from South Africa. David Cameron was sent by UK Prime Minister Thatcher to South Africa to seal the deal. Reportedly the UK Treasury was overcharged by £17.8 million for the weapons. (Ex Dep. Asst. US Sec of State opens up a Pandora's Box.) In 1991, in South Africa, Botha's white government was about to be handed over to the Black ANC. The USA and UK asked Botha's Government to remove their 9 Bombs. 6 were to be sent to the USA for de-commissioning. The other 3 were bought by the Thatcher government, for possible use against Saddam.

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Reportedly, a Mr John Bredenkamp stole the 3 missiles. He then sold them on the open market. One of those stolen by Bredenkamp was detonated by NORTH KOREA on 25 May 2009. The other two Israel Government brought and smuggled them into the USA via the Port of Houston Texas around 2006 – 2007. David Cameron is well known for his friendship with the Zionist Jewish Lobby in the UK, also Israeli Mossad connections, David Cameron gave the orders for Dr David Kelly to be killed to cover up the whole background and tie up lose ends. It is suspected that either the Israeli’s or MI5 had the both men above killed to be silenced, and there you have it people why they killed Dr David Kelly back in 2003.

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Israeli Government Smuggles Two Nuclear Weapons Into USA Back in 2006 the Israeli Mossad on behalf of their masters back in Israel smuggled two Nuclear Weapons into the USA via the Port of Houston Texas USA. I came upon a blog back then of a guy who was following this story and tried to the best of his ability to tip off the Alternative Media to what was happening. There was one CIA Agent who caught hold of the information and was on the trail. The guy who put out all this information back then and was following everything happening back around that time, his blog went down late 2006 and nobody has heard anything from this guy since. Thanks to one very brave CIA Agent he took his job seriously in protecting America he caught this whole story and was investigating this and another case of Israeli Mossad smuggling weapons into the USA. CIA Agent Chasing Israeli "Suitcase Nuke" in Houston, Killed by Police!

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CIA Agent ASSASSINATED by Houston Police It turns out the man that identified himself as CIA to the Houston Police --- really was a CIA Agent (despite what news had reported) and carrying very important information - likely following protocol in regards to the case(s) he was working on. Houston Police shot him while on the ground execution style as he exited his vehicle after a 1/2 hr long chase fleeing cops that had told him to exit his car with guns drawn. Analysis Of Raw Footage (Regular And Slow Motion Video Proof) CIA Agent Shot Empty Handed While Apparently Surrendering

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CIA Agent Roland "Tony" Carnaby was on the phone with the FBI asking them to tell the Houston Police to call off the chase. When he exited the vehicle to surrender he was shot unarmed. The video proves Carnaby was surrendering - both of his hands were held up (open face), visible, and in an non-confrontational manor when he was shot. After 1:20 seconds in the video above you can see the officer on the right side of the vehicle bust out the window --- while Carnaby exited, the officer reached through the broken window (he broke in with a baton as video shows), pointed his gun, and shooting him in the back --- then another officer from the left side of the vehicle shot him another time reaching around the door at point blank range --- it happens very fast but I've researched this and that's what happened if you review the video and the incident - watch video closely! He was then cuffed and bled to death on the ground - this was an assassination! It is not police procedure to shoot a fleeing driver like this. Houston police assassinated a federal agent of the CIA.

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After careful analysis it appears they had planned on doing it from the very beginning. They had their guns drawn from the initial stop, even after he had identified himself as a CIA agent, they have computers - this is the computer age and they would have known who he was. The video proof doesn't lie - cops however often do. It likely that the agent had a reason to do what he did but the truth will never come out since the Houston Police are covering up the incident -- not only that the CIA also has not stepped forward to defend the murdered agent. It's likely there is some internal corruption in the overall picture - especially considering the agent had immediately called the internal affairs - indicating there was already an established contact. Carnaby was carrying a CIA identification when he was shot April 29 by Houston police officers after what was described as a high-speed chase. The FBI had told the Houston Police to stop the chase and they refused. Houston Police Ignored Texas Judge (Keith Ellison) Court Order - A Preservation Order - Failed To Turn Over Evidence - Most Likely It Was Disposed Of.

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Houston Police Were Not Found Guilty Of Any Charge In The Carnaby Case.

"All of this has a smell factor," Brooten said. What was the justification for the use of deadly force? Was this man a felon that was fleeing the scene of an armed robbery? Had he pulled a gun on them previously? That's a public policy issue. That affects every person who drives around Houston or lives there." said a lawyer on the case. Plot thickens.... CIA denies he's an agent despite the fact he obviously had the credentials and proof.

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"This individual was not a CIA officer, and I have seen no indication whatsoever that he had a contract with the CIA," said agency spokesman George Little. The Houston Police took his computer which may have had vital contacts that they wanted for some reason -- perhaps containing incriminating evidence on the Houston Police. Carnagy also had called the Houston Police internal affairs division during the stop / chase through a contact that knew he was a CIA agent. Roland Carnaby, a former CIA station chief, at the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia (picture above), gunned down in April 2008 by Houston police while monitoring Mossad operations. According to Wayne Madsen, the Mossad has been smuggling American plutonium for Israeli nuclear weapons through the port of Houston, as well as preparing the area for a second 9/11-Type False Flag Attack. Houston Police Claim They Feared For Their Lives / Escape Charges: U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans heard arguments about the officers' conduct and the department's training procedures in a case brought by Susan Carnaby, the Houston school teacher who was married to the shooting victim, 52.

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The initial civil rights case was dismissed in October 2009 by a federal judge, who ruled officers were in fear for their lives when they shot and killed Carnaby and thus did not violate his constitutional rights. Despite being shot while having CIA credentials, being unarmed (he had guns in the vehicle but didn't wield one against officers), and being shot in the back (in the old days this was considered a cowardly act and by modern standards would be considered a lynch mob or in slang terms what you call kangaroo justice): Despite the above stated facts and evidence.... City Attorney Dave Feldman said there was "no evidence" the incident was related to a lack of training or supervision. Apparently it is standard police procedure to shoot a man presenting CIA credentials - that isn't wielding a gun in the back. I think a bank robber would have been granted more rights had he surrendered. For whatever reason, they wanted this man dead.

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The police hovered over Carnaby for fifteen minutes as he was lying face down (many TV news stories said 12 minutes), hand-cuffed, and bleeding to death before an ambulance arrived. According to ABC 13 News, police failed to give him first aid even though they are all trained in first aid measures, to include CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation). Instead of taking Carnaby to the nearest emergency room, the ambulance instead took him on a ten mile trip through busy Houston traffic to a different hospital where he was pronounced dead. There was no way he would have survived while laying handcuffed, critically shot times, and bleeding. Their full intent was to kill him. Clearly this is not over a speeding ticket and it's clear that he is pulled over and complying over speeding.

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Clearly the police are not asking him to get out of the vehicle over a speeding ticket --- since they know he's a CIA agent, what could they possible be trying to accomplish other than this is an assassination over something political? ISRAELI EMBASSY IN NYC A RADIATION HOT SPOT One alleged radiation hot spot on Manhattan's east side has the potential for becoming a political hot spot. A strong radiation spike from the area of the Israeli Embassy. Officials would not comment on why they thought that particular area allegedly showed such a stunning peak in radiation. Reposted at reader request in response to yesterday's MSM story that "Terrorists" (Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink) have sent threatening letters to various individuals claiming to have Nuclear Weapons Hidden Inside the United States. Just wanted to mention where the Terrorists seem to be talking about. (ISRAELI Embassy)

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America the Target of Israeli Terrorism My latest research article, entitled "America the Target," examines the history of Israel's use of terrorism to coerce the West. This nasty business did not begin in 2001.

UN Finds Credible Ties between ISIS and Israeli Defence Forces So goes the famous line from George Orwell’s novel 1984. And so, too, can our forces today claim over a number of groups we find in the Middle East. In many ways, the enemy of my enemy is my friend when dealing with the Middle East, and in the battle between ancient tribal groups, when you lack an enemy, sometimes you need to make one.

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In a new report from the UN, it is revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were maintaining regular contact with members of the so-called ISIS since May of 2013. Initial reports from the IDF stated that this was only for medical care for civilians, but that story fell apart when the UN observers identified direct contact between IDF forces and ISIS soldiers, including giving medical care to ISIS fighters. Observations even included the transfer of two crates from the IDF to ISIS forces, the contents of which have not been confirmed at this time. Further the UN report identified what the Syrians label a crossing point of forces between Israel and ISIS, a point of concern brought before the UN Security Council. This report from the UN strengthens the claims by the Syrian regime that Israel is heavily involved in operations within the nation.

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This is part of a continuing pattern of Israeli support for ISIS. It was only two months ago that Israel attacked Syrian forces in opposition to ISIS forces. Israeli attacks even killed an Iranian military adviser for the Syrian military just two weeks ago. The U.S.’s financing of ISIS, part of the effort against Syrian president Assad, is well documented, as well. That the efforts to undermine the Assad regime were in turn strengthening the same terrorist group which recently set a Jordanian pilot on fire to set an exampleis conveniently ignored by the higher up military command. When the United States began operations against ISIS, Israeli high command seemed reluctant to give any support and called the move a mistake. The support of ISIS fits in with Israeli concerns in the region, namely that of Syria and Iran, and U.S. opposition to ISIS has put the United States in the awkward position of once again arming the enemies we will be fighting tomorrow. Syria and Iran both pose a threat to Israel with their sizable conventional forces and political clout in the region, in much the same way Iraq was before the elimination of Saddam Hussein. With the toppling of Saddam, pieces of concern remain, and Israel appears to still maintain the old axiom that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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Supporting ISIS for Israel enables them to eliminate two issues at once, only once Syria is no longer a concern — a move which would in turn neutralize Iranian influence in the region — Israel then would turn its attention to ISIS, bolstered by other anti-ISIS forces from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United States. That would take several more years, however, during which time ISIS would continue to grow in both size and power. By the time they turn their attention to ISIS, it is quite possible that ISIS would have toppled the nations which Israel is counting on for support of such an operation. Too little, too late. Traditionally such groups as ISIS have relied upon Saudi Arabia for support, but Saudi money is conspicuously absent from ISIS coffers. Unlike groups before, ISIS has gone self-financed, relying upon prostitution, slavery and oil for its financial well-being. This, in turn, removes the protections which Saudi Arabia has relied upon for almost a century to prevent such organizations from turning on the House of Saud and potentially conquering the kingdom which is now in the sights of the ISIS. In turn, the ISIS forces have all but forced the Kurds to become a mighty force unto themselves, much to the anger of neighboring Turkey.

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Rather than helping to fight ISIS, Turkey is instead attacking the forces standing in opposition to ISIS. The entire situation has spiraled out of control. In effect, there is no side to support here, as each side is being supported at once in opposition to the other side. By enabling the creation of ISIS, we have taken an already unstable situation and poured gasoline over it. Now we are facing a true threat, not from ISIS or Iran or Syria, but against our own arrogance. We have been blinded to the death and destruction created by our actions in the Middle East. We once were respected throughout the region, as neutral peacebrokers, the nation which oversaw the breakup of the Barbary pirates and a country which became eternal friends with the people of Iran when all of Europe ignored them. Now we are Israel’s expected muscle, to carry out their dirty work in an effort to destabilize the region and de-power those the tiny nation views as a threat. They will support anyone, if it meets a short-term goal, even if the result is a plot more complex and ridiculous than an episode of “Passions. This can, and will cost them long-term. The United States cannot be party to this. Whatever the political and economic cost, the U.S. must disengage from all sides in the Middle East, before it is too late.

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� Nuclear terrorist attack would 'change our world',... 2 Apr 2016 ... The threat from terrorists trying to launch a nuclear attack that would ... South America had already achieved this, and Central Europe and ... � Obama Warns of Nuclear Terrorism Threat - VOA 2 Apr 2016 ... In his weekly address, President Obama says 'no terrorist group has yet succeeded in ... News / USA .... such as nuclear armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed more than 70 people.

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� 30) How Likely is a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on... 20 Apr 2007 ... What about the motivation of terrorists that have attacked the American homeland ? Al-Qaeda spokesman Suleiman Abu Gheith has stated ... � 'Terrorism threat' main focus of Obama's final ... 31 Mar 2016 ... READ MORE: Brussels terrorists planned nuclear plants attack, ... “Most smoke detectors used in American buildings have Americium 241 ... � ISIS terrorists planned to unleash a nuclear... 24 Mar 2016 ... "The Brussels terrorists were preparing an attack on a nuclear ... the wake of the ISIS terror attacks in Brussels, more and more Americans are ... � Report: Terrorist Nuke Attack May Be Carried Out... 26 May 2015 ... Three weeks after the first supposed attack by Islamic State ... 12 million “illegal” aliens in America with a nuclear bomb in the trunk of their car. � Nuclear & Radiological Terrorism - Federation Of ... 1 Apr 2016 ... Experts typically classify nuclear and radiological terrorism into four threat ... Dispersing Radioactive Materials and Attacking Nuclear Facilities.

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� Obama-led summit focuses on preventing nuclear... 29 Mar 2016 ... "A terrorist attack with an improvised nuclear device would create ... Rhodes and American and Russian officials continue to work on nuclear ... � Nuclear Terrorism: How Big a Threat? - National... Defusing Armageddon: Inside NEST, America's Secret Nuclear Bomb Squad ... But U.S. apprehension over the possibility of clandestine nuclear attack dates ...

So in ending if a Nuclear Terrorist Attack happens in America, Don’t believe the News Reports by the lying Mainstream Media, look no further than Israel and their Mossad for carrying out this


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