nuclear energy4

Non-conventional Energy sources

Upload: siva-krishnakanth-reddy

Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Non-conventional Energy sources
  2. 2. Need for a Unified Energy Strategy Internationally: Population continues to increase worldwide Energy usage growing at similar rates (1-2%/yr*) Electrical energy usage increasing faster (>3%/yr*) Nationally: Abundant & secure energy is critical to our future Continued & growing concern of fossil fuel emission Alternative energy technologies must be considered Need to ensure energy security with bipartisan (means consisting of) initiatives and executive priority for nuclear energy.
  3. 3. Non-conventional Energy sources Energy sources Nuclear Wind Geothermal Hydroelectric Solar Fusion?
  4. 4. Nuclear EnergyNuclear Energy Created by nuclear fission or fusion Controlled (nuclear power plant) Uncontrolled (atomic bomb explosion) Release radioactive material
  5. 5. Nuclear Energy is preferred over other sources of energy because For example , complete fission of 1 Kg of Uranium produce the energy equivalent to 20 x 1016 KWH , such an enormous amount of energy can be obtained by burning about 2 x 1016 Kgs of high grade coal.
  6. 6. Nuclear History 1939. Nuclear fission discovered. 1942. The worlds first nuclear chain reaction took place in Chicago as part of the wartime Manhattan Project. 1945. The first nuclear weapons test at New Mexico. 1951. Electricity was first generated from a nuclear reactor, from EBR-I (Experimental Breeder Reactor-I) at the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho, USA. EBR-I produced about 100 kilowatts of electricity (kW(e)), enough to power the equipment in the small reactor building. 1970s. Nuclear power grew rapidly. From 1970 to 1975 growth averaged 30% per year, the same as wind power recently (1998-2001). 1987. Nuclear power now generated slightly more than 16% of all electricity in the world. 1980s. Nuclear expansion slowed because of environmentalist opposition, high interest rates, energy conservation prompted by the 1973 and 1979 oil shocks, and the accidents at Three Mile Island (1979, USA) and Chernobyl (1986, Ukraine, USSR). 2004. Nuclear powers share of global electricity generation hold steady around 16% in the 17 years since 1987.
  7. 7. Nuclear Fission Is the process of splitting of a heavier nucleus into a number of fragments of smaller mass by suitable bombardment with sub- atomic particles like neutrons.
  8. 8. Products higher up Binding Energy Curve Energy Released (large amt) Sum of the masses of the resulting nuclei ~ 0.1% less than original mass Missing mass is converted into energy
  9. 9. Fossil Fuel CO2 + 4 ev 235 U + n --> fission + 2 or 3 n + 200 MeV 3.2 x 10-11 j combustion 6.5 x 10 -19 j (per U atom) (per CO2 molec) Energy Released By A Fission 50,000,000 times more energy 1MeV (million electron volts) = 1.609 x 10-13 j
  10. 10. Cause of release of energy Einstein suggested that mass and energy are related by E=mc2 (c = 3.0 x 108 m/s)E: energy, m: mass, c: speed of light So it has been observed that during nuclear fission reaction , the sum masses of the products formed is slightly less than the masses of target species on bombarding neutron. M (URANIUM) + M (NEUTRON) = 236.12 amu M (Ba) + M (3 NEUTRONs) + M (Kr) = 235.91 Loss in mass = 0.2135 amu = 200Mev
  11. 11. Heat From Fission
  12. 12. Fission Chain Reaction
  13. 13. Fissile Nuclei Not all nuclei are capable of absorbing a neutron and then undergoing a fission reaction (induced fission) U-235 Pu-239 U-238 YES NO
  14. 14. Nuclear Fusion Is a process in which lighter nuclei of atoms fuse together to form heavier nucleus Nuclear Fusion is the energy-producing process taking place in the core of the Sun and stars The core temperature of the Sun is about 15 million C. At these temperatures hydrogen nuclei fuse to give Helium and Energy. The energy sustains life on Earth via sunlight
  15. 15. Light nuclei (hydrogen, helium) release energy when they fuse (Nuclear Fusion) The product nuclei weigh less than the parent nuclei
  16. 16. Fusion Reactions Deuterium from water (0.02% of all hydrogen is heavy hydrogen or deuterium) Tritium from lithium (a light metal common in the Earths crust) Deuterium + Lithium Helium + Energy This fusion cycle (which has the fastest reaction rate) is of interest for Energy Production
  17. 17. Energy Released by Nuclear Fusion and Fission Fusion reactions release much higher energies than Fission reactions
  18. 18. Nuclear Chain Reactions An uncontrolled chain reaction is used in nuclear weapons A controlled chain reaction can be used for nuclear power generation
  19. 19. Nuclear Chain Reactions Uncontrolled Chain Reaction Controlled Chain Reaction Bombs Energy
  20. 20. Little Boy Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima August 6, 1945 U-235 gun-type bomb Between 80,000 and 140,000 people killed instantly
  21. 21. Fat Man Plutonium implosion-type bomb Dropped on Nagasaki August 9, 1945 74,000 killed and 75,000 severely injured
  22. 22. The Gun-Type Bomb critical mass Introduces neutrons
  23. 23. Plutonium Implosion-Type Bomb Explosive charges compress a sphere of plutonium quickly to a density sufficient to exceed the critical mass
  24. 24. Controlled Chain Reactions Nuclear Energy Production
  25. 25. From Steam To Electricity Different fuels can be used to generate the heat energy needed to produce the steam Combustion of fossil fuels Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion
  26. 26. Types of Fission Reactors Light Water Reactors (LWR) Pressurized-light water reactors (PWR) Boiling water reactors (BWR) Breeder reactors
  27. 27. PWR
  28. 28. BWR
  29. 29. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Uranium Mining and Milling Conversion to UF6 Enrichment Fuel Fabrication Power Reactors Waste repository
  30. 30. Future Reactor Designs Research is currently being conducted for design of the next generation of nuclear reactor designs. The next generation designs focus on: Proliferation resistance of fuel Passive safety systems Improved fuel efficiency (includes breeding) Minimizing nuclear waste Improved plant efficiency (e.g., Brayton cycle) Hydrogen production
  31. 31. Nu-cle-ar good Nu-cu-lar not so good
  32. 32. A Nuclear Sunset