nt y signal -...

; - NT Y SIGNAL 'Prhited in the interest el Sanders County, &Center al the Great Fruit Belt of Montana- XONTANA t !WAY. JUNE 7. 1912. 111111111.111,111113 Mg Maker Id bleflettliella aselmem set Wester* Illeadapberes Ewing Peet Itheselmd, Polkaed set Petiond Weide !NM to IMO Pftegrephe for Pie* Iisedesi, Daniel Hutbion Burnham, the amid- test, died Mealy ia Heidelberg, Gee The Fifth missed emery at Rail - mere is preetleally ready'llir the Omme- eratie national *salvation.. Sauter Cenemies ahoy withdraw from .the presideatial The& lie will reach a deeldea this week. Immediate logislatloa to prevent the procaleanoes use of habit forming drup Is urged by Peendest •Taft is a rant m.l.egsl. seagress. Com P. MeNatt, mouneelikre the Se fame Is the MeNinsaga ilyeemithag cam, died in Los Angeles "Imlay after as illness of two weeks. ' Mn. Jim Quinn ' seemed of shoot- ing and killing her third hunbead, John M. "MAW heat Selellesbee, Ig his bufk was found not guilty at Chimp°. It Le rePtieled 4 Smiler', Cuba, that Cellist.? Wheeler, an American who owns ranch sear Delqairi, has been captured by negro insurgents and held for eadeees. The mete aomonittee osc *Ranee hae voted to phase is the legislative, exam- idlna and Judicial affornerietion bill the appropriation for the coOperce court latated by the hones. Panama—Ernesto Qui.ro, who re eintly attacked and y wensdeil his mei., General Memel Wake% at Chiriqui, committed outside by Imag- ing in his cell in the prised sa ottistqui. Reddlag, Ludt., the Ilmokeye mamboed who shot sat killed Ikes. W. 0. leadford. reeently, AMMONIA (a. tragedy in j.4 be. Rim mid be shot her in self-defense, her daughter Softies this. leprensetative Lifidervoid, at the di. ree$1474p7Mie members of the ways voimatipe, Ise eel* trod* , asStifoi tariaRreeielon bill which was possed by the house and see ate at the extra session of congress and 'vetoed by President Tat. Rear Admiral Sidney A. Staunton wilt be pissed en the retire&Dat es se count of age June 7. He sow is the naval menther of the special eommis- sion which is visitiag limopean sap - 'tali to assure remesentelives of the foreign trades and Davies at the ap- proaehing Pmeama-Pneille'expoeition. The army transport Shedd** sailed Monday from Ben Premise° for Be ward, Alaska, tarrying ghe Thirtieth infantry, which will relieve the Six- teenth at verieue posts aim' the Meet of the territory,- The Sixteenth km been in Alaska for twe years and will be brought beak by the fliperidea, km, - lag fit. Atielutel's June st In order to &Mitt& appeal to the supreme mart of thttlted States, Reporter Judge James Y. Coffey but formally ordered the Spreckels estate distributed, meording to the terms of the will of the be Chan Spreckels. The nate* of appeal was SIM Mao diately after the entering of the or- der for distribetiou, amording to the decree of the Mae supreme mart whisk upheld the easaisx SQUADRON vzsrrs us am% 1111W GIUMMIWIlle. MOM& Odwahriu, limpoord Immelbedili for ratites - is the ***lister! Met of the Ohio M11101011140.1 eisieseitem, which et- siqd Saturday. 'Pb. -meet redleal Is 'Om Ikalting of the power et Shit marrow moot. A esejtemd who pima providing he a pretetestial vete for United !Mates ammeter. liostmer, the legleletare will ese be required to hold to the revolt of the preeneettal vete. The emarese ties provided .for a regeleteg liquor lessee sad Heated Use numb* of re tail weft* me to 1100 pepiatiee. The dtlegatet refused to pee the "leteak" bat peened a bill ;for the prompt removal of public elbeitille eluding the theielevy, epee complaint sad hestiage. Arether propsed siva the legialatere power to pees *low re- p/ring a vole of ode thse errefirtl of 2 jury to return a verdict dell CMOS. The sentrantion voted to remove the word "male" from the bill of riehts ia the present °methadon and there- by give voted tis Wedua. The initiative and reformat= genie) by the 'Galardi.* provides fir, the di- rest Initiative epos evastitatiosal amendseents ea matitioa of 14 per met sr the voters and et Realm* initiative epee legislative questions aeon 6 per east. The referendum on . both eared. - Hotel and legislative portions is provided for en petite. of 6 per seat of the vetoes. The proposer mutates an inhibition against the single tax. A proposal stabetitotem DO. imrprisame most for death se the . ext/e pes,aalty. ODD FELLOW' ar WASIEINGTON *rand jacempeent "Uhl 121 Seattle This Week Beettle.—At the 29th annual sessioe of the grand swampland of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows 4 the jurisdietioe of Waslaingtee, ilkieb met this week, the following wort elected: Grand patriarch, H. A. Thompson, ogo Tacoma; great meow -.‘asslea r Carl. /Leek of Spokane; maid scribe, Louie P. Hart of Taeolna; mead .tresserear t i J. R.. O'Donnell of Slew grand Jamier warden, W. J. Robins of Ellensterro greet repreeestastive, Dr. P. M. ,Stuarl of Seattle. The Belbelsak amembly, while met is Sad anneal swims, elected Ow talk* freg-eMzems; Prondoot, Me.., Quote, Daniel of North Yakima; vim priesP: dent, Mrs. Iola Campbell of Taconue wardens, Mn. Fineey L Animas, o/ Cheney; secretary, Mrs. Nellie M Hnoff, of Seattle, and treasurer, Mrs. Agnew B. Jainism", of &MIL Mrs. Ansa IL Leaders of Taedne Was elected trustee of the Odd, Fellow' home at Walla Walla and Mrs. Me Donald of Tacoma was elected trusted of the orphans' home. Was Greeted en Water". of Haexpten leads by Preened Taft. Fort Monroe ; Va.—Out on the wa- ters of Hareptea Roads, President Taft weleassed a great foreign fleet to Amer- ican waters wises he extended the hand of friendship to Rear Admiral von Re bees-Peetkeritn, eameseadisg the vis- iting divides of the German navy. There are ties eater ifebasters aboard the Getmem equesfroe. Osh is Prime Henry of Renee, sad the other is Priem Christien. Prime Henry, however, is not the same who visited the United idates years ego se the repot sanative et the later,. )fiether Priem Henry .or Prince Christian is of the temporal family, and settler mime g ents any °gelid of the German go' eramme. They emee as Ileatealets of the Gesidamy navy. Llamas Allen Wytheville, Va.— doliberatiag two hoer" end a holi Øi tory Emil Gene Sweaser i fire e ale tat In the mead Sedge theemes• Ifiente al Ii Marsh. :X =IVO that bis posishinkli thiplide leatiary. It* eillpieald New that be am sad* hail. other IMO gamin 011 of she aloes**, id Clatrell essety emorthems. rano MASI 1 T• Inehrea. 111111 INek.--elbetele baboW IL *A- tria, if the alrypitiMa, which bresighe Isto pen thelertteeve et the Maeda disaster, as peembed with dealt fer MOEN, Tessisi iii : 10 ' fusel sebeeribed by edema of Tech. BARICilf 011XLI. LE JAIL. 't Zahn G11,000 Dismoded by Mums. WelLee, Idahor—S. P. O'Neil, for- mer pregldeet of the Wawa State Sane of Consume, reesetly,.extradited from Vancouver, B. C., was Tamed over to the district court on mine charges of ressiving deposits after be ham his institution to be insolvest. Following the assesseement of his delpielli Judea L. N. Worsts!, named tle beaker's bond in his meet tree MOAN to emir op, make; a total bond required by tie two least emote of 881,000. O'Nea was usable to famish the baud and as relensell to jag. LATIII MOWS MOM General Gress* Verlag te Mold *la Amoy Together. to Make One Men Stand—Loottes in PO awing and Ste* Are Beery Lamn--Ilearn of Rebels Asseast Apia* Oruro Menem, Menlo*. Devoid of money and arnmenities, the Mudeas rebels assembled in sorters Merdee are emfronted with'Uso most oritisal situation they have eaeouttored noes the revolatiort began. Pf the rebel eliefs sae delay the expected, battle at Baeliima, they may be able to con- matrate "trough strength to deal for- midable blow to the goverhreent. Fail- ing, however, to get money and arms the liberal chiefs fear disaffection among the men, and discrimination. The money 'dustier' is by far the meet serious at the present mitment, and foreign residence have fled, taking with them large sums of money. Oily about 30 Americans remain here, and hardly any men or Metres. Rebels Lost Ikons. The robs& have model to desperate measures to elders mosey, and this more than the fear of the expected attack from the forces of Generals Villa and Babago, who Were reported to be making a detour overland from Penal, has mooed the exodus from hare. Today the rebels took $6000 worth of clothing supplies in a big dry pod store here. At another store, 01,000 worth of supplies were take& illealemes sad paella* Meese hate been closed, as in. the last two days mere than 4000 rebel troops have been in Chihuahua reserving their pay. The eity was quiet as a resuit. aim AMPOO! Navojea, Maxim.--Tbe people of the border of western Chandra and met- ers Sonora have nee* epee Ihe pore atlioree ban ashes Oen.- pe from es rebels, killing fee and oh - taming arms and ammunition. Ped- ants were heeded by Jere E. Ptacijoet. Tire pretest at Morse wires that the whole countryside la aped Orosee, and that troops have started from Chinless and °sampan" to take %tu- ella'. Orozco formerly lived in this eacientain district. Deny Cresco Peace lemon. Washington.—Priends of President Madero have ?waived a telegram frost the president's maretary, J. Sanchez Aaeona, at Merle* CI, delaying that the Madera administration was dealing In say way with Ombra! Onszeo for A great Ire has swept ever Stamboul, the Mohammedan section of Constant{ nople. Provision for Priestliest Taft 'a tariff board was eliminated whee Lthe sundry ehil appropriation Mil ired`reported to the Mese, At Son Francisco Bernice Lillie On dare, a high school girl 17 years old, was Met sad killed by Charles H. Bon see', her schoolmate, 19 years old, who was prompted to the deed, it is said, by jealousy. Freak Omeiek, a sewepoper man, was found dead in room in New York The pollee reported that death was dm to pa saphysiatios. Oeseck came from riveted, Ore., and had worked for newspapers in Portland, Chicago and Neer York. Hearing the wild cries ' of her two Rreerniag sem, lames, aged IS sad )tW, sped Mt, mitre for her old, Mrs. May Tepper, in an endeavor to as. them, together With the boys, as drowsed in a pond at thegy meat, le mated event Mike ttem mad Idaho. Raving jest retsina how she.) at Kordrlek and waste, to she advan- tage of the ewe warm rearnot, the bey. took to the used for werfestag Meek to tab. a en sued bectla took tempi. e Ilim Nip lismomir demo Autism gems Der. Ige—orhi . Impolutios %BM souritil aldritod Arliart asking that a *Wel seestee of the leg- Washes be milid to ormiddr the Taft"- Itertrios it tha World situalims ha" aid mgpoilag the astablishmist of MM. nastabalary, It as trir- ammo' toidght, had boon sort to OM- MOM AMMO. Sato WM& mien No. 1, Wages Polemelso at 11Isito has ismod a oil he two mustirpe and it is masestersd 11%1 IN" the OrlieiN It maridurisg as ow& its beIssistinspis terms. CIVIL APPROPEL•TION BILL leamber of Windups's Mete ?wi- nce Are Proposed! Washington.—The ellindry civil ap- propriation bill reported to the home by the marmite* on appropriates*, contained the following Weshingtou Items: Continuing construction of pub - lie building, as toilers: Bellingham, $75,000; North Yakima, *40,000; Olym- pia, $10,000. Complealpor improvement of Grays Harbor, $645,000; completing Bellingham harbor project, .65,250; Lake Washington, 9500,000; Wiliam. river and harbor, *75,000; McNeil's is- land penitentiary, .46,150. LAYID cesAsslus rams. ITEMS "I am every brother Wilbur,"- In hie public eta Owners and 4~otatives of six clubs of the Thaittates league met In Pittsburg this Meek to formulate plea for roominess'*. Dan W. Long imilesigned as mane per of the Elan Feemineo club of the Pacific Coast lugs Med hill"' Reidy, formerly mantsgerlif the Oakland team, one appointed. Georm Stovall, fernier manager of the Cleveland lessee team, has been el 1 Fulated mansupg of the St. Louis dub of the AmaretIn league, replacing Rboderiek Wallace: Victoria leads InAllie Pacific North- west league, M' he Union, Walla Walla the Tri-Streepiew York in Na- tional, Chicago, the and Oak- land in Pacific Pregnant Taft Lots Willard Soma Out of the Pea Weehlegtoe.—Presideet Taft has greeted an uneenditaaal porde* to Willard Jones of Portland, Ore., eau- vieted of land frauds in the famous ease in which the late Senator Mitchell se Creme and Bing" .Hermene, for• rem ementissioners Mt the general laud ode., were alleged fo have been im- plicated. The pardee wee based es the grounds that improper methods had been pursued in 1111gig the jury box from which the Jones jury was drawn. Augusta, Mon ens defeated De falls Saturday took the drat minutes and the and half nelson In the Waebi track meet at was as follows: Tacoma, 38; Seattle, 35; Lincoln Seattle, 14. by the death, of Orville Wright Sontag of Hal- nd in Weight e Helena man a toe hold in 22 with a toe bold minutes. te high school the final score y high school of high school of The University of Qregon had a walk- away in the first , ual Pulite north- wept college nor..e track and fell meet, held is ''"d. : Half a score of first places ersg..4 few seconds and thirds gave liteilli..ilead of 30 points over the Univera} of Wiehingten, which nosed iteell second place by only two points Whitman. The wore by *Me was: University of Oregon, 57; 1Juiversity of Washington, Sly Whitman college, 21; Oregon Agrimitural college, 18; Waidaington State !Allege, 11; Idaho, 5. The University si Pennsylvania won the intereolleglate - track and field championahips agr'Wedelphisa, Pa. and this brought ninr.ureis to "Mike" Murphy, the trainer, who will guide the Am ars at the coming Olympic games. Pennsylvanians won by a mar 10% points over Cornell, their competitor. Following are total points: Pennsylvania, Cornell, 17%; /beldam, 15; d, 13; Columbia, IllikVera ir ;. Blown, 6; th, 11%; T Princeton, 5; Bowl 2; Rutgers, 2; Massielassette Technical, 1. 310QUIAM 111110.A1.I.11 MAYOR Ihrenee, Prim& of I. W. W., IN DM Optima st the Ma. Requiem, Wash.—Tbe Rev. Harry Formes wea o 1 as nape of Re- quiem ared , or Keoell sleeted In his plasm. The vote stood 1349 for the retell, sad in -favor of Kneen, to 0545 The recall of Tertumen followed the Isilearlat Worems tet the Were die- tiresome Is this eity preenl weeks ago. Be was cue their shameless. Wit Tashi NNW Plama Roattle..-Mla ropormatathres of the goverment of British Oolaustritt sad Washiegbao who ham been eastfarriag Maw over moilodio• for protest - the shoes heelS.. wood hobos to bow NS of reelpeseal Z ." 17;76 . latiodasod is the Mei Osimblit pollammi end the Waabiag• ism lidiflutrifo mat yoro. Uwe" Mao, Timm Big MOM Lona, lemod—mizesh usenatestarove are preeptelag for general strike ef- fecter new, tbeessuile of people. Operatives have voted for a general sire.. JUNE 1 BAD DAY FOR AVIATORS PIIL PAIMALEE KILLED AT MTH YAKIMA NIRO MINI STORM. Was Giving Exhibition at Fair Grout& —/n Air but Three Minutes When Machine Fell—His Partner Says He's Got Enough --Stites Injured at Long Beach, r•••North Yakima, Wash.—With a smile and a wave of his hand to the thou- sands who watched him Philip 0. Par- melee, one of the Wright aviators, took the air in the teeth of a gusty west wind here Saturday afternoon. Three minutes later his broken and lifeless body was dragged from beneath the wreckage of his biplane in an apple orchard in the lower end of the Moue valley, two miles from his starting point. As he rose from before the grand- stand at the fair grounds Parmelee swung to the west over the Yakima river, lie rose to a height of about 400 feet and his speed increased to al- most a mile Minute, although it was noticed that his plane dipped and rolled and seemed to be controlled with difficulty. OALITONXIA. PRIIIONENIS MUTINY Mango of Adanninealten Kenai for Weer Among Prisoners. Sacramento, Greeting the change of administration at the Folsom strata primes by a demonstration in- tended to frighten Warden James A. Johnston, the convicts in the prisor mutinied Friday night. From 9 until 11 o'clock they cursed former Warden Reilly and hie successor and defied the guards to stop them. The confusion reached such a degree in one of the larger eells that a guard shot to intimidate prisoners who ha.) Meshed to the bars and were cursing him. Cry From lete7 When the bugle seanded "lights Out" at 9 o'clock, the last order to be executed with Warden Reilly in office, a cry went up from almost every con , vitt. The shouts were mingled with curses against Reilly and the guards of his ad 'ministration. Jobsime was also cursed. For two hours the noise continued with increasing vigor. Convicts dared the guards to stop them, called the names of particular guards and defied them to step inside the cells. Turnkey nasalised; Quite The same of Assistant Turnkey F. Ranaures was used many times by the prisoners. Ramires had been told set - oral days previous tjeatt he would be killed by the convicts if be remained on duty natal June I. He resigned Fii day night, with the close of Reilly's teem. Four other guards also resigned. It Is said that Friday sight's demon• etration is only a forerunner of whet will be attempted to frighten Warden Johan.* lied his inee. When Warden roll took charms eight years ago similar dereonstratioe was given by the emariete, but when the first break -was attempted Yell taught the prisionme a MGM that was remem- bered all of his term and he had no further trouble. Three elm/lets were unea at that time. Lamm !ma Prisomes. The Fullerton had learned that War den Johnston's theory of prison man agement was to treat convicts with leniency. On taking up hie duties Johnston prepared himself ler the worst He gave order, to the guards to keep e strict watch on the emaviets. Two (Lys of his administration have passed with- sat any 'carious trouble. The maselets had Weeded to repeat Priday might's pomenesose Saturday MOO, but for tom mom did sot. Thom were a felr atm when the lights west elf, bet they ware net emtimed. Halted and Plunged. When he bad gone about two miles from the fair grounds he swung In a wide circle to the eastward for the re- turn journey. A. be tapered away before the wind the great plane checked in its course, fluttered a second like a wounded bird and plunged below the line of the trees. It is thought by the meehaaisians who were employed by Parmelee that a sudden gust from one of the drown or mall canyons that notch tbe sides of the Mozee valley struck the Ma- chine and rendered the elevating planes unmanageable. Parmelee started his public cooler in automobile sports. Turpe Bays He'll Quit "I'll never fly again," declared J. Clifford Turpin, Permalee's teem mate, when he arrived from Seattle. "So far as I can tell from descriptions of the accident, the tail of the machine was caught by an up current of air which prevented' Parmelee from controlling the machine. "The biplane was what has been called a Parmalee-Turpin model. It was an adaption of the Wright plane, the same system of control being used. The control was therefore perfectly familiar to Parmelee and myself. This particular plane was assembled about six weeks ago in California and both of us had used it several tunes." The engine of the wrecked biplane was stripped of all removable parts by souvenir hunters. What remained of it we, brought here, while the planes and framework of the biplane were burned. "Safest" American Aviator. Los Angeles—Aviator Phil 0. Par- melee was considered by experts as the "safest" of American aviators, as well as the most successful financially of those employed by the Wright.. He wail said to have earned $197,000 for the Wright brothers during the year and he left their employ only a few weeks ago. When Parmelee and his partner, J. Clifford Torpin, left here two weeks ago, after spending eight months in Los Angeles, they took with them two biplanes, which were built under Par- make', supervision in this eity. Parmelee was born in St. John's, Mich., about 23 years ago, and his first business venture was as partner with his father in the m•aufacture of pa engines. Later he beeavar ea an tomobile 'abysmal. for large factory at Flint, Mich. Illeeket Tatar Wow anew Mimeo City. —lkoprosestotimo of abed OOPS tomes workars is 113 ilaitories throughout the eseatry have delivered ma ' , thorium to tiro roar- stses, giving them II My, i n *sub ut amide to the domeado of the lishurare for a trattoria wage male. 79011 TIER 11731/110 (191111 The Florence miss at Nelhart, Most, is to be opened up with Bette espltar again. The cyanide plant under seastrasr- tiou at the San Foil mine in Republic is now nearing completion. The Standaid Silver-Lead company, operating its mime at kiiiverten, B. 4./., will declare its third dividend, auiounting to $50,000, payable June 10. During April the Consolidated eom- pany at the Trail (B. C.) smelter treat- ed 23,891 tons of ore and secured 9 5741 - 1103 worth of metal. Of this sum 37 per cent was gold. .e 4 Charlestown, W. Ya.--8erioirs rioting between 1500 striking miners and pri- vate detectives of coal operators is im- minent at Muckow, near here, and Gov- eruur Glasscock has been called upon for troop" to preserve order. Secretary Fisher testified Saturday before the senate committee on public lands that not a single existing claim for mineral lands in Alaska could, under the present showing of facts, be allowed by the interior department. 11. A. Taylor, R. Wills and J. S. Fee, all of Spokane, have located 160 acme of cement clay on the banks of lb* San Foil river, three miles north of Keller, and will form a company to de- velop the deposit and manufacture ea- !neat - The rlungstone Mining company of Colville, Wash., the property of which is located near Bosaburg, made a ship- ment of two care of ore recently mad the znanagemefit announced that study production will be kept up all sum- mer. The ore is silver-lead combi- nation. George J. Kiebler, recently appointed receiver of the Bear Top-Orollino Con- solidated Mining company, tiled a pe- tition in the district court at Wallace milting the right to sell the property on contract. At his request Judge W.,W. Woods has set July 16 for the recep- tion of protests. Wallace—The Stewart mine, answer- ing separately to the eensplalat fled in the Wallace district court against F. Augustus Heinze, M. W. Bacon, and the corporation, asking for a receiver- ship, declares that no necessity exists for the action. The ease has gone to the federal courts. The Federal Mining and Smelting company has declared the second quar- terly divldeed for the year, 1 1-7 per cent on an issued capitalization of $12,000,000, amounting to 2180,000, pay able June 15. This is the second divi deed of $180,000 declared this year, making $9,709,750 in dividends since its organization eight years ago. taat a mass meeting of the Butte Min- ers' union Sunday the proposition of the mine operators of Botts is give all underground men 23.75 a day when the price of copper is 15 1.2 cents a pound or more, and $4 day when the price of the metal is 17 cents or more, was rejected and tb• committee of the maims which had the matter of demands in hand discharged. The miners demand a horizontal increase of 50 cents a day, er in the mines up to the grade of the inure experienced miner. Grand Forks, B. C.—The Granby management has dispooed completely briagiag thtPscale of the common musk' of the -services of a small army of men and the miniature railway system which has been employed during the last sev- eral years in the Imadling of the refine or stag from the settlers, which was hauled in a molten condition in six-ton pots by "dinky" engines Mad dumped, some of it a mile from the works. After more or lase experimenting and ad- justing of the new belt conveyor sys- tem, which was given its tryout the first pf the year, the company has now reached a stage where it feels justified Is depending entirety on the new system. Employed by Wright.. Two years ago Permalee entered the employ of the Wright brothers. lie came to Los Angeles first with Arch Flossie, who was killed here January 1, 1911. In Chicago last August Parme- lee established a world's record, fiyiag to a height of 10,600 feet, bat the roe- ord was broken on the succeeding day by Lincoln Besehey. After Isis tour of the northwest Par- melee had pleased to go to Chicago to enter the inter-city eights. Parmelee made many nighty in Los Angeles sad vieinity in the last ,ii months. His gentlemanly demeanor and his quiet and unassuming ways made bim the most popular aviator who ever flew is southern California. . The Seattle Amident. Smattle.—The ftlia•M'll jury that In vertigeted the killing of George Quimby, a apectator, by the propeller of an aeroplane daring an aviatios meet at The Meadows May $O, brought is a verdict that the accident was caused by the &sting of an naksown man who ries serves the track In front of J. Cliford mrship Turpin o ' spassi e movis in g machine. SqualL Sevigney Stir-Olga, France.—An aero- plane with two aviators, C,00ladese and Robia, aboard, eapeised is a squall Sat- urday. Robin was tilled end Coolest's/se suffered fractured leg. Aviator Wee Hart it Long Beset. Legg Bomb, Val.—Pramk Stites, a Les Aspies aviator, wee takes from Mama hio wrecked aeroplane here ialardar with a broken seer and other- NUMBER , i43 THEORY DEGIIIttAN MATE Nil TIFF 1111 RNIEFELT QAIIT Ell TIE WI MITI KELM/TEL Penner Leeds In Uncontested Delo gatee—If Taft Gains Tows-lifthe of Contested Delegable Is win Give Rim Control of Cleavention—Dere Than SSG Coned& Mod. Chic/co.—President Taft must win four-fifths of the contested delegates if be is to get the nomination of the re- publican convention. This is conceded by one of the Taft lieutenants now in Chicago. The Roosevelt representa- tives grant nothing of the port, holding that the force of popular will already insures Taft's defeat. While refusing to permit the use of his name, the Taft leader made an estimate of the strength of the candi- dates. The Taft man's figures give Colonel Roosevelt 415 uncontested dale' gates, Mr. Taft 373, Senator Le Fol- lette 36 and Senator Cummins 10. He figures the contested seats at 222 and omite from his calculations the 22 dele- gates yet to be se/ected. Taft Forces Figure (llinely. This is the first emcees/on from the Taft campaign that Roosevelt is leading in uncontested delegates. It likewise I. regarded by politicians as the first admission that the president's resomination domain upon steam- roller tactics by the national commit- tee. Should Mr. Taft gain four-fifths of the contested delegates, as his ad-- herenta predict, it would give him an additiosial 176 votes ia the convention, or a total of 549, only nine more than enough to nominate. - The estimate shows the Taft fences are Igering closely. Colonel Harry S. New, chairman of the subcommittee of the national `committee, and a strong Taft partisan, was asked to comment on the esti- mat s from the Taft MM. "7 would not be surprised," he , and then stopped. "Oh, I den'ti Mew," he added.. "I really do not know what is going to happen." An official statement was issued by Colonel New covering the list of on - tests filed. So far as known at the% committee headquarters it includes of the disputes. Newspaper dispatelleir from Alaska, however, Wieser tbe two delegates from that territory ,also will be contested. The papers are said to be on the way, having been walled In time, it is maid, to comply with Use orliremittee's Dan limit rule. The nia• Donal committee meets Thursday ha Chicago to hear the contests. The ogee] compilation shows 288 matemod mats, six more than had Wee leered on by the Taft follower*. It further reveals that the entire state of Louisiana is in dispute, also Georgia and Washington, all smut two in Arkansas and Mississippi end all except eight in Texas. Three sets are claiming the seats al/owed Louisi- ana, two Taft and one Rosevelt dele- gation. New York. liar silver—Steady, IS 1-16e. Standard stopper, firm; spot, May, June, July, August aidftsemeber, $16.25(416.62%. Custom boom returns show exports of 28,48'7 lees se tar this 4 m 6 o .2 ri s t . h. Lake copper, 141 1 16.17e; flee- trolytit, 111%e; casting, 18%.111;fie. Tin, easy; spot sad may, visas/it Lead, steady, 94.150443,_ Spotter, steady, 96.90(AlT• Antimony, quiet, Cookson', $8. Iron, steady; No. 1 foundry, meth- ere, 615.40405.75; No. I 215.26‘012.10; No. I southern tad No. 1 senthern Soft, [email protected]. Judge Hanford lasted. Washington.—Aeting by erten of the socialist party Representative Der- ger of Wisconsin, the only opelallat congress, has lodged vigorous meet with Attorsey General WiakeoldMen against the action of Judge Nsaford, in Seattle, depriving LociaaMI Mem et his citizenship rights bemuse the lat- ter "wanted to change the orsailis- lion." The day tooth of the Great Northern pareenger tree, rane*4 betwees ear Horton and Anaemia, left the rolls one mile rest of Asseerbes evening and 16 persona were none fatally. The•seekleot Is to have been fee to oprooldog Tire emelt was tarsal dirogisisly mar and many of the passommrs woos be- jewel is their *forts to seeps threllgli the wisdom. wise hrnleed. No was malbg ,,aod• lag on the bomb sal pluirged sileutea Into the mad while MyhreS. esemist mon Me pewees Mateleg Ms MONTANA BIG WOILE $4100,001) Contract for Milwardroo Rail , read Let—Road of 140 ICU* to Neeploy WOO Mg K. Chicago, Wilwaukee & Puget Sound raiyway yesterday awarded con- tracts for construction of Ike lee miles of new liae in the Judith bailie, Montana, to Winston Brothers of Min- neapolis, and Twohy Brothers, of Spo- kane, the former arm getting the half of the work begianing at Great Falls, and the latter Inn the Lewistown half of the extension. More than 5000 men will be employed in construction, and It is istmaded to bogie operatios of the line September 1, 1913. There are MI tunnels to be cut, the longest 1900 feet is extent. The line will cost 24,500,000. =Dux isusbsasss sociAss. Brook Into Orden of Was Who PO Posse err Then Trail, but Mahe Getaway. Vesiesevor, B. C.—Paul and Spistleas, the two Indian murderers of Lillooet, broke rote the cabin of John Trete*, the MO who gave the alarm beer* She Wiese had murdered Coestable Eisdhom four weeks ago. ividently they had blended to kill Mos met of revenert, as they had Cilillaniaa who gave aviaries, them before they broke jail, have been cra the trail of tie for a mouth, but me far bete *sable to mese up with dem Tbe 0411114111 itNature. Of special appeal to the growisg army ef lovers of oetet-doese is as es- say ea "The Gomel of Nears" hem pea of John Burroughs, *hie will cu if the good titer in the Ant. It the veteran aster* die vales will try to est forth for eilisre of the streagth vow that la has found la asters. Prisidem Taft MU Ohba ashimsms, —Pramidlipt showed soak stealth any skinsishieg that el Gat be was wirtorld delegate. at largo What way. omit

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Page 1: NT Y SIGNAL - montananewspapers.orgmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn83025301/1912-06-07/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · 2 jury to return a verdict dell CMOS. The sentrantion voted to remove the word

; - NT Y SIGNAL'Prhited in the interest el Sanders County, &Center al the Great Fruit Belt of Montana-

XONTANAt !WAY. JUNE 7. 1912.


Maker Id bleflettliella aselmem

set Wester* Illeadapberes Ewing Peet

Itheselmd, Polkaed

set Petiond Weide !NM to IMO

Pftegrephe for Pie* Iisedesi,

Daniel Hutbion Burnham, the amid-test, died Mealy ia Heidelberg, Gee

The Fifth missed emery at Rail-mere is preetleally ready'llir the Omme-eratie national *salvation..

Sauter Cenemies ahoy withdrawfrom .the presideatial The& lie willreach a deeldea this week.

Immediate logislatloa to prevent theprocaleanoes use of habit forming drupIs urged by Peendest •Taft is a rantm.l.egsl. seagress.

Com P. MeNatt, mouneelikre the Sefame Is the MeNinsaga ilyeemithagcam, died in Los Angeles "Imlay afteras illness of two weeks. '

Mn. Jim Quinn'

seemed of shoot-ing and killing her third hunbead, JohnM. "MAW heat Selellesbee, Ig his bufkwas found not guilty at Chimp°.

It Le rePtieled 4 Smiler', Cuba,that Cellist.? Wheeler, an Americanwho owns • ranch sear Delqairi, hasbeen captured by negro insurgents andheld for eadeees.

The mete aomonittee osc *Ranee haevoted to phase is the legislative, exam-idlna and Judicial affornerietion bill theappropriation for the coOperce court

latated by the hones.

Panama—Ernesto Qui.ro, who reeintly attacked and y wensdeilhis mei., General Memel Wake% atChiriqui, committed outside by Imag-ing in his cell in the prised sa ottistqui.

Reddlag, Ludt., theIlmokeye mamboed who shot sat killedIkes. W. 0. leadford. reeently, AMMONIA(a. tragedy in j.4 be. Rim mid beshot her in self-defense, her daughterSofties this.

• leprensetative Lifidervoid, at the di.ree$1474p7Mie members of theways voimatipe, Ise eel*trod* , asStifoi tariaRreeielon billwhich was possed by the house and seeate at the extra session of congress and'vetoed by President Tat.

Rear Admiral Sidney A. Stauntonwilt be pissed en the retire&Dat es secount of age June 7. He sow is thenaval menther of the special eommis-sion which is visitiag limopean sap-'tali to assure remesentelives of theforeign trades and Davies at the ap-proaehing Pmeama-Pneille'expoeition.

The army transport Shedd** sailedMonday from Ben Premise° for Beward, Alaska, tarrying ghe Thirtiethinfantry, which will relieve the Six-teenth at verieue posts aim' the Meetof the territory,- The Sixteenth kmbeen in Alaska for twe years and willbe brought beak by the fliperidea, km,-lag fit. Atielutel's June st

In order to &Mitt& appeal tothe supreme mart of thttlted States,Reporter Judge James Y. Coffey butformally ordered the Spreckels estatedistributed, meording to the terms ofthe will of the be Chan Spreckels.The nate* of appeal was SIM Maodiately after the entering of the or-der for distribetiou, amording to thedecree of the Mae supreme martwhisk upheld the

easaisx SQUADRON vzsrrs us

am% 1111W


Odwahriu, limpoordImmelbedili for ratites-

• is the ***lister! Met of the OhioM11101011140.1 eisieseitem, which et-siqd Saturday. 'Pb. -meet redleal

Is 'Om Ikalting of the power etShit marrow moot.A esejtemd who pima providing he

a pretetestial vete for United !Matesammeter. liostmer, the legleletare willese be required to hold to the revoltof the preeneettal vete. The emareseties provided .for a regeleteg liquorlessee sad Heated Use numb* of retail weft* me to 1100 pepiatiee.The dtlegatet refused to pee the

"leteak" bat peened a bill ;for theprompt removal of public elbeitilleeluding the theielevy, epee complaintsad hestiage. „ Arether propsed sivathe legialatere power to pees *low re-p/ring a vole of ode thse errefirtl of2 jury to return a verdict dellCMOS.

The sentrantion voted to remove theword "male" from the bill of riehtsia the present °methadon and there-by give voted tis Wedua.The initiative and reformat= genie)

by the 'Galardi.* provides fir, the di-rest Initiative epos evastitatiosalamendseents ea matitioa of 14 per metsr the voters and et Realm* initiativeepee legislative questions aeon 6 pereast.The referendum on. both eared.-

Hotel and legislative portions isprovided for en petite. of 6 per seatof the vetoes. The proposer mutatesan inhibition against the single tax.A proposal stabetitotem DO. imrprisame

most for death se the .ext/e pes,aalty.


*rand jacempeent "Uhl 121 SeattleThis Week

Beettle.—At the 29th annual sessioeof the grand swampland of the Inde-pendent Order of Odd Fellows 4 thejurisdietioe of Waslaingtee, ilkieb metthis week, the following wortelected:Grand patriarch, H. A. Thompson, ogo

Tacoma; great meow -.‘asslear Carl./Leek of Spokane; maid scribe, LouieP. Hart of Taeolna; mead .tressereartiJ. R.. O'Donnell of Slew grand Jamierwarden, W. J. Robins of Ellensterrogreet repreeestastive, Dr. P. M. ,Stuarlof Seattle.• The Belbelsak amembly, while met isSad anneal swims, elected Ow talk*freg-eMzems; Prondoot,•Me.., Quote,Daniel of North Yakima; vim priesP:dent, Mrs. Iola Campbell of Taconuewardens, Mn. Fineey L Animas, o/Cheney; secretary, Mrs. Nellie MHnoff, of Seattle, and treasurer, Mrs.Agnew B. Jainism", of &MILMrs. Ansa IL Leaders of Taedne Was

elected trustee of the Odd, Fellow'home at Walla Walla and Mrs. MeDonald of Tacoma was elected trustedof the orphans' home.

Was Greeted en Water". of Haexptenleads by Preened Taft.

Fort Monroe; Va.—Out on the wa-ters of Hareptea Roads, President Taftweleassed a great foreign fleet to Amer-ican waters wises he extended the handof friendship to Rear Admiral von Rebees-Peetkeritn, eameseadisg the vis-iting divides of the German navy.There are ties eater ifebasters aboard

the Getmem equesfroe. Osh is PrimeHenry of Renee, sad the other is PriemChristien. Prime Henry, however, isnot the same who visited the Unitedidates years ego se the repotsanative et the later,. )fiether PriemHenry .or Prince Christian is of thetemporal family, and settler mimegents any °gelid of the German go'eramme. They emee as Ileatealets ofthe Gesidamy navy.

Llamas AllenWytheville, Va.— doliberatiag

two hoer" end a holi Øi tory EmilGene Sweaserifiree ale tatIn the meadSedge theemes• Ifiente alIi Marsh. :X =IVO thatbis posishinkli thiplideleatiary. It* eillpiealdNew that be am sad* hail. otherIMO gamin 011 of she aloes**, id

Clatrell essety emorthems.

rano MASI 1 T• Inehrea.111111 INek.--elbetele baboW IL *A-

tria, if the alrypitiMa,which bresighe Isto pen thelertteeveet the Maeda disaster, as peembedwith • dealt fer MOEN, Tessisiiii:10

' fusel sebeeribed by edema ofTech.


• 't Zahn G11,000 Dismoded byMums.

WelLee, Idahor—S. P. O'Neil, for-mer pregldeet of the Wawa StateSane of Consume, reesetly,.extraditedfrom Vancouver, B. C., was Tamed overto the district court on mine charges ofressiving deposits after be ham hisinstitution to be insolvest. Followingthe assesseement of his delpielli JudeaL. N. Worsts!, named tle beaker'sbond in his meet tree MOAN to emirop, make; a total bond required bytie two least emote of 881,000. O'Neawas usable to famish the baud andas relensell to jag.


General Gress* Verlag te Mold *la

Amoy Together. to Make One Men

Stand—Loottes in PO awing and

Ste* Are Beery Lamn--Ilearn of

Rebels Asseast Apia* Oruro

Menem, Menlo*. — Devoid ofmoney and arnmenities, the Mudeasrebels assembled in sorters Merdeeare emfronted with'Uso most oritisalsituation they have eaeouttored noesthe revolatiort began. Pf the rebeleliefs sae delay the expected, battleat Baeliima, they may be able to con-matrate "trough strength to deal • for-midable blow to the goverhreent. Fail-ing, however, to get money and armsthe liberal chiefs fear disaffectionamong the men, and discrimination.The money 'dustier' is by far the

meet serious at the present mitment,and foreign residence have fled, takingwith them large sums of money. Oilyabout 30 Americans remain here, andhardly any men or Metres.

Rebels Lost Ikons.The robs& have model to desperate

measures to elders mosey, and thismore than the fear of the expectedattack from the forces of GeneralsVilla and Babago, who Were reportedto be making a detour overland fromPenal, has mooed the exodus fromhare. Today the rebels took $6000worth of clothing supplies in a bigdry pod store here. At anotherstore, 01,000 worth of supplies weretake&

illealemes sad paella* Meese hatebeen closed, as in. the last two daysmere than 4000 rebel troops have beenin Chihuahua reserving their pay. Theeity was quiet as a resuit.

aim AMPOO!Navojea, Maxim.--Tbe people of the

border of western Chandra and met-ers Sonora have nee* epeeIhe pore atlioree ban ashes Oen.-pe from es rebels, killing fee and oh-taming arms and ammunition. Ped-ants were heeded by Jere E. Ptacijoet.

Tire pretest at Morse wires that thewhole countryside la aped Orosee,and that troops have started fromChinless and °sampan" to take %tu-ella'. Orozco formerly lived in thiseacientain district.

Deny Cresco Peace lemon.Washington.—Priends of President

Madero have ?waived a telegram frostthe president's maretary, J. SanchezAaeona, at Merle* CI, delaying thatthe Madera administration was dealingIn say way with Ombra! Onszeo for

A great Ire has swept ever Stamboul,the Mohammedan section of Constant{nople.

Provision for Priestliest Taft 'a tariffboard was eliminated wheeLthe sundryehil appropriation Mil ired`reported tothe Mese,

At Son Francisco Bernice Lillie Ondare, a high school girl 17 years old,was Met sad killed by Charles H. Bonsee', her schoolmate, 19 years old, whowas prompted to the deed, it is said, byjealousy.

Freak Omeiek, a sewepoper man, wasfound dead in • room in New YorkThe pollee reported that death was dmto pa saphysiatios. Oeseck came fromriveted, Ore., and had worked fornewspapers in Portland, Chicago andNeer York.

Hearing the wild cries 'of her twoRreerniag sem, lames, aged IS sad)tW, sped Mt, mitre for her old, Mrs.May Tepper, in an endeavor to as.them, together With the boys, asdrowsed in a pond at thegy meat, lemated event Mike ttem mad Idaho.Raving jest retsina how she.) atKordrlek and waste, to she advan-tage of the ewe warm rearnot,the bey. took to the used forwerfestag Meek to tab. a en sued bectlatook tempi.


Ilim Nip lismomir demo Autismgems Der. Ige—orhi. Impolutios

%BM souritil aldritod Arliartasking that a *Wel seestee of the leg-Washes be milid to ormiddr the Taft"-

Itertrios it tha World situalimsha" aid mgpoilag the astablishmistof • MM. nastabalary, It as trir-ammo' toidght, had boon sort to OM-MOM AMMO.

Sato WM& mien No. 1, WagesPolemelso at 11Isito has ismod a oilhe two mustirpe and it is masestersd11%1 IN" the OrlieiN It maridurisg asow& its beIssistinspis



• leamber of Windups's Mete ?wi-nce Are Proposed!

Washington.—The ellindry civil ap-propriation bill reported to the homeby the marmite* on appropriates*,contained the following WeshingtouItems: Continuing construction of pub-lie building, as toilers: Bellingham,$75,000; North Yakima, *40,000; Olym-pia, $10,000. Complealpor improvementof Grays Harbor, $645,000; completingBellingham harbor project, .65,250;Lake Washington, 9500,000; Wiliam.river and harbor, *75,000; McNeil's is-land penitentiary, .46,150.

LAYID cesAsslus rams.


"I am everybrother Wilbur,"-In hie public eta

Owners and 4~otatives of sixclubs of the Thaittates league metIn Pittsburg this Meek to formulate •plea for roominess'*.

Dan W. Long imilesigned as maneper of the Elan Feemineo club of thePacific Coast lugs Med • hill"' Reidy,formerly mantsgerlif the Oakland team,one appointed.

Georm Stovall, fernier manager ofthe Cleveland lessee team, has beenel1Fulated mansupg of the St. Louisdub of the AmaretIn league, replacingRboderiek Wallace:

Victoria leads InAllie Pacific North-west league, M' he Union, WallaWalla the Tri-Streepiew York in Na-tional, Chicago, the and Oak-land in Pacific

Pregnant Taft Lots Willard Soma Outof the Pea

Weehlegtoe.—Presideet Taft hasgreeted an uneenditaaal porde* toWillard Jones of Portland, Ore., eau-vieted of land frauds in the famousease in which the late Senator Mitchellse Creme and Bing" .Hermene, for•rem ementissioners Mt the general laudode., were alleged fo have been im-plicated. The pardee wee based es thegrounds that improper methods hadbeen pursued in 1111gig the jury boxfrom which the Jones jury was drawn.

Augusta, Monens defeated Defalls Saturdaytook the dratminutes and theand half nelson

In the Waebitrack meet atwas as follows:Tacoma, 38;

Seattle, 35; LincolnSeattle, 14.

by the death, ofOrville Wright

Sontag of Hal-nd in Weighte Helena man

a toe hold in 22with a toe boldminutes.

te high schoolthe final score

y high school ofhigh school of

The University of Qregon had a walk-away in the first , ual Pulite north-wept college nor..e track and fellmeet, held is ''"d. :Half a scoreof first places ersg..4 few seconds andthirds gave liteilli..ilead of 30 pointsover the Univera}of Wiehingten,which nosed iteell second place byonly two points Whitman.The wore by *Me was:University of Oregon, 57; 1Juiversity

of Washington, Sly Whitman college,21; Oregon Agrimitural college, 18;Waidaington State !Allege, 11; Idaho, 5.

The University si Pennsylvania wonthe intereolleglate - track and fieldchampionahips agr'Wedelphisa, Pa. andthis brought ninr.ureis to "Mike"Murphy, the trainer, who willguide the Am ars at the comingOlympic games. Pennsylvanianswon by a mar 10% points overCornell, their competitor.Following are total points:Pennsylvania, Cornell, 17%;

/beldam, 15; d, 13; Columbia,IllikVerair

;. Blown, 6;th, 11%;

T Princeton, 5; Bowl 2; Rutgers, 2;Massielassette Technical, 1.

310QUIAM 111110.A1.I.11 MAYOR

Ihrenee, Prim& of I. W. W., IN DMOptima st the Ma.

Requiem, Wash.—Tbe Rev. HarryFormes weao 1 as nape of Re-quiem ared , or Keoell sleetedIn his plasm. • The vote stood 1349 forthe retell, sad in -favor of Kneen, to0545The recall of Tertumen followed the

Isilearlat Worems tet the Were die-tiresome Is this eity preenl weeksago. Be was cue their shameless.

Wit Tashi NNW PlamaRoattle..-Mla ropormatathres of the

goverment of British Oolaustritt sadWashiegbao who ham been eastfarriagMaw over moilodio• for protest-

the shoes heelS.. wood hobosto bow • NS of reelpeseal

Z."17;76. latiodasod is the MeiOsimblit pollammi end the Waabiag•ism lidiflutrifo mat yoro.

Uwe" Mao, Timm Big MOMLona, lemod—mizesh usenatestarove

are preeptelag for • general strike ef-fecter new, tbeessuile of people.Operatives have voted for a generalsire..



MINI STORM.Was Giving Exhibition at Fair Grout&

—/n Air but Three Minutes When

Machine Fell—His Partner Says He's

Got Enough--Stites Injured at Long


r•••North Yakima, Wash.—With a smileand a wave of his hand to the thou-sands who watched him Philip 0. Par-melee, one of the Wright aviators, tookthe air in the teeth of a gusty westwind here Saturday afternoon.Three minutes later his broken and

lifeless body was dragged from beneaththe wreckage of his biplane in an appleorchard in the lower end of the Mouevalley, two miles from his startingpoint.As he rose from before the grand-

stand at the fair grounds Parmeleeswung to the west over the Yakimariver, lie rose to a height of about400 feet and his speed increased to al-most a mile • Minute, although itwas noticed that his plane dipped androlled and seemed to be controlled withdifficulty.


Mango of Adanninealten Kenai for

Weer Among Prisoners.Sacramento, — Greeting the

change of administration at the Folsomstrata primes by a demonstration in-tended to frighten Warden James A.Johnston, the convicts in the prisormutinied Friday night. From 9 until11 o'clock they cursed former WardenReilly and hie successor and defied theguards to stop them.The confusion reached such a degree

in one of the larger eells that a guardshot to intimidate prisoners who ha.)Meshed to the bars and were cursinghim.

Cry From lete7When the bugle seanded "lights

Out" at 9 o'clock, the last order to beexecuted with Warden Reilly in office,a cry went up from almost every con,vitt.The shouts were mingled with curses

against Reilly and the guards of his ad'ministration. Jobsime was also cursed.

For two hours the noise continuedwith increasing vigor.

Convicts dared the guards to stopthem, called the names of particularguards and defied them to step insidethe cells.

Turnkey nasalised; Quite

The same of Assistant Turnkey F.Ranaures was used many times by theprisoners. Ramires had been told set-oral days previous tjeatt he would bekilled by the convicts if be remainedon duty natal June I. He resigned Fiiday night, with the close of Reilly'steem. Four other guards also resigned.

It Is said that Friday sight's demon•etration is only a forerunner of whetwill be attempted to frighten WardenJohan.* lied his inee.When Warden roll took charms eight

years ago • similar dereonstratioe wasgiven by the emariete, but when thefirst break -was attempted Yell taughtthe prisionme a MGM that was remem-bered all of his term and he had nofurther trouble. Three elm/lets wereunea at that time.

Lamm !ma Prisomes.

The Fullerton had learned that Warden Johnston's theory of prison management was to treat convicts withleniency.On taking up hie duties Johnston

prepared himself ler the worst Hegave order, to the guards to keep estrict watch on the emaviets. Two (Lysof his administration have passed with-sat any 'carious trouble.The maselets had Weeded to repeat

Priday might's pomenesose SaturdayMOO, but for tom mom did sot.Thom were a felr atm when the lightswest elf, bet they ware net emtimed.

Halted and Plunged.

When he bad gone about two milesfrom the fair grounds he swung In awide circle to the eastward for the re-turn journey.A. be tapered away before the wind

the great plane checked in its course,fluttered a second like a wounded birdand plunged below the line of the trees.

It is thought by the meehaaisianswho were employed by Parmelee thata sudden gust from one of the drownor mall canyons that notch tbe sidesof the Mozee valley struck the Ma-chine and rendered the elevating planesunmanageable.Parmelee started his public cooler in

automobile sports.Turpe Bays He'll Quit

"I'll never fly again," declared J.Clifford Turpin, Permalee's teem mate,when he arrived from Seattle. "So faras I can tell from descriptions of theaccident, the tail of the machine wascaught by an up current of air whichprevented' Parmelee from controllingthe machine."The biplane was what has been

called a Parmalee-Turpin model. Itwas an adaption of the Wright plane,the same system of control being used.The control was therefore perfectlyfamiliar to Parmelee and myself. Thisparticular plane was assembled aboutsix weeks ago in California and bothof us had used it several tunes."The engine of the wrecked biplane

was stripped of all removable parts bysouvenir hunters. What remained ofit we, brought here, while the planesand framework of the biplane were


"Safest" American Aviator.

Los Angeles—Aviator Phil 0. Par-melee was considered by experts as the"safest" of American aviators, as wellas the most successful financially ofthose employed by the Wright.. Hewail said to have earned $197,000 forthe Wright brothers during the year

and he left their employ only afew weeks ago.When Parmelee and his partner, J.

Clifford Torpin, left here two weeksago, after spending eight months inLos Angeles, they took with them twobiplanes, which were built under Par-make', supervision in this eity.Parmelee was born in St. John's,

Mich., about 23 years ago, and his firstbusiness venture was as • partnerwith his father in the m•aufacture ofpa engines. Later he beeavar ea antomobile 'abysmal. for • large factoryat Flint, Mich.

Illeeket Tatar Wow anewMimeo City. —lkoprosestotimo of

abed OOPS tomes workars is 113ilaitories throughout the eseatry havedelivered ma ',thorium to tiro roar-stses, giving them II My, in *sub utamide to the domeado of the lishurarefor a trattoria wage male.

79011 TIER 11731/110 (191111

The Florence miss at Nelhart, Most,is to be opened up with Bette espltaragain.

The cyanide plant under seastrasr-tiou at the San Foil mine in Republicis now nearing completion.

The Standaid Silver-Lead company,operating its mime at kiiiverten, B. 4./.,will declare its third dividend,auiounting to $50,000, payable June 10.

During April the Consolidated eom-pany at the Trail (B. C.) smelter treat-ed 23,891 tons of ore and secured 95741-1103 worth of metal. Of this sum 37per cent was gold. .e 4Charlestown, W. Ya.--8erioirs rioting

between 1500 striking miners and pri-vate detectives of coal operators is im-minent at Muckow, near here, and Gov-eruur Glasscock has been called uponfor troop" to preserve order.

Secretary Fisher testified Saturdaybefore the senate committee on publiclands that not a single existing claimfor mineral lands in Alaska could,under the present showing of facts, beallowed by the interior department.

11. A. Taylor, R. Wills and J. S. Fee,all of Spokane, have located 160 acmeof cement clay on the banks of lb*San Foil river, three miles north ofKeller, and will form a company to de-velop the deposit and manufacture ea-!neat-

The rlungstone Mining company ofColville, Wash., the property of whichis located near Bosaburg, made a ship-ment of two care of ore recently madthe znanagemefit announced that studyproduction will be kept up all sum-mer. The ore is • silver-lead combi-nation.

George J. Kiebler, recently appointedreceiver of the Bear Top-Orollino Con-solidated Mining company, tiled a pe-tition in the district court at Wallacemilting the right to sell the property oncontract. At his request Judge W.,W.Woods has set July 16 for the recep-tion of protests.

Wallace—The Stewart mine, answer-ing separately to the eensplalat fledin the Wallace district court against F.Augustus Heinze, M. W. Bacon, andthe corporation, asking for a receiver-ship, declares that no necessity existsfor the action. The ease has gone tothe federal courts.

The Federal Mining and Smeltingcompany has declared the second quar-terly divldeed for the year, 1 1-7 percent on an issued capitalization of$12,000,000, amounting to 2180,000, payable June 15. This is the second divideed of $180,000 declared this year,making $9,709,750 in dividends sinceits organization eight years ago.

taat a mass meeting of the Butte Min-ers' union Sunday the proposition ofthe mine operators of Botts is give allunderground men 23.75 a day when theprice of copper is 15 1.2 cents a poundor more, and $4 • day when the priceof the metal is 17 cents or more, wasrejected and tb• committee of the maimswhich had the matter of demands inhand discharged. The miners demanda horizontal increase of 50 cents a day,er in the mines up to the grade of theinure experienced miner.

Grand Forks, B. C.—The Granbymanagement has dispooed completelybriagiag thtPscale of the common musk'of the-services of a small army of menand the miniature railway system whichhas been employed during the last sev-eral years in the Imadling of the refineor stag from the settlers, which washauled in a molten condition in six-tonpots by "dinky" engines Mad dumped,some of it a mile from the works. Aftermore or lase experimenting and ad-justing of the new belt conveyor sys-tem, which was given its tryout thefirst pf the year, the company hasnow reached a stage where it feelsjustified Is depending entirety on thenew system.

Employed by Wright..Two years ago Permalee entered the

employ of the Wright brothers. liecame to Los Angeles first with ArchFlossie, who was killed here January 1,1911. In Chicago last August Parme-lee established a world's record, fiyiagto a height of 10,600 feet, bat the roe-ord was broken on the succeeding dayby Lincoln Besehey.

After Isis tour of the northwest Par-melee had pleased to go to Chicago toenter the inter-city eights.Parmelee made many nighty in Los

Angeles sad vieinity in the last ,iimonths. His gentlemanly demeanorand his quiet and unassuming waysmade bim the most popular aviatorwho ever flew is southern California.

. The Seattle Amident.Smattle.—The ftlia•M'll jury that In

vertigeted the killing of GeorgeQuimby, a apectator, by the propellerof an aeroplane daring an aviatios meetat The Meadows May $O, brought is averdict that the accident was causedby the &sting of an naksown man whories serves the track In front of J.ClifordmrshipTurpino'spassie movising machine.

SqualLSevigney Stir-Olga, France.—An aero-

plane with two aviators, C,00ladese andRobia, aboard, eapeised is a squall Sat-urday. Robin was tilled end Coolest's/sesuffered • fractured leg.Aviator Wee Hart it Long Beset.Legg Bomb, Val.—Pramk Stites, a

Les Aspies aviator, wee takes fromMama hio wrecked aeroplane hereialardar with a broken seer and other-




MITI KELM/TELPenner Leeds In Uncontested Delo

gatee—If Taft Gains Tows-lifthe of

Contested Delegable Is win Give Rim

Control of Cleavention—Dere Than

SSG Coned& Mod.

Chic/co.—President Taft must winfour-fifths of the contested delegates ifbe is to get the nomination of the re-publican convention. This is concededby one of the Taft lieutenants now inChicago. The Roosevelt representa-tives grant nothing of the port, holdingthat the force of popular will alreadyinsures Taft's defeat.

While refusing to permit the use ofhis name, the Taft leader made anestimate of the strength of the candi-dates. The Taft man's figures giveColonel Roosevelt 415 uncontested dale'gates, Mr. Taft 373, Senator Le Fol-lette 36 and Senator Cummins 10. Hefigures the contested seats at 222 andomite from his calculations the 22 dele-gates yet to be se/ected.

Taft Forces Figure (llinely.This is the first emcees/on from

the Taft campaign that Roosevelt isleading in uncontested delegates. Itlikewise I. regarded by politicians asthe first admission that the president'sresomination domain upon steam-roller tactics by the national commit-tee. Should Mr. Taft gain four-fifthsof the contested delegates, as his ad--herenta predict, it would give him anadditiosial 176 votes ia the convention,or a total of 549, only nine more thanenough to nominate. - The estimateshows the Taft fences are Igeringclosely.

Colonel Harry S. New, chairman ofthe subcommittee of the national`committee, and a strong Taft partisan,was asked to comment on the esti-mat s from the Taft MM."7 would not be surprised," he ,

and then stopped. "Oh, I den'tiMew," he added.. "I really do notknow what is going to happen."An official statement was issued by

Colonel New covering the list of on-tests filed. So far as known at the%committee headquarters it includes of the disputes. Newspaper dispatelleirfrom Alaska, however, Wieser tbetwo delegates from that territory ,alsowill be contested. The papers are saidto be on the way, having been walledIn time, it is maid, to comply with Useorliremittee's Dan limit rule. The nia•Donal committee meets Thursday haChicago to hear the contests.The ogee] compilation shows 288

matemod mats, six more than had Weeleered on by the Taft follower*. Itfurther reveals that the entire stateof Louisiana is in dispute, alsoGeorgia and Washington, all smuttwo in Arkansas and Mississippi endall except eight in Texas. Three setsare claiming the seats al/owed Louisi-ana, two Taft and one Rosevelt dele-gation.

New York.liar silver—Steady, IS 1-16e.Standard stopper, firm; spot, May,

June, July, August aidftsemeber,$16.25(416.62%. Custom boom returnsshow exports of 28,48'7 lees se tar this4m6o.2rist.h. Lake copper, 141116.17e; flee-trolytit, 111%e; casting, 18%.111;fie.

Tin, easy; spot sad may, visas/it

Lead, steady, 94.150443,_Spotter, steady, 96.90(AlT•Antimony, quiet, Cookson', $8.Iron, steady; No. 1 foundry, meth-

ere, 615.40405.75; No. I 215.26‘012.10;No. I southern tad No. 1 senthern Soft,[email protected].

Judge Hanford lasted.

Washington.—Aeting by erten ofthe socialist party Representative Der-ger of Wisconsin, the only opelallatcongress, has lodged • vigorous meetwith Attorsey General WiakeoldMenagainst the action of Judge Nsaford,in Seattle, depriving LociaaMI Mem ethis citizenship rights bemuse the lat-ter "wanted to change the orsailis-lion."

The day tooth of the Great Northernpareenger tree, rane*4 betwees earHorton and Anaemia, left the rollsone mile rest of Asseerbesevening and 16 persona werenone fatally. The•seekleot Isto have been fee to oprooldogTire emelt was tarsal dirogisisly marand many of the passommrs woos be-jewel is their *forts to seeps threllglithe wisdom.

wise hrnleed. No was malbg • ,,aod•lag on the bomb sal pluirged sileuteaInto the mad while MyhreS. esemistmon Me pewees Mateleg Ms


$4100,001) Contract for Milwardroo Rail,read Let—Road of 140 ICU* toNeeploy WOO Mg K.

Chicago, Wilwaukee & PugetSound raiyway yesterday awarded con-tracts for construction of Ike leemiles of new liae in the Judith bailie,Montana, to Winston Brothers of Min-neapolis, and Twohy Brothers, of Spo-kane, the former arm getting the halfof the work begianing at Great Falls,and the latter Inn the Lewistown halfof the extension. More than 5000 menwill be employed in construction, andIt is istmaded to bogie operatios of theline September 1, 1913. There are MItunnels to be cut, the longest 1900 feetis extent. The line will cost 24,500,000.

=Dux isusbsasss sociAss.

Brook Into Orden of Was Who PO

Posse err Then Trail, but Mahe

Getaway.Vesiesevor, B. C.—Paul and Spistleas,

the two Indian murderers of Lillooet,broke rote the cabin of John Trete*,the MO who gave the alarm beer*She Wiese had murdered CoestableEisdhom four weeks ago.ividently they had blended to kill

Mos met of revenert, as they had• Cilillaniaa who gave aviaries,

them before they broke jail,have been cra the trail of tiefor a mouth, but me far bete

*sable to mese up with dem

Tbe 0411114111 itNature.

Of special appeal to the growisgarmy ef lovers of oetet-doese is as es-say ea "The Gomel of Nears" hem

pea of John Burroughs, *hie willcu if the good titer in the Ant.

It the veteran aster* dievales will try to est forth for eilisre

of the streagth vowthat la has found la asters.

Prisidem Taft MU Ohba •

ashimsms, —Pramidliptshowed soak stealthany skinsishieg thatel Gat be was wirtorlddelegate. at largo What

way. omit