nt 582 (982) suffering and joy in the new testament … · greek-english new testament with...

NT 582 (982) SUFFERING AND JOY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Aida Besançon Spencer Office: Goddard Library 110; 10 Maple St., S. Hamilton, MA 01982 A study of the New Testament (with some attention to the OT) in order to derive possible reasons for and responses to suffering and pain in the light of God's nature. A biblical and literary approach will be taken rather than a purely philosophical one. General Goals: 1. To understand some of the significances of one's view of suffering. For instance, the theories one makes about suffering are intimately related to one's understanding of God and affects the way one lives. As we study suffering, our goal is to think about suffering in such a way as to increase our love and awe of God, our empathy toward others' suffering, and our potential to make suffering and pain an opportunity for advancing God's reign. 2. To become better able to be open to the truths and limits enjoined in God's written revelation. 3. To be able to do word studies and use the New Testament to study a topic and make appropriate applications. Required Assignments: 1. One brief study (approx. 2-4 pp. double-spaced essay) of one New Testament word-family related to suffering (20%). Use Paul R. McReynolds, Word Study Greek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance and Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell's and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, and Danker's Greek- English Lexicon. Find all the N.T. references. Categorize the ways your word- family is used and summarize the significance(s) for the topic of suffering. Xerox a 1 p. handout for of N.T. references for all class members as part of class presentation. Due Sept. 27 (Week 3) (grace- written paper Oct. 1 [9 a.m. professor's home]). 2. Become a specialist in one area of the New Testament. Read and reread the N.T. books/letters written by your author to gather all the insights you can find on suffering. Categorize all your findings under types of suffering (approx. 2-5 pp. double-spaced essay). Cite at least one biblical reference for each category (footnote other references), and conclude with significance for today. (20%) Due Oct. 18 (Week 6) (grace Oct. 22, 9 a.m. professor's home). Papers 1 & 2 may be rewritten by Nov. 29. Original draft and coversheet must be included.

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Page 1: NT 582 (982) SUFFERING AND JOY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT … · Greek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance


Office: Goddard Library 110; 10 Maple St., S. Hamilton, MA 01982

A study of the New Testament (with some attention to the OT) in order to derive possible reasons for and responses to suffering and pain in the light of God's nature. A biblical and literary approach will be taken rather than a purely philosophical one.

General Goals:

1. To understand some of the significances of one's view of suffering. For instance,the theories one makes about suffering are intimately related to one'sunderstanding of God and affects the way one lives. As we study suffering, ourgoal is to think about suffering in such a way as to increase our love and awe ofGod, our empathy toward others' suffering, and our potential to make sufferingand pain an opportunity for advancing God's reign.

2. To become better able to be open to the truths and limits enjoined in God'swritten revelation.

3. To be able to do word studies and use the New Testament to study a topic andmake appropriate applications.

Required Assignments:

1. One brief study (approx. 2-4 pp. double-spaced essay) of one New Testamentword-family related to suffering (20%). Use Paul R. McReynolds, Word StudyGreek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale,1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance and Thayer's Greek-EnglishLexicon, Liddell's and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, and Danker's Greek-English Lexicon. Find all the N.T. references. Categorize the ways your word-family is used and summarize the significance(s) for the topic of suffering. Xeroxa 1 p. handout for of N.T. references for all class members as part of classpresentation. Due Sept. 27 (Week 3) (grace- written paper Oct. 1 [9 a.m.professor's home]).

2. Become a specialist in one area of the New Testament. Read and reread the N.T.books/letters written by your author to gather all the insights you can find onsuffering. Categorize all your findings under types of suffering (approx. 2-5 pp.double-spaced essay). Cite at least one biblical reference for each category(footnote other references), and conclude with significance for today. (20%) DueOct. 18 (Week 6) (grace Oct. 22, 9 a.m. professor's home). Papers 1 & 2 may berewritten by Nov. 29. Original draft and coversheet must be included.

Page 2: NT 582 (982) SUFFERING AND JOY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT … · Greek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance


Possible areas of specialty: (At least 1 person must choose each area) 1. Luke-Acts 2. Gospel of John, I, II, III John; Revelation 3. Paul:

a) I, II Corinthians, Romans, OR b) Prison Epistles: Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians, OR c) Earliest Epistles: I, II Thessalonians, Galatians

+ Latest Epistles: I, II Timothy, Titus

4. "General" Epistles: I, II Peter, Jude; and Mark 5. James and Hebrews; Matthew 3. Then, write a paper on any topic on suffering relying principally on one passage

from your area of the New Testament. You may a) do an exegetical study of one specific pericope or b) do a topical paper integrating one aspect of suffering with a certain ministry OR the thoughts of a contemporary person outside the New Testament. Include an application. The paper should be an original, exhaustive, comprehensive, insightful, and succinct 4-5 pages double-spaced (10 Max.). Use only your Bible, concordance, and Greek grammar books to write your rough draft (but translation of Greek is not required). Then modify, if necessary, your paper in the light of secondary sources. If you know Greek and Hebrew use them. Proofread. Due Nov. 8 (Week 9) (grace Nov. 12, 9 A.M. professor's home). (50%) Since the class is partially conducted as a seminar, the findings from your paper will later be briefly summarized before the class. Paper may be rewritten up to Dec. 6 if original draft and cover sheet are included.

4. Complete all required readings in the Bible and Joy Through the Night: Biblical

Resources on Suffering, House of Prisca & Aquila series (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2007 [1994]) (10%). Hand in bibliography of 3 additional secondary sources (at least 200 pp. each, total 600-1000 pp.) (6% of grade). Read at least 2 biblical studies. Completion of reading assignments is reported on the last day in class. Excellent attendance and effort aid border grades.

Bibliography on Secondary Works: Write full and correct bibliographic information and library reference number. Briefly summarize content, type of data or resources, thesis of book. Evaluate strengths and weaknesses. To whom would you recommend book? Be brief— one page for each book. Th.M. students must hand in one additional 1 page book review and write a longer final paper using Koine Greek (5-10 pp. double-spaced).

Page 3: NT 582 (982) SUFFERING AND JOY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT … · Greek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance


List your name, box #, topic of paper, and date for each paper. Use inclusive language for humans. Bring Bible to every class.


Week 1 (Sept. 13)

A. Introduction to course, requirements Why is there suffering? Ways to attack subject: word, writer, topic, see secondary books.

B. Augustinian vs. "Irenaean" Theodices (J. Hick, Evil and the God of Love)

Assignments for next class: Skim read: Evil and the God of Love, pp. 3-14, 37-69, 211-215, 219, 236-40, opt. 70-90; 169-210, 216-218. Read Genesis 1-3. Begin assignment #1.

Week 2 (Sept. 20)

Reasons for suffering: (1) World of Pain Meaning of Pain (30-45 min.) Assignments for next class: Optional time for help on doing a word study before or after class Complete study of Greek word (Assignment #1)

Week 3 (Sept. 27)

Greek words for suffering - class discussion Assignments: Read Ecclesiastes. Skim Proverbs chs. 1-20 and Romans. Read chs. 1-2 Joy through the Night by Aida & William Spencer. Work on assignment #2 - categorize reasons for suffering in your area of the New Testament.

Week 4 (Oct. 4)

Humans as Mortal Beings (30-45 min.). Reasons for suffering: (2) Punishment for Sin (2 hrs.). Assignments: Complete Assignment #2. Read ch. 3 Joy through the Night. Read I-II Corinthians and II Timothy. Optional read Philippians. Write out rough draft for Assignment #3. Check topic with professor.

Week 5 (Oct. 8-12) Reading week - No class

Page 4: NT 582 (982) SUFFERING AND JOY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT … · Greek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance


Week 6 (Oct. 18) Reasons for Suffering: (3) Advancing God's Reign.

Identification with the Messiah - blessing or privilege, vicarious; Persecution; Growth, Mystery Who is Spiritual? (I Cor. 1-4, II Cor. 4, 6, 11-12, Romans 8) Paul's model for ministry: "weakness"; catalogue of sufferings - apostleship Assignment: Work on final paper (assignment #3).

Week 7 (Oct. 25) Overview of Suffering in Paul. Suffering in other N.T. letters Assignments: Read Job. Was he "patient" or "persevering" (hupomeno, James 5:11)? Read ch. 4 Joy through the Night.

Week 8 (Nov. 1)

Growth and Testing. Reasons for Suffering: (4) Mystery. Assignments: Complete Assignment #3 - exegetical or topical paper. Read chs. 5-7 Joy through the Night. Find a news article/event where using right reason for suffering might be an appropriate response.

Week 9 (Nov. 8)

Response to Suffering Present summaries of papers (Christ's Response to Suffering; Communion; Current Issues) - optional topics Assignments: Read James. Complete assignment #4 by last class. Read at least 3 secondary books which were not direct resources for paper.

Week 10 (Nov. 12-16) Reading Week - No Class Week 11 (Nov. 22) Thanksgiving—no class Week 12 (Nov. 29)

Joy in Midst of Suffering, the Rev. Dr. William David Spencer Assignment: Read chs. 8-10 and pp. 226-228 Joy through the Night. Complete all reading assignments.

Week 13 (Dec. 6) A. Healing Ministry B. Summary. Evaluation

Page 5: NT 582 (982) SUFFERING AND JOY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT … · Greek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance


Greek words which give light to the topic of suffering Full word families are not always listed

(Highlight references which relate to suffering.)

Greek Word Translation Times in NT Transliteration l avνάγκη calamity 17 anagkẽ

avνάγω 23 anagõ 2 avνέχομαι endure 15 anechomai 3 avσθενέω sick, weak 33 astheneõ

avsqevneia 24 astheneia 4 βάρος burden 6 baros βαρέω 6 bareõ

5 βάσανος torture 3 basanos βασανίζω 12 basanizõ βασανιsμóς 6 basanismos

6 βιάζω inflict violence 2 biazõ παραβιάζομαι persuade 2 parabiazomai

7 δικαιóω justify 39 dikaioõ δικαίωμα 10 dikaiõma δικαιοσύνη 92 dikaiosunẽ δίκαιος, a, on just, righteous 79 dikaios, a, on

8 διωγμός persecution 10 diõgmos διώκω 45 diõkõ

9 δοξάζω glorify 61 doxazõ 10 θλi/ψις trouble 45 thlipsis

θλίβω crush 10 thlibõ 11 κακός, η, ον bad 50 kakos, ẽ, on 12 κόπος labor 18 kopos

kopiavw 23 kopiaõ 13 λύπη pain 16 lupẽ

λυπέω 26 lupeõ 14 μακροθυμία endurance 14 makrothumia

μακροθυμέω endure 10 makrothumeõ 15 παιδεία instruction 6 paideia

paideuvw 13 paideuõ 16 πάσχω suffer 41-42 paschõ

πάθημα 16 pathẽma πάθος 3 pathos

συγκακοπαθέω 2 sugkakopatheõ

συμπάσχω 2 sumpaschõ 17 πεινάω hunger 23 peinaõ 18 πειράζω test 38 peirazõ

πειρασμός 21 peirasmos 19 πληγή blow 22 plegẽ

Page 6: NT 582 (982) SUFFERING AND JOY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT … · Greek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance


20 πονηρός, av, ovn evil 78 ponẽros

ponhriva 7 ponẽria 21 στέγω endure 4 stegõ

stevgh 3 stegẽ 22 στενοχωρία difficulty 7 stenochõria

στενοχωρέw 3 stenochõreõ 23 ταπεινόω lowly 14 tapeinoõ

tapeinovV, hv, ovn 8 tapeinos, ẽ, on ταπείνωσις 4 tapeinõsis ταπεινοφροσύνη 7 tapeinophrosunẽ

24 uJπομόνη steadfastness 32 hupomonẽ uJπομένω persevere 17 hupomenõ

25 wvδίν birth-pains 4 õdin wvδίνω 3 õdinõ συνωδίνω 1 sunõdinõ

What I want in a word study: (2-4 pp. double-spaced) Find all N.T. references including word families (e.g., verb, noun, adjective, adverb).

Study each context to see if any light given to topic of suffering. Etymology of word (optional)-component parts, root. Important synonyms and antonyms. Categorize uses of word in the Bible before you compare your categories with a lexicon.

(Optional: Find O.T. counterparts.) Make sure categories are parallel to each other. Distinguish literal from figurative uses. Explain how literal use relates to figurative uses.

Look at ways word used in contemporary Greek society (Liddell & Scott, Greek-English

Lexicon). Then, if you have time, check any helpful secondary references, such as BDAG, TDNT

or articles/books. Cf. to your findings. Integrate all aspects. Goal: Understand Bible. "Original, exhaustive, comprehensive, insightful, thoughtful, succinct" and purposeful writing. Summarize & apply to today: Light your word gives to topic of suffering.

Page 7: NT 582 (982) SUFFERING AND JOY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT … · Greek-English New Testament with Complete Concordance (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998) or Kohlenberger, Greek-English Concordance


Word Study References: New Testament Concordances: John Kohlenberger, E. Goodrick and J. Swanson. The Exhaustive Concordance to the Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995. (ECGNT) . The Greek English Concordance to the New Testament (NIV). Grand Rapids: Zondervan, (GECNT) *Paul R. Mc Reynolds, ed. Word Study Greek – English New Testament. Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998. James Strong. Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Rev. J. Kohlenberger & J. Swanson. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001. Robert Young, Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible. Rev. Ed. (with Index Lexicons) Peabody: Hendrickson, 1982. Old Testament Concordances: Edwin Hatch & Henry Redpath. A Concordance to the Septuagint. Vols. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1983. (HRCS)

Greek- English Lexicons

Walter Bauer. A Greek –English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3ed. F.W. Danker (BDAG) Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott. A Greek- English Lexicon, ed. H.S. Jones. 9th ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1968. (LSJ) (PA 445.E 5 L637) Joseph H. Thayer. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Peabody: Hendrickson, 1889. (PA 881.G8) Concordances to Greek Extra- Biblical References

Thesaurus Linguae Graece (TLG) computer data bank Perseus (computer data bank; www. perseus. tufts.edu/cg)

Interlinear John R. Kohlenberger, ed. The Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993. (UBS4, NRSV, NIV)

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I. Biblical Studies on Suffering or Joy

American Association of Theological Schools. Theodicy, Suffering, Good & Evil: A

Bibliography Selected from the ATLA Religion Database. Chicago: ATLA. August, 1981. (folio Ref. Z 7821.T43). Subject and Author indexes.

Beker, J. Christiaan. Suffering and Hope: The Biblical Vision and the Human

Predicament. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987. (BT732.7.B35) Boyd, Greg. God at War; *Satan and the Problem of Evil.; *Is God to Blame? Downers

Grove: InterVarsity. Carson, D. A. How Long, O Lord? Grand Rapids: Baker, 1990. (BT732.7C37) A study on

suffering emphasizing suffering as God's discipline. "It is in extremity that many Christians drink most deeply of the grace of God" (p. 244).

Dowd, Sharyn Echols. Prayer, Power, and the Problem of Suffering: Mark 11:22-25 in

the Context of Markan Theology. SBL Dissertation Series 105. Atlanta: Scholars, 1988. (BS 2585.2.069 1988)

Fretheim, Terence E. The Suffering of God: An Old Testament Perspective. Phil.: Fortress, 1984. He uses metaphors about God to develop an understanding of a personal God. Generally sound except he seems to suggest God may have a human body. (BS 1199.S82 F74)

Fudge, Edward W. The Fire That Consumes: A Biblical and Historical Study of Final

Punishment. Fallbrook: Verdict, 1982. (BS 680.H43 F92) Gregg, Brian Han. What Does the Bible Say about Suffering? Downers Grove:

InterVarsity, 2016. (BS 680.S854G74) 12 reasons for suffering. *Horbury, William and Brian McNeil, eds. Suffering and Marytrdom in the New

Testament: Studies Presented to G. M. Styler by the Cambridge New Testament Seminary. New York: Cambridge University, 1981. (BS 2545.S9 583)

*Ignatius to the Romans." The Apostolic Fathers I. Trans. Kirsopp Lake. The Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge; Harvard University Press, 1959. (PA 3611.A7 v. 1) *Jones, E. Stanley. Christ and Human Suffering. New York: Abingdon, 1933. A favorite

with many.

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Kierkegaard, Soren. Training in Christianity and the Edifying Discourse which 'Accompanied' It. trans. W. Lawrie. Princeton: Princeton University, 1850. (BR100K54T)

*Martin, Bernard. The Healing Ministry in the Church. Richmond: John Knox, 1960.

(BT732.4.M363) Michaelis, Wilhelm, "pascho, pathetos," Theological Dictionary of the New Testament

V:904-938. Morrice, William. Joy in the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984. (Attic)

(BS 2545.J6 M67) North, Christopher R. The Suffering Servant in Deutero-Isaiah: An Historical and

Critical Study. 2d ed.; New York: Oxford University, 1955. (BS 1520.Z72 N67) *Oates, Wayne E. The Revelation of God in Human Suffering. Philadelphia:

Westminster, 1959. (BV 4909 Oa8) *Phillips, Mickey A. "A Theological Analysis of Suffering as a Christian Lifestyle in the

New Testament." Ph.D. Dissertation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1978. (BS 2545.S9 P48)

Piper, O. A. "Suffering and Evil." The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible IV: 450-453. *Proudfoot, Merrill. Suffering: A Christian Understanding. Philadelphia: Westminster,

1964. (BS 2655.S8 P947) Simon, Ulrich. A Theology of Auschwitz: The Christian Faith and the Problem of Evil.

Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1967. (BT160.S54) *Spencer, Aída Besançon, and William David Spencer. Joy through the Night: Biblical

Resources on Suffering. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2007 reprint of Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1994. BS680.S854S74 9781556355028 Reserve

*Sutcliffe, Edmund F. Providence & Suffering in the Old and New Testaments. New

York: Thomas Nelson, 1953. (BS 680.S8 Su83) *Tidball, Derek. The Message of the Cross: Wisdom Unsearchable, Love Indestructible.

Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2001.

Wenham, John W. The Goodness of God. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1974. (BT 160.W45) reprinted as The Enigma of Evil. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985.

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*Willimon, William H. Sighing for Eden: Sin, Evil and the Christian Faith. Nashville: Abingdon, 1985. (BT160.W55)

II. Other Books (more popular, philosophical, experiential, more specialized Bible) Goddard Library Sections on Suffering: BJ 1400-1410, BT 715-732, BV 4904-4910. Atkinson, Celia. The Gospel of Suffering. London: Mowbray, 1930. Biebel, David B. Jonathan: You Left Too Soon. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1981. (BV4907.B45) Bufford, Rodger K. Counseling and the Demonic. Resources for Christian Counseling 17. Dallas: Word, 1988. Carmichael, Amy. Rose From Brier. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade,

1933. Claypool, John. Tracks of a Fellow Struggler: How to Handle Grief. Waco: Word, 1974.

(BV4907.C55) Cone, James M. The Spirituals and the Blues: An Interpretation. New York: Seabury,

1972. Gordon, Ernest. The Fact of Miracle. Francestown: Marshall Jones, 1955. (BT97.2.G67) Hick, John. Evil and the God of Love. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. (BT 160.H524)

Reserve Howard, David M. How Come God? Reflections from Job about God and Puzzled Man.

Philadelphia: A. J. Holman, 1972. (BS 1415.2.H67) *James, Edgar C. God, Man, and Disaster. Chicago: Moody, 1981. (BT 161.535) *Kaiser, Jr., Walter C. A Biblical Approach to Personal Suffering. Chicago: Moody,

1982. On Lamentations. (BS 1535.2.K34) Keener, Craig. Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011.

Keller, Timothy J. Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road. Grand Rapids:

Zondervan, 1989. (BV4647.M4.K45)

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*Kitamori, Kazoh. Theology of the Pain of God. Richmond: John Knox, 1958. (BT153.S8 K646KE)

Koch, Kurt E. Christian Counseling and Occultism. Trans. A. Petter. Grand Rapids:

Kregel, 1965. *Lewis, C. S. A Grief Observed. London: Faber & Faber, 1961. BV4905.2.L585 Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. Why Does God Allow War? A General Justification of the

Ways of God. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1939. *MacNutt, Francis. The Power to Heal. Notre Dame: Ave Maria, 1977.

(BT 732.5.M34) Healing

*Martin, Lloyd-Jones, D. Why Does God Allow War? A General Justification of the Ways of God. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1939. (BT160.L59)

*Maston, T. B. Suffering: A Personal Perspective. Nashville: Broadman, 1967.

(BV4905.2.M394) McNeill, Donald P., Douglas A. Morrison and Henry J. M. Nouwen. Compassion: A

Reflection on the Christian Life. Garden City: Doubleday, 1982. (BV4647.59M38) Moberly, Elizabeth R. Suffering, Innocent and Guilty. London: SPCK, 1978.

(BT732.7.M6) *Neal, Emily Gardiner. The Healing Power of Christ. New York: Hawthorn, 1972.

(BT732.5.N38) Ohlrich, Charles. The Suffering God: Hope and Comfort for Those Who Hurt. Downers

Grove: InterVarsity, 1982. (BT153.S8.035) Peterson, Michael. Evil and the Christian God. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1982.

(BT 160.P477) Price, Eugenia. Getting Through the Night: Finding Your Way After the Loss of a Loved

One. New York: Dial, 1982. (BV4905.2.P73) Spencer, William David, and Aida Besancon Spencer. Prayer Life of Jesus: Shout of Agony, Revelation of love, A Commentary. Lanham: University Press of America, 1990. Spurgeon, C. H. The Full Harvest. Vol. 2 Autobiography. Eds. Susannah

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Spurgeon and Joseph Harrald. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1973 (BX 6495.S7A2) see esp. chs. 12 and 24.

Taylor, Howard, and Geraldine Taylor. Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret. Chicago: Moody, 1989. (BV3427.T3 T213) Tengbom, Mildred. Help for Bereaved Parents. St. Louis: Concordia, 1981. (BV4907.T47) Vetter, Robert J. Beyond the Exit Door. Elgin: David C. Cook, 1974. (BV4905.2.V47)

*Watson, David. Fear No Evil: One Man Deals With Terminal Illness. Wheaton: Harold

Shaw, 1984. (RC265.6.W38A34) *Wendland, Johannes. Miracles and Christianity. trans. H. R. Mackintosh. New York:

Hodder & Stoughton, 1911. (BT97.W48m) Westberg, Granger E. Minister and Doctor Meet. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1961.

(BV4012.W521) _______. Good Grief: A Constructive Approach to the Problem of Loss. Philadelphia:

Fortress, 1971. (BV4905.2.W45) *Wise, Robert L. When There Is No Miracle: Finding Hope in Pain and Suffering.

Glendale: Regal, 1977. (BV4905.2.W57)

White, John. The Cost of Commitment. (Magnificent Obsession) Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1976. 89 pp. Discusses suffering we experience because of our loyalty to Christ. (BV4510.2.W47)

III. Fiction on Suffering *Macdonald, George. At the Back of the North Wind. (vs. Perelandra?) Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment (Hallmark 1998 video) or Brothers Karamozov. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Lawhead, Stephen R. Byzantium. New York: Harper, 1996.