
NSTP LTS MODULE 1 LESSON I WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a required course mandated by law It is a preparation and opportunity to improve yourself to be of service others Gives you the chance to be to be socially involved and have deeper awareness of yourself in relation to others Endows you with theoretical and practical knowledge and experiences that are needed for community services It opens a window for you to see the current situation of the country Trains you to respond to present challenges, harnessing your instinct for national service Contributions of young people have been recognized by many. JOSE RIZAL: The Youth is the hope of the motherland. role in shaping the future of our nation is significant section 13 article II Footsteps. Service to the Country 1762 youth was formally organized and mobilized to be of service to the country Rev Fr Domingo Collantes OP + Royal Spanish Army Sergeant organized a battalion of youth for military training trained to fight against British troops King of Spain, Charles III endowed within them the “regalia” title and the seal of loyalty “muy Leal” University was awarded the Royal Cedula 1912 Philippine Constabulary started conducting military training in UP 1922: 1 st Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) established in UP 1936: Commonwealth Act I was signed giving ROTC instruction legal basis. All ROTC placed under Phil Army’s control and supervision 1939: MANUEL QUEZON issued National Defense Act (exec order no 207): ROTC will be compulsory in all colleges and universities graduates will serve as pool from which Phil army officers will be drawn 1944: significant numbers of ROTC grad played an impt role in WWII 1980: FERDINAND MARCOS signed Phil Decree No 1706 making national service obligatory for all citizens of the country Civic welfare service Law enforcement service Military service 1981: CORY AQUINO signed memorandum order No. 11 suspending implementation of National Service Law 1996: expanded ROTC was produced same components but not a requirement anymore Late 90s anomalies regarding ROTC implementation became alarming; reports on hazing, grade-fixing AND gradebuying increased; clamor for abolition became pressing 2001: MARK WELSON CHUA 2 nd year eng student-cadet officer of UST exposed anomalies in the UNIV ROTC UNIT March 18: body found lifeless in Pasig River Desperate act of vindictiveness and an effort to end expose June 13, 2004 San Lorenzo Ruiz medal of courage National Service Training Program , established by virtue of the Article I Section 3 RA9163 compulsory 1year course for all freshmen in the universities AND colleges in the country Reserved Officers Training Corps Civic Welfare Training Svc Literary Training Svc What is NSTP? A compulsory 1year course for all freshmen in the universities AND colleges in the country Article I Section 3 of RA 9163 ROTC provides military training in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize students for national defense preparedness Skills: military leadership, basic combat, map reading, military intelligence, artillery operations, unconventional warfare, marches, and bivouac training. CWTS actvts contributory to the general welfare and betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, env, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry. shelter-building, tree planting, med missions LTS trains students to teach literacy and numeracy to school children, out-of-school youths and other segment of societies in need of svcs Hold tutorials and other non-formal education related actvts in public schools and underprivileged communities promoting imptance of education among grade school and HS student, even adults, who were not given the chance to study. NSTP in UST ROTC 1 st year CWTS and LTS 2 nd year After finishing LTS/CWTS become part of National Service Reserved Corps After finishing ROTC part of Citizen Armed Forces LESSON II A good Filipino citizen is one who plays an active role and intelligent role as a member of the community One who fulfills his obligations and duties to the govt and society Possesses trait of respectfulness, courtesy, and consideration for parents and elders and for others Observes punctuality, promptness and good moral conduct PREAMBLE of 1987 Consti Pagkamaka-Diyos Faith in the almighty God

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Page 1: NSTP




National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a required course

mandated by law

It is a preparation and opportunity to improve yourself to be

of service others

Gives you the chance to be to be socially involved and have

deeper awareness of yourself in relation to others

Endows you with theoretical and practical knowledge and

experiences that are needed for community services

It opens a window for you to see the current situation of the


Trains you to respond to present challenges, harnessing your

instinct for national service

Contributions of young people have been recognized by


JOSE RIZAL: The Youth is the hope of the


role in shaping the future of our nation is significant

section 13 article II

Footsteps. Service to the Country

1762 youth was formally organized and mobilized to be of

service to the country

Rev Fr Domingo Collantes OP + Royal Spanish Army

Sergeant organized a battalion of youth for military

training trained to fight against British troops

King of Spain, Charles III endowed within them the

“regalia” title and the seal of loyalty “muy Leal”

University was awarded the Royal Cedula

1912 Philippine Constabulary started conducting military

training in UP

1922: 1st Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) established in


1936: Commonwealth Act I was signed giving ROTC instruction

legal basis.

All ROTC placed under Phil Army’s control and supervision

1939: MANUEL QUEZON issued National Defense Act (exec

order no 207): ROTC will be compulsory in all colleges and

universities graduates will serve as pool from which Phil army

officers will be drawn

1944: significant numbers of ROTC grad played an impt role in


1980: FERDINAND MARCOS signed Phil Decree No 1706

making national service obligatory for all citizens of the country

Civic welfare service

Law enforcement service

Military service

1981: CORY AQUINO signed memorandum order No. 11

suspending implementation of National Service Law

1996: expanded ROTC was produced same components but

not a requirement anymore

Late 90s anomalies regarding ROTC implementation became

alarming; reports on hazing, grade-fixing AND gradebuying

increased; clamor for abolition became pressing

2001: MARK WELSON CHUA 2nd year eng student-cadet officer

of UST exposed anomalies in the UNIV ROTC UNIT

March 18: body found lifeless in Pasig River

Desperate act of vindictiveness and an effort to end expose

June 13, 2004 San Lorenzo Ruiz medal of courage

National Service Training Program , established by virtue of the

Article I Section 3 RA9163 compulsory 1year course for all

freshmen in the universities AND colleges in the country

Reserved Officers Training Corps

Civic Welfare Training Svc

Literary Training Svc

What is NSTP?

A compulsory 1year course for all freshmen in the universities

AND colleges in the country Article I Section 3 of RA 9163

ROTC provides military training in order to motivate,

train, organize and mobilize students for national defense


Skills: military leadership, basic combat, map reading,

military intelligence, artillery operations, unconventional

warfare, marches, and bivouac training.

CWTS actvts contributory to the general welfare and

betterment of life for the members of the community or the

enhancement of facilities, especially those devoted to

improving health, env, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation

and moral of the citizenry.

shelter-building, tree planting, med missions

LTS trains students to teach literacy and numeracy to

school children, out-of-school youths and other segment of

societies in need of svcs

Hold tutorials and other non-formal education related

actvts in public schools and underprivileged

communities promoting imptance of education

among grade school and HS student, even adults, who

were not given the chance to study.


ROTC – 1st year

CWTS and LTS – 2nd year

After finishing LTS/CWTS become part of National Service

Reserved Corps

After finishing ROTC part of Citizen Armed Forces


A good Filipino citizen is one who plays an active role and

intelligent role as a member of the community

One who fulfills his obligations and duties to the govt and society

Possesses trait of respectfulness, courtesy, and consideration for

parents and elders and for others

Observes punctuality, promptness and good moral conduct

PREAMBLE of 1987 Consti


Faith in the almighty God

Page 2: NSTP

You are asked to put God in the center of your


Communicate with him thru prayers

Look to him as ultimate source

Faith alone without work is useless

Respect for life and Work

Your life is a gift from God

Respect each other’s dignity


Doing first things first

Doing rt thing at rt time without hesitation

Entails discipline of mind, emotion and action


Hard work, quality work, honest work

Rt values and attitudes

Concern for family and future generations

Family is a gift from God



Entails sacrifice, responsibility and svc


Give recognition and respect to individuality

Power to act or not to act


Do well for others and for country

Peace begins with you


Value of truth is living and loving passionately with

honesty and sincerity


Promote ethical practices that enhance essence of social




A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand


Treating one another with equyality and utmost dignity

All men are created equal

Respect for law and govt

Should be law-abiding


Be a good citizen ever vigilant for the welfare of your


Be committed to serve the interest of the nation

Common good

Obligation of everyone


Concern for the env

God made us stewards of His creation


Man: Image and Likeness of God

Gen 1:27-29

Gen 2:7

Human dignity is the intrinsic worth that inheres in every human


Source of human dignity is rooted in the concept of Imago Dei

Latin for “Image of God,” in Christ’s redemption and in our

ultimate destiny of union with God

Human dignity transcends any social order as the basis for right is

neither granted by society nor can it be legitimately violated by


Human dignity = conceptual basis for human right.

Every human being should be acknowledged as an inherently

valuable member of the human community and as a unique

expression of life with an integrated bodily and spiritual nature.

People must be conceived as being inherently connected to the

rest of society.

Man’s Dignity Comes from having a soul

Soul is his principle in life.

What gives him spiritual nature

What makes him like God for it enables him to think and to


Intellect: power by which men can reason out to things.

Will: power which allows men to decide and to carry out

that decision.

Because man has a soul, he can be called a person

A person is a being with a rational nature.

Man is called the image of his maker because he is rational.

Something common with God and angels: intellect and will.

Men can have a sense of humor

Can do so because he has a mind.

With an Intellect, Man can search for Truth

He studies the world around him in order to better understand

and do things accordingly.

With knowledge, he can work for the good of others by

producing or making things.

He gropes for what is real.

His mind is not as encompassing as his Maker’s.

Man can choose to do good.

As a person, we have two goals:

Temporal: develop ourselves and take an active role in


Ultimate: to be in union with our Creator.

Intellect enables us to acquire necessary knowledge abt the

meaning of life.

Through it, we are able to discern if our actions are right or


Human will enables us to act on our discernment.

We are able to lift our thoughts to the ideals and are able to

make judgments.

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Each and every one of us is unique.

Distinctive Characters of a Filipino Catholic

We are those who:

As baptized into discipleship of JC, discover our identity as

adopted children of our Father and as members of Christ’s

body, inspired by Mary, our mother.

In the breaking of the bread around the table of the Lord,

find meaning in sharing ecclesial fellowship wih one another

and with Christ, their Priest and their Eucharist

In meeting the crucified savior, are sustained in the sufferings

and hardships of life, and receive forgiveness for their sins

through his sacraments.

Commit ourselves to our Risen Lord and His mission thru

the gift of faith, celebrated in great Hope in the Sacraments,

and lived out in Love and service of their fellow-men.

From our world-vision led by the Spirit of the Risen Christ,

are experienced in the Christian community which sustains

us in our pilgrimage of life-in-christ.

Approach and live out this Christian life within the powerful

inspiring presence of Mary, our Mother and Model.

Concept of Pagmamahal and Pagmumura

Franciscan Venerable Juan de Oliver wrote his Tagalog

“Decalaracion de los Mandamientos de la Ley de Dios” between


First commandment: YBIGUIN mo ang Dios, LALO sa lahat

The reasonable man distinguishes within his heart what is good

and what is evil; he esteems the precious and what is worthless he

treats as worthless.

Pagmamahal: a disposition of one being towards another being, by

which a degree of value is expressed or symbolized.

Pagmumura: inclination to behave toward another who has been

considered as valueless or cheap.

A parent who loves his children not only sees to it that they do

not come to harm

They also actively promote their growth into mature people

feeds them, educates them, chooses their schools, and

helps them decide on their career choice.

The nagmamahal parent appreciates and enhances the value

of children by every means possible.

Pagpapahalaga and pagmamahal: totality of those acts

A thing is loved because it is valuable.

Pagmamahal therefore is bound up with halaga.

To love is to recognize worth or value and to act in a

manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of

the value of minamahal.

Pagmumura sa kapwa: a verbal expression of how little a person

values another.

Pagmumura=demeaning of someone by language or by deed

Thomasian Ideals and Aspirations

Responsibility: the ability to choose our response.

Highly proactive people recognize responsibility

Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice,

based on values rather than a product of conditions based on


St. Dominic de Guzman

Born to a family of nobility in Caleruega, Spain.

Grew up in family of saints.

Always had a heart for the poor.

His fidelity to the church inspired by Dominican ideals of

seeking the truth thru contemplation and sharing the fruits of

one’s contemplations with others.

When he founded the ORDER he drew up a program of


Study was a necessary means thru which order can

achieve its mission of preaching and saving souls.

His means to find the truth

His means to fight enemies with truth.

He knew how to pray very well.

Constant communion with God

Ones faith is nurtured and becomes steadfast and what

he is doing.

Actively interacts with people.

Went from one place to another preaching on foot

carrying in his heart the Dominican motto VERITAS

Dominicans were mendicant friars.

Lived in simplicity.

St. Thomas Aquinas

When he was 5 y/o his family placed him under the care

of the Benedictines of Monte Casino.

Teachers surprised at his progress.

He surpassed all his fellow pupils in learning and in


Renounced things of the world entered Dominicans in

1243 --Naples

Gift of perfect chastity = title of “Angelic Doctor”

After study in Naples, studied in Cologne under St. Albert

the Great

Was called “dumb ox” because of silent ways and huge

size but really brilliant.

Age of 22 appointed to teach in that city and

published his first works.

After 4 years sent to Paris.

Age of 31 received his doctorate.

He not only wrote but he also preached often and with

greatest fruit.

Left Summa Theologica unfinished for on his way to the

second council of Lyons (ordered by Gregory X), he fell

sick and died at the Cistercian monastery of Fossa

Nuova in 1274

He is one of the greatest and most influential


Canonized in 1323 and declared Doctor of the Church

by Pope Pius

He never grew tired of seeking the truth and preaching

about it.

He continued to persevere though not everyone agreed

with him.

Commitment for truth did not cease or waver.

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St Martin de Lima (St Martin de Porres)

Dominican priest declared “Blessed” by Pope Gregory XVI

Canonized by Pope John XXII on May 6, 1962

Continues to be greatly revered for his commitment to racial

and social justice.

He often challenged his brothers on their racial attitudes.

He also loved animals.

His charity made him the patron saint of social justice.

He fed, sheltered and doctored hundreds of families

Provided the requisite dowry of 4,000 to enable atleast

27 poor young women to marry.

He established the orphanage and school of the holy cross

which took in boys and girls of all classes and taught them

trades or homemaking skills.

He insisted that the staff be well-paid so they would give

their best svc.

Also extended his healing gifts – going to the servant’s

quarters and healing their ailments.

His spiritual practices were legendary.

Fast for extensive periods of time on bread and water.

Loved all night vigils

He scourges himself with chains three times a day for

the souls in the purgatory, for unrepentant sinners and

for his own soul.

Showed disciplined life + charity + humility.

St Catherine of Siena – DOCTOR of the Church

St Antonius of Florence – social reformer

Bartolome de Casas – defender of Human rights

Some Thomasian Alumni and Honorary

Mother Teresa

Devoted herself and life into working among the poorest of

the poor in the slums of Calcutta

She depended on Divine Providence

Started an open-air school for slum children


Jose Rizal


MH Del Pilar

Antonio Luna



Diosdado Macapagal

UST as a Catholic Educational Institution

Med tech grad tops Sept 2008 Med Tech licensure Exam

CRS is the top performing school in both PT and OT licensure

exam held on July 26 and 27, 2008.

UST garnered highest rate among all schools who took the


Passing rate of PT: 98

Passing rate of OT: 84

National passing rate: 48

UST performs No1 during Oct 2008 CPA Licensure exam

Produces new CPAs with 259passers out of 332

78 passing rate

Thomasian Core Values


Our life and work should always be an example of adherence

to the truth and intellectual creativity

We are expected to study well in preparation for the kind of

life we wish to live in the future.

Competent = doing one’s best.

Competing with yourself


We must live not only for ourselves.

We should look into the concerns of othrs.

Compassion: passion directed towards people in need.

Enables us to focus on others and not giving ourselves

Competence + compassion = ensures reign of God’s love

and mercy.


We have to give ourselves fully to the ideals that we hold


We should commit to search for truth unceasingly.

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Lesson I: Poverty

Almost 1out of 2 Filipinos consider themselves as poor

46 of Filipino families or 40.4M Filipinos of the projected 86M

population of 2007 see themselves as poor (Social Weather

Stations, Jan 2008)

Poverty: inability to secure the minimum consumption

requirements for life, health and efficiency on account of

insufficient income or property.

Requirements: food, clothing, housing, education and


Poverty is present all over the world.

Complex problem

Many factors involved and may differ in perspectives.


Growing integration of economies and societies around the word.

Had opened economies domestically and internationally.

Has both positive and negative effects

Beneficial effects:

increase in production, efficiency

decrease in product prices

improve the position of all parties which may cause

increased outputs and increased wage levels and living


greater potential for greater human well being

throughout the world.

Negative effects:

Negative effects of competition


Negative effects of globalization are unemployment and economic


Recession: significant decline in activity spread across the

economy, lasting longer than a few months.

Two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth

How does it happen?

Growth of economy is based on the balance between the

production and consumption of goods and services.

Economy has to slow down

can be caused by oversupply demand for goods

will drop earnings and incomes will drop

markets fall.

Brings about economic difficulties, loss of jobs, increase in the

price of basic commodities and others.


Unemployment rate 7.3% in 2008

2003 10.20%

2004 11.40%

2005 11.70%

2006 8.70%

2007 8.90%

Unemployment: occurs when individuals who are willing to

work cannot find jobs.

Probable causes:

Imbalance of demand and supply of working hours

Technological advancement that human force is replaced by


Jobless = no financial compensation

Cannot meet his obligations cause different problems

Unemployed = may feel poor because of inability to secure a job.

Developing one’s self by acquiring new skills increases the

marketability of a person.

Another one is being open to career change

The fact that there are many who are unemployed does not mean

that there are no jobs available.

Informal Setting

Another problem that arises from poverty

Informal setting: the act of occupying an abandoned or

unoccupied space or building, usually residential.

Squatters do not own, rent or have permission to use a piece of


Government offers low-cost housing and other NGOs make projects

that aim to give housing for people

Lesson II: Health

Half a million around the world die from complications of

pregnancy and childbirth

According to WHO, causes are:

Severe bleeding


Unsafe abortions


Obstructed labor

More than 90 of the reported deaths come from Asia and

sub-Saharan Africa

DOH (2003) 45.1 of maternal death were brought about by

aforementioned causes.

Pregnancy and childbirth does not only concern the mother, but

the baby as well.

42.4 Filipino babies suffer from poor maternal health and

nutrition, inadequate care during pregnancy and delivery, and

lack of care for the newborn baby, infections, birth injury,

asphyxia, and problems relating to premature birth.

Asphyxia: extreme decrease in oxygen + increase of

carbon dioxide loss of consciousness death

Reproductive Health

Refers to the state of physical, mental and social well-being and

not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters

relating to the reproductive system and to its function and


Implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life,

that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to

decide if provided that these are not against the law.

Reproductive Health and Population Dev’t Act (2008)

Page 6: NSTP

Authorized by Representative Edcel Lagman

Aims to grant public funding to family planning methods using

artificial contraceptives and sex education

Gives access to reproductive health information to avoid

unwanted and untimely pregnancies and to limit country’s


One program: intensify health education

Church disagrees opposed the bill and deemed that artificial

contraceptives as anti-life and immoral.

Couples should practice natural family planning methods

Church stressed that instead of allocating funds for family

planning, the govt should provide funds to medical svcs to

improve the reproductive health of Filipinos

Media and technology plays a major part in the sex education of

young Filipinos

Drug Abuse

Abuse of drugs is often the cause of crimes in our country

Drugs are not dangerous if taken in moderation and with


A person who abuses drugs may not realize that he has a problem

Only realizes when he is arrested

Drug: refers to label drugs which are natural or synthetic


Reasons for drug abuse:

Calming/exciting effects

Escape from reality

Search for awareness and mysticism

Masking pain

Blunting anxiety

Fighting depression

Escaping physical or mental deficits

Lighting burden

Improving performance

Other reasons:

Psych disorders

Solution to problems

Widespread and easy access to drugs

Peer pressure

Notion that drugs give enjoyment to users in the context

that it is used as an alcohol substitute

Lesson III: Environment

Environmental degradation: one of the unsolved issues all over the


Access to safe food, clean water and air is not as easy



World bank said that there is a possible water scarcity in our

country by 2025 and around 1.4B of the people wont have access

to safe water.

7M die yearly due to water-borne diseases

2.2M are under 5yearsold

Only 2.5 of the 70% of the earth water is fresh.

Three quarters of this fresh water is trapped in ice and snow

¼ is what we use.

With little water resource, the situation was aggravated by

modernization, pollution growth and urbanization.

Factors contribute to land, air and water pollution.

Land pollution: caused by improper waste disposal and weak

recycling practices

Wastes go to landfills which are not the solution to the

growing problem of waste disposals

They pollute the air

Different advocacies were launched to prevent environment from

deteriorating quickly


Destruction of Phil forest is the most rapid and most massive in

the world.

In a couple of years, only 6 of the Philippine land area will be

covered by our forest

No wonder we experience landslides, mudslides, abnormal

weather patterns and extinction of wild life.

Asian Development Bank average annual rate of deforestation

in the country is at 1.4% from 1990-2000

Cause: Corruption

Illegal Trade of Wild Life

International wild life: supplies both the domestic and

international markets

Wildlife is traded for a number of reasons:






Decorative purposes



Smuggled exotic animals make way thru the Ro-Ro from

neighboring countries

One solution: do not patronize

Frightening facts:

Illegal trade in wildlife is second to illegal drug abuse

Ivory trade in 20th century caused the African elephant

population to fall by 10M between 1900-1989

9 out of 10 birds caught from the wild for pet trade die

before reaching destination.

Every year, an area the size of British isle is destroyed

Fuel demand for trade in tropical wood.

Animals in trade are subjected to stress they can die

Lesson IV: Education

Literacy Information in the Philippines

DepEd only 58 for every 100 students who went to grade one

reached HS and only 14 finished college.

2004 UNESCO Commission in the Philippines only 22 enter

1st year college and finish.

Page 7: NSTP

Mode of Travel to School

More than half of the people aged 6-24 went to school by


Tricycle and jeep common transpo

2 out of 5 take tricycle and jeepney.

Reasons for not Attending School

Of the 34M populations aged 6-24, 34% or 11.6M does not

attend school

30% does not attend because they are working.

22% lacked interest in going to school

20% could not afford cost of education.

Basic or Simple Literacy

62M of Filipinos aged 10 and above, around 93% were

basically literate.

Basic/Simple Literacy: ability to read and write with

understanding of a simple message in any language/dialect.

2003 similar to 1994 94%

Females 94.3%

Male 92.6%

Picturing State of Education

Challenges facing the nation:


Electric fan



Literacy: one of the critical components of human development

Foundation upon which all learning throughout life is based.

Provides means for greater anticipation in all spheres of


Low level can limit individual in decision-making and can

make it difficult to for them to exercise their fundamental

citizenship rights.

Lesson V: Governance

Politics originated from word polis which means city state

Generally refers to the process by which groups of people

make decisions.

Art and science of governing, especially of a political

entity and the administration and control of its internal

and external affairs

Governance: continuous exercise of authority over a political unit

Difference between the two?

Politics: involves processes by which a group of people with

initially different opinions or interests arrive at common

decisions usually regarded as compulsory on the group, and

enforced as a common policy

Governance: suggests the administrative and process-

oriented elements of governing rather than its aggressive


Voters’ Education Program: To Responsible Voting

Why should you vote?

Voting/Suffrage: the privilege and right given to every

Filipino citizen.

It is also a responsibility of every Filipino

Every citizen is entitled to vote and cant be deterred from

fulfilling this function

Voting: one of Filipino’s alienable rights

Article 1 Sec 4 Omnibus Election Code

It shall be the obligation of every citizen qualified to vote

to register and cast his vote

By casting his vote Filipino makes himself a part of the

nation’s conscience

Filipino is charged with the responsibility to promote and

uphold what is beneficial to the common good.

When a Filipino chooses to forfeit his privilege he makes

himself an apathetic bystander

Whom should you vote for?




Page 8: NSTP


Lesson 1: Community Development

Vision of Community Development:

We are all part of a community

Most of us belong to more than one community

UST strong and established educational community for

higher learning we share, transmit and promote our

identity to all the new Thomasians.

Communities can also be defined by common cultural heritage,

language, and beliefs or shared interests also called communities

of interest.

Community: a geographical area where a group of people live in

a common life linked together by factor such as religious belief,

sexual orientation, occupation, or ethnic origin, and a shared

sense of belongingness. (Coloma and Herrera)


Gradual unfolding, a fuller working out of the details, of

noted changes or growing improvement.

Has meant different things at different times in relation to

changing circumstances and sensibilities.

Prof Elmer Ferrer: development does not necessarily mean

growth; it is however about change, positive change.

Community Development:

Planned evolution of all aspects of community well-being

(economic, social, env, cultural)

Not a quick fix for the day-to-day operations of the


Follows a planned process that is long-term and integrated.

Process is long and tedious

Every step must be carefully planned and monitored.

A process of facilitating people and actualizing themselves

and therefore discover their identities and possibilities and

connection with each other and the world.

Not a new concept in the country.

Balangay each is related and headed by a leader

Through the years it has evolved and developed

with the aid of western ideologies and teachings

which is being applied based on the needs of the

people in the community.

The improvement, growth, and change of geographic area

and its people from “conventional to modern ways , from

crudeness to refinement, from ignorance to learning, from

faultiness to virtuosity”

Goals of community development:

Community development is people-centered

People’s welfare

Comm dev is for the people.

It is impt to place their welfare above anything else

FF endeavour has to be achieved:

Improved quality of life

Help people acquire coherence and meaning of life

Lead people towards achieveing sustainability and


People’s capacity

All people and community have a certain amt of capacity

no one is without capacity, but often we need to


Heart of capacity building is the people

It would take capacity to achieve a healthy community

as well as good leadership, viable plan, motivation and

the support of the people from the community

Capacity: ways and means to do what has to be done

Broader than simply skills, people and plans.

Includes commitment, resources and all that is

brought to bear on a process and make it


Indication that capacity is developing: people are being

active, interested and participating with what is going on

More and more people will be getting involved,

identifying key issues and taking action.

People’s participation

Active community participation is the heart that pumps

the community’s life blood – its citizens – into becoming

an improved community.

Community participation is critical to community


Bordenave: participation is a joint effort of people for

achieving a common impt objective previously defined

by them.

Paul: Community participation is and active process

whereby beneficiaries influence the direction and

execution of the development projects rather than

merely receiving a share of the project benefits.

Far more than a requirement

A condition for success.

Studies have documented that communities that

engaged their citizens and partners deeply in the work

of comm. Dev raise more resources, achieve more

results, and develop in a more holistic and an ultimately-

more-beneficial way.

Collective action


Refers to increasing political, social and economic strength of


Often involves developing confidence in their own capacities.

Increasing capacities of individuals/groups to make choices

and to transform those choices into desired actions and


Central to this process are actions which both build

individual and collective assets, and improve the efficiency of

organizations and institutions.

Empowered people have freedom of choice and action.

Enables them to better influence the course of their

lives and the decisions which affect them.

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To think to express oneself to belong to a group

to be recognized and respected to create and

recreate one’s cultural environment to have a say in

decisions affecting one’s life empowerment

Goals of comm. Dev lead us to empowerment

Empowerment is most essential to comm. Dev

How can we empower our brothers and sisters?


About taking an active part in the community of

which you are an impt member

Voluntary association for mutual benefit

About the people who are affected by the decisions

being the people who makes the decisions

About having your voice heard.


Not only increases a person’s economic


Also serves as catalyst for social change

Key factor for sustainable development.

My Pedagogic Creed (John Dewey):

Educ is fundamental method of social progress

Educ is regulation of the process of coming to

share in the social consciousness; and that the

adjustment of individual activity on the basis of

this social consciousness is the only sure

method of social reconstruction.

A continuing reconstruction of experience.

Process and goal of educ is one and the


Lesson 2: Community Organizing

Community Organization

Process by which the people organize themselves to take

charge of their situation and thus develop a sense of being a

community together

A particularly effective tool for the poor and powerless as

they determine for themselves the actions they will take to

deal with the essential forces that are destroying their

community and consequently causing them to be powerless.

Rev. Robert Linthicum, World Vision International

Winston Churchill: We make a living by what we get but we

make a life by what we give

Application of principles and methods for effecting change in

which the community groups are helped to identify the

common problems or goals, mobilize resources and in other

ways develop and implement strategies for reaching the goals

they have set.

Values-based process By which People (most often low and

moderate income people previously absent from decision-

making tables) are brought together in organizations to

jointly act in the interest of their communities and the

common good

People involved in CO learn how to take greater

responsibility for the future of their communities, gain in

mutual respect and achieve growth as individuals

In Phil setting CO is seen as systematic, planned and

liberating change process of transforming a community into

an organized, conscious empowered, self-reliant, just and

humane entity and institution

In a nutshell CO is people working together to get things

done (Si Kahn)


People’s Empowerment

People will become conscious that they possess power

– power to assert their rights and to have a hand in

decisions that will affect their lives.

Enable people to think that there are opportunities for

change and development thru cooperation and

collective action

Improved Quality of Life

People learn to secure short and long term

improvements in their standards of living as soon as

they receive access to their basic needs

Leadership and Mobilization

Leaders are identified and developed

They gain knowledge, skills and proper attitude

required by their task in comm. Dev

Social Transformation

Community organizing seeks to change the life of the

community and the whole society into a democratic,

self-reliant, nationalistic, and self governing entity that

can respond to bigger concerns like env problems and

indiv needs


Go to the people, live among the people

CO organizers can decide which approach can be

employed best if they know and feel what the

community believes, does, and wants to attain.

Learn, Plan, and work with the people

Organizer must be open to what the people want to

achieve and how they plan to achieve it.

He should facilitate changes and ensure that residents

participate in the whole process of planning, decision

making, implementing and evaluating of activities

Start with and build on what the people know

Organizer should begin with the indigenous resources,

technologies and structures that a community has,

Teach by showing, learn by doing

Organizers should demonstrate procedures or

techniques not just merely give instructions so people

could learn easily

Not by piecemeal but by an integrated approach

CO is an interrelationship of different factors

Cooperation System of the residents must be used until

the majority of the people are provided with the basics

in their daily life

Not relief but release

CO liberates a community from its problems

Problems do not recur in their orig forms but are

resolved on a long term basis

What does it take to be a good community organizer?

Soul of organizing is the people

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Organizer may be paid or work as a volunteer

They can differ in strategies, tactics, even on what seems to

be moral values

BUT all organizers believe in the people, the ability of regular

folks to guide their lives, to speak for themselves, to learn

the world and how to make it better (Dave Beckwith and

Randy Stoeker)

To become a community organizer, you must have:


Sense of humor

Blur vision of a better world

Organized personality

Strong ego/sense of oneself

Free, open mind and political relativity

Ability to create new out of the old (Saul Alinsky)

Phases of CO (Mr Jose Cruz III, Dir of OCD UST 2009)

Area-site Selection

Comm chosen for CO are those that are generally

described as marginalized, those that are unserved,

underserved, and are economically depressed

Chosen based on needs – a need that an external agent

would like to address and may have capacity to address

Additional criteria:



Safety of the comm. Organizer

General acceptance of the community to comm.

organizing and development work also plays a impt

factor in selection of community

Entry to the Community

Some call it integration or immersion

This is when the organizer goes to the community, lives

with the people and assimilates into community life.

To understand the community and allow community to

know you, you must be one of them and be one with


Organizers don’t do it but get others to do it.

Organizers are simply facilitators and implementers.

Must do:

Hold courtesy call to local leaders

Be prepared to explain purpose of visit

NEver promise anything don’t raise the hopes of

the community particularly in the things that we

cant deliver

Assume simplicity and clothing

Act in a behaviour that will be a positive reflection

of you, your family and the University

Have fun.

Always greet everybody with a smile.

Community Study

Immersion should have given you a good idea of what

the community is

It is time to formalize and conduct community study or


This is also called:

Community diagnosis

Social investigation

Comm investigation

Social analysis

Spotting Potential Leaders

In the course of working and interacting with the

community, you will get the chance to know them


You will also notice that there are indivs who show

more concern and are more active in the community

and have considerable influence and leadership among


They are the potential leaders

Identify them because they will be able to help you

in your organizing work.

You will also get know some of our partner

communities and some of our local leaders observe

them, talk with them, try to pick up some of their traits

that qualify them as leader

Core Group Formation

Organizing is a daunting task if you would place all the

responsibility on yourself

You cant and must not do that

As you identify potential leaders, meet them as a group

plan and divide the activities with everybody work

gets easier and everybody feels responsible for the

success and therefore will slowly build up the comm.


Core group serves as the building

Community Organization

May take on different forms.

This is the phase when you formalize your organization

which must be:

Clearly identified, articulated reason for being.

Captured in statement of vision, mission and


A general statement may suffice

Community Organization and Dev plan:



Resources needed


Responsible persons

Expected output

Have a semblance of a structure

May even have their policies


Actual implementation or activity phase

When you along with the community put your plans

into action.


We work with the community and not for them

Use available resources in the community

Have fun

Evaluation and Follow Up

Eval: process of assessing what has been done and its


Comm. Organizing is both a process and an output

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Proj may seem to fail but still produce learning

experiences that are in the long term, beneficial to

the community.

May evaluate activity based on ff criteria


Did we full achieve our objectives?

What are the factors that facilitated the

achievement of objectives?


Community factors


What resources were utilized in the project?

How much time was spent for the whole

project? Was it enough? Was time used


How were these resources utilized?

Is the output commensurate to the resources



Is the project sufficient for the identified


If not, what other proj could contribute to the

solution of the problem identified?


Was it the right project to solve the problem?

Was it a suitable solution to the problem?

Your subsequent action would be based on the result of

your evaluation.

At this point, you should also be weaning the

community with your direct influence in the

decision making.

Slowly your presence is less felt and you are now in

exit phase.

You occasionally visit the community to follow

up/monitor their progress and provide assistance

only when needed and expressed.

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Module 5

Project Management: An Overview

Program: a sequenced group of plans and activities

combined to meet a certain goal or give a specific

product or service

Usually ongoing

Consists of interrelated and independent projects.

Project: a temporary execution of a designed plan to

create a specific product or service, which is usually

constrained by a definite schedule, set of task, budget

and goal.

Project may be temporary but it is a progressive

work developmental

Management: act and processes that leads to the

completion of a desired goal.

Involves a definite set of principles, goals, tools

and skills, or all resources to get things done by an


“all of the processes assoc with defining,

planning, and executing the project are

considered part of project management.”

Different resources are involved in project


Human resources

Financial resources

Technological resources

Natural resources

Proper supervision of these resources will lead to a

successful project.

Program manager/supervisor: whom you recognize

as your facilitator

Project manager: team leader within your group.

Heads the overall program and communicates

with the program manager so that he can be

updated with the current situation of each

project, whether it is still in line with the overall


Also consults changes with a program manager

and gives timely report to monitor the progress of

the project.

Overview of Project Management Phases

Assessment: act of determining the importance, value

and goal of the project.

Create a profile of the community and identify target

of project

Where to start?

Ask the right questions

Identify the problem correctly.

May be done thru assessment, data collection or


Some questions to be asked?

What is the general state of the community?

Where you give a general area description

and demographic profile.

May cite condition of the community

based on their economic, educ, env,

health political and social sitch.

Asses your group.

Who are involved?

When do you plan to execute the proj?

How long will it run?

What resources are at hand?

Project profile

set of data that helps identify the characteristics and

features of a community.

Attempts to describe the community, highlights area

that needs to be developed, reveals possibilities, and

helps place a benchmark for your project.

Forms of Profiling

Individual action research

Done by a community worker/parish minister

who is new to the area

Gives them an orientation of what the

community is, and what they can do for the


Will be done if the OCD/NSTP has no profile

available for the community we will be

acting as community worker who will

research on the community profile.

Focused Profile

Centers on what needs to be addressed and

known from the community

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Information needed is already


Can be used when program has already an

existing project

Tools and methods used for profiling:

Census information

NSO releases info and figures about the

different sectors in the country which can be

used to create a profile or as a basis for your



There are several maps available


Contain different info that will be helpful with

your profiling such as the crops and livestocks

found in that community,

Prior research

Some areas already have profiles provided by

the bgy or other organizations that have

previously conducted projects in the area.

Researchers will be helpful in further

enhancing your own profile.


By using a questionnaire or survey form, you

can do a face-to-face interview with the

residents to better understand their


Community profile may vary depending on the

program that you are under.

Some communities already have a profile that can

be found at the OCD/NSTP office

For some new communities, you would need to come

up with an informative profile.

Profile questionnaires may vary depending on

your NSTP program.


What’s Next?

After assessing, we can start to build on a possible


Without proper planning, you are bound for a

disaster instead of success.

In ever endeavour, you have to be prepared.

Without preparation, you might be caught

unaware by the obstacles that you will encounter,

and due to being unprepared, you will encounter

a lot of problems.

By failing to be prepared, you are preparing to


You prepare by setting and formulating a well laid

plan for your project.

Plan: a detailed formulation of a program action.

Set of tasks that your group intends to do.

Structured diagram or procedure that is arranged

beforehand to help attain a specified goal.

No plan, No control.

J. Lewis (Fundamentals of Project Mgmt): Control

is exercised by comparing where you are to where

you are supposed to be.

Plan will be your guideline as you go along

with the project.

Without a plan, group is bound to be off-control,

implementation bound to result to a catastrophe.

A plan keeps you focused and organized -> points

out who should be doing the task and when,

which things to do, and what to be ready with.

Plan should be well-thought and discussed so

project will be effective.

Creating a plan should not be shouldered by

leader alone.

Members involved should also help plan the


Group should use SMART as guideline to goals in your


Specific – don’t be too vague or wordy

Measurable – rate the target that you want to


Attainable – don’t set a very high expectation or a

fictitious idea

should be susceptible to changes and


Realistic – should be practical, and not just an

idea that can be made possible.

Consider resources at hand

Time-bound – project will be completed within a

reasonable timeframe.

Every plan should start with a goal in mind.

What are these objectives?

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Objective specifies a desired end result to be


Things that you intend to do and accomplish in

the program

Will serve as your guide as you go about with your


Measuring sticks to know if you have achieved

what your project intended to get done.

Should follow these aspects:

HEAD (cognitive): affects thinking process –


HEART (affective): affects emotions and

expressions – compassion

HANDS (psychomotor): focuses on physical

and kinaesthetic skills – competence.


Step done to carry out and put into action the plan

that the group has prepared

Provide the power and authority necessary to

accomplish or put something into effect.


No faculty supervisor; no parental consent: NO


Do not be late. Respect each other’s time. Avoid

being cause of delay

Wear and bring modest working clothes. Wear

NSTP shirt

Expect to hike and get soiled

Be prepared and do not bank on residents for

your needs

Avoid a grand entrance and raise people’s

expectations when entering the community

Do not look for comforts of your own home

Don’t be pretentious – never pretend that you

know anything.

Be courteous and polite to the people of the

community and be an active listener.

Main purpose: ensure that you empower residents

with skills that will help them progress and enrich

their lives.

Immerse with the community – adjust to them and

don’t look for luxury you are used to.

Make sure that when you are done with your project,

they would be able to manage their own and have a

long-term use of what you imparted to them.

We are to give service, make sure you do your best

and act responsibly.

Etiquettes in taking pictures:

Do not block someone’s view of the event

Never be rude – not everyone wants to waste

their pictures taken especially when what they

are doing is private

Do not put yourself or anyone else in danger by

your actions.

Do not expect special treatment

When in doubt if something is okay, ASK

Take pictures of the activity especially while it is

being conducted.

Prioritize taking pictures of implementers

while doing the activity.


Regular observation done

To check how the project is progressing

Do the ff project:

Analyze sitch in the community and its project

Verify whether resources used in the project are

well utilized and allocated

Isolate problems and make necessary

adjustments in the plan

Make certain that all activities are done properly

by the right people and in time.

Determine whether the way the proj was planned

is most appropriate, adequate, effective and

efficient way of solving the problem at hand.

Where your proposed plan can come helpful – may be

used as a basis for monitoring.

Can also aid you in making sure that objectives

and goals are achieved.


Process of carefully examining and determining the

worth or the merit of the project

Form an idea of the amount or value of;assess

Applied to provide feedback that will be helpful for

future projects.

Page 15: NSTP

Used to identify whether project should be continued

or cancelled.

Will lead back to the objectives cited at the start of


Things to consider:

Was it adequate for the goal of the program?

Is it the appropriate project for the community?

For the program?

Was the execution effective?

Was the distribution of the resources efficient?

Is the effect of the program long term?

Did you empower the community?

Project development is an interrelated process of

implementing projects that is ongoing process.

Involves different resources which your group has

utilize wisely and efficiently for a successful and

effective project outcome.

In developing project, identify the problem, needs or

concerns of the community profile formulate

possible solutions or responses for the said concerns

project must be SMART and everyone must give

inputs and share in planning of project execute,

monitor and evaluate plans to check effectiveness

and efficiency of project implemented

Lesson Proper

Lesson plan serves as a blueprint for a teacher

Provides the general framework for the work of

the day or term that would be carried out

Bossing (1952): a lesson plan is a “statement of

achievements to be realized and the specific

means by which these are to be attained as a

result of the activities engaged in day by day

under the guidance of the teacher”

Purpose of lesson planning: the improvement of

teaching by the teachers and of the learning by the


Well-made plan will give the teacher a feeling of

confidence and security in the classroom

She will have a definite and appropriate

experience ready to develop with students.

Basic Steps in LP

Formulate goals and aims to accomplish

Plan challenging goals for the students according

to their abilities

Aims should be smart – specific, measurable,

attainable, realistic and time-bound

Selecting and organizing the subject matter

Teacher should anticipate situations that are to

be met, and what materials, activities,

information, understanding and skills are

necessary to achieve the goals.

Recommendation: subject matter must be

selected closely as possible to solve or understand

daily activities and problems of the students.

Possess a mastery of the subject

It is the teacher who will provide the focus

and direction of classroom experiences

Determining the methods and procedures in


Try to incorporate a variety of procedures into the

plan so that maximum efforts will be secured

from the pupils, indiv differences will be met, and

boredom could be avoided.

Includes art of questioning, motivation, and

teaching strategy

Evaluating the effectiveness of the procedure

Intelligent teaching requires eval.

Eval must be focused on the teaching and

learning of the pupils

the ability of an effective teacher to evaluate the

growth of each pupil will be a factor to determine

whether the teacher succeeded in teaching the

subject matter or not.

Includes recitation, quizzes and reviews


Plan must be flexible to make any necessary

changes possible

Giving the assignments

Assignment: another impt phase in teaching.

Aim: give pupils definite work to do and to guide

and to stimulate them for the performance of

such work.

Result in educative experience

Page 16: NSTP

Must bring interest of the student to the past or

new lesson

Types of Lesson Plans

Detailed LP – type used by first time teachers.

Just like script of play: write down all questions

and the expected answers of students,.

Semi-detailed LP – simply contains the Lesson

procedures and guide questions for students.

Brief LP – contains very short description of the

activity and is usually guided by a course outline.

Basic Parts of a LP

Title – includes the type of LP that you will use, the

name of the teacher and the date of teaching.

Objectives – place aims or objectives for your LP.

Must be clear and measurable.

Stated by the phrase, “at the end of the lesson,

the students are expected to...”

Subject Matter – Provides main facts and concepts of

the lesson.

Materials – include the instructional materials you

will use may be a blackboard, visual aids, or a


Procedure – includes lesson proper, specifically the

teacher and student activities.

Two column form – one side for teacher’s actvt

and another for the students.

Motivation: in a detailed LP, it is where we write

the opening prayer, the greetings, the motivation

to be used (a quote, game or anecdote)

Discussion: place main content of the subject and

also includes guide questions and expected


Summary/Closing Activity: where we write the

closing remarks, summary, and generalization of

the lesson.

Evaluation or Assignment: serves to measure the

learner’s comprehension or their preparation for

the next lesson.

If teacher want to teach her lesson very well, he must

have a blueprint that will serve as a guide throughout

the session.

Very first step in making a LP is formulating the

objectives which are the things that the teacher wants

to attain at the end of every lesson.

One of the most popular proponents of education,

Benjamin Bloom conceptualized the “BLOOM’S


Bloom’s taxonomy objectives

Three main domains of educational activities (Bloom):

Cognitive domain: focuses on mental skills

Affective domain: concentrates on the growth in

feelings or emotional areas of a child (attitude)

Psychomotor domain: physical movement,

coordination, and use of motor skills

Diagram gave emphasis on the five levels of cognitive


Knowledge, comprehension, application,

synthesis, and evaluation

Provides the right words/verbs to be used and

suitable activities for you to meet the objectives that

you want your students to learn.

There are so many activities to give the students 00

you can even create one if you want to.

Objectives should be made specific so you know if

you’re able to meet them and make activities suitable

for the learner

Evaluating Lesson Plan

Measures how much the students learned from the

lesson that was taught.

Also shows the impact of the lesson to the learner

Will reveal effectiveness and efficiency of the LP in

the teaching protocol

LP evaluating tool

When giving feedbacks, provide a number in the

rating column.

Use NA if statement is not applicable.

Comment sections can be added to each

statement or as provided under each broad


5 (outstanding), 4 (abv ave), 3 (satisfactory) 2

(below ave) 1 (unsatisfactory



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NSTP Module 6

Lesson 1: Brief History of Comm Dev in UST

Introduction to University’s CommDev Program

Office for Community Development – Rm115 Main


Mission: the UCDP, through the OCD of the UST,

commits itself to the Christian formation of

Thomasians and university partner communities

in becoming agents of social transformation.

Vision: the Univ Comm Dev Program (UCDP),

through the the OCD of the UST, pursuing the

effective and sustained involvement of the

Thomasian community, envisions partner

communities and at-risk sectors that are self-

reliant, interdependent, and empowered,

contributing to a Philippine society that is “Maka-

Diyos, makatao, makabayan and makakilakasan”

Six words:

Introduction to the University’s Partner Communities

It was June 15 1991, when the day turned night,

Mt Pinatubo in Central Luzon erupted

residents nearby were dislocated.

Both govt and nongovt agencies pooled their

efforts together to help those who were directly


Certain areas were identified as resettlement

sites for the victims whose houses were covered

with lahar

One of the resettlement areas: sitio Layak in

Barangay Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac.

Accommodated the residents from the

buried towns of Mabalacat and Dolores

Pampanga and Bamban, Tarlac.

Prof Irene Grace Carlos was one of those

who went to the area with her our lady of

grace choir of quiapo church. she

brought to their plight to the attention of

the UST College of Nursing.

September 1992 the choir and UST

College of Nursing with its RCYO went

to Sitio Layak to make their initial


They also conducted a medmission

and relief goods distribution (Oct 17,


UST College of Nursing proposed to teh

UST admin thru the then OSACS

adoption of the community as

catchments area for its various commdev


OSACS organized the efforts of the

various colleges, faculties, departments to

come up with concerned effort which

would best address the immediate needs

of the community.

Last December 17, 2008 UST in behalf of the OCD

received the outstanding regional higher education

institute extension program award.

Given by CHED during ceremonies held at

Seameo-Innotech, Diliman QC.

Really interesting to know how it happened:




Flagship Programs

There are three flagship programs that the OCD is

undertaking – distance education, kamanlalakbay,

Bamban indigenous people’s program.

Distance Education

Our brothers and sisters from the five learning

centers study thru the radio

Adult distance literacy program using the two-

way radio broadcast as the medium of delivery.

Teacher broadcasts the lessons via a two-way

radio from the radio room in the college of

education to the learners in their communities.






Page 19: NSTP

Leaders (head of the different partner

communities) unite and converge – they learn

from/with each other.

Annual training for the leaders of the University’s

partner communities

Univ and the community work hand in hand

towards a common goal.

How: http://ocd.ust.edu.ph/webapps/UST1-




Bamban Indigenous Program

An opportunity under the partnership between

the Aetas of Bamban and the UST OCD to pursue

the BIP Integrated development program.

Reflection of Bamban Aetas’ vision that can be

achieved thru parcipatory, democratic, humane

and aeta-centered development strategies,

methodologies, interventions and projects.

There are different ways of how one can help in

commdev. TABLE.

List of partner communities:




Lesson 2: Current Initiatives of NSTP CWTS and LTS

NSTP CWTS and LTS has been a part of the OSA for

the past several years due to the comm. Dev nature of

the two components they were integrated as part of

the COD in Nov 2008.

With this integ, the activities of both CWTS and LTS

are now being held in the diff partner communities of

the UST thru the OCD.

Section three of RA9163: CWTS refers to “programs or

activities contributory to the general welfare and the

betterment of life for the members of the community

or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those

devoted to improving health, educ, env, entre, safety,

recreation, and morals of the citenzry

LTS: program designed to train students to become

teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school

children, out of school youth, and other segments of

society in need of their svc.

IN line with this, UST NSTP CWTS and LTS came up

with activities that will maximize the capabilities of

the students in diff fields of commdev, thus exposing

them to the different realities of life.


Past: two major programs in CWTS which are the

Thomasian’s concern for the Environment and

CWTS Program on Social Transformation.

Thomasian Concern for the Environment

Cluster of activities which aims to motivate

the students to take part in improving the

condition of their environment.

Some of the past activities: Bantay Kalikasan

and Pocket Discussion on Integ Waste

management – students wee asked to keep a

certain area in their own buildings clan.

There are also selected barangays around

the university campus where the students

conducted campaigns for cleanliness and

info dissemination for proper waste

disposal, Tree planting activities, and Ilaw

ng Kalikasan

Social Transformation

Collective program which aimed to help in the

dev of humans as a part of society.

Some activities: run for humanity and walk for

a cause – fund-raising event that was

intended for selected beneficiaries.

Other past activities held in different Gawad

Kalinga Sites in Metro Manila – students

helped in activities such as shelter and library

building, med missions, livelihood projs,

gardening, faming, training on 1st aid and

disaster mgmt.

Charitable institution visits.

With the integ of both CWTS and LTS in the OCD,

the past programs of the CWTS were developed

thru the inception of the Program Clusters where

the students are grouped accdg to their acad

programs for commdev.

Program clusters:

Health Cluster

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Env and Infrastructure Cluster

Character Enrichment Program Cluster

Health Cluster

Group who is involved in activities concerning

health and physical well-being.

Includes students coming from Nursing, CRS and


Objectives: fulfil the mission and vision of NSTP

CWTS which would give its facilitators and

students the opportunity to see, learn, and

respond to the health related needs of the


Following activities aim to cater to the needs

of the partner communities:

Operation BulaTEPOK: intends to provide

deworming to the children.

Botica sa PASO: help community prepare

medicinal plants as treatments to simple


Operation Bye Bye Tooth Decay: aims to

educate the residents the imptance of

dental hygiene and to provide dental

hygiene kits to the participants.

Personal Hygiene for Children: seeks to

identify the common problems in terms

of hygiene and educate the children abt

the diseases that are brought about by

poor hygiene.

Dengue Prevention Seminar: Dengue

awareness campaign that will propose

ways to make the partner community


Env and Infra Cluster: group involved in activities

concerning the care and beautification of the env and

construction and rehab of physical infrastructures.

Includes: ENG, Science, Archi, CFAD

Objective: improve the physical environment and

basic infrastructures of the University’s partner

communities thru activities like:


Mural painting


Backyard gardening

Clean up

Tree planting

Mangrove planting

Waste segregation

Trash bin making


Library rehab project

Build a court (sports facilities)

Day care center/ school rehabilitation project

Character Enrichment Program Cluster: concern with

activities dealing with social dev and values


Arts and letters, music, educ, acctancy, CTHM,

Objectives:offer trainings to the communities

which focus on following aspects:

Educ: includes activities that are for

knowledge empowerment:

Build a lib, Book donation, enrichment


Recreation: activities that are essentially for

physical improvement:

Sports clinic, arts and crafts, dance


Livelihood: activities that are mainly to help

the community utilize available resources for

economic dev

Candle making, food preserves, stone

crafts, gardening

Spiritual: actvts fundamentally abt the

strengthening of spirit and mind:

Catechism, donate-a-bible, build-a-

chapel, choral lessons, yoga

Literary Training SErvice

AIMS to provide opportunities to LTS students to

apply in actual situations the principles learned

regarding the teaching-learning process in an

environment diff from their own.


Supplement, enhance, and develop the

knowledge and develop the knowledge of those

in need of educational improvement-promoting

educ among underpriviledged.

Page 21: NSTP

Christmas Party: Christmas celeb held at respective

sites assigned to the students together with the

preparation of games, prices, and gifts for the


Culiminating: serves as the closing program as the

school year ends.

Organizes a thanksgiving mass for all the LTS

students and is usually held at Santissimo Rosario


Exhibits: showcase works and achievements of the

LTS students together with their learners in each



LTS has pursued vigorous programs on many fronts,

including educ svcs such as tutorials, seminars and


When the program was first implemented in UST back

in 2003, it only had a handful of elem learners from

each of the 12 Basic Ecclesial Communities of the

Santissimo Rosario Parish and some pupils from

Graciano-Lopez Jaena Elem School/

Now, program benefits approx 2000 learners

including daycare preschoolers, g1-g6, hs students

and indigenous adult learners in ff sites:

Gugo elem schl, Samal, Bataan

Samal South Elem school, Samal, Bataan

Sta Mercedes Elem School, Maragondon, Cavite

Jose T Reyes Elem schl, Alitagtag Batangas

Ariendo Elem School, Bongabon Nueva Ecija

Bamban, Tarlac

Sapang Palay, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

Camarin Caloocan

Brgy56 Tondo Manila

Other Univ Partner Comm

Performance of learners under program improved in

natl exams.