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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Document History

Issue Date Originator Modification 1.0 08-01-15 Andy Kenning Initial Issue 1.1 13-02-15 Andy Kenning Updated minor typo errors.

Appendix D added detailing crossings where NR is not requesting status change.

1.2 02-03-15 Andy Kenning Cambridgeshire County Council contact details changed.

Document Ref: CP5 Xing Reduction CRD Issue: 1.2 Date: 2nd March 2015 Page: 2 of 32

Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy


1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Background Information ............................................................................................. 5 1.1.1 Closure difficulties ............................................................................................... 5 1.1.2 Decision-making .................................................................................................. 6

1.2 Stakeholders .............................................................................................................. 6

2 General Description of the Scheme ............................................................................... 8

2.1 Business Objectives (Aspirations) .............................................................................. 8 2.1.1 A Fresh Approach ............................................................................................... 8 2.1.2 Anglia Route Strategy ......................................................................................... 9 Phase 1 ........................................................................................................ 9 Phase 2 ........................................................................................................ 9 Phase 3 ........................................................................................................ 9 Phase 4 ........................................................................................................ 9 Phase 5 ........................................................................................................ 9 No change .................................................................................................... 9

2.2 Scheme Definition .................................................................................................... 11 2.2.1 Phase 1 & 2 Scheme Definition ......................................................................... 11

2.3 Boundaries and Relationships .................................................................................. 12

2.4 Assumptions, Dependencies, Constraints & Risks ................................................... 12 2.4.1 Assumptions ...................................................................................................... 12 2.4.2 Dependencies ................................................................................................... 12 2.4.3 Constraints ........................................................................................................ 12 2.4.4 Risks ................................................................................................................. 12

2.5 Whole Life Cost Strategy.......................................................................................... 13

2.6 Scheme Key Milestones and Configuration States ................................................... 13

2.7 Scheme Acceptance Strategy .................................................................................. 13

2.8 Scheme Security Strategy ........................................................................................ 13

3 Scheme Requirements ................................................................................................ 14

3.1 Safety Strategy - Requirements ............................................................................... 14

3.2 General Scheme - Requirements ............................................................................. 15

3.3 Performance Aspiration - Requirements ................................................................... 17 Document Ref: CP5 Xing Reduction CRD Issue: 1.2 Date: 2nd March 2015 Page: 3 of 32

Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

3.4 Environmental Requirements ................................................................................... 18

3.5 Maintenance Strategy - Requirements ..................................................................... 18

3.6 Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Requirements ................................................ 19

3.7 Network Rail Asset Requirements E&P .................................................................... 19

3.8 Network Rail Asset Requirements Signalling ............................................................ 20

3.9 Network Rail Asset Requirements Track .................................................................. 21

3.10 Network Rail Asset Requirements Telecoms ........................................................ 22

3.11 Network Rail Asset Requirements Buildings & Structures ..................................... 23

3.12 Gauging Requirements ......................................................................................... 26

3.13 Operational Requirements .................................................................................... 27

Appendix A – Deliverables .................................................................................................. 28

Appendix B – References ................................................................................................... 28

Appendix C – Glossary ....................................................................................................... 28

Appendix D – Highways Network Rail is not seeking to change the status of ..................... 28

Appendix D – Highways Network Rail is not seeking to change the status of ..................... 29

Essex .................................................................................................................................. 30

Cambridgeshire .................................................................................................................. 29

Hertfordshire ....................................................................................................................... 30

London Boroughs................................................................................................................ 30

Norfolk ................................................................................................................................ 30

Suffolk................................................................................................................................. 31

Thurrock ............................................................................................................................. 32

Document Ref: CP5 Xing Reduction CRD Issue: 1.2 Date: 2nd March 2015 Page: 4 of 32

Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

1 Purpose The Network Rail company view is that as many level crossings should be removed from the network as practicably possible and the purpose of this CRD is to set out the CP5 level crossing reduction strategy for the Anglia Route, to provide the high level thought process and show the framework to deliver further reductions in the numbers of level crossings. This strategy is to explore the opportunities of crossing reduction by use of compulsory powers to alter the public rights of way network. The Anglia Route has a number of enhancement schemes to increase capacity, speed, and length of trains across the network in CP5.

• F2N (Felixstowe to Nuneaton Freight enhancement) • WAML (West Anglia Main Line Capacity improvement) • Great Eastern Main Line Capacity Improvements (Bow Junction) • Great Eastern Main Line line speed improvements • Soham Doubling (doubling of a single line to increase capacity) • Ely North Junction (doubling of a junction to increase capacity) • Felixstowe Doubling (doubling of a single line to increase capacity) • Sizewell C Construction (increase in capacity for construction materials) – 3rd party –

EDF Energy Anticipated traffic growth areas for CP6

• Three additional services on the Great Eastern Main Line starting north of Colchester to London

• One additional Norwich to Cambridge service • One additional Ipswich to Ely service (potentially through to Peterborough) • Felixstowe to Nuneaton freight growth – up to 60 tpd.

Level crossings are a limiting factor in some or all of these schemes and there needs to be a holistic approach to the management of level crossings. It is intended that the output of this CRD shall support the enhancement schemes as well as reduce crossing risk across the Anglia Route. This CRD is valid for the CP5 period. Once CP5 has ended no further RRDs shall be produced based on this CRD. Any RRDs that are still current at the end of CP5 shall continue until project closure.

1.1 Background Information

1.1.1 Closure difficulties Public footpaths and bridleways can be closed by rail crossing diversion or extinguishment orders (expedient in the interests of public safety) or normal public path orders (diversion to make more commodious/better serve the landowner/not necessary). However, all of these are subject to challenge which can result in public inquiry, where success is not guaranteed. This is therefore a risky and time-consuming strategy. The legal costs of a basic application are around £3k–4k. All pubic highways can be closed or downgraded by application to a magistrate’s court, on the grounds that they are not needed for public use, or should be diverted. Again, this is

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

risky as there is no guarantee magistrates will agree to make an Order. Cost of an application about £3k. Building bridges often requires Planning Permission, land take and other problems which increase the cost (e.g. crossings, where a landowner held us to ransom). The best way to close public highways is through a Transport and Works Act Order. In that way, all proposed changes and consents can be consulted in advance, bridges provided where appropriate, and we can argue using the greater public benefit of improved rail services. User Worked Crossings (UWC) generally now only exist where there is a need to access land where no other practicable access is available; this is as a result of the good efforts during CP4. Closure of these types of crossings is achieved as a private negotiation between Network Rail & the land owners or authorised users.

1.1.2 Decision-making Little-used crossings should be proposed for extinguishment in the first instance. Failing this, diversion is usually cheaper than a bridge, especially if only statutory compensation is payable. For necessary routes, where closure would result in loss of access to countryside or facilities, and there is a decent level of usage (e.g. Motts Lane, Ingatestone Hall), a suitable bridge should be proposed. A little used crossing today can suddenly become a big problem when local circumstances change and the usage dramatically increases. This leads to closure objections and could lead to requiring the deployment of technology to manage the risk. Therefore it is important to start with the least used crossings and work up to the major crossings.

1.2 Stakeholders Clearly if Network Rail is planning to alter public highways it must consult with the stakeholders concerned. The highway authority for an area is responsible for recording and maintaining highways, and defending the public’s right to use them. Before legal alterations to the highway network are made, the highway authority has pre-consultees and statutory consultees, who represent local and national strategic interests. All alterations are also advertised to allow public comments to be received. All consultees should be regarded as consultees for any Transport and Works Act Order. The RRDs will need to detail the highway authority, district/borough council, parish council, all relevant consultees for the affected area, and any other stakeholders. In order to be able to present a holistic view of Network Rails proposed crossing alterations, it is the Anglia Route strategy to produce county-wide proposals of changes. This way it should be clear to the highway authority that Network Rail is looking to provide a balanced approach and not simply looking to extinguish all public highways that cross the railway. The following high level stakeholders have been identified:

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Name Role Contact Norfolk County Council Highway authority Denise Bales

[email protected] Suffolk County Council Highway authority Kerry Allen

[email protected] Steve Kerr [email protected]

Cambridgeshire County Council

Highway authority Camilla Haggett Asset Manager Information [email protected]

Hertfordshire County Council

Highway authority Val Weaver [email protected]

Essex County Council Highway authority Garry White [email protected] Laurence Page [email protected]

Southend on Sea Highway authority Paula Dawson [email protected]

Thurrock Highway authority Paula Watts [email protected]

London Boroughs and TfL

Highway authority Varies by borough

Office of Rail Regulator Governing Body Tom Wake 07798932452 [email protected]

Environment Agency Statutory consultee (flood risk etc.)

[email protected]

Natural England Statutory consultee (environment)

[email protected]

Liabilities Paralegals Steve Day 07515624312

Town Planner Land Consents Katie Brown 07713301739

Public Affairs Manager Public Relations Hannah Briggs 07850407340

Richard Schofield Route Director (Anglia)


Eliane Algaard Director of Route Asset Management


Carl Hunt Route Asset Manager (E&P)


Mike Essex Route Asset Manager (Signalling)


Nigel Wilson Route Asset Manager (Track)


Dave Flatman Route Telecoms Engineer


Jenny Sutter Route Asset Manager (B&C)


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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Name Role Contact Steve Valentine Gauging Engineer 07734478777 Sean Cronin Sponsor 07825969553 Level Crossing Manager WA

Risk Manager Michael Doughty 07771668090

Level Crossing Manager GE

Risk Manager Shenel Bullock 07515626517

The Ramblers User Group (walkers)

Varies extensively by district

Sustrans User Group (promoting non-motorised transport)

Nigel Brigham (Regional) [email protected] Kris Radley (Essex) [email protected]

Essex Bridleways Association

User Group (equestrians)

Julia Wilson [email protected] Mick Brash [email protected]

Open Spaces Society User Group (promoting access to land)

Christine Hunter [email protected]

Auto Cycle Union User Group (motor vehicles)

[email protected]

2 General Description of the Scheme

2.1 Business Objectives (Aspirations)

2.1.1 A Fresh Approach There is always merit in constantly reviewing our level crossings and where circumstances have changed there maybe the potential to achieve a closure. That said as the numbers of UWCs diminish opportunities will become scarcer. As discussed in section 1 altering public highways is a risky business when one objection, if not withdrawn, could trigger a public inquiry. . In order not to waste time and resources it would be appropriate to apply for the use of compulsory powers. These powers can be obtained by means of a Transport & Works Act Order (TWAO). If such an order was prepared and, following appropriate hearings, approved by the Secretary of State for Transport, Network Rail would be granted the powers to carry out the works described in the TWAO. Work can start up to five years after the approval of the TWAO. If five years lapse and no works are carried out then the TWAO powers will have lapsed and Network Rail will no longer be able to carry out the work detailed in the TWAO. It is not necessary to use all of the powers granted. For instance if ten crossing are proposed to be altered by means of diversion in a TWAO, it could be that only one is actually altered in the five years of Network Rail having the power to do so. Document Ref: CP5 Xing Reduction CRD Issue: 1.2 Date: 2nd March 2015 Page: 8 of 32


Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

2.1.2 Anglia Route Strategy Anglia Route is adopting a phased approach to altering its crossings. As discussed earlier each Highway Authority would have its crossings assessed for each phase. There will be multiple documents for each phase, one for each Highway Authority. Phase 1 Mainline crossings that clearly are unused or have extremely little use would be extinguished. Also crossings that would be included are those that have a nearby alternative route utilising existing bridges as a means of crossing the railway. The means to get to the alternative crossing point would be provided on Network Rail land wherever possible. Phase 2 Branch line crossings that clearly are unused or have extremely little use would be extinguished. Also crossings that would be included are those that have a nearby alternative route utilising existing bridges as a means of crossing the railway. The means to get to the alternative crossing point would be provided on Network Rail land where ever possible. Phase 3 Once phases 1 & 2 have been assessed it will leave a number of non-vehicular crossings where a bridge is required. This could be one bridge serving two or more footpaths. It could be where in order to alter a crossing a UWC needs to be removed as well, and this may need a new access track to be constructed. Phase 4 Phase 4 would cover where roads are proposed to be downgraded to bridleway or footpath. This would include any Signalling alterations to alter the crossing protection accordingly. It would also cover UWCs where an alternative means of access has been identified and needs powers to enforce the provision of access. Phase 5 Phase 5 would cover where roads crossings are to be bridged. Due to the nature of these types of alterations this phase is likely to be a CP6 work stream. No change We recognise that there are many level crossings where it is not feasible to extinguish or divert the right of way. Whilst we may consider upgrading the technology at these level crossings for operational reasons, we are not seeking to alter the rights. Our long term aspiration will generally be for a bridge solution, when justified by a positive business case and backed with available funding. Any bridges will likely be constructed outside the timescales of this document. The crossings that have been identified at the time of writing are listed in Appendix D.

The Route shall capture the detail of the Anglia Route crossings and which phase they fall into in a spreadsheet (Anglia crossing reduction listing.xls). The first version of this spreadsheet is attached in Appendix B at the rear of this CRD. Where renewals of assets are required and renewal funding is available, it may be that this Document Ref: CP5 Xing Reduction CRD Issue: 1.2 Date: 2nd March 2015 Page: 9 of 32

Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

drives a change to the level crossing before a particular phase is completed. For instance if Signalling were to be renewing equipment at a number of level crossings, this may be better invested in closing the crossings. An example of this is at Waterbeach, where there are three crossings that can be closed with the provision of a new link road, one road bridge and two foot bridges. This arrangement is beneficial over having three Obstacle Detection crossings within a mile of each other and close to the renewal budget.

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

2.2 Scheme Definition By assessing each crossing to ascertain which phase it falls into means that should a crossing fail to be suitable for the phase it is being assessed for it simply gets moved into the next phase. Each phase provides a greater level of investment and infrastructure than the previous stage. As the Anglia Route builds up a picture of crossing works that will lead to a reduction in crossings it will allow the Anglia Route to focus its efforts on the remaining crossings, thus driving the development of solutions for these crossings. The initial identification of potential diversion ideas has already been carried out. Mostly these are for Phase 1 & 2 diversions/extinguishments. Some further crossing phases have been identified from signalling assessments already carried out. These later phases shall be detailed in their own RRDs to capture the detail required. This will be an ongoing assessment of the Anglia Route’s level crossing landscape. New crossings shall be added to the phases as they are identified and solutions found.

2.2.1 Phase 1 & 2 Scheme Definition The phase 1 & 2 RRDs developed from this CRD is to further develop these diversions ideas into deliverable designs. These phase 1 & 2 RRDs shall be by county to make the Stakeholder management easier and keep the number of crossings in manageable numbers. All these diversions / extinguishments shall be carried out as part of a Transport & Works Order under section 118 or 119 of the Transport Act 1980.

Each crossing listed below shall have the following assessments carried out and providing that it can be achieved, the next assessment shall be carried out;

1. The diversion assessed for buildability based on the potential users and their physical abilities. This may be determined by other physical features along the footpath such as the presence of stiles or steps.

2. Diversity impact assessment needs to be carried out (to be completed by Network Rail team).

3. A brief design shall be produced to capture the alterations required. 4. Land clearance application made and approved. 5. The cost of each diversion shall be created against the design. These costs

shall include recovery of all the current crossing assets (including whistle boards if fitted) and making good the boundary fencing to ensure there are no trespass issues following the diversion. Costs shall also include if any alterations required to the OLE (this shall be indicative at this stage, AIP shall be produced at GRIP3).

6. Environmental impact assessment for the impact of the diversion / extinguishment / downgrading.

7. Pre-Consultation for the diversion / extinguishment. 8. It is assumed that the diversions can be carried out within the Network Rail

land ownership boundary. If not then land owner consent will be required for route of public path.

9. If land consents are required a land search shall be completed to identify the land owner/s.

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

2.3 Boundaries and Relationships This CRD affects the entire Anglia Route. Whilst there may be sections of railway in a county that are not in the Anglia route, the project works shall be confined to crossings that fall within the Anglia Route only. A number of ELRs do not have any level crossings on and these shall be excluded from any works. All the affected ELRs are detailed in the spreadsheet attached in Appendix B.

Strategic Route: D Route Number: Operating Route: Anglia

2.4 Assumptions, Dependencies, Constraints & Risks

2.4.1 Assumptions Reference Details A-CP5LX-1 That the diversionary routes are buildable. A-CP5LX-2 That funding will be made available for the diversions to be built. A-CP5LX-3 That the diversions can be carried out within the existing Network Rail land

ownership, or A-CP5LX-4 A-CP5LX-4 That consents from land owners for the diversions are obtained where it is

not possible to utilise NR land. A-CP5LX-5 Any required land consents will be available.

2.4.2 Dependencies Reference Details D-CP5LX-1 Liabilities are able to support the TWAO application. D-CP5LX-2 That the County Councils are willing to work with Network Rail and support

this structured approach to level crossing management

2.4.3 Constraints Reference Details C-CP5LX-1 The strategy is limited to the Anglia Route.

2.4.4 Risks Reference Details R-CP5LX -1 Not all the diversionary route will be buildable. R-CP5LX -2 That there may be alternative proposals from external stakeholders. R-CP5LX -3 That the secretary of State for Transport will not sign off the order R-CP5LX-4 The County Councils are not supportive of this structured approach to level

crossing management.

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

2.5 Whole Life Cost Strategy Whole Life Cost Modelling (WLCM) will be applied to the later phases. Phases 1&2 do not need WLCM produced for them provided that the over all cost is equal to or less than the risk reduction cost. The closure of the crossing is best as it removes the risk going forward for ever. Phases 3 – 5 will be subject to WLCM and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) to demonstrate that the proposed closure is cost effective. Alterations to the Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) shall be subject to a Cost Benefit Analysis to understand the benefit in altering the OLE wire heights. This is to compare the options of altering a crossing at a time, or waiting until either wire renewals, or other improvement projects.

2.6 Scheme Key Milestones and Configuration States It is anticipated that Phase 1 & 2 crossings shall be identified by the end of CP5 year 1. During CP5 year 2 it is expected that Phase 1 & 2 crossings shall be developed into buildable solutions and costed. Key milestones would be;

• Confirmation that the diversions are buildable • Design for each diversion that is buildable • Costs produced for each of the designed diversions

It is expected that at the end of CP5 year 2/beginning of year 3 the TWAO shall be drafted and presented to the Secretary of State for Transport. All being well by the end of CP5 year 3 Network Rail will be provided compulsory powers to carry out the works detailed in the Phase 1&2 TWAO. Phase 3 is expected to be worked up in CP5 year 3. This would enable construction to start in year 4 and completion in year 5. Phase 4 is expected to be developed in CP5 year 2 & 3 depending on the complexity. It is hoped that the Route would see commissioning of these projects in year 5 or early CP6

2.7 Scheme Acceptance Strategy This scheme shall follow GRIP and acceptance for each stage shall be at each stage gate as shown in the project programme. Once the diversions have been designed, consulted and costed they shall be presented to the Sponsor for acceptance and inclusion in the Transport & Works Order, before the completion of GRIP3. This will allow the Sponsor to ‘group’ projects into TWAO to keep costs down and provide a strategic approach to the TWAO application.

2.8 Scheme Security Strategy Nothing identified at the time of writing.

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption

3 Scheme Requirements

3.1 Safety Strategy -



CSM Policy - PAN/PMSEP/ CD/ADV /0081

The Scheme shall be delivered in accordance with the Common Safety Method (CSM)


- Preliminary System Definition

- CSM Assessment Completed and Category assigned

- CSM Deliverables completed in the scheme deemed to be “significant change”.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1102

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994

The scheme shall be delivered in accordance with the CDM Regulations


- Personnel (posts) are designated and responsibilities discharged

- Delivered - Demonstrable

evidence of compliance is provided

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994


CR- CP5LX -1103

Network Rail Safety Policy

All meetings in connection with this project shall have a standing agenda item of Safety at the beginning of each meeting.

High Meeting agendas and minutes shall be held as part of the project documentation file.

None identified None

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption

CR- CP5LX -1104

NR/L2/TRK/5100 The closed level crossings shall be inaccessible to the public and appropriately fenced over.

High Compliant to the Company standard for lineside fencing.

None identified None

3.2 General Scheme -


CR- CP5LX -1111

Sponsor Instruction The Sponsor Instruction and Client Requirements Document Contents shall be adhered to.

High Demonstrable evidence of compliance.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1112


The scheme shall be delivered in accordance with GRIP High

Completed and approved GRIP stage gate at intervals laid down in the Sponsor Instruction.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1113

Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000

The diverted / extinguished rights of way shall be updated on the definitive maps for the county

High Definitive map updated to show correct status.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1114

Department for Transport Accessible Train Station Design for Disabled People – A code of practice

Design Guidance for Accessibility for Reduced Mobility shall be followed during early development and design. High

All Accessibility requirements are provided (including step free access to new platforms and fire escape arrangements). Where this is not possible mitigation measures and safe systems must be provided.

None identified Only used where access to a station is required

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CR- CP5LX -1115

Equality Act 2010 Governing act regarding equality. In relation to this project particular attention must be given to provide access for those with reduced mobility and sight.


Demonstrable evidence of compliance and inclusion in development and design.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1116

Based of new bridge widths

New footpath widths shall be 2metres wide as a minimum High New path to be of the

minimum width. None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1117

Based on new bridge widths

Any new bridleway paths shall be 3metres wide as a minimum High New path to be of the

minimum width. None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1118

Route Strategy Any footpath crossing that appears to have been abandoned shall be planned to be extinguished in phase 1 or phase 2.


No abandoned footpaths left on the Anglia Route.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1119

Route Strategy Any footpath / bridleway crossing that have a near and practical alternative crossing point that provides a better level of protection shall be diverted in phase 1 or phase 2.


No footpaths / bridleways are left remaining when there is a close by alternative crossing point.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1120

Route Strategy Any footpath / bridleway that can not be removed from the railway network in phase 1 or phase 2 shall be developed for phase 3.


Footpath / bridleways that were not extinguished or diverted are planned to be provided with a bridge.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1121

Route Strategy Any User Worked Crossing (UWC) that has an alternative access route shall be developed for phase 3. Medium

Where there is the opportunity to close a UWC by means of a new access route are planned to be provided with the new route.

None identified None

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

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CR- CP5LX -1122

Route Strategy Any Signalling developed closure / downgraded shall be developed along the phase 4 strategy of this CRD. It shall be recorded in the Strategy listing spreadsheet.


Where closures are provided through Signalling developments the crossings are closed or downgraded.

None identified None

CR- CP5LX -1123

Company Requirement

Diversity Impact Assessment


Production of a report detailing the diversity impact of the proposed changes.

None identified None

3.3 Performance

Aspiration - Requirements

CR- CP5LX -1131

Author requirement Any temporary TSR’s that are in place as a result of the crossing having insufficient sighting shall be removed once the crossing is closed.


Removal of the TSR Operational publications will detail where and what speeds are in force.


CR- CP5LX -1132

Author requirement Any operational restrictions regarding the standing of trains at signals due to the train blocking the footpath shall be removed.


Removal of local instruction

None identified Only applicable to crossing where standage is an issue

CR- CP5LX -1133

Author requirement Where a PSR exists due to sighting requirements of a crossing that is being removed, the project shall investigate the potential of removing the PSR and increasing the line speed.


Increase in line speed over the section of line where the crossing used to be located.

None identified That the other railway infrastructure can withstand a speed increase.

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption

3.4 Environmental Requirements


Environmental Management Manual

Adherence to corporate policies in development, design and construction. High

Production of the Environmental Impact Assessment for suitable crossings

None identified None

3.5 Maintenance Strategy -



Author requirement Any roadway that is built to be used as a public highway shall be built to be adopted by the Highway Authority for on going maintenance


Adoption of the new roadway by the Highways Authority

None identified None


Network Rail Business systems

Where assets are removed from the railway the appropriate data base shall be update to reflect the current state of the railway. This shall include (but not limited to) such systems as Ellipse, GEOGIS.


Asset data records correctly showing the status of the assets.

None identified None

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

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3.6 Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Requirements


NR Business Systems

Were crossings are closed; Ellipse shall be updated to remove the Maintenance Schedulable Tasks (MST) from the maintainers work bank. This shall cover all disciplines.


Ellipse data updated None identified None


NR Business Systems

Where crossings are closed ALCRM is updated to show the crossing as closed and no longer part of the network.

High ALCRM data updated None identified None

3.7 Network Rail Asset Requirements E&P


E&P Asset Policy Where a level crossing is being removed the Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) contact wires shall be adjusted to be as near to the nominal wire height of 4.7metres as practical.


Contact wires are at the optimum height for that area of line.

A cost benefit analysis shall be applied to understand the operational benefits of altering the wire heights per crossing

That there is OLE in the area. & That the current wire heights are compliant to standards (run-ins / run-outs).

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

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E&P RAM requirement

Where a level crossing is being removed and the current (OLE) contact wires arrangements are not compliant to standard, the wire heights shall be adjusted to be as near to the nominal wire height of 4.7metres as practical.


Contact wires are at the optimum height for that area of line.

Records of existing deficient wire heights (including run-in / run-outs)

That there is OLE in the area


E&P RAM requirement

Where new bridges are to be constructed they shall be bonded to the traction return where appropriate.

High New structures are suitably bonded to be compliant to Network Rail company standards.

None identified That there is OLE in the area

3.8 Network Rail Asset Requirements Signalling


NR/L2/SIG/11201 Where signalling assets are to become redundant as part of the crossing removal, they shall be fully recovered (including any train detection sections if required).


Signalling equipment recovered in a controlled manner with the records correctly showing the status of the assets.

None identified That there are signalling assets required to be recovered.


NR/L2/SIG/11201 Where crossings are removed that have telephones fitted the signallers display system (diagram, panel or VSCS) shall be updated to shown the removal.


Signallers display system updated to reflect the current state of the infrastructure.

None identified None

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

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Signalling RAM requirement

Where crossings are removed the Signalling RAM shall be informed so that a plan can be put in place to get them removed from the Signalling diagrams (if shown).


That it is recorded where footpath or UWCs are recovered and the Signalling RAM is presented with this information.

None identified These alterations shall be managed by means of a records deficiency form and updated when the record is next worked on.


Signalling RAM requirement

Where whistle boards are to be removed, the Signalling RAM shall be informed so that a plan can be put in place to remove them from the signalling diagrams.


That it is recorded where whistle boards are recovered and the Signalling RAM is presented with this information.

None identified These alterations shall be managed by means of a records deficiency form and updated when the record is next worked on.

3.9 Network Rail Asset Requirements Track


NR/L2/TRK/2102 Crossing deck (if fitted) shall be removed (including edge beams, if fitted) and track inspected to ensure that all the track components are still serviceable.


No evidence of crossing on site & track components signed as fit for purpose.

None identified None


NR/L2/TRK/2102 Where a crossing deck has been removed sleeper spacing shall be checked and if required corrected with serviceable spares to match the existing assets.


Sleeper spacing matches that of the approaches and all track components are of the same type.

None identified None

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption


NR/L2/TRK/2102 Where level crossings have been removed the ballast shoulder and cribs shall be reinstated to provide suitable track support


Track support system shall be in accordance with Network Rail Company standard.

None identified None


NR/L2/TRK/3011 Where signalling equipment has been involved and train detection is reduced, any redundant Insulated Rail Joints (IRJ) shall be removed from the track. If in Continuous Welded Rail the rail shall be stressed to Level 1 (if <36metres of new rail) or level 2 (if > 36metres).


Redundant IRJs removed and stressing certificates provided

None identified None

3.10 Network Rail Asset Requirements Telecoms


Route Telecoms Engineer

Where telephones are present they shall be recovered in working order and returned to be offered to the RCE and or NRT Central Stores (tie cabling shall be recovered and scraped).


Phones, posts, and bases removed including cabling.

None identified None


Route Telecoms Engineer

Where telephones are displayed on a telephone concentrator, these shall be removed from the system.

High Telephone concentrator updated to reflect the current state of the infrastructure.

None identified None

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Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption

3.11 Network Rail Asset Requirements Buildings & Structures


Buildings & Civils RAM

Any proposed footbridge replacements, or paths, and any associated landscaping, at the level crossing sites have the potential to the adversely affect the surface water drainage networks local in the area. The designs must consider the surface water network and ensure that it is not adversely affected. The infilling of open ditches local to the level crossings should be avoided.


Feasibility report to confirm existing water drainage network locally in the area, the effects due to the proposed works and to include proposed works on how to manage the effects. Options to be comprehensive and presented clearly so an informed decision can be made by the B&C RAM

None identified None

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Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption


Buildings & Civils RAM

Site investigation where bridges are proposed - Adequate site investigation will be required to model the ground and groundwater conditions at the site design the proposed bridge foundations and to assess the requirements of the access roads referred to (construction depth and flood level and drainage etc). There is the potential for soft and waterlogged ground in these low lying/floodplain areas


Borehole to be undertaken to determine existing ground water table in worst case condition and stated clearly in feasibility report. Options on how to manage water level during and after proposed works shall be clearly stated in the feasibility report. Options to be comprehensive and presented clearly so an informed decision can be made by the B&C RAM

None identified None


Buildings & Civils RAM

Site investigation approach embankment to bridge – differential settlement


Location of Geotechnical site investigations shall agreed by be B&C RAM. Feasibility report to include site investigation results and predicted differential settlement so an informed decision can be made by B&C RAM.

None identified None

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Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption


Buildings & Civils RAM

Site investigation increased speed of run-off – approach road gradients and increased bound surfacing will require additional attenuation and/or discharge provision.


Feasibility report, confirming the existing surface water run-off volume and speed. Options of drainage solution to manage surface water on completion of proposed works shall be stated in the feasibility report. Options to be comprehensive and presented clearly so an informed decision can be made by the B&C RAM

None identified None


Buildings & Civils RAM

Site investigation approach embankment loading – zone of influence needs to be considered in relation to existing structures and services both on and off the railway. High

Feasibility report and clearly identify existing embankments and structure in relationship to the zone of influence. Options to be comprehensive and presented clearly so an informed decision can be made by the B&C RAM

None identified None

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Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption


Buildings & Civils RAM

Project to identify the existence of any structure near to any proposed bridge construction site and the possible impact on the structure if any due to the works proposed.


Feasibility report to clearly identify existing structures and impact. Options to be comprehensive and presented clearly so an informed decision can be made by the B&C RAM

None identified None


Buildings & Civils RAM

Any new bridge shall be assessed for the requirement of protection for touch potential and for objects being thrown onto the OHLE from both track and stairs/ramps. High

Feasibility report to include Risk assessment and the potential requirement for parapet and ramp screens. Risk assessment to comprehensive and presented clearly so an informed decision can be made by the B&C RAM

None identified None

3.12 Gauging Requirements


GC/RT5212 Any new structure shall be designed to a full ClearRoute clearance check undertaken to prove normal clearance, as defined in GC/RT5212, for all authorised rolling sock and gauges, has been provided.


Output of ClearRoute showing full gauge clearance.

None identified None

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Reqt ID Source Reference Requirement and Heading Priority Acceptance Criteria Supporting Information Assumption

3.13 Operational Requirements


Network Rail operational requirement

Where whistle boards are to be removed these shall only be removed once published in the WON.

High Whistle boards removed from the infrastructure.

None identified None


Network Rail operational requirement

Where crossings to be removed are fitted with a phone, this shall only be done once it has been published in the WON.


Sectional Appendix updated to reflect the current state of the infrastructure.

None identified None


Network Rail operational requirement

Where crossings to be removed are fitted with a phone, this shall only be done once Network Change has been done to remove them from the Sectional Appendix


Approved Network Change

None identified None

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Appendix A – Deliverables See attached project characterisation spreadsheet detailing the project deliverables.

Appendix B – References See attached Anglia crossing reduction listing.xls

Appendix C – Glossary

Abbreviation Description CRD Client Requirements Document DRRD Detailed Route Requirements Document IP Infrastructure Projects RAM Route Asset Manager RRD Route Requirements Document WLC Whole Life Cost TWAO Transport & Works Act Order PRoW Public Right of Way ALCRM All level Crossings Risk Model WON Weekly Operating Notice RCE Route Communications Engineer NRT Network Rail Telecoms OHLE OverHead Line Equipment VSCS Video Screen Control System IRJ Insulated Rail Joint TSR Temporary Speed Restriction PSR Permanent Speed Restriction

Appendix D – Highways Network Rail is not seeking to change the status of

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Client Requirements Document – Anglia CP5 Level Crossing Reduction Strategy

Appendix D – Highways Network Rail is not seeking to change the status of


Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Hinxton AHB AHB BGK 47 11 Sawston CCTV CCTV BGK 50 46 Shelford CCTV BGK 52 32 Granhams CCTV CCTV BGK 52 64 Chesterton Junction CCTV CCTV BGK 57 54 Bannolds AHB AHB BGK 62 70 Dimmocks Cote AHB AHB BGK 66 25 Sandhill (Littleport) AHB BGK 75 35 Littleport MGH MGH BGK 75 78 Littleport Bypass AHB AHB BGK 76 27 Cherry Hinton High Street CCTV CCTV CCH 2 17 Cherry Hinton By Pass CCTV CCTV CCH 2 53 Teversham AHB CCH 3 44 Fulbourne AHB AHB CCH 4 36 Dullingham MGH MGH CCH 10 56 Chettisham AHB AHB EMP 73 55 Black Bank AHB AHB EMP 75 24 Welney Road AHB EMP 79 50 Manea MCB MCB/MB EMP 80 13 Stonea MGH EMP 82 4 Horsemoor AHB AHB EMP 84 31 Badgeney Road AHB EMP 85 4 March South MCB MCB/MB EMP 85 34 March East MCB MCB/MB EMP 85 67 Norwood Road AHB EMP 86 30 Whitemoor Drove AHB EMP 87 30 Burnt House AHB (EMP) AHB EMP 91 15 Eastrea AHB AHB EMP 93 28 Whittlesea MGH EMP 94 68 Ramsey Road AHB EMP 95 37 Mile End AHB ETN 74 76 Meldreth Road AHB AHB SBR 49 37 Shepreth Station AHB AHB SBR 49 64 Hauxton Road AHB AHB SBR 54 1 Fordham AHB-X AHB-X SOB2 4 64 Mill Drove AHB SOB2 7 28 Middlemere AHB SOB2 8 25 Barway Sidings AHB AHB SOB2 9 76

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Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Roydon Station CCTV BGK 20 10 Ickleton Road CCTV CCTV BGK 45 75 Cressing ABCL ABCL BRA 19 75 White Notley ABCL BRA 21 11 Alresford Station CCTV CCTV COC 57 68 Coach Road CCTV CCTV COC 58 2 Thorrington CCTV CCTV COC 59 44 Great Bentley CCTV CCTV COC 60 62 Ingatestone MCB MCB/MB LTN1 23 39 Chitts Hill CCTV CCTV LTN1 49 41 Ardleigh CCTV CCTV LTN1 56 5 Manningtree Station CCTV CCTV LTN1 59 44 Alexandra Road CCTV CCTV MAH 70 38 Mount Bures ABCL ABCL SUD 52 60 Rainham CCTV TLL 12 60 Pitsea Hall CCTV TLL 32 23 Pork Lane AHB TWN 66 64 Frinton on Sea CCTV CCTV TWN 68 78 Woodham Ferrers ABCL WIS 34 8


Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Windmill Lane CCTV BGK 14 7 Sawbridgeworth CCTV BGK 26 53 Spellbrook CCTV BGK 28 17 St Margarets CCTV HEB 20 23 Ware CCTV HEB 22 22

London Boroughs

Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Acton Central CCTV CCTV BOK5 1 70 Bollo Lane (Kew line) CCTV CCTV BOK5 2 63 Highams Park CCTV CCTV CJC 8 45 Bollo Lane (Richmond Line) CCTV CCTV SAR1 2 63


Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Hilgay AHB AHB BGK 81 39 Denver AHB AHB BGK 84 39 Downham Market Bypass AHB AHB BGK 85 57 Stow Bardolph CCTV CCTV BGK 88 30

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Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Magdalen Road MCB MCB/MB BGK 90 73 Watlington Road CCTV BGK 91 13 St Germans AHB BGK 92 53 Tennison Avenue MCB/MB BGK 96 51 Santon AHB ETN 88 72 Two Mile Bottom AHB ETN 91 16 Croxton AHB AHB ETN 96 45 Harling Road MGH MCBOD ETN 101 38 Eccles Road MGH MCBOD ETN 104 44 Hargham No 1 AHB AHB ETN 105 29 Attleborough MCBOD ETN 108 18 Spooner Row MCBOD ETN 111 27 Browick Road AHB AHB ETN 114 32 Intwood AHB AHB ETN 119 47 Keswick AHB AHB ETN 120 0 Audley End AHB AHB LTN1 97 5 Burston AHB AHB LTN1 97 42 Gissing AHB AHB LTN1 98 56 Tivetshall AHB LTN1 100 42 Moulton AHB LTN1 101 51 Swainsthorpe AHB LTN1 109 52 Middleton Towers TMO TMOG MIT 3 10 Chapel Road MGH NAY 7 55 Lingwood Station Road MGH MGH NAY 8 3 Brundall Station MGH MGH NOL 5 62 Strumpshaw MGH NOL 7 11 Cantley MGH MGH NOL 10 4 Tunstead Market Street AHB WHC

1 10 50

Sloley Church Lane AHB AHB WHC1

12 17

Worstead Station AHB AHB WHC1

13 8

Walpole CCTV WHC1

18 67


Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Elmswell CCTV CCTV CCH 37 14 Westerfield AHB ESK 72 16 Bealings ABCL ESK 75 79 Melton Station AOCL+B ESK 80 31 Beversham ABCL ABCL ESK 87 15 Chantry Road MCBR MCBR ESK 91 2 Albion Street MCB MCB/MB ESK 91 7 North Green AOCL+B ESK 93 27 Middleton ABCL ABCL ESK 94 52

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Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Darsham AHB AHB ESK 95 32 Willow Marsh AOCL+B ESK 96 9 Bramfield ABCL ABCL ESK 99 19 Wenhaston AOCL+B ESK 99 52 Westhall ABCL ESK 103 47 Brampton AOCL AOCL+B ESK 104 45 Weston AOCL+B ESK 106 29 Cromwell Road ABCL ABCL ESK 107 43 London Road ABCL ABCL ESK 107 68 Ingate Street ABCL ABCL ESK 108 60 Grove Road ABCL ABCL ESK 108 70 Beccles By-Pass ABCL ESK 109 60 Dawdys AOCL AOCL+B ESK 114 73 Victoria Road CCTV ESK 115 61 Gravel Pit ABCL ABCL ESK 116 12 Shippea hill MCBOD ETN 77 26 Lakenheath MGH MCBOD ETN 82 49 Brandon MCB MCBOD ETN 86 26 Felixstowe Beach CCTV CCTV FED 84 75 Levington AHB AHB FEL 80 0 Morston Hall AHB FEL 80 65 Thorpe Lane AHB AHB FEL 81 41 Trimley CCTV CCTV FEL 82 61 Bentley AHB AHB LTN1 63 7 Claydon CCTV CCTV LTN1 73 47 Baylham AHB LTN1 75 17 Stowmarket Station MCB/MB LTN1 80 54 Regent Street CCTV LTN1 80 68 Haughley AHB AHB LTN1 82 71 Mellis AHB AHB LTN1 91 34 Oulton Broad North MCB MCB/MB NOL 22 1 Knodishall TMOG TMOG SIZ 92 49 West House TMOG TMOG SIZ 93 32 Saxmundham Road TMOG TMOG SIZ 94 2 Leiston TMOG TMOG SIZ 95 5 Sizewell TMOG TMOG SIZ 95 71


Crossing Name Type ELR Mileage Chainage Purfleet CCTV TLL 16 7 East Tilbury CCTV CCTV TLL 25 12 Mucking AHB TLL 26 40 Stanford Le Hope CCTV TLL 27 18 Fobbing AHB AHB TLL 30 36

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