now if shall spring 17363 toepfer dr. | eastpointe mi...

16 17363 Toepfer Dr. | Eastpointe MI 48021 | 586-775-LOVE 1 Created for the congregation of Love Life Family Christian Center Pastor Kevin W. Lancaster Behold, I will do a new thing; now if shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isa 43:19

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Page 1: now if shall spring 17363 Toepfer Dr. | Eastpointe MI that we approach this upcom-ing year with


17363 Toepfer Dr. | Eastpointe MI 48021 | 586-775-LOVE

1 Created for the congregation of Love Life Family Christian Center

Pastor Kevin W. Lancaster

Behold, I will do a new thing; now if shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way

in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isa 43:19

Page 2: now if shall spring 17363 Toepfer Dr. | Eastpointe MI that we approach this upcom-ing year with


Dear Love Life Family members and Friends: The Elders staff and I thank God for your obedience and sacrifice as we move into this time of consecration to God by prayer and fasting. As you know, God has spoken to our church and told us that “2016 is the year of Shifting and rear-ranging.” It is with great excitement and expectation that we approach this upcom-ing year with holy boldness, standing and declaring the Word of God in the face of the enemy.

The fast begins at 12:01am on Monday, January 4th, and it ends Sunday, January 10th following our cor-porate worship service. This fast will be a partial fast; we will eat only vegetables and fruits (avoiding sugars, meats and carbs) once a day for the first five days. Saturday will be a total fast from all foods (drinking only water and 100% fruit juice).

Understand that fasting does not change God. The Bible indi-cates that “God changes not,” but fasting does change us. It puts us in a position to hear from God, which is expounded upon with-in this booklet. Jesus said, in Matthew 4:4, “Men do not live by Bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” You will also find prayer requests and suggested confes-sions that God has laid on my heart to give to you in order for us to stay on one accord as a church body. Also, I encourage you to worship God, which is to love and honor Him for who He is to you. Therefore, refrain from things that may take your attention away from worshipping God like secular TV programs and read-ing materials, social media sights such as, Facebook, Twitter, In-stagram, and other forms of “busyness”.

I am totally expecting to hear of miracles and testimonies of the power of God, as a result of this sacred time you are spending with Him. I declare over your life that things that once seemed not to make sense or didn’t work for you will come together and fall in place for you, as you speak the Word of God. Paul charged the church of Ephesus to commitment, boldness, and faith writing, “Having done all to stand. Stand therefore…” During this time of consecration, I ask that you make up your mind and stand united with me, and let’s witness this move of God together, as we speak and pray His word with Authority.

In the Master’s service,

Pastor Kevin Lancaster


Prayer Journal




















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Prayer Journal





















2016 Word from the Lord

Year of Shifting and Rearranging

This will be a year for uncommon favors for this church not in direction but im-plementation, says the Lord. Therefore prepare yourselves and expect a shift-ing and rearranging to take place, not just here at Love Life but all around you, both in other places of worship and secular circles, in leadership, with strate-gies that have been followed for years will change, you will witness governmen-tal policies, and economical swings suddenly happen, says the Lord.

As this takes place you will experience things suddenly swinging in your favor; bad doctor’s reports, weak financial conditions, poor material possessions will change. Spiritual understanding will increase, and your destiny will be make plain says the Lord. Employees will become employers, victims will victors, others who were followers in the crowd will now lead the crowd, and innovation and creativity will increase in this house and the body of Christ, watch and see.

You will say, “Look at this new thing God is doing within our church both collec-tively and individually”, I say to you, decree miracles to take place, allow your expectations to arise, for your children, marriages and relationships, en-courage the children to shout and dance before Me and teach them to know that the Mighty God has chosen and called them for the work set before them. In this shift doubts will be eased and you will know it is Me, the God of provi-sion, healing and prosperity.

Quiet down, focus and listen to Me for the detractions of life will try to consume thee, because this is the shift you have waited for, the gears are changing from neutral to overdrive to gain ordained territory for the Kingdom, acceleration will take place, lives changed, addictions broken and families will grow faster and quicker than normal circumstances. Things that you been wait-ing to see, desires that you longed for, issues that you wanted resulted will happen speedily, just believe to see.

Rise up and see My glory all around you, rise above the detractions, the obstacles and remnants of sin, such as lying, cheating, stealing and fighting, and take advantage of the new opportunities that will be set before you. This is the time for you to pray without ceasing, love without questioning, and give without hesitation. No complaining, just rejoicing, no gossiping, but praying, no ignoring, but loving confronting and you will see great results, bible results hap-pening just for thee.

I spoke this to you now beforehand that you will know I have ordained this sea-son just for you, to thrive and separate you for the Kingdom work I have called you too.

My plans for you have not changed, plans for your success and prosperi-ty, this shifting and rearranging is happening just for you, to advance you, protect you and settle you. The heavens are open now seize this oppor-tunity, trust Me, and you will see this Word manifested in thee.

Humbly submitted by inspiration of Holy Spirit, December 23, 2016

Pastor Kevin W. Lancaster

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2016 Word from the Lord

2016 Word: The Shift 2016 Theme: God is doing a new thing. 2016 Mandate: Trust God and not doubt. 2016 Goal: Build effective teams for

the work of ministry. 2016 Strategy: Focus on God and adjust the culture of Love Life. 2016 Slogan: God’s uncommon Favor is upon us, no going back. 2016 Capital Drive: Project Enlarge Footprint 2016 Scriptures: 1Chron 4:10, Isa 43:19, Isa 54:2-3, Jer 29:11, Psa 2:1-8, Pro 3:5-10, Rom 8:28, Acts 4:33, 2Cor 12:9, James 1:5


Recipe Suggestions Vegetable Soup

1 Cabbage Head

2 Onions

3 or 4 Carrots

3 or 4 Celery Sticks

1 Bell Pepper

1 pkg. Lipton Onion Soup Mix

1 lg. Can of Tomatoes

Chop, shred, grate or slice all vegetables as you wish. Combine all ingredients into a large pot, and cover with


Salt and pepper to taste. When vegetables are almost done, add onion soup mix and let simmer.

Spaghetti Squash

1 spaghetti squash, halved lengthwise and seeded

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

1 1/2 cups chopped tomatoes

3 tablespoons sliced black olives

2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a baking sheet.

Place spaghetti squash with cut sides down on the prepared baking sheet, and bake 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a sharp knife can be inserted with only a little resistance. Remove squash from oven and set aside to cool enough to be easily handled.

Meanwhile, heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook and stir on-ion in oil until tender. Add garlic; cook and stir until fragrant, 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and cook until tomatoes are warmed through.

Use a large spoon to scoop the stringy pulp from the squash and place in a medium bowl. Toss with the vegetables, feta cheese, ol-ives, and basil. Serve warm.

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Vision and Mission of LLFCC

Be a multi-cultural congregation.

Provide full services for youth of all ages.

(Cradle to College)

Provide full services to our seniors.

(People of Grace)

Own and operate a Multi-Purpose Ministry

Complex for the needs of the ministry.

Own and operate a Family Crisis Center.

Use Television, Internet and Radio ministries

to spread the gospel.

Establish entrepreneur and local business


Partner with other churches and community or

organizations to bring about Godly changes to

our citizens.

“Showing God’s LOVE, by living a Holy LIFE, reaching all

FAMILIES for CHRIST” Matt 5:13-16


A Physical or Psychological Discipline -- God never tells people to

fast as a purely physical discipline, i.e. dieting for the purpose of

making the body beautiful or for some other physical benefit. I'm not

saying that dieting is wrong -- only that this is not found in the Bible.

Dieting may or may not be helpful to you personally, but the Bible

never encourages "fasting" for that reason alone. When the Bible

uses the term "fasting" it has spiritual goals in mind -- something

very different than Weight Watchers or Low Carb diets.

A Manipulative Tool -- Sometimes fasting is viewed as an attempt to

twist God's arm or to win His approval; but God doesn't respond to

pressure. One group of people in the book of Acts tried to get God

on their side by manipulative fasting: "In the morning some of the

Jews made a plan to kill Paul, and they took an oath not to eat or

drink anything until they had killed him. They went to the leading

priests and the older Jewish leaders and said, 'We have taken an

oath not to eat or drink until we have killed Paul'" (Acts 23:12,14).

God did not hear their prayer and their plan did not work.

We must never think of fasting as a hunger strike designed to force

God's hand and get our own way! We don't need to strong arm

God. God is good (Psalm 119:8) and eager to answer our prayers.

He is generous (James 1:5) and eager to give us 'good

things' (Matthew 7:11). Don't use fasting to try to push God into a

corner or impress Him.

A Hypocritical Religious Exercise -- By Jesus' time, fasting had be-

come a very important part of the Jewish life; Perhaps overly im-

portant would be a better way of saying it. Based on Luke 18:12a,

we know the Pharisees fasted twice a week. The Talmud tells us

that this was on the 2nd and 5th day (Monday and Thursday). Why

those days? According to the Pharisees it was because Moses

went up on Mt. Sinai to get the Law on the 5th day and returned on

the 2nd. (At least that's what they said.)

What Fasting is NOT

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A Prayer Declaration of Silence (Inspired by Kirk & Deby Dearman © 1993 Discovery House Music)

Heavenly Father, I consecrate myself to You for this time of fast-ing and prayer. I want Holy Spirit to do a deep work in me, as well as, through me. So, with Your help, I am “weaving a silence” today to make more room for You. I will be still and know that You are God (Ps 46:10).

I declare a silence unto my lips. Enable me to keep this fast hid-den from others so I will not succumb to spiritual pride or lose the re-ward You have for me (Matt 6:18). Help me “shut my mouth‟ not only to food, but also to unnecessary conversations with others. Empower me to be quick to listen to You, and slow to speak to others (James 1:19).

I declare a silence in my mind. Help me slow down my thoughts and block out the clutter. Help me switch my gears from being a “Human Doing‟ in the world to being a “Human Being‟ in Your pres-ence today. Help me be more receptive to Your voice. Grant me pa-tience to wait upon You. As I read Your Word, give me ears to hear what Your Spirit is saying. Lead me in the selection of passages to read. Reveal the fullness of Your truth as I meditate upon it.

I declare a silence within my heart. I want my heart to feel what You are feeling, and to be in harmony with You. Enable me to sense the heartbeat of Your desires and passions. Help me put self-centeredness aside and yield myself more fully to Your will. Please lead me step by step to accomplish all that You desire in this time of fasting and prayer.

I declare a silence in my life. I lay my own agendas, ambitions, desires, needs, longings, plans, and dreams at Your feet and release them to You. May all striving within me be stopped. Enable me to spend considerable time in reverent and passionate prayer today. Sen-sitize my heart to grasp the wonder of who You are, so that I can wor-ship You in spirit and truth.

I close my eyes to all attractions. Enable me to regard everything else as worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing You more (Phil 3:8). Lord, I’m so used to being busy that I feel very uncomfortable waiting before You. Help me resist watching TV today, even my favorite Christian programs. Help me resist reading newspa-pers or magazines or any book except the Bible.


Daily Confessions for Consecration

I declare that Love Life Family Christian Center is a multi-cultural/multi-racial family of believers for all people. We thank you for the Harvest of Souls that will be brought into your Kingdom because of what You have done for us.

4) The Church: Confession: In the name of Jesus Christ, I thank You for unity in Love Life Family Christian Center. I thank You for services where people will be saved and set free.

Believers will experience revival in their hearts and peo-ple will be baptized in the Holy Ghost. LLFCC sets the atmosphere for Holy Spirit to move.

My Pastor, First Lady and Ministry Leadership will hear and act on Your Word with boldness.

I thank you, Lord, that every financial need of this minis-try will be meet in Jesus’ name. I believe that we are in Your perfect will and that You will be pleased and glorified in everything that we do.

5) Your own desires:

Confession: My heart (inner man, spirit) is open to hear clearly from You Lord: to receive instruction, cor-rection and revelation of the Word. Romans 12:2, Isaiah 48:17, John 16:13, Jeremiah 29:11

My ears (spiritual and physical) will hear clearly what the Spirit is saying to me. 1 Kings3:9, John10:27, Deuteron-omy 28:1, Isaiah 54:14

My eyes are open to see (recognize, take note of) the moving of the Spirit, and I will cooperate with Him and not hinder His move.

I thank You God that as a believer I have power

(authority) over Satan and demons that would try to hin-

der Your move before the people.

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Daily Confessions for Consecration

1) To know the will of God for your life and LLFCC:

Confession: In the name of Jesus, I declare that God's Word renews my mind, and that I know His perfect will for my life. His purpose for me includes total life pros-perity and Greatness for me.

I allow Holy Spirit to lead me to the great life. His ex-pected end for me does not include evil; instead, it is filled with peace.

I receive God's anointing on my life and will not abuse it. I believe I receive the manifestation of my confessions right now, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

2) To hear from God: Confession: Heavenly Father, I declare that I pos-sess a hearing heart. I hear from You in specific detail, not in vague impressions. Every word that I hear from You empowers me to prosper and excel.

I stand firm in You, Lord. Because I am established in righteousness, the gates of hell will not prevail against me. Speak to me concerning what I need to do to live for You and experience the reality of Your Great blessings in my life. I obey You in all things. Therefore, Your Word always comes to pass in my life.

I am Your sheep and You are my Shepherd. I know Your voice, and the voice of a stranger I do not follow. I hear Your voice clearly and obey immediately, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

3) The Lost:

Confession: I consecrate myself to you Lord, to use me to witness to others, as you provide opportunity. I will share with others about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Father, I thank you that, according to your Word the har-vest is ripe…

I declare that as I share the Good News of Jesus Christ, hearts will be changed and people will experience the Love of God. Holy Spirit I thank you that I am in coopera-tion with you.


A Prayer Declaration of Silence (Inspired by Kirk & Deby Dearman © 1993 Discovery House Music)

I close my ears to all distractions. Lord, I’m so used to the constant noise and distractions in my life that I feel very uncomfortable without them. Today, I want to be a Mary, not a Martha. Give me the grace I need to relax in silence and focus on You, so that I won’t be distracted by everything around me. Enable me to turn off my radio and CD player and cell phone, and not answer my telephone. Help me resist doing any non-essential activity. If I start doing anything that is not critically im-portant, alert me immediately and remind me that I can save it for an-other day.

I close my heart to all temptations. Speak Your peace into my heart, so that I can experience a deep inner calm and self-control. My spirit is willing, but my body is weak (Mark 14:38). Help me watch and pray so that I will not fall into temptation. Give me increased strength to subject my body to my spirit and resist temptation.

Please do a thorough work in me during this fast. Open my heart to your guidance, power, and grace. Renew my spiritual vision. Increase my desire to please You, and decrease my need to seek approval from others. Reveal my own true spiritual condition to me, and empower me to change what needs to be changed. Break the grip of the world, the flesh, and the devil in my life. Enable me to be very attentive and re-sponsive to You today. If the Holy Spirit convicts me of a sin, help me learn what the Word says about it, repent, ask forgiveness, and make amends. If a Scripture comes to mind, help me understand it and dis-cover how You want me to respond. Enable me to pray effectively for others through the leading and anointing of Your Spirit. When someone specific comes to mind, guide me in prayer and subsequent action. Be glorified through this fast, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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Be strong with the Lord's mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all

strategies and tricks of the devil. (Eph 6:10-11 NLT)

Lord, You call me to warfare, and You have equipped me with Your mighty power. Today, I call forth the warrior in me and declare, “I am strong in the Lord!‟ (Joel 3:9-10). You have already disarmed evil pow-ers and authorities. You made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Col 2:15). You are with me to help me and to fight my battles (2 Chron 32:8). I now put on all of Your armor, so that I can enforce what Jesus has already won.

I put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect my heart. Thank You that Jesus is my righteousness, my holiness, and my re-demption (1 Cor 1:30). I enter Your presence by the blood of Jesus, and I draw near to You with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith (Heb 10:19-22). You made Jesus to be sin for me, so that, in Him, I be-come right with You (2 Cor 5:21). I confess that I have sinned, and I receive Your forgiveness. For if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I now release my guilt, because Jesus’ life was an accepta-ble guilt offering for me (Isa 53:10).

I put on the belt of truth to protect my innermost being. Holy Spirit, guide me into all truth (John 16:13). Sanctify me by the truth (John 17:17). Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me (Ps 43:3). When the enemy deceives me, help me recognize his lies. Teach me Your way, and I will walk in Your truth (Ps 86:11). Help me remem-ber and obey the teachings of Jesus, so the Truth will set me free (John 8:31-32). Enable me to speak the truth in love, so I can be more like Christ in every way (Eph 4:14-15).

I put on the helmet of salvation to protect my mind. Father, thank You for blessing me with every spiritual blessing in Christ. You loved me and chose me to be holy, without fault in Your eyes. You adopted me as Your child. I am redeemed through the blood of Jesus, and my sins are forgiven. I praise You for the wonderful kindness You lavish upon me because I belong to You (Eph 1:3-8). Help me agree with Your thoughts, for You have given me the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16).

A Prayer to Put on the Armor of God


A Prayer to Put on the Armor of God I put on the Gospel of peace to prepare me to pray more effectively for others (Eph 6:15). In Jesus’ name, I will not retreat. The spiritual land on which my feet walk in prayer will be my inheritance forever, because I will follow the LORD my God wholeheartedly (Josh 14:9). You have raised me up with Christ and seated me with Him in the heavenly realms (Eph 2:6). The God of peace will soon crush Satan under my feet, because the grace of my Lord Jesus is with me (Rom 16:20).

I firmly grasp the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows aimed at me by Satan (Eph 6:16). I will not let go when the enemy assaults me with doubt or discouragement. Father God, it is impossible for You to lie (Heb 6:18). You are who You say You are. You can do what You say You can do (Mark 10:27). I am who You say I am. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:3). Your word is living and active in me (1 Thess 2:13). I will believe You no matter what, for, through faith, I am shielded by Your power (1 Peter 1:5).

I firmly grasp the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and I will not let go (Eph 6:16). Father, help me to stay alert and persist in prayer. Help me pray at all times in the power of Your Spirit. I will attack the enemy like Jesus did, with Your Word, declaring, “It is written…‟ (Matt 4:4). Your promises have been thoroughly tested (Ps 119:140). Not one of Your good promises to Israel failed; everyone was fulfilled (Josh 21:45). All Your promises are “Yes‟ in Christ. So, through Him, I will say “Amen!‟ for Your glory (2 Cor 1:20).

I am fully protected with Your armor and Your presence. Both hands are fully equipped with mighty weapons to resist the enemy (2 Cor 6:7). With these weapons I will break down every proud argument that keeps me from all that You have for me. I will conquer every thought so that I can be obedient and loyal to Jesus today (2 Cor 10:4-5). With Your power, I will stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the devil (Eph 6:11).

I am now ready and willing for this day of battle (Ps 110:3). Lord, I will not be fainthearted, or afraid, or give way to panic before the enemy (Deut 20:3). Instead, I will overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and my words of testimony. I will not love my life so much as to shrink from death (Rev 12:11). You are giving me victory through my Lord Je-sus, so I will serve You today, knowing that my labor is not in vain.

(1 Cor 15:57-58). Amen!