now, for the blood test - ernest angley (1995)

July 1995 Topics: Blood of Jesus  Volum e 19 The Mysteries of God  by Ernest An gley Most of you have undergone a blood test at some time in your life during a physical examination. Now I want to t alk about the  blood test for the spiritual you, the inner person, the real, eternal  you. If the magnificen t blood of Jesus is in complete control of  your soul, your test res ults will b e perfect. If not, however, the test will show that a dangerous condition exists.  At Gethsema ne the blood was being tried, persecuted so greatly that the vessel of clay that contained it—Jesus who had taken on the form of flesh to become our elder brother—prayed, O m y Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from m e: neve rtheless not as I will, but as thou wilt (Matthew 26:39) . It was divine blood that brought J esus through the ag ony of Calvary; divine bl ood triumphed. Through divine b lood, Jesus stood the test. But as that blood was being given on Calvary for all, Peter faile d the blood test. Now Pe ter sat without in the p alace: and a damsel came un to him, saying, Thou also  wast with Jesus of Galilee. Bu t he denied be fore them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest. And whe n he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said un to them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man (Matt hew 26:69-72). Now Peter was cursing ; no longer did he sound like Jesus . People would wonder whether he had ever been a disciple. At one time he represented Jesus, but now he lost the holy Jesus conversation. Peter who had followed Jesus eve rywhere was disgruntled and full of arroganc e. Had he not taken offe nse at the way Jesus handled His arrest, Peter might never have de nied Him. It doesn't pay t o resent Jesus an d how He w orks. Because things didn 't go Peter's way in the Garden, Peter sulke d. Peter thou ght he had done the right t hing by cutting off a man's ear, and  when Jesus stooped down, picked it up and healed the man, Peter was insulted and he turned away from Jesus. ow, f or the Blood Test - E rnest Angley Minist ries ht tp:// or the blood test/  1 of 17 12/19/2010 3:25 PM

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July 1995

Topics: Blood of Jesus

 Volum e 19 The Mysteries of God

 by Ernest An gley 

Most of you have undergone a blood test at some time in your life

during a physical examination. Now I want to talk about the

 blood test for the spiritual you, the inner person, the real, eternal you. If the magnificent blood of Jesus is in complete control of 

 your soul, your test results will be perfect. If not, however, the

test will show that a dangerous condition exists.

 At Gethsemane the blood was being tried, persecuted so greatly 

that the vessel of clay that contained it—Jesus who had taken on

the form of flesh to become our elder brother—prayed, O my 

Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from m e:

neve rtheless not as I will, bu t as thou w ilt (Matthew 

26:39). It was divine blood that brought Jesus through the agony 

of Calvary; divine blood triumphed. Through divine blood, Jesus

stood the test. But as that blood was being given on Calvary for all, Peter failed the blood test.

Now Pe ter sat without in the p alace: and a damsel came un to him, saying, Thou also

 wast with Jesus of Galilee. Bu t he denied be fore them all, saying, I know not what

thou sayest. And whe n he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and

said un to them that were there, This fellow w as also with Jesus of Nazareth. And

again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man (Matthew 26:69-72). Now Peter was

cursing; no longer did he sound like Jesus. People would wonder whether he had ever been adisciple. At one time he represented Jesus, but now he lost the holy Jesus conversation. Peter who

had followed Jesus everywhere was disgruntled and full of arrogance.

Had he not taken offense at the way Jesus handled His arrest, Peter might never have denied Him.

It doesn't pay to resent Jesus and how He works. Because things didn't go Peter's way in the

Garden, Peter sulked. Peter thought he had done the right thing by cutting off a man's ear, and

 when Jesus stooped down, picked it up and healed the man, Peter was insulted and he turned away 

from Jesus.

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Think of the great miracle in that terrible hour: Jesus healed the ear of one who had come to arrest

Him. Such a miracle should have blessed Peter, should have told him that Jesus truly was the Son

of God, that everything would be all right. When people don't recognize and honor the hand of God

as it is revealed to them, they are in trouble; they don't really see the miracles of God, only what the

devil or man is doing, and self-pity comes in. The ugly creature they have become in that hour is

not apparent to them, for the devil has taken over their minds.

Peter didn't look upon the greatness in the blood when his life was in jeopardy.  And a fter a

 while came u nto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Su rely thou also art one of 

them; for thy speech be wrayeth thee. Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I

know not the man. And immediately the cock crew. And Peter remembered the word

of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And

he we nt out, and w ept bitterly (Matthew 26:73-75). Peter had all the strength he needed to

stand the blood test, but he didn't use it. If Jesus had ever needed His disciples to stand by Him it

 was then. They all fled. None of them really stood the blood test. When you run in fear, you fail

the blood test, for you are not using the faith of God.

 When Peter walked with Jesus before Calvary, he had seen the hand of Jesus go up and had heard

Him command a raging storm: Peace, b e still (Mark 4:39), and the storm ceased. He had seen

the blind receive sight, the crippled walk; he had even seen the dead come to life through the

power of Jesus. Peter knew what the hand of Jesus could do. But when he failed the Lord, he

forgot the greatness of his Master, forgot His love, His power, faith and promises. Peter didn't see

the ugly person he had become.

Peter could have been at the tomb when the angel rolled away the stone; he could have seen Jesus

 walk out, but again he failed the blood test. All the disciples could have been there had they stood

the blood test.

Only the believers, the faithful remember all the promises of God, recognize all His miracles, and

see His hands moving at all times. The Bride will remember; the Bride will see. Nothing will stop

her in this last hour, saith the Lord. She will be the hands, the eyes, the mouth of God in this her

final hour. She will walk just like Him, talk just like Him and be just like Him. The miracles will be

given just like they were when Christ was here on earth—except today they will be on a greater

scale, saith the Lord.  Verily, verily, I say unto you , He that b elieveth on me, the works

that I do shall he do also; and greater w orks than these shall he do; becau se I go un to

my Father (John 14:12).

The disciples looked on Jesus after the Resurrection, saw the very power of the Resurrection right

 before their eyes. He had physical form; He showed the scars in His hands and feet and told the

disciples to handle Him, to be sure it really was Him and not a spirit. Behold my hands and my 

feet, that it is I myself: handle m e, and se e; for a spirit hath no t flesh and b one s, as ye

see me have. And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. And

he took it, and did eat before them (Luke 24:39,42,43).

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Thomas was told to place his hands in the wounds of his Lord. Then saith he to Thomas,

Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hand s; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust

it into m y side: and be not faithless, bu t believing (John 20:27).

In John 21:9-13 we read that Jesus kindled a fire on the shores of Galilee, broiled some fish and fed

the hungry disciples. And Jesus saith un to them, Come and dine (John 21:12). He proved

His risen body was the body that had been buried, not a counterfeit. A physical Resurrection had

taken place. For forty days after His Resurrection Jesus was seen at different times, once by as

many as five hundred.

The world and the powers of Lucifer looked weak to Peter after the Resurrection as he

fellowshiped with Jesus, heard Jesus talking to him and the others. He saw the scars of the nail

prints, the pierced side. Every word that came from the lips of Jesus was more precious than gold

to the disciples now. Peter with that divine blood flowing once more in his soul knew it was all


 Anyone who has the divine blood flowing within never doubts any truth about Jesus. If the divine blood floods the heart, soul and mind, there is no room to doubt His greatness, His promises.

If you don't stand the blood test daily, you will miss out. You won't have the Jesus vision and you

 won't be able to do all the Jesus work if you don't stand the blood test, not once in a while, but

every day you have left, saith the Lord.

Jesus greatly helped His disciples to stand the blood test in the days ahead when He no longer

 would be with them in a physical form. His appearances gave them sufficient assurance of the

Resurrection as He completed His instructions to them on the vital principles of the Kingdom. He

stayed to give them total confidence in their relationship to Him, and to send them forth with Hislast great commission: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the nam e

of the Father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19).

 After forty days, Jesus ascended into Heaven. The disciples watched Him out of sight as He rose

into the clouds. They believed all He taught.  And while they looked stedfastly toward

heaven as he w ent u p, behold, two men stood by them in wh ite apparel; W hich also

said, Ye men of Galilee, w hy stand ye gazing up into heav en? this same Jesus, w hich is

taken u p from you into heaven , shall so come in like man ner as ye have seen him go

into heaven (Acts 1:10,11). The same Jesus with the nail prints in His hands and the scar on His

side, this same Jesus who had stayed forty days after the Resurrection will come again. Through

the blood of Jesus, the disciples preached His return to earth; it echoes and re-echoes down to us

today, sounding louder than ever as the time of His coming approaches so near. The Spirit is

saying, "He is coming soon! Get ready to take your flight. Stand the blood test every day."

Make sure you go into every battle knowing you stand the blood test, knowing there will be no fear

to defeat you, no powers of the devil. Be a winner just as Jesus was a winner. You may not look to

the world like a winner, but with Jesus all the way, you will be a winner. If Heaven calls you a

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 winner you are an eternal winner.

 After Jesus ascended into Heaven, the disciples, obedient to His command, lingered in Jerusalem

until they were endued with power from on High. Baptized in the Holy Ghost on the day of 

Pentecost, they all spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance.  What mean eth this? the people

 wanted to know when they witnessed the power that had come upon the disciples at Pentecost

(Acts 2:12). Bu t Peter, standing up w ith the eleven , lifted up his voice, and said unto

them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known u nto you,

and hearke n to my words: For these are not drun ken, as ye suppose, seeing it is bu t

the third hour of the day. Bu t this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And

it shall com e to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pou r ou t of my Spirit up on all

flesh (Acts 2:14-17).

The Resurrection and Ascension were not fables, they were facts; and with great joy the disciples

set out to spread the wonderful Gospel news. I can just hear Peter telling everyone:Jesus was

 born of the virgin Mary! It's all true. His heart pounding, he proclaims: Jesus brought divine

 blood, and here's the evidence. Death couldn't hold Him. He is the Son of God!

Before the Crucifixion, Peter had confessed that Jesus was the Son of God, but in the trying hour of 

great persecution he lost faith. After the Resurrection, however, Peter was a different man. Boldly 

he proclaimed that Jesus is the One whom Isaiah wrote about, the Wonderful, the Counselor, the

Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. The powers in His blood are all w e now 

need! In His name we will cast out devils! In His name, we'll lay hands on the sick and they will

recover. We will carry on His work! Peter confessed that although he had failed Jesus, he was

now determined to never fail His divine blood again. He knew that the divine blood shed for him

 was flowing on the inside of his innermost being, in his soul. The divine blood is eternal; it will

flow for all time and eternity. All the powers that Jesus brought were now for the disciples to use.

They believed Jesus' promise of the Holy Ghost. He had told them: I will pray the Father, and

he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide w ith you for ever (John 14:16).

The Comforter, the Holy Ghost, would set up housekeeping on the inside.

I'm sure the Lord had already instructed the disciples to spread the news of the Holy Ghost after

they received Him.  When the people gather, you tell them, Peter. No wonder Peter quoted the

promise of the Holy Ghost: For the promise is unto you, and to your children , and to all

that are afar off, even as many as the Lord ou r God shall call (Acts 2:39). What a world of 

greatness and power they entered with that divine blood!

 Weeping his way to victory, Peter found forgiveness in the blood, underwent a blood transfusion,

took on real life through the blood of Jesus. Peter might have been the first person saved after

Jesus gave the last drop of His blood on Calvary. No longer did Peter fear death; he had seen how 

Christ conquered it. Peter had spoken with the resurrected Christ, touched Him, eaten with Him.

Peter who once was so weak, who had failed Jesus after he had boasted he would never deny Him,

is now ready to die for Him as he faces a multitude, the same people who had demanded Jesus be

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crucified.  Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approve d of 

God among you by miracles and w onde rs and signs, which God did by him in the

midst of you, as ye yourselves also know : Him, being delivered by the de terminate

coun sel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and b y wicked hands have crucified

and slain (Acts 2:22,23).

Peter is telling the crowd that they killed Jesus. Look at his boldness now! He preached in great

love for His Master: W hom God hath raised u p, having loosed the pains of death:

 becau se it was not possible that he should be holden of it (verse 24). Peter went on, telling

them what David had to say about Jesus. Therefore let all the hou se of Israel know 

assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, w hom ye have crucified, both Lord

and Christ. Now w hen they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto

Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and bre thren, what shall we do ? Then Peter

said un to them, Repent, and b e baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ

for the rem ission of sins, and ye shall rece ive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the

promise is unto you , and to you r children, an d to all that are afar off, even as man y as

the Lord ou r God shall call (Acts 2:36-39). Peter held nothing back, but preached the Word of 

God in all its truth and power.

 We next find Peter with John as they go to the temple to pray. This wonderful experience of 

receiving the Holy Ghost thrilled them through and through. They have great faith now, the faith

of their Lord. They see a man over forty years old who had never walked. Asking alms of those

 who entered the temple, he received from Peter and John much more than he could have

imagined. Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; bu t such as I have give I thee: In the

name o f Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and w alk. And he took him by the right

hand, and lifted him u p: and immed iately his feet and ankle bon es received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and e ntered w ith them into the temple,

 wa lking, and leaping, and pr aising God (Acts 3:6-8). Instantly he was made whole. He didn't

have to spend time in physical therapy learning how to walk; he immediately leaped up and went

into the temple, walking, leaping and praising God. This was a man who had never walked in his


 And as the lame man which w as healed held Peter and John, all the people ran

together un to them in the porch that is called Solomon 's, greatly won dering. And

 whe n Peter saw it, he answere d un to the people, Ye me n of Israel, why marvel ye at

this? or why look ye so earnestly on u s, as though by our ow n pow er or holiness we

had made this man to walk? The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God

of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesu s; whom ye delivered u p, and de nied him in

the presence of Pilate, when he w as determined to let him go. Bu t ye denied the Holy 

One and the Ju st, and de sired a murdere r to be granted u nto you; And killed the

Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are w itnesses. And

his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, w hom ye see and

know : yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soun dness in the

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presence of you all (Acts 3:11-16).

Peter is putting Jesus right on center stage. Live or die, Peter is with Jesus all the way. Repen t ye

therefore, and be con verted, that your sins may be blotted out, whe n the times of 

refreshing shall come from the presen ce of the Lord (verse 19). Peter went to jail for the

miracle, but he had stood the blood test. All the disciples and followers of Jesus were in great

 jeopardy, but they didn't care. They knew if they were killed, their souls would live forever with

the Lord. Without a doubt, they knew that Jesus is the Son of God.

 Although John and Peter were put in jail for the miracle given to the once crippled man, many 

people believed in Christ, the number being about five thousand. The next day, the rulers asked

Peter and John by what power or name the man had been delivered. Then Pe ter, filled w ith

the Holy Ghost, said u nto them , Ye rulers of the peop le, and elders of Israel, If we this

day be examined of the good deed don e to the impotent man, by what me ans he is

made w hole; Be it known un to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the nam e

of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye cru cified, whom God raised from the dead, e ven

 by him doth this man stand here before you w hole. This is the stone w hich was set atnou ght of you bu ilders, which is become the head of the corne r. Neither is there

salvation in any other: for there is none other nam e un der heaven given among me n,

 whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:8-12).

Notice, Peter was filled with the Holy Ghost when he spoke so boldly to his captors. If you intend

to pass the blood test daily, you must be filled with the Holy Ghost and stay full of Him. Peter

made clear that salvation comes only through Jesus, that they could get to Heaven no other way but

through His name. Now whe n they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived

that they we re un learned and ignorant me n, they marvelled; and they took 

know ledge of them, that they had been w ith Jesus. And beholding the man w hich was

healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it. And they called them,

and comm anded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. Bu t Peter

and John an swere d and said un to them, W hether it be right in the sight of God to

hearken unto you more than u nto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things

 which we have seen an d heard (Acts 4:13,14,18-20). We must be like Peter and John in Acts.

 We cannot but speak of the greatness of the Lord that we have seen and heard.

So w hen they had further threate ned the m, they let them go, finding nothing how 

they might punish them, be cause of the p eople: for all men glorified God for that which was don e (verse 21). In this last hour, the miracles once again will become so great that

the honest-hearted will glorify God no matter what rulers or judges say against them. Multitudes

 will look at the miracles and know they come from Heaven.

 Was the Early Church intimidated by Peter and John's arrest? They just prayed for more power:

 And n ow, Lord, be hold their threatenings: and grant u nto thy servants, that with all

 boldness they may speak thy word, B y stretching forth thine han d to he al; and that

signs and won ders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. And whe n they 

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had prayed, the place was shaken w here they were assembled together; and they were

all filled w ith the Holy Ghost, and they spake the w ord of God w ith boldness (Acts

5:29-31). The secret of the blood test is to speak the Word, not your opinions, but the Word. Speak 

the truth. You will have to be able to give forth truth, truth, truth to pass the blood test.

 And w ith great pow er gave the apostles witness of the Resu rrection of the Lord Jesus:

and great grace was upon them all (verse 33). Had the apostles not stood the blood test, they 

 would not have been able to be witnesses. Their testimony through the divine blood of the

Resurrection was with great power.

 We marvel at Peter in Acts 12; he was asleep, so at peace in his soul that when the angel came into

the jail cell, he had to wake Peter up. People were determined to kill him, but the angel of the Lord

delivered him from prison before they had that chance. Why? Because he stood the blood test.

Had he not stood the blood test, the angel couldn't have freed him.

Like Peter, you don't have to be afraid; the angels of the Lord will be your helper in this final hour

as you stand the blood test. You are an heir of salvation that angels minister to. Are the y not allministerin g spirits, sen t forth to minister for them w ho shall be he irs of salvation

(Hebrews 1:14)?

Peter and the other disciples and apostles now are just like Jesus, like the first Adam before the

fall. They have come into a brand new world, taken out citizenship in Heaven. They are not of this

 world. Jesus had prayed: Father, they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Sanctify them throu gh thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:16,17). Make them holy 

through my blood, Jesus was saying. They were made holy as Jesus was holy when He walked the

shores of Galilee.

The blood restores the divine image in man, that image that had been lost through sin, the image

that was in Adam and Eve when the Lord would come down in the cool of the day to walk and talk 

 with them. Now Jesus walks with us every day and every night. He doesn 't leave u s, for he

hath said, I will never leave thee, n or forsake thee (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus told His

followers: Lo, I am w ith you alway, even u nto the end of the wor ld (Matthew 28:20). What

 wonderful fellowship, what marvelous communion! I love it!

The blood supplies all the deepest needs of the human soul. Since man sinned against God and no

longer had divinity on the inside of him, the human soul had never really been satisfied—that is,

not until Calvary. The truth in the blood corrects all the errors of human thinking so the Bride can

think like the first Adam and Eve. How beautiful their thinking was in the beginning! When you

are redeemed through the blood, sanctified, living holy and filled with the Holy Ghost, you know 

how they felt. You have the same greatness of Heaven they once possessed, the same greatness of 

divinity. You are passing the blood test. You have been set free.

If the Son there fore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). If the Son

sets you free, you are absolutely free, all sin gone. Loosed from the powers of the devil, you have

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the truth in the blood that wipes out the arrogant temper, the vindictive feelings and the

misconceptions that cause confusion and strife. With confusion and strife in your mind, however,

 you are not passing the Jesus blood test. If you are spewing out strife on family and friends, you

are failing the test. Get busy, invite the Holy Ghost into your heart and be done with strife. Stop

the arrogance, the bad temper. If you don't have self control, you don't have the fruit of the Holy 

Spirit being produced in your life.

The followers of Jesus knew in whom they believed. Paul, one of the greatest of His followers,

 wrote: For I know w hom I have believed, and am per suaded that he is able to keep that

 which I have com mitted u nto him against that day (II Timothy 1:12). Although Paul had

never seen Jesus in the flesh, he lived in the presence of God, stayed away in the desert three years

 with the Lord. Paul had such reality and knowledge of Jesus that Peter said,Our beloved

 brother Pau l also according to the w isdom given un to him hath written un to you; As

also in all his epistles, speaking in them o f these things; in which are som e things hard

to be u nderstood, which they that are un learned and u nstable wrest, as they do also

the other scripture s, unto their own de struction (II Peter 3:15,16).

 Your past has nothing to do with you when you go into the new world, but as long as you stay in the

old world, the scars of the past can affect you, drag you down, keep you deformed and make you

helpless. Paul conquered by forgetting those things w hich are be hind, and reaching forth

un to those things which are be fore, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high

calling of God in Christ Jesu s (Philippians 3:13,14). Paul had to forget, had to look to the Lord.

His past included the murder and persecution of Christians. Through the blood of Jesus he was

able to close the door on the past and step into the present; and in the present, he stood the blood

test. You who failed the Lord in the past must follow Paul's example. Will you let your past send

 you to hell? Excusing your failures in the Lord because you had an unfortunate childhood will notstand the blood test. Jesus came to wipe out everything that hinders you. Through the blood you

have complete deliverance, through the blood you are a joint-heir with Jesus.

Let your mind go back to the moment you were born new in Christ, the second birth. Your first

 birth was a birth in sin, conceived in the iniquity of sin, but in that second birth you were born free.

 Why be a slave to the past when you are born free? Why think you can't be free from sin? Through

the blood, you can be free of it. But that which you use, you can't be free from. If you indulge in

sin, you are contaminated with it. You will not be cleared until you realize everything you need is

in the blood and you let the blood cleanse you.

Since Jesus came, you are without excuse for continuing in sin. Calvary gave you a complete

opportunity to live a victorious life, to gain Heaven and miss hell. Because of Calvary you can walk 

down the avenue of Glory and live for all eternity in that wonderful place called Heaven. The blood

and the truth will restore the human mind to the condition God intended it to have. If your mind is

distorted because of the past, you must let the blood heal it. If you don't, you will never enjoy the

 blessings of God, never be what God wants you to be. Your unhealed mind can drag you down until

 your soul is so affected that salvation becomes lost. Think who and what you are in Jesus Christ.

Don't dwell on who you once were, but dwell on the person Christ can make you into.

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 When a girl marries, she doesn't keep thinking about her maiden name if she is really in love with

her husband. She loves her new name. When you come to Jesus you forget about your old self and

identify yourself with Jesus.

The blood of truth will restore the whole person, enable you to perform in a way acceptable to

God. The blood gives reality in a personal God who knows, feels and wills man to have communion

 with Him. He is holy, loving, just, all-powerful, all-wise and He cares for you His creation.

In your excitement over who you are in the Lord, forget who you used to be. Never go to sleep sad;

let your last thoughts before drifting off be on who you are in the Lord. You're in a new world; you

don't have to worry about the world you came out of—its sights and sounds are irritating to the

music in your soul. Feast in the spiritual Canaan. The fruits of the Spirit produced on the inside

are greater than the trying times you may have come out of. Salvation means that God has brought

 you out of a sinful life into a holy life—His life. No sin exists in the God-life. In regeneration, the

 blood puts new principles and spiritual life in men and women, giving them new feelings. Didn't

 you have a new feeling when you came into the world of Christ? You had strength against evil.

Suddenly you could overcome evil with good, with the good God who had come into your heart.New views of God you had. Christ and the Bible were fresh and wonderful to you. God made you a

new creature in Christ Jesus.

It doesn't matter who scarred the old creature, it doesn't matter at all to the new creature stepping

forth. What you went through doesn't count. Can you imagine Jesus limping down the streets of 

Glory, complaining about all He went through on earth? Of course not. He walked down that

avenue with all the power, strength and glory that He had previously known with the Father. Man

couldn't give Him that glory; only God the Father could hand it to Him:Son, take back the glory 

now that is rightfully yours; you've won. Jesus won for you and me, for the whole human race.

These new thoughts, these new views you have from God come because you are a brand new 

person. You don't swear, don't listen to foul talk. Shunning gossip, you are more alive in the Spirit

than you ever were in the flesh.

 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be b orn again, he can not see the kingdom

of God (John 3:3). You must be born again, receive regeneration through the blood. The voice of 

 blood is against all evil; it gives power over every weakness, every sin, every unclean spirit, every 

devil and Lucifer himself. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servan ts of 

righteousness (Romans 6:18). Before you are a servant of righteousness, you must be free from

sin. For when ye were the servan ts of sin, ye we re free from righteou sness (Romans6:20). When you served sin you had no righteousness in you. Righteousness and sin do not

mix—this is the voice of the blood. But now being made free from sin, and become

servants to God, ye have your fruit un to holiness, and the end everlasting life (Romans

6:22). This is the blood speaking. For the w ages of sin is death; bu t the gift of God is

eternal life throu gh Jesus Christ our Lord (verse 23). Through the divine blood of Jesus that

 was spilled on Calvary you have eternal life.

There is therefore now no cond emn ation to them w hich are in Christ Jesus, who w alk 

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not after the flesh, bu t after the Spirit (Romans 8:1). Those who stand the blood test walk 

after the Spirit, not after the flesh. You who are indulging, satisfying the lust of the flesh are not

standing the blood test.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin

and de ath. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God

(Romans 8:2,14). You must have divine blood in you—a blood bath—or you are not led by the

Spirit, you don't live in the Spirit and you are not a part of the Spirit. Divine blood must be flowing

 within you at all times, cleansing and continuing to flow. The blood stays alive in you as long as you

commit no sin.

 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can b e against us? He

that spared not his own Son , but de livered him u p for us all, how shall he not with

him also free ly give u s all things (Romans 8:31,32)? No matter what is coming against you,

 with the blood you will be an overcomer. Everything is furnished in the blood, everything you need

to be made holy and to stay holy. It would be pointless to be made holy if you couldn't stay that


 W ho shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth (Romans

8:33). This is blood talk: God justifies. You don't have to worry about what the devil is chattering

in your ears or what people are saying. God is the one to justify. If you have that flow of divine

 blood on the inside, if you are a partaker of divinity, of the blood of Jesus, God will justify you,

 weigh you. His verdict is the only one that matters.

Neither the devil nor people have a right to condemn the Children of God.  W ho is he that

condem neth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the

right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us (verse 34). You have it made.

Jesus is standing at the right hand of the Father, telling Him everything you need and having it sent

down. Jesus paid for it; the Father knows He paid for it. Through the blood of Jesus the Father

keeps His eyes on you. As long as you are under the blood, you don't have to worry; God knows

everything you are going through, every battle you are having. He knows every time you are being

persecuted; He understands every burden of your heart, every affliction in your body. He feels

every ache, every pain.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mou th the Lord Jesu s, and shalt believe in thine

heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9). This isthe voice of the holy blood of Jesus. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousne ss;

and w ith the mou th confession is made un to salvation. For whosoever shall call up on

the nam e of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:10,13). The blood of Jesus is so powerful, so

full of mercy, grace, love, so full of everything needed that whoever calls upon His name will be

saved. O the depth of the riches both of the w isdom an d know ledge of God! how 

un searchable are his jud gmen ts, and his ways past finding ou t (Romans 11:33)! The

 blood voice rejoices in the greatness of God.

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I am cr ucified w ith Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, bu t Christ liveth in m e: and

the life w hich I now live in the flesh I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved m e,

and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20). The blood-washed voice of Paul rings out down

through the ages with the glorious Gospel of Christ. What a testimony we have for the Lord when

 we are washed in the blood! Paul tells us that he gloried only in the divine blood of Jesus. Bu t

God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of ou r Lord Jesu s Christ, by whom the

 world is crucified u nto me , and I un to the world (Galatians 6:14). Through the blood of 

Jesus comes salvation; the blood-work does it. The blood-work gives everyone the opportunity to

 become new creations in Christ Jesus, makes it possible for all to live free from all sin. Paul was

done with the world, crucified unto it.

For in Christ Jesus ne ither circumcision availeth any thing, nor u ncircum cision, bu t a

new creature (Galatians 6:15). Circumcision of the flesh availeth nothing spiritually. Being a

new creature in Christ Jesus is what counts. Since the blood of Jesus was shed, all can be made

new all over who will receive salvation and live in that new and living way.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed u s with allspiritual blessings in heave nly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). A man who had been

 washed in the blood wrote those words. You are blessed through Jesus Christ with all spiritual

 blessings.  According as he hath chosen us in him before the fou ndation of the world,

that we shou ld be holy and without blame b efore him in love (Ephesians 1:4). God chose

His people to be holy. God willed it to be when He made the first man and woman. He didn't

intend mankind to be any other way but holy. Before the foundation of the plan of redemption was

actually given, before the foundation of the Christian world, before Jesus made His appearance on

earth, God decided to make it possible for us to be without blame through the divine blood. We

have the Gospel foundation.

Having prede stinated u s un to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself,

according to the good pleasure of his will (Ephesians 1:5). The Lord predestined some

things. He predestined that everyone who would come to Him through Jesus Christ would be His

own son or daughter, would be holy. To the praise of the glory of his grace, w herein he

hath made us accepted in the beloved. In whom w e have redemption through his

 blood, the forgive ne ss of sins, according to the riche s of his grace (Ephesians 1:6,7). You

are either redeemed or not redeemed. If all your sins are not gone, you are not redeemed. If you

are still committing sins, you are not redeemed. By sinning, you lose the benefits of grace. If you

die in that condition, you will go to hell. In grace is no room for sin, no provision for it; as long as

 you live in grace you will not sin. Only holiness is in grace, only sanctification and justification. All

the holiness, all the righteousness, all the purity of God and of Heaven are in grace. When the Lord

sent grace, He provided Heaven's best. When you have grace, you have Jesus Christ.

Bu t God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love w herew ith he loved u s, Even w hen w e

 we re dead in sins, hath qu ickened u s together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

(Ephesians 2:4,5). When you were dead in sins, the Lord quickened you, and through Christ by 

grace you were saved, delivered from all your sins. Those who say no one can live without sinning

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are putting forth false doctrine, looking for a side door into Glory. It won't work. Only one door

leads to Glory, the door Christ Jesus.

It's God who hath raised u s up together, and m ade u s sit together in heavenly places in

Christ Jesu s (Ephesians 2:6). The blood took us out of the slums of sin, cleaned us up, gave us

the fragrance of Jesus Christ and made us able to sit in heavenly places with Jesus.

For by grace are ye saved throu gh faith; and that n ot of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should bo ast (Ephesians 2:8,9). You can't become saved through

 your own efforts; salvation is a gift of God. Works won't wash away your sins, only the blood can do

that. Works should simply be a demonstration of your love.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus u nto good w orks, which God

hath before ordained that we shou ld walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). How could you walk 

in good works when sin is in your soul? The blood will not stay in a soul that holds to even one tiny 

sin. Without the blood is no remission of sin; without the blood you couldn't be made new. But

 when your soul is covered with the blood, you are a new creature, His workmanship, created, bornagain in Christ Jesus through the blood. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new 

creature : old things are passed aw ay; behold, all things are be come new (II Corinthians


Bu t now in Christ Jesus ye who some times were far off are made nigh by the blood of 

Christ (Ephesians 2:13). Do you wonder where the Lord is? Through the blood of Christ He is

nigh. He is with you. He promised to never leave you or forsake you. Live in His promises. Live

in His Word. You have been made nigh through the blood. As long as the blood is in your soul, as

long as you do not contaminate yourself with sin, the blood will always be there. It's eternal blood.

 You have an eternal right to it as long as you stay sin free.

Sin separates you from God. But your iniquities have separated betw een you and your

God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he w ill not hear (Isaiah 59:2). If sin

separated Adam and Eve from God, sin will separate you from God today. Even a tiny bit of sin

separates you from God. One speck of sin creates a tremendous gulf between man and God. The

Lord is coming after a Church without spot, blemish, wrinkle or any such thing. When the blood of 

Jesus makes you holy, you get rid of the spots, blemishes and wrinkles. The fire of the Holy Spirit

takes out the wrinkles.

Now there fore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, bu t fellow-citizens with the

saints, and of the hou sehold of God (Ephesians 2:19). Why act like a foreigner, a stranger to

God when you are a fellow citizen with the saints, a member of the household of God? However,

 you could never be a member of the household of God and commit sin. Sin will put you out of 

God's fellowship the way it put out the first Adam and Eve. A flaming sword prevented Adam and

Eve from returning to the Garden.

The only way you can get into Jesus is through the blood. Trying to get in any other way brings

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the divine blood of Jesus. Eternal peace, joy and compassion are in the blood of Jesus. Did the

Early Church have those things? Yes, they did.

The eternal light of God is in the blood. No darkness was in the Early Church in the beginning.

 What light and joy was theirs! No matter how much they were persecuted they rejoiced. They had

the overcoming power that is in the blood. Hope, eternal hope in God, not man or the government,

 was theirs. Courage, God's courage, eternal courage is in the blood. Strength daily from on High

enabled the Early Church to carry on just like Jesus had. They experienced victories great and

mighty. The Early Church passed the blood test.

Power to cast out devils is in the blood of Jesus, power to heal the sick, and the Early Church used

that power. Disobedience was conquered; obedience flowed daily through the Early Church

disciples. Did they have the song in the night? Yes, they did. The night never was so dark that it

silenced the Jesus song from Heaven. Did they have the new and living way? Yes, they didn't talk 

or act the way they once did. Peter never went back to his old way of life. He stood the blood test.

The Early Church had power, wonder-working power flowing through them. Mercy, they showedgreat mercy and told of the mercy of Jesus. The reality of eternal life was so vivid to the Early 

Church that they had no fear of death. Stephen was put to death, the first martyr, and as he was

dying he asked God to forgive his murderers. If you have what the Early Church had, you are

standing the blood test.

Truth, nothing false, is in the blood. Tell the truth or don't speak. If you have the blood, you have

God's eternal truth. The blood cleanses from all sins. If you have not been cleansed or have not

stayed cleansed from your sins, you do not have the blood. If you are not delivered, if the powers

of the devil still bind you, you are not passing the blood test.

Salvation, freedom and liberty are all in the blood, all offered us through Jesus Christ the Son of 

God. We must have it all. The Bride will have it all in this final hour, saith the Lord.

Justification—were the Early Church members justified all the time in the eyes of God? They 

 were. Those who kept the blood, the divine blood flowing were justified. Did they have

sanctification? Were they pure, clean, holy and undefiled? Yes, yes. Were they without spot,

 wrinkle and blemish? Yes they were. What power was in the Church in the beginning! Three

thousand came to God in one day; at another time, one miracle brought in five thousand. The

 blood name, Jesus, and the authority in that name—did the Early Church have it? Oh yes they did.

Do we have that authority today? Yes; many are standing the blood test. It's an honor to be able to

take the blood test.

The purification in man's spirit through the blood is wonderful. The blood makes men and women,

once unclean, undone for such a long time, pure and clean and bubbling with the life of God, with

pure eternal water.

In that blood flows life, life, life. No other life is like the life in the blood. In every kind of way, the

 world is seeking peace, happiness. Drinking, trying to intoxicate their senses, trying to find a bit of 

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happiness, they become disillusioned when their little pleasures never last; the world is failing the

 blood test. The joy of the Lord fills His own with laughter, strength and peace. He has made us to


The devil wants you to be God's heartbreak, God's frown; but Jesus came to make you sparkle, to

make you a bright light to shine like the stars forever and ever in His Kingdom. And the y that be

 wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmame nt; and they that turn many to

righteou sness as the stars for ever and ever (Daniel 12:3). You who win souls will shine

forever in the Kingdom of the Lord. You will have no more eternal life in Heaven than you have

now. The Lord will not have to add a bit more light to you when you get to Heaven; you will have it

already through the blood.

In the blood you have understanding. You are not full of questions; you have many answers and

are getting more daily. Adam had all the answers. He wasn't forever questioning God. He had the

intelligence to name all the animals; he didn't ask God what to call them. The Lord wants to

educate you in His Spirit, not in man's spirit. Through the Holy Spirit you can lift the answers out

of the Holy Word of God and hide them in your heart. The Lord put confidence in Adam and Heputs confidence in you today when you are blood-washed. He has confidence in you if you are

holy; but if one speck of sin is in your heart, God has no confidence in you, for He has no

confidence in sin. If He had confidence in one speck of sin, He would have confidence in the devil.

The blood has reconciliation power in it; it reconciles you to God. When you are reconciled to God,

 you are not a part of the devil, his kingdom or his spirit.

Through the blood, the Early Church had the knowledge and wisdom of God. Peter and John were

marvels to people who knew they were unlearned men. Now whe n they saw the boldness of 

Peter and John, and perceived that they were u nlearned and ignorant men, they 

marvelled; and they took know ledge of them, that they had been with Jesus(Acts 4:13).

Festus said of Paul: Paul, thou art be side thyself; much learn ing doth make thee m ad.

Bu t he [Paul] said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of 

truth and soberness (Acts 26:24,25). Festus couldn't say Paul was ignorant, so he blamed Paul's

education. You can't win with the world, but you can win with Jesus.

 All the grace you will ever need is in the blood. Protection…the Early Church had it. The world

couldn't kill them until God was ready for them to die. They were testimonies for God in life or in

death. Did they have security? Yes, they did. They felt secure, not in possessions, but in the Lord.Having full assurance of where they were going, they were not in and out with the Lord or full of 

doubts and fear.

 What kind of mind do you have? If you were to put your mind beside the mind of Christ, how 

 would it compare?

In the blood is the power of His Resurrection. The Early Church went everywhere telling the news

that Jesus was alive. They were human beings just like we are, and they passed the blood test. You

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can pass it, too. Paul, once meaner than most, was made into a wonderful vessel for the Lord. If he

conquered, we can, too. Power is in the blood of Jesus to trample all devils underfoot. Get your

mind off what the devil may do tomorrow and dwell on what the Lord will do. Pass the blood test;

know you have the power that is in the blood of the Lamb and you will be trampling devils

underfoot. You don't have to take a vacation with them. Why worry about something you can

trample under? Settle down in Canaan, not in the devil's territory. You have power in the blood.

The Early Church had power in the blood in the beginning, but they lost it through the seventeen

 works of the flesh listed in Galatians five: adultery, fornication, u ncleann ess,

lasciviousn ess, Idolatry, w itchcraft, hatred, variance, e mu lations, w rath, strife,

seditions, heresies, Envyings, mu rders, dru nken ness, revellings, and su ch like. If you

are doing any of those works, you are not standing the Jesus blood test. In that same chapter, study 

the nine fruits of the Spirit and see if they are being produced in your life: love, joy, peace ,

longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekn ess, temperan ce. What kind of person

are you? Do you pass the blood test? Do you have that good life that will live forever with the


If you have failed the blood test, you still have the opportunity to pass it. Be everything Jesus wants

 you to be. The journey is short, treacherous, and you will need all the help you can get from God.

Let the blood come in and be applied, and the Holy Spirit will seal your soul with the blood so the

devil can't get in unless you open the door and let him in. He doesn't have enough power to break 

the blood seal. All his demons put together could attack one born-again soul and still not be able to

 break that seal of blood. The person must be the one to break the seal; no one else can.

If you feel you may not be passing the blood test in every way, let me pray the sinners' prayer with

 you: Oh God, save my soul! Forgive me for all my sins. I'm so sorry that I sinned aga inst you, but

I have come home and I'm going to serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. I believe the blood of Jesus,

the divine blood flows over my soul and washes away a ll of my sins, all of my disobediences, all of 

my arroga nce, all of it. I believe that Jesus is ready to come into my heart now. Come on in

Jesus! Come on in!

If you meant that prayer, He has come; He is yours. Walk with Him. He will never leave you or

forsake you.

I have given you many characteristics in the blood, but there are many more. When you have the

 blood, you have the whole Jesus. After you receive salvation, go on to seek the baptism in the Holy Ghost. Let the Holy Ghost fill you to the brim; in the blood is the promise of the infilling of the

Spirit. I am not your healer; I am the Lord's believer. Cancer victim, you who are paralyzed, sick,

afflicted, there is no disease or affliction too hard for the Lord to heal.  W ith His stripes you are

healed. With the blood stripes healing comes; it's promised in God's Word. Lord, here they are.

The need is so great, and I told them you are the healer. In your blood is the miracle, the healing

for them or their little ones. In the name of Jesus, in the all-pow erful name of Jesus I come, and

 with the blood stripes of your Son, the sick will be healed. From your supernatural gift of 

miracles and gifts of healing, it comes in the name of your Son Jesus: Heal! Heal! in the holy,

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all-mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the living God.

The healing power is flowing, flowing, and remember, with His blood stripes you have healing. Let

that power work. It can get you well just the way it got me well. I had gone to the edge of the

grave, but the power in the blood renewed my strength and destroyed the afflictions and diseases in

my body. He made me whole. He loves you today just the way He loved me that night He came to

me and healed me. The name is Jesus, and He cares.

Plan to walk with Him, to be that vessel of honor that He can pour into the greatness of Heaven to

 be served to the lost. Belong to God each moment, each hour you have left. Gird up your loins in

the righteousness, holiness and truth of God. Put on the whole armor of God, and when you have

done all to stand, then stand, stand the blood test, being made nigh to the Lord through the blood of 

Jesus. God is serious, giving marvelous revelations on the blood. If you don't go with God now,

there is not much hope for you at all. This is your hour of visitation. With great joy, be determined

that you, too, will pass the Jesus blood test.

NOW, FOR THE BLOOD TEST, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1995 Ernest Angley.

 All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

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© 1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

for the Blood Test - Ernest Angley Ministries