novemeber 3rd 2012 bulletin

SABBATH SCHOOL Growing in Christ Colossians 2:15 The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Edwin Onyango & Don Topper Musician: Gordon Baptiste WORSHIP HOUR Praise and Worship………………………………………….Team 1 Hymn of Praise…………….No.73……………Holy, Holy, Holy Intercessory Prayer…………………………….Edwin Onyango Praying for Revival & Reformation Stewardship Mission to Natives Next Week Praying for Revival and Transformation- Godliness/discipleship Offering Appeal…………Church Budget………Dale Beckles Children Story………………….Kamron & Keenan Bancroft Special Music………………………………………………Friendship Scripture Reading……...#714……..Jessica Abena Gyamfi A Holy EncounterElder Clara Baptiste Song of Commitment………..No.326……….Open My Eyes Benediction............................................Aroldo Anniehs Sunset this Sabbath 6:14 pm Next week 5:06 pm Please send all the bulletin related information to: [email protected] Announcements Today 1. London Adventurer Club meeting starts at 4:00 p.m. today and practice for Induction Ceremony follows at 5:30 p.m. 2. Tonight we are starting the Week of Prayer (November 3-10). All are invited to meet together at our church 7 pm. Our regular mid-week prayer service will continue with Kirmane Allen leading November 14. Tomorrow 3. Tomorrow morning, November 4 th , from 10 am till noon Pathfinders will be distributing flyers for the Community Food drive. On November 10, Saturday afternoon (4-6 pm) teens will be collecting donations and distributing the Great Controversy to donors. 4. The School of Evangelism class will take place TOMORROW, November 4 at our church. Class time will begin at 10:00 am and will continue to 4:30. Lunch break from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Classes will be taught by Pastor Alex Golovenko on Understanding Word Religions. 5. Baby shower for Angella and Vassel Gregory is tomorrow, November 4th at 4:30 PM, in our church hall. For more information please talk to Don Topper or Teresa Ferreira. 6. Next Nominating Committee meeting will take place tomorrow, Sunday, November 4, at 8 pm. The Committee consists of following individuals: 1. Aroldo Anniehs 2. Ernest Eccles 3. Mayfair Appiagyei 4. Jack Polihronov 5. Dennis Plyley 6. Lucy Simoes 7. Rixon Gultom 8. Lo Richards alternative 9. Juliana Tambariki alternative 10. Stepan Golovenko - alternative Members of the Committee not able to attend are to ask alternates to take their place. All members are invite to speak to the primary 7 members regarding your interests in ministry for the upcoming year. Later Events 7. London Adventurer Club Induction Ceremony will be held on Sabbath, November 10th at 4:30 p.m. Please remember to bring an item for the potluck which follows the ceremony. All are welcome! 8. The next general church potluck will be held on Sabbath November 10 th . Please bring an item from the section of the first letter of your last name. Feel free to bring additional items from any category. A-C Drink/Juice, D-F Salad/Raw vegetables, G-I Bread/Bun, J-M Main course/Casserole, N-R Cooked vegetable/Soup, S-Z Dessert/ Fruit. Please note: If you are bringing a tossed salad, Dessert/ Fruit, the kitchen staff would appreciate if you could bring it already prepared and cut up (since our crew often does not have enough time to do this during the service). Please bring a dressing for the salad if it is normally served that way. 9. Men’s ministry breakfast November 11 at 8:30 am. The discussion book is “A Place for us guys.” How do guys, men, fit into church today? What is our place and role in family and society? 10. Church Gathering at Boys and Girls Club November 11 from 5 to 7:30 pm. Swimming pool is available from 5 to 6 pm. GYM & Games room are also available. 11. Next Elders meeting will take place Monday, November 12 at 6:00 pm at the church. 12. Next Church Board meeting will take place Monday, November 12 at 7 pm at the fellowship hall. Please provide your agenda items to pastor Alex Golovenko, first elder Clara Baptiste or church Clerk Janice Brindley. Planning goals for 2013 and beyond will be on the agenda.

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Page 1: Novemeber 3rd 2012 bulletin


Growing in

Christ Colossians 2:15

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Edwin Onyango & Don Topper

Musician: Gordon Baptiste

WORSHIP HOUR Praise and Worship………………………………………….Team 1

Hymn of Praise…………….No.73……………Holy, Holy, Holy

Intercessory Prayer…………………………….Edwin Onyango

Praying for Revival & Reformation Stewardship Mission to Natives

Next Week Praying for Revival and Transformation-Godliness/discipleship

Offering Appeal…………Church Budget………Dale Beckles

Children Story………………….Kamron & Keenan Bancroft

Special Music………………………………………………Friendship

Scripture Reading……...#714……..Jessica Abena Gyamfi

“A Holy Encounter” Elder Clara Baptiste

Song of Commitment………..No.326……….Open My Eyes

Benediction............................................Aroldo Anniehs

Sunset this Sabbath 6:14 pm Next week 5:06 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to: [email protected]

Announcements Today

1. London Adventurer Club meeting starts at 4:00 p.m. today and practice for Induction Ceremony follows at 5:30 p.m.

2. Tonight we are starting the Week of Prayer (November 3-10). All are invited to meet together at our church 7 pm. Our regular mid-week prayer service will continue with Kirmane Allen leading November 14.


3. Tomorrow morning, November 4th, from 10 am till noon Pathfinders will be distributing flyers for the Community Food drive. On November 10, Saturday afternoon (4-6 pm) teens will be collecting donations and distributing the Great Controversy to donors.

4. The School of Evangelism class will take place TOMORROW, November 4 at our church. Class time will begin at 10:00 am and will continue to 4:30. Lunch break from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Classes will be taught by Pastor Alex Golovenko on Understanding Word Religions.

5. Baby shower for Angella and Vassel Gregory is tomorrow, November 4th at 4:30 PM, in our church hall. For more information please talk to Don Topper or Teresa Ferreira.

6. Next Nominating Committee meeting will take place tomorrow, Sunday, November 4, at 8 pm. The Committee consists of following individuals:

1. Aroldo Anniehs 2. Ernest Eccles 3. Mayfair Appiagyei 4. Jack Polihronov 5. Dennis Plyley 6. Lucy Simoes 7. Rixon Gultom 8. Lo Richards – alternative 9. Juliana Tambariki – alternative 10. Stepan Golovenko - alternative

Members of the Committee not able to attend are to ask alternates to take their place. All members are invite to speak to the primary 7 members regarding your interests in ministry for the upcoming year.

Later Events

7. London Adventurer Club Induction Ceremony will be held on Sabbath, November 10th at 4:30 p.m. Please remember to bring an item for the potluck which follows the ceremony. All are welcome!

8. The next general church potluck will be held on Sabbath November 10th . Please bring an item from the section of the first letter of your last name. Feel free to bring additional items from any category. A-C Drink/Juice, D-F Salad/Raw vegetables, G-I Bread/Bun, J-M Main course/Casserole, N-R Cooked vegetable/Soup, S-Z Dessert/ Fruit. Please note: If you are bringing a tossed salad, Dessert/ Fruit, the kitchen staff would appreciate if you could bring it already prepared and cut up (since our crew often does not have enough time to do this during the service). Please bring a dressing for the salad if it is normally served that way.

9. Men’s ministry breakfast November 11 at 8:30 am. The discussion book is “A Place for us guys.” How do guys, men, fit into church today? What is our place and role in family and society?

10. Church Gathering at Boys and Girls Club – November 11 from 5 to 7:30 pm. Swimming pool is available from 5 to 6 pm. GYM & Games room

are also available.

11.Next Elders meeting will take place Monday, November 12 at 6:00 pm at the church.

12.Next Church Board meeting will take place Monday, November 12 at 7 pm at the fellowship hall. Please provide your agenda items to pastor Alex Golovenko, first elder Clara Baptiste or church Clerk Janice Brindley. Planning goals for 2013 and beyond will be on the agenda.

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13.St.Thomas Church Russian Fundraising Banquet: November 18th, 5:00 p.m. This banquet is to help Chrisina Boskovic with her trip to Russia. She is going to work in an orphanage in Yaroslavl, Russian for 3 weeks in December. Cost is: $10.00/Adult; $5.00/ child under 12; under 5, free. Payment will be at the door, but please call Debbie Boskovic if you would like to attend as we need to know how many to expect. Dress is semi-formal and all the food will be Russian. Phone number is: 519-485-1235 or email at: [email protected]

14. Year-end Business meeting will be held on November 24 at 7 pm. Leadership will report on financial situation, renovation projects, Goals for 2013, deal with membership matters.


15. Next Sabbath the acapella group SOUL INFLUENCE will be blessing us with praise for worship and a concert at 2 pm. They had recently released a CD.

16. Many Nations, One People. Our annual Cultural Diversity Day will be celebrated on December 1, 2012. Your assistance is needed in making the day a success. Please contact Clara Baptiste if you are interested in being a part of the planning team

17. A BIG Thank You to all those who came out to support, donated and volunteered at the Hayseed Fundraiser dinner and games for our ACE School last Saturday night. The total amount raised for the Dinner, Games and Fill the Stetson hat donations is $1030.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS Nov 3 Sandra Dicker Nov 9 Daniel Golovenko

Nov 4 Phillip Ferreira Nov 12 Arthur Druzcz

Nov 6 Brad Knox Nov 16 Kevin Gaikwad

Nov 7 Connie Wilbee Nov 16 Allan Gaikwad

Praying for our need of Holistic Small Groups Today I am ministering in the Word at the North London church. Even as

I look forward to a fellowship in praise, study and at the table, I am also looking forward to be with our church family tonight as we begin the Week of Prayer.

This weekend leaders of North American Adventist churches (Conferences and Unions) are gathered together in Washington DC for the annual counsei. The session was preceded by the Diversity Celebration. Pray for our leaders as they chart course and adjust the strategy for the next year of leading people to Christ. I am looking forward to the communication after the meeting, as we would be organizing our calendar of events in coordination with the sisterhood of churches in Ontario. Next Thursday, November 8 our Church Growth team for Ontario Conference will meet again to consider how to move from status quo management toward expansion of work, toward entering new territories with the three Angels’ Message.

Meanwhile my greatest concern is for our church in London, where we need to begin community forming for discipleship, for mentoring new believers through small groups. Talking “church growth” without a follow up strategy is like planning to harvest without barns built to store the harvest. When we do evangelism and bring people into commitments to follow Jesus they must be placed into nurturing communities. Such are house churches/small groups, and we are lacking in this area. We have church for believers, for those who had been in the “message” for a while. The new believers need more nurturing.

This week as we come to pray together, reflecting on our year, asking God for vision toward the future, some of you may not be able to be here every evening. Some may be opening their homes and inviting friends to pray together. Remember that these are qualities of truly Holistic Small Group (or a House Church) - it is a group which: Helps me with the challenges of my life Spends lots of time on things that are urgent and relevant to me Helps me to grow spiritually, and connects me with Christ more Is safe to talk about personal problems Has an environment of trust, where we trust each other Integrates newcomers quickly, and is welcoming Will pray with me when I need it Makes me feel at home Has caring leaders well trained to serve Actively seeks to multiply and grow other groups

We hope to have a few functional groups in addition to the two existing groups, ready to welcome and look after new believers before the end of this year. But first – commit this to sincere prayer.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko