november newsletter sample

NOVEMBER 2011 CELEBRATING 25 YEARS Bringing the heart of God to the heart of man Ellel Ministries International Page 6 Page 10 The Truth Stick A Parable for Adults & Children By Peter J. Horrobin Deliverance Weird or Wonderful Glyndley Manor How it began by Denise Cross Page 12 ONLINE Training Page 2

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November newsletter sample



Bringing the heart of God to the heart of man

Ellel MinistriesInternational

Page 6 Page 10

The Truth StickA Parable for Adults & Children

By Peter J. Horrobin

DeliveranceWeird or Wonderful

Glyndley ManorHow it began by

Denise Cross

Page 12

ONLINE Training

Page 2

llel365Personal Transformation - OneDay at a Time

Ellel MinistriesOnline 365

ONLINEDiscipleship, Healing &Training

• 365 DailyLessons



Dear Friend,Over 40 years ago, God birthed the vision for Ellel Ministriesin my heart, as I startedwork restoring an old car.As I looked at the bent andbroken chassis, God showedme that while I could restorea broken car, he could restorebrokenlives! Andthroughoutthe history ofEllel Ministriesthat’s exactly what God’sbeen doing all over the world– transforming the lives ofthose who have come toHim for healing.

In 2012 the restoration of thecar will be complete and Iam planning to drive it to allour UK and Dutch Centres in June and July. At each Centrethe car will feature as a dynamic parable, illustrating a brandnew course I’ll be teaching entitled “Restored to Run” – forthat’s exactly what God wants to do with us – restore ourlives so we can run the race of life.We’d love you to come and celebrate with us at our 25thAnniversary International Conference, God of theBreakthrough at the Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool inMarch 2012. This will be our largest event of the year andfollows the powerful ARISE conference of 2009. Don’t missthe opportunity.You may never have thought about doing one of our longerresidential schools before, so maybe 2012 will be the year foryou! The NETS and Flagship training programmes atPierrepont and Ellel Grange provide a truly life-changingexperience.We are also hearing of remarkable fruit in the lives of thosewho are doing our on-line training school, Ellel 365. Forthose who can’t get away, this is a school which comes toyou in your own home environment – one day at a timeat! And we have a huge range of excellentresources available through our book publishing arm,Sovereign World Ltd at andouronline store at handbook contains a wealth of treasures through whichGod is enabling His Kingdom to come in people’s lives.

Extraordinary and very precious testimonies flood into ourCentres daily, telling of physical, emotional, relational andspiritual transformation.We give God all the glory as we celebrate all he has donein the first twenty five years of the ministry and we lookforward to all He is yet to do in the future! Fiona and I, aswell as all the leadership of Ellel Ministries Internationalare immensely grateful for the support of all those who prayand give to the work – thank you.

Yours in the love of Jesus,Peter HorrobinInternational Director of Ellel Ministries

A Personal Note

Ellel Ministries International25th Anniversary Conference21 - 24 March 2012


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uisque pellentesque metus ac quam. Donec magnanulla, aliquet vitae, congue ac, faucibus ut, erat.Donec sit amet neque. Donec posuere tempus massa.Duis vulputate mauris sit amet purus. Duisvestibulum. Fusce ac erat. Curabitur sagittis.Pellentesque ultricies, ante id lobortis feugiat, ipsummagna congue risus, pulvinar euismod arcu nunc acturpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis disparturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquamvel quam ut tellus gravida faucibus. Vivamus justoest, elementum vitae, malesuada eu, fermentum in,sapien. Donec sit amet justo. In velit. Vivamus turpispede, dignissim sed, scelerisque nec, pretium sitamet, dui. Nam nec felis non turpis hendrerit varius.In ultrices ornare lorem. Quisque bibendum, massased venenatis malesuada, diam ipsum blandit urna,vel ultricies pede nulla vitae lacus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscingelit. Quisque in augue. Donec aliquam magnanonummy enim. Proin blandit imperdiet sem. Donecmalesuada, urna sit amet varius aliquam, nibh tortorlaoreet turpis, eget sodales felis nibh ac sapien. Fusceeget augue. Integer sed risus. Aenean mollis. Donecfacilisis egestas quam. Duis bibendum augue idmauris. Sed laoreet, tortor vel cursus fringilla, turpiselit vestibulum arcu, eu varius dolor leo in nulla. Insem ipsum, faucibus quis, varius tristique, porta eget,lorem.


“Through the work in the kitchen, outside, in house etc,incontact with the guests, in fellowship with the otherYPTs andleaders, through the times of worship and prayer andteamtime, the biblically profound teaching, having funtogether,meeting good friends with whom I could cry, laugh, be

The Ellel Ministries young People’s

Prayer SupportGroups

Prayer support is and always has been at theheart

of Ellel Ministries. We deeply appreciate the workof

our intercessors. Some live closeenough

to one of our 26 UK PrayerSupport

Groups to be able to meetwith


Ellel 365: Personal Transformation -One Day at a Time“Ellel 365 is the most important thing I’ve ever done- it’s reality!”“My relationship with God is going from strength tostrength -I just love it.”“It all makes perfect sense. I’m amazed at thethings I amlearning – I wish I’d had this when I first became aChristian.”“The teaching is extraordinary and beautiful. I amamazedat what I am learning.”

The Young People's Team is a gap year opportunity forthose aged 18-30 who have a heart to come and serveGod at one of the Ellel Ministries centres. For many thisisa life changing time to deepen their relationship withGodand make friends for life from around the world.See or contact

Pellentesque tincidunt, dolor eu dignissim mollis,justo sapien iaculis pede, vel tincidunt lacus nisl sitamet metus. Fusce ac est vitae purus variustristique. Phasellus mattis ornare ligula. Donec idnibh. Vestibulum metus quam, ultrices in, sagittistincidunt, gravida et, sapien. Sed bibendum, lectusvitae tincidunt dapibus, sem felis posuere est, idornare augue lorem in purus. Suspendisse ligula.Sed mollis tristique mauris. Nullam nunc nunc,aliquet et, tristique nec, porttitor quis, urna. Etiameu erat. Morbi ut nisl. Curabitur semper sem. Nullaturpis nibh, tempor nec, aliquet vitae, elementum ac,mauris.

Quisque pellentesque metus ac quam. Donec magnanulla, aliquet vitae, congue ac, faucibus ut, erat.Donec sit amet neque. Donec posuere tempusmassa. Duis vulputate mauris sit amet purus. Duisvestibulum. Fusce ac erat. Curabitur sagittis.Pellentesque ultricies, ante id lobortis feugiat, ipsummagna congue risus, pulvinar euismod arcu nunc acturpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis disparturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquamvel quam ut tellus gravida faucibus. Vivamus justoest, elementum vitae, malesuada eu, fermentum in,sapien. Donec sit amet justo. In velit. Vivamusturpis pede, dignissim sed, scelerisque nec, pretiumsit amet, dui. Nam nec felis non turpis hendreritvarius. In ultrices ornare lorem. Quisque bibendum,massa sed venenatis malesuada, diam ipsum blanditurna, vel ultricies pede nulla vitae lacus.Lorem

Many people outside the Body ofChrist, and not a few within, wouldregard teaching on deliverance,demons and satanic authority asextreme, outdated, erroneous or justplain weird. To be honest, I canfully understand these viewpointshaving occasionally witnessed overthe years some of the whackyoutworking of these concepts.However, I have come to believethat true deliverance, exercisedunder the authority of Jesus Christand in the power of the Holy Spirit,is one of the most rewardingopportunities that God has given usto witness the coming of HisKingdom on earth.In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter12, Jesus is accused by thePharisees of carrying out deceptivedeliverance on a man who was blindand mute. In response, He rebukesthem for not seeing that this truedeliverance is not the start of somespiritual civil war in the man’s lifebut a dynamic demonstration ofhow the enemy’s destructivedomain can be replaced by thelife-giving Kingdom of God. It hadnever occurred before in the historyof the world: Satan’s realm ofdemons was coming face to facewith someone walking the earthwho was in a position of absoluteauthority over their master.Remarkably Jesus was planning todelegate specific authority for thisastonishing work to His disciples,imperfect men who werenevertheless willing to walk inobedience to His commands. Theydiscovered that the Holy Spirit,operating through them,consistently exercised authority andpower to challenge the demonicrealm. Nothing like this widespreaddivine release of empowermentagainst the forces of darkness hadever happened before.What’s even more remarkable isthat the Holy Spirit is clearly willing

and able to continue this workthrough the followers of Jesustoday! I’m not fascinated by, orfocused on, deliverance and I do notbelieve that it solves all ourproblems but, rather than weird, Ithink true deliverance is indeedwonderful! I realise that I’m in goodcompany as I read the account in theGospel of Luke, chapter 10, of thedisciples returning with joy fromtheir teaching and healing mission,saying, “Lord, even the demons aresubject to us in your name.” To seesomeone really liberated fromspiritual bondage and walk in a newplace of freedom is surelywonderful. However, the importantissue is that only Jesus has the keyto such a miracle.In Matthew chapter 28, Jesusdeclares that the authority which Hegave to His first disciples is to bepassed on to each generation ofdisciples when He says to Hisfollowers, “Go therefore and makedisciples of all the nations ............teaching them to observe (or morefully, study and put into practice)all that I commanded you.” So herewe are, another generation ofdisciples, gifted by God tochallenge the authority of theenemy in people’s lives, just like thetwelve who walked with Jesus. TheHoly Spirit imparts the necessarytruth, direction, authority andpower, provided we remain utterlysurrendered to the Lordship of Jesus.

Thank God that we are part ofChrist’s Body on earth and notisolated agents of God’s battleplans. Provided that we embrace themutual interdependence of all themembers of this precious Body wewill know the spiritual coveringwhich ensures that the enemy’sseductive ways will not pick us offon the battle field like a lion seeksto divide out his prey. Alongside theseeking of God’s amazing repair of

broken lives let’s be ready tochallenge the authority and powerof the enemy, as his rights areexposed by the truth that comesthrough following Jesus.O Lord, teach us in the Body ofChrist to minister in deliverancewith hearts so surrendered to Youthat we increasingly see more of thetruly wonderful and much less ofthe painfully weird.

Deliverance – weird or wonderful?

Regional Director of EllelMinistries Western Europe.

David trained as an engineer,built bridges in Hong Kong andran a skischool inScotlandbefore he andhis wifeDenise joinedEllelMinistries in1994. Hisrecent books on Soul-Ties andCovering are already best-sellers.


Peter Horrobin

MP3 download

In this secondteaching, Petercontinues the

study of Ephesians and bringsencouragement and challenge toserve God fully.

Healing & Destiny is a two-partteaching taken from a conferencein Malaysia where Peter Horrobinexpounds some wonderful truthsfrom Ephesians 1-3. Price:£2.99

The work of EllelMinistries began as atraining and ministry centrein the north of England. Itis now a worldwideChristian Mission bringinghope and healing to peopleof all nations, and vitaltraining and equipping forChristian leaders.

The cries for help andtraining far outweigh ourcurrent capacity to respond.Wherever training coursesand conferences are held,lives are transformed andhealed. Our centres providesafe shelter for those inneed and a special learningenvironment for those intraining. There are answersfor God's people. Butwithout regular anddependable income ourability to serve the Body ofChrist by responding to thecries of His people isseverely restricted.

Partners in Mission sharetogether in providing theregular monthly incomewhich ensures that thestrategic work of EllelMinistries can continueuninterrupted. We arepartners together inbringing the love andhealing of Jesus into abroken world.

How You Can Help.

Many hands on a rope canpull a large load. A smallamount each month frommany people will make ahuge difference. If youwould like to become aPartner with us andregularly support the workof Ellel Ministriesfinancially, you cancomplete our online regularGiving by Credit Card'form. Alternatively, writein and request a 'Bankers

Standing Order Form andGift Aid Declaration'.

The Money Is NeededFor:

� Supporting theworldwide work ofEllel Ministries

� Sponsoring pastors andleaders for vital training

� Pioneering ministries inEastern Europe andRussia

� Long-term care of theseverely hurting andbroken

� International TrainingMissions in third worldnations

� The development ofspecial projects (suchas video, audio andwebsite productions)enabling the teaching toreach those with noability to attend centreand conferences

For full details pleasecontact a member of theInternational Director'sOffice who will be pleasedto help you. Our address is:Ellel Ministries, EllelGrange, Ellel, Lancaster,LA2 0HN. Telephone01524 753 803 As a Partnerin Mission you will receiveregular news and prayerupdates. These will sharethe fruit there has been inthe Kingdom of God as aresult of your giving.

Thank you for yoursupport.

Ellel 365 completed, what a journey! Many, manythanks to all the team, you have worked so hard. Tobe able to do 365 in my own home, in my own timewas an offer too good tomiss. And WOW - in theearly weeks it was likeeating fresh bread. To have365 days of teaching, eventhough it has taken melonger than a year, has made me stronger. So muchhas happened, many battles to fight, many tearsshed but it's also been a time of sure and steadygrowth for me. I have a deeper understanding of thegrace of God and the enemy's tactics.

365 has been like a plastercast holding a broken leg inposition whilst healing takesplace, it has held me inposition whilst my Father Godhas touched the broken places.It has been a lifeline, so that I now have moreconfidence, a greater sense of self-worth and self-belief, and also a deeper trust in Father God. Eventhough I had an assurance that God is perfect love,as I've worked through 365 I have become moresecure in that love and in being His daughter.

In writing this I want tohonour my Lord, His timingis perfect, I am so, sograteful to you all and toGod for His greatfaithfulness and lookforward to the years ahead of serving Him. Blessyou all.

"I find my relationship with my Lord deepening dayby day. I eagerly await the remaining weeks ofteaching. The teaching has done so much alreadythat I almost feel breathless at the thought of what'syet to come. I so long foreveryone to experience whatI'm now experiencing."

"Dear Peter, and the Ellel 365team, thank you for working sohard to get this up and running, it feels like astreams of living water bursting forth in the desert,very exciting and most appreciated, may God'srichest blessing be upon every thirsty drinker andmay there be lots of trees of righteousness growing,prospering and yielding fruit as a result."

Blessings from teachingPartners in Mission

U����������A true story of one man’s journeythrough drugs, violence, armed

robbery and a miraculous encounterwith God in prison

By Darrell Tunningley

“M����, ���������� ��� ��������� ���� �����.”

N���� G�����As I write this story, I am a couple ofmonths shy of my sixty- sixth birthday. As ayounger man, I wondered what it was goingto be like growing boringly old. “Mygoodness, there is no such thing as beingbored, ‘over the hill’ or having ‘one foot inthe grave’ in God’s Kingdom.” Living life inGod’s will has been the most exhilaratingtime of my life, although it has not beenwithout challenges. In 1982 my destinychanged forever. I was forty years old at thetime and a director of a Johannesburg basedcompany with branches all over South Africa- and then I met Jesus.

God sometimes prepares us beforesalvationIt seems that, without realizing it, my wife,Beryl, and I had always had a deep passionfor hurting people from all walks of life. Itwas a tune I heard on Springbok Radio thattriggered off something in me. It was playedat the beginning and end of a program andhad words something like: “Walking about inthe dark streets at night, with nowhere to goand no one to help me…”Even though I didn’t know anyone goingthrough trauma and knew nothing about howto help people who were, I had a desire toestablish a Trauma Centre in Namibia, wherewe were living at the time. Someone askedme if I knew about the telephone counselingservice in South Africa called ‘Life Line’. Ididn’t, but decided to find out. Through anextraordinary sequence of events, I met thechairman of Life Line South Africa, while onholiday in my home town, Port Elizabeth.He told me as much as he could in our onehour appointment and he showed me aroundthe nearby Life Line Centre. I was fascinated.Eighteen months later, in 1979, I had a LifeLine in Windhoek up and running. (Thetraining for our calling had begun withoutour realizing it.) During this time, when I wason night duty, I received a call about threeo’clock in the morning. There seemed to be

something spiritual happening that I’d neverexperienced before. Next morning I said toBeryl, “This is God’s work.” A search forspiritual meaning had just begun in me.

I was a director of a Britishcompany in Windhoek andthe company decided totransfer me to Pretoria inSouth Africa, in 1982. Whilestaying in a hotel for a coupleof months, as we looked for ahouse to buy, we met a lovelycouple who invited us to theirchurch. If it was truth I waslooking for, I found it there.It was brutally honest. Myson Michael was the first tocommit his heart to Jesus,and then Beryl. Janine wastoo young to make aninformed decision. Finally forme, receiving Jesus into myheart seemed to come easy.Our Pastor, Ivan Vorster, satwith me, explained theScriptures and invited me toreceive Jesus as my Lord andSavior. When I did so, thescales suddenly fell off myeyes and the healing processbegan, not just for me but forthe whole family.

The birth of a newKingdom ministryBy then, Beryl and I hadalready become involvedwith the Life Line Centre inPretoria. Beryl worked in theoffice and I becameChairman of the NorthernTransvaal Region. But as wegrew spiritually, we realizedthat we needed to move onbecause our new, radical faith

in Christ was causingconsternation among some ofour non- Christiancolleagues. So we resigned.Then an amazing event tookplace. Our Pastor asked if wewould consider starting aChristian Telephone Ministryoperating from the church.He introduced me to PastorWillie Crew of the HatfieldChristian Church whoexplained what was on hisheart. It was one of thosetimes when I didn’t have to

even pray about it. It was inmy heart, the answer was“Yes! yes! yes!” Immediatelywe organized a prayer groupand twenty five people cameto meet every week at ourhome. Two months later,however, we were down tofour committed people, andwe set about the task ofestablishing ‘Telefriend’. Thefour were Beryl and me,Jannie Truter and CharmNaude. As I wrote a trainingcourse for the future

South AfricaEllel

How did I get involved inEllel Ministries?Well, Jesus got meinvolved, is theshort answer!After He brokeinto myd e s p e r a t e l ycrumbling life in1981, He set me on a path of personalhealing and restoration. It was verynecessary and it was an amazingadventure for me and of course had abig impact on David and our threechildren. We began to move forwardinto His truth and a new way of life, amuch more abundant life. It really wasa new beginning as a family.

There is no doubt thatonce you have seenwhat God can do inyour own life it seemsto follow that youburn with a passion tohelp others to find thesame restoration andfreedom. But we onlyhad our ownexperiences with Godas a reference point sothere was a lot we needed to learn.However God was faithful to our desiresand over the next ten years we grew inunderstanding and He taught us how topray for people. We saw some results,especially in inner healing areas butrecognised our need for much moreunderstanding.

Then we heard about Ellel Ministries.The information was that they knewabout healing and they also knew aboutthe need for deliverance. We

desperately wanted to find out more soa group of believers from the localchurch of Scotland, with the Ministerspermission, invited Ellel Ministries tocome to our small Highland village torun a weekend conference on healing.The amazing thing was that the EllelGrange team agreed to come, Peter andFi and a minibus full of others, and onehundred folk from all over Scotlandcame too. The teaching that weekendwas so inspiring and resonated deeplywith our heart for healing. Peterexplained the scriptures about thehealing ministry of Jesus in a fresh andexciting way and when one of ourteenagers was miraculously healed fromEpilepsy before our very eyes, we werecompletely overwhelmed by what Godcould do and even more excited aboutthe work of Ellel Ministries.

It was a fewmonths later thatwe joined theteam at EllelGrange. It meantleaving our pastlives, as a mathsteacher and anengineer, itmeant relocatingwith our family,

it meant a complete change of life stylebut we didn’t look back. It seemedobvious to us that we had found a groupof people who had the same vision andheart desire as us. Who also wanted tosee the broken and needy restored toabundant life. We had not doubt wewere where God wanted us to be.After two years training at Ellel Grange,David and I were asked to go toGlyndley Manor to help strengthen theteam and after a further two years Davidwas appointed Director of Glyndley

Thank you Glyndley Manor“ I feel that I have moved forwards – I have agreater understanding of where I stand in Godas a single person and a valued person. If I amhonest I held an idolatrous view of marriageand put my desire for it before God. I now feelrenewed and enabled to let it go, give mydesire to god and hold it in a more appropriateway so that my journey with Jesus is nothindered by desire”.

Restoration WeeksTestimonies.

“All the eight years Iwas in hospital all Iwanted was to be “aproper person” althoughI wasn’t sure what thatmeant. Through theteaching and ministry onthe RediscoveringIdentity RestorationWeek I have been setfree from fear andthinking and acting as ifI am a victim. I can nowknow how precious andalive the Lord Jesus is,that God through Jesusand the Holy Spirit iscontrolling my life andrenewing my mind. Ihave found the way to be“a proper person” and itis wonderful!”

“I had a wonderful,blessed time at therestoration week. I feltas if my old self imagewas like an old steamtrain stuck in anindustrial waste landendlessly going backand forth between thesame old rundownstations. But I feel asGod wants me to seemyself move as agraceful sailing boat –free to follow the windsof God – where ever Hewants!”

“ I was very blessed by the Rescue from Rejection restoration week and am deeply thankfulto God that He enabled me to come. God spoke to me mainly in the first part of the weekthrough the teaching. I also sensed a lot of affirmation going right into my spirit and it hasrestored some of my confidence of who I am in Jesus. I feel more positive and somehowstrengthened even now”.

Rescue from Rejection

Manor. I took up a role as hisassistant and deputy. Serving Godtogether was such a delight to us.We were learning daily how tomake God’s ways the foundationof our own lives and how to bringGod’s truth to others. During thistime we were busy withadministration, studying thescriptures, ministering to those inneed and teaching on shortcourses. At that time we also heldan annual nine week trainingschool at Glyndley Manor.

However after many years iteventually seemed right for thislonger training school to be movedto Ellel Grange which gave somespace in the diary at GlyndleyManor for God to inspire us intosomething new. We strongly feltthat the emphasis at GlyndleyManor should be on healing andrestoration as this fitted the homelycharacter and healing atmosphereof the house and grounds. Manypeople had commented on thisover the years.This gave rise to RestorationWeeks which have been running

over the past six years withamazing testimonies of deephealing and life changingrestoration.

In 2008 David was asked to takeover a role as Regional Director ofWestern Europe to help andoversee the new centres and worksthat were starting up in the region.From this time I became Directorof Glyndley Manor.

What an amazing privilege it is to

see what God can do when he isinvited into people’s loves. Myheart cry to be part of His work ofhealing and restoration is dailybeing answered here at GlyndleyManor as the team serve the guestsand minister God’s truth with loveand grace.

Denise Cross2011

General.“I now know that God wanted meand still wants me. That he lovesme even when I don’t seem to feelHis love and struggle with it. Godmade me He knows my everythingand now I can possibly aim to makesteps to dive deeper, rather thansnorkelling I want to go scubadiving to experience Him ore.Though it may feel risky if I take thefirst step I truly believe God willmeet me at the second step”.

“I found myself actually able toreceive acceptance in my heartwhich was a real blessing. Withthese new truths in my heart I wasable to let God minister to that 6-7year old girl who was hurt by wordsspoken over her that she shut part ofherself away, choosing not to be thatperson but someone else. Now 60years later feeling desperate andhopeless God brought me to theplace where I could choose to nolonger try to be someone else butcould accept the girl inside and bethe woman He had made me to be”.

“Words are very inadequate toexpress my gratitude for everythingI received during my weekend. Theteaching was wonderful it went farbeyond just passing on truths. I feltso cared for throughout the weekend– from the personalised bookmark,to knowing people were praying inthe background, the worshiptimes….and I soo appreciated theprayer ministry and cannot put intowords what it meant to me – exceptto say thanks”.

Restored to Run

The 2012 SponsoredAlvis Tour

The Truth StickA Parable for Adults & Children

By Peter J. Horrobin

In The Truth Stick you will soon be caught up in the life-changing adventures of Ratty and Mole, as they look for answers toRatty’s big question. Their quest takes them to Sebastian’s stable to hear the dying words of their lovable shire horse friend. Fromthere they set out on the greatest adventure of their lives as, with Brock’s help, they begin to discover the secrets that lie hidden inWild Winters Wood! The Truth Stick was originally written for Peter’s grandchildren and their cousins - to provide them withanswers to some of life’s most important questions. But it’s a parable that can also be enjoyed by adults as they join Ratty and hisfriends in their search for truth!

If you have never been to anEllel Ministries event before andwould like to find out more aboutour courses, or you would liketo introduce your friends, familyor church members, then cometo one of our FREEintroductory events.

Healing ServicesMonthly Healing Services are held atmost centres and are open to all. Theyare usually held on a Monday orTuesday night and begin at 7:30pm. Asmall amount of foundational teachingis given before the Ellel ministry teamspend time praying with individuals.See Ellel centre diaries on

Healing RetreatsMany people have attended an EllelMinistries Healing Retreat and havetestified to the wonderful things Godhas done in their lives. The aim of aHealing Retreat is to offer individualsa period of time set apart to meet withGod, to take a step forward in theirChristian walk and to reach out to Himfor healing. Over a three day periodthey provide a special opportunity toreceive personal prayer ministry andteaching which covers key biblicalprinciples related to receiving healingfor spirit, soul and body. HealingRetreats are offered free of charge todelegates, although donations to coverthe costs are always muchappreciated. Healing Retreats areavailable at all Ellel Ministries centres.For the Healing Retreat leaflet or theapplication form please contact yournearest Ellel Ministries centre. Afterreceiving your application form we prayerfully consider your needs andwill usually be able to offer a place ona Healing Retreat. In some situationsa Healing Retreat may not beconsidered to be the best way forwardand alternative advice may be given.

LeadersPlease see pages 26 & 27 for freeevents for those in leadership

Jesus Heals!These exciting days will includetimes of worship, Bible basedteaching and opportunities for prayerministry to bring healing and freedomin Jesus’ name. The teaching willbring keys to healing in spirit, souland body, focusing on wholeness forthe complete person.11 Feb, 26 May, 11 Aug, 17 Nov 2012 at EllelPierrepont

Free Taster EventsEach of these introductory eventsincludes short times ofteaching giving a ‘taste’ of thefoundational teaching of EllelMinistries. For more details abouteach event, contact therelevant centre.(12 Nov 2011 at Ellel Northern Ireland)10 Mar 2012 at Glyndley Manor16 Jun 2012 at Ellel Grange15 Sep 2012 at Glyndley Manor13 Oct 2012 at Ellel Northern Ireland

Free Teaching Days inScotlandAn opportunity to hear foundationaland relevant teaching,free of charge. Bring your ownpacked lunch or enjoyour hot and cold buffet for £5 perperson. Tea and coffeeprovided throughout the day. Pleasecontact Ellel Scotlandor visit our website for moreinformation.11 Feb, 10 Mar, 16 Jun, 21 Jul, 13 Oct, 1 Dec2012 at Ellel Scotland

Glyndley Manor OpenAfternoonWe welcome you to visit us, to relaxin the garden, see whatwe do here, meet the team and enjoya cream tea.29 Aug 2012 at Glyndley Manor

Christmas CelebrationsYou are invited to this open meetingwith carol singing to celebrate thebirth of Jesus.10 Dec 2012 at Ellel Grange, Glyndley Manorand Ellel Scotland at 7.30pm11 Dec 2012 at Ellel Pierrepont at 7.30pm

Come and meet Ellel Ministries

“I now know that Godwanted me and stillwants me. That heloves me even when Idon’t seem to feel Hislove and struggle withit. God made me Heknows my everythingand now I can possiblyaim to make steps todive deeper, rather thansnorkelling I want to goscuba diving toexperience Him ore.Though it may feelrisky if I take the firststep I truly believe Godwill meet me at thesecond step”.

“I found myselfactually able to receiveacceptance in my heartwhich was a realblessing. With thesenew truths in my heartI was able to let Godminister to that 6-7 yearold girl who was hurt bywords spoken over herthat she shut part ofherself away, choosingnot to be that person butsomeone else. Now 60years later feelingdesperate and hopelessGod brought me to theplace where I couldchoose to no longer tryto be someone else butcould accept the girlinside and be thewoman He had made

God at work