november 4pp a4 newsletter

Dear Residents, As you are probably aware, I was elected to South Dublin County Council for the first time in Junes’ elections. I am sincerely grateful to all those who supported my election. I am now committed to working as hard as I possibly can to deliver for the people of Lucan. Already in the months since the election I have been working on a great many issues, a lot of which are detailed in this newsletter. I also intend keeping residents informed on a regular basis of my work and I would welcome your thoughts, comments and feedback on any local issues. The period ahead will be a tough one for us all given the terrible state of the economy and the public finances. Now is the time for honest representation and strong leadership and I hope to live up to the responsibilities placed on me by the people of Lucan. William PAGE 1 A note from William Councillor William LAVELLE LUCAN NEWSLETTER WINTER 2009 South Dublin County Council is currently in the process of preparing a new County Development Plan for the period 2010-2016. As part of this process councillors have already had an opportunity to propose an amendment to the draft plan. In September, the County Council voted to adopt a motion proposed by William to have Dodsboro’s Marian Grotto designated as a ‘protected structure’ in the next County Development Plan. The Dodsboro Grotto which was erected in 1954 and is now the first Grotto in Dublin to be afforded ’protected structure’ status. William explains: “One of my stated election priorities was to secure the designation of Dodsboro Grotto as a ‘Protected Structure’. I have now delivered on this. This historic decision will guarantee protection for the Grotto from any threat arising from future road upgrade works under the Adamstown project or from any proposed development on the adjoining site. William Secures Historic Protection Order for Dodsboro Grotto William has written to the Minister for Education urging him to direct unspent monies from the 2009 school building budget to address Lucan’s second-level school place crisis including the immediate progression of the proposed Lucan South Community College, especially given the welcome news that a site has finally been indentified for this new school. “Lucan is facing an unprecedented school place shortage. Based on census statistics compiled by the Lucan South Secondary School Action Group, Lucan is facing a chronic shortfall of over 2,000 second-level school places over coming years. Securing second level school places for Lucan remains my top political priority! This can be achieved by progressing the long- awaited extension of Lucan Community College and delivering the proposed new Lucan South Community College. Prior to my election to the council I served as planning consultant to the Lucan South Secondary School Campaign. In December 2007, the Council adopted two of my amendments to the Clonburris Local Area Plan to provide the first-ever statutory commitment for Lucan South Community College. In recent months I have been lobbying both the council planners and the Department of Education to identify and hand-over a site as the next step in progressing this school project. I have recently been advised by council planners that a site has finally been identified to the east of the Outer Ring Road between the Fonthill Link Road and the railway line. This is in line with my successful amendments to the Clonburris LAP.” Site Identified for new Lucan South Community College

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LUCAN NEWSLETTER WINTER 2009 William Secures Historic Protection Order for Dodsboro Grotto informed on a regular basis of my work and I would welcome your thoughts, comments and feedback on any local issues. The period ahead will be a tough one for us all given the terrible state of the economy and the public finances. Now is the time for honest representation and strong leadership and I hope to live up to the responsibilities placed on me by the people of Lucan. William


Page 1: November 4pp A4 Newsletter

Dear Residents,

As you are probably aware, I was elected to South Dublin County Council for the fi rst time in Junes’ elections. I am sincerely grateful to all those who supported my election.

I am now committed to working as hard as I possibly can to deliver for the people of Lucan. Already in the months since the election I have been working on a great many issues, a lot of which are detailed in this newsletter. I also intend keeping residents

informed on a regular basis of my work and I would welcome your thoughts, comments and feedback on any local issues. The period ahead will be a tough one for us all given the terrible state of the economy and the public fi nances.

Now is the time for honest representation and strong leadership and I hope to live up to the responsibilities placed on me by the people of Lucan.



A note from William


South Dublin County Council is currently in the process of preparing a new County Development Plan for the period 2010-2016.

As part of this process councillors have already had an opportunity to propose an amendment to the draft plan. In September, the County Council voted to adopt a motion proposed by William to have Dodsboro’s Marian Grotto designated as a ‘protected structure’ in the next County Development Plan.

The Dodsboro Grotto which was erected in 1954 and is now the fi rst Grotto in Dublin to be afforded ’protected structure’ status.

William explains: “One of my stated election priorities was to secure the designation of Dodsboro Grotto as a ‘Protected Structure’. I have now delivered on this. This historic decision will guarantee protection for the Grotto from any threat arising from future road upgrade works under the Adamstown project or from any proposed development on the adjoining site.

William Secures Historic Protection Order for Dodsboro Grotto

William has written to the Minister for Education urging him to direct unspent monies from the 2009 school building budget to address Lucan’s second-level school place crisis including the immediate progression of the proposed Lucan South Community College, especially given the welcome news that a site has fi nally been indentifi ed for this new school.

“Lucan is facing an unprecedented school place shortage. Based on census statistics compiled by the Lucan South Secondary School Action Group, Lucan is facing a chronic shortfall of over

2,000 second-level school places over coming years. Securing second level school places for Lucan remains my top political priority! This can be achieved by progressing the long-awaited extension of Lucan Community College and delivering the proposed new Lucan South Community College. Prior to my election to the council I served as planning consultant to the Lucan South Secondary School Campaign. In December 2007, the Council adopted two of my

amendments to the Clonburris Local Area Plan to provide the fi rst-ever statutory commitment for Lucan South Community College. In recent months I have been lobbying both the council planners and the Department of Education to identify and hand-over a site as the next step in progressing this school project. I have recently been advised by council planners that a site has fi nally been identifi ed to the east of the Outer Ring Road between the Fonthill Link Road and the railway line. This is in line with my successful amendments to the Clonburris LAP.”

Site Identifi ed for new Lucan South Community College

Page 2: November 4pp A4 Newsletter

• Newcastle Road At the October meeting of the Lucan-Clondalkin area committee, the roads department tabled a new report on HGV usage along Newcastle Road.

Council engineers agreed to further examine HGV usage at school-times in response to William’s request for an extension of the school-time HGV ban from Lucan Village to Newcastle Road as proposed in his motion to the meeting.

William is also working with local schools on proposals including improved pedestrian guard-railing, a school-times speed limit review and measures to eliminate dangerous parking.”

• Lucan Educate TogetherWilliam recently attended the launch of the Lucan Educate Together ‘Park Safe Programme’. William is supporting this campaign at council level and has had meetings with the Roads Department to seek to progress the campaign’s proposals for pedestrian safety measures. William has also received a commitment for a new signalised pedestrian crossing on Willsbrook Road close to the school.

• Gaelscoil Eiscir RiadaOn foot of representations by William on behalf of the gaelscoil, the council has agreed to install pedestrian guard-railings outside the gaelscoil’s new pedestrian entrance. The roads department are also conducting a traffi c and pedestrian count to examine the feasibility of introducing a school warden service.


Over the summer months there was signifi cant local concern and indeed anger over the unkempt state of Esker Cemetery Lucan.

Thankfully, on foot of lobbying by William, council staff did cut the grass before the annual blessing of the graves. At the September meeting of Lucan-Clondalkin Area Committee, William tabled a motion asking council management to examine the feasibility of establishing voluntary committees to assist the council in the maintenance and future

improvement of each of the council’s burial grounds such as at Esker Cemetery.

William states: “I am delighted that my suggestion was agreed to and my proposal for the establishment of Cemetery Committee structures is now being examined in conjunction with the preparation of new Cemetery Bye Laws. This matter is being referred to the council Environment committee of which I am a member.”

William Seeks Cemetery Committee for Esker Cemetery

The Rail Procurement Agency, which is responsible for delivering the Lucan Luas has published its latest proposal in what is known as the ‘Scoping Report’. The latest proposals contain some changes including a rerouting of the proposed line along the old road embankment between Moy Glas & Castle Riada estates. William has now invited the RPA to meet with Lucan councillors to discuss the latest proposals ahead of the submission of their Railway Order application due next year. William also recently succeeded in amending the Draft County Development Plan to secure a commitment seeking the extension of the Luas line to Lucan Village from its current planned terminus on Newcastle Road.

Lucan Luas Update Improving Pedestrian Safety Around Our Schools

Cllr. William Lavelle pictured with John Lyons of the council’s landscaping department at the cutting of grass verges and median on the N4 in September. William has been lobbying intensely for grass-cutting around Lucan.

William has welcomed news that the derelict Tara co-op site on the Leixlip Road has been declared asbestos-free. On foot of enquiries by William the council has confi rmed that 16 tonnes of asbestos was removed from the site in September 2008.

Furthermore on the 14th October, on foot of a further request by William, the site and it’s derelict buildings were inspected by the council’s ‘Dangerous Structures’ Inspector who reported that the site is now asbestos-free.

Tara Co-Op declared ‘asbestos-free’

South Dublin County Council is currently in the process of agreeing a budget for 2009. Given the massive decrease in development levy income due to the collapse of the construction sector and a also reduction in central government contribution thanks to cutbacks by Green party leader Minster John Gormley, the council is facing some tough budgetary decision.

William explains: “Fine Gael priorities include freezing and if possible reducing commercial rates so as to protect local business and jobs while also seeking preserve key frontline council services such as grass-cutting, pedestrian safety, litter cleansing and footpath repairs.”

Lavelle Seeks Reduction in Commercial Rates to help Local Businesses

William, Fine Gael front-bench TD Denis Naughten and school principal Michael Maher during recent visit to

St. Thomas JNS in Esker.

William at recent launch of the Lucan Educate Together ‘Park Safe Programme’

Page 3: November 4pp A4 Newsletter


William has welcomed a commitment by South Dublin County Council engineers to revisit traffi c light timing and sequencing at junctions along the Outer Ring Road in Lucan. At the October meeting of the Lucan-Clondalkin Area committee, William tabled a motion on the traffi c problems at the Outer Ring Road junction with Willsbrook & Ballyowen Roads. William also tabled a separate question on the need for greater coordination of the two adjoining sets

of traffi c lights on Castle Road at the entrance to Ballyowen Castle Shopping Centre/Penny Hill and at the Outer Ring Road junction.

William explains: “Both of these areas suffer from signifi cant traffi c backlogs with motorists often getting stuck in long-queues just to gain access onto the Outer Ring Road. I’m receiving complaints from local residents and businesses on a weekly basis on this matter. There is a strong feeling in the community that the traffi c

lights on the Outer Ring Road are timed such that the community south of the N4 lose-out in favour of traffi c simply passing through. I believe the local road network should serve the community not imprison it! These traffi c light reviews are of course welcome. However I feel more may need to be done to tackle our traffi c problems south of the N4. I will continue to monitor the situation and I will be seeking further action on traffi c if things don’t improve.”

William Welcomes Review of Outer Ring Road Traffi c Lights

William has written to the National Roads Authority asking them to reverse their decision not to fund proposals to allow the reopening of both the Esker Lane and Tandy’s Lane slip-road onto the N4.

In September William tabled a motion during deliberations on the new County Development Plan seeking to include a new roads objective allowing for the future reopening of the two important link roads.

This option was unfortunately defeated after it was advised that the NRA would not fund these works. Since then we have learned that the NRA have also withdrawn funding for the proposal to reopen Tandy’s Lane from Newcastle onto the N7.

William is committed to continuing his campaign to seek reopening of these link roads and to tackle Lucan traffi c congestion problems.

Lavelle Urges NRA to Fund Reopening of N4 Slip-Roads

In July, Lucan Sarsfi elds GAA club got planning permission for their proposed new all-weather pitch and fl ood-lighting. This permission follows an earlier decision by the council to invalidate the previous application. This move could have jeopardised the entire project.

William was the only public representative to make a submission in support of the follow-up planning application and also successfully

lobbied council planners to expedite the assessment and eventual granting of the planning permission.

William states: “This is fantastic project and I wish the club all the best as they progress their plans.” William has also successfully arranged for a change in park-gate opening times at Griffeen Valley Park to as to better facilitate club training.

Supporting Lucan Sarsfi elds

At the October meeting of the full County Council William succeeded in getting support for his motion seeking to protect, funding for council housing grants including Grants for Older People, Mobility Grants and Disability Grants.

This following a reply to a previous question tabled by William in which council management advised: “there may not be suffi cient funds available to process all valid applications both

received to date and anticipated applications received to end of year.”

William states: “Any cutback in house improvement grants will cause serious worry and anxiety to many of our elderly and to many of those with mobility diffi culties. It will deny many people the opportunity to continue using their own home. It will take away their independence and attack their dignity. This is wrong and unjust”.

William Seeks to Protect Housing Grants

William & Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny TD speaking with a club offi cial at the recent Lucan Sarsfi elds Family Fun Day.

Lavelle Congratulates Council on Successful Lucan Festival.

William is pictured with Donal Walsh of the Council Community Service Department. Donal was chief organiser of the Lucan Community Festival 2009.

Page 4: November 4pp A4 Newsletter

William has welcomed the YES votes in September’s Lisbon Treaty referendum. William states: “The referendum victory marks a victory for the people of Ireland and a victory for Europe. I was particular delighted by the massive YES vote in Lucan.

While Dublin Mid West constituency voted

61.5% in favour of the treaty (a swing of 21.9% from the last referendum), the vote across the Lucan boxes average around 75% while I personally tallied one Lucan box that had an amazing 81% yes vote! As a young person with an eye to our future, I led a very proactive YES campaign in Lucan and I would like thank all those who helped my campaign.”

Lucan votes YES to Lisbon

William with Senator Frances Fitzgerald, George Lee TD, Cllr. Ray McAdam (Dublin City) and members of Young

Fine Gael celebrating the YES vote at Dublin Castle

William with Fine Gael European Affairs spokesperson Lucinda Creighton TD canvassing for a YES vote at

Superquinn in Lucan

William is pictured with members of Lucan’s Kerala Indian community. William helped organise and offi cially open the community's fi rst-ever Lucan Harvest Festival which was held in Lucan Community College on September. The event was attended by over 150 members of the local Kerala Indian community.

Lucan Indian Community Harvest Festival

William with some of Lucan's Kerala Indian Community

Useful Phone NumbersSouth Dublin County Council: 01 414 9000Lucan Garda Station: 01 666 7300Ronanstown Garda Station: 01 666 7700Citizen Information Centre: 01 621 7930Obair - Local Employment Services: 01 457 7308Revenue - South Dublin: 1890 333 425HSE Dublin West: 01 620 6300Social Welfare Lucan/Clondalkin: 01 403 0000

Contact WilliamAddress: 16 Lána na bPáirce, Ballyowen Lane, Lucan, Co. DublinPhone: 087 410 7885 Email: [email protected] Web:

In addition to being a member of South Dublin County Council William is also a member of the following bodies:

• Board of CPLN Area Partnership

• South Dublin Joint Policing Committee

• County Dublin VEC

• Board of Management Lucan Community College

• Board of Management Adamstown Community College

• Board of Management Coláiste Cois Life

• South Dublin Strategic Policy Committees on Economic Development & Planning and on the Environment

William is working with Senator Frances Fitzgerald, Gay Mitchell MEP & Councillor Derek Keating

• CPLN Area Partnership offering Local Employment Services for LucanThe CPLN area Local Employment Service (LES) is a free, confi dential, community-based service aimed at helping unemployed job seekers to return to work. The LES provides a gateway to the full range of options which are available to help an unemployed person return to work - including information provision, career guidance, training, education, and job placement. A weekly outreach clinic is run at Lucan Youth Service in the Griffeen Centre on Tuesdays 9.30am-

4.30pm.For more detail phone 01 457 7308 or email: [email protected]

• Starting your own business?South Dublin County Enterprise Board can offer support to individuals with a business start-up idea. See

• New Intellectual Enterprise ZonesSouth Dublin County Council has begun the roll-out of new Intellectual Enterprise Zones where individuals can use a dedicated desk/offi ce space on a time share basis to run and operate

their business start-ups. The initiative is targeted at those on the live register. In tandem with the physical space, a virtual business campus is being developed to encourage networking between like-minded professionals with a view to creating new business opportunities. Training, seminars and mentoring will also be offered. For more details see

• For details on Fine Gael’s policy on job creation check out

Helping Job-Seekers & Business Start-Ups