november 2017 give thanks - 2 please direct all correspondence to: glenn...

Give ThanksFor each new morning With its light For rest and shelter Of the night For health and food For love and friends For everything Thy goodness sends… -Ralph Waldo Emerson Mother to Mother November 2017

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Page 1: November 2017 Give Thanks - Mother-to-Mother...Page 2 Please direct all correspondence to: Glenn & Mary Beth Martin 595 Skyline Trail, Chester, MA 01011 Phone: (413) 354-7860 Fax:

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Give Thanks…

For each new morning

With its light

For rest and shelter

Of the night

For health and food

For love and friends

For everything

Thy goodness sends… -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mother to


November 2017

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Please direct all correspondence to:

Glenn & Mary Beth Martin

595 Skyline Trail, Chester, MA 01011

Phone: (413) 354-7860

Fax: (413) 354-1944

email: [email protected]

Hello, friends… The wind is blowing in big gusts and puffs this morning, and it’s the

second day in a row of almost non-stop rain. I am glad for a warm house

with a good roof!

I’ve been thinking about being thankful; Glenn shared some

thoughts in devotions the other week that got my mind going. He read

these verses, “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in

the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat;

the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the

stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation”

(Habakkuk 3:17, 18).

We are probably all familiar with the song “Praise to God,

Immortal Praise.” It’s an inspiring praise song that lists many of the blessings

for which we thank God – “love that crowns our days, blessings of the field,

stores the gardens yield, joy which harvests bring, clouds that drop

refreshing dew, suns that genial heat diffuse, flocks that whiten all the

plain” – and more. Verse five ends with these words, “And for these our

souls shall raise grateful vows and solemn praise.”

Did you know there are more verses in that song, that aren’t

printed in the hymnbooks? Consider these words:

Lord, should rising whirlwinds tear

From its stem the ripening ear;

Should the fig tree’s blasted shoot

Drop her green untimely fruit.

Should the vine put forth no more

Nor the olive yield her store;

Though the sick’ning flocks should fall

And the herds desert the stall.

Should Thine altered hand restrain

Th’ early and the latter rain,

Blast each opening bud of joy,

And the rising year destroy;

Yet to Thee my soul should raise

Grateful vows and solemn praise,

And, when every blessing’s flown,

Love Thee for Thyself alone!

Those words challenge me. I hope that if the time comes when

some of the blessings that I have until now taken for granted are removed,

I will “Love [God] for Himself alone,” and not do as Job’s wife who urged

her husband to curse God. Putting that to practice needs to start now in

the little things – the change of plans, the broken dish, the unfulfilled

expectations – if we hope to be victorious when the bigger things come

our way.

Thank you for your part in making this another good year for

Mother to Mother! Even though I cannot answer you all personally, I read

and savor every note that comes my way. Thank you!

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You Ask, You Answer…

⇨ My mind went back to when I was a girl. Does your daughter feel

loved and understood? Really, truly understood? Or are you too

busy to take the time? I don’t want to sound harsh because I don’t

know your family and maybe you are one of those gentle, caring

mothers that I admire.

Another reason I wanted to be in control was because I was

abused; abuse victims tend to be controlling.

Thank you for looking for answers. -Pennsylvania

⇨ It sounds like your daughter needs more chances to serve others! Let

her get that cup of cold water for a thirsty sibling. Let her cut the pie

for supper, then take the last piece. Even better, have her be your

kitchen helper, setting the table and working with you. While you

work, talk and listen. Enjoy being together! And praise, praise, praise!

Is she the middle child? Is she manipulating others to get

attention? Is she the oldest child, and feels she must control the

younger ones? Remember, selfishness is a cry for love. Never

degrade her in front of others. Find time to discuss her needs,

without putting down her personhood, and help her see how she

would not like the same treatment. Then practice doing nice things

to others, and talk about that.

One mother I read about tired of telling Dad, when he arrived

home from work, how Susie ruined this and Johnny did that. So she

made big pins that said, “I was caught being good!” When the

children behaved nicely, they got to wear them. We need more

positive reinforcement. -New York

“Gratitude doesn’t change the scenery. It merely washes clean the glass you look through so you can clearly see the colors.”

-Richelle E. Goodrich

Question : Any tips for relating to our ten-year-old daughter who

always wants to be first, thinks she’s always right, finds it hard to

accept her ideas are not the only right ones, and depends on others

to follow the Golden Rule so she doesn’t need to?

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⇨ A customer at our auto repair shop mentioned that having an open

container of coffee beans in the vehicle helps eliminate nasty odors. -Ohio

⇨ Did you try baking soda? Sprinkle the seats and carpet with baking

soda, let it set a while, and then vacuum. Let an open box of baking

soda set in the vehicle. -Pennsylvania

⇨ We’ve had very good success with “Kids ‘n Pets” spray. You can find

it at Wal-Mart or Dollar General. You just spray or pour it on and then

let it dry. -Pennsylvania

⇨ The handyman at your house may need to get involved to take a

few things apart. Up in the front passenger’s side there might be an

air filter (called a cabin filter) that needs replaced. And be sure to

clean any dusty areas you find in the dissembling process. If the

vehicle has a rear heat/air unit, when that is taken apart you’ll likely

find a great cause of the odor. Pry up the floor strips along the

edges and vacuum underneath.

I scrubbed with any all-purpose household cleaners I had on

hand. Then I made a bucket of hot scrub water using Oxi-clean

versatile powder and a generous amount of baking soda for good

measure. Thoroughly scrub all surfaces that you feel it’s safe to do so

including stretching out the seatbelts. I pretty much didn’t spare on

the water, using a shop vac to get out the excess and then finally

using towels to soak up the remainder once the water coming out

seemed to be clean. And then open it up on a warm day to ensure

thorough drying. I also bought those baking soda containers that

are specially made for freezers and installed them under a seat.

Even with all the above measures it still took about a year till

we could get in the vehicle and not smell dog. Having given this

labor-intensive treatment to vehicles twice I know we’ll really

consider if it’s worth it the next time we spy a few stray hairs in the

vehicle that’s for sale! Best wishes… -Washington

Question : Any ideas how to remove pet odors from a used vehicle

we recently purchased? I’ve tried scrubbing the seats and carpet with

Resolve Pet Expert Spray and letting the windows open on nice days,

but we’re not having success.

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⇨ We loaned out our van, and when it came back it was obvious milk

had been spilled in it. I shampooed it very thoroughly and had fans

blowing to dry it, but it still smelled. Then I put damp newspapers on

the spots and closed the van up tight. After changing them for

several days, the odor was totally gone! I would also try setting a

container containing about an inch of ammonia in the vehicle and

switching it out for several days. Dryer sheets under the seats also

work great for removing odors. -Missouri

⇨ Sprinkle a generous amount of coffee grounds on the carpet and

seats, let set for a few days, and then vacuum. I don’t know if it will

work for pet odors, but it removed an old smoke smell. -Pennsylvania

⇨ We started wearing leggings when our daughter began scooting

around on her bottom instead of crawling. I found little girls’ leggings

at a local department store and they have now been in our home

for years. At Wal-mart they have a nice variety of modest colors.

Little princesses don’t need to wear loud colors or exposed lace.

Modesty is always in order. Leggings help keep little girls

covered from babyhood until adulthood, when they are moms

working outside on a windy day.

Our girls say they stay warmer if they wear them in the winter.

We’ve even used girls’ or ladies’ sweatpants. No one can see them,

but the wearer doesn’t have to suffer with cold legs. If you wear

knee-high socks, your upper legs are still exposed to the cold even if

your dress skirt covers them. This does not have to be a situation of

sacrificing comfort. The GVS catalog sells them, and they come in

two lengths, above or below the knee, for women. Their phone

number is 800-398-2494.

We must teach our daughters to be ladies. Even wearing

leggings or bloomers, they must be lady-like. But I believe there are

more pros than cons in the bloomer realm. They are modest, warm,

comfortable, and practical. But let’s not use them to express our

vanity. -New York

What if you woke up today with only the things

you thanked God for yesterday?

Question : What are the pros and cons of wearing bloomers on your

daughters? What is the age span your daughters wear them? Are they

simply for “cute” or do they serve some practical purpose?

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⇨ This is an issue that is very near to my heart for several reasons.

First, it is a modesty issue for little girls when they play. We must

endeavor to teach little girls to keep their legs and dresses down,

but there will be moments during that teaching time when bloomers

can definitely be a help. Also for young school girls, especially when

swinging, taking a rolling tumble on the playground, or riding bike.

Another reason is for their safety. Sad to say, many little girls

among our people have been handled or molested. I have found

out firsthand that well-fitting bloomers that come most of the way to

the knee have been a major blessing. I have caught someone

attempting to molest my own daughters; the one doing the dirty

deed admitted intending to do more, but couldn’t easily because

of her bloomers; thus my daughters were mostly spared.

So no, I do not wear bloomers for cuteness, but for necessity! If

your girls wear them from babyhood, they actually miss them and

feel exposed without them. I have my teenage girls wear them too.

You can use heavier material for winter and cool cotton material for

summer. I often use a simple pajamas pants pattern or buy leggings

at thrift stores.

I have seen so many little girls that have grown up in very

conservative, respectable homes that worked hard to teach

modesty at a very young age, but there were still those occasions

while playing, that private parts were exposed. Oh please, dear

parents, let’s protect our dear little children and husbands too! I

know from experience. So please, dear wondering mother, do

something about your honest consideration. I appreciate your

question and wish all mothers would see that need.

God bless each of us as we strive for modesty and purity. -Pennsylvania

⇨ When our oldest daughters were little, my husband and I discussed

bloomers. He placed them in the same category as long-sleeved

undershirts. “Why would we want underwear to be so obvious?” He

felt it was better to occasionally see a bit of bare skin, than for the

girl to always be so conscious of “long underwear.” We both

observed examples of mothers with babies on their laps, as well as

young girls, being careless about keeping their dresses down,

obviously because their legs were already covered.

Teaching purity of mind is imperative – whether the legs are

covered with bloomers or a long, full skirt. -Pennsylvania

“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s

accepted by the majority.”

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⇨ I wear bloomers to the knee or leggings on my girls mostly for

modesty's sake. I don't think you can overdo modesty with little girls

romping! When my oldest was young, I wore tights on her but they

were hard to find with a soft, comfortable, “loose-enough” elastic

waistband. She was the oldest child so there were no boys around

and I hadn't been taught the idea of bloomers for modesty. But

when her brothers came along, she wore them when playing and

even through first grade and beyond. We wear long dresses so that

helps, but a 3-year-old romping on the floor or a first grader running

might require a little more. They wear them for warmth too. My

second daughter was learning to crawl when it was cool so I'd put

leggings on to keep her legs warm and protected and then her

dress wasn't in her way. Some of mine hate blankets for some

reason, so I put leggings on under a nightgown on cooler nights.

Also, leggings are one more layer to deter a child molester or the

overly curious. - California

⇨ Are bloomers only for cute? Not in my opinion. They are part of our

daughter’s wardrobe. I feel they are more modest for the times

when their dresses accidentally go up. I read that an extra layer can

help deter would-be molesters. How important is the purity of your


I make white cotton ones for the summer and either T-shirt

type material or flannel for winter, if they don’t wear tights. You can

also buy ready-made ones or I found some ladies’ small size ones

that I altered a little for my 8-year-old. We haven’t heard a lot of

complaining about wearing them. If they do, I matter-of-factly

explain that it’s more modest.

In the hot summer, the world disregards modesty because “it’s

too hot.” Do we do the same? -Pennsylvania

⇨ I am an advocate of wearing bloomers on little girls. It’s true they are

cute, but there is a much more important reason for wearing them

in our home – for modesty’s sake.

We have five girls and they each have worn bloomers at

certain time spans of their young lives. We only have one in that age

bracket anymore. I regret that I didn’t have the knowledge that I

now have when our girls were younger; I would have been more

diligent in this area.

When our son was converted at 17 years old, he confided in us

that his sisters caused him struggles in keeping a pure thought life. I

was a bit taken aback at the kinds of things that caused him to be

tempted. We were so thankful that he honestly shared with us and

we made some radical changes. We rejoiced as we watched his

spiritual growth and the victory he found over the lust of the flesh.

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I feel bloomers should be mid-thigh to knee length. They can

be done up with elastic and ruffles at the ends or just finished sweat-

pant style.

If I could do things over, I’d begin on my babies when they no

longer wear sleepers all the time for everyday. I now cringe when I

see adorable little pudgy baby legs showing in public. And worse

yet is when their pamper slips to the side and the whole of one hip is

exposed. I would not stop the use of bloomers until the girl has

proven that she keeps her dress down. I had a friend once tell me

that her girls who wore bloomers since babyhood did not want to

stop even at ages 12 or 14 because they did not feel properly

dressed without them.

I want to add the following points, even if it is blunt:

1. Teach your girls to place their underwear under their dresses or

the towel in the bathroom clothes hamper.

2. When folding clothes, place the underclothes somewhere in the

middle of the stack, not on top.

3. The underclothes should have a little hiding place among all the

rest of the garments hanging on the clothesline.

4. When sorting dirty laundry, don’t let the underwear pile lay.

Wash that load first.

5. No wearing nightgowns outside the bedroom; modest

housecoats can be acceptable.

6. Don’t let bedroom doors stand wide open. -State withheld

⇨ I like bloomers! In a world where molestation is very prevalent (even

among conservative Mennonites) it is "one more layer.” My girls

don't always wear them over summertime, but we do have many

light-weight material options available these days.

They cover so well for toddlers. I like to wear them when

shopping and the toddler is in the grocery cart seat. They come in

handy for after church services while little ones wait on the bench till

mom is done chatting. Wearing them to family gatherings is very

practical where cousins are swinging, jumping, running, riding trikes -

you name it!

Is it just for cute? Mothers, that’s our choice! How are we

making (or buying) them? Doesn't the reason for wearing them rest

on our shoulders?

One disadvantage is that a little girl can begin to reason that

since her legs are covered, she needn't worry about keeping her

dress down – “Sorry, little lass, that is not at all the point!” Teaching

modesty is still imperative. -Pennsylvania

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⇨ Yes, Anchor measuring cups are wonderful! It’s not the dishwasher

that makes the red lettering come off; I put mine in the dishwasher

all the time. One of my 4-cup measuring cups lost its markings when

we used it for canning. Dipping it into hot or boiling tomatoes, grape

juice, or apples is what has done it for ours. -Vermont

⇨ My Anchor glass measuring cup did the same thing! I bought

another, and it doesn’t enter the dishwasher. I have heard you can

re-mark them with red nail polish, but I have yet to go buy some. -New York

New Questions… 1. How can we better include all the women in our church into our

lives, specifically the unmarried and childless? What can we do to

bring us all to common ground, more than chatting after church?

2. Sometimes it feels we have gotten far from the era where "children

should be seen and not heard.” How can we teach our young

children to respect adult conversation and still include them at

times? How have you taught your child to wait for a lull in the

conversation to ask you something – when it seems there never is a


3. As a mother of a preschool-age special needs child, I would be glad

to hear from others who have worked closely with a

developmentally delayed child. What are the pros and cons of

starting such children to school at an earlier age than the typical

age of 6?

4. I would like suggestions for what to do to have my baby come on

time. I always go past my due date, with the doctors pressuring me

to be induced.

Please respond with answers by December 15, 2017.

Got questions? Send them in!

Question : My Anchor glass measuring cups are wonderful – except

the red markings are worn off. Why? (I do put them in my dishwasher.)

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Fox Tales… The Gifts

by Florence Fox

We sat down to a delicious Saturday breakfast prepared by

the best breakfast cook. Marlin served us pancakes, eggs, scrapple,

and hash browns, and as we filled our plates in the excitement of a

holiday, I scarcely noticed Marlin answering his phone until he said,

“From Central Dispatch? I’ll meet you at Mansiding Exit.”

Marlin laid down his phone, and I looked at him. “You’re


“A truck and trailer jack-knifed on 127. Jay thought it sounded

like more than he could handle.”

“Where’s Lewis?” I was grasping for straws.

Marlin quickly scraped his plate clean. “He was out half the

night on service calls. And he doesn’t have any more towing

experience than Jay. Are you okay with me going?”

I thought of the special morning we had planned, of working

together in the kitchen and relaxing by the fireplace, but I answered

before I could change my mind. “Go ahead,” I said. “Doesn’t sound

like you’ll be very far away. Surely you’ll be back before noon?”

“Should be. Jay said they just needed a winch-out.” Marlin

stood up and pushed in his chair. “Do you boys want to go with me?”

Colton stood up on his chair. “I do! I do!”

Marlin looked at Laramie, who shrugged. “I’ll stay home. I’d

have to stay in the pickup anyway.”

“Get your coat,” Marlin said to Colton. “But remember, if you

go along, you’re not getting out of the pickup.”

“I know,” Colt said, jumping down, the food on his plate

forgotten. “I’ll just look out the window.”

Marlin gathered up his coveralls and coat and boots. “Thank

you for understanding, Honey.”

“That’s okay,” I said. “There should still be time when you get


Marlin and Colton drove off in the pickup, and Laramie and

Kenzie helped me clean the kitchen. They grumped about our change

in plans, and a tiny voice in the back of my mind asked Will there be

time for us? But I reminded the children it was better to stay home and

miss Dad than to be in the ditch waiting for a tow truck. And didn’t we

hope there would be someone to pull us out of the ditch if we should

ever happen to land there?

The morning crawled by as I cleaned up the house and

layered a chocolate trifle and mixed up yeast dough, trying to forget

the special morning we’d anticipated, or the fact that Marlin had

been intending to help me. It was the right thing to do, I told myself.

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Marlin hardly ever goes out on tow jobs anymore, and I can’t

begrudge him the few he does.

It was almost 11:30 when Marlin drove in the lane. Colton shed

his coat and boots in the entry and ran into the kitchen, waving

Marlin’s phone with pictures of the truck, while Laramie and Kenzie

crowded around. Marlin followed, looking dirty and wet and cold. “I’m

soaked,” he said. “When we got the truck back on the road, Jay and I

both lay on the ground to cage the brakes. I’m getting dry clothes.”

While I rolled out the yeast dough for the coffee cakes, Marlin

sat at the bar and told me about his morning. “The truck driver said he

must have hit ice, because he was driving along just fine, and the next

thing he knew the truck was sliding sideways. The truck slid along the

side of the road until it hit the guard rail, snapping off metal posts for

twenty feet before the cab got hung up on the posts.”

With a pastry tube, I spread fruit filling over the dough. “But the

driver was okay?”

“The driver was fine. His truck was demolished, though. He was

almost home, so his wife came to pick him up.”

How would it be, I wondered, to be almost

home and your means of income crumpled?

Suddenly I felt deep admiration and respect for

Marlin’s hard work. He left us to help a stranded

driver, but he also did it to provide for us. I folded

the first edge of dough over onto the filling and

started to roll the dough. “How did the job go?

When you were gone so long I started to worry.”

“It was tough. The jack-knifed part wasn’t so bad, but the truck

chassis got hung up on the guardrail posts, and we had to pull from

every direction until it came loose.”

When I pictured Marlin working along a busy highway, I had to

ask, “Did they close the road for you?”

“Since the wreck happened close to an exit, the traffic was

routed off at the exit and back on again at the entrance.” “You were glad you went then?”

“No question. Jay wouldn’t have gotten it by himself.”

I lifted the long roll of coffee cake into a sheet pan and

formed a ring. Marlin got up to make a cup of coffee, and, from the

living room, Laramie called, “Dad, can we open our gifts yet?”

“Sure,” Marlin said. “I’ll come when my coffee is ready.”

“I’ll be there in a minute,” I said. The aroma of fresh coffee

filled the air as I started to snip the dough to form a wreath.

Outside, the wind whipped snow around the house, but safe

and warm inside this Christmas Eve, I was grateful for the best gifts: a

warm house, family togetherness, and a husband who was willing to

sacrifice both. ______________________________________________________________

Let the north winds blow! Florence is happiest to spend the winter hours indoors

writing or baking, surrounded by her husband and five children.

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Food for Thought…

Now I Lay Them Down to Sleep by Regina Rosenberry

What increases your child's learning ability, behavior, growth,

and immunity? Sounds like a high-costing elixir, right? Well, it's not and

here's even more. It's free, natural, and found mostly at night. The

answer? Sleep.

Sleep plays a big part in our overall health. Because children's

bodies and minds are constantly changing, expanding, and growing,

plenty of sleep is as important as nutrition. According to the National

Sleep Foundation, by the age of two, children will have spent more

time asleep than awake. And here's why:

Sleep affects a child's memory, learning ability, and alertness.

A sleeping child looks peaceful and still, but the fact is their brain is

busy making decisions, storing memories, and processing information

they learned that day, making it stick. Did you ever wonder why, when

you study something right before you go to bed, it's easier to

remember in the morning? Researchers are finding that after

something new is learned or memorized, sleep is then needed for the

brain to store and file that memory, making it available for recall days

and years later. Research has shown that even a cat nap before a test

can help children perform better. Plenty of sleep keeps the brain alert,

helping a child to focus and make good judgment calls.

Children who are short on sleep tend to be hyper, impulsive,

and have a short attention span, often showing classic signs of ADD

that may actually be sleep-deprivation. Of course moms already know

this, but studies are still proving and discovering how much sleep plays

an important role in a child's behavior. Even fifteen to thirty minutes of

extra sleep at night can make a difference in their mood, behavior,

and ability to cope the next day. I'm sure school teachers notice too!

Plenty of sleep boosts the immune system, lowering the

chances of children getting colds and

sickness. While asleep, those little brains

are busy scrubbing and cleaning,

flushing out disease-causing toxins that

build up throughout the day.

Sleep shortages can cause

children to be overweight. During their

sleep, children's bodies are busy

making hormones. Two of these

hormones, ghrelin and leptin, tells

children when they're full and to stop

eating. Over time, lack of sleep disrupts

this hormone, causing children to eat

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more because nothing is there to tell them to stop. In turn, this can

lead to diabetes and other health issues.

While children are sleeping the growth hormone also washes

through their bodies. Did you ever greet your one-year-old still rubbing

sleepy-dirt from his eyes and think, oh my, you grew during the night?

Studies are showing you might actually be right since sleeping is when

the growth hormone is released.

We might think if children get to bed late a few nights that it

won't hurt them, they can catch up later. According to Parent

magazine, a study done at Dalhousie University has discovered after

losing one hour of sleep for four consecutive nights, children displayed

visible signs of sleep deprivation. A nap the next day can help but will

never replace the sleep that was lost.

Experts recommend that six-to-thirteen-year-olds should get

ten to eleven hours of sleep. Teenagers should have at least nine


Frustrated with hectic bedtimes? Here are a few tips to make

winding down easier and help attain those sleeping goals:

1. Ideally, children and teens (and mom's too!) should go to

bed around the same time every night and wake up at the same time.

This helps their bodies to recognize and achieve a good sleep rhythm.

2. Give children a half-hour warning so they can start

wrapping up their projects and think about what's coming next, sleep.

3. Have a winding-down period, especially for younger

children. Read a bedtime story, have family devotions. or find another

calming activity.

4. Create a bedtime ritual. Read a bedtime story, put on

jammies, brush teeth, kiss good-night, then snuggle into bed. Following

the same pattern can help a child stay in the sleep rhythm.

5. Avoid caffeine or other stimulants. Try not to eat an hour

before bedtime.

6. Have the bedroom as dark as possible (without the child

being scared), and very cool. Warm bedrooms and rooms with too

much light (even light from an alarm clock) can hinder the body from

reaching deep restorative sleep.

7. Teach children their bed is for sleeping. When children use

their bed for major activities like homework, games, and hobbies, it

keeps the brain from associating bed with sleep. Instead, have

another designated area for children to do these activities.

8. Train children to sleep in their own bed. Some children may

like to curl up in their parent's bed or their sister's bed in the middle of

the night, but consistently letting children sleep at other places than

their own bed can ruin a good sleep habit.


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So the next time the clock dings nine bells, kiss those little

cheeks goodnight. And give yourself a gift – crawl under the covers

yourself! That basket of laundry and sink full of dishes can wait till

tomorrow. Sleep won't.

Sleepy-Time Tea (for children and adults)

3 cups dried lemon balm

2 cups dried peppermint

1 cup fennel seeds

1 cup dried rose petals

1 cup dried lavender flowers

6 slices dried licorice root

Honey, (as needed)

Heavy cream or milk (as


Mix and toss ingredients together in an airtight bag.

To use: with your fingertips, grind and break around 1/8 cup of

tea into a mug. Pour boiling water over the dried tea mixture to fill

mug. Let steep five minutes. Strain. Sweeten with honey and cream if

desired. ______________________________________

Regina Rosenberry lives in Greencastle, PA with her husband Darwin,

six children, five cows, an old goat, four dogs, and two thousand stinkbugs. She

pleasures in the Christmas season when fuzzy socks, fresh pine, cozy fires and a

warm mug of coffee are a few of her favorite things. Forever twenty-nine at

heart, she's her happiest when finding those hidden spots of beauty that leave

her wordless. Contact her at [email protected]

“Gratitude should not just be a reaction to getting what you want,

but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where you notice the little

things and where you constantly look for the good, even in unpleasant

situations. Start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of

waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful.”

-Marelisa Fabrega

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has

not, but rejoices for those which he has.”


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Thrifty Tips and Time Savers by Elaine Weaver

You can easily make a small boy’s shirt by cutting down a larger

shirt. Lay the shirt front and back patterns on those pieces in the

original shirt. This is especially quick, because the shirt buttons and

buttonholes are already done for you! Short sleeves can be cut

out with the hem already in place if you lay the pattern with that in

mind. The collar can be taken out of the yoke of the shirt and you

have the double-sided piece you need.

Girls’ dresses, slips, and aprons can be cut out of larger dresses,

slips, or bed sheets. Table cloths or quilt backs can also be cut from

bed sheets.

When you cut out a dress and have fabric left over, cut a small

dress right away from the largest pattern that will fit on those

scraps. Put the small dress pieces in a Ziploc bag with a zipper if

you have one, along with anything else you will want with the

dress. Mark the outside of the bag with the size of the dress and

any other notes you wish. You will be all set to sew a little dress

whenever you need it!

The rest of the scraps can be cut in patches for quilt tops. Store

squares in shoe boxes with the size of the square written on the

side of the box. Keep filling the boxes till you have enough to

make a quilt.

Store your sheet sets inside a matching pillow case for easy access

and ease of keeping the set together.

Small pieces of soap bars can be turned into liquid hand soap. Put

the pieces into a plastic jar with a lid, add water, and let set till the

soap dissolves.

Save a stamp by subscribing to a magazine for more than one

year at a time.

Cut lettuce stored in a Mason jar stays fresh much longer.

Keep brown sugar soft by adding a few marshmallows to the bag.

A cereal canister works well for a trash can in a vehicle.

Boil orange peels and cloves to get rid of unpleasant kitchen


To keep potatoes from budding, add an apple to the bag.

Adding ½ tsp. baking soda to the water when cooking hard-boiled

eggs makes them incredibly easy to peel.

A sprig of eucalyptus tied to your shower head will infuse an

invigorating fragrance in your bathroom, from the steam of the


Spray WD40 to remove crayon marks from any surface.

When chopping onions, wipe your cutting board with white

vinegar and your eyes will not water.

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Across My

Kitchen Table… These cookies and bars

will delight the hearts of your

family and make your

scholars smile when they

open their school lunches!

For next time, send your favorite crock pot recipes – those that

can be started in the morning and forgotten about until suppertime!

Send them by December 15, 2017.


Pecan Cheesecake Squares Crust:

1 cup flour

1/3 cup butter, softened

¼ cup brown sugar


8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1/3 cup brown sugar

1 egg

2 tsp. milk

½ tsp. vanilla

¼ cup finely chopped pecans

Heat oven to 350°. Mix crust ingredients and press into an

ungreased 8x8x2-inch pan. Bake 10 minutes.

Beat remaining ingredients, except pecans, in a small bowl on

low speed, scraping bowl constantly, for 30 seconds. Beat on medium

speed, scraping occasionally, for 1 minute. Spread over baked crust

and sprinkle with pecans. Bake until edges are light brown, about 25

minutes. Cool, and store in refrigerator.

Jewel Dyck, TX

Batter-Up Brownies ½ cup melted margarine

1 2/3 cups sugar

3 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

½ tsp. salt

½ cup peanut butter

½ tsp. baking soda

1 cup flour

1 cup chocolate chips

Nuts, optional

Mix all together. Bake in a 9x13-inch pan at 350° for 25-30


Lydia Hess, PA

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Peanut Butter Swirl Bars ½ cup peanut butter

1/3 cup soft butter

¾ cup brown sugar

2 eggs

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup flour

1 tsp baking powder

¼ tsp. salt

12 oz. chocolate chips

Mix all together and spread into a greased 9x13-inch pan.

Sprinkle with chocolate chips. Place in preheated 350° oven for 5

minutes. Remove and run knife through to marbleize. Return to oven

and bake 20 minutes more.

Twilight Weaver, PA

You can double this recipe in an 11x15-inch cookie sheet.

Bethany Rudolph, MD

Granola Bars 1½ lb. marshmallows

¼ cup margarine

¼ cup Wesson oil

½ cup corn syrup or honey

¼ cup peanut butter

10 oz. Rice Krispies

5 cups toasted oatmeal

1½ cups raisins

1 cup M&M’s or chocolate


1 cup coconut

1 cup graham cracker crumbs

1 cup crushed peanuts

Melt marshmallows with margarine. Add oil, honey, and

peanut butter. In a large bowl, mix together dry ingredients, then add

marshmallow mixture. Mix well and press in pans.

Variations: Omit or add anything you wish to suit your taste. Try

adding sunflower seeds, nuts, wheat bran or germ, or cornmeal.

Elaine Weaver, PA

Chocolate Chip Pudding Bars 2 cups butter, softened

1½ cups brown sugar

½ cup sugar

11/3 cups instant vanilla


4 eggs

2 tsp. vanilla

5 cups flour

2 tsp. baking soda

4 cups baking chips

Cream butter with sugars and pudding. Mix well. Add eggs

and vanilla and beat well again. In another bowl combine flour and

baking soda. Slowly add to the creamed mixture. Stir in baking bits (use

your choice of chocolate or butterscotch chips, M&M’s, or toffee bits).

Spread in a greased jelly roll pan or two 9x13-inch pans. Bake at 350°

for approximately 20 minutes. Do not over bake! This is a very moist bar.

You can also use this dough for cookies.

Barb Hege, PA

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Rice Krispy Roll ¾ cup corn syrup

¾ cup sugar

¾ cup peanut butter

4½ cups Rice Krispy cereal

2 Tbsp. butter

Cook corn syrup and sugar over medium heat just until sugar is

dissolved. Remove from heat and blend in peanut butter and butter.

Add cereal and mix well. Press onto waxed paper 15 inches long and

as wide as the paper.

Chocolate Mixture

1/3 cup butter

2 Tbsp. milk

1½ cups 10x sugar

2/3 cup cocoa

Melt butter with milk over low heat. Remove and add

remaining ingredients. Spread on Rice Krispy layer and roll up in a log.

Wrap with waxed paper and refrigerate. Cut when cold into ½-inch

slices. Looks attractive and is handy for lunches!

Bethany Sensenig, IN

Molasses Cookies ½ cup butter

½ cup shortening

1½ cups sugar

½ cup molasses

2 eggs

4 cups flour

½ tsp. salt

2¼ tsp. baking soda

2¼ tsp. ginger

1½ tsp. cloves

1½ tsp. cinnamon

In a large mixing bowl, cream together butter, shortening, and

sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in molasses (I use King Syrup) and eggs;

add all other ingredients and mix well. Form into balls and roll balls in

sugar. Bake at 350° for 8-10 minutes.

Marilyn Sensenig, MD

Grandma Sensenig’s Cream Cheese Cookies ¼ cup butter

8 oz. cream cheese

1 egg

½ tsp. vanilla

1 box yellow cake mix

Cream butter and cream cheese. Add remaining ingredients

and mix well. Chill dough 30 minutes (optional). Drop on cookie sheet

and bake at 350° for 8-10 minutes.

Note: Grandma always flattened the cookies slightly with a

flour-dipped fork, then topped with chocolate sprinkles for decoration.

These freeze well.

Joann Detweiler, PA

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Oatmeal Raisin Bars

½ cup butter, softened

¾ cup brown sugar

2/3 cup instant vanilla pudding


2 eggs

1 tsp. baking soda

½ tsp. salt

1¼ cups flour

3½ cups quick oats

½ cup milk or applesauce

1½ cups raisins

1 cup chopped nuts

Cream butter, sugar, and pudding mix. Beat in eggs. Add

baking soda, salt, and flour; mix well. Add remaining ingredients and

mix well. Pat evenly into a half sheet pan (cookie sheet). Bake at 350°

for 15-20 minutes or until done.

Susan Nolt, NY

Chocolate Chip Blonde Brownies ¾ cup butter

2 cups brown sugar

2 eggs

2 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

½ tsp. baking soda

¾ tsp. salt

¾ cup chopped dates

¾ cup chocolate chips

Melt butter and combine with brown sugar in a mixing bowl.

Add eggs and vanilla, beating very well. Then add dry ingredients,

dates, and chocolate chips. Pour into a greased 11x15-inch pan. Bake

at 350° for 20-25 minutes. Do not overbake!

Ruth Marie Shertzer, PA

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Bars ¾ cup shortening

¾ cup sugar

1/3 cup packed brown sugar

1 egg

1½ tsp. vanilla

1½ cups flour

1 tsp. salt

¾ tsp. baking soda

1½ cups mini chocolate chips

¾ cup chopped pecans


2 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese

¾ cup sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

Mix shortening and sugars. Beat in egg and vanilla. Combine flour,

salt, and baking soda; add to creamed mixture. Fold in chocolate chips

and pecans. Set aside a third of the dough for topping. Press remaining

dough in a greased 9x13-inch pan. Bake at 350° for 8 minutes.

Filling: Beat all ingredients together well. Spoon over crust. Drop

teaspoonfuls of reserved dough over filling. Bake at 350° for 35-40 minutes

or until golden brown. Cool and store in refrigerator. Yield: 2 dozen

Laura Martin, PA

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Every Day is Mother’s Day… by Evelyn Zimmerman

The campfire crackles cozily. Four couples, long-time friends,

enjoy each other’s presence, lounging in comfortable chairs arranged

in a circle. The school age girls whisper and giggle excitedly as they

dance in and out of the tents where they plan to spend the night. And

the little boys? They are out there somewhere, trying to prove their


Clayton holds Collin’s hand against the hot wire of the cattle

fence. Collin boldly announces that it feels good to get shocked,

whereupon Justin proves his bravery by reaching out and touching the

fence too.

Have they proven their manliness? Maybe they proved some

kind of bravery. Not one of them came crying to his mama. But really,

to our grownup view, what did they prove?

If I stop, look, and listen, I have a question to ask myself. What

have I proven today? I scrubbed, polished, brushed, and dressed my

little ones in spotless Sunday array this morning. We marched sedately

to church on time and in perfect order. Did I prove that I am a good

Christian mother?

I pack my daughters’ school lunches with delicious, healthful

snacks. I make sure they get plenty of sleep. I send them off with

brushed teeth, neat braids, and clean fingernails. Does that prove that

I am a patient, loving mother?

My husband carries the baby and a big yellow envelope of

papers. Vincent needs a Social Security number, and they tell us they

need proof of his being before they can give one. Out of the

envelope comes the birth certificate, which states plainly that Vincent

H. Zimmerman was born on the seventh day of December, 2015. There

are his footprints to verify that he is a real live human being. His very

presence should be proof of his existence. His father, his mother, with

dark circles under her eyes. Vincent himself, weighting down his

father’s arm with thirty pounds of healthy proof of life. What more proof

could they ask? But no, we haven’t proven his existence yet. We need

some private information from his doctor to prove that there is a

person like Vincent Zimmerman.

What does it take to prove that we are Christian mothers? Is it

proof enough that we provide a hearty breakfast for our children? Is it

even proof if we read Bible stories to the toddlers and take time for

family devotions each day? Is it any kind of proof when we submit to

our church’s or our husband’s expectations?

That doesn’t prove our identity. It’s needed – yes, it’s a very

important part, but it’s not proof of Whose we are. Proof is found in the

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private information, the private reaches of our hearts and minds. We

can attend church but privately criticize our neighbors. We can dress

modestly but harbor pride in our hearts. It’s a vital thing to remember

that nothing is hid from God. There is nothing that He cannot bring into

the open.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God…”

Born in 1987, Evelyn is a busy mom of four precious children – Teresa (7), Leslie

(5), Collin (3), and Vincent (7 months). She and her husband Harvey have been

farming the home farm for four years and recently became certified organic.

Evelyn says, “That’s our passion, working and learning side by side.”


Something to Make Me Happy by Regina Martin

“Mommy, may I play with the bubbles?” my four-year-old’s

blue eyes looked into mine beseechingly.

“No, I told you to wait until the school children come home so

you can play with them together.”

“Then, can I look at those?” she pointed to several coveted

books with glossy pages and many pictures, high on a shelf.

“Because,” she explained, “I want something to make me happy.”

Her bluntness caught me by surprise. “Something to make you

happy?! So, do you want a spanking?” I chuckled.

Daughter’s eyes widened in surprise. “A spanking? That

wouldn’t make me happy!”

“I wasn’t serious. But a spanking actually helps you be happy

when you’re grouchy and whining,” I explained. “Happiness doesn’t

come from things, but it’s a choice you need to make.”

Daughter’s puzzled face revealed a mind too young to wrap

around that one. “You don’t understand that yet, do you, Dear? But

you do need to be happy even if you can’t have what you want,” I

finished, stooping to grab up the first load of laundry.

I dumped clothes into the old wringer washer, my mind swirling

like the sudsy water. “I want something to make me happy.” It

sounded so childish. Yet so familiar to Mommy, I grimaced.

I took God’s duster to my heart and found dirt. I am guilty of

whining. I wish my children would straighten up, behave, and stop

wetting their beds. I wish the sun would shine for once in this winter

weather, to dry my laundry. I resent the time-consuming, fund-

hemorrhaging “eternal paperwork” (dubbed so by Hubby) that we’re

subjected to in order to correct the farm’s title.

concluded on page 25 ⇨

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Anniversaries by Julia Hege

I love anniversaries. There is so

much scope for imagination. Serving

Hubby Hershey kisses as soon as he

wakes up in the morning. Wearing the

dress for which he chose the fabric. Breakfast haystacks served on

china plates, because he mentioned he’d like me to try them

sometime. Having our wedding meal for supper with a decorated

table, heart-shaped napkins, and lighted candles. Looking together at

our wedding and honeymoon pictures. Sharing a cup of tea together

at bedtime.

Does my husband like anniversaries? Yes… because I make

such a big ado over them. If it was left up to him, the date would

probably slip by unnoticed. Specific dates, candlelit suppers, and roses

just aren’t his thing.

About a week before our anniversary, I gave my husband a

very broad hint. I told him I like poinsettias. They remind me of my mom

who passed away several years ago. Her birthday was in December

and it was always important to her to have a poinsettia. I told him that

I had called my Dad and told him that seeing poinsettias at this time of

the year makes me think of Mom. And I even went so far as to say that

I saw some poinsettias in the store and I felt like buying one for myself,

but I didn’t. How obvious can you get? Would he catch on to my

hints? I didn’t know.

A few days passed and it was coming down to the last days

before our anniversary. I wanted him to at least be thinking about it. So

I said, “I’m really looking forward to Thursday.”

“What’s Thursday?” he asked.

“It’s our anniversary,” I replied. “I want to make our wedding

meal. I don’t know what you’ll be doing that day, but I don’t have

much planned because I want to spend as much time with you as


Well, the day before our anniversary arrived and Hubby said, “I

guess I’m going to have to study tomorrow for a sermon. Is that okay? I

know you wanted to do something together. I’ll be in the house at

least. You can come visit me.”

“That’s okay,” I said bravely. “If you need to study, you need

to study.”

“Is there something you would like me to get you for an

anniversary gift?” he asked. “I’d like to do something for you.”

“Yes, there is,” I said. I hesitated. I had wanted him to figure

out on his own what I wanted. I did not want to have to say. It felt so

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much like a child asking for candy. But he was clueless, so I said, “I’d

love if you’d get me a poinsettia.”

“Where do you get poinsettias?” he wondered.

“Oh, anywhere this time of the year. I’m sure the grocery store

has them.”

That evening traveling home together, he asked, “Would you

mind if we’d stop in at the store to get you a poinsettia? I’d rather not

need to run back into town again tomorrow.”

Well, this wasn’t really my idea of romance, but I knew Hubby

was doing his best to make me happy. And so we stopped and I went

along in and picked out my own poinsettia. Then I smiled warmly and

thanked him for it.

Because though my husband is a very practical person and

doesn’t catch on to my romantic ideas very easily, he works hard day

after day to provide for his family. He has walked many an hour with a

crying baby at night. He stayed by me and covered for me when I was

at the very lowest point in my life, when we both wondered if life

would ever be normal again. He stood solidly by me encouraging

growth and giving constant affirmation and praise, even when the

progress was very, very slow.

Romantic? Not really. Solid, faithful, and committed?

Absolutely! I’ll take that any day. A poinsettia given without being

prompted by any broad hints on the right day may someday be a

special surprise. But if not, I won’t lose my happiness over it. I have

what matters most. I am very blessed!

Minute Meditations… “And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind…as a shadow of a great

rock in a weary land” (Isaiah 32:2).

Mothers are vulnerable shepherds who must depend on a Sustainer in the wilderness.

A Shepherd’s Petition

My Hiding Place, my Covert, my Shadow of a Rock, I seek Thee as this weary, worn, waste stretch of land I walk;

Defend me, feed me, shade me – with all my feeble flock. -Lydia Hess

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Starting My Day… with God and Distractions by Rose Martin

I got up early, eager to snuggle on the recliner beside a

blazing fire with a cup of coffee and my Bible. Alone with God!

Coming in from the garage armed with wood to start the fire, I

hear the pitter-patter of two sets of feet; my sonnies coming down the

stairs. I groan. No early birds welcome this morning! I purposely got up

early to have quiet time – so I’d be better prepared to face another

day of the children’s grumpiness.

But here they are, both wet and crying. I dress them, tell them

it’s too early to be up, and tuck them back in bed. Jordan is coughing,

so I get him a cough drop.

I start packing Hubby’s lunch. Jordan is crying upstairs; he

can’t find his “cough.” I find it on the bed and hurry back downstairs to

resume lunch-packing. I get bread out for the sandwich and hear

Heidi crying. She’s had a rough week, hardly sleeping more than half-

hour snatches. I carry her down and set her on the counter with an

apple – it actually amuses her for half a minute.

Jordan is crying again. This time he has swallowed the

“cough” and it takes a while to convince him that he doesn’t need

another one. Now Aldon is begging to come downstairs. “I’ll be real

quiet,” he promises. I tell him he can quietly come down after a while.

Hubby appears and holds Heidi while I manage to get his

lunch packed. I look at the clock and sigh. He needs to leave for work

in five minutes. So much for the eggs and toast I had planned for his

breakfast; it’ll be cold cereal again.

“After a while” has come really fast for the boys; they are both

down already. I tell them to sit quietly by the fire while I cuddle the

crying baby.

They both want the exact center spot by the stove. A fight

ensues, and a crying baby gets set on the floor while peace is restored

in this no-fighting zone. Hubby just must get to work, so after quick

good-byes, he’s gone. And this mother not yet ready for the day, who

has not had that quiet time with God, is left with three fussy children.

Quietness reigns at last – Jordan is stretched out on the rug,

looking at a book. I tuck a blanket around him – just so. Aldon has

decided to have school and is coloring at the table with his preschool

books. Heidi is finally getting her heart’s desire, sweetly settled on my

lap. And I am blissfully opening my Bible, coffee mug in hand, ready to

receive my strength for the day.

Jordan’s covers have slipped. He sends out an SOS to have it

fixed, right now! I quit telling him to wait, and just fix it. Back to my


Aldon can’t find his eraser. And he needs it now! Sighing, I

oblige. By now Jordan wants to sit beside Aldon, who does not

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appreciate his presence. Another fight… another ten minutes settling

issues and wiping noses until I am back on the chair, back to my open


I finally kneel to pray. Jordan is teasing Heidi, so I get him to

kneel beside me. Pleased, he wedges in next to me and wiggles,

wiggles, wiggles while I try to communicate with God.

“What’s that?” he loudly whispers, reaching for my prayer list.

Aldon dangles a pair of socks in my face, quietly waiting. I had

told him to get himself some socks; guess he finally remembered and

needs to know if he got the right pair. I nod to him and try to hit

resume, only I don’t remember where I was. Do I remember anything?

At last I get up, close my Bible, and set it back. Devotions?

Quiet time with God? I don’t even remember what I read.

I do know that God has promised grace for every step, and I

am claiming His grace to carry me through this day. I thank God that I

can “pray without ceasing” while at my work, and pray that I’d pass

the test of meeting these interruptions sweetly.

We didn’t get that one-on-one time together that I so badly

wanted. But God is still here, right here beside me.

Bishop William Burt was asked how he acquired the habit of good

cheer which never seemed to fail him. He answered, “Maybe the remark of a child that I once overheard helped me to learn to be thankful and to complain and grumble as little as possible. While I was studying at Wilbraham Academy, I spent a few days with this child’s father, a good man, but a chronic grumbler. We were all sitting in the parlor one night, when the question of food arose. The child, a little girl, told cleverly what each member of the household liked best. Finally it came to the father’s turn to be described. ‘And what do I like, Nancy?’ he said, laughing. ‘You, Father,’ said the little girl slowly, ‘Well, you like ‘most anything we haven’t got!’”

“Something to Make Me Happy,” continued from page 21:

On a broader level, I lack patience with my church brothers.

Counseling the struggling in the faith can prove exhausting. I catch

myself thinking impatient thoughts of the sister who struggles

continuously. Perhaps I think I would be happier if my life was easier?

I told my girlie that happiness is a choice, not dependent on

circumstances. Father, I was the one who needed the lesson today.

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A year ago someone wrote in the “You ask- you answer”

section about taking their child off gluten as a help for potty training.

We were at our wits end what to do with our almost 4-year-old. It

seemed he couldn't concentrate enough to realize when he needed

to stop what he was doing and go to the bathroom. After two weeks

of a gluten-free diet there was a difference of day and night. Hardly

believable, but he went from going through up to four pairs of pants a

day to one! After three months, we put him back on gluten again and

he didn't go backwards. We were so very grateful to finally have a

solution! God bless all those who share in this paper.

Julia Rohrer, Colombia

I really enjoyed Florence Fox's article last time. Our son was

born three days after hers and we moved three weeks before his birth.

I identified completely with her situation! Except it's our washer not

washing instead of the dryer not drying.

Thanks for your time and energy invested in Mother to Mother.

I devour every issue at top speed and then reread for thorough

digestion. God bless!

Tracy Martin, PA

I have a belated concern about the advice given by the

concerned parents on feeding babies and child spacing (May issue). It

is well documented that SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) has

decreased since a national campaign was begun in 1994 that

emphasized having babies sleep face up. Quilts, blankets, stuffed

animals and crib bumper pads in the crib are a risk factor for SIDS, and

“babies who share [your bed] are more than three times more likely to

die of SIDS than babies who sleep alone.” Share your room, but not

your bed, with your baby.

A concerned grandmother,

Miriam Weaver, NJ

“Tête-à-tête” (tāt ə ‘tāt) is a French word

which conveys the idea of a cozy,

friendly chat between two people. I like

the connotation! Please allow us to

include your name unless it truly is a

sensitive issue.

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Our teenage daughters have the privilege of helping various

young mothers. They learn so many valuable things, relating to other

housewives and small children.

But they are troubled by a problem they see repeated in

several homes. Little girls (2-6 years old) delight in purposely pulling their

dresses up in front of their siblings (and sometimes the maid). When

reminded not to do it, they have said, “But my cousins did it at the

cabin.” Generally, if the mother finds out it happened, she scolds


I think each of our children have done that as a small child,

too. For each one, they were thoroughly spanked and then firmly

instructed that our bodies are special to God, and must be kept

covered for only Him to see. If I recall correctly, when handled as the

“crime” that it was at that young tender age, the punishment did not

need repeated more than once.

May God give you courage and wisdom to instill proper purity

in your preschoolers.

Name withheld

I enjoy Regina Rosenberry’s articles on food, being a health

conscious, gourmet cook myself. The veggie bouquet idea was cute,

just what it takes to spice up the little girls’ lunches. Here’s a lunchbox

hint of my own: Whenever I wrap a sandwich in foil to be heated at

school, I decorate it with a cute picture in brightly-colored permanent

markers. Maybe they’ll remember me by that when they are

reminiscing to their grandchildren someday!

Evelyn Zimmerman, NY

Thanks to the writer of “Thank God for Yellow Diapers.” When

our firstborn was a baby, she had problems with constipation and was

fussy because of it. I vowed to myself I would never complain about

messy diapers to change. Now six years later, our third child is teething

and I need to change many messy diapers a day. My resolve has

been sorely tested. Thanks for the reminder!

Carla Amstutz, OH


“Thou Who has given so much to me, Give one thing more – a grateful heart;

Not thankful when it pleaseth me, As if Thy blessings had spare days;

But such a heart, whose pulse may be Thy praise.”

– George Herbert

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Thanksgiving List

A living room exploding with laughter… And sweet little voices from window to rafter…

The warming smile of the man I love… A floor beneath us, and a roof above…

The consciousness of grace…

Blue eyes that sparkle with secrets suppressed… Brown eyes that emphasize happiness…

And a baby tucked in his little bed, Angels watching about his head:

My olive plants in place…

Joy that sings, and quiet joy… Two little girls and one little boy…

The love of a man who is gentle and strong, Whose love is as deep as the day is long –

And as long as we two are living.

I list these once. I list them again, Like the double rainbow; the songs of the wren:

My babies! My husband! A God for me! And love as far as my eye can see.

Echo, Heart, with rich thanksgiving! - Sheila J. Petre