november 2015 the beat - sacred heart academy bryn … · the beat country day school of the sacred...

THE BEAT COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL OF THE SACRED HEART EDITORS Natalie Dowd: Senior Editor Brigid Gliwa: Senior Editor Kara Rufo: Moderator FEATURED STAFF: JUNIORS: Katie Gillin, Caroline Warrin, Christine Anderson, Lauren Palumbo, Mary Rose O’Donnell SOPHOMORES: Princess Rahman FRESHMEN: Mary Dooner, Sarah Conway, Lindsey Dowd, Catie Gordon, Caroline Lewers, Molly Murphy, Erin Hanson What Are You Thankful For? NOVEMBER 2015 The turkey season is back at SHA! Do you know what that means? It means our tummies are ready to enter the ring with the most delicious cuisine of the year! Yes, mountains of mashed potatoes to go around, and pans of macaroni and cheese to be shared by all. We can all agree that food is a big part of Thanksgiving, but do you know what else takes up an even bigger slice of this holiday’s pie? Being thankful. Let’s “gobble, gobble” our way into what some of our peers and faculty are thankful for. Jianni Norris 2018: I am thankful for you bro’ (Princess Rahman 2018). Mrs. Mitsler: I am thankful for the love of family and friends. Marian Rosario 2016: I am thankful for my silver leggings. Lyssa Shopa 2019: I am thankful for Emma Winner (2019) and my mom. Kerri Corcoran 2016: I am thankful for Chipotle. Mrs. Hayburn: I am thankful for my family. Gianna Faia 2018: Friends and cousins. Emmly Cherival 2017: The food I’m about to grub on, and the fact that I am fortunate to have food. Ziann Traore 2017: My family especially my mom and everything I do! Gabie Hunt 2016: Life, man. By: Princess Rahman

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Page 1: NOVEMBER 2015 THE BEAT - Sacred Heart Academy Bryn … · THE BEAT COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL OF THE SACRED HEART ... Mary Rose O’Donnell SOPHOMORES ... and my mom. Kerri Corcoran 2016:



Natalie Dowd: Senior Editor

Brigid Gliwa: Senior Editor

Kara Rufo: Moderator


JUNIORS: Katie Gillin, Caroline Warrin, Christine Anderson, Lauren Palumbo, Mary Rose O’Donnell

SOPHOMORES: Princess Rahman

FRESHMEN: Mary Dooner, Sarah Conway, Lindsey Dowd, Catie Gordon, Caroline Lewers, Molly Murphy, Erin Hanson

What Are You Thankful For?

N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 5

The turkey season is back at SHA! Do you know what that means? It means our tummies are ready to enter the ring with the most delicious cuisine of the year! Yes, mountains of mashed potatoes to go around, and pans of macaroni and cheese to be shared by all. We can all agree that food is a big part of Thanksgiving, but do you know what else takes up an even bigger slice of this holiday’s pie? Being thankful. Let’s “gobble, gobble” our way into what some of our peers and faculty are thankful for.

Jianni Norris 2018: I am thankful for you bro’ (Princess Rahman 2018).Mrs. Mitsler: I am thankful for the love of family and friends.Marian Rosario 2016: I am thankful for my silver leggings.Lyssa Shopa 2019: I am thankful for Emma Winner (2019) and my mom.Kerri Corcoran 2016: I am thankful for Chipotle.Mrs. Hayburn: I am thankful for my family. Gianna Faia 2018: Friends and cousins. Emmly Cherival 2017: The food I’m about to grub on, and the fact that I am fortunate to have food. Ziann Traore 2017: My family especially my mom and everything I do! Gabie Hunt 2016: Life, man.

By: Princess Rahman

Page 2: NOVEMBER 2015 THE BEAT - Sacred Heart Academy Bryn … · THE BEAT COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL OF THE SACRED HEART ... Mary Rose O’Donnell SOPHOMORES ... and my mom. Kerri Corcoran 2016:



As Mrs. McEntee always says, you never know someone’s 3:20pm-8:20am. I took the opportunity to discover students’ after school lives, particularly, their after school jobs. Having an after-school job as a receptionist at a salon and spa, I know the difficulty of working at school all day and then going to work a job all night. So, kudos to these students for their work ethic and earning those bill$!

Ashley Corsi works at 360’s Tanning Salon and Hollister. She describes her job at Hollister as “helping customers buy graphic tees in bulk.”

Chelsea Slaughter works at Takeover, a dance party at Marple Sports Arena for tweens. She describes her job responsibilities as “regulating middle-schoolers’ from dirty dancing and preventing them from entering the ‘Marple Mountain’ unsupervised.”

Zoe Fisher works at the Lucky Girl Boutique in Ardmore. She describes her job as “selling Sugarlips to the tweens that attend Takeover.” Fisher also has modeling responsibilities, as she has to dress in the boutique’s clothes and post pictures of herself to their Instagram. “One time I was featured in a famous Youtuber’s video while working.”

Gabie Hunt works at the Night Kitchen Bakery in Philadelphia.“One time, I had to carry a cake to a car that was five blocks away. I got no tip. It was raining.” During the summer, she works at her favorite place, camp, as a camp counselor.

HILL TALKBy: Natalie Dowd

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Mr. Saylor: My first job was as a freelance exorcist. Just kidding. I actually worked as a server at a Mexican Restaurant in Pittsburgh called Taco Hut. It was like an upscale Chipotle. Natalie: Wow, I can’t imagine you in the customer service industry. What was that like?Mr. Saylor: Horrendous. I got $1.40 an hour.Natalie: What was your uniform?Mr. Saylor: I had to wear a colorful Mexican apron and a sombrero. They called me, “the burrito master.”Mrs. Starnes: My first job was when I worked at the Gap between my junior and senior year of college. I started out at Baby Gap, then eventually made my way to Adult Gap.Natalie: What did your job entail?Mrs. Starnes: I folded, did the cash register, and worked the fitting room. However, I got kicked out of working the fitting room at Adult Gap because I was too honest. I was doing those customers a favor. Natalie: How is this job similar to your current one at Sacred Heart?Mrs. Starnes: I have to think on my feet during both jobs because people ask questions I’m not prepared for.Ms. Heeney: I worked at Sesame Place.Mrs. Tredinnick: Oh my gosh! I worked there too! That was my second job; I remember their slogan being “take your face to Sesame Place.”Natalie: Ms. Heeney, what did your job entail?Ms. Heeney: I had to rescue kids from the ball pit. My maintenance duty consisted of cleaning the bathrooms, but it was disgusting and I totally avoided it. I was also responsible to count off ten kids to each ride; it was like herding cattle. Mrs. Starnes: Working in the service industry is a right of passage. That’s the best first job story ever.Natalie: What did you have to wear?Ms. Heeney: Black Bermuda shorts, a bright yellow polo and white sneakers. SHA girls should never complain about their uniform again after hearing that.Ms. Rufo: During my senior summer, my friends and I cleaned shore houses. In typical Sacred Heart tradition, we would always be so excited if renters left food that we could take home with us. We always tried to see how fast we could clean. Once, I cleaned a bathroom in 3 minutes and it was amazing.Mrs. Fraser: I worked at a daycare a few hours every week during high school. Mrs. Starnes: I’m assuming you can draw similarities between the daycare and Sacred Heart.Mrs. Fraser: Of course, but the biggest similarity was distinguishing the line between being strict and relating to kids and having fun!

Interested by students’ jobs, I wanted to learn more about teachers’ jobs as teenagers. I took it upon myself to invade the land of the forbidden (well, with permission of course) Dooley faculty room, notoriously known as where the DFAC inhabit. Intimidated, I was immediately eased by laughter, as I asked the teachers; what was your first job?

By: Natalie Dowd

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Looking for a new app to lose yourself in or to waste time with? I’ve got the one for you. It’s called Colorfy. Colorfy is an adult coloring book made for the iPad. That’s right, coloring isn’t just for kids anymore! Filling in the thousands of templates that Colorfy has to offer will surely help you relax during that 9th period study hall. The process of filling in colors is supposed to help relieve the stress and anxiety that a school day often produces. Failed a quiz? Colorfy. Get a demerit? Colorfy. This app will definitely help improve your day.

Harry Potter fans all around the world constantly wonder, "Where are the Harry Potter characters now?" And more importantly, what would they be doing on SHA girls’ favorite holiday, Thanksgiving? Obviously, it is a given that all of the characters would be together on Thanksgiving. Although J.K. Rowling has not personally written an article on the characters celebrating Thanksgiving, a girl can dream, right? Of course we know Ron would be around the table, eating, watching George play tricks on family, just like he was back at Hogwarts. Hermione would be studying the history of Thanksgiving, while trying to teach Ron some things as well. Luna, even as an adult, would be curiously searching for new things. And where would the famous Harry Potter and Ginny be? Well, they'd simply be together, chuckling about the way their friendship turned out to be. Hopefully your Harry Potter hopes are at ease,

and you keep dreaming about the day you get to spend Thanksgiving with the Harry Potter family.

The answer to that would be two. After an exciting Freshmen Day, junior, Caroline Warrin, found her car in the parking lot with a flat tire. A group of juniors went back into school to try to find someone to help them change the tire. Mr. Callaghan kindly agreed to help them, but Mr. Saylor decided that Mr. Callaghan wouldn’t be able to figure it out alone. After a considerable amount of time passed and Mr. Callaghan was still in the parking lot, Mr. Saylor decided to go down there and help them. Together, Mr. Callaghan and Mr. Saylor were able to figure out how to change this tire, even if it did take over an hour.  

*Disclaimer: I did not take this picture. I am not that creepy.

By: Mary Rose O’Donnell


How Many Sacred Heart Teachers Does It Take To Fix a Flat Tire?

Where are the Harry Potter Characters Now?

By: Brigid Gliwa

By: Sarah Conway

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Mysterious Places Around Sacred Heart

Located in the bottom of Mr. Kline’s art room in the back corner of the closet is a random unknown cave that no one really knows about or what is kept in there...

Located behind Lori’s kitchen is a staircase that leads to the basement. Not many people know about it. We are not really sure what is stored down there, but I don't know if you would want to. The best scenario would be finding boxes of Lori’s cookies.

Located also behind Lori’s kitchen is another random staircase. We believe it leads to Sister’s room but it is another unknown location in the Mansion.

You never know what you're going to find at Sacred Heart everyday, literally and figuratively. Besides the mysterious and surprising experiences you will have at school everyday, Sacred Heart houses some surprising places. In addition to numerous random bathrooms found throughout the mansion, we went exploring to find other mysterious places…

By: Katie Gillin

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Exchange Spotlight: Tina Tarantino

This fall, junior, Tina Tarantino took advantage of the Sacred Heart Network’s vast opportunities for exchange and visited Omaha, Nebraska. I sat down with Tarantino to discuss her exchange experience.

What was the most different thing about Duchesne Academy than Sacred Heart?It was a lot bigger, as it used to be a college. They have a teacher Conge, which is when the teachers plan a Conge. It only occurs once every 4 years. There was also a pet dog that wandered around the halls. What did you miss the most about Sacred Heart?I missed being in small classes and spending time with my classmates. How similar are Omaha and Bryn Mawr?It has the same climate. However, I experienced a tornado, snow, hail and thunderstorm all in one night. There were lots of restaurants in Nebraska with amazing food. Was it hard keeping up with the workload?It surprisingly wasn't hard. I got to do a lot of the work during classes and all of the teachers helped me out from both Duchesne and Sacred Heart.Do you recommend exchange?Yes! It was a great experience and I got the opportunity to meet many new people!

By: Christine Anderson

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Thanksgiving By: Mary Dooner and Caroline Lewers

Why is it that some people listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving? There is always that one girl who starts playing her Christmas music right after Halloween. Don’t be that girl. Christmas music should start playing on radio stations after Thanksgiving so that we can enjoy all that Thanksgiving has to offer. Can we agree that preparing for Christmas when it is 70 degrees outside is a little excessive? Christmas music and Christmas decorations should be displayed after Thanksgiving so people can take time to enjoy Thanksgiving. Challenge yourself to not play any Christmas carols until your Thanksgiving dinner is eaten and cleaned up!

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AriesYou're one brave pioneer on the 1st and 2nd, because when someone asks you to eat something funky or to try a sport you've never tried before, your first reaction is yeah, why not?! Your ultra-competitive side comes out to play on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, but poor sportsmanship can be a result of wanting to win so badly. If you don't shake the other players' hands at the end of the match, you're going to get called out for it. Go on a thrill ride on the 28th or 29th. You love that adrenaline rush!

TaurusYou really don't like to be told what to do on the 1st and 2nd. You bond with people over general commonalities like work or school on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, but getting to know each other on a deeper level brings out other more specific things you also have in common. Lifelong friends can be made if you put in the effort. Wearing a smile is a more attractive outfit than almost anything else you've got hanging in your closet. You're feeling super-generous on the 22nd and 23rd. A growing romance makes you feel giddy inside on the 30th and 31st.

GeminiYou're just having a good time on the 1st and 2nd, but other people take you seriously. You're The Great Instigator on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, but when it comes to finishing what you start, you're not so good. If follow-through isn't your strong suit, hopefully people will pick up the slack surround you. Your mind is wide open on the 28th and 29th, which leads to an interesting form of free-flowing consciousness. Your visions are enlightening.

CancerAre people staring at you on the 1st and 2nd? You can be a bit excessive if left to your own devices, so it might take a friend to tell you to step away from the buffet or to blink when you're binge-watching your favorite show to get you to stop. You gain inspiration from all kinds of different sources on the 8th and 9th, so pay close attention to those motivating stories people post on your feed. You stay calm when everyone else freaks out on the 26th and 27th, which should win you an award of some type.

LeoYou're surrounded by the popular crowd on the 1st and 2nd, but you fit easily into almost any group of people because of your excessive charm and charisma. You're sure that someone is trying to frame you for something on the 8th and 9th, and although you try to laugh off your paranoia, there could be some truth to how you're feeling. The 30th and 31st are good days to reassess a financial strategy, especially if you're saving up to buy something expensive.

VirgoYou don't encounter a lot of stop signs on the 1st and 2nd, but you might come across one or two that advise you to yield. It's great that you have so many options in front of you but pausing to smell the flowers every once in a while is a good idea, too. You could probably get out of some of your responsibilities if you tried to on the 10th, 11th, and 12th, but you actually don't really want to. You get an A for punctuality on the 30th and 31st, for what it's worth.

By: Natalie Dowd and Brigid Gliwa

Britney Spears Spirit Animal Horoscopes

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LibraDon't ignore that pesky voice inside your head on the 3rd and 4th, because there's a very good reason that it's being persistent. It's easy to want what other people have, especially when you see their brand new gadgets and devices up close and personal, but be patient. Because guess what? There's a lot to be said for working hard, saving up, and finally being able to afford the luxury items you want. The effort is so worth the wait. Procrastination is inevitable on the 26th an 27th, so team up with someone who is more on time and less lethargic than you're feeling! Snapping out of it isn't an option.

ScorpioYou love a good secret on the 3rd and 4th, and for some reason you're a magnet for people who want to unburden their minds with sordid tales of depravity and debauchery. They don't have to worry, though, because their secrets truly are safe with you. So what are these runs about your lack of confidence about? The truth is, Scorpio, that on the 8th and 9th you're the very best you that you can be, and the world should be knocking down your door just to get a glimpse of your fine self. The 28th and 29th bring challenges that you couldn't possibly be prepared for, but your ability to persevere no matter what keeps you in the game. Your competitors have absolutely nothing on you.

SagittariusWhen your friends and family ask you for advice on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, you have plenty to say. Your cheerfulness is the best thing about you on the 10th, 11th, and 12th, so much so that perfect strangers might come up to you and ask you what your recipe is for happiness. You're able to stay positive through thick and through thin, which is an inspiration to everyone you encounter. Good fortune smiles on you on the 28th and 29th, which gives you a shiny, sparkly outlook on life.

CapricornThe worst thing you can hear on the 1st and 2nd is that you don't deserve to be where you are. After all you've done to get here, how can anyone call you out like that? The tests keep coming on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, and you keep acing them. The more people ask you to prove yourself, the more you shine.You don't mean to cause a stir on the 26th and 27th, and it's actually surprising to you when you find out that something you did caused so much drama. It was never your intention to create a scene, but if you did, just apologize and move on.

Aquarius Everything is up for negotiation on the 1st and 2nd. You haggle to get the best price, and you're able to reword contracts and rework deals so they work in your favor. You pride yourself on being aloof at times, but when you meet someone who you have an instant connection with on the 5th, 6th, or 7th it's really hard to play it cool. You have a very unique vision of the world, and the best time to share it is on the 15th and 16th. You may not be prepared for the amazing reception your ideas and opinions get. You have the best of intentions on the 30th and 31st, but the same can't be said for everyone.

Pisces You're ready to ditch the old and bring in the new on the 5th, 6th, and 7th. Whether it's embracing a new clothing trend, listening to a new genre of music, or trying a new food fad, you're up on all of the latest twists and turns, which both surprises and impresses those closest to you. You have the best intentions to do the right thing on the 10th, 11th, and 12th, but there are temptations and distractions around every corner. You have great ideas on the 24th and 25th, but the details are still a little fuzzy. Go back to the drawing board to put the final touches on your blueprints before revealing them to the world.