november 2014

Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 1 ACADEMIC History Creating a New Medina State Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India Venkat Dhulipala This book examines how the idea of Pakistan was articulated and debated in the public sphere in the United Provinces. HB A 9781107052123 544pp ` 995.00 Holocaust Survivors in Postwar Germany, 1945–1957 Margarete Myers Feinstein Stranded in Germany after the Second World War, 300,000 Holocaust survivors began to rebuild their lives while awaiting emigration. Asserting their dignity as Jews, they practised Jewish rituals, created new families, agitated against British policies in Palestine, and tried to force Germans to acknowledge responsibility for wartime crimes. PB TX 9781107670198 342pp £ 20.99 Politics India's Rise as an Asian Power Nation, Neighborhood, and Region Sandy Gordon This book examines India's rise to power and the obstacles it faces in the context of domestic governance and security, relationships and security issues with its South Asian neighbors, and international relations in the wider Asian region. Instead of a straight-line projection based on traditional measures of power such as population size, economic Contents Page No. NOVEMBER 2014 Academic 1 History 1 Politics 1 Law 3 Psychology 4 Philosophy 5 Economics & Business studies 5 Management 6 Sociology 6 Classical studies 6 Engineering 6 Earth and environmental science 7 Astronomy 7 Computer science 8 Life sciences 8 Medicine 8 Statistics and probability 8 School books 8 English 11

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Newsletter November 2014


Page 1: November 2014

Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 1



Creating a New MedinaState Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan inLate Colonial North India

Venkat Dhulipala

This book examines how the idea of Pakistan wasarticulated and debated in the public sphere in theUnited Provinces.

HB A9781107052123 544pp ` 995.00

Holocaust Survivors inPostwar Germany, 1945–1957Margarete Myers Feinstein

Stranded in Germany after the Second World War,300,000 Holocaust survivors began to rebuild theirlives while awaiting emigration. Asserting their dignityas Jews, they practised Jewish rituals, created newfamilies, agitated against British policies in Palestine,and tried to force Germans to acknowledgeresponsibility for wartime crimes.

PB TX9781107670198 342pp £ 20.99


India's Rise as an Asian PowerNation, Neighborhood, and Region

Sandy Gordon

This book examines India's rise to power and theobstacles it faces in the context of domesticgovernance and security, relationships and securityissues with its South Asian neighbors, andinternational relations in the wider Asian region.Instead of a straight-line projection based on traditionalmeasures of power such as population size, economic

Contents Page No.


Academic 1

History 1

Politics 1

Law 3

Psychology 4

Philosophy 5

Economics & Business studies 5

Management 6

Sociology 6

Classical studies 6

Engineering 6

Earth and environmental science 7

Astronomy 7

Computer science 8

Life sciences 8

Medicine 8

Statistics and probability 8

School books 8

English 11

Page 2: November 2014

Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 2

growth rates, and military spending, Sandy Gordon'snuanced view of India's rise focuses on the need ofany rising power to develop the means to deal withchallenges in its domestic, neighborhood (South Asia),and regional (continental) spheres.

Terrorism, insurgency, border disputes, and waterconflict and shortages are examples of some of India'sdomestic and regional challenges. Gordon argues thatbefore it can assume the mantle of a genuine Asianpower or world power, India must improve itsgovernance and security; otherwise, its economicgrowth and human development will continue to behindered and its vulnerabilities may be exploited bycompetitors in its South Asian neighborhood or thewider region. This book will appeal to students andscholars of India and South Asia, security studies,foreign policy, and comparative politics, as well ascountry and regional specialists.

HB A9789384463434 296pp ` 650.00

The Engagement of IndiaStrategies and Responses

Ian Hall (Ed.)

As India emerges as a significant global actor, diversestates have sought to engage India with divergentagendas and interests. Some states aspire to improvetheir relations with New Delhi, while others pursue thetransformation of Indian foreign policy – and even Indiaitself – to suit their interests. The Engagement of Indiaexplores the strategies that key states have employedto engage and shape the relationship with a rising andnewly vibrant India, their successes and failures, andIndian responses – positive, ambivalent, andsometimes hostile – to engagement. A multinationalteam of contributors examine the ways in whichAustralia, China, Japan, Russia, and the United Stateshave each sought to engage India for variouspurposes, explore the ways in which India hasresponded, and assess India’s own strategies toengage with Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, and theCentral Asian republics.

HB A9789384463427 228pp ` 625.00

Historical Legacies of Communism inRussia and Eastern EuropeMark Beissinger & Stephen Kotkin (Eds.)

This book takes stock of arguments about thehistorical legacies of communism that have becomecommon within the study of Russia and East Europe,more than two decades after communism's demise. Itelaborates an empirical approach to the study ofhistorical legacies revolving around relationships andmechanisms rather than correlation and outwardsimilarities.

HB TX9781107054172 256pp £ 55.00

How Voters FeelStephen Coleman

What does it mean to think of oneself as a voter? Whatmemories and anxieties are evoked by the phrase, 'It'stime to vote'? This book explores what voters thinkthey are doing when they vote, providing a uniqueinsight into how it feels to be a democratic citizen.

PB TX9781107601628 278pp £ 18.99

Islam, Democracy, and CosmopolitanismAt Home and in the World

Ali Mirsepassi & Tadd Graham Fernee

This book presents a critical study of citizenship, stateand globalization in societies that have beenhistorically influenced by Islamic traditions andinstitutions. Interrogating the work of contemporarytheorists of Islamic modernity, this book explores thedebate on Islam, democracy and modernity,contextualized within contemporary Muslim lifeworlds.

HB TX9781107053977 231pp £ 55.00

Majority DecisionsPrinciples and Practices

Stephanie Novak & Jon Elster (Eds.)

This book presents the most complete set of analytical,normative, and historical discussions of majoritydecision making to date. While some chapters discussformal theories of majority decisions, most focus onhistorical and normative issues: the origin of majorityvoting in different contexts, and the virtues andpathologies of majority decision making.

HB TX9781107054097 288pp £ 60.00

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Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 3

Order within AnarchyThe Laws of War as an International Institution

James D. Morrow

The laws of war, primarily the Hague and GenevaConventions, seek to limit violence during wartime.Order within Anarchy provides a systematic study ofwhen and how these treaties have succeeded inlimiting violence. It analyzes the strategic logic ofcompliance with treaty law to show the practicalproblems faced by any such system.

PB TX9781107626775 240pp £ 21.99

South Korea's RiseEconomic Development, Powerand Foreign Relations

Uk Heo & Terence Roehrig

South Korea's phenomenal rise has been studiedextensively in relation to democratisation andeconomic development. Through a comprehensiveevaluation of South Korea's bilateral and multilateralrelationships, Heo and Roehrig explore South Korea'srise in a different context, illuminating the impact thateconomic development has had on the country'sforeign policy.

PB TX9781107690530 250pp £ 18.99

The Institutional Originsof Communal ViolenceIndonesia's Transition from Authoritarian Rule

Yuhki Tajima

Why are transitions from authoritarian rule oftenmarked by spikes in communal violence? Throughexamining Indonesia's recent transition to democracy,this book develops a novel theoretical explanation forthis phenomenon that also accounts for why somecommunities are vulnerable to violence during suchtransitions while others are able to maintain order.

HB TX9781107028135 224pp £ 55.00


Disability, Education and Employment inDeveloping CountriesFrom Charity to Investment

Kamal Lamichhane

The book describes how education in particular helpsmake persons with disabilities achieve economicindependence and social inclusion.

HB A9781107064065 286pp ` 795.00

Cultural LawInternational, Comparative, and Indigenous

James A. R. Nafziger, Robert Kirkwood Paterson &Alison Dundes Renteln

This unique collection of materials and commentary oncultural law covers a broad range of themes todemonstrate the reality and efficacy of comparative,international, and indigenous law and legal practices inthe dynamic context of culture-related issues. Theseissues are presented at multiple levels of legalauthority: international, national, and subnational.

PB TX9781107613096 1012pp £ 60.00

Evidence MattersScience, Proof, and Truth in the Law

Susan Haack

With her characteristic clarity and verve, Susan Haackbrings her original and distinctive work in theory ofknowledge and philosophy of science to bear on real-life legal issues. She includes analyses of a variety ofcases and summaries of relevant scientific work, of themany roles of the scientific peer-review system, and ofrelevant legal developments.

PB TX9781107698345 444pp £24.99

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Forging a Convention for Crimesagainst HumanityLeila Nadya Sadat (Ed.)

This book attempts to complete the Nuremberg legacyby elaborating a complete text of a specialized draftconvention on crimes against humanity. It includes thetravaux préparatoires of the draft convention andfifteen original papers written by leading experts oninternational criminal law.

PB TX9781107676794 639pp £ 29.99

Homeownership and America'sFinancial UnderclassFlawed Premises, Broken Promises,New Prescriptions

Mechele Dickerson

This book argues that US leaders need to re-evaluatehousing policies and develop new ones that ensurethat all Americans have access to affordable housing,whether rented or owned. It argues that racialdiscrimination and certain demographic featurescontinue to make it harder for blacks and Latinos toreceive homeownership's promised benefits.

PB TX9781107663503 284pp £ 24.99

Presidents and Civil Liberties fromWilson to ObamaA Story of Poor Custodians

Samuel Walker

This is the first book to examine the civil libertiesrecords of American presidents from Woodrow Wilsonto Barack Obama. It examines the full range of civilliberties issues from First Amendment rights offreedom of speech to national security issues.

PB TX9781107677081 563pp £ 29.99

The InternationalLaw of Migrant SmugglingAnne T. Gallagher & Fiona David

This book, a companion volume to The InternationalLaw of Human Trafficking, presents the first-evercomprehensive and in-depth analysis of theinternational law of migrant smuggling. The authorscall on their direct experience of working with theUnited Nations to chart the development of newinternational laws.

HB TX9781107015920 794pp £ 90.00


Gender Differences in Aspirationsand AttainmentA Life Course Perspective

Ingrid Schoon & Jacquelynne S. Eccles (Eds.)

This innovative and timely book moves the discussionof gender inequalities forward, providing a dynamicand contextualized account of the way gendered livesevolve. A unique feature is the longitudinal perspective,examining the role of multiple interlinked influences onindividual life planning and attainment.

PB TX9781107645196 510pp £ 34.99

Intelligent TestingIntegrating Psychological Theoryand Clinical Practice

James C. Kaufman (Ed.)

A celebration of Alan S. Kaufman's life's work, withcontributions by a 'who's who' in IQ testing, this bookfeatures essays on how IQ tests are developed, howthey have improved over the last few decades, andhow IQ testing is used throughout the world.

PB TX9781107423558 264pp £ 27.99

Rational IntuitionPhilosophical Roots, Scientific Investigations

Lisa M. Osbeck & Barbara S. Held (Eds.)

Rational Intuition explores how intuition is implicated inrational activity in its diverse forms. In bringing thephilosophical history of intuition into novel dialoguewith contemporary philosophical and empiricalresearch, Lisa M. Osbeck and Barbara S. Held invite acomparison of the conceptions and functions ofintuition, thereby clarifying and advancing conceptualanalysis across disciplines.

PB TX9781107022391 440pp $ 99.00

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Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 5

The Cambridge Handbookof Multimedia Learning2nd Edition

Richard E. Mayer (Ed.)

The updated second edition of the only handbook tooffer a comprehensive analysis of research and theoryin the field of multimedia learning, or learning fromwords and images. It examines research-basedprinciples to determine the most effective methods ofmultimedia instruction and uses cognitive theory toexplain how these methods work.

HB TX9781107035201 944pp £ 80.00


Burden of Proof, Presumption and ArgumentationDouglas Walton

The notion of burden of proof and its companion notionof presumption are central to argumentation studies.This book argues that we can learn a lot from how thecourts have developed procedures over the years forallocating and reasoning with presumptions andburdens of proof, and from how artificial intelligencehas built precise formal and computational systems torepresent this kind of reasoning.

PB TX9781107678828 315pp £ 19.99

Individual and Community inNietzsche's PhilosophyJulian Young (Ed.)

A traditional interpretation of Nietzsche claims that hevalues only the exceptional individual. Yet there arepassages in which he seems to value the flourishing ofthe community above that of the individual. The tenessays that comprise this volume wrestle with thistension, some defending the traditional interpretation,others arguing for the importance of community.

HB TX9781107049857 258pp £ 55.00

The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle'sNicomachean EthicsRonald Polansky (Ed.)

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is the first and arguablymost important treatise on ethics in Westernphilosophy. Covering all sections of the NicomacheanEthics and selected topics in Aristotle's EudemianEthics and Protrepticus, this volume offers the reader asolid foundation in Aristotle's ethical philosophy.

PB TX9780521122733 528pp £ 22.99

Economics & Business studiesTEXTBOOK

A Course on Cooperative Game TheorySatya R. Chakravarty, Manipushpak Mitra& Palash Sarkar

Cooperative game theory deals with those situationswhere objectives of the participants of a game arepartially cooperative and partially conflicting. While thebook mainly discusses transferable utility games, thereis a brief analysis of non-transferable utility games.Chapters 1 to 9 focus on alternative solution conceptsto cooperative game theoretic problems, followed bythe issues related to computation of solutions in thenext four chapters. The mathematical techniquesemployed in demonstrating the results will be helpfulfor solving problems in game theory. The authors haveexplained the concepts and results using extensiveverbal reasoning. Integration of theory and practicehelps the readers understand the theoretical issuesfirst and then see their practical relevance. This book isa good starting point for researchers in cooperativegames.

Key features• Discusses the recent developments in the area of

cooperative game theory• Presents an up-to-date systematic treatment of the

concepts including core, stable set, bargaining set,kernel, nucleolus, the Shapley value and the Weberset

• Includes topics like voting games, mathematicalmatching, bargaining problems and computationalalgorithms of alternative solution concepts

• Provides intuitive explanations and illustrations ofmathematical results

PB T9781107691322 276pp ` 495.00

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Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 6

Rethinking Housing BubblesThe Role of Household and Bank Balance Sheetsin Modeling Economic Cycles

Steven D. Gjerstad & Vernon L. Smith

In this highly original piece of work, Steven D. Gjerstadand Nobel Laureate Vernon L. Smith combine datafrom both laboratory and real markets and use novelhistorical analysis on economic events going back tothe Great Depression to establish the critical roles ofhousehold and bank balance sheets in economiccycles.

HB TX9780521198097 304pp £ 35.00


Building Technology Transfer withinResearch UniversitiesAn Entrepreneurial Approach

Thomas J. Allen & Rory P. O'Shea (Eds.)

A group of academic thought-leaders in the field oftechnology transfer analyze critically the factors whichlie behind success-oriented entrepreneurial start-upcultures on university campuses. Using a series ofcase studies, the contributors develop and share amodel that universities can adopt for successfulacademic entrepreneurship.

HB TX9780521876537 411pp £ 70.00


Citizenship and Identityin the Age of SurveillancePramod K. Nayar

This studies cultures of surveillance, from CCTV togenetic data-gathering, and the resulting subjectivitiesand citizenships.

HB A9781107080584 240pp ` 695.00

Classical studies

Art and Rhetoric in Roman CultureJas Elsner & Michel Meyer (Eds.)

Rhetoric was fundamental to education and to culturalaspiration in the Greek and Roman worlds. Thiscollection of essays presents a large arena ofresponses and theoretical formulations about Romanvisual culture within the literature of ancient rhetoricthat has been significantly neglected in normative arthistory and Classical archaeology.

HB TX9781107000711 524pp £ 75.00


Electrical CircuitsAn Introduction

K. C. A. Smith & R. E. Alley

This 1992 book provides a comprehensive introductionto the theory of electrical circuits for students in thephysical sciences taking a first course in electronics.The methods of circuit analysis are clearly explainedand illustrated with the aid of numerous workedexamples. Applications of the theory relevant to thefields of electronics, telecommunications and powersystems are treated throughout.

PB T9781107503298 596pp ` 795.00

Nanoscale Thermoelectric Materials:Thermal and Electrical Transport, andApplications to Solid-State Cooling andPower GenerationScott P. Beckman et Al (Eds.)

At the Material Research Society Spring 2013 meeting,held in San Francisco April 1–5, 2013, three symposiawere held focusing on thermal-to-electric energyconversion and thermal transport: Symposium H:Nanoscale Thermoelectrics - Materials and TransportPhenomena - II, Symposium I: Materials for Solid-State Refrigeration, and Symposium V: NanoscaleHeat Transport - From Fundamentals to Devices.

HB TX9781605115207 191pp £ 56.00

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Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 7

Theory and Design of Terabit OpticalFiber Transmission SystemsStefano Bottacchi

A comprehensive, modular treatment of thechallenging issues involved in high-speed opticaltransmission systems, containing all the theory andpractical design criteria required to optimise them. Anindispensable reference for forward-lookingprofessionals and researchers in opticalcommunications.

HB TX9780521192699 1296pp £ 95.00

Earth and environmental science

Climate Change 2013 – The PhysicalScience BasisWorking Group I Contribution to the FifthAssessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Ed.)

This latest Fifth Assessment Report of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)will again form the standard scientific reference for allthose concerned with climate change and itsconsequences, including students, researchers andpolicy makers in environmental science, meteorology,climatology, biology, ecology, atmospheric chemistry,and environmental policy.

PB TX9781107661820 1552pp £ 60.00

Essentials of Igneous andMetamorphic PetrologyB. Ronald Frost & Carol D. Frost

Concise introductory textbook on the petrology ofigneous and metamorphic rocks for one-semestercourses. Topics are organized around the types ofrocks to expect in tectonic environments, rather thanaround rock classifications. Application boxes engagestudents by showing how petrology connects to wideraspects of geology. Includes end-of-chapter exercises.

HB TX9781107027541 314pp £ 75.00

Large Igneous ProvincesRichard E. Ernst

This up-to-date, fascinating book by a leading expertexplores all aspects of LIPs as key planetaryprocesses, including their origins, structures,geochemistry, geological and environmental effectsand more. Ideal for researchers and graduate studentsin tectonics, igneous petrology, geochemistry,geophysics, Earth history and planetary geology, andfor mining industry professionals.

HB TX9780521871778 661pp £ 85.00

Transnational Climate ChangeGovernanceHarriet Bulkeley et. al

A team of the world's leading experts provide the firstcomprehensive account of the emergence, nature andconsequences of transnational efforts to respond toclimate change, with implications for wider globalpolitics. Invaluable for researchers, students and policymakers in climate change, political science,international relations, geography, sociology andeconomics.

HB TX9781107068698 222pp £ 40.00


The New MoonWater, Exploration, and Future Habitation

Arlin Crotts

This fascinating and timely book provides a completestory of the human lunar experience. It presents manyinteresting but little-known events in lunar science forthe first time and will appeal to anyone wanting toknow more about the stunning discoveries beinguncovered on the Moon.

HB TX9780521762243 300pp $ 39.99

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Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 8

Computer scienceTEXTBOOK

Multimedia ComputingGerald Friedland & Ramesh Jain

This innovative textbook presents current techniquesin computing and communication, developing a holisticapproach to multimedia computing usingheterogeneous data sources in the same way humansunderstand information through the perspective of ourfive senses. The authors describe fundamentalproperties and algorithms, relating these emergingapplications that use multifarious information sources.

HB TX9780521764513 368pp £ 45.00

The Semantic Web ExplainedThe Technology and Mathematics behind Web 3.0

Peter Szeredi, Gergely Lukacsy & Tamas Benko

A textbook based on successful courses taught by theauthors. They describe not only the theoretical issuesunderlying the Semantic Web, but also practicalmatters, making it valuable for students andpractitioners. Supplementary web-based materialsinclude the source code of program examples and thesyntactic description of various languages.

PB TX9780521700368 478pp £ 35.00

Life sciences

Bacterial GenomicsGenome Organization and Gene Expression Tools

Aswin Sai Narain Seshasayee

This book presents a review of the cutting-edgeliterature – emphasising data analysis andinterpretation – in a format that can be accessible tobiologists. Simultaneously, the book provides materialsto stimulate bioinformaticians and computationalbiologists working on cancer biology, mammaliandevelopment and epigenetics.

HB A9781107079830 226pp ` 1695.00


A Concise Guide toUnderstanding SuicideEpidemiology, Pathophysiology and Prevention

Stephen H. Koslow, Pedro Ruiz& Charles B. Nemeroff (Eds.)

Leading researchers summarize research onunderstanding, treating and preventing suicide andprovide practical information for educating practisingclinicians, health care workers and researchers and apathway for undergraduate and graduate studentsinterested in solutions to suicide. It will also appeal tothe University community and lay public nationally andinternationally.

HB TX9781107033238 408pp £ 75.00

Statistics and probability

Privacy, Big Data, and the Public GoodFrameworks for Engagement

Julia Lane, Victoria Stodden, Stefan Bender& Helen Nissenbaum (Eds.)

The book discusses access to big data for city, state,and federal government agencies and legal, socialscience, statistical, and technical communitiesinterested in enabling research on big data. Theauthors' goal is to move the conversation to a vision ofwhat frameworks should and could guide data access.

PB TX9781107637689 339pp £ 19.99


I DiscoverA Science Textbook

ICSE Edition

Mrinalini Pradhan

I Discover is a carefully graded five-level scienceseries for school children. Based on the principles ofchild-centred education and activity-based learning,this series has been written in such a manner thatchildren can explore science like never before.

Key Features• Warm Up activities to recall prior knowledge and to

arouse interest of students• Do You Know? to provide interesting scientific facts• Lots of activities to make learning of science a

delightful experience• Green Tips to make students aware of their role

towards nature• Class Tests and Sample Test Papers to periodically

evaluate the students

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Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 9

• Field Trip and Project Idea to take science beyondthe classroom

• Life Skills to develop a problem-solving approachwhich helps in quick decision making and nurturecreative thinking skills

• Challenge questions to hone higher order thinkingskills

• Points to Remember to summarise the key points ofa chapter

• New Words section to explain the precise meaningsof difficult words and scientific terms

• Teacher’s Notes to provide chapter-relatedsuggestions to the teachers on effective teaching

Interactive CD-ROM contains• Mixed media audio-visual elements to unravel the

world of science• Numerous exercises, pictorial glossary, thematic

games to revise the key concepts• Printable assignments in each level

Each book of the series contains a Teacher’s Manualwhich includes an overview of lessons and additionalsample test papers. Web resources have also beenprovided as additional teacher support material.

PB + ICD S9781107503434 112pp ` 160.00

PB + ICD S9781107503441 120pp ` 170.00

PB + ICD S9781107503489 136pp ` 180.00

PB + ICD S9781107503502 144pp ` 190.00

PB + ICD S9781107503519 152pp ` 200.00

Teacher’s Book 19781107503502 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Book 29781107503557 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Book 39781107503601 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Book 49781107503724 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Book 59781107503731 Forthcoming

Maths MileageStudent's Book

Sonia Khanna, Suma Ravi Kumar& Rudrendra Basak

Maths Mileage is a comprehensive and carefully-graded ten level mathematics series for schoolchildren. The series is based on the NationalCurriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 and theContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)guidelines. The series aims at providing a holisticlearning experience to the students.

The key features of the series are:• Fun Activity to make students understand

mathematical concepts by engaging them in variouscreative activities

• Look Around to help students apply maths in theirimmediate surroundings

• Skill Sheets to provide well graded and interestingquestions on each topic

• Worksheets to provide relevant and activity-orientedquestions covering all the topics in the book

• Teacher’s tips to provide concept relatedsuggestions to the teachers for effective teaching

• Route Map to revise the concepts learnt earlier• Road Ahead to clearly define the objectives of the

chapter• Carefully graded in-text exercises for practice• Alert!, Remember and Maths Boost to provide tips

for avoiding mistakes and solving problems• Mental Maths questions to teach quick calculations.• Milestones Achieved to quickly recapitulate

concepts learnt in the chapter• Formative Assessment (FA) and Summative

Assessment (SA) for assessing the understandingof the chapter

• In-Time questions to solve problems in a stipulatedtime

• Detective Maths for developing multipleintelligences

• Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) and HigherOrder Thinking Skills (HOTS) to enhance theanalytical skills of the students

• Life-skills to facilitate application of maths to real lifesituations

• Maths Magic to make learning of mathematicsenjoyable

• Thinking Hat for developing intelligence• Well-graded exercises for practicing the concepts

learnt• Brain teasers to test mental sharpness• Things to Remember at the end of chapters to

recaptulate key concepts

Also available Teacher’s Manual with Resource Pack(DVD-ROM). Each Resource Pack contains enhancedebook and a Test Maker.• The enhanced ebook facilitates teaching and

learning in the classroom environment.• The Test Maker tool helps teachers to prepare tests

and worksheets to assess the learners.• No internet connection required!

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Cambridge University Press India Private Limited 10

Maths Mileage APB S9781107469761 88pp ` 130.00

Maths Mileage BPB S9781107469785 88pp ` 130.00

Student’s Book Level 19781107469815 ` 250.00

Student’s Book Level 29781107469839 ` 260.00

Student’s Book Level 39781107469945 ` 270.00

Student’s Book Level 49781107469969 ` 290.00

9781107469983Student’s Book Level 5 ` 310.00

Student’s Book Level 69781107470019 ` 310.00

Student’s Book Level 79781107470057 ` 310.00

Student’s Book Level 89781107470149 ` 320.00

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level A9781107469877 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level B9781107469884 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level 19781107469914 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level 29781107469921 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level 39781107469952 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level 49781107469976 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level 59781107469990 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level 69781107470033 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level 79781107470101 Forthcoming

Teacher’s Resource Pack Level 89781107470156 Forthcoming

Cambridge Primary EnglishKate Ruttle, Gill Budgell, Sally Burt & Debbie Ridgard

Cambridge Primary English is a flexible, endorsedcourse written specifically to support CambridgeInternational Examinations’ curriculum framework(Stages 1–6).

The colourful Learner’s Book includes the followingfeatures. Nine thematic units on exciting topics toengage young learners. Activities encouraging learnersto actively explore, use and apply their core listening,speaking, reading and writing skills through individual,pair and group work. Lively international fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts which form the basis forteaching reading and writing skills. Language focusboxes throughout which help to teach and reinforcegrammar points.

The write-in Activity Book includes the followingfeatures. Activities which support, enrich and reinforcethe core teaching in the Learner’s Book, using thesame themes and texts to enhance comprehension.Activities which are designed to build, practise andconsolidate the reading and writing skills of alllearners. Further activities and games targetingspecific grammar and language points, extra writingand spelling activities.

The Teacher’s Book includes the following features. Acomplete mapping grid to the Cambridge PrimaryEnglish curriculum framework. Step-by-step teachingnotes including opportunities for differentiated learningand phonics links to highlight where extra phonicspractice could be integrated. Fully cross-referenced forthe most effective use of the Cambridge PrimaryEnglish Learner’s Book and Activity Book. Over 30Photocopy masters (PCMs) and photocopiable spellinglists. A CD-ROM including PDFs of the Teacher’s Bookcontent for printing and reference.

Phonics is a vital skill children need to make progresswith reading and spelling. Cambridge PhonicsWorkbook A is intended as a foundation stage inphonics skills (guide age 4-5), while CambridgePhonics Workbook B is intended for use at Stage 1(guide age 5-6). The workbooks can be used alongsidethe Cambridge Primary English course or with similarcourses; they are appropriate for children who haveEnglish as a first or as a second language.

Learner’s Book Stage 19781107632981 ` 375.00

Learner’s Book Stage 29781107685123 ` 375.00

Learner’s Book Stage 39781107632820 ` 375.00

Learner’s Book Stage 49781107675667 ` 375.00

Learner’s Book Stage 59781107683211 ` 375.00

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Learner’s Book Stage 69781107628663 ` 375.00

Activity Book Stage 19781107683457 ` 275.00

Activity Book Stage 29781107691124 ` 275.00

Activity Book Stage 39781107682351 ` 275.00

Activity Book Stage 49781107660311 ` 275.00

Activity Book Stage 59781107636422 ` 275.00

Activity Book Stage 69781107676381 ` 275.00

Teacher’s Resource Bookwith CD-ROM Stage 19781107640429 ` 995.00

Teacher’s Resource Bookwith CD-ROM Stage 29781107647046 ` 995.00

Teacher’s Resource Bookwith CD-ROM Stage 39781107628021 ` 995.00

Teacher’s Resource Bookwith CD-ROM Stage 49781107650855 ` 995.00

teacher’s Resource Bookwith CD-ROM Stage 59781107638303 ` 995.00

Teacher’s Resource Book withCD-ROM Stage 69781107644687 ` 995.00

Phonics Workbook A9781107689107 ` 225.00

Phonics Workbook B9781107675926 ` 225.00


Business BenchmarkPre-intermediate to Intermediate2nd Edition

Norman Whitby

A pacy, topic-based course with comprehensivecoverage of language and skills for business, itmotivates and engages both professionals andstudents preparing for working life. The BusinessPreliminary Student's Book contains authentic listeningand reading materials, including interviews withbusiness people, providing models for up-to-datebusiness language. Grammar and vocabularyexercises train students to avoid common mistakes,identified using Cambridge's unique collection of realexam candidates' answers. 'Grammar workshops'practise grammar in relevant business contexts. ABULATS version of this Student's Book is alsoavailable.

PB + CD-ROM E9781107504172 208pp ` 495.00

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate2nd Edition

Guy Brook-Hart

A pacy, topic-based course with comprehensivecoverage of language and skills for business, itmotivates and engages both professionals andstudents preparing for working life. The BusinessVantage Student's Book contains authentic listeningand reading materials, including interviews withbusiness people, providing models for up-to-datebusiness language. Grammar and vocabularyexercises train students to avoid common mistakes,identified using Cambridge's unique collection of realexam candidates' answers. 'Grammar workshops'practise grammar in relevant business contexts. ABULATS version of this Student's Book is alsoavailable.

PB + CD-ROM E9781107504196 208pp ` 495.00

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