novasom | home sleep testing for sleep apnea - consumer ......for sleep apnea, without visiting a...

Consumers Are Aware of Sleep Apnea, But Few Are Aware of Easy-to-Use Risk Assessments and Home Sleep Testing In September 2013, NovaSom, a leader in home sleep testing solutions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA) commissioned a consumer survey to better understand consumer awareness of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), its associated risks and perceptions regarding testing and treatment. Additionally, the survey identified where consumers would most likely go to learn more about OSA. Approximately 43 million Americans have OSA, but 85% of them do not know ityet this syndrome can be deadly. The survey polled just over 500 American consumers, ages 30-65. Half of the respondents were male and half of the respondents were female. Key Findings Awareness Awareness of sleep apnea is fairly high. The majority (77%) of respondents said they are aware of sleep apnea, and many (69%) of them know someone who lives with it. Most respondents (76%) also feel that they understand the associated risks of the condition. Action Not everyone feels concerned enough about sleep apnea risks to take action. Forty percent of survey respondents who suspected themselves or their spouse/partners of having sleep apnea did nothing about it. Those who chose to do something discussed their concerns with their primary care physician (67%) and/or opted to complete a sleep study at a clinic or sleep lab (72%). These results may suggest that respondents do not truly understand the seriousness of sleep apnea and its related conditions. Education Approximately 43 million Americans have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), yet 85% don’t know it, potentially reducing their life span and affecting the treatment of other related conditions. The survey responses suggest that physicians and patients could be having more valuable conversations about sleep apnea and related chronic conditions. Of the 35% of respondents who have a history of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes or obesity, only 48% have discussed sleep issues and sleep apnea with their doctors, despite the high co-morbidity rates. In addition, when respondents were asked where they would go to learn more about sleep apnea if they suspected that they themselves or a loved one might have it, the majority of respondents (67%) said they would speak with their family doctor, followed by utilizing Google (34%) and WebMD (34%). Consumer Survey – Executive Summary 23 % 77 % No Yes Most Consumers Feel They Know What Sleep Apnea Is People Who Suspected Sleep Apnea, But Did Not Take Action 0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 60 % 40 % Took Action Did NOT take Action

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Page 1: NovaSom | Home Sleep Testing for Sleep Apnea - Consumer ......for sleep apnea, without visiting a sleep facility. Interest in home testing options for sleep apnea is high. More than

Consumers Are Aware of Sleep Apnea, But Few Are Aware of Easy-to-Use Risk Assessments and Home Sleep TestingIn September 2013, NovaSom, a leader in home sleep testing solutions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA) commissioned a consumer survey to better understand consumer awareness of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), its associated risks and perceptions regarding testing and treatment. Additionally, the survey identified where consumers would most likely go to learn more about OSA. Approximately 43 million Americans have OSA, but 85% of them do not know it—yet this syndrome can be deadly.

The survey polled just over 500 American consumers, ages 30-65. Half of the respondents were male and half of the respondents were female.

Key Findings


Awareness of sleep apnea is fairly high. The majority (77%) of respondents said they are aware of sleep apnea, and many (69%) of them know someone who lives with it. Most respondents (76%) also feel that they understand the associated risks of the condition.


Not everyone feels concerned enough about sleep apnea risks to take action. Forty percent of survey respondents who suspected themselves or their spouse/partners of having sleep apnea did nothing about it. Those who chose to do something discussed their concerns with their primary care physician (67%) and/or opted to complete a sleep study at a clinic or sleep lab (72%). These results may suggest that respondents do not truly understand the seriousness of sleep apnea and its related conditions.


Approximately 43 million Americans have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), yet 85% don’t know it, potentially reducing their life span and affecting the treatment of other related conditions.

The survey responses suggest that physicians and patients could be having more valuable conversations about sleep apnea and related chronic conditions. Of the 35% of respondents who have a history of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes or obesity, only 48% have discussed sleep issues and sleep apnea with their doctors, despite the high co-morbidity rates.

In addition, when respondents were asked where they would go to learn more about sleep apnea if they suspected that they themselves or a loved one might have it, the majority of respondents (67%) said they would speak with their family doctor, followed by utilizing Google (34%) and WebMD (34%).

Consumer Survey – Executive



Most Consumers Feel They Know What Sleep Apnea Is

People Who Suspected Sleep Apnea, But Did Not Take Action











Took Action Did NOT take Action

Page 2: NovaSom | Home Sleep Testing for Sleep Apnea - Consumer ......for sleep apnea, without visiting a sleep facility. Interest in home testing options for sleep apnea is high. More than

Consumer Survey – Executive Summary

When asked about the best ways to spread the word about OSA, survey respondents saw education from a physician as the best option (62%), followed by social media (55%) and talk shows (37%).

Screening and Testing Options

Awareness of screening and testing options for sleep apnea was relatively low among survey respondents. Most (88%) were unaware of online risk assessment tools for sleep apnea (e.g. the Stop-Bang and Epworth questionnaires), and over 80% were unaware that they could test at home for sleep apnea, without visiting a sleep facility.

Interest in home testing options for sleep apnea is high. More than 80% of respondents would prefer to take a home sleep test over a sleep lab test, with the top reason being the “ability to sleep in my own bed,” followed by “ability to take the test at a time that is convenient for me.” Most respondents also agreed that home sleep tests are easier to administer than sleep lab tests (77%) and provide an opportunity for more people to be tested (93%).

ConclusionWhile many of the respondents felt that they understood sleep apnea and its risks, there is still a clear lack of awareness about screening and testing. As a result, millions of Americans have sleep apnea and don’t know it. The survey results suggest consumers may not truly understand the risks of untreated OSA. General awareness of available tests for sleep apnea, risk factors, and home sleep testing, as well as education from the family physician could go a long way towards saving millions of lives each year.

Top Perceived Benefits of Home Sleep Testing



Ability to take test at my convenience

Ability to sleep in my own bed









Consumers turn to Physicians First with Questions about OSA










34% 34%






Google WebMD MayoClinicWebsite

AmericanSleep Apnea





Physicians and Social Media can Play a Big Role in OSA Education

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%










Talk Shows


Print Advertising

Online Advertising

Education from Physician

Celebrity Spokesperson

Social Media