notice of public hearing the town law of the state of new ... · 9/8/2020  · the town law of the...

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Section 184 of the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Hempstead, on 8th day of September, 2020, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in the Town Meeting Pavilion, Hempstead Town Hall, 1 Washington Street, Village and Town of Hempstead, New York, for the purpose of ratifying and confirming a contract with the Woodmere Fire District for furnishing fire protection services within the Woodmere Fire Protection District for a period of five (5) years commencing January 1, 2015 and expiring December 31, 2019, for the annual sum of $58,373.00 each year, and considering a contract with the Woodmere Fire District for furnishing fire protection services within the Woodmere Fire Protection District for a period of. two (2) years commencing January 1, 2020 and expiring December 31, 2021 for the annual sum of $58,373.00 for year 2020, and $60,434.00 for the year 2021. The proposed contracts are on file and maybe viewed on the Hempstead website, at ALL PERSONS INTERESTED shall have an opportunity to be heard in person in accordance with applicable social distancing regulations, or by written statement or real time telephonic communication, see instructions at Dated: Hempstead, New York August 4, 2020. DONALD X. CLAVIN, JR. Supervisor BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD KATE MURRAY TOWN CLERK ~m#

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Page 1: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Section 184 of

the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be

held by the Town Board of the Town of Hempstead, on 8th day of

September, 2020, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in

the Town Meeting Pavilion, Hempstead Town Hall, 1 Washington

Street, Village and Town of Hempstead, New York, for the purpose of

ratifying and confirming a contract with the Woodmere Fire District

for furnishing fire protection services within the Woodmere Fire

Protection District for a period of five (5) years commencing

January 1, 2015 and expiring December 31, 2019, for the annual sum

of $58,373.00 each year, and considering a contract with the

Woodmere Fire District for furnishing fire protection services

within the Woodmere Fire Protection District for a period of. two

(2) years commencing January 1, 2020 and expiring December 31, 2021

for the annual sum of $58,373.00 for year 2020, and $60,434.00 for

the year 2021.

The proposed contracts are on file and maybe viewed on

the Hempstead website, at

ALL PERSONS INTERESTED shall have an opportunity to be

heard in person in accordance with applicable social

distancing regulations, or by written statement or real time

telephonic communication, see instructions at

Dated: Hempstead, New York August 4, 2020.

DONALD X. CLAVIN, JR. Supervisor




Page 2: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

'L'H I .S /.\CH~.:EMl~N']'' Jndde L he ytlday of ':Ji~ 2020,

bc,t: v1,c,"!"l the TOWN Of' !-!"lP~1'1£AD, · · ·· · a r-r:un1.c.1.p,.1.1 corporation hc1v.i fi(J

i.t.s Pt":Lnci.pi1 L ofLLces al: Hempstead Town Hall, crown [!all

Plaza, l Washington .St~eet, Villaqe and Town of Hempstead,

Nassau County, New York; on behalf of the WOODMERE FIRE

Pr,OTEC'I'IO'.'-l DISTRTC'T', h,':n,inaft.t,r: called the "Protection

Di.strict," and t:he WOUIJMh;Rh~ F'lffE: l)::.S'1'RJC1:", hav'inq its

0rlricipal uf[Jce iJ.L 20 Trvi.r1q PldC<',, \ivoodrnere, NY ·11:::9G .. ·12:lO

~Jas:1au County, Ne,"" York, hereinafter cal 'I ed ::.he "f'

lJepart:ment.. "


WHERl~l\'.l, pursuant to the provisiont, of 1:.hsc. 'T'own

Law of the State of New York, theie has been duly established

in the Town or liempsreac:! (here.inarter sometj.mes referred to

as the "Townu), a Protection District known as the

\voodrnere. liir:e .l'coLecl.:ion l)is!:rLct, embracinq that territory

in the 'l'own described in. r:he resolution establishi.nq sctid

District, adopted hy the Town Board of the Town, and the

resoluti.on.s, _j.f there ,'tre any, thereafter extending nnd/or.·

(J-i.rti:irdsh.'i.ncJ sucn; a11c.l

WHEREAS, after a public hearing on clue notice, the

said Town duly authorized an agreement wlth the

Uist.rict., tor a pt':ri.od of fivcJ (!,) yearc,, upon U1ci lo.r-ms and

condicions herein set forth; and

WHEREAS, th(, consent of. l.he Woodmere fire

Department ta this agreeruent has been obtained pursuant to

s,-•.ct:Lon '.!09-d of the., ConcrciJ Mun.ic.;ipu.1. La1,; ot the ~;rate of

Page'( of5

Page 3: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

Nev, Yc\rK, iind r.hi:;; acin:ceH1e:it l1n5 also .been ,,rnthori:s.e(I and

cont,unted to by Uw Conm1is:.d.(i11c1·,, (;!: t .. lie l\/0odn:1ere f.i. nc.

Ui.;,t.r.i.ct:, pursuant Lo S,:ct.i.on 1i.i6, :Subdivio;ion :.i, ,:).n(l '.l,,ct.:ior,

176, Subdivision 16, of the Town Law of the State of New


NOW, THER_f:'.F'OHE, ,i_ri consideration of the rr,utual

covenants her·e.ir1 conl::21:i.rwd, t:hc Protection D:i.strict docs

,,ngage the F'lre Depart:rneot. to .J:urri:ic;l1. fire and emerqency

protection within the Protection District for a period of

five (5) years upon the following terms ao(I conditions:

The ~•ire Department agrees to furnish

du1·il1(] the· period of thi.,; a,JreemF.',1L, commencinq OD th12 1st

day of January, 2.01~.i and ,0.,ndin9 on the Jl,a;t day o:f DecE:mbc,r,

2019, proteci::.ion aqainc,I: by f:i.:r::e to prope.tty located

wil.hin the Protection District, and l:o protect the Jives of

the inhabitants of tuch Dist,·ict to the best of its ability,

and to provide emerqency, rescue, ·r1rsL i:i:i.d, ambulance i:lfid

eml"l'.'gency medical S(;rv.i.ces and protc,ct:i.on and 2:·e,0;pont10 c:n1d

protection against loss by fire to prop~rLy located wiLh!n

U1e territory of the protection cJi:c1trict; and at aJ.J t:..imes

du:cin,1 the term of said aqreernt'Hll.: l:.o n fire-f:Lqht.i.nq

equipment suffici.enl: .i.n quality and quar,t.ity to meet t.hc

approval_ of tile Ne1✓ York Flo,.t1:d o:f F' Unlforw:c:i.1:er~, or the

T.n,s,1_r-~.1nc~t~ ~)t~r'vice O.r:qar1iz-a.1: ion 1 ()r otht~r apr) a~1(;:ncy,

and. in such man11",r dS w:i.J.J. en:-Ju,:e L:he ri:!tinq ot proper:l:.y .in

L tie Protect . .Lon D.i'.ot.i-i.ct..

SECOND: :·1n c:nnc,i.d,,,r·ari.or, uf furnL,liinq a 1 cl ancl

app,irai: us c1 ,; E, fo:r:e sEtid, t: tw Proi: ec t: .i.on D:L ,,tr icl. w i.11 pay Lo

U 1e E'i.rc Departrnenl:· Ute a1Hl\1bl ,_ium of ;;'.'1fl,'37:J.OIJ .Eur Uie. yec1:c

Page 4: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

property within the territory of iaid ProLiction Distrjct and

collected witll the otJ-1er Tm-m tdxe,:1 by the To1vn, and shaU bo

paid over t:o the F'i:r:c Dc,F>acrrnenr .i,n sc,;,l"i --aru1u2,l paymonl:s, as

necH·1y equal. as Tnc,y be.,, on ·::he first. oay of March and

,Septeniber· foe ·Lhe calendar ysec1.[·::; durlnc~ the term of this


'l'HlRD: (a) If the !:'Lee Department ts either a

t·ire di.stri.ct or a pr:i.vat:c, /'.ire compar•y, .:it hereby covenant.:;

LhaL ·i.:o; ¼•il1 keep all rnoney::i pa'i.d t:o it by the P.r:otc,ction

District pur,Jucrn'l: l'.o t:.his contruct for: Uw pu:cpo,',_>e,s,

i\,.n::hot·.i.zed by la1,, and vii.11 nul. ,:,;pc,nd a11y P<..J.cLion -c.llert:of

except for the purchase and maintenance of fire fighting

imJurcmce of fi.cemtc,n 2nd liabi.l:it:i: in,surance, or ·::he

of such firA fighting equipment or apparatus.

(b) If Lhv l''lre Department i1J a vLL1.i.HJC

ur a fire disU:ict, ii: may pay to the Volunt,20r Fire

Department o.r: Cu1upc1ny under: _i,t.!3 ·)1,risd:ict:ion which renders

L.1-"te C·\ r:(: s1~rv.ii.:~c~H ttJ be :En1-·r1isf1ed t1ex:c:und0:r, a

port:i..u11 of tho cuns.iclf,,:·,,,L.ion pa.Lei he.r'"undr-r in accrn:o.ance

1,1ith ~:;',;iori lti of ::,ecU.un 176 of tJ-le 'l'ov1n J,aw, and

section 209-d of the General Municipal Law.

FOURTH: The P1"0tc,ct:ion DiRtirJ_ct hfereby ag:c8ec, to

p r·ov.i.d<-:! ~ti1<·: bc:nt::t i LH 1·(.~c1,\1 i 1::,;~d Lr.) be provided tJv t:he r1•ov1n

, 1 1 t. ·1- -· tt·,,,,_,_. 'Jc.·,.l.l",nr:e.:~.7:r" \'.'·i rr·:mr.:n 1· ~! Benefi l. Law durirH] the I)U:C~)~ E.:tl ..... u \'. ...

Page 5: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

t.·.einn ot th.i.::, ,19reem,0 nl:., c1nd the l:' U:i st.rice: and/or J:':i.:ce

De1)arLme11t he1:eb1 . .1 i:.i:.•_,rees to ,·i1:uv·1·.de <'.11.·1 I· I · ·t · t · , , , .. 1a:n .. .I. :.y .l.rJSll.Ci'HlCP,

ocher r:1,an for beriefit:s pi,yable by tr1e Protect.ion t)·i ,,it.Tiet Lo

tl1e rn,}rnber:., of the: F'.ci:.e Depa.r:l..meot. I:mn;uant to l.he Volunt .. rc.t-s:r:

b'ir:f.,111en',, taw,. required for thr, protfoct:Lon of its

rnember:;, and t.:o 1101'-l the '!'01,n aud Lhe Pr:otecr ion Dist d.ct:

harmJ,01ss• from any and all cl fc,r ·1 njurv or damaqe to

persons and property a1 .. l sirnJ uut of 11:;3 ope.rat. i 011 1.mdP.r t:hi.s

agreement other than claims for such bencfi~s. rrherefore,

the District/Fire Department ahull ann8ally provide tu

the ~own clerk and the Town Attorney, appropriate

certiflcates of insµrance, naming the 0oodmere Fire

Prot~,cti.on District, afl(J the Town o( Hempstead acl adciitiona.l


FU'TH: The Fire Deparuncut aqre,cc:c; l:o comply .i.n

a.ll resper:.:ts with t:he p,·ovisiona of ~)ection 176-B of the

Town Law, and Sect:iiJn 14 02 of Lhe Not·~For-Prot i.t Corpora t.:i.on

Law of the State of New York, al] of which prohibit

disccirn.ination i.n rnf;mbersl1ip or vulLmt.eer fi.:ce ch:fh:ir:1:meni::a.

IN WITN~S8 WHEREOF, the parL1.ea hereto have duly

above ,n-it:ton.

TOi'./N OF HJ:-;MF:-J'J'EAD on behalf ot it)()Ol!i"I r:H !·,: r'.l i~l< 1-'.HU'l'EC'l' lUN



Pagl! 4 01·5

Page 6: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

STl\Tli OF NEW YORK) ) ss.:


On this day of in th,: year before me:, Ille umlcn,ig.ned, a Notary Public in and !'cw said state, personally appear~d DONALD X. CLAVIN, JR., personully krn;nvn to me or proved to me on tht:: basis ofsatisfrictory evidence 10 he the pers<:m(s) whose narne(s) is (are) subscribed to within instrument and ,iek'.nowJedged to me that (s)he executed the same in capacity, and 1\hat by his/her signature on the instruments; the person orthe entity. upon b'ehal f of which the person acted, executed the instruments. ·

Signature and Office of Individual laking acknowledgement. .

Notary Public



,,-:,:,L 1--- -., On this --e. da.y of -.:.,~- 'l vt c in the yeai· ,,:: . ._,, .Jo before me, Lhe

mrcfers1gned, a~,otmy r;ublic in fmd for said state, personally appeared L/2~i1<·< . ,.. c;,, ~:0 d..1l~ personally known to me.or prov~cl to me on the bas.1s ot sat1stact ry cv1denceJ.'> be the person(s) whose name(s) 1s (are) subscribed to the within instnnnent and acknowledged to me thut (s)he executed ihe same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her t;ignature on the instruments, the person or the entity upon behalf of which thtl person acted, e-xecuted the instruments.

Signature and Office oflndividual taking as:kn,9wk·;;~~;J1~111'.,://:::::;) (,--✓i-/ / ,.,;;:.· /, .. · (...,?;,' ..,. ,..,/·>< .. ~_,,. L-✓-· '---

. (._/ ,<-· ... ---------.

Notary Public

Page 7: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of





WHEREAS, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Woodmere Fire District has entered into negotiations with the Town of Hempstead in order to provide fire protection and related emergency services to a fire protection area more particularly described as the Woodmere Fire Protection District; and

WHEREAS, a proposed fire protection contract has come before the Board for approval calling for the a contract period of January l "t 2015 through December 31 st 2019 at an agreed upon annual payment to the Fire District of $58,373.00; and

WHEREAS, the Board determined that the terms of the agreement are fair and equitable;

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that pursuant to the laws and regulations applicable and in particular to Section 176 of the Town Law, that the Board of Fire Commissioners hereby approves the fire protection contract and autho1izes a representative ~1f the Board to sign the fire· protection contract with Town of Hempstead covering the fire protection area more particularly described as the Woodmere Fire Protection District for the period January I st 20 I 5 through December 31 st 2019 at the agreed upon annual payment to the Woodmere Fire District

of $58,373.00

The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the

vote was as follows: ·


Chairman JudahKarkowsky Commissioner David Stern Commissioner Israel Max Commissioner Melanie Kail Commissioner Ronna Rubenstein

) )

) ) )


The resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

Woodmere, NewYork June 4th, 2020

(5 ·1 6) 374-092f3 " FAX (51 6) 295-32f33

Page 8: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

Go~~,Ct6l GO'~~~\ . (l;JP u~

b0etween the '.l.'OWJ·J Of llEMP~:•1·1,:AD, a m1-,nicipi:'11 r,orpora t.ic,n hi'\

1ts pri 11.::i.rial of.c.L:':e:i di: rh-:mpstead Tow11 Hall, Town f-la.l.l

' Pl.azEl, l \ilac,hi.nqton :,trec~i::, Villaqe and 'I'own of l-lemp.'3h~,-id,

l\"a~,sau Cc;Htnt·y, New Yc>l:J,, :.m behnl.f of the WOOUMERS PIHE

PHOTECTTON llTSfRIC~, hereinafter called the "Protection

Diec:tricL," and the WOODI01ERJ;: J..'l.lH'. IJfStrnr_:•r, having i.ts

principal office al 20 Irving Place, Woodmere, NY ll59H-123U

Nilflsau County, N,;,w York, her:eindi Ler ca 1 Jc,d U1e "l."


Law of the State of New York, there has been duJy established

as the '''l'own"J, a Fir<?. !:'roteci::ion Di.strict kno,m as the

,voodnu~re E'in'" Prol:ect::Lon ·Dis·t:d.ct, emb.rdcing that territor:y

in the Town dc~scr:i.bed in th,, n,tw.luLion establishin,J said

Dist·.r.ict-, adopt.ed L>y U1e '['c,vm Hoard of tlle Trn✓ n, anci thA

resolutic,ns, if U1c.r:c '"re any, thereafter ext.end:i.nq snd/or

ri' ::;uch D.Ltll..1:.ict; iH1d

vrnmu.:A,S, after <, public hccir:i.nq on d,ie !·,o-r:ice, the

saLd 'l'own duly axthorized an arJ:n,,eJt1,:~nt w-i ni' t:lle r'

IJf,parUuenL fc,:c fire protectio,i wiU1ir1 U-1<:, E'.iL:e

Ll.i.,,t:ri.ct, J'nr a period of t:1-10. (2) yed:r:~:, L.ipon UH·' t:erm,', ai,d

cond.i~ions herein set forth; ~nd

WHF'.RP.J.\S, the c::onsen,: o:t rtie v/oodmere F'i re

Depart.rnent to thi.s agreernent !1as been obta:i.n~d pur~_:iU(inL Lo

Page 9: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

Neh' York, ar·.10:. this aqrc~c.::r11t:tnC li_i.'::'l::-1 d b1:~t=.!n aut:hor:i.!..e(.i zind

COrlSt,!ltc,d Lo by the Cornrni. S:-JiOIH,i:·:; () i' the ,v~,c,d111e re E'.L:ct:>

D:isl~.r:ic·t, pur::H.1ant to SE;cL.Lon .lf36, Subr:!.ivi.t;Jon 3, and .:;ection

l'76, Subclivi.,;;ion lC, of I.he 'l'ov,m Lc1w ol" the State ot N,~,..,

N0,1, T!JE:RE:J?ORE, in COfl'.Ji.deral: ion of l:l·1P. mutu,.d

C.'.OVcnant.!..-l herei.n ccr.1tai.ned, the Pr0Lect:.ior1 1).i.EJt.ric-c c.iciet.1

rrotection wi tr1.i.n the L'rotccti.on DisLrJ.ct for a period of two

(:2) yedrs upon the Lo:l.lowi.n0 1·.enns and condil:lons:


_d1Jr·inq t.he period o[ th.i.s acir·(~emenr:, cornrnc,ncin(J on l.:he 1:;;:t.

day of ,January, 2020 and endinq 0,1 t.he :31st day of Decernbcr,

?0?1, prot:.ect:..i.011 agaJ.nst lo,rn by to pn.lpe.rty locaLed

v,ithin 1:hc Protection DisL.r--LcL-., and to p.col:ect t:he . .lives ot

the inhahjtanls of such Dist.cJct to ttie best of its ability,

a-nd to pn:,v:ide emenJency, n::sc1.1e, :fir;c;t aJd, ctmbulance 2-,nd

ernerg-~~ncy medical" service1:1 and protection Dnd reAponsc and

protect:l.on c19binst. los:, hy f·i.rl:, Lu pI:,·,perly Jocated within

the ten::it o:cy of the protection cHstr.i.,:t:., and at aJ :I time!J

durinq tbe term of :E-tid aqn,<'cme11t to'i.n,J

equipmen::: suffi.c:i.e,1t in qual iLy und to mecl.. t:.llf=

,.;ppr-c:,v.-Jl ut thP. N,,.,i York Board of: Fire Undc-rw-c:iters or the

Insurance Service Organization, or other appropriate aqency,

t:he 1:':cotec,.ion lJ.i str.ict.

Tri C()fl!:.i.i.d8rr.J.t:.ior: o.f f11rn.i.~_;h:Ln(J a.Lei a.1td

c1pp2ratu~, a!'l aforesaid, 1:.he L'r:ote,ci::io,·1 ,1.i..l.l pr;,y to

:::tlt:·i F'i.-r:P. [JC:part.1ite11c t.11(-! .~~r111u_;;:1] s11rn ()t ~;i~1H,::i7J.DO f()r r:hL9 y,=.~ar

Page 10: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

:?O?O; ,1~;b!J, -~J4. OU toe L.l1t-: vec.-:.r:· )0;,'.·1.; ::,ucl1 :-:=111:r10 tu b(; .Lev.i.(::!d

taxes by the Town, and shall .be paid over to the Fjre

Depa:ctment in s,o;mi·-anrn:wl payment,:,, as nearly e<TUdl a:~ rnay

ber on th!;.:! EirsL day cit tvJarc'.h r::tncJ f~eptember for the~ c:a.1.L~nclar

ye,,rs durin9 the Ler:m of thici a<JrP-<':ment-..

TllIRD: ( c1 \ '- I lf the E'in:, Depar1:u:1enL Lc; el.U1c.c. ,:1 di.1itr:LcL or c1 prLvaLc fire r_•cm1p,0,ny, i.t her-cby covenantr,;

that. 1s will keep all moneys paid t.o it by the Pro~ectlon

Di.s1:.ric,: pursuant: Lo this contract: fo·r tl1•?. purposes

autl,oi::Lzed by· 1in1, and will not: <cexpend or,y port:lon ther,:,of

except Lor the purcha,:ie, 3nd mainton:incc of fire figtn ·i ng

equJpHk,nT. or· appc1rat1,1s or tor the payntP-nL of pn~m.i.LIHJS foe

.in.suran.ce of .f.i.r<·::"'!ffl(~n and 1•i.ab.i.Li.ty, :Ln::-Jurc ... ncer or !:ho

ma:inl.l.0 nance. of bul1dinrJ or bni.ld:i.rn]c, ucied for Uif, ,st.o.r.a~Je

of such fire f.i 9htinq equiprncnt or apparc,1:us.

(b) If the Fice DeparbnenL :Ls a villaqe

or a f:Lr-e d·istcicL, it may [.:iay to ·tlH~ Volqnteer F.i.ce

!Jepartment or Cornp,rny nndr-,.r: it:.~, j uri::H.lit:tion •rvhich renders

Lhe fi.:::·e p.r:c,t.ect.i.or1 .'.:iec·v.Lc:c.:::.i tc> be, furr1isl'lE.~c! l1c:ceu1_ .. 1cle.r, a

porl·.ion of the ccms.iclerat:Lon pa.L:I hereunder in accor.dancc ; .

with !3ubdLv1,•,1on JG of" ~::e,::r.i.on J'/6 ut' the 'l'm"ir1 Lai,, al!d

~ection ~09-d of the General Municipal Law.

F'OUR'I'll; 'fhe rrol:c,cl::i.un U.Lst:i:-.ict l1er2by i:HJ.r:c.:,,c; Lo

pu:r:,n1c1nt: to the VolL1nteer ~'iremen' .s Ls(,ncfi 1: durir:<J t,ho

term oft.hi,,, d<JCE,c,rnent, and ti,,., t"i,i:-1" ll:i.,0,tr.icr ,inci/(H 1".'.n,

Def_:1(i.r:tmer1t t·i(:!rl::by dtJr·r.:~c:s i.'.l.J p.1"(.iv..Ld~ all lit,bi.lity .i.;.J.~:.iu:c,:':.!nc•:;,

Page J ors

Page 11: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of

ot:her l:han 1=or be1-ic.;Li.ts r,ayat,le by Lt1e Prot:0;ccion Olt,t:r:i.ct [:o

the membcrii of the F'.i re Departm,~11t pur,n.;.ant to. l".11e Volirn\-:eP.r:

r.·Jrernen' s Bf-;nefi 1-: Lr:1w, requii·ed for the p:ri.)tection of .its

mernbers, ;,,nd to hoJd the Town and the Prc,tection Di.:-,tri.ct.

harn,le:'is fr·o111 any and .-J.l "! c.1.aims for .ir1j ury · or damaryi to

persons and property arising out of its operation under this

aqreemern:: o-ther than for En.1ch b,::nefi ts.

1:he F'i1:c, D:i::,Lrict/F'.i.rc Department :3hall. annually proviclP. 1.0

the Town clerk and the Tbwn Attorney, appropriat0

cert:i.f.Lcatet1 uf i.nsu.rance, n,TminsJ the Woodmere F'ire

l:'rocection DLsLr:.i.ct:· and ti"1e Tov✓n c,f t,cmp:,tead a~, i.ldditional

lnsured with .L:i.abi .. l..i.ty 1n,7il.l.Cdnce in .t;h," amount. oY .110 .less

than ($1 mi.llion) oj1e, ndJ.lion dol ·1a:ct1 per pe.r:tJon, (:;;2

ruil Li.on) t1,o rn:LI.Li on do1.1ar·s per occurre.1tcr, 1 and excess

i.nc1urc<.ncrc; in the rrn1bunt cf ($:i mil.Lion) million dollars.

F'l ~·•t'H: The }',nt agrf;,·,s t:.o comply in

all rccipect:3 with the provision;_; of SecL.i.011 17 6-l:l of the

1'01,n T,,iw, and !.'!F,CL.·ic.1n 1402 of tile Not-c"'o.r:-Profit. Cor-porarion

Law of the '.Jtc,tE: of· N1.:;1v York, all of 1-1hich prohibit

d:i.:, ti.on in mernber.,,hip of vo.l1mte,,r f"ire clepa rt'.mErnts.

IN W.i'I'NF:S!J WIIEREOf', the. part: i ""' liereLo t1ctve duly

e.xeclltc1:1 (·incJ de:1 :i.vf.~rf~Ct t}lis l'.~1q1-eement: tf1e d9y arid yE:-:ar fir-i3t

dbove 1-1rll.t.C'!11.


By ------------··············-····--•-·····'"··-········


Page 12: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of



On this day nf in the year be.fore rne, the uudcrsigned, a Notary Public in mid for said state, personally appeared DONALD X. CLAYlN, JR., personnlly known to me or proved to me on the basis of KU1 isfaetory evidence to be the person(s) whose narrHi(s) is (arc) :·rnbscribed lo the within instrument. and acknowledged to me that (s)he cxcclJted the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrnments, the person or the entity upon bt,half of which lhe person acted, cxcculed the lnstrun1enls.

Signature and Office ofindi vidual taking acknowledgement.

Notary Public



On this {/~lay of,/:~·>/< in the ycinr {L.,J. .. -,:, before me, tbe

urfy't'.i'si_g_ne~l, a 1'/ytary ,Public in and for saic .. l state, personally appeared t./ 4 ..,( ,;:_· 'l ./'{ .:t/· /4·-Cl .jJ /:.-, personally known to m.e or proved 10 rne on the basis of satisfactory evidence/t6 be the pcrson(s) whose namc(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrurnent and acknowledged to me that (s)he executed the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instruments, th~ person or the entity upon helwlf of which the person acted, executed the instruments.

Signatui-e and Oflice ofln<lividual taking ac~,;.,i1:6'w·i;l~~?,!J;1-en~>-) / /// ,, / (._, . .-7 /(-;,.:/ / ,.,,/ -

( ,, ~£ _.,,..,. .. • l'?.i',:.' ,, ..... ,JI

~---··... ,,.,,,., '... <.:';,.,,.t.~--·-•' ------------

Notary Public


.. ,Nl,1G. #_tl1 KR46'lli}i24.J,P,.,,Z, {./ MY COMM. Eil.P JI.JNI?: !lb: ·-•r"' - (

Pugi.:•. 5 of:i

... -..............

Page 13: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Town Law of the State of New ... · 9/8/2020  · the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of





WHEREAS, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Woodmere Fire District has entered into negotiations with the Town of Hempstead in order to provide fire protection and related emergency services to a fire protection area more particularly described as the Woodmere Fire Protection District; and

WHEREAS, a proposed fire protection contract has come before the Board for approval calling for the a contract period of January I st 2020 through December 31 st 2021 at an agreed upon annual payment to the Fire District of $58,373.00 for the year 2020 and $60,434.00 for the year 2021; and

WHEREAS, the Board determined that the terms of the agreement are fair and


IT 1S HEREBY RESOLVED that pursuant to the laws and regulations applicable and in particular to Section 176 of the Town Law, that the Board of Fire Commissioners hereby. approves the fire protection contract and authorizes a representative of the Board to sign the fire protection contract with Town of Hempstead covering the fire protection area more particularly described as the Woodmere Fire Protection District for the period January I st 2020 through December 3 l st 2021 at the agreed upon annual payment to the Woodmere Fire District of $58,373.00 for the year 2020 and $60,434.00 for the year 2021.

The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the

vote was as follows:


Chairman Judah Karkowsky Commissioner David Stern Commissioner Israel Max Commissioner Melanie Kail Commissioner Ronna Rubenstein

) ) ) ) )


The resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

Woodmere, New York June 4th, 2020

(516) 374-092B ,. FAX (516) 2.95-3283