notes on philo finals

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  • 8/10/2019 Notes on Philo Finals



    Reference: Catechism of the Catholic Church


    Sin and conversion


    Virtues and values


    The Decalogue (ten commandments)

    The Kingdom of God

    -shows how Christ treat each and every creation

    -manifestation of love and charity without any

    condition in different status (rich, poor, evil

    doer or saintly)

    -No one is isolated from Gods love- He will

    provide when we need it the most-we are invited to share the passion, death and

    resurrection of Christ

    All of us are men who participate in the glory

    of the resurrected Christ

    -if we live out the beatitudes, we will participate

    in the blessings when Jesus Christ suffered, died

    and was resurrected.

    The Beatitudes

    -Charters of the Kingdom of God- what are

    expected from the people who are part of the

    Kingdom of God to possess

    -squarely and justly

    -characteristics you must contain to have a

    personal relationship with Christ

    1. Poor in Spirit- theirs is the Kingdom of



    - for those who lose their paths

    -isolated-who needs most in complying-murderers, rebels

    spiritual poverty

    -the Kingdom is not discriminative, rather, it is

    inclusive of every one

    Parable of lost sheep- Divine attitude-

    even if we have forgotten our duties

    and responsibilities as children of God,

    Jesus will not take us for granted,

    instead, He will do anything to look for

    the lost sheep

    Parable of the forgiving father (Prodigal

    son)- in spite of the things that we

    made against Him (rebellion, doing

    selfish desires, etc), the Father is always

    awaiting for our return

    2. Pure in heart- they will see God

    -sinners who acknowledge their sins

    and repent (cleansing and purifying of

    the soul) are those who have pure

    hearts and they will be rewarded with

    beatific vision


    Merciful- they will receive mercy

    -the weight of ones sins shall not be

    the basis for judgment. We shall always

    be open to help other people instead of

    the normal mindset of blaming them

    - Mercy can be given through grace-

    capable of extending time, knowledge,

    and effort to those in need

    -Nursing- you are able to perform

    assisted to the needy

    How can you hug/kiss those who are sick?

    Because what I see in them is Christ in

    a disgustful disguise- Mother Theresa of


    *Nakuha ko lang sa net yung mga nasa blue font


    "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of


    "Poor in spirit" means to be humble. Humility is the realization

    that all your gifts and blessings come from the grace of God. Tohave poverty of spirit means to be completely empty and open to

    the Word of God. When we are an empty cup and devoid of pride,

    we are humble. Humility brings an openness and an inner peace,

    allowing one to do the will of God. He who humbles himself is

    able to accept our frail nature, to repent, and to allow the grace of

    God to lead us toConversion.

    It is pride, the opposite of humility, that brings misery. For pride

    brings anger and the seeking of revenge, especially when one is

    offended. If every man were humble and poor in spirit, there
  • 8/10/2019 Notes on Philo Finals


    would be no war!

    "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

    If we are humble and appreciate that all of our gifts and blessings

    come from God, we grow in love and gratitude for Jesus Christ our

    Savior. But this can only produce mourning and regret over our

    own sins and the sins of this world, for we have hurt the one whohas been so good to us. One also mourns for the suffering of


    St. Gregory describes another reason to mourn: the more one

    ascends in meditation of Divine Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and

    then realize the poverty of human nature, man can only be left in

    sorrow. When one contemplates that we were made in the image

    and likeness of God and lived in Paradise, the Garden of Eden, and

    compare that to our present state after the Fall, one can only

    mourn our present condition. But the sentence continues

    that they shall be comforted, by the Comforter, the Holy Spirit,

    and hopefully one day in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Mourning in this context is called a blessing, because mourning

    our fallen nature creates in us a desire to improve ourselves andto do what is right!

    "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

    St. Gregory of Nyssa taught that the Beatitudes build one upon

    another. A humble person becomes meek, or becomes gentle and

    kind, and exhibits a docility of spirit, even in the face of adversity

    and hardship. A person that is meek is one that exhibits self-

    control. St. Augustine advises us to be meek in the face of the

    Lord, and not resist but be obedient to him. Obedience and

    submission to the will of God are certainly not in vogue these

    days, but they will bring one peace in this world and in the next.

    "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for

    they shall be satisfied."

    A continuous desire for justice and moral perfection will lead oneto a fulfillment of that desire - a transition and conversion to

    holiness. This is true for all the virtues - if you hunger and thirst

    for temperance, you will head towards the goal you have in mind.

    St. Augustine called the Beatitudes the ideal for every Christian

    life! In his discourse on the Lord's Sermon on the Mount, he noted

    the correspondence of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and their

    necessity in fulfilling the Beatitudes. For example, one must have

    the gift of fortitude so one may be courageous in seeking justice.

    "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."

    Mercy is the loving disposition towards those who suffer

    distress.Love, compassion, and forgiveness towards one's

    neighbor will bring peace in your relationships. We say intheLord's Prayer:Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those

    who trespass against us. As we are merciful to others, so our

    Heavenly Father will be merciful with us! Jesus reminds us that

    whatever "you did to the least of my brethren, you did it to me

    (Matthew 25:31-46)." St. Paul calls for the obedience of faithin

    the beginning and end of his Letter to theRomans (1:5, 16:25-27).

    The following are ways to be merciful to your neighbor, as well as

    obedient in faith to Christ our Savior.

    The Corporal Works of Mercy

    1 Feed the Hungry

    2 Give drink to the thirsty

    3 Clothe the naked

    4 Shelter the homeless5 Comfort the imprisoned

    6 Visit the sick

    7 Bury the dead

    The Spiritual Works of Mercy

    1 Admonish sinners

    2 Instruct the uninformed

    3 Counsel the doubtful

    4 Comfort the sorrowful5 Be patient with those in error

    6 Forgive offenses

    7 Pray for the living and the dead

    "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."

    Moses (Exodus 33:20), John (1:18), and Paul (1Timothy 6:16) all

    say that no one can see God here on earth! But Jesus says the

    pure of heart shallsee God! To be pure of heart means to be free

    of all selfish intentions and self-seeking desires. What a beautiful

    goal! How many times have any of us performed an act perfectly

    free of any personal gain? Such an act is pure love. An act of pure

    and selfless giving brings happiness to all.

    "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children

    of God."

    Peacemakers not only live peaceful lives but also try to bring

    peace and friendship to others, and to preserve peace between

    God and man. St. Gregory of Nyssa calls a peacemaker a man who

    brings peace to another; but one cannot give another what one

    does not possess oneself. Hence the Lord wants you first to be

    yourself filled with the blessings of peace and then to

    communicate it to those who have need of it. By imitating God's

    love of man, the peacemakers become children of God.

    "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of


    for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

    Jesus said many times that those who follow Him will be

    persecuted. "If they persecute me, they will persecute you" (John

    15:20-21). Stephen, Peter and Paul, nearly all of the Apostles, and

    many Christians in the Roman era suffered martyrdom.

    Oppressive governments and endless conflicts in the last one

    hundred years, such as World Wars I and II, and the Middle East

    Wars in Iraq, Egypt, and Syria have seen their share of martyrs,

    such as Maximilian Kolbe, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Latin American

    martyrs, and Middle East Christians. The Central American

    Martyrs include the 38 recognized martyrs of La Cristiada, the

    Cristero War from 1926 to 1929, when the Mexican government

    persecuted priests of the Catholic Church, such as St. Christopher

    Magallanes, St. Toribio Romo Gonzalez, and the 14 year old

    martyr Blessed Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio. St. Maximilian Kolbe

    offered his life in place of a stranger at the Auschwitz death
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    camps on August 14, 1941. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran

    pastor who was hung on April 9, 1945 for condemning the

    leadership of Hitler in Nazi Germany. Another Central American

    martyr was Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, who was

    assassinated while saying Mass at Divine Providence Hospital on

    March 24, 1980 for speaking out against government human

    rights violations. Middle Eastern Christians have suffered severe

    persecution since the Iraq War. At least 58 Christians were

    slaughtered at Sunday Mass at Our Lady of SalvationSyriacEastern Catholic Church in Baghdad on October 31, 2010.

    The present turmoil in Syria has left 500,000 Christian refugees

    displaced from their homes, having fled to Jordan, Lebanon, and

    other Middle Eastern countries. But the Lord promised those that

    suffer for his sake will be rewarded with the Kingdom of Heaven!


    -reality present in everyone

    -a choice

    -transgression of the law-threat to our relationship with God, human

    society, environment and self

    Severancy-cutting off

    OBJECT- God, others, self environment

    GRAVITY-venial; mortal

    Mental complacencies- sins that cannot be

    known by other people

    -bad/impure thoughts

    -Sins become grater if you share what you have

    seen to others- being a source of scandal

    Cooperational sin-inviting others to cooperate

    in evil

    CAPITAL SINS- source of many other sins














    PRIDE- highlights ones self alone- self-centered

    Insensitive- so much focus to self; no

    time for society


    Judgmental-theyll do their best to

    pull others down (Crab mentality)

    Intellectual pride- not verbalized

    -thinks of own progress alone

    and not wanting the progress of others

    -cannot accept circumstances

    so they will wish for

    unfortunate things to happen

    to others

    -pride begets envy

    GLUTTONY- excessive desire to food and liquid-

    people become less sensitive of others

    ENVY-hidden desire of becoming just like other

    people- leads to doing evil things like stealing

    ANGER- good if it shows your character and let

    others to learn

    -Wrath- not reasonable- those who highlights

    own emotion- i.e. when you are tired you

    become impatient

    -the psychology of anger is when you dont do

    anything about it, it will grow until the time

    comes that you cant control it anymore

    Management: say no to that nagging anger so

    you wont cause trouble

    - bitterness/ resentmentrevenge

    GREED-exessive desire especially for walth or


    LUST-personal satisfaction




    According to object- object of act


    According to virtue opposed- i.e. greed

    is against charity and justice


    According to commandment violated


    Spiritual-sin is destroying our

    relationship with God

    Carnal- sin gives way to human

    nature- mental complacencies
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    Source: thoughts, words, deeds-

    responsibilities that we forget/take for



    Mortal sin- i.e. stealing-

    demands confession and


    Venial sin- can be forgiven by a

    good act with the intention of


    Grave sin-vice on the onset

    (done often)- i.e. cursing,



    >Death penalty- deprives sinners to change

    their life and make their retribution


    -separation/destruction of relationship with

    God and other people

    -weakens personality

    -leads to undesired things/discovered


    -lessening of responsibility regarding things we

    do- to the extent that we commit sin without

    worrying of getting caught or corrected

    Have the guts to refuse what a sinful world



    -grace that allows a person to do good and to

    give ones best

    -strengthen our journey towards perfection

    -operative good habit-constant repetition


    -important quality- automatic- does

    things without second thoughts

    -comes from the heart



    Theological- comes from the holy



    -we, as human beings,

    cant fully comprehend

    these virtues

    FAITH- I will be with you- based on scriptures

    -believing (cognitive)


    -doing (actuating and living the faith

    that you have)

    LOVE/CHARITY- to love if the primary duty of

    every believer (New Testament)

    -love your neighbor as you love



    Cardinal- cardo cardinisHinge-

    leads us to many other virtues

    -human virtue acquired

    by constant repetition


    Prudence- tactfulness-

    discerning the good in different


    Is this what I have to do rightnow?

    Is this the will of God that He

    wants me to perform?

    -shows us the

    importance of who/what

    deserves our


    -not about doing what

    we want- it is about doing

    things at the right time in the

    right place and to those who

    are in extreme needs with the

    right intention


    b. Justice- firm ad constant

    determination to do what is

    due/fair/just to God and to


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    -work for it because it is

    not easily acquired


    -something common- among people of

    the same status (as a student/parent/worker)


    -people with power or authority

    (Mayors, senators, parents)


    -political, economic and cultural life of

    people- citizens of a particular country


    -people who have been accused or


    -giving back dignity and time lost tothose who were punished

    INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE- based on Geneva,


    -groups of people that committed crime

    against humanity- killed a lot of people

    CHANGE- what is expected from each of us

    Conversion-leaving behind something for

    something else

    -Metanoia- change of heart-how wedescribe the heart is how we describe the


    -Moral change

    -renewal- our potentials should be used

    to do something-takes time

    -leave behind old self; start

    walking towards perfection

    -once the heart is transformed,

    everything else will follow(the

    way we think, communicate,



    -a call to grace- has been given to us but

    we forgot about it; helps in path towards


    -a journey from, a journey to- by the

    power of the Holy Spirit

    -we do not

    have the

    capacity to

    change on our

    own, we need

    the help of the

    Holy Spirit

    -heart is a criterion of change-center of every




    Interior penance- accept the truth that

    you have sinned

    -giving up the sins thatcontrol and drag us

    down- i.e. anger,


    -surrender everything

    to the Lord and allow Him to take over


    Inner conversion


    A turning away from- past

    Parable of the lost coin- I am happy

    because they were lost but now they

    are found Parable of the good shepherd

    Parable of the merciful father

    >Leave behind the past

    >Go back to the sanctifying grace

    >Go back to the Father

    VALUES: The PhilosophyFilipino values:


    Hospitalityo Bayanihan spirit

    o Crab mentality

    o Maana habit

    o Pilipino time


    Ningas-kugon mentality


    Palabra de honor


    Bahala na

  • 8/10/2019 Notes on Philo Finals


    o Colonial mentality

    o Delicadeza

    Crab mentality- those who do not know their

    own strengths/ weaknesses

    -highlights a negative

    understanding on what he/she is

    -limits self; closing and

    building walls instead of bridges

    -person with ambition vs

    person whos contented with situation

    This is who I am and you have to take me as I

    am- too proud- they will not work on their





    Maana habitBahala naFilipino time

    -Importance of preparation and


    -studies show that people who succeed

    have ample time for preparation then

    have relaxation afterwards

    Ningas-kugon mentality

    -waste energy at the start and as time

    goes by, we go back to our old habits

    >maintenance and sustenance-if we have to start a venture, we have

    to make sure that we are able to maintain and

    sustain that venture

    Palabra de honor

    -lack of commitmentbroken

    promisesruins friendship, dignity, integrity

    Colonial Mentality

    -Philippines has become a dumping site

    for second hand items etc



    Keep the commandments.

    >by obeying, we signify the unity and solidarity

    Organic unity- all believers are invited to obey

    as one

    To transgress one commandment is to infringe

    on the whole law

    -because if you cannot be faithful in doing the

    little things, how can you be faithful in heavier


    Life is not simply knowing; it has got to do

    about practicing what you know..Sir Maisog,
