notes on history of india

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  • 8/13/2019 Notes on History of India


    NOTES ON HISTORY OF INDIA______________________________________________

    [Reproduced from the handwritten manuscriptsed.]

    More important for the history of India were the conquests of the Sakas and

    Yueh-chih, nomad tries of !entra" #sia simi"ar to the modern $urkomans%[f1]$he

    former are first heard of in the asin of the ri&er 'i, and ein( dis"od(ed y the

    ad&ance of the Yueh-chih mo&ed southwards reachin( north-western India aout

    )*+ . !. 'ere they founded many sma"" principa"ities, the ru"ers of which appear to

    ha&e admitted the suerainty of the arthians for sometime and to ha&e orne the

    tit"e of Satraps. It is c"ear that western India was parce""ed out amon( forei(n princes

    ca""ed Sakas, Ya&anas, or a""a&as whose frontiers and mutua" re"ations were

    constant"y chan(in(. $he most important of these principa"ities was known as the

    /reat Satrapy which inc"uded Surashtra 01athiawar2 with ad3acent parts of themain"and "asted unti" aout 45*#.6.

    $he Yueh-chih started westwards from the frontiers of !hina aout )++ . !.

    and, dri&in( the Sakas efore them, sett"ed in actria. 'ere 1adphises, the chief of

    one of their tries, ca""ed the 1ushans, succeeded in imposin( his authority on the

    others who coa"esced into one nation henceforth known y the tria" name. $he

    chrono"o(y of the 1ushan 7mpire is one of the &e8ed questions of Indian history and

    the dates (i&en e"ow are stated positi&e"y on"y ecause there is no space for

    adequate discussion and are (i&en with some scepticism, that is desire for more

    know"ed(e founded on facts. 1adphises I 0c. )*-9* #. 6.2 after conso"idatin( his7mpire "ed his armies southwards, conquerin( 1au" and perhaps 1ashmir. 'is

    successor 1adphises II 0c. 9*-:; #. 6.2 anne8ed the who"e of north-western India,

    inc"udin( northern Sind, the un3a and perhaps enares. $here was aconsidera"e

    trade etween India and the Roman 7mpire at this period and an emassy was sent

    to $ro3an, apparent"y y 1anishka 0c. :;-)

  • 8/13/2019 Notes on History of India


    ?i(ht returns with the rise of the /upta dynasty, which rou(h"y marks the

    e(innin( of modern 'induism and of a reaction a(ainst uddhism. $hou(h nothin(

    is known of the fortunes of ata"i-putra, the ancient imperia" city of the Mauryas,

    durin( the first three centuries of our era, it continued to e8ist. In 4

  • 8/13/2019 Notes on History of India


    6ra&idian countries as Dninhaited or ararius. 7&en the c"assica" writers of

    7urope had some know"ed(e of them. 1in( andion 0andya2 sent a mission to

    #u(ustus in rom an ear"y period

    the e8treme south of the peninsu"a was di&ided into three states known as the

    andya, !era and !o"a kin(doms[f7] $he first corresponded to the districts of

    Madura and $inne&e""y. !era and 1era"a "ay on the west coast in the modern

    $ra&ancore. $he !o"a country inc"uded $an3ore, $richinopo"y, Madras, with the

    (reater part of Mysore. >rom the si8th to the ei(hth century #. 6. a fourth power was

    important, name"y the a""a&as, who apparent"y came from the north of the Madras

    presidency. $hey had their capita" at !an3ee&aram and were (enera""y at war with

    the three kin(doms. $heir kin(, Aarasimha-=arman 0C

  • 8/13/2019 Notes on History of India


    dynasties known as !ande"s and 1a"acuris. $he former are thou(ht to ha&e een

    ori(ina""y /onds. $hey were (reat ui"ders and constructed amon( other

    monuments the temp"es of1ha3urao. 1ird&arman !hande" 0)+95-))++2 (reat"y

    e8tended their territories. 'e was a patron of "earnin( and the a""e(orica" drama

    raodhacandrodaya was produced at his !ourt.

    9. $he aramara 0awar2 dynasty of Ma"wa were -"ikewise ce"erated as patrons

    of "iterature and kin(s Mun3a 05:9-55*2 and ho3a 0)+);-)+C+2 were authors as we""

    as successfu" warriors.


    Saka Period

    #ccordin( to =incent Smith, after first adoptin( #. 6. :; which appeared the most

    proa"e, fina""y chose )

  • 8/13/2019 Notes on History of India


    annihi"ated y the Satakarni and it was the former which arran(ed it, when

    Rodraman, the Satrap of D33ayni conquered the #ndhra 1in(. $he anta(onism

    etween the eastern western states seems to ha&e een accompanied y a

    difference of idea"s. $he Sakas, "ike a"" the Scythians of India or Serindia, such as

    the $horkhans, retained from their forei(n ori(in a sympathy for uddhism, whereas

    the #ndhras were keen supporters of rahmanism.

    The Guptas

    $he e&ents of the third century are unknown to history and we ha&e &ery, "itt"e

    information aout the 1ushan empire.

    6ay "i(ht returns in 4);-)5, when there arises in the o"d country of Ma(adha a

    new dynasty-/upta.

    $he /uptas-!handra(upta II conquered the country of Ma"&as, /u3rathand

    Surashtra 01athiwar2 o&erthrowin( the )st (reat Satrap of the Saka dynasty of D33ain.

    #s an e8tension of his territory westward he made #yodhya and 1ausami his

    capita"s instead ofata"iputra. #out )** 0.!.2 he conquered the who"e of the "ower

    Indus and 1athewar, wa(ed war in Ra3putana, and Gudh ut took Mathura 0Muttra2

    on the @umna, and e&en reached ata"iputra. .

    'e was se&ere"y defeated y ushyamitra 0J2. actriana was at "east in the

    north, a arrier etween arthia and India. India was therefore "ess e8posed to

    attack from arthia. Ae&erthe"ess, there was at "east one arthian ru"er, Mithradates

    )0):)-)4C2 who anne8ed the country of $a8i"a for a few years, aout )4;.

    End o the independen!e o Parthia and "a!tria

    $he e&ent that put an end to the independence of arthia and actria was a new

    in&asion, resu"tin( from a mo&ement of tries, which had taken p"ace far away from

    India in the Mon(o"ian steppes.

    #out ):+ 0.!.2 a horde of nomadic Scythians, the Yuch-chi or $okharians,

    ein( dri&en from /oi, the present 1ansu, y the 'ian(-nu or 'uns, started on a

    wi"d mi(ration which upset the who"e a"ance of #sia.

    $hey fe"" on the Sakas, who were Iranianised Scythians dwe""in( north of the

    ersion empire and sett"ed in their (rain( (rounds north of the @aartes. $he

    e8pe""ed Sakas fe"" on arthia and actriana, o"iteratin( the "ast &esti(es of /reek

    ru"e, etween )9+ and )

  • 8/13/2019 Notes on History of India


    uncertain dates etween *: . !. and #. 6.

  • 8/13/2019 Notes on History of India


    #tti"a. #fter a ha"t in the &a""ey of the G8us they took possession of ersia and 1au".

    Skanda(upta had dri&en them off for a few years 09** #. 6.2 ut after they had s"ain

    >iro the Sassanid in 9;9, no Indian state cou"d stop them. Gne of them, named

    $oramana, esta"ished himse"f amon( theMa"a&as in *++ and his son Mihir(u"a set

    up his capita" at Sako"0Sia"kot2 in the un3a.

    # nati&e prince Yeshodharman shook off the yoke of Mihir(u"a. $he e8pu"sion of

    the 'uns was not quite comp"ete e&erywhere. # (reat many resided in the asin of

    the Indus.

    #t the e(innin( of the :th century a power arose from the chaos in the sma""

    principa"ity of Sthan&is&ara 0$haneshwar, near 6e"hi2. 'ere a coura(eous Ra3a

    rahakar =ardhan or(anised a kin(dom, which showed its mett"e a(ainst the

    /ur3ars, the Ma"was and other nei(hourin( princes. Short"y after his death in C+9 or

    C+* his e"dest son was murdered y the orders of the kin( of/auda in en(a". $he

    power fe"" to his youn(er rother 'arsha.