notes - contract costing

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  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing



  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing



    • Definition

    • Characteristics of contract costing

    • Contract terminology• Construction In Process account

    • Contractee account

    • Statement of Financial Position(extract)

    • Calculation of estimated profit

    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 2

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing



    • Contract costing :

     – Is a form of specific order costing, attribution

    of costs to individual contracts. (CIMA

    terminology) – Usually applies to major long term contracts

    rather than short term jobs.

    • E.g: civil engineering contracts for buildinghouses, roads, bridges and so on.

    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 3

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing



    • Job to be carried out is large in value

    • Job takes a longer duration of time to complete,

    normally more than one accounting period.

    •  A contract account (Construction in Process Ac)is maintained for each contract undertaken

    • Similar to job costing, except different in size,

    undertaken to customer special requirement.

    • Site oriented, frequently construction work

    • Higher proportion of direct costs and low

    overhead costs.

    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 4

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing





    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 5




    Do other supporting jobs

    The party/person who produces

    product required by customer  The customer who orders jobto be done by contractor.

    Certified and valued work done

    by contractor 

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing


    Contract terminology

    terminology definition

    Progress billing @

    Value of work certified

    Value of ‘work done to date’ comfirmed by the surveyor or

    architect. They will state the sales value of the work which

    has been completed to date.

    Progress payment Interim payment made by contractee as the contract

    proceeds. Basis of payment is an architect certificate of

    work satisfactorily completed.

    Cost of work certified It is the cost of sales where this cost is being confirmed byarchitect or surveyor on the day when the value of work

    certified is being confirmed

    Cost of work


    Represent the unexpired cost of the current period and only

    become expired on the next period

    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 6

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing


    Contract terminology

    terminology definition

    Contract Revenue /


    Is the turnover or sales value of the contract. This will be

    claimed by the contractor from the buyer. Contract revenue

    may or may not be the same as the value of work certified.

    Retention money An amount of money withheld by contractee in order to

    secure himself against any defect or incomplete work. The

    retention money is normally paid when the contract is fully


    Cost of work done to

    date (COWDTD)

    Cost incurred by a certain stage of work at a certain period

    of time.Estimated future cost Budgeted cost that needs to be incurred in completing the


    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 7

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing


    Accounts and Statement

    • Construction In Process Account

    • Contractee Account

    • Statement of Financial Position (SOFP)


     – Determination of WIP (Work InProgress)

    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 8

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing


    Construction In Process Account

    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 9

    Material issued from store XXMaterial bought at site XX

    Plant at (cost or NBV1) XX

    Wages paid XX

    Wages accrued c/d XX

    Direct expenses XX

    Sub-contractor charges XX

    Head office charges XX

    Expenses accrued c/d XX

    COWDTD b/d XX

     Attributable profits XX

    Material at site b/d XX

    Plant at book value (b/d) XX

    Expenses prepaid b/d XX

    Material return to store XXMaterial at site c/d XX

    Material return to supplier XX

    Plant at NBV2 (c/d) XX

    Expenses prepaid XX

    COWDTD c/d XX

    Contract revenue XX

    Wages accrued b/d XX

    Expenses accrued b/d XX

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing


    Contractee account (Acc Receivable)

    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 10

    Progress billing @

    Value of work certified XX


    Cash/ bank XX

    Bal c/d (retention money) XX


    Balance c/d XX


    Contractee XX


    Progress Billing account

    •Contractor will bill the customer from time to time according to an agreed

    schedule.•When the contractee is billed, the “Contractee Account” (also knows as

     Account Receivable) is debited & “Progress B i l ling Accou nt will be


  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing


     Attributable Profit

    • Calculation of profit attributed to each accountingperiod.

    • 2 methods:

    • Loss on contract

    If a loss can be estimated to result when the

    contract is completed, the whole amount of loss

    must be taken into account in the period when the

    loss is estimated.

    Fazrul Hanim@UiTM JOHOR 11

    Cost Basis Surveys of work performed

  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing


    Work In Progress (WIP)

    • In order to prepare the balance sheet, we have to determine the value ofWIP.

    • WIP will be valued at the accumulated costs for each period until the

    contract is completed.


    Cost of work done to date XX

    (+) attributable profit XX

    (-) Forseeable losses XX

    Costruction in progress b/d  A(-) Progress payment received/ Value of Work certified


    WIP B

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  • 8/18/2019 Notes - Contract Costing


    Work In Progress (WIP)

    • Figure (A): If (A) is negative, do not proceed to (B). Theamount obtained (negative A) should be shown in the SOFP

    under liabilities as “Provision for liabilities and charges”. In

    this case, there is no WIP in the Balance Sheet.

    • Figure (B): If (B) is negative, the amount should be shown in

    the SOFP under liabilities as part of creditors. This amount

    represents the excess of progress billing over WIP.

    • If (B) is positive, this value will be shown in the SOFP under

    Current Assets as WIP.

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