nostratic and altaic - alexander vovin

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  • 8/9/2019 Nostratic and Altaic - Alexander Vovin




    Uп iversty о / Hawai'i

    at М а п о а , Hoп olulu

    Snce the first volume of Ш iсh-Svityсh's Opyt sravneniia nostratichekikh

    iazykov [An attemptto compareNostratic languages] appearedin 1971, it has

    continuousy Ь ее n greeted with criticism (Clauson 1973, Andronov 1982,

    Serebrennikov 1982, Shcherbak 1984, Vine 1991). The only postive eva1uation

    of theNostratic theory comingfrom outsdeof Nostratic са т р seems to beong

    to Manaster Ramer (1993, 1994). Despite the fact, demonstratedin thenegative

    reviews, that тanу of the etymologies proposed Ь у Ш i сh-Svi tу сh сan ь е

    dismissed, thetask of eva1uatingtheNostratic theory in genera1remains largey

    unaccompli shed(ManasterRamer 1994:157).

    Т he goa1 of this article is three-fold: first, 1 intend to demonstrate that

    Nostratic theory cannot ь е dismissed out of hand Ь у а responsble historica1

    linguist as something not beng worthy further discusson; second, that much

    remainsto ь е donewithin theNostratic macrofarnily,particularly in thearea of

    assessment of its intema1structureand classfication, and third, as the title

    shows, 1intend to investigate whether Altaic should ь е included in Nostratic or



    1will investigatein thisarticletheintеп еlа tiо nshiр s of threemembersof the

    Nostratic farnily: Altaic, Indo-European,and Uralic. Т hechoiceof Altaic is due

    tothefact that т у linguistic interestsareconnectedmostly with theAltaic farnily,

    especia11ywith its Eastern members:Japanese, Korean, and Manchu-Tungusc.

    Besdes, 1have someknowledge of Indo-Europeanand moreof Ura1ic. These

    threebranches of Nostratic, as proposed Ь у Ш ich-Svitус h, cover the Northern

    area of Eurasa. Meanwhile, ту expertise in three Southern Nostratic

    branches: Afroasatic, Kartveian, and Dravidian is pretty much close to zero,

    and that naturally100т е to limitingт у base of operation to the first three

    branches о nlу, with т у emphass beng о п interreationshipbetween Nostratic

    and Altaic.

    1 consder т у task to ь е mainly the eva1uat ion of Vladisav М . I ll ich-

    Svitych's work, and not that of his followers. Therefore, only the first two

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    volumes of Ш ich-Svitус h's Nostratic dictionary (Ш iсh-Svityс h 1971, 1976) are

    taken intoconsderation, and thethirdvolume, though it bears Ш iс h-Svitус h's

    nameо п thecover (Ш iсh-Svityсh 1984),is left out snceit ismostlycompiled Ь у of Moscow linguists under the direction of У . А . Dybo. 1 allowed

    mysef, however, to introducesomerninorchanges, mostly in reconstructionsof

    Altaic materials, when it was necessary to correct Ш iс h-Svitу с h's rnisakes, or to

    makeother changes о п thebass of materialswhich were not available to him.

    Thus, in particular, 1 have made in Nostratic reconstructionsin several cases

    some changes о п thebass of recent proposals Ь у Alexis Manaster Ramer

    (Manaster Ramer 1994).

    Т here is certainly а number of individual problems conceming lower-leve

    reconstructions. Thus, for example, thoughbeow 1preserved thereconstruction

    of Р А vocalism as presented Ь у Ш iсh-Svityсh, 1 actually beieve that it is not

    valid any longer andeven actually can ь е presentedonly in а tentativeform. Т he

    same, though to а lesser extent, can ь е applied to PU vocalism, too. However, 1

    think that these particular problems should not prevent us from giving а

    preiт iп ary estiт ate of thevalidityof theNostratic theory: when Indo-European

    specialists discuss Indo-Europeanthey stil l can do it in spiteof thefact that there

    are stil l particularunsettledproblernsin Savic or Germanicreconstruction.

    Т he fo11owingevaluation of the Nostratic farnily is based о п an ultra-

    conservative ар р roас Ь in phonology and semantics. Т here are 353 Nostratic

    etymologies presentedin Ш iсh-Svityс h (1971) and Ш iсh-Svityс h (1976). 1have

    chosen among them only those which connect Indo-European, Uralic, and

    Altaic, or anу pair of those three branches. Afroasatic, Kartveian, and

    Dravidian paralles are not included into thefo11owinglists, even if they are

    present in Ш iс h-Svitус h's dictionary. 1 have excluded all suspicious paralles,

    and the most importantrequirement is that these etymologies have identical or

    alrnost identical semantics. 1also excluded all cases when а word is attested in

    only one language or dialect within а language farnily, even if such cases are

    extremey l ikey proto- language forms. Needless to say, the phonet ic

    correspondencesamongthechosen paralle s areregular.

    Words соттоп to Indo-European, Uralic, and Altaic

    1) PN **bok/a/- 'to run away' > PIE *bheug/*bhegw- 'id'; PU *pok-tV- 'to

    run'; Р А *p[ ']Vk- ' run' ( Р М Т only, i f Р А aspi rated, thenu ш е l а tе d) ( Ш i с h-

    Svitych 1971:181).

    2) PN **bura 'todril l ' > PIE *bher- 'to0011';PU *pura '[to] 0011';Р А *bura

    'to tum' (Р Т only) (Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:186-187).



    3) PN **Ь ur л ' snow/sand storm' > PIE *bher '[ to] storm'; PU * рurkл

    'snowstorm'; Р А * Ь о rа / *Ь urл 'storm', 'snowstorm' (Ш iс h-Svitу с h


    4) PN **skalu 'to spl it ', ' to cut ' > PIE *ske 'to spl it '; PU *sale 'to spl it ', ' to

    cut'; Р А *calu 'tocut' (Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:195-197).'

    5) PN **gi /i /Qu 'smooth and glimmer ing > PIE *ghehw- /*gbl е hW-

    'gl immering; PU *k1 i /л 'smooth and gl immering; Р А *gi lu-/*gi la-

    'smooth andglimmering (Ш ich-Svitу с h 1971:229-230).

    6) PN **gop'a 'empty', 'ho11ow' > PIE *geup- 'cavi ty' , 'hole, 'pi t' ; PU

    *koppa 'empty', 'ho11ow'; Р А *goba-/*gobi- 'empty', 'hol low' ( Ш i сh-

    Svitych 1971:232-233).

    7) PN **lа 'that over there > PIE *he-n- 'over there; PU *а- 'that over there;

    Р А *а- 'that over there (Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:257-258).

    8) PN **l i- /* *l e- ' thi s > PIE * fi e -/ he- 't hi s; PU * i-/ *e- ' thi s; Р А * i-/ *e-

    'this (Ш ich-Svitус h 1971:270-271).

    9) PN **kal 'л ' to bark ( а t ree) ', ' to skin' > PIE *gol - 'naked' , 'bald' ; PU

    *kal 'л 'skin' , 'naked' , 'smooth' ; Р А *Kal2/ i/ - ' to skin' , 'naked' ( Ш i сh-

    Svitych 1971:289-290).

    10) PN **Kar 'i i 'bark' , 'she l ' > PIE *ker 'bark' , 'skin' ; PU *kore/*kere

    'bark'; Р А *k'Er'ii 'bark' (Ш iсh-Svitус h 1971:341-343).

    11) PN **~rл 'frost' > PIE *Rer- 'frost', 'ice, 'frozen snow-crust'; PU *kirte,

    *kirл 'frozen snow-crust'; Р А *k'irl(a) 'frost' (lllich-Svi tych


    12) PN **~o 'who' > PIE *kwo 'who'; PU *ko-/*ku- 'who'; Р А *k'o-/*k'a-

    stem of interrogativepronoun(Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:355-356).

    13) PN **lip'a 'sticky' > PIE *lep- 'to stick', 'sticky'; PU *Lipa 'sippery',

    'sticky'; Р А *lipa- 'tostick', 'sticky' (Ш iсh-Svitус h 1976:18-20).

    14) PN **LaН rnlu/ 'swamp' > PIE *lehm 'swamp', 'puddle; PU *Lampe

    'swamp', 'lake; Р А *laamu 'sea, 'swamp' (Ш iсh-Svitус h 1976:29-30).

    15) PN **т ш j а ' ber ry' > PIE *mor- 'bl ackber ry' ; PU * ш arj а 'ber ry'; Р А

    *miirV 'berry' (Ш iсh-Svityсh 1976:43-45).

    16) PN **rni 'what' > PIE *то - stem of interrogativeadverbs; PU *rni 'what';

    Р А * т У 'what ' ( Ш i сh-Svityсh 1976:66-68).

    17)PN **peI Н i ' Ь е af raid' > PIE *peI Н - ' Ь е afraid' ; PU *pee- ' Ь е af raid' ; Р А

    *peei - 'Ь е afraid' (Ш ich-Svityсh 1976:98-99).




    Il1ich-Svitych originaly reconstructed PN **cau here; 1 changed it to **skau following

    recent proposa Ь у Alexis Manaster Ramer, who demonstrated that PIE clusters could not

    originate from PN affricates suggested Ь у Illich-Svitych (Manaster Ramer 1994).

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    18) PN **р ' ш ' /а ' to tear ', ' to break' , ' to spl it ' > Р IE *(s)per - ' to tear ', ' to

    break'; PU *рш а ' tobreak'; Р А *p'or2t i/*p' ti r2t i ' to tear ', ' to crush' ( Ш i сh-

    Svitych 1976:100-101).

    19) PN **~apl.latohit' > Р IE *tep- 'to hit ', 'topoи nd'; PU *tappa- 'tohit ', 'to

    kick'; Р А *t'api 'to hit', 'to forge , *t'api 'to kick' (Ш ich-Svityс h

    1976:108-109). .

    .20) PN **wol(a) 'bi g > Р IE *we 'big ; PU *wola 'many' ; Р А * о l а

    'many' (Ш ich-Svitу с h 1976:109-111).

    Words соттоn to Indo-European and Uralic

    15) PN **Kи Psa 'to die oи t ', ' to ext ingи ish' > Р IE *gWes- 'to die oи t '; PU

    *kи psa-/ *kopsa- 'to dieoи t' (Ш iсh-Svitус h 1971:311).

    16) PN **~ap'a 'paw' > Р IE * к е р Н 'paw' , ' hoof; PU *kappa 'paw' ( Ш i с h-

    Svitych 1971:347).

    17)PN **l ф - ' to li ck' , 't o l а р ' > Р IE * lak- 't o l ick', 't o l а р ' ; PU * lakka- ' to

    lick', 'tolар ' (Ш iсh-Svitусh 1976:15).

    18) PN **iena 'sof t' , 'weak' > Р IE * le 'sof t' , 'weak' ; PU * iena 'weak'

    (Ш ich-Svitу с h 1976:26-27).

    19) PN **ii wa 'dirt' >Р I E *lе и (Н ) 'dirt', 's lt'; PU *i iwa 'dirt', 'sand',

    'marsh' (Ш iс h-Svitус h 1976:27).

    20) PN **i on~a 'to Ь е п д ' > Р I E *lenk 'to Ь е п д ' ; PU *i ol)ka 'to Ь е п д ' (Ш ich-

    Svitych 1976:27-28).

    21) PN **Lawsa 'not stretched', 'weak' > Р IE *leи s 'not stretched', 'weak';

    PU *Lawsa 'not stretched', 'weak' (Ш ich-Svitу с h 1976:31-32).

    22) PN **manл ' т а ц ' , ' т а1е ' > Р IE*mIo/n 'man' ; PU *тanс е ' т а п ' , 'person'

    (Ш ich-Svitу с h 1976:58-59).

    23) PN **mо Lл 'tobreak topieces > Р IE *me- 'tobreak topieces, 'to grind';

    PU *moLa- 'to break', 'to break topieces (Ш ich-Svitус h 1976:69-70).

    24) PN **mщ :л ' to wash' > Р IE *mesg- ' to wash', ' to dive; PU *mи ske- ' to

    wash' (Ш ich-Svitу с h 1976:71-72).

    25) PN **nirni 'п а т е ' > Р IE *Н п б m 'id.'; PU *nimе 'id.' (Ш ich-Svityс h


    26) PN **Nt iqл ' now' > Р IE * п и Н - ' id.' ; PU *Nt ikл ' id.' ( ll li ch-Svi tych


    27) PN **p'o'jqa **p'odqa 'thigh' > Р IE *bhe/dh/ 'id.'; PU POClka

    'id.' (Il lich-Svitych 1976:102-103).

    1) PN **bara > Р IE *bher- 'good'; PU *para 'good' (Illich-Svitych 1971:175).

    2) PN **bergi il 'high' > Р IE *bhergh/*bhregh ' id.' ; PU *p/e/ r-kV- ' id.'

    (Saт oyedic о n1у )(Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:177).

    3) PN **bи r 'a 't o Ь о Н ' , ' to seethe > Р IE *bhreи ' id.' ; PU *pи ra ' i d.' ( Ш i с h-

    Svitych 1971:190).

    4) PN **~aj l,1a'gl immer' > Р IE *sReh 'id.' ; PU *saja ' id.' ( Ш i сh-Svityсh


    5) PN **skе lл 'to jи mp' > Р I E *(s)Re 'i d.', PU *с е lл 'id.' (Р А para11e is

    dи bioи s) (Il lich-Svitych 1971:203-204).

    6) PN **gi ф 'handlarm' > Р IE *ghes- ' id.' , PU *kate- ' id.' ( Ш i сh-Svi tу сh


    7) PN **Henka ' to Ь и m' > Р IE *Heng- ' to Ь и m' , *HIJg- п - i ' fI re ; PU *е l)kл

    'to Ь и m' (Illich-Svitych 1971:245-246).

    8) PN * *Hera 'to tи т Ы e down', 'to fa1l to pi eces > Р I E *fier- 'to tи mЫ e

    down', 'to fa1l to pieces; PU *era- 'to tи mЫ edown', 'to fa11to pieces

    (I lli ch-Svitych 1971:246-247).

    9) PN **Homsa 'meat ' > Р IE *(Н )mеms 'id.' ; PU *оrnS 'id.' ( I ll ich-Svitych


    10) PN **Н о sл 'ash-tree > Р IE *hwes ' id.' ; PU *oska ' id.' ( Il lich-Svitych


    11) PN **jaН и / ** joHи ' to gi rd' > Р IE * iehws- ' to gi rd' , 'gi rdle; PU * jб у л

    'girdle (Ш iс h-Svityсh 1971:278-279).

    12) PN **kanр л 'soft excrescence > Р IE *gemb 'excrescence, 'fи ngи s; PU

    *kат р л 'fи ngи s (Illich-Svitych 1971:291-292).

    13) PN **kar л / **kи r л 'crane > Р IE *gerH ' id.' ; PU *karke/*kurke ' id.'

    (I lli ch-Svitych 1971:292-293).

    14) PN **kojHa 'skin', 'bark' > Р IE *gWeН 'skin' ; PU *koja 'bark' ( ll lich-

    Svitych 1971:299-300).

    Words соттоn to Uralic and Altaic

    1) PN **Ы С а 'sma11' > PU *piCV 'sma11' (Ba1t icFennic only) , Р А * Ы с а

    'sma11'(Р Т * Ы с а , Р М *bicV) (Ш i сh-Svitу с h 1971:178).

    2) PN **bi lwi 'cloи d' > PU *pi lwe ' id.', Р А *bulYt ' id.' ( Р Т onl y) ( Il li ch-

    Svitych 1971:179-180).

    3) PN **Ь и r (Н )л / * *Ь о r (Н ) л ' dи st ', 'l oose groи nd' > PU * р о rл ' dи st' , 'di rt' ,

    'groи nd'; Р А *О О f1dи st', 'loose groи nd' (Illich-Svitych 1971:187-188).

    4) PN **Hanga 't o о р е п moи th' > PU *aIJa 'moи th' ; Р А *aI Ja 'opening ,

    'moи th' (Il lich-Svitych 1971:244-245).

    5) PN **Н / Е / rni ' to sи ck' , ' to swal low' > PU * irnе - ' to sи ck' ; Р А * ii .rnV- 'to

    sи ck', 'to swa11ow'(I llich-Svitych 1971:248-249).

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    6) PN **? - negative verb > PU *е - id.; Р А *е - id. (Ш iс h-Svitу сh


    7) PN **kа1л ' fi sh' > PU *ka1a ' fish' , Р А *ka11V- 'wha1e ( Ш i сh-Svi tyсh


    8) PN **kaJН / л ' togo' , ' tost roH '>PU *kШ а - ' to go' , ' to st rol l' ; Р А *ki il - ' to

    со т е' (Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:293-295).

    9) PN **koja 'moth' , ' larva > PU *koja 'moth' ; Р А *kuja 'moth' , ' larva

    (Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:298,-299).

    10) PN **kojwa 'bi rch' > PU *kо jwл 'bi rch' ; Р А * ю Ъ а 'bi rch' ( Ш i сh-Svi tyсh


    11) PN **kо л л 'to ski n' > PU *kо о 'л - /* kuо ' л - 'id.'; Р А *koLa- 'id.' (Ш iс h-

    Svitych 1971:300-301).

    12) PN **kt il 'л ' to fee cold' , 'cold' > PU *kULma'cold' , ' to fee cold' ; Р А

    *К б l'V 'tofee cold', 'cold' (Ш ich-Svitус h 1971:304-305).

    13) PN **kUiл 'snake , 'worm' > PU *kо i л 'worm'; Р А *kuli 'snake ,

    'worm' (Ш iс h-Svityсh 1971:308-309).

    14) PN **К и т а 'ups de down' > PU *lш т а 'ups de down'; Р А *k'om(a)

    'upsde down' (Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:310--311).

    15) PN * *Kи т Т ii 'fog > PU *ktimta 'fog , 'smoke ; Р А *kiida- 'fog (Ш iс h-

    Svitych 1971:312).

    16) PN **ISаwingл 'armpi t' > PU *kaj I)a1a ' id.' ; Р А *k'awi I) i ' id.' ( Ш i сh-

    Svitych 1971:312).

    17) PN **I Sa/lИ I a'tongue > PU *kё lе 'tongue , Р А *k'Ш а 'tongue , 'to

    speak' (Ш iс h-Svitу с h 1971:346-347).

    18) PN **ISe 'who' > PU *ke- 'who', Р А *k'e- 'who' (Ш iс h-Svityс h


    19) PN ** ISulл 'to faН ' > PU *kulл - 'to faН '; Р А *k'ulV- 'to fa1l' (Ш ich-

    Svitych 1971:358-359).

    20) PN **i ii~ ' to pierce, ' to pr ick' > PU **i ii kkл ' to pierce, ' to pr ick' ; Р А

    *liikii- 'to pierce (Ш ich-Svityс h 1976:28-29).

    21) PN **Л а /mН lu 'bi rd-cher ry t ree > PU * О бm е 'bi rd-cherr y t ree ; Р А

    */d/ime 'bird-cherry tree (Ш iс h-Svityсh 1976:37-38).

    22) PN **mifia 'woman', 'fema1ereative > PU *ш п а 'daughter-in-law'; Р А

    *mi[fi/n]a'woman', 'daughter-in-law' (Р ] *ш С а, *bQ-minа 'woman'; Р К

    *minol -i ' daughter -i n- law' ). Р А not gi ven Ь у Ш i с h-Svi tу с h ( - А .У .)

    (Ш iс h-Svityсh 1976:68-69).

    23) PN **т и П 'to turn' > PU *murл - 'to turn'; Р А *т и П 'to turn' (Ш iс h-

    Svitych 1976:74-75).

    24) PN **f iа ' i' rл 'young, 'newly Ь о rn' > PU *fi б r е ' id.' ; Р А * fiar2V ' id' ( Ш i сh-

    Svitych 1976:83-85).

    25) PN **fii imл 'soft' > PU *fii imл kл/*fiimл kл 'soft'; Р А *fiamV/*fi imV 'soft'

    (Ш ich-Svitу с h 1976:86-87).

    26) PN **f iо hrл 'wet ', 'swamp' > PU *ii&rл 'wet ', 'swamp'; Р А * fi б ru 'wet ',

    'swamp' (Ш iсh-Svitус h 1976:89-90).

    27) PN **fiiISa'neck', 'jugular vertebrae > PU *fiika 'vertebrae,

    'neck', ' joint '; Р А * fi ika 'neck', ' jugular vertebrae, 'coHar'

    (Ш ich-Svitус h 1976:92).

    Words с о т т о п to I ndo-European and Altai c

    1) PN **bAН li 'wound', 'pain' > Р IE *Ь Ь е Ы 'wound', 'pain'; Р А *Ь а а 12

    'wound' (Р Т only) (Ш iсh-Svitус h 1971:172).

    2) PN **ba1ga- 'sparkle > Р IE *bheg-/*bbleg- ' id.' ; Р А *ba1kV- ' id.' ( Р Т

    * Ь а1Ю - , К *pV[+back] lk- 'br ight ', 'clear ', Р ] *para-Ci- 'clear и р ' ) ( Ш i сh-

    Svitych 1971:174-175).

    3) PN **bari ' take > Р IE *bher - 't ake , 'br ing ; Р А * Ь an- 't ake , 'get ' (Р Т

    *bar'i-,Р М *bari-) (Ш ich-Svitус h 1971:176-177).

    4) PN **bor'a 'brown', 'grey' > PIE *bher 'brown', Р А *bor2 'brown', 'grey'

    (Р Т *bor2,Р М *bora) (Ш iсh-Svitусh 1971:183-184).

    5) PN **buHi 'to grow' > Р I E *Ь Ь е и Н 'to grow', 'to Ь е с о т е '; Р А *Ь Ш - ' to

    Ь е '; ?? PU *р и ае 'tree (Ш iсh-Svityсh 1971:184-185).

    6) PN **biiISa'to bend' > Р IE *bheug-/*bheugh- 'id.'; Р А *bOka-/*Ь iikа -'id.'

    (Ш iс h-Svityсh 1971:191).

    7) PN **dEwHi 'to blow', ' to shake > Р IE *dheuH 'to blow', ' to shake; Р А

    *dEbi 'blow', 'towave (Ш ich-Svitус h 1971:217-218).

    8) PN **diga 'fish' > Р IE *dhgh-u-H 'id.' ; Р А *diga ' id.' ( Ш i сh-Svitу с h ci tes

    onlyР М *jiga-sun, a1soР ] *(d)iwo)(Ш iсh-Svityсh 1971:219).

    9) PN **giipA 'tobend' > Р IE *gheub- 'tobend', 'bent'; Р А *giibii-/*gobii- 'to

    bend' (Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:236-237).

    10) PN **gUjRa 'wi ld [anima1] '> Р IE *ghWer- 'wi ld [anima1] ' ; Р А *gora

    'game, 'wild anima1' (Ш iсh-Svityс h 1971:237).

    11) PN **gUrл 'hot charcoa1s > Р IE *gWher-'to Ь и rn', 'hot', 'hot charcoa1s;

    Р А *gur(V)- 'toЬ и rn', 'hotcharcoa1s (Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:239).

    12) PN **HoISi 'point ', 'spike > Р IE * Н е к - 'point ', 'spike ; Р А * о Ь 'ar row'

    (Р Т only) (Ш ich-Svityс h 1971:251-252).

    13) PN **Hora ' to r ise > Р IE *hwer- ' to r ise , ' to move; Р А *ora- /*ora- ' to

    rise, 'to ascend' (Ш ich-Svitу с h 1971:254-255).

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    14) PN **?1i ' deer ' > PIE * fi e1-n- 'deer '; Р А * i1i ' deer ' ( Ш i ch-Svi tyсh


    15) PN **kamи - ' to seze, ' to sqи eeze > PIE *gem- 'to seze, ' to sqи eeze,

    'totake; Р А *kamи - 'toseze, 'tosqи eeze, 'totake (PU *kamа-lл/*kama-

    rл 'haп dfи l' is far-fetched semaп tica11y)(Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:290-291).

    16) PN **kа jwл - ' to chew' > PIE *gieи - /*gieи - ' to chew' ; Р А *kRb/a/ - ' to

    chew'. (Ш iс h-Svitус h 1971:293)

    17) PN **~ Ш 'black' , 'dark' > PIE *ker -( s) - ' bl ack', 'dark'; Р А * k'ar la

    'black' (Ш ich-Svityс h 1971:337-338).

    18) PN **~b/ i/ ' Ь е 11у ' , ' intest ines > PIE *Kerp/*К rep ' Ь е 11у ' , ' Ь о д у ' ; Р А

    *k'arlbi 'Ь е11у '(Ш ich-Svityсh 1971:338-340).

    19) PN **Is:.о r л 'worm' > PIE *kwr-mi - ' id.' ; Р А *KorV ' id.' ( Ш i сh-Svi tyсh


    20) PN **Is:.t ipa' to boi l' , ' inf late > PIE *kе и ( Н ) р ' to OOi l' ;Р А *k'opa- ' to

    inflate, 'to foam', 'to froth' (Ш ich-Svityсh 1976:363-365).

    21) PN **NajRa ' т а п ' , ' т а1е ' > PIE *ner ' id.' ; Р А * fiarV ' id.' ( Ш i ch-Svi tyсh


    22) PN **р щ с л ' flea > PIE *bbl иs/ *pl иs ' flea ; Р А *pt iraga/*bt iraga ' flea

    (Ш iс h-Svitус h 1976:92-93).

    23) PN **qo~ ' to set fi re , ' fi re > PIE *He[ :] t 'fi re , 'fi replace ; Р А *oot i

    'fire, 'spark' (Ш ich-Svitус h 1976:103-104).

    24) PN **zap'a 'to Ь о l д ' > PIE *sep- ' to Ь о l д ' , ' to и ndertakesmth.' ; Р А *Japa

    'toЬ о lд ', 'toarraп ge (Ш ich-Svitусh 1976:111).

    case of borrowing, thedirectionof borrowingwoи ld Ь е likey ether from PIE to

    Р А via PU, or from Р А toPIEviaPU. However, и nder ether of these scenarios

    the nи mber of PIE-PA etymologies not present in PU woи ld ь е e ther

    insgnificaп t or non-existent. Therefore, snce the nи mber of PIE-PA is о п lу

    sightly less thaп nи mber of PIE-PU а п д PU-PА para11es,both scenarios са п ь е

    exclи ded. Second, thoи gh the possbility of borrowing Ь у both PIE aп d Р А

    from PU theoretica11yexists, it с а п ь е easly dismissed о п historical groи nds: the

    technologica11ymore advaп ced PIE а п д Р А societies were и nlikey to borrow

    from а hи nter/gatherercommunitylш е PU. Even more faп tastic woи ld Ь е а

    proposa1that both PIE ап д Р А have а PU sи bstratи m ; nothingin the above

    para11esor in ther distribи tionseemsto indicatesи ch а possbility. Fina11y,а п у

    of these scenariosс а п Ь е easly dismissed о п phonological groи nds.

    Let и sconsder that а 11aboveexamples are10aп words.Let и stake first sx:

    Statistical distribution оСthe above etymologies

    1) PN **bok/a/- to rи n away > PIE *bheи g/*bhegw- id ; PU *pok-tV- to

    r и n ; Р А *p[ ']Vk- r и n ( Р М Т о п l у , i f Р А aspi rated, then и nreated) ( Ш i с h-

    Svitych 1971:181)

    2) PN **bura to dril l > PIE *bher- to 0011 ;PU *pura [to] 0011 ;Р А *bura

      to tи rn (Р Т о п lу) (Ш iсh-Svitусh 1971:186-187).

    3) PN **Ь и r л snow/saп d storm > PIE *bher [ to] storm ; PU * рurkл

     snowstorm ; Р А * Ь о r а /* Ь ur л storm , snowstorm ( Ш i сh-Svi tyсh


    4) PN **ska1и to split , to cи t > PIE *ske to split ; PU *sa1e to split , to

    cи t ; Р А *са1и to cи t (Ш iсh-Svityсh 1971:195-197).

    5) PN **gi /i /l :l и smooth а п д gl immer ing > PIE *ghehw- /*gbl еhW-

     gl immer ing ; PU *kl /i /л smooth а п д gl immer ing ; Р А *gi lи - /*gi la-

     smooth а п д glimmering (Ш iс h-Svitу с h 1971:229-230).

    6) PN **gop'a empty , ho11ow > PIE *geи p- cavity , Ь о l е , pi t ; PU

    *koppa :'empty , ho11ow ; Р А *goba-/*gobi- empty , ho11ow (Ш ich-

    Svitych 1971:232-233).








    As a1ways, theexistenceof para11esbetween thetwo or morelaп gи ages т а у

    invite threepossble interpretations: 1) а 11hese para11esareraп dom а п д д и е to

    с Ь а п с е ; 2) they are10aп words;3) they demonstratethat laп gи ages in qи estion are

    reated. In oи r case, thepossbi li ty of а sheer с Ь а п с е с а п ь е r и 1eд oи t f rom the

    beginning becaи se а11 our para11es are based о п regu1ar phonet ic

    correspondences, the very existence of those woи ld ь е impossble in case of

    raп dom para11es.Therefore, we are left with two choices о п lу : 10aп wordsor

    с о т т о п heri tage.

    Borrowing seems a1soи nlikey, д и е to thefo11owingconsderations, thoи gh

    thesma11ernи mberof PIE-PА para11es ау lеа д to sи ch sи spicion. First, in the

    Let и s sи ppose that the fo11owingexamples are а 1110anwords with the

    di rect ion of bor rowing: PIE > PU > Р А . I f they are PIE 10anwords in Р А

    borrowed viaPU,we arefaced withа phoneticdeveopment which will ь е very

    difficи lt toexplain in а stи ationof borrowing:

    C[+voice] > C[-voice] > C[+voice]

    C[-st о р ] С [+stо р ]> C[-stop] > С [+stop]

    How с о и l д PIE voiced stops possbly have Ь е е п bor rowed into PU as

    voiceess, bи t passed о п toAltaic asvoiced?How со и lд а PIE clи ster haveЬ ее п

  • 8/9/2019 Nostratic and Altaic - Alexander Vovin




    we inc1. we exc1.

     у о и



    ** iI**S




    Р А

    *bi/*rnin- *ti/*s *bli/*miin-



    *rni/*rninл -*ti/*tuu-




    * т а [ а ]

    *naam incl.


    *me/mene- *te/tewe-


    *ne-/*noo- о Ы .


    Р К А


    *se- /*s - ( о Ы .)

    *т -

    *naj, *n-

    Р А А

    *?n-tл , * t-



    Р М Т PJ





     thou j



     thee j


      thou 2


      thou 3

      thee 3





    Ь о п о wеd intoPU as sngle fricativebut resurface in Р А as an affricate? If we

    assume theoppostedirectionof Ь о п о wing, that is Р А > PU > PIE, we again

    findourseves in п о better postion:

    Thus, 1с о т е to thegeneral concluson that Nostratic theory, at least conceming

    Indo-European,Uralic, andAltaic, is а valid working hypothess, which cannot

    ь е disrnissed right out-of-hand.However, that does not mean that all problems

    a,resolved now, andthatNostratic nowhasthe same statusas, let us say, Indo-

    European. Be10w 1 intend to address one of the numerous issues which

    Nostraticists faceandwhich must Ь е solved before Nostratic can reach the same

    leve of credibil ity as10wer-l eve1farni1iesconsti tuti ngit .

    Let us 100k at the personal pronounsin different branches of Nostratic as

    reconstructedЬ у У . М . Ш iсh-Svitусh (1971:6):

    C[+voice] > C[-voice] > C[+voice]

    C[+stop] > C[-stop] > C[-stо р ]С [+stо р ]

    Quitesrnilar1yto theprevious scenario, Р А voiced stops Ь ес о т е voice1ess in

    PU, but resurface as voiced in Р Ш . Р А affricates shift to PU fricatives, but the

    1atter generates consonant c1usters in Р Ш . We will confront the same

    phono1ogicalnonsenseif we assumethatal1these paral1e1sare dueto Ь о п о wing

    Ь у Р Ш andР А fromPU.Let usaddtwo moreexamp1esfrom аЬ о у е :

    17)PN **peН i Ь е af raid > Р Ш *peН - Ь е af raid ; PU *pe1e- Ь е af raid ; Р А

    *pee1i- Ь е afraid (Ш iс h-Svityс h 1976:98-99).

    18) PN **р ' ш ' /а / to tear , tobreak , to sp1i t > Р Ш * (s)per - to tear , to

    break ; PU * р ш а t o break ; Р А * р ' б r 2i i1* р ' ti r2ti to tear , to crush

    (Ш iс h-Svityсh 1976:100-101).

    Assurningthat thesetwo examples aswe l as previous sx are all PU loanwords

    in Р Ш andР А , we arefaced with thefollowingdeveopments:

    If we isolatetheР А l inefromthischart andЬ ау е а closer look at it, we will

    discover that it has а strange pecu1iarity,unparalle1edЬ у any other Nostratic


    U C[-voice] > Р Ш C[+voice], C[-voice]

    > Р А C[+voice], C[-voice]

     Г ' thou

    Р А *bi/*rnin- *ti/*s

     we incl. we excl.


     у о и


    U C[ -stop] > Р Ш C[ -st о р ] С [ +st о р ]

    > Р А C[+stop]

    А Н pronounsexcept уо и Ь ау е doubleformsstartingether with *Ь - or *т- for

    thefш t person andether with *s- or *t- for the second person. Let us exaт ine

    personalpronounsin different branchesof Altaic:

    Personal pronouns in different Altaic branches:

    Under this scenario PU voiceess stops chaotically Ь ес о т е ether voiceess or

    voiced in Р Ш andР А , yet PU fricatives produceР А affricates andР Ш clusters.

    One can possbly bring forward an argument that all these words were

     Ь о п о wеd not from proto-languages, but from different 1anguages and in

    different times. However, this is higbly unlikey snce all these paralles are

    attested throughoutthese threelanguagefarnili es, and, therefore, must go back

    to all threeproto-languages (thereader will remember that 1cut off all paral1es

    with lirnited attestation).In addition, the regularity in со п еsр о ndеnсе s under

    such а scenario would notexist, andwe would ь е faced with thechaotic system

    of со п еsр о ndеnсе s or with several different systems of со п еsр о ndеnсе s which

    occur when wedeal with loanwordsfrom different languages at different times.

    Therefore, the only reasonable solution to this problem is to adrnit that

    common genetic origin is the likeiest hypothess to explain all these paralle s.

    Р К


    Р М


    Р Т

    * Ь i in

    *Ь iin-/*тiin-





    *ci < * ti


  • 8/9/2019 Nostratic and Altaic - Alexander Vovin




     we excl.

    *Ь и

    *Ь an


    (b)и ri

    *Ь а


     и s excl.

    * т и п -

    *т an-

     we incl.

    *bi:t *Ь an


    (b)и ri



     и s incl.



     у о и


    *sи и



    s r2

     у о и 1о Ы .

    *sи и n-

     у о и 2 *п а * п е Ь и у

     у о и з


     у о и 3о Ы .


    It becomes clear from this chart that forms with initial *т- for the f1rst

    person are secondary: they appear only in obliquecases, dueto assmilation of

    *Ь -

    Ь у nasality to the following formant *-п -. As for the second person, the

    form with initial *t- is attestedonly in Mongolic, andit is not reated to Р М Т ,

    PJ, andР Т formswith *s-, snce Р М *t- does not correspond toР М Т , PJ, and

    Р Т *s-. Т herefore, theisolated Mongolicformс an hardlyЬ е projected onto а Р А

    leve. Therefore, thefollowing reconstrи ction of Р А pronoи nsseems to Ь е in


    lsg. *Ь У (-п - ) 1


    V-n-l-r2- we

    *п а - т е

    2sg. *sV(-п -) thou 2pl. *sV-п - l-r2- у о и

    ?* п а thoи

    However, Ш ich-Svityсh provides thefollowing correspondences for Altaic and

    otherNostratic languages (1971:147-150):


    **Ь -






    *р -

    *т -



    *с -

    Р А

    *Ь -

    *т -




    Р А А

    *Ь -





    Р К А

    *Ь -

    *т -




    Р IE

    * Ь Ь -

    *т -





    *р -

    *т -




    Therefore, if о п е admitsthat Р А and Nostratic personal pronoи nsare reated,

    that will violatethis system of correspondences: Р А *Ь - is not а reflex of PN

    **т - , andР А *s- isnot а ref lex of PN **1- .Moreover , е у е п i f weaccept Р М * ti

     thou and*ta уо и as Р А , that still wil l ь е violating correspondences: Р М *t-

    т а у ref lect only Р А * t' - andnever Р А * t- ,andР А * t' - cor respondsto Р А А *1- ,

    bи t not t o Р А А * t- ( cf. t he а Ь о у е char t of personal pronouns in di fferent

    Nostraticbranches). Comparealso PN **-т А direct object sи ff1x> Р IE *т ; PU



    *-т; PD *-т; Р А *-bal*-ba, which exhibits thesame broken correspondences

    (Ш ich-Svityсh 1976:48). It is not possble to claim that there are different

    correspondencesfor lexical and grammaticalmorphemes, sncethereare regular

    correspondencesfor other grammatical markers: PN **т А nominalizingaffix >

    Р А А *т - , Р К *т - , Р I E * -т о , PU *-mal*ma, PD *-mai , Р А *-mal*-ma.

    Thus, theunes,capableconclusoni s that Р А personal pronounsare unreated

    to Indo-Eи ropeanor Uralic personal pronouns. Т hat creates an obvious

    distinctionbetween Altaic о п о п е sde, and Uralic with Indo-Eи ropean о п the

    other: theс о т т о п origin of Р IE andPU personal pronounsseems to ь е beyond

    anу reasonabledoubt.Р IE andPU exhibit, therefore, а consderably moreclose-

    knitreationshipwith еа сЬ other than anу of themwith Altaic, or, as far as о п е

    сanjudge о п thebass of theа Ь о уе chart of personal pronouns, with anу other

    Nostratic language.

    Iц sum,theаЬ о у е review of PIE, PU, andР А parallesshows that they are

    based о п regular sound correspondences and therefore are not random. Т he

    phonological natи re of these correspondences is sи ch that they cannot ь е

    attribи tedtoborrowingether.That leaves only о п е option:Altaic is likey to ь е

    reated to both Р IE and PU. However, takinginto consderationthelack of the

    со тт о п personal pronouns,1beieve that it та у ь е prematи retoclassfy Altaic

    as Nostratic : it та у Ь е, infact,reated toNostraticо п а deeper leve, that is to

    ь е а member of another macrofamily, coordinatewith Nostratic. In particular,

    someAltaic-Eskimo-Aleи t andAltaic-Nivxparalles т а у look п о 1esspromisng

    than Altaic and Nostratic. However, this problem falls outsde the scope and

    limitsof thispaper and1 will not discuss it here. Before this and т anу other

    questionscoи ld ь е answered with anу degree of certainty, о п е must first reach а

    consderable improvementswithin reconstructionAltaic proper. Only after this

    preiminary work is done, it will ь е safer to compareAltaic with other language

    families, and to find its exact placeamongthem.



    Р А

    Р А А


    Р IE

    Р ]

    Р К

    Р К А

    Р М

    Р М Т


    Proto-Alta c

    Proto-Afro- Asatic

    Proto- Dravidian

    Proto- Indo-Eи ropean


    Proto- Korean

    Proto-Kartvei an

    Proto- Mongolian

    Proto-Manchи - Tungus


  • 8/9/2019 Nostratic and Altaic - Alexander Vovin




    Р Т


    Proto- Turkic



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