nosotros commands and inviting peeps to do something

Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

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Post on 22-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Page 2: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Nosotros Commands• Ir + a + infinitive in the present can mean what we

are going to do• Ir + a + infinitive in the imperfect means that you

were going to go somewhere• Now let’s be mean and tell people what we’re going

to do and what we aren’t going to do…

Page 3: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Let’s do this…!Ir + a + verb/activity

Vamos a levantarnos!

Vamos a saltar!

Vamos a correr!

Vamos a sentarnos!

Page 4: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

There’s an easier way… We use the present subjunctive…

Use the OPPOSITE present tense of nosotros…. -AR verbs -emos

Hablar Hablemos!

-ER and –IR -amos

Comer comemos!

Page 5: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Let’s do this…!Ir + a + activity.

Vamos a levantarnos!levantemosnos

Vamos a saltar!saltemos!

Vamos a correr!corramos!

Vamos a sentarnos!sentemosnos!

Page 6: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Let’s NOT do this…

Just add no in front!Vamos a levantarnos!

No nos levantemos

Vamos a saltar!No saltemos!

Vamos a correr!No corramos!

Vamos a sentarnos!No nos sentemos!

Page 7: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Comer Caminar con perros

Comer Fumar

Page 8: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something


InfinitiveTocar (to touch/play)Buscar (to look for)Practicar (to practice)Educar (to educate)Llegar (to arrive)Jugar (to play)Navegar (to navigate)Pagar (to pay)Comenzar (to start/begin)Empezar (to start/to begin)Cruzar (to cross)Almorzar (to eat lunch)

Nosotros commandtoquemosbusquemospractiquemoseduquemoslleguemosjuguemosnaveguemospaguemoscomencemosempecemoscrucemosalmorcemos

-CAR: C changes to QU-GAR: G changes to GU-ZAR: Z changes to C

Page 9: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Irregular Yo Forms are also Irregular in Nosotros Command Form

Pongo (I put)Salgo (I leave)Hago (I do/make)Traigo (I bring)Digo (I say)Caigo (I fall)Oigo (I hear)Vengo (I come)Tengo (I have)Conozco (I know)Traduzco (I translate)Ofrezco (I offer)Pertenezco (I belong)


Page 11: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Nosotros command + d.o.p


Page 12: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

NOSOTROS command + i.o.p

Expliquémosle el problemaContestémosles la pregunta

Page 13: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

NOSOTROS command + reflex. pronoun

*Cepillémonos los dientes*Peinémonos el cabello

*When attaching reflexive pronouns at the end of NOSOTROS command, you drop the final s of the command form before the reflexive pronoun.

Cepillémosnos Cepillémonos

Page 14: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Neg. NOSOTROS commandNo comamos las papasNo cerremos la puertaNo hagamos los pastelesNo pongamos el mantel

Neg. NOSOTROS command + i.o.pNo le explíquemos el problemaNo les contestemos la pregunta

Neg. NOSOTROS command +

refl.pronNo nos cepillemos los dientesNo nos peinemos el cabello

Neg. NOSOTROS command + d.o.pNo las comamosNo la cerremosNo los hagamosNo lo pongamos

NEGATIVE NOSOTROS COMMANDS WITH PRONOUNSWith negative commands, direct (d.o.p) &indirect (i.o.p) object pronouns &reflexive pronouns go right BEFORE the verb:

Page 15: Nosotros Commands and Inviting Peeps to do Something

Now let’s ask peeps to do something…

• Let’s ask our peeps:– ¿Te gustaría (verb/activity)?– Vayamos a (verb/activity)

• Let’s respond to our peeps:– Si! Gracias! Andemos! –No, gracias. Iba a (verb/activity).–No Vayamos a (verb/activity/place).– Como quieras. Me da lo mismo–Whatevs. Its all the same to me (I don’t
