northern irish food. milk, cheese and butter the milk and butter in northern ireland is very...

Northern Northern Irish Irish Food Food

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Northern Northern IrishIrishFoodFood

Milk, Cheese and ButterThe milk and butter in Northern Ireland is very different from the milk and butter here in Spain.

Dale Farm makes the milk in Northern


I think that the butter, milk and cheese in Spain are different because of the climate. There isn’t much grass here for the cows so their diet is different and therefore the milk, cheese and butter are

different too.


In Northern Ireland we eat a lot of bread!

These are soda farls!

We eat them with lots of butter!

This is potato bread.

It is a thin bread filled with potato. Once more, we eat it toasted with lots of butter!

This is wheaten bread.

It is like a soda farl, only it is made using

wholemeal flour.

This is Veda.

It is only found in Northern Ireland!

It is a sweet bread eaten with butter and cheese.

The recipe is top secret. Nobody knows what makes Veda bread!

In Northern Ireland we don’t eat bread sticks like here in Spain. We eat “pan loaf”…

Ulster FryThe “Ulster Fry” was traditionally eaten by workmen for


Nowadays we eat a fry for dinner, not breakfast and we don’t fry all the ingredients.

We grill them to be healthier!

Soda farl


Baked Beans

Fried egg


Potato bread


PotatoesPotatoesIn Northern Ireland we eat lots of potatoes!In Northern Ireland we eat lots of potatoes!

We mash them

We boil them

We make chips with them

We cook them in their skins


Champ is mashed potatoes with spring Champ is mashed potatoes with spring onions in it! This is a typical Northern onions in it! This is a typical Northern

Irish food!Irish food!


Gravy is a “sauce” that we eat with meat and potatoes.

It is made with a powder called BISTO. You add this powder to the juice of cooked meat

to make gravy.

You can get different flavours too!

StewStew is a typical Northern Irish food. We normally

eat it in the Winter when it is very cold to warm us up.

It is a very thick soup made with carrots, onions, steak pieces,

potatoes and gravy!

Sunday Roast

Sunday lunch is roast meat, either Beef, Lamb, Pork or Chicken.

In Northern Ireland it is normally Roast Beef.

The roast meat is served with vegetables including Brussels sprouts, carrots, and potatoes roasted alongside the meat.

It is served with Yorkshire Pudding.

Fish and Chips

Fish and chips is Belfast’s most popular take-away


It is fish in batter, served with fat


Normally the fish is COD.

TeaTea is Northern Ireland’s most popular drink!

It is traditionally drank white, with milk and perhaps sugar too.

We like to have a biscuit with it too.

WhiskeyBushmills Whiskey is made in

Portrush! Only 1 hour from Belfast!

It is mainly old men that drink Whiskey!

Harp Lager Co.

Harp Lager Company in Dublin makes both “Harp Lager” and “Guinness”. Both beers are very popular in Northern Ireland.