northern cape youth commission

NORTHERN CAPE YOUTH COMMISSION Public Hearing on the National Youth Development Agency Bill 17 November 2008 Parliament, Cape Town

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Public Hearing on the National Youth Development Agency Bill 17 November 2008 Parliament, Cape Town. Northern Cape Youth Commission. Outline of Presentation. Guiding Principles/Over-arching Issues Comments and Recommendations on the NYDA Bill Conclusion. Guiding Principles. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Northern Cape  Youth Commission


Public Hearing on the National Youth Development Agency Bill

17 November 2008Parliament, Cape Town

Page 2: Northern Cape  Youth Commission

Outline of Presentation

Guiding Principles/Over-arching Issues

Comments and Recommendations on the NYDA Bill



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Guiding Principles

Seamless, Integrated National Structure, Unitary structure. Must contain clear provisions for enforcement of comprehensive, integrated

youth development implementation across all spheres of government. Clearly defined roles for different levels of the proposed NYDA, with a

presence at all levels of Government including district-level government. Horizontal and vertical mainstreaming of youth development across all

spheres of government, private sector and civil society, with the NYDA being the apex.

NYDA to have targeted approach to programme/project implementation, e.g. Youth Fund, National Youth Service and Youth sector training and development.


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Recommendations 1

Number as per NYDA Bill

Heading Recommendations


Establishment of Agency

• This section to include that the NYDA shall operate at a National, Provincial, District and Local level.

Section 3

Objects of the NYDA • Research• Design and Implement civic and education programmes• Economic development and empowerment• Information Dissemination• Coordination• Monitoring and Evaluation


Principles of Youth Development

• The existing content elaborated in Section 4 could constitute (with some refinement) the substance of a PREAMBLE to be developed for the Bill (Setting the CONTEXT and HISTORICAL BASIS)• That the existing text be substituted with Principles as outlined in the Draft National Youth Policy 2008


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Recommendations 2

Number as per NYDA Bill

Heading Recommendations


Functions of the President

The President shall in consultation with the NYDA gazette the National Youth Development Policy and the IYDS


Functions of the NYDA

• 4 (a) State of Youth Report to be published every three years to allow for proper assessment of interventions.• 4 (b) Differentiate between Annual report and State of Youth Report.


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Recommendations 3

Number as per NYDA Bill

Heading Recommendations


Integrated Youth Development


• Change Heading to National Youth Policy and the IYDS• Section should further state and clarify the inter-relation between the National Youth Policy and the IYDS.

Sections8 to 13

Board • Board must consist of no more than 15 Directors, (6 national and 1 from each province, appointed by the President based on the recommendation of the NA and Premiers respectively).• CEO to form part of the Board as Executive Director• All other Directors to be non-executive, appointed for a period of 3 years.• All Directors to have voting rights (current Draft only provides for voting rights for the 7 ‘national’ directors.


Appointment of the Chief Executive


• Appointment of CEO to be done by Board and not by the President in consultation with the Board as per the Bill.• Legislation must reflect that the CEO is the Accounting Officer in terms of the provisions of the PFMA


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Recommendations 4

Number as per NYDA Bill

Heading Recommendations


Appointment of Staff

• to state that the CEO, in consultation with the Board appoint such staff as may be necessary to fulfil the functions of the NYDA. (No need for differentiation between Management and Staff)• Remuneration, allowances and benefits of staff be determined by the Board, not President.


Provincial Boards • To be removed, covered under Section 9• The provision of a uniformed seamless, integrated

and mainstreamed youth development function must be located at a National level with Provincial, District and Local chapters functioning within clearly defined parameters.


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Recommendations 5

Number as per NYDA Bill

Heading Recommendations


Local Coordinators

• Refer to recommendation under Section 20.• Need presence at both District and Local Levels in terms of Municipal demarcation.


Transitional Provisions

• Must state clearly the incorporation of institutions (UYF, NYC and PYC’s) •Appointment of provisional Chief Executive Officer to over see transition•Transfer of staff to Agency subject to existing legislation and protocols.• Assets. Liabilities and Funds, e.g. Loan Books of various UYF instruments?• Transition must be a Timebound process


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General Recommendations 6

Item Recommendations

Legal status •NYDA to be a Schedule 3A public entity. (currently NYC - 3A and UYF - 3B)• Possible Complexities with regard to the incorporation of the UYF

Budget process •Greater National Assembly and NYDA involvement in budget process (NYDA – Treasury direct interaction).•NYDA to function as separate vote under Presidency.

Oversight •Separation of accountability role in terms of parliamentary processes, in terms of SCOPA, Portfolio Committee•Oversight role on youth development in general (Substantive matters / reports).

Role definition for NYDA across government spheres

• Not have a ‘wholesale’ replication of functions across spheres.• Functional Areas/Units as outlined in Bill at national level, focus in provinces should be more on coordination and M&E, as with key programmatic functions concentrated locally, e.g . Youth Fund, Information Programmes, etc.

Interaction between the NYDA and the Youth sector

Make provision for a mechanism in this regard, either under Functions of the Agency or as a new section, possibly a Tri-Annual Youth Summit for both reporting as well as mandate seeking, with

the State of the Youth Report at the centre.


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It is important to acknowledge that the NYDA will not be replacing the role of government, the private and civil society sectors with regard to youth development, therefore expectations must be realistic and crystallised through the enabling legislation.

Long and drawn out process, 3 years, need urgent conclusion to manage transition and ensure uninterrupted focus and services.

NC Experience - YDA model has broad support within youth sector, expectations high.


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Northern Cape Youth Commission