north platte semi-weekly tribune. (north platte, ne) 1897-12-24 [p ]. · 2019-02-01 · hi portion...

' I . - k : : - ' I iHAIi BARB, Editor and Pbopbietob FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1897. Call on Dr. Morrill for crown bridge and gold work. The gun club is making- - ar- rangements for a live pigeon shoot to-morr- ow afternoon. County clerk-ele- ct Holtry and family are now comfortably quar tered in the Hiuraan house on west Third street. Dr. Morrill uses the Hollings-wort- h system for crown and bridge work, which is conceded by all to. be the best system in use. Baskin's meat market presents a very handsome appearance to-da- y and gives evidence of the proprie- tor's enterprise and progressive-nes- s. Save money by procuring your Christmas candies at McDonald's grocery. Miss Louise Seeberger, who is attending school in -- Denver, came down this morning to spend the holidays. She was met at Jules-bur- g and accompanied liere by her father. Young man, your girl would liighly appreciate a few pieces of that magnificient line of French, German and Japanese chinaware now on exhibition at Harrington & Tobin's. Slippers and Christmas go hand in hand, and the men's slijipcrs are going from hand to foot here. $1.40 and $1.70. Sec them. Star Clothing House. The saloon keepers have com- plied with the instructions of the city council and have taken down the screens from, in front of their bars. The man who takes a drink these days does so in plain view of passers-by- . The Union Pacific has made special holiday rates of one fare for the round trip to points within 200 miles. Tickets on sale December 24, 25 and 31st, 1897, and January 1st, 1898, limited to continuous passage, expiration limit January 4th. - Wanted,' a good girl for gen- eral house work. Apply to Mrs. H. C. Rehnie. The Misses Edna and Gertie Hine'and Edina Franzen came down this morning from Sutherland the former having dosed her school last night for the holidays with exercises appropriate to the occasion. The exercises were tak- en part in by three schools. "Los Cabin package coffee 10c at The Wilcox Dept. Store. - Dr. Morrill wishes to say that he is in no way connected or related to the former Dr. Morrill who was in North Platte. This morning" while looking for a pinch bar to pinch an engine on the turn-tabl- e, Mr. Ericsson had his foot squeezed quite seriously by having it. caught under the pi lot while the engine was in motion. Fortunately no bones were broken, but the injury will necessitate his laying off for several days. ..... : A MONEY-SAVIN- G STORY JBUNS : : THROUGHOUT . : OUR ADVERTISEMENTS. : SEE OUR IINE OF j ': .CHILDREN'S SUITS, : ALL AGES- -3 TO 16. ! SEE SHOW WINDOW. PRICES ; RANGE FROM S OO TOS5.00. : '. ct at? rrrnTTrrwn xrnTTCT On Wednesday at 9:30 p. m. while running to catch the caboose leaving the Sidney yards after clos- ing the switch brake man 0. K. Peck stepped, through a culvert, striking his right knee on one of the cross ties and injured his knee quite seriously. He will be obliged to lay offa week or two in conse- quence. Miss Lena Schatz. who is teaching the Chapin school, held appropriate Christmas exercises at the scliool house last evening, which were attended by quite a number of young people from the city. A tree well stocked with candies and nuts and a present for each of the pupils, delighted the little ones, and a good program of songs and recitations afforded pleasing entertainment for all. 1 Til 0 - Great on the Union Pacific is no run we are having- - on our Ileal and artistic Fapnitupe for "Ghf&taas Presents. "We have a large stock of neat and tasty novelties .which must be seen to be appreciated. You cannot make a present which will be appreciated more than an elegant piece of furniture a fine picture. We have both. Ficture framing a specialty. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. Hi Hi Hi Ladies... Hi Hi Hi Allow Us Hi Hi a few words to you to-da- y. Hi portion of the year to men it the next ten days we want jj personal visit from you. Hi m SPECIAL to visit our store w Hi the coming ten Hi Hi Hi 6 Hi of rich and 6 among Hi Novelties, especially it Holiday Presents, Hi your inspection. Hi Hi Hi INVITATION to-da- y or during days. WARNER. COIECTIOIf handsome merchan- dise, which are for how for W In addition to overcoat, or Ulster, hich are always acceptable, we 6 list of articles of Ave have ) choice selection, from presents suitable for gentlemen may be selected. Hi or, Silk Suspenders w Silk Mufflers iff Cloves iff Cloth Silk Handkerchiefs Lined Cloves Silk Umbrellas ' Hi Cane attachment m Mackintoshes Hi Underwear Hi Fancy Shirts Hi SILK NUCKWEAH. from makers swell creations Hi Hi SHE MUFFLERS, a Hi patterns, at Hi fill esei)ts Hi aijd. cleii-sre- f Hi Hi Hi A Sqecial Hi one of foremost of the at. .. of boUsJijt qoui, inept eel ulijeif goods go mail or press be Goods yjff will be sent any desired date. Hi Hi Hi SI An LLUiniNO nUUoc, A. VOLLMEB, Prop. Opposite Postoffice the street old Hi Hi Hi Misses Irene and Jessie Byrne, of Omaha, are visiting the ot their uncle, A. Robert B. Smith, of Cheyenne, manager ot the Wyoming Cycle company, was in the two days this week, taking orders for the "Wyoming special" bicycle. 4c each at Wilcox Dept-Stor- e. T. C. Patterson the early part of " the week from St. Louis, where had been for sev- eral days conducting ,a case in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. The six year old of Jake Pizer, of the Clothing store, fell on the ice yesterday at noon and sustained a sprained shoulder. The little fellow was taken to Mc-Cab- es pharmacy where soothing lotions were applied and he will be able to resume his studies at school in a few days. The apple social announced' for next Tuesday evening has again been postponed on account of Christmas exercises at the Epis- copal church evening and will be held on Thursday Remember the date and place, Thursday evening, December 30, at the residence of C. Langdon. One more day and Christmas will be here Have you made all your - . Christmas selections? If not we.have great many pretty presents which we are still selling at very reasonable figures. h Wi to ten you call aad iaspecl om stock, We m m w can job. HARRY DIXON, Jeweler and Optician. It im -- ' " or comparision to the great E. B. Hi To Say Hi We spend .the greater folks, but to-da- y and for jj to talk to you to have a We theretore extend a Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi iff Hi Hi Hi Hi great warm Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Dress Shirts Hi Hats . Hosiery Hi Smoking Jackets Hi Club Bags Cuff Buttons Hi Trunks Hi Coders and Cuffs Shoes Hi Slippers Hi Hi 75c Hi Hi 25c' to' $2 Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi many suitable ready a suit, a w append a short which a large and and which many Caps America's tie-make- rs assortment newest desired. where by ex-Deaarttt- tetlt "can addressed. W. Across from location. JMlPTrtrrrM iamily Norton. city Crimped Valve Leathers returned Eagle that evening. a Woili pto vvvvvvas. PufTTies new to P. he son H. !OtiC6 SljOttt Wi)d.OlltS Hi Hi Col. Cody and daughter Irma, returned Wednesday morning from a trip to Cheyenne and Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doran went to Gretna, this state, Wednesday morning, where they will spend the holidays with relatives. Misses Huldaand Alma Nelson left Wednesday morning for Span-uu- th where they will visit during the holidays with their parents. Miss Ella Jeffers, who has been in the employ of H. C. Rennie tor the past seven or eight years, sev- ered connections with that estab- lishment Wednesday. - Save your teeth by calling on Dr. Morrill. Office, first stairway north of Dr. McCabe's drug store. Miss Mary Robson started Wednesday morning for her home in Deer Creek after a brief visit with her triend, Miss Edith New-hal- l. She will stop with friends in Maxwell a few days. As one lady expresses it "This is a splendid exhibition of fine art" a fitting Christmas present for any lady or gentleman see the Japan- ese novelties all imported. For sale by Harrington & Tobin. The monthly meeting of the building and loan association will be held Mondayevening, Dec 27th. This change is made by reason of Christmas falling on the regular meeting evening. Pillsbury's Best Flour $1.50 per sack at Harrington & Toibin's. The wedding of Curtis Gribling to Miss Kate Adams, which occur- red at the home of the bride's par- ents in Logan county on Sunday was an exceptionally smooth affair. Following the ceremony a sumpt- uous wedding dinner was served. The couple received many presents, consisting glass and silver articles, household furniture and live stock. This office was remembered-wit- h a supply of weddingcake. - Henry Coates, of Paxton, ,was in Able city yesterday. Superintendent !. H. Dow, of Ft, Mcpherson was incthe city- - yester- day. Tion Graves is visiting "relatives in Council Bluffs until after the holidays.- - Mr. King, father of Mrs. Joseph Morsch, went to Kearney 'this morning. Chas. Hendy, Alfred Gil man and Arthur Strahorn are expected home for the holidays. The Y. M. C. A. men's meet ing Sunday afternoon will be led by Rev. C. Snavely. Buy your Christmas candies anil nuts at Armstrong's restaurant. Harry E. Worrell, of Brady, is visiting friends in the city during the holiday vacation. Burton Lambert is assisting time deeper Hendy in Barnum's office for a few days. Miss Bertha "VonfGoetz arrived Monday night from Kansas and will stay at home until spring. Jcseph Schatz, -- who is in the company blacksmith shop at Chey- enne, is down for a visit with his family. A boy baby was born Wednes- day night to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weingand. The littleone died last evening at 8 o'clock. The different schools, from the seventh grade down, held appro- priate Christmas exercises before dismissing at noon. Ed Weston shipped his house- hold goods to Denver yesterday, where he has secured a job brak-in- jr on the Colorado Midland road. Ten pounds package coffee $1.00 at The Wilcox Department Store. Sheriff Miller went to Lincoln yesterday mornrng with Jimmy Hick's, who will serve out a year's sentence in the pen for horse-stealin- g. Miss May Dolan, who has been attending school "in Greeley, Colo- rado, returned to her home in Max- well this week. A L. Davis has"the finest line of Christmas presents to be found anywhere in the city. Silver tea sets, carvers, skates for boys and girls, etc, and he still has a few stoves left. The finest line of choice mixed candies and nuts in the city at Brazelton's, Williams' old stand. Miss Bertha Ross has been en-gag- ed to teach the' Spannuth school, in district 34, commencing January 4,in place of Miss Gertrude DeWolf, who resigned to teach in district 32, her home school. Your Christmas dinner will taste much better if you use White House Mocha and Java coffee. Mc- Donald sells it. Mrs. W. M. Cunningham and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland, who have been in Omaha several days will return to-nig- ht. A letter received by Mr. Hoagland from them states that his son Arthur is about the same. Business Suits at business prices. See our 56, $7.50 end $10 line. STAB CLOTHING HOUSE. Mrs. Aline Clements, of New Mexico, stopped off in this city a few days to visit the family of Loren Sturges, on her way east, continuing her journey Wednesday morning. She .went to Gibbon from here and will spend a few days with other relatives. A marriage license was Wed- nesday granted William C. Rose and Nellie F. McDonald ot Kern precinct, and then Judge Ray made their happiness complete by pro- nouncing the words that made them man and wife. - Package coffee ;10c at The Wilcox Department Store. Monday was Mrs. George Nau-man- 's fifty-fourt- h birth anniver- sary, and in honor of the event she was pleasantly surprised in the evening by a number of her friends, who visited her home unexpectedly, bringing' lots of food things to eat, and makiug the occasion one long to be remembered, i Pillsbury's Best Minneapolis Floor $1.50 per sack at The Wilcox Dept. Store. I Detective Baker caught five coal rustlers up near Lodge Pole one night the early part of the week, and the fellows will have a hearing at Chappell in a few days. Mr. Baker says ?. considerable coal has been rustled by parties living between here anjl Hershey and he is now woking up the clue. The finance committee of the Y. M. C. A. medts next Tuesday evening for the purpose of audit- ing the accounts for the year. From present indications there will be a shortage of cabout twenty-fiv- e dollars to settle up the accounts of the association, and as there is considerable money outstanding for dues, it is hoped that the de- linquent ones will settle up before the 28th. I We guarantee all our fancy chinaware to be genuine imported goods from France, Austria,. Ger- many and Japan." HARRIUGTOtf & ToIN. Some People Would Rather Lose Money than Pay Cash For Their Goods. iWe sell goods for cash only and our customers do not pay interest on somebody else's; debts. -- When you trade with coupon books or with a firm that runs book accounts, that is what you do. OUR PRIOES PR0YE IT. NOTION DEFT. Crochet Cotton, three spools for 10c Thread, three spools for.;v.v. .. .10c Imported Saxony .6c a skein Spanish Yarn 12 c a skein German Knitting Yarn. 16c a skein Full Count Pins. .. ''. ... . .2c a paper Best Needles 5c a paper Curling Irons 4c each Lace Edge Handkerchiefs. .5c each Twin Dress Stays 5c a set 7-in- ch metal back Combs 8c each 7-in- ch celluloid Combs 20c each Side Combs 5c a pair 144 Agate Buttons for. 3c Baby Ribbon . lc a yard Knittinsr Needles 3c a set Silk Handkerchiefs. . ,10c each CROCKERY DEFT. Handled Cups and Saucers.. 40c set Dinner Plates 35c set Wilcox Goods sold for cash and one Grand T Christmas Sole at From now till Christmas clearing sale of the of Ladies' Coats, we make great- est age. An line Muffs, Mittens Gloves, at cost and less. Elegant $25.00 far capes at $15.00 15.00 " 10.00 All our Jackets and $25 coats and capes at - $15 15 " - 10 Elegant $12.50 and capes at $6.50 to close. Eiegant fur collarettes, $2.50 to 510.00 All our $12 dress patterns at 8.50 810 patterns at - - $7.50 $8.50 patterns at - - 6.00 Now is ih time of your lifs Elder Leonard was in the city two days this week. Dr. Northrupand wife are visit- ing relatives in Belvidere. Prank Overturf went to Gibbon this morning' to visit his parents. M. Eisenbein left for Grand Isl- and this morning to visit for a few days. Mrs. Robert Finney went to Lexington Thursday morning to visit friends. Mrs. T. Bresnahan went to Brady Island this morning to visit for a few days. Miss Josie Day will be home from her school at Offalalla dur- - ing the holidays. Miss Anna Johnson is spending the holidays with her parents in Cottonwood precinct Bishop Graves.ot Kearney, passed through this morning on No. 2 en route home from the west. Willie Hawley and Dot Besack will fo to Sutherland to-morr- to pass their holiday vacation. Mrs. Frank Coker. and sister. Miss Clara Coates, of Sutherland, were shopping here yesterday. Will Leonard and family left last night for Lincoln to spend Christ mas with the former's parents. Miss Kate Yost went to Kearney Thursday morning" to spend the holidays with her sister and friends Miss. Annie Tulley, the milliner at Rennie's. returned Thursday morning to her home at Ottawa, Illinois. Miss Marie Maher, who had been visiting her sister Mrs. J. T. Stu art, returned Thursday morning to Aurora, 111. Mrs. H. S. Boal started yester day morning for home in Wyoming, Mrs. Cody having recovered from her sickness. Floy McGinn came down from Cheyenne yesterday morning, and will visit relatives and friends for a few days. Cap. Haskell, the McPherson county ranchtrian, tarried ,in the two days this week on his way to Omaha. Fred Bock and family arrived in the city Wednesday night from Pine Bluff, Wyo., and will make North Platte their home. Dr Gardiner.Jof California, an old time friend of D. A. Baker, is the guest of the latter and his family, and wilt remain in town for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dillon are enjoying a visit from their son Sid- ney, who came Tuesday from Yale college to spend his holiday vaca- tion. Mrs. M. E. Watts and daughter Miss Mayme came home Wednes- day night from Corning, Jowa, where they visited relatives for two weeks. Pie Plates 25c set Eight patterns of decorated ware to select from. Twelve patterns of chamber sets running from the cheap to the best. LAttF DEFT. No. ILamp Chimneys 4c each No. 2 44 6c each No. 1, i4 heavy, 8c each No. 2 44 heavy, 10c each No. 2 Rochester Chimney.. 10c each JTo o mammoth size 15c each Lantern Globes 7c each Glass Lamps, Base Lamps, Ban- quet Lamps, Nickel Plated Roches ter Lamps, Night Lamps in fact, the only complete stock of Lamps in North Platte. HARDWARE DEFT. Galvanized Sheet Iron . .5c a pound Department Store. Goods delivered pari; of will the elegant Jackets, Collarettes, Boas, and $10 Jackets and elegant city TT ISv T T T TT ' rZN Elegant $20.00 far capes at $12.50 12.50 7.50 capes at cost and less. $20 coats and capes $12.50 All our $1.50 and $1.75 kid gloves in all colors at SI. 25 Elegant fur muffs, from 81.00 to 812.50 All dress goods at cost and less. io buy goods at jour own price. NOTES. Since last ice for the U. P. has been coming in from Shelton at tne raie or twenty-nv- e cars a day. R. R. Root, of Wood River, is in the night office, while Morris Vaughn is in the dispatchers' office during J. F. Clabaugh's absence. The new pump at the round house was treated to a coat of beau- tiful Indian red enamel paint this week, which very much improves its appearance. C. A. Simon, superintendent of the Western Union telegraph com- pany, was in town Wednesday on business, connected with his posi- tion. Engine 678 is in the backshops with a burned driving-bo- x journal, which injury she received coming down on one end of. the sections of No 2 Wednesday. Tony Jeffers is coal watchman for the railroad company while Warren Lloyd is looking- - after his crop of ire, which promises to be larger than he anticipated. . Conductor Fred Letts was the vi' m of a painful accident Wed-n'da- y afternoon whije coming down from Sidney on No. 18. An abrupt stop of the train caused Fred to be thrown against the stove in the caboose, which he struck on the left side of his face, cutting an ugly .triangular gash about an inch each way. The wound was tem- porarily bandaged until he reached home, about 12 o'clock that night, when the company physician dressed it, which required five stitches. Christmas Gifts! Christmas gilts worth having. We have a line assortment ;u cut glass, decorated goods, silver and gold, glove boxes, handkerchief boxes, brush and comb sets, mani cure sets, jewel cases, gold pens, link buttons, stick-pin- s, fancy hat pins, silver mounted suspenders, rinjrs, watches, and so many arti cles that are suitable that we can not describe-Wil- I be pleased to have you call and look them over. Jeweler and Optician Irngxaviag-fee- of chzxge. Nails 2)4 cents a pound Western Washers .S3 each Washboards 15 ceats each Best steel Stovepipe 15c a joint Russia Stovepipe 40c a joint . Common Elbows 10c each . Adjustable Elbows 15c each Russia Elbows 23c each iviayaoie aamraets .....irau Liquid Stove Enamel.. 10c a bottle Rope 7- - cents a pound Red West Cowboy Rope, 12ic pr lb Brass Hondas 8c each Glidden Painted Barb Wire S2.35W per hundred.. , Baker Perfect Galvanized barb wire' - $2.85 per hundred. barrel churn $2.90 GROCERIES. -- . Kerosene Oil 15c a gallon Pearline 4c a package . Minnesota Patent Flour-Sl.2- a sack Package Coffee,?.. ..9 lbs for $1.00 Michigan Salt $1.80 per barrel price only. to any the City. BAXLBOAB Monday The little daughter of Austin Brown has been, quite sick for sev- eral days. Dr. Morrill is now ready to do all kinds of dental work at very reasonable prices. It would not be well to accuse the people of North Platte of not ' cutting- - any ice" this year. A. B. Goodwin, of Nichols, was an east bound passenger Thursday morning- - for Belvidere, Neb. If you are good, you will be in "good cheer" w, and you should not fail to don your cheeri- est mood. Merry Christmas.' Lost Dec. 11, in Presbyterian, church, ladies black hand-ba- g with, , haudkerchief and pair of specks with Clinton's name on case. Return to , Mrs. Anna Edwards, oc this ofhee and receive liberal reward. For sale My house and lot on west Front street. For particulars address Mrs. J. p. Mathews, 1624 Welton St., Denver, QoJ. From newspaper reports it is learned that diphtheria has broken out in several towns of the state, and although no cases have thus tar been reported in this locality, our druggists are taking- - every.) precaution to check the epidemic" disease as soon as a case is heard of. To be ready for any emergency a supply of the anti-diphther- ia serum manufactured by an eastern phar-macutip- ai house, jsparrjed jn stocky and can be procured fresh, and. afc all times. This prescription is highly recommended by physicians, who have used it as a sure cure fop the dreaded malady. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate . of two million boxes a year and it will be , three million before New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets ore the most delightful bowel regulator for every bodv the vear round. All drucr- -, gists 103 , 25c, 50c. a box, cure guar anteed. $2.00 At ' 7 J Lace and Button . Ladies who desire a stylish, well-mad- e fine Shoe at $2.00 can get' them from us that are the equal of many sold for $2.50 anc $3.00 at other stores. Yellow Front Shoe Store DECATUR &BEEGLE. Geo, M. Graham, Mgr.

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Page 1: North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune. (North Platte, NE) 1897-12-24 [p ]. · 2019-02-01 · Hi portion of the year to men it the next ten days we want jj personal visit from you. Hi m

' I . - k : : - ' I

iHAIi BARB, Editor and Pbopbietob


Call on Dr. Morrill for crown

bridge and gold work.

The gun club is making- - ar-

rangements for a live pigeon shootto-morr- ow afternoon.

County clerk-ele- ct Holtry andfamily are now comfortably quartered in the Hiuraan house on westThird street.

Dr. Morrill uses the Hollings-wort- h

system for crown and bridgework, which is conceded by all the best system in use.

Baskin's meat market presentsa very handsome appearance to-da- y

and gives evidence of the proprie-tor's enterprise and progressive-nes- s.

Save money by procuring yourChristmas candies at McDonald'sgrocery.

Miss Louise Seeberger, who isattending school in -- Denver, camedown this morning to spend theholidays. She was met at Jules-bur- g

and accompanied liere by herfather.

Young man, your girl wouldliighly appreciate a few pieces ofthat magnificient line of French,German and Japanese chinawarenow on exhibition at Harrington &

Tobin's.Slippers and Christmas go hand

in hand, and the men's slijipcrs aregoing from hand to foot here. $1.40and $1.70. Sec them.

Star Clothing House.

The saloon keepers have com-

plied with the instructions of thecity council and have taken downthe screens from, in front of theirbars. The man who takes a drinkthese days does so in plain view ofpassers-by- .

The Union Pacific has madespecial holiday rates of one fare forthe round trip to points within 200miles. Tickets on sale December24, 25 and 31st, 1897, and January1st, 1898, limited to continuouspassage, expiration limit January4th. -

Wanted,' a good girl for gen-

eral house work. Apply to Mrs. H.C. Rehnie.

The Misses Edna and GertieHine'and Edina Franzen camedown this morning from Sutherlandthe former having dosed herschool last night for the holidayswith exercises appropriate to theoccasion. The exercises were tak-en part in by three schools.

"Los Cabin package coffee 10c atThe Wilcox Dept. Store.

- Dr. Morrill wishes to say thathe is in no way connected or relatedto the former Dr. Morrill who wasin North Platte.

This morning" while looking fora pinch bar to pinch an engine onthe turn-tabl- e, Mr. Ericsson hadhis foot squeezed quite seriouslyby having it. caught under the pilot while the engine was in motion.Fortunately no bones were broken,but the injury will necessitate hislaying off for several days.







'. ct at? rrrnTTrrwn xrnTTCT

On Wednesday at 9:30 p. m.while running to catch the cabooseleaving the Sidney yards after clos-

ing the switch brake man 0. K.Peck stepped, through a culvert,striking his right knee on one ofthe cross ties and injured his kneequite seriously. He will be obligedto lay offa week or two in conse-quence.

Miss Lena Schatz. who isteaching the Chapin school, heldappropriate Christmas exercises atthe scliool house last evening,which were attended by quite anumber of young people from thecity. A tree well stocked withcandies and nuts and a present foreach of the pupils, delighted thelittle ones, and a good program ofsongs and recitations affordedpleasing entertainment for all.


Til0 -

Greaton the Union Pacific is norun we are having- - on our

Ileal and artistic Fapnitupe for "Ghf&taas Presents."We have a large stock of neat and tasty novelties .which must be seento be appreciated. You cannot make a present which will beappreciated more than an elegant piece of furniture a fine picture. Wehave both. Ficture framing a specialty.


HiHiHi Ladies...Hi

HiHi Allow UsHiHi a few words to you to-da- y.

Hi portion of the year to men

it the next ten days we wantjj personal visit from you.


SPECIALto visit our storew

Hi the coming tenHiHiHi6

Hi of rich and6 among

Hi Novelties, especiallyit Holiday Presents,Hi your inspection.HiHiHi

INVITATIONto-da- y or during



COIECTIOIfhandsome merchan-

dise, which arefor

how for

W In addition to overcoat, orUlster, hich are always acceptable, we

6 list of articles of Ave have) choice selection, from presents

suitable for gentlemen may be selected.Hior, Silk Suspendersw Silk Mufflersiff Clovesiff Cloth

Silk HandkerchiefsLined ClovesSilk Umbrellas 'Hi Cane attachment

m MackintoshesHi Underwear

Hi Fancy Shirts

Hi SILK NUCKWEAH. frommakers swell creations


Hi patterns, at

Hi fill esei)tsHi aijd. cleii-sre- f

HiHiHi A SqecialHi

one of foremostof the at. . .


boUsJijt qoui, inepteel ulijeif

goods go mail orpress be Goods

yjff will be sent any desired date.


SI An LLUiniNO nUUoc,A. VOLLMEB, Prop.

Opposite Postoffice the street oldHiHiHi

Misses Irene and Jessie Byrne,of Omaha, are visiting theot their uncle, A.

Robert B. Smith, of Cheyenne,manager ot the Wyoming Cycle

company, was in the two daysthis week, taking orders for the"Wyoming special" bicycle.

4c eachat Wilcox Dept-Stor- e.

T. C. Patterson theearly part of " the week from St.Louis, where had been for sev-

eral days conducting ,a case in theUnited States Circuit Court of

Appeals.The six year old of Jake

Pizer, of the Clothing store,

fell on the ice yesterday at noon

and sustained a sprained shoulder.The little fellow was taken to Mc-Cab- es

pharmacy where soothinglotions were applied and he will beable to resume his studies at school

in a few days.The apple social announced'

for next Tuesday evening hasagain been postponed on accountof Christmas exercises at the Epis-

copal church evening and willbe held on ThursdayRemember the date and place,

Thursday evening, December 30, atthe residence of C. Langdon.

One more day and Christmas will be here

Have you made all your - .

Christmas selections?If not we.have great many pretty presents which

we are still selling at very reasonable figures.

h Wi to ten you call aad iaspecl om stock,

We m m w can job.

HARRY DIXON,Jeweler and Optician.

Itim --

' "


comparision to the great

E. B.


To Say Hi

We spend .the greaterfolks, but to-da- y and for jjto talk to you to have a

We theretore extend a HiHiHiHiHiHi


great warm HiHiHiHiHiHi

Dress Shirts HiHats .

Hosiery HiSmoking Jackets HiClub BagsCuff Buttons HiTrunks HiCoders and CuffsShoes HiSlippers Hi 75c


25c' to' $2 HiHiHiHi




a suit, aw append a

short which a large andand which many


America'stie-make- rs

assortment newest


where by ex-Deaarttt- tetlt

"can addressed.

W.Across from location.




Crimped Valve Leathers















!OtiC6 SljOttt Wi)d.OlltS HiHi

Col. Cody and daughter Irma,returned Wednesday morning froma trip to Cheyenne and Denver.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doran wentto Gretna, this state, Wednesdaymorning, where they will spend theholidays with relatives.

Misses Huldaand Alma Nelsonleft Wednesday morning for Span-uu- th

where they will visit duringthe holidays with their parents.

Miss Ella Jeffers, who has beenin the employ of H. C. Rennie torthe past seven or eight years, sev-

ered connections with that estab-lishment Wednesday. -

Save your teeth by calling onDr. Morrill. Office, first stairwaynorth of Dr. McCabe's drug store.

Miss Mary Robson startedWednesday morning for her homein Deer Creek after a brief visitwith her triend, Miss Edith New-hal- l.

She will stop with friends inMaxwell a few days.

As one lady expresses it "Thisis a splendid exhibition of fine art"a fitting Christmas present for anylady or gentleman see the Japan-ese novelties all imported. For saleby Harrington & Tobin.

The monthly meeting of thebuilding and loan association willbe held Mondayevening, Dec 27th.This change is made by reason ofChristmas falling on the regularmeeting evening.

Pillsbury's Best Flour $1.50per sack at Harrington &Toibin's.

The wedding of Curtis Griblingto Miss Kate Adams, which occur-

red at the home of the bride's par-

ents in Logan county on Sundaywas an exceptionally smooth affair.Following the ceremony a sumpt-

uous wedding dinner was served.The couple received many presents,consisting glass and silver articles,household furniture and live stock.This office was remembered-wit- h asupply of weddingcake.

- Henry Coates, of Paxton, ,was inAble city yesterday.

Superintendent !. H. Dow, of Ft,Mcpherson was incthe city-- yester-day.

Tion Graves is visiting "relativesin Council Bluffs until after theholidays.- -

Mr. King, father of Mrs. JosephMorsch, went to Kearney 'thismorning.

Chas. Hendy, Alfred Gil man andArthur Strahorn are expected homefor the holidays.

The Y. M. C. A. men's meeting Sunday afternoon will be ledby Rev. C. Snavely.

Buy your Christmas candiesanil nuts at Armstrong's restaurant.

Harry E. Worrell, of Brady, isvisiting friends in the city duringthe holiday vacation.

Burton Lambert is assistingtime deeper Hendy in Barnum'soffice for a few days.

Miss Bertha "VonfGoetz arrivedMonday night from Kansas andwill stay at home until spring.

Jcseph Schatz, --who is in thecompany blacksmith shop at Chey-

enne, is down for a visit with hisfamily.

A boy baby was born Wednes-day night to Mr. and Mrs. ClaudeWeingand. The littleone died lastevening at 8 o'clock.

The different schools, from theseventh grade down, held appro-

priate Christmas exercises beforedismissing at noon.

Ed Weston shipped his house-hold goods to Denver yesterday,where he has secured a job brak-in- jr

on the Colorado Midland road.Ten pounds package coffee $1.00

at The Wilcox Department Store.Sheriff Miller went to Lincoln

yesterday mornrng with JimmyHick's, who will serve out a year'ssentence in the pen for horse-stealin- g.

Miss May Dolan, who has beenattending school "in Greeley, Colo-

rado, returned to her home in Max-well this week.

A L. Davis has"the finest lineof Christmas presents to be foundanywhere in the city. Silver teasets, carvers, skates for boys andgirls, etc, and he still has a fewstoves left.

The finest line of choice mixedcandies and nuts in the city atBrazelton's, Williams' old stand.

Miss Bertha Ross has been en-gag- ed

to teach the' Spannuthschool, in district 34, commencingJanuary 4,in place of Miss GertrudeDeWolf, who resigned to teach indistrict 32, her home school.

Your Christmas dinner willtaste much better if you use WhiteHouse Mocha and Java coffee. Mc-

Donald sells it.Mrs. W. M. Cunningham and

Mrs. J. S. Hoagland, who have beenin Omaha several days will returnto-nig- ht. A letter received by Mr.Hoagland from them states thathis son Arthur is about the same.

Business Suits at business prices. See our56, $7.50 end $10 line.


Mrs. Aline Clements, of NewMexico, stopped off in this city afew days to visit the family ofLoren Sturges, on her way east,continuing her journey Wednesdaymorning. She .went to Gibbonfrom here and will spend a few dayswith other relatives.

A marriage license was Wed-

nesday granted William C. Roseand Nellie F. McDonald ot Kernprecinct, and then Judge Ray madetheir happiness complete by pro-nouncing the words that madethem man and wife.

- Package coffee ;10c at The WilcoxDepartment Store.

Monday was Mrs. George Nau-man- 's

fifty-fourt- h birth anniver-sary, and in honor of the event shewas pleasantly surprised in theevening by a number of her friends,who visited her home unexpectedly,bringing' lots of food things to eat,and makiug the occasion one longto be remembered,

iPillsbury's Best Minneapolis Floor

$1.50 per sack at The Wilcox Dept.Store. I

Detective Baker caught fivecoal rustlers up near Lodge Poleone night the early part of theweek, and the fellows will have ahearing at Chappell in a few days.Mr. Baker says ?. considerable coalhas been rustled by parties livingbetween here anjl Hershey and heis now woking up the clue.

The finance committee of theY. M. C. A. medts next Tuesdayevening for the purpose of audit-ing the accounts for the year.From present indications there willbe a shortage of cabout twenty-fiv-e

dollars to settle up the accounts ofthe association, and as there isconsiderable money outstandingfor dues, it is hoped that the de-

linquent ones will settle up beforethe 28th. I

We guarantee all our fancychinaware to be genuine importedgoods from France, Austria,. Ger-many and Japan."


Some People Would Rather Lose Money than

Pay Cash For Their Goods.iWe sell goods for cash only and our customers do not pay interest on somebody else's;

debts. -- When you trade with coupon books or with a firm that runs book accounts,that is what you do. OUR PRIOES PR0YE IT.

NOTION DEFT.Crochet Cotton, three spools for 10cThread, three spools for.;v.v. .. .10cImported Saxony .6c a skeinSpanish Yarn 12 c a skeinGerman Knitting Yarn. 16c a skeinFull Count Pins. . . ''. ... . .2c a paperBest Needles 5c a paperCurling Irons 4c eachLace Edge Handkerchiefs. .5c eachTwin Dress Stays 5c a set7-in- ch metal back Combs 8c each7-in-ch celluloid Combs 20c eachSide Combs 5c a pair144 Agate Buttons for. 3cBaby Ribbon . lc a yardKnittinsr Needles 3c a setSilk Handkerchiefs. . ,10c each

CROCKERY DEFT.Handled Cups and Saucers.. 40c setDinner Plates 35c set

WilcoxGoods sold for cash and one

Grand TChristmas Sole at

From now till Christmasclearing sale of the

of Ladies' Coats,

we make great-est age. An line

Muffs,Mittens Gloves, at cost and less.

Elegant $25.00 far capes at $15.0015.00 " 10.00

All our Jackets and$25 coats and capes at - $15

15 " - 10Elegant $12.50 and capes at $6.50 to close.

Eiegant fur collarettes, $2.50 to 510.00All our $12 dress patterns at 8.50810 patterns at - - $7.50$8.50 patterns at - - 6.00

Now is ih time of your lifs

Elder Leonard was in the citytwo days this week.

Dr. Northrupand wife are visit-ing relatives in Belvidere.

Prank Overturf went to Gibbonthis morning' to visit his parents.

M. Eisenbein left for Grand Isl-

and this morning to visit for a fewdays.

Mrs. Robert Finney went toLexington Thursday morning tovisit friends.

Mrs. T. Bresnahan went toBrady Island this morning to visitfor a few days.

Miss Josie Day will be homefrom her school at Offalalla dur- -

ing the holidays.

Miss Anna Johnson is spendingthe holidays with her parents inCottonwood precinct

Bishop Graves.ot Kearney, passedthrough this morning on No. 2 enroute home from the west.

Willie Hawley and Dot Besackwill fo to Sutherland to-morr- topass their holiday vacation.

Mrs. Frank Coker. and sister.Miss Clara Coates, of Sutherland,were shopping here yesterday.

Will Leonard and family left lastnight for Lincoln to spend Christmas with the former's parents.

Miss Kate Yost went to KearneyThursday morning" to spend theholidays with her sister and friends

Miss. Annie Tulley, the millinerat Rennie's. returned Thursdaymorning to her home at Ottawa,Illinois.

Miss Marie Maher, who had beenvisiting her sister Mrs. J. T. Stuart, returned Thursday morning toAurora, 111.

Mrs. H. S. Boal started yesterday morning for home in Wyoming,Mrs. Cody having recovered fromher sickness.

Floy McGinn came down fromCheyenne yesterday morning, andwill visit relatives and friends fora few days.

Cap. Haskell, the McPhersoncounty ranchtrian, tarried ,in the

two days this week on hisway to Omaha.

Fred Bock and family arrived inthe city Wednesday night fromPine Bluff, Wyo., and will makeNorth Platte their home.

Dr Gardiner.Jof California, an oldtime friend of D. A. Baker, is theguest of the latter and his family,and wilt remain in town for a fewdays.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dillon areenjoying a visit from their son Sid-

ney, who came Tuesday from Yalecollege to spend his holiday vaca-

tion.Mrs. M. E. Watts and daughter

Miss Mayme came home Wednes-

day night from Corning, Jowa,where they visited relatives fortwo weeks.

Pie Plates 25c setEight patterns of decorated ware

to select from.Twelve patterns of chamber sets

running from the cheap to the best.

LAttF DEFT.No. ILamp Chimneys 4c eachNo. 2 44 6c eachNo. 1, i4 heavy, 8c eachNo. 2 44 heavy, 10c eachNo. 2 Rochester Chimney.. 10c eachJTo o

mammoth size 15c eachLantern Globes 7c each

Glass Lamps, Base Lamps, Ban-quet Lamps, Nickel Plated Rochester Lamps, Night Lamps in fact,the only complete stock of Lamps inNorth Platte.

HARDWARE DEFT.Galvanized Sheet Iron . .5c a pound

Department Store.Goods delivered pari; of

will theelegant

Jackets, Collarettes,Boas, and

$10 Jackets and




Elegant $20.00 far capes at $12.5012.50 7.50

capes at cost and less.$20 coats and capes $12.50

All our $1.50 and $1.75 kid glovesin all colors at SI.25

Elegant fur muffs, from 81.00 to 812.50All dress goods at cost and less.

io buy goods at jour own price.


Since last ice for the U.P. has been coming in from Sheltonat tne raie or twenty-nv- e cars aday.

R. R. Root, of Wood River, isin the night office, while MorrisVaughn is in the dispatchers' officeduring J. F. Clabaugh's absence.

The new pump at the roundhouse was treated to a coat of beau-

tiful Indian red enamel paint thisweek, which very much improvesits appearance.

C. A. Simon, superintendent ofthe Western Union telegraph com-

pany, was in town Wednesday onbusiness, connected with his posi-

tion.Engine 678 is in the backshops

with a burned driving-bo- x journal,which injury she received comingdown on one end of. the sections ofNo 2 Wednesday.

Tony Jeffers is coal watchmanfor the railroad company whileWarren Lloyd is looking- - after hiscrop of ire, which promises to belarger than he anticipated.

. Conductor Fred Letts was thevi' m of a painful accident Wed-n'da- y

afternoon whije comingdown from Sidney on No. 18. Anabrupt stop of the train causedFred to be thrown against the stovein the caboose, which he struck onthe left side of his face, cutting anugly .triangular gash about an incheach way. The wound was tem-porarily bandaged until he reachedhome, about 12 o'clock that night,when the company physiciandressed it, which required fivestitches.

Christmas Gifts!

Christmas gilts worth having.We have a line assortment ;u cutglass, decorated goods, silver andgold, glove boxes, handkerchiefboxes, brush and comb sets, manicure sets, jewel cases, gold pens,link buttons, stick-pin- s, fancy hatpins, silver mounted suspenders,rinjrs, watches, and so many articles that are suitable that we cannot describe-Wil- I be pleased tohave you call and look them over.

Jeweler and OpticianIrngxaviag-fee- of chzxge.

Nails 2)4 cents a poundWestern Washers .S3 eachWashboards 15 ceats eachBest steel Stovepipe 15c a jointRussia Stovepipe 40c a joint .

Common Elbows 10c each .

Adjustable Elbows 15c eachRussia Elbows 23c eachiviayaoie aamraets .....irauLiquid Stove Enamel.. 10c a bottleRope 7- - cents a poundRed West Cowboy Rope, 12ic pr lbBrass Hondas 8c eachGlidden Painted Barb Wire S2.35W

per hundred.. ,

Baker Perfect Galvanized barb wire' -

$2.85 per hundred.barrel churn $2.90


.Kerosene Oil 15c a gallonPearline 4c a package .

Minnesota Patent Flour-Sl.2- a sackPackage Coffee,?.. ..9 lbs for $1.00Michigan Salt $1.80 per barrel

price only. to any the City.



The little daughter of AustinBrown has been, quite sick for sev-

eral days.Dr. Morrill is now ready to do

all kinds of dental work at veryreasonable prices.

It would not be well to accusethe people of North Platte of not '

cutting- - any ice" this year.A. B. Goodwin, of Nichols, was

an east bound passenger Thursdaymorning- - for Belvidere, Neb.

If you are good, you will be in"good cheer" w, and youshould not fail to don your cheeri-est mood. Merry Christmas.'

Lost Dec. 11, in Presbyterian,church, ladies black hand-ba- g with, ,

haudkerchief and pair of specks withClinton's name on case. Return to ,

Mrs. Anna Edwards, oc this ofheeand receive liberal reward.

For sale My house and lot onwest Front street. For particularsaddress Mrs. J. p. Mathews, 1624Welton St., Denver, QoJ.

From newspaper reports it islearned that diphtheria has brokenout in several towns of the state,and although no cases have thustar been reported in this locality,our druggists are taking-- every.)precaution to check the epidemic"disease as soon as a case is heardof. To be ready for any emergency asupply of the anti-diphther- ia serummanufactured by an eastern phar-macutip- ai

house, jsparrjed jn stockyand can be procured fresh, and. afc

all times. This prescription ishighly recommended by physicians,who have used it as a sure cure fopthe dreaded malady.

Two Millions a Year.When people buy, try, and buy again,

it means they're satisfied. The peopleof the United States are now buyingCascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate .

of two million boxes a year and it will be ,

three million before New Year's. Itmeans merit proved, that Cascarets orethe most delightful bowel regulator forevery bodv the vear round. All drucr--,

gists 103 , 25c, 50c. a box, cure guaranteed.


At' 7 J

Lace and

Button. Ladies who desire a

stylish, well-mad- e fine

Shoe at $2.00 can get'them from us that are the

equal of many sold for

$2.50 anc $3.00 at otherstores.

Yellow Front

Shoe Store

DECATUR &BEEGLE.Geo, M. Graham, Mgr.