north american clean energy - march april 2010

VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 Technology and the Reliability of Wind Turbines Making Solar Smarter Increasing grid stability & integration The Potential of Osmotic Power 2010 GEOTHERMAL BUYERS GUIDE PLUS Show in Print features… IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference International BIOMASS Conference & Expo WINDPOWER 2010 Conference & Exhibition

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CEO View on Washington: Much to be Done, Matching Distributed Energy Storage with Wind Power, Reaching Wind Grid Parity Energy, Wind Power: Turbine logistics & transportation, Technology and the Reliability of Wind Turbines, A Complete Product Mix for Lifting & Maintenance, Wind power products & news, US Government Program Accelerates Solar Grid Integration, Making Solar Smarter: Increasing grid stability with power electronics, Next-Generation PV System & Grid Management, Solar Power Systems: From a large surface to a point focus, Energy Storage: The Holy Grail for renewable energy & the Smart Grid, Solar energy products, Financing Renewables with Federal Grants, Mitigating Risk with Title Insurance, GEOTHERMAL Buyers Guide, Case Study: Advancements in Energy Crop Production, Commercial Production of Cellulosic Ethanol, BioPower products & News, The Potential of Osmotic Power


Page 1: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010


Technology and the Reliability of Wind Turbines

Making Solar SmarterIncreasing grid stability & integration

The Potential of Osmotic Power


PLUS Show in Print features…• IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference

• International BIOMASS Conference & Expo

• WINDPOWER 2010 Conference & Exhibition

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Page 2: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010



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Page 4: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

4 MARCH / APRIL 2010


Wind energy 08

Solar energy 22

Show-in-Print:IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exposition 46

Investing in Clean Energy 50

Show-in-Print: WINDPOWER 2010 Conference& Exhibition 54

89 GEOTHERMALBuyers Guide 89

97 BioPower

Show-in-Print: International BIOMASSConference & Expo 100

Hydro and Marineenergy 104


07 CEO View on Washington: Much to be Done

08 Matching Distributed Energy Storage with Wind Power

10 Reaching Wind Grid Parity Energy

13 Wind Power: Turbine logistics & transportation

14 Technology and the Reliability of Wind Turbines

16 A Complete Product Mix for Lifting & Maintenance

18 Wind power products & news

24 US Government Program Accelerates Solar Grid Integration

28 Making Solar Smarter: Increasing grid stability with power electronics

30 Next-Generation PV System & Grid Management

32 Solar Power Systems: From a large surface to a point focus

34 Energy Storage: The Holy Grail for renewable energy & the Smart Grid

36 Solar energy products

50 Financing Renewables with Federal Grants

52 Mitigating Risk with Title Insurance


97 Case Study: Advancements in Energy Crop Production

98 Commercial Production of Cellulosic Ethanol

99 BioPower products & News

104 The Potential of Osmotic Power

Photo courtesy of White

March / April 2010Volume 4, Number 2


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Baja 1 12/17/09 1:33 PM


Technology and the Reliability of Wind Turbines

Making Solar SmarterIncreasing grid stability & integration

The Potential of Osmotic Power


Osmotic Power

PLUS Show in Print features…• IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference

• International BIOMASS Conference & Expo

• WINDPOWER 2010 Conference & Exhibition



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Page 5: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

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Page 6: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

6 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Not sure about you but I’ll admit that at times I fi nd it easy (at least after some procrastination) to get overly absorbed and caught up in my daily to-do list. Much like running (I’m no pro but enjoy—or, at least, attempt to enjoy—a good run every now and again), sometimes I’m so focused on the end destination, I forget to take in the journey. This is one reason I love my job. Along with the fact the information we provide in this publication relates to bettering the environ-

ment and our future, there are many times I’m forced to stop, reread, and ponder an article or product presented to me. I mean when you consider how perennial rhizomatic grasses (a non-food source) can support biomass power production (see article on page 97), or the global potential of osmotic power (see page 104)—just a couple of examples from this issue alone—it’s quite amazing what projects people are developing.

If you’re ever in need of a break from your daily to-do list and are looking for something to read over and ponder, well, we hope you have our magazine in hand! As I love a good story, I’ve also taken the habit of visiting the site If you haven’t checked it out before, TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is full of various talks and, by their own description, “ideas worth spreading.” Worth the listen: “William Kamkwamba: How I harnessed the wind.” William talks about how he, at age 14, built a windmill to power his family’s home in poverty stricken

Malawi. I also recommend “Bertrand Piccard's solar-powered adventure.” But, re-ally, there are countless stories; possibly some will add inspiration to your next project or, at the very least, your day.

Of course, conferences and exhibitions are another great place to fi nd not only inspiration, but also valuable, new industry information, products, and services. For a sneak peek at what will be showcased at WINDPOWER 2010, the largest annual wind conference (in Dallas, Texas, this year), fl ip to page 54. There are also show-in-print sections in this issue for the upcoming IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exposition and the International BIOMASS Conference & Expo.

In addition, we focus on distributed energy storage, the smart grid, and on the fi -nancing of renewables. After all, for alternative energy to fully succeed, it eventually comes down to an ability to fund projects from start to fi nish and an ability to store renewable power for use on-demand. There was an interesting study presented in “Scientifi c American” (November 2009) that evaluated a quantitative plan for pow-ering the world solely on wind, solar, and hydro energy—proving that it was not only possible but, ultimately, cheaper than sticking with fossil fuels or going nuclear. The key to making the plan work? Commitment. (Not to mention new infrastruc-ture, transmission grids, etc…but, it is possible.) Seems like one journey worth see-ing through.

Enjoy the read! Michelle Froese


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editor's note

news bites

Smart Grid web portal IEEE recently launched Smart Grid Web Portal, an integrated gateway to Smart Grid intelligence, education, and news. The Web portal is designed for manufac-turers, policymakers, educators, academics, governments, engineers, computer scientists, researchers, and other stakeholders in the power and energy, information technology (IT), and communications industries.

The term Smart Grid refers to the next-generation, managed electrical power system that leverages increased use of communications and information technology in the generation, delivery, and consumption of electrical energy. It is a revolution-ary undertaking, entailing new capabilities for communications and control, inte-gration of new energy sources, distributed generation, and adoption of a regulatory structure. The IEEE Smart Grid Web Portal is designed to be an essential resource for anyone involved in Smart Grid—whatever their industry or technical discipline.IEEE Smart Grid | |

Mapping the ocean fl oorThe new book “Ocean Globe” (ESRI Press) examines bathymetry from its early history through today’s use of geographic information systems (GIS) and other technologies to map the ocean fl oor. With contributions from oceanographers, explorers, and historians, this new book is a valuable resource for those interested in coastal management, seafl oor mapping, and marine biology. The anthology ad-dresses how recent developments in bathymetry and seafl oor mapping are applied to animal migrations, coral reef growth, tsunami forecasts, coastal ecosystems, aquatic farming, whale habitats, and more. The book also explains how advances in technology and mapping in a server-based GIS environment enable the improved collaboration and sharing of methods and data.ESRI Press |

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Page 7: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

7North American Clean Energy

In February, I had the privilege of chairing a panel of wind energy chief executive offi cers at the American

Council on Renewable Energy RETECH 2010 conference in Washington, DC. The panelists were Eddie O’Connor, CEO of Mainstream Renewable Power, a European de-veloper engaged in offshore and onshore wind (and com-mencing activities in the States); Peter Duprey, CEO of Acciona North America, a European owned wind and solar developer in the US; Paul Gaynor, CEO of First Wind, a private equity backed wind developer in North America; John Langdon, CEO of Viryd a small wind technology company; and Bruce Bailey, CEO of AWS Truewind, a well-known engineering and consulting fi rm.

Given the conference was in Washington, the discus-sion focused on policy and regulation. Two headline issues for these chief executive offi cers were: 1. the need for im-proved incentive programs for wind and other renewable energy projects; and, 2. the need for improved transmis-sion and grid integration regulation.

Eddie O’Connor laid the groundwork with a compari-son of the European incentive programs. Major European wind nations have provided cash-based incentives such as the German feed-in tariff or the UK renewable energy certifi cate regime. Peter Duprey highlighted the feed-in tariff transmission and permitting regime in Ontario as be-

ing a good North American model. The advantage of the feed-in tariff is in its simplicity: wind projects are paid a set price in cash for production (which may vary offshore versus onshore). Wind, therefore, is not taking the risk of fossil fuel cost variability (i.e. being competitive in high, natural gas price periods and less competitive in low-price periods), nor is the subsidy hidden and potentially skewed as with tax based incentives. The feed-in tariff is very fi -nanceable with a broad range of sources and has proven to permit the use of a high level of low cost debt—making the overall cost of project capital cheaper.

The US federal incentive system is largely tax based, using production or investment tax credits, as well as accelerated depreciation. Though the incentives are benefi cial, they can only be used by developers that are large, public companies with US tax liabilities. The tax equity market developed to monetize tax benefi ts for all the other developers that cannot use them. These developers are both large, non-US com-panies, as well as smaller, US-based developers. In those tax equity transactions, wind developers sell interests in renew-able energy projects to investors with the price, taking into account the value of the tax benefi ts allocated to the inves-tor. United States tax rules restrict the use of tax benefi ts to large, tax paying companies and, within that universe, not all companies are interested in the energy sector. As a practical matter, the tax equity market has been limited to fi nancial institutions, life insurance companies, and utilities. Because of the relatively limited number of investors, the cost of tax equity is relatively expensive when compared to debt, and the transactions are relatively expensive to document.

The fi nancial crisis in the US signifi cantly reduced the amount of tax equity. Concern over the inability to fi nance renewable energy projects was in part addressed by Sec-tion 1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Section 1603 permits a wind project devel-oper to elect to receive a Treasury grant for 30% of eligi-ble costs in lieu of an investment tax credit or production tax credit. This program has resulted in over $2.4 billion being paid to renewable energy projects. But, the program is only available for projects commencing construction by the end of 2010. The question then is: what’s next? The tax equity market is still not fully recovered. Congress is being asked to consider an extension of the grant. Con-gressman Earl Blumenauer, together with cosponsors from the House Committee on Ways and Means recently introduced H.R. 4599, the “Renewable Energy Expansion Act of 2010.” Under this bill, the Treasury grant would be replaced by a refundable investment tax credit that would apply to projects commencing construction in 2011 and 2012, and include a number of features applicable to the Section 1603 grant program. The RETECH panelists expressed concern over the changing terms of, and poten-tial delay in extending, the incentive program. The result of delay may be that developers will be compelled to ac-celerate projects in 2010 that might otherwise have been

brought to construction in the following year. This out-come might be good for jobs in 2010, but this approach will increase costs given the impact of accelerated demand on equipment, people, and capital.

In summary, the US historically has used tax-based in-centives for renewables. That approach was changed in light of the fi nancial crisis. A period of uncertainty is ap-proaching where the current grant program may expire or be subject to extension. The chief executive offi cers emphasized the need for consistent and long-term incen-tive policies with a preference for cash-based incentives. Changing the rules every year does not work. But there is a hope that in the next year or so there will be the op-portunity for improvement in the federal incentive regime. Though a feed-in tariff might be preferred to a tax-based incentive system, such a system at the federal level has yet to gain legislative traction. On the other hand, a national renewable portfolio standard, which should result in re-newables pricing competitively against similar technology (over time resulting in pricing that is not fossil fuel based), is a possibility, as it was included in the Waxman Markey bill passed in the House and versions of the Senate energy bills proposed last year. A national RPS and a phase out of tax incentives should result in the longer term with power purchase agreement pricing correlated to renewable energy production costs (including cost of capital), which pricing would provide a fi nanceable cash fl ow stream simi-lar to a feed-in tariff.

Transmission was a theme running through all the presentations. Bruce Bailey summarized the results of the

NREL Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study (EWITS), published in January 2010. The study examined the feasibility of penetration of 20% to 30% of wind in the Eastern Interconnect—approximately 225,000 to 330,000 MW of wind. The conclusions included that wind integra-tion at that level was feasible, but transmission investment was key. The ability to bring wind from the western part of the Eastern Interconnect, as well as from offshore installa-tions, would mean that a high penetration of wind would be feasible and include the benefi ts of geographic diversity of wind resources. The study indicated a high penetration of wind might include a cost of intermittency of about $5/mWh (but as one speaker noted this might be set off against the value of wind as a hedge against fossil fuel vola-tility, not to mention greenhouse gas reduction).

The challenge of transmission is that it is diffi cult to license, expensive, and politically charged. It takes much longer to plan and build a transmission project than it does to do the same for wind farms. Trans-state or regional transmission lines face even more complicated permitting and political hurdles. As a consequence, wind farms get built but are curtailed (as has been the case in West Texas), or they cannot obtain fi nancing because of the curtailment risk. To achieve 20% wind by 2030, the federal government needs to act as decisively as it did with the National High-way System, and treat national transmission development as a national priority and not a matter of local convenience.

The development of interconnection policy will aid both large- and small-wind projects. Permitting and intercon-nection rules and costs remain a challenge to the growth of distributed generation, as well as utility scale projects. The clear goal for the wind industry is to support a coher-ent national policy on transmission siting and permitting, including federal licensing with the power of eminent do-main. Add federal funding and guarantees, and the country will see transmission construction proceed at a record pace. However, industry leaders are also aware of the com-plicated politics around transmission, and recognize that the desired goals may not be politically achievable.

The panel concluded with a question on the oppor-tunities for offshore wind in the US. The EWITS study includes an aggressive case with up to 79 GW of offshore wind. The developers on the panel were not especially op-timistic about offshore wind given the strong onshore re-sources and markedly lower costs of construction. But, the development of the best onshore resources depends on the ability to access load centers, and one’s assessment of the likelihood, timing, and cost of major national transmission development. The competitiveness of offshore wind very much depends on the assumptions made about the ability to construct a transmission superhighway, and to deal with congestion into load centers in the Northeast specifi cally. To the extent that national transmission policy does not evolve, and transmission is not built, then the window for offshore wind may be open. Although this might not be the view taken by this panel of executives, the continued development of projects by Cape Wind, Bluewater, and others tells us there is another point of view.

Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy

By Ed Feo | Partner, Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP

Ed Feo is a partner in the international law fi rm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP. He co-chairs the Firm’s project fi nance and energy practice and is a member of the Firm’s Global Executive Committee.

CEO View on Washington:Much to Be Done

The US historically has used tax based incentives for renewables. That approach was changed in light of the fi nancial crisis.

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Page 8: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

8 MARCH / APRIL 2010

wind energy

The reliable matching of power supply and load is the cornerstone of electric grid operations: the electricity supplied must match the amount withdrawn.

The problem, though, is that by their nature, the variable energy resources (VER) that are increasingly being added to the grid—principally wind and solar projects—are not subject to direct control. Therefore, their addition raises operational issues (albeit ones that can be solved) about how best to match or balance these relatively new sources of supply with load.

This was the question posed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in its January 21st, 2010 Notice of Inquiry on Integration of Variable En-ergy Resources, and it’s one that can be answered in several ways. But one answer is to facilitate the widespread deployment of energy storage technologies and, spe-cifi cally, utility scale Distributed Energy Storage (DES). Last century, it was a fun-damental precept that electricity could not economically be stored to any material degree, but this is no longer the case. Today, if the energy anticipated to come from a variable resource turns out not to be available in real time (because the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining), stored energy can be substituted. Simply put, we have at our disposal storage devices that draw electric power from the grid during off-peak periods and, then later when the power is needed, are discharged to pro-vide back-up energy typically at a lower cost than the energy that otherwise would have been withdrawn to backup the VER—assuming this energy was even available during the times of peak demand. These same devices, when operating in charging mode, can also provide ancillary services by reducing the level of demand during periods of the day when VER and load are ramping up or down.

Utility scale DES consists of hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of energy storage devices located at residential, commercial, governmental, and/or in-dustrial sites. What makes “utility” scale DES possible is that it can be electrically aggregated in the form of thousands of individually sited, small storage devices, and then linked through the Internet, or other electronic means, to the System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems used by the electric grid operators. An opera-tor can then control and dispatch the aggregated storage devices as though they were actually a single 50 or 100 megawatt (MW) generator or load that could be shed.

In short, utility scale DES would not only allow large amounts of load to be seamlessly shifted from high-cost peak hours to low-cost non-peak hours, but would also provide a way to store the power from VER that otherwise might need to be curtailed. The DES devices, by reducing their demand, can also provide balancing service when needed to fi ll in at such times as the VER might fl uctuate beyond grid tolerances, be this over the course of a few seconds or minutes, or from hour to hour, or over the course of a day. In so doing, the DES would make the VER considerably more valuable and more plentiful.

But, is this really true? Isn’t meaningful energy storage via electric and hybrid electric vehicles years away? Yes, but fl ywheel systems that provide rapid ramping for regulation service are already deployed in the PJM Interconnection and in the New York ISO, and are under development elsewhere. Plus, utility scale DES in the form of aggregated and centrally controlled ice storage air conditioning is now a reality. In January, the Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA), a group of 11 southern California municipal utilities, announced it had entered into a long-term agreement with Ice Energy, Inc., a Colorado-based fi rm, to purchase and deploy thousands of Ice Energy’s storage devices at small- and medium-sized commercial and government buildings in the SCPPA utilities’ service territories. The devices, which are installed next to fi ve- to 20-ton air conditioners, make ice at night and at other non-peak hours, usually when wind power both is plentiful and

cheap. During daytime peak load hours, the ice is used to cool the refrigerant and to air condition the buildings. Collectively, the devices, which will be “cycled,” will be aggregated and centrally controlled by the member utilities, be used to shift 53 MW of peak-load to off-peak hours, and be available to provide ramping serv-ices during the early morning and evening transition periods when load, net of wind (referred to as “net load”), is ramping up or down.

From the perspective of wind power producers, DES, particularly on the scale available from DES suppliers such as Ice Energy, provides numerous types of “partnering” opportunities to fi rm or backup the capacity of wind and other VER generators, particularly through the energy, ancillary services, and capacity markets administered in RTO and ISO markets—where, coincidentally, most of this power is being developed. However, because the current markets were developed prima-rily to accommodate the operating characteristics of large, central station plants rather than VER and utility scale DES, certain adjustments to these markets would be needed to make these partnering opportunities a reality. In its Notice of Intent, FERC recognized that certain of the market rules might not be fl exible enough and, therefore, might need to be modifi ed to level the playing fi eld for VER and those new technologies that would aid VER integration. In particular, FERC sug-gested the expected large increases in VER will require increases in the amount of reserves and it sought ways to reduce the need for, and cost of, such reserves.

Here are several suggested market rule changes that would facilitate DES’s ability to fi rm up VER when necessary, and to increase the value of both:

1. Provide a market revenue stream for the system effi ciency value and other ben-efi ts resulting from peak load shifting such as lower peak-hour prices, increases in capacity factors, and reductions in curtailments, transmission congestion, and line losses.

2. Create a new category of Load Following Reserves. Obviously, load following service would be more available if its providers were compensated. Utility scale DES could be dispatched for load following if limited offers and operation were permitted.

3. Allow combined, partial day, Day-Ahead Market offers or, alternatively, create an intra-day Real-Time Market. DES participation in the day-ahead markets is constrained because it can’t be offered in all hours. Allowing partial day DES and VER offers to be combined would eliminate real-time deviations and increase supply source participation.

4. Allow combined Forward Capacity Market offers from VER and DES resources. VER participation in forward capacity markets is limited to the capacity avail-able during peak load hours. Although current markets allow summer and winter seasonal resources to be combined, it is not permissible for different resources to be combined during the same season. Allowing combined VER and DES offers would allow VER capacity to be “fi rmed.”

In sum, there is no one or two silver bullets here. But, given its obvious potential, system operators should take all economically justifi ed steps to fully integrate VER and technologies like DES into the power markets.

Larry Eisenstat is a partner at Dickstein Shapiro LLP and head of its Energy Practice. He has experience handling regulatory and transactional matters, as well as litigation, antitrust, compliance, and enforcement matters on behalf of energy and non-energy companies.

George Johnson is senior counsel in Dickstein Shapiro’s Energy Practice. He has been engaged in administrative regulatory practice in the energy, environmental, and telecommunications areas for more than 25 years.

Dickstein Shapiro LLP |

Matching Distributed Energy Storage with

Wind PowerBy Larry Eisenstat (left) and George Johnson (right)

…given its obvious potential, system operators should take all economically justifi ed steps to fully integrate VER and technologies like DES into the power markets.

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Page 9: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

9North American Clean Energy

Mars Snackfood U.S. • Petra SolarCampbell Soup Company • RocheJohnson & Johnson • Novo NordiskT h e c o m p a n y w e k e e p ,k e e p s g e t t i n g b e t t e r .COSCO Americas, Inc. • Prudential A b s o l u t e l y E n e r g i z e d S o l a rPrinceton Power Systems • IDT

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Yaw position sensor for wind turbinesSpecially engineered for wind turbine applications, MR200W series Yaw Position Transducers monitor position, direction, speed, and cable twist while providing the necessary feedback to the yaw directional motor drive and brake control system. These products are based on Micronor’s proven modular sensor and control technology developed and refi ned over 40+ years of industrial product experience. An MR200W series position transducer can be multi-functional and integrate any combination of: geared limit switches, rotary encoder, resolver, or potentiometer. For increased ac-curacy and repeatability, the unit can be supplied with an external anti-backlash POM (polymer) pinion gear, which optimizes coupling to a turbine’s large yaw bullgear.Micronor |

Vibration acceptance levels for wind turbinesWind turbines, by reason of their design, location of installation, and operation, do not abide by any international stand-ard for vibration. To increase reliability, uptime, and operation of wind turbines, the Association of German Engineers, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI), in collaboration with manufacturers, such as PRUEFTECHNIK Condition Moni-toring, LUDECA’s principals, helped in developing the VDI 3834 vibration and evaluation standard for wind power plants. The VDI 3834 standard will help to close the gap between this and other well-established standards for threshold values of specifi c components. This means that vibration signals of wind power tur-bines are no longer a problem to measure and evaluate when using a vibration ana-lyzer such as VIBXPERT and its OMNI-TREND PC software, which both feature built-in VDI measurement standards. LUDECAwind – A Division of LUDECA,


Design, testing & building of wind energy systems DARcorporation is an aeronautical engi-neering fi rm that offers services to design, test, and build prototypes of wind energy systems including horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines and unconventional designs. DARcorporation has years of experience with wind tunnel testing and have developed “correction methods” to help predict full-scale behavior of wind turbines. DAR engineers practice sound engineering principles and analysis before any turbine is built or tested, and new methods to design and analyze different concepts are continuously being devel-oped to boost wind turbine effi ciency.

Wind energy services include: aero-dynamic design of the power generating surfaces of blades; blade analysis; struc-tural design, analysis, and overall system dynamics, including advice about mate-rial selection (metal and/or composites); wind tunnel testing using scale models; calibration services for generators to determine the effi ciency curves versus rotational speed (rpm); and, the building of wind turbine prototypes including the selection and design of generator and bearing systems. DARcorporation |

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Page 10: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

10 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Reaching Wind Grid Parity Energy Not just about

initial cost per wattBy John Skibinski

wind energy

Today, more than 85% of the wind energy production cost

is the initial capital and installa-tion. Operations and maintenance (O&M) accounts for about 15% of the total energy production cost. But, though initial capital costs fall only a few percent per year, owners are watching O&M costs rapidly increase after the fourth year—where O&M costs can grow to more than 20% of the total en-ergy production cost.

For instance, an American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) O&M Council sur-vey identifi ed the following electrical issues…

Early failure of electrical components Less than ideal matching of the generator and converter results in damage to the converter from generator power transients. In addition, IEC power converters are not designed to be robust enough for the US grid, which exhibits far more severe power transients than Europe’s grid, and so IEC power converters fail earlier than expected. And, like IEC power converters, IEC contactors and breakers are de-signed for up to 105% over-current—a level far less than the frequent power tran-sients of the US grid. In a comparison test by a major US wind turbine OEM, UL/ANSI components outlasted IEC components by about 2.5 times when subjected to US grid conditions.

In addition, interviews on behalf of American Electric Technologies, Inc. with various wind farm operators identifi ed the following electrical issues…• Less than expected electrical system performance at start-up and across the life

cycle. • Lack of complete electrical systems integration between IEC turbine systems and

the ANSI electrical collection, substation, and yard systems, resulting in less than desirable electrical system coordination that impacts start-up performances.

• Lack of integrated life cycle operations and maintenance planning, which allows use of electrical equipment from different suppliers that, because of different design objectives, results in non-optimized electrical design and integration that underperforms over the life cycle.

Getting down to grid parity production costs requires a better approach to manag-ing O&M costs over the life cycle. Many of the following O&M costs are over-looked and often under-estimated during the planning stage of a wind farm. But, over time, they add up to impact the total wind energy production cost to the detri-ment of the return on investment of the farm.

• Installation: reducing costs that arise from inadequate commissioning by inexpe-rienced contractors.

• Operating: reducing costs resulting from early failure of non-UL conversion and protection equipment from power surges.

• Maintenance: reducing revenue loss from unplanned system failure.• Replacement: reducing costs due to using shorter life IEC rather than UL &

ANSI electrical components.

Containing costs: End-to-end electrical integration To truly contain O&M costs over time, it is important to integrate and implement the turbine and balance of system equipment using one electrical systems supplier.

Two goals are attained by this approach:1. Optimized electrical design and project costs. Although initial costs are

slightly higher, farm ROI is improved by specifi cation of third-party certifi ed components (UL, KEMA, etc.) that last longer than self-certifi ed (IEC) compo-nents for US wind farms. Electrical coordination is also improved when using the same equipment supplier who utilizes the same brand of third-party certi-fi ed components in their electrical equipment design. And, by using an electrical systems supplier with construction experience, farm ROI is further improved by eliminating the layers of subcontracting and implementing end-to-end systems engineering visibility into the construction of the electrical power infrastructure from generation to grid.

2. Reduced electrical operations and maintenance costs. Although the start-up costs are higher, farm ROI is improved by utilizing a third party to validate farm construction against the design to obtain end assurance that the farm was installed, coordinated, and commissioned correctly while the contractors are still on the development site. Then, by implementing a condition-based monitoring solution, combined with an early warning preventative maintenance service, the complete approach results in the highest improvement in farm ROI an owner/operator can obtain today.

To get down to grid parity production costs, an end-to-end integrated approach to-ward managing electrical O&M costs over the life cycle is not only essential during O&M, but during the design, build, and construction phases.

This includes:• Integrated UL/ANSI bundling of equipment into NEMA 3R line-ups or contain-

erized solutions that are pad-mount ready wires in & out package. This reduces installation costs by deploying pre-wired, pre-tested, and pre-commissioned UL and ANSI equipment at the site.

• Using one supplier experienced with IEC, UL, & ANSI power conversion and switchgear, which results in coordinated equipment that performs longer with less revenue downtime.

• Using a supplier capable of integrating complete remote condition monitoring in conjunction with providing preventative maintenance services to provide early warning of a failure. This results in minimal revenue loss when the system is serv-iced, long before a drastic electrical failure occurs.

• Replacing IEC components with UL and ANSI upgrades so that longer electri-cal operating life can be achieved. And, by using a supplier that can also refurbish IEC, UL, & ANSI power components, the costs of using new IEC components to repair portions of the wind power infrastructure is avoided.

As initial capital costs continue to decline, attention will turn toward using one sup-plier to integrate wind turbine conversion and wind farm collection subsystems, substation, and electrical yard subsystems as custom and complete packages. As a result, the value adding supplier of tomorrow is an integrator of electrical systems end-to-end for both wind turbine and wind farm electrical systems, which includes the design, installation, maintenance, and refurbishment of the equipment and con-struction of the farm—all under one extended agreement.

American Electric Technologies, Inc. (AETI) has been providing mission critical power infrastructure solutions and services to harsh environments.

American Electric Technologies, Inc. |

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Now you can capture, store and utilize the power of the

wind with PowerReady’s Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT)



877.299.9700 www.PowerReadyUSA.com178 GLADES ROAD, BOCA RATON, FL 33432

The PowerReady™ VAWT offers grid-connected or off-grid systems for consumer and businesses in urban environments

PowerReady’s VAWTs are available in 1kW, 2.5kW, 5kW, 7.5kW and 10kW systems

Custom VAWT branding lets you display a custom design or company logo

PowerReady™ offers a complete line of battery products, power supplies and custom battery systems

PowerReady™ offers a full suite of Engineering and Design Services. Contact us today for detailed pricing on a Complete System Design for any application.

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©2010 Exxon Mobil Corporation. Mobil, Mobil SHC, Mobilgear and the Pegasus design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.

Keep maintenance costs down and send productivity soaring with the complete range of Mobil SHC synthetic lubricants and greases. Each one is

formulated to offer outstanding all-around performance, including equipment protection, keep-clean characteristics and oil life. Take Mobilgear

SHC XMP. Used in more than 25,000 wind turbine gearboxes worldwide, it’s trusted by builders, proven in the field and supported by exceptional

application expertise. Just a few of the reasons we don’t simply make things run. We make them fly. Visit for more.

We can take wind turbines to new heights.

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At its root, the concept of clean energy by way of wind power is a simple one. Wind power is

the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy such as mechanical power or electricity. Wind energy is a clean fuel source, in so far as that wind power plants don’t contribute to air pollution like other forms of energy plants that rely on the com-bustion of fossil fuels such as coal. Since wind power plants don’t produce emissions that cause greenhouse gases and wind is not in short supply, energy experts see wind energy as a viable alternative source to more conventional, non-renewable sources like oil.

The logistics of transporting the equipment used to make wind power work—wind turbines—can, however, be anything but clean and simple. The mas-sive size of wind turbine parts presents challenges in their transportation. A single turbine can require up to eight hauls (one nacelle, one hub, three blades, and three tower sections). According to the American Wind Energy Association, over 5,000 wind turbines were installed in 2008, resulting in approximately 40,000 transportation hauls.

Each customer has different characteristics regard-ing the control of their supply chain. Some want to handle the logistics from origin to destination. This includes all tier suppliers and fi nished products. Oth-ers look for turnkey management. Giving wind farm logistics over to a single source who will handle the international, domestic, and fi nished product logistics allows a reduced investment in headcount. The turn-key also includes port management and wind farm site management working hand-in-hand with their customers and multi-mode suppliers.

The tower sections used in wind power can weigh more than 150,000 pounds, be 120 feet long, and 15 feet in diameter. The blades can range in size from 127 feet to 140 feet. Like hauling anything else of such large size, moving wind energy parts requires more diligence on the part of everyone involved. The coordination of such a move is very unique. There are numerous issues that can handicap routes, including:

• clearance, height, width, and weight issues; • poor road conditions; • permitting; • coordination with state and municipal authorities;

and, • differing laws and regulations per state/


The movement of wind blades 140 feet in length re-quires an experienced driver and escorts. Specialized equipment is needed to transport the parts associated with wind power. The blades must be transported us-ing custom-made stretch trailers specifi cally designed to haul wind power blades. The wind tower sections are hauled on specialized 13-axle Schnabel trailers, which, when loaded, are stretched out to 200 feet in length, are over 15 feet in height, and width and gross 230,000 pounds.

Coordination with local and state authorities is critical to determine whether special arrangements need to be made regarding time of transport, the moving of utilities, police escort, etc. It is not uncom-mon for a wind turbine move to require more than double the miles of a given route’s usual point A-to-B distance due to various laws that require alternate routes. Diffi culties arise when the freight must travel through multiple states, which have differing regula-tions regarding specialized freight. Matching state permit entries to former state exit points can also cause delays. Route surveys must be detailed to refl ect the height restrictions on each route, as well as exit and entry turning radiuses. This is not a simple proc-ess. A great deal of pre-planning makes this possible.

A qualifi ed, experienced pilot car is critical in mitigating the risks involved in such a move. Careful planning on behalf of the dispatcher and driver must be taken to ensure a safe, timely, and cost-effective transport. States have been very good at working with carriers to help defi ne routes. However, possible wind energy transport standards that defi ne routes and support the weight complications could further smooth out the process. Ultimately, as the supply chain continues to shorten, the complications will be reduced.

The conditions of the delivery site also play a key factor. Wind farms are usually located in rural areas, which often do not have the infrastructure (i.e. roads) to properly accommodate such specialized freight. Drivers often fi nd themselves delivering to a destina-tion with unprepared dirt roads, which depending on site or weather conditions, can create a hazard. Chal-lenging turns and grades also pose diffi culties.

Ultimately, experience and preparation on the part of the logistics provider and truck operator will best ensure a successful delivery.

Jay Folladori is Landstar’s VP of Heavy Specialized.

Landstar |



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Helping you get the most out of your wind turbine

When it comes to wind turbines, Mobil Industrial Lubricants don’t just make them run — they make them fl y. How? By helping you get the most out of your machines.

Designed to excel even in some of the most demanding conditions such as high heat, heavy load, and water contamination — Mobil SHC synthetic lubricants and greases help keep wind turbines operating in top form.

These lubricants can help reduce unscheduled downtime, lower maintenancecosts, even extend oil life.

Extensive builder approvals and proven fi eld performance

Today, Mobil SHC synthetic lubricants are used to power wind turbines around the world.

In fact, Mobilgear SHC XMP 320 is used to lubricate more than 30,000 wind turbines worldwide and is the initial-fi ll gear oil of choice for the majority of the world’s top 12 wind turbine builders.

In addition to Mobilgear SHC XMP 320, ExxonMobil offers a wide range of lubricants that are formulated to deliver exceptional protection for all parts that make up a wind turbine, including greases to lubricate bearings and hydraulic oils that help pitch rotor blades.

Visit for more.

Wind Power:Turbine logistics & transportation By Jay Folladori

wind energy

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14 MARCH / APRIL 2010


wind energy

Arecent study presented at the last European Wind Energy Conference iden-tifi ed the importance of housing and planet carrier fl exibility on the reliabil-

ity of wind turbine gearboxes and bearings. The fi ndings suggested that industry design standards should demand consideration of fl exible support structures to en-courage more reliable wind turbine drivetrains.

Reliability of wind turbines is widely acknowledged as a key issue, specifi cally with regard to the wind turbine’s gearbox. The gearbox is a sub-system where fail-ures are common, costly, and poorly understood. There is a need for engineers to examine the standard processes for wind turbine gearbox design, better understand the parameters infl uencing reliability and to, ultimately, improve the standard.

In the study, it was identifi ed that design standards do not explicitly recommend the consideration of gearbox housing or planet carrier fl exibility in the design process. If a gearbox failure occurs (though it is not the most likely component to fail), forensic analysis of the components allows designers to understand the failure mode and the root cause behind the failure. This is undertaken using a combination of expert knowl-edge and specialist software simulation tools to provide detailed gearbox analysis.

Virtual product development and simulation tools for gearboxes, drivetrains, and bearings allows the generation of detailed gearbox and driven models that incor-porate all major component interactions and fl exibilities. A single, fully coupled analysis can include non-linear bearing and gear contact models, shaft defl ections, gearbox housing deformations, as well as interactions with the nacelle bedplate and gearbox mounts.

Four gearbox and drivetrain models of differing complexity were created for this study. All models included fl exible shafts and accurate representations of the gears including detailed gear contact models and mesh stiffness. The simplest of the four models included simple bearing models with linear stiffness and no clearance, as well as a rigid planet carrier and no housing fl exibility. The second model was simi-lar, but all of the bearings were replaced by non-linear bearing models incorporat-ing fl exible raceways, clearances, and detailed contact mechanics. The third model was more detailed again, this time including a fl exible planet carrier and the de-tailed, non-linear bearing models. The fi nal model was fully detailed and included fl exible housing, as well as the non-linear bearings and fl exible planet carrier.

The four gearbox models were ana-lyzed under a simulated load of 100% torque and simulated rotor weight acting on the main shaft and the mis-alignment of each gear mesh was cal-culated—high misalignment between meshing gears being a major contribu-tor to poor gear life.

Analysis results clearly showed the calculated gear mesh misalignments de-pended strongly on the amount of detail and fl exibility in the gearbox model, and results identifi ed that the simplest model predicts a good tooth load distribution (e.g. the load is fairly centred on the tooth and well distributed), but the fully detailed model predicts a poor contact pattern with high edge loading. These results indicated that without taking into account the effects of fl exible support structures, engineers can incorrectly estimate gear life, potentially leading to gearbox failures later in the fi eld.

As a result of the study, it is suggested that new wind turbine standards should recommend the consideration of gear-box housing or planet carrier fl exibility in the design process, as well as encour-age the use of accurate simulation tools upfront in the design stage—so as to lead to a greater understanding of sys-tem behavior and reliability in design.

For more information on the described study or on RomaxWIND, a simulation tools for gearboxes, please visit the company website.


Technologyand the

Reliability ofWind Turbines

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16 MARCH / APRIL 2010

As more companies in the alternative power industry examine ways to improve productivity and safety, a trend is emerging where choices for overhead

lifting devices aim toward complete systems supplied by a single manufacturer or distributor, rather than obtaining individual components from a variety of sources. Whether it is part of a lean manufacturing initiative to increase productivity dur-ing the manufacturing of blades, shafts, or related components, or where individual work cells result from an overall production process change, more fi rms are relying on the experience of industry experts to secure systems that meet specifi c require-ments. Crane builders, material handling specialists, and manufacturers are concen-trating on offerings that address all concerns from fl oor to ceiling. By taking this approach, much of the guesswork about compatibility of components is removed from the process and the user can be confi dent that the system satisfactorily meets all needs.

In addition to examining systems as part of the manufacturing process, more fi rms are looking for ways to incorporate everything from integral beams to slings in the turbine to assist with lifting needs related to maintenance activities. Hoists

A Complete Product Mix for Lifting & Maintenance

in the Wind Power

IndustryBy Rob Beightol

are mounted in the nacelle or tower and used to effectively lift parts and tools needed for regular maintenance work. Long lifts and fast lifting speeds are required in this environment, as is the ability to effectively hold the excess chain of the hoist. Some manufacturers provide heavy duty hoists that feature lifting speeds in excess of 60 feet/20 meters per minute with custom chain containers designed specifi cally for the requirements of the wind industry.

Though a beam/hoist confi guration has traditionally been viewed as a “system,” more attention is being paid to additional items that act as vital parts of a complete overhead lifting system. Depending on the job, a beam/hoist system may be all that is needed to perform the job safely and productively. However, for many applica-tions, the selection of proper below-the-hook lifting devices such as slings, shackles, and custom attachments is vital to match the system to the job. There are a number of choices available to the user including chain, wire rope, and synthetic slings, hooks, hoist rings, and tongs. Deciding which product to use for the job is based on a number of factors including the type of material being lifted, the size or bulk of the load, lifting angles, etc.

In addition to a complete lifting system that provides secure lifts throughout the turbine, many users are also looking for tools that directly assist with maintenance activities. One of the primary choices for this are lever tools that may be used to lift, position, or pull components or parts that are important to the overall maintenance of the generating system. These lever tools are offered in an array of styles and ca-pacities, from heavy duty designs with long handles and automatic braking systems to compact styles that are perfect for confi ned areas.

Since so many variables exist in selecting the proper hoist and rigging products for the job, most users consistently seek training programs that address these vari-ables. In many cases, this training is included as part of the package purchase and can range from “lunchbox” sessions where items such as pre-inspection procedures, hand signals, wear tolerances, and the like may be covered. More in-depth programs that deal with ASME and OSHA regulations, full teardown and inspection of hoists, visual inspection of chain and wire rope are available through many manufacturers and independent training fi rms. One of the most important trends in the industry today is the focus on comprehensive training that deals with all aspects of overhead lifting. Some training fi rms and manufacturers offer “train the trainer” programs that allow a worker or group of workers to attend intense classes on proper lifting and rigging. These workers in turn act as the experts on the jobsite and pass on their knowledge to the workforce through meetings and tests. Additionally, some manufacturers offer certifi cation programs that allow participants training sessions and pass a series of tests to offi cially become certifi ed on a line of products.

The collective goal of manufacturers, distributors, and users is to focus on a safe, productive working environment. By selecting complete overhead lifting systems based on the exact needs of the job and maintaining a comprehensive training pro-gram, all parties are taking steps toward this goal.

Rob Beightol is the director of Product Management & Communications for Columbus McKinnon.

Columbus McKinnon Corporation |

wind energy

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Her grandparents got their energy from coal. Her parents get their energy from natural gas. Where will she get her energy from? The answer may very well come from Iowa. We’re leading the race to become the renewable energy capital of the nation, with our rich agricultural heritage and legacy of manufacturing excellence. Combine that with Iowa having the lowest cost of doing business in the United States* and it’s no wonder more alternative energy firms are moving here. See more of how Iowa’s economy is changing lives

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*CNBC “Top States for Doing Business,” July, 2009.

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18 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Noise-free linings for wind turbines Carlisle Industrial Brake & Friction introduces NoiseFree brake linings for wind turbine yaw braking applications. The NoiseFree range of brake linings have been specifi cally developed by Carlisle to meet the demanding requirements of yaw braking applications where a high-brake friction co-effi cient is required in combination with a long service lifetime and noise-free opera-tion. NoiseFree linings are manufactured from a proprietary (non-asbestos) material at the com-

pany’s ISO9001 friction plant, where the friction material is co-molded directly onto the backing plate to provide excellent shear strength and in-service integrity. This unique construction process ensures the NoiseFree range of linings out-perform any other organic lining available, enabling customers to increase their service intervals and maximize the revenue generated from their wind turbines. NoiseFree linings are available in a range of many different shapes, dimensions and thicknesses to fi t all commonly used wind turbine calipers, including products supplied by Svendborg Brakes, Sime-Stromag, and Antec. Carlisle Industrial Brake & Friction |

wind energy

High-production welding ESAB Welding & Cutting Products introduces the new LAF DC power sources. The LAF series are three-phase, fan-cooled DC welding power sources designed for high-productivity mechanized submerged arc welding or high-productivity GMAW welding, and are ideal for production of wind power components. They are designed to be used in combination with ESAB’s A2-A6 equipment range and the A2-A6 Process Controllers (PEK or PEI). LAF welding power sources offer excellent welding characteristics throughout the entire current and voltage range, with particularly good starting and re-ignition properties. These power sources demonstrate good arc stability at both high and low arc voltages. The welding power source can be adjusted and monitored from the front panel of the process controller for easy adjustment of all welding parameters. The welding current range can be extended by connecting two power sources in parallel for the most demanding applications. The power sources are designed to be used with the fully digital PEK controller for maximum functionality or with the PEI controller with basic functionality for less demanding applications. ESAB Welding & Cutting

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Fall protection Mudge Fasteners, Inc. is the expert in industrial products used in manufactur-ing, installing, and maintenance of wind energy systems. Distributing fall protec-tion, fasteners with highly corrosion-resistant coatings, custom parts pro-duced to spec, standard fasteners, UNF/UNC and metric. Mudge distributes the complete fall protection line from 3M/Safewaze and Falltech, including: har-nesses; connectors; SRL—Self Retract-ing Lifeline; confi ned space; anchors; rescue; lifelines/grabs; combinations/kits; permanent life line system; and, en-gineered fall protection systems.Mudge Fasteners,

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19North American Clean Energy

50_Equipment_Express.eps 1 9/2/09 8:29 AM

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20 MARCH / APRIL 2010


The success of your investments can ride on the accuracy of your measurements. With 35 years of proven field experience, unmatched reliability, and exceptional measurement quality, you can trust Campbell Scientific data acquisition systems when your measurements matter.

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wind energy

Switchmode power suppliesWieland’s new family of UL Listed and CSA Certifi ed (cULus), switching power supplies delivers a control volt-age of 24V DC, at an output current from 1.25A to 40A. Wieland offers nine models including six single-phase and three three-phase, approved worldwide for a temperature range from -25°C to +71°C. All models feature short-circuit protection and a robust, proven design. The six fully enclosed, single-phase units take mini-mum space on the DIN rail as their width varies from only 1.7 in. (43.5 mm) to 6.9 in. (175 mm). All single-phase models accept a wide, universal input voltage range, allowing one unit to operate in many applications. Input voltage for three units range from 115/230V AC and 210 – 375V DC, for two units from 85 – 264V AC and 90 - 375V DC, and for one unit from 115/230V AC and 120 – 370V DC. Output current varies from 1.25A to 20A DC. The three fully enclosed, three-phase units measure only 3.5 in. (90 mm) to 10.9 in. (276 mm) wide. All three-phase models accept a wide uni-versal input range, 400 - 500V AC and 480 - 820V DC.

Wieland’s power supplies are used in wind turbines and in the nacelles. In control applications, they provide a 24V DC signal to power sensors and actuators and to monitor wind speed and blade speed. For data control, they are used to determine the amount of energy being provided.Wieland Inc. |

Preventing turbine generator failureBy safely channeling harmful shaft currents away from bearings to ground, Electro Static Technology’s new AEGIS WTG wind turbine grounding ring prevents bearing damage that could otherwise cause generator failure, unplanned downtime, costly re-pairs, and lost revenues. Maintenance-free, effective at any RPM, and available for any size wind turbine generator, the ring is designed for OEM installation or easy up-tower retrofi t.

High-frequency currents induced on the shafts of wind turbine generators can reach levels of 60 amps and 1200 volts or greater. If not diverted, these currents will discharge through the generator’s bearings, causing severe electrical damage that results in bearing failure and catastrophic turbine failure, sometimes in as little as six months or less. The AEGIS WTG’s patented conductive microfi ber technology effectively steers these currents away from the bearings and safely to ground. The WTG is engineered to safely divert up to 120 amps of continuous shaft current at frequencies as high as 13.5 MHz and discharge up to 3000 volts (peak). Ideal for use as part of a preventive maintenance program to protect against premature bearing failures, it can be installed whenever bearings are replaced.Electro Static Technology |

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21North American Clean Energy

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Vertical axis wind turbinesPowerReady Power Systems, maker of so-lar and wind rechargeable battery backup power systems, now offers custom Vertical Axis Wind Turbines, powered by Tangarie. The PowerReady VAWT offers grid-connected or off-grid systems to generate power through the natural energy of wind. The customization of the VAWT’s allows users to display their brand, custom design, or company logo.

Combined with PowerReady’s custom battery backup systems, the VAWTs will continuously recharge by way of solar and wind energy during an outage, providing emergency backup power. PowerReady VAWTs can produce up to 50% more electricity annually and generate power in winds as low as 4mph up to extreme speeds of 120mph. PowerReady also offers a com-plete line of battery products and power supplies, as well as its fl agship product, the PowerReady IPS, a silent portable emer-gency backup Indoor Power System.PowerReady |

Surge protection devices & obstruction lightsSince 1937, CITEL OBSTA has been manufacturing reliable Surge Protective Devic-es (SPDs) and Obstacle Warning Lights for the renewable energy, aviation, transporta-tion, and the industrial/commercial markets. CITEL manufactures a complete range of surge protectors for AC power, DC power, data and RF lines. These devices protect sensitive electronic equipment from the effects of lightning and industrial switch-ing surges. OBSTA manufactures obstruction lights in accordance with FAA (L-856, L-864, L-810) and ICAO standards. OBSTA has pioneered the use of COLD NEON, XENON and energy effi cient LED lighting technologies. CITEL OBSTA |

Environmentally friendly storage buildingTekSupply makes equipment and material storage easy with a ClearSpan Truss Arch Fabric Structure. With frames constructed of structural steel and tough, UV-stabilized polyethylene covers, a ClearSpan building is the ideal solution for equipment, vehicle, and material storage needs. Designed to withstand strong winds and heavy snow loads, a ClearSpan Fabric Structure is able to be quickly erected, requires minimal upkeep, and is environmentally friendly. They are popular within a variety of in-dustries, and are currently being used as storage buildings on wind farms and for biomass material. High clearance and no interior supports provide maximum usable space for storage and access, and minimal foundation requirements allow a ClearSpan building to be built directly on the ground, saving on foundation and excavation costs. TekSupply |

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22 MARCH / APRIL 2010

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Solar energy

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Wind energy

Fiber optic, copper and wireless solutions for the nacelle and control system, and between towers in the windpark.

wind energy

In an effort to fi ll a budget shortfall that has now grown to $2.8 billion, the 2010 Washington State Legislature has proposed eliminating the sales and use tax ex-emptions for machinery and equipment used in renewable energy projects other than wind energy projects. However, the proposal would also severely curtail the exemptions for wind energy projects, allowing the exemption for only projects

Small-scale wind support systemNRG Systems, manufacturer of wind measurement equipment for the global wind energy industry, has introduced a 34-meter system to support small-scale wind energy projects and wind energy research. With more incentives for small and community scale wind, there is a greater need for people to understand their wind resource before investing in a turbine. This 34-meter complete system includes a tubular tilt-up tower, a Sym-phoniePLUS 15-channel data logger, three NRG #40C anemometers, a wind vane, and parts. Easily installed and port-able, the system can be used for micro-siting or prospecting applications, or in remote locations where installation of taller towers may not be possible.NRG Systems |

Bill Curtails Sales Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Projects And potentially discriminates against wind energy

owned or used by local utilities, or projects of which the electricity is sold, to lo-cal utilities.

Last year, the 2009 Legislature substantially revised the Washington sales and use tax exemptions applicable to the purchase of components and installation services that are used in projects that use wind power to generate electricity (see RCW 82.08.962; RCW 82.12.962). Pursuant to the 2009 law, for the period from July 1st, 2009 through June 30th, 2011, a 100% sales and use tax exemp-tion is available. For the period from July 1st, 2011 through June 30th, 2013, a 75% sales and use tax exemption is available. The 2010 Legislature proposes to eliminate those exemptions altogether for non-wind energy projects including solar, biomass, geothermal, and other projects. For wind energy projects, the ex-emptions would be available only if the project will be sold to or used by a local electric utility, or sold to or used by a person that sells the resulting electricity to a local electrical utility. The effective date of these proposed changes is not clear, but the amendments seem to be intended to apply starting July 1st, 2010.

These amendments to RCW 82.08.962 and RCW 82.12.962 were fi rst pro-posed in Senate Bill 6763 on January 25th, 2010. Now, they have been incorpo-rated into the Senate’s omnibus tax bill, Senate Bill 6873, as sections 2501 and 2502. SB 6873 was fi rst submitted to the Senate on February 24th, 2010 and was the subject of public hearings on that same day. The Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution (Art. I, § 8, cl. 3) forbids state taxes that discriminate against interstate commerce in favor of local commerce. Complete Auto Tran-sit, Inc. v. Brady, 430 U.S. 274 (1977). As the Supreme Court explained: “Our Commerce Clause jurisprudence is not so rigid as to be controlled by the form by which a State erects barriers to commerce… ‘The commerce clause forbids discrimination, whether forthright or ingenious. In each case, it is our duty to determine whether the statute under attack, whatever its name may be, will in its practical operation work discrimination against interstate commerce.’” West Lynn Creamery, Inc. v. Healy, 512 U.S. 186, 201 (1994) (quoting Best & Co. v. Maxwell, 311 U.S. 454, 455-56 (1940)). For this reason, the limitation on wind energy projects in the proposed legislation is likely unconstitutional.

Although the constitutional infi rmity was pointed out to the Senate during February 24th Senate committee hearings, SB 6873 remains a live bill. Statements in the record indicated a concern with meeting the current budget defi cit, even if the courts would later order tax refunds for all wind projects in the future. If SB 6873 is enacted, affected taxpayers may wish to bring immediate lawsuits against the state, seeking restraining orders against collection of sales and use taxes with respect to wind energy projects. Although taxpayers are normally required to pay all contested taxes before seeking judicial relief, RCW 82.32.150 provides an exception for taxes that appear to be in violation of the United States Constitution. Stoel Rives LLP |

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23North American Clean Energy

Modular design wind power systems Nordex SE will soon be unveiling the third generation of its 2.5 MW turbine series: the Gamma generation. Comprising the N80, N90, and N100 wind power systems, this effi ciency class combines the latest research and development with technical know-how and experience from a decade of producing and operating multi-megawatt turbines to meet today’s market requirements. In the development of the Gamma generation, Nordex has remained true to proven principles, using tested series engineering and as-signing top priority to the dependability of all system components. The N80/2500, N90/2500, and N100/2500 turbines are based on a common technical platform.

A consistent modular design allows Nordex to add type-specifi c components and customer options. This modular concept and the maximum component weight of 50 tonnes makes it possible to transport turbines to anywhere in the world, and speed up both installation and service of the machines. Nordex has redesigned the nacelle, hub, and rotor blades in the new generation to be both lighter and more robust. This also simplifi es transportation and installation, while simultaneously reducing the static and dynamic loads on the overall turbine.Nordex SE |

Laminator for producing long composite wind partsThe new Flat Charge Laminator (FCL) from MAG Industrial Automation Systems is ideal for automated, high-production lay-up of composite spars, beams, stringers, and similar parts for wind-blade manufacture. The highly repeatable system drastically reduces labor while improving part quality, productivity, and consistency. With four heads dedicated to four different materials, the servo-controlled machine produces constant- or variable-thickness laminates on a segmented vacuum table, compacting the layers with a force of 13.6kg to 136kg (30lbs to 300lbs). The FCL handles 0/90 prepreg fabric, +/- 45 prepreg fabric, unidirectional tape and, as an option, foil or fi lm. Maximum material width is 300mm (12 inches) on rolls up to 635mm (25 inches) diameter and weighing up to (150 pounds).

The machine also features four servo-controlled dispensing heads on a placement carriage that moves on rails integrated with the vacuum bed. The servo-powered placement carriage is driven by rack-and-pinion system. A Siemens PLC precisely controls the entire process with speed and position feedback from rotary and linear encod-ers on dispensing heads and placement carriage. The servo-driven supply reels are protected with a magnetic clutch override, and the backing paper take-up system is torque controlled. A stylus cutter cuts prepreg at 90°, without cut-ting the backing paper. MAG |

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24 MARCH / APRIL 2010

solar energy

Utility scale solar is poised to fulfi ll its promise as a key renewable power source on the North American grid, but there are some signifi cant technical

and economic challenges to be resolved. Partnerships between the government and industry are being formed to remove the barriers. For example, the SEGIS program (Solar Energy Grid Integration System) was created in 2008 by the US Department of Energy and Sandia National Laboratories as part of the Solar America Initiative (SAI). SEGIS funds critical R&D that targets the specifi c challenges of integrating increasingly large amounts of photovoltaic (PV) power generation into the current and future grid, while becoming increasingly cost-competitive with conventional forms of electricity.

Now in the second phase of this $24M program, fi ve teams across the US are working on various aspects of the project. The major developments of the team (which are led by PV Powered) can be grouped into two main categories:

1. Technologies to improve the economics of solar power and increase the energy harvest of solar systems;

2. Technologies that will help solar power plants integrate more effectively with the utility grid.

Improving solar energy economicsTo achieve widespread adoption of solar power, PV power plants of all sizes must maxi-mize energy production while, at the same time, be highly reliable, economical to oper-ate, and easy to install and service. High reliability is a fundamental requirement of PV power systems that are expected to return a positive return on investment (ROI), but solar power installations impose harsh environmental stresses on system components.

Typically, the places that have the most sun also have the highest temperatures, as well as the widest daily temperature fl uctuations—factors that are very hard on electrical components. Also, unlike other centralized power plants (e.g. fossil fuels, hydroelectric), distributed solar power system elements are typically exposed to the outside environment, with extremes of humidity, dust, corrosives, and precipitation that can act on system elements to reduce their productive lifetimes. Improving the environmental hardening of system components, as well as developing effective preventive maintenance regimens to minimize system downtimes, requires sophisticated modeling of system and environmental behavior.

However, maximizing the energy harvest of a solar power system goes beyond simply keeping it working. The PV Powered SEGIS team is also working on making solar sys-tems more effi cient. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is the process of varying voltage and current delivered by a solar array to maximize the energy harvested as the array output changes. As the power conversion effi ciency of an inverter approaches the theoretical maximum, the accuracy and effectiveness of the MPPT algorithm processed by the inverter becomes one of the few remaining variables to be optimized in deliver-ing maximum energy harvest. The SEGIS team is developing a test plan for quantifying MPPT effi ciencies under dynamic conditions using a range of solar array technologies including the new thin-fi lm arrays (see Figure 1). The team is also researching how better forecasting of irradiance can be used by inverters to smooth out fl uctuations in the power that the utility sees.

Improving integration of solar plants with the gridAs the number of utility scale solar plants in North America continues to rise some new, complex problems are emerging that require partnering between utilities and component hardware and software vendors. The work includes the development of new standards for maintaining two-way communications between solar plants and utilities, and the design of new methods for coordinating solar systems’ handling of grid fl uctuations and interruptions.

To develop means for improved communications and control between solar plants and utilities, for example, PV Powered and its SEGIS team member Portland General Elec-tric (PGE) are working to establish two-way communications between PV power plants and PGE’s GenOnSys distributed resource command and control system (see Figure 2). This will enable the utility to disconnect PV systems remotely if needed and receive sta-tus and assert control commands if necessary.

SEGIS work is also directed at developing an advanced method to detect unintentional islanding conditions, a condition where the PV system is producing power into a utility grid that is experiencing an outage. PV Powered is collaborating with Schweitzer Engi-neering, SENSUS, and PGE on a technique that will enable the inverter to differentiate between a true utility outage (where the inverter needs to disconnect from the grid), and

Figure 1 (above). A moveable solar cart, which is used to test different solar array materials.

Figure 2 (left). The GenOnSys Solar Dispatch Center (control screen shown) is being updated with the ability to directly control distributed solar power plants.

US Government Program Accelerates Solar Grid Integration

By Tucker Ruberti

Deep Cycle Power for Renewable Energy Systems

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You can’t control the sun. But you can control installation costs.Help reduce your cost per watt with labor-saving products from Cooper B-Line.At Cooper B-Line, our solar industry experience and expertise have helped customers from coast to coast meet their cost per watt requirements — in over 100 MW of installed solar PV energy applications. No matter what your mounting options (ground, pole, open structure or rooftop), Cooper B-Line has the standard and custom panel support systems, wire management and enclosure solutionsfor your Photovoltaic (PV) project. And we get it all to you when you need it, with quick delivery times that can help meet tax incentivedeadlines. Learn more today at

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26 MARCH / APRIL 2010

solar energy

a grid disturbance in which power support from the PV system could assist in providing stability. The solution be-ing explored by the team involves relating two or more phase measurements (called syncrophasor measurements) of the power signal, taken at different locations around the grid, according to the same absolute time base. With this information, the inverter can distinguish between a true unintentional island case and a case where grid support from the PV plant is benefi cial.

Partnerships are keyAlong with improving reliability and energy harvest at the component level, for utility scale installations it is essen-tial to examine the performance of the system as a whole. Collaboration between “balance of system” (BoS) vendors as part of the SEGIS program will enable better system management and increase overall energy production at an acceptable cost, which are top priorities of the US Govern-ment in bringing the players together.

With the problems solved, or at least substantially on the way to solution, solar power can assume its rightful place as a critical large-scale component of our nation’s renewable energy portfolio.

Tucker Ruberti joined PV Powered in 2007 and is currently the director of Product Management.

PV Powered, Inc. |

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28 MARCH / APRIL 2010

solar energy

N O N - T H R E A D E D FA S T E N E R S O L U T I O N S

Globally, countries are increasingly looking at responsible, sustainable ways to meet their electricity demands. Power from the sun and wind is free, abundant, and can

be scaled to provide large amounts of energy with zero emissions. However, as larger projects are developed and more renewable energy is brought online, the impact could challenge the operations of today’s grid if not properly managed.

As the power electronics technology required to bring energy generated into the grid evolves, renewable energy power plants will have the opportunity to enhance the stabil-ity of the grid rather than compromise it. Current wind technology has matured so that a wind farm can operate similarly to a conventional power plant. By adapting wind tech-nology to solar, solar inverters—an important link in a system—can offer highly reliable power conversion in multi-megawatt projects.

Wind energy: “Lessons learned”The wind industry is more advanced than solar in terms of understanding how variable, renewable power sources can best be integrated into the grid. Both wind and solar rely on variable resources to generate power, however, wind power electronics technology has

evolved to reduce the impact of the resource variability on the grid. By understanding the challenges and the lessons learned from the wind industry, solar technology can better respond to intermittency.

Historically, as wind power plants increased in size and penetration, transmission faults that resulted from short voltage sags became signifi cant system events. In these cases, larger wind farms meant that an increased amount of wind generation was disconnected when a turbine’s fault threshold was too low. The inability of wind farms to ride-through grid disturbances reduced the operability and stability of the grid.

Both wind technology and wind-related grid codes have since evolved to meet these challenges. Today’s codes require that wind turbines have low-voltage ride-through, volt-age regulation, as well as other functionality to ensure the energy generated by wind tur-bines contributes to the stability and reliability of grid operations. To meet the evolving grid codes, power electronics technology has played a critical role by providing functions such as low-voltage and high-voltage ride-through without additional turbine cost.

Impacts of large-scale solar on today’s gridTwo key differences in solar and wind generation are the type of variability and the way the energy is distributed. In the case of solar, energy generated is directly proportional to insolation—or incident solar radiation—so it varies over time. These variances can be predictable (the sun’s location in the sky according to the time of day) and/or random (as when a cloud passes by). In terms of distribution, large-scale utility solar projects generally involve many more distributed generation sources as compared to traditional centralized power generation systems. In the past, small-scale distributed generation had often been added on to the existing grid with little consideration of how they might be optimally integrated into the power system. Generally, smaller residential and commer-cial projects minimally impact the grid; however, with an increase in the number of utility scale projects, the variability of solar power, if not properly managed, can impact the sta-bility and reliability of the grid.

Large-scale solar projects are being measured by two key metrics: power conversion effi ciency and reliability, and so advanced grid integration technologies will be critical for the success of utility scale solar. Power conversion effi ciency refers to how much energy is retained when converting from Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC). Reliability refers to the ability of a PV system to deliver power when solar resources are available. A solar plant’s inverter is the fundamental power block within the system and delivers grid integration functions that range from low- and high-voltage ride-through to monitoring and control.

Solar inverters: Solutions for solar integrationSimilar to the inverter in a solar plant, a wind turbine relies on a robust power electronics package called a converter to transmit power generated by the turbine to the grid. It is in the turbine’s converter that the majority of the technology required to meet grid codes exists. In a solar power plant, the inverter is able to provide similar capabilities.

For example, GE’s solar inverter (designed for use in multi-megawatt projects) is based on the proven wind turbine converter design currently employed in its 13,500 wind tur-bines operating worldwide. Though grid codes for solar power plants do not yet require the same ride-through and power regulation today, it is only a matter of time before this is the case. The GE inverter has been designed with the expectation that the capabilities now required in wind will very soon be required for solar. For instance, it can:• aid in maintaining voltage level under varying loads;• provide reactive power for voltage support;• support the grid during disturbances; • enable power curtailment control based on needs of the grid, and,• reduce power during over-frequency events.As with wind, grid codes will have to evolve to best support the adoption of growing solar resources into the grid. Ultimately, grid integration capabilities will help to coordinate the operation of distributed inverters and utility equipment, resulting in signifi cant addi-tional system benefi ts at low incremental costs for grid operations and increase the value of solar plants for owners and operators.

Bruce Norman is the Solar general manager for GE Power & Water.

GE |

Making Solar Smarter:Increasing grid stabilitywith power electronics

By Bruce Norman

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Hook up.Move on.He’s a big boy.He can handle it.

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30 MARCH / APRIL 2010

solar energy

Next-Generation PV System& Grid Management By Sjuli Beekhuis

Past & present: solar monitoring & managementBefore 2005, a PV system owner had to go onsite and look at a meter to determine if their system was feeding energy to the grid. Remote monitoring capabilities included cus-

tom hardware and software packages designed for a specifi c site—often too costly and too compli-cated for the average residential PV system owner to easily get value from them. Onsite maintenance was usually a yearly check of the inverter to ensure if it was running properly and, perhaps, a cleaning of the modules if they appeared soiled.

With the spread of the Internet and home com-puters, many inverter companies offer some type of near real-time, web-based monitoring for PV systems and some installers offer a monitoring package that allows a system owner the ability to remotely check on its status. In other industries, there are signifi cantly more sensors and data from the system than what a typical PV system moni-toring package provides. The ability to monitor and control systems is available through current technologies; it has simply not been applied to PV systems because of the small number of systems installed and lack of standards that would apply to all sizes of systems.

The US Department of Energy (DOE) states the following in their vision statement about the future of PV power plants in the US*:

Solar Energy Grid Integration Systems (SEGIS) concept will be key to achieving high penetration of photovoltaic (PV) systems into the utility grid. Advanced, integrated inverter/controllers will be the enabling technology to maximize the benefi ts of resi-dential and commercial solar energy systems, both to the systems owners and to the utility distribution network as a whole. The value of the energy pro-vided by these solar systems will increase through ad-vanced communication interfaces and controls while the reliability of electrical service, both for solar and non-solar customers, will also increase. The US Department of Energy (DOE) is spend-

ing millions on grants to achieve this vision and new technologies for advanced communications and controls are being developed and brought to market through their support.

Advances in automated management An exciting development in hardware technology is the “smart” PV module—electronics on the PV panel or in the junction box that sense the voltage, current, and temperature of each module and send

that data to a central processor. Examples of new capabilities include dynamic power point track-ing at the module level, automatic safety detection (such as arc fault prevention), night-time theft monitoring, and real-time grid response. Smart PV modules can infl uence the MPP (Maximum Power Point) of each panel and create more power output from each module in the string. Data from existing systems show that even well-matched strings of modules can have voltage output differences due to panel aging, differences in temperature, and soiling or wiring issues, which can create a difference of up to 15% in voltage output of a string). The sub-optimal modules drag down the rest of the string and can cause noticeable power losses.

Safety & theft prevention Electronics on the module can detect problems be-fore they cause a catastrophic event. For example, if there is an arc fault on a module, the system can detect it, shut down the module automatically, alert

the system operator to the problem, and pinpoint the specifi c module having the issue. This can also be ap-plied to thermal over-stress from hot-spots, as well as show a bypass diode malfunctioning. An additional use for the two-way communication technology is to monitor the connections of the modules in the PV ar-ray for theft protection. For remote sites, this can be a signifi cant savings in security and insurance costs.

Advanced performance modeling With the system reporting power and environ-mental data at one-second intervals, it simplifi es the ability to model performance predictions based on specifi c module and regional attributes. This not only allows for the system to develop heuristics to provide alerts if it is not performing as expected, but also allows for use of the best practices in de-sign of future systems under similar conditions.

Control of energy fl ows: grid response The use of real-time system analytics, along with control of PV arrays, can minimize impacts to grid power disruptions by re-routing power through backup energy sources. If the grid goes down and a control system is in place, there is the opportunity to re-route the power produced to a battery stor-

Figure 2. An example of a utility scale array view; pinpointing module issues is simplifi ed. (Source: Tigo Energy)

Figure 1. Differences in voltage between modules in an unshaded string (Source: Tigo Energy)

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31North American Clean Energy

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Advanced central inverter For a central inverter that saves time, money, and is easy to maintain, consider the KACO XP 100U. It is reliable, effi cient (over 96%), easy to install, and completely digitally control-led. Digital signal processors monitor and advanced pulse width modulation controls the components and their functionality to provide a high degree of reliability and effi ciency—even when connected to unstable grids. Each unit is JAVA web enabled to give KACO serv-ice technicians 24-hour access to real-time performance data to operate the inverter and to update software remotely to ensure maximum kWh production. KACO new energy |

age bank or to an isolated sub-panel for emergency operations while the grid is down, making best use of the energy produced by the PV array. Control of distributed resources also allows for peak load shifting and shaving when the solar resource (and demand) is at its highest. This can result in increased peak load offset and additional savings on energy bills.

Intelligent operation: system-aided control By approaching long-term system main-tenance with more insight and analysis, operators can lower the costs and time spent while increasing the effectiveness and timeliness of their actions. At com-missioning, module-level debug data can be a valuable tool to check that the en-tire system is operating as expected. If a PV module is not operating within spec, the problem can be spotted through the software. A look at a management console can pinpoint the underperform-ing module. An advanced management system can also show which modules might benefi t from cleaning, and send a report stating when the optimal time for maintenance should be scheduled.

SafetyIn a traditional PV array, when the sun is shining, the DC voltage of a string can run from 375 V to 600 V in the US, and up to 1000V in utility scale and European applications. With the ability to control each module, an operator can disconnect the string of modules or the entire array onsite or through software to increase safety at the PV array.

With the support of the US DOE, system operators, integrators, and Power Purchase Agreement fi nanciers, bids on new PV installations will require active management to maximize kWh output and system safety. As electron-ics on the module become available as a standard feature, systems from resi-dential through utility scale will have the advanced management, and control commonly found in other advanced systems such as computer networks and other energy systems.

* Source: “Solar Energy Grid Integration Systems (SEGIS)” Program Concept Paper; Sandia National Labs and US Department of Energy, Energy Effi ciency, and Renewable Energy (October 2007).

Sjuli Beekhuis is director of Worldwide Channels at Tigo Energy.

Tigo Energy |

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32 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Around the world, manufacturers of solar power systems (solar technology/solar tracking systems) must cope with the same problems—the search for

robust drive systems. A highly precise and effi cient drive system for long-term maintenance-free service and a high degree of reliability is key to a successful system. Only drive components produced exclusively for outdoor use meet these requirements and allow maximum user benefi t.

The gear unit componentsIn solar technology, it is generally recommended to use a worm gear unit for azi-muth adjustment of a tracker. By target-adjusted selection of defi ned materials, required parameters such as perfect wear behavior, high-fatigue strength, and long-term corrosion protection can be achieved and implemented. Exceptionally slow movement is achieved by using a high-reduction ratio. Within the drive system, the static self-locking that occurs is a positive side effect. This is a feature of worm gear units that prevents the drive from being operated out of an idle state caused by an external infl uence (such as wind) from the panel surface. The gear motor’s internal brake guarantees pin-point selection of the tracker position, even under the infl u-ence of possible vibration.

Sunny countries are fortunate to use solar power stations. However, they must fulfi ll the requirements for extreme environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, as well as the saline and dust concentration in the air. All contact surfaces exposed to direct environmental infl uence must be covered with a special coating or increased corrosion protection. In combination with special sealing elements, the grease used for this purpose guarantees a working range at extreme temperatures between –20 °C and +70 °C (–4°F and 158°F).

The motor componentIn addition to a fi rm supporting structure, developers of solar tracking systems attach particular importance to the selection of the drive for azimuth adjustment. Reasons for this are related to the central function of the exact orientation of solar modules according to the controls setting and the costs for acquisition, operation, and maintenance. A robust gear unit motor with enclosure protection IP 54 or IP 65 is used as the drive. The task of this drive, in combination with a control unit, is to align the solar modules for the optimum position to the sun. No additional mounting parts are required to achieve the required enclosure protection. Instead, the components are integrated into the drive unit motor. This way, costly sealing measures are unnecessary and, furthermore, the weak points of conventional drive unit systems are minimized. In addition to increased dirt contamination resistance, the drive unit will withstand extreme weather conditions and still provide full performance in spite of ambient temperatures between –20 °C and +70 °C (–4°F and 158°F).

Further important parameters can be defi ned via the motor components. In ad-dition to the integral brake and depending on the tracking system, a transmitter can be selected as a feedback system. The transmitter is also fi tted within the motor housing and, therefore, meets the requirements necessary to resist extreme environ-mental conditions. This not only allows pre-setting of the exact position of the solar modules, but also allows checking and correcting of the actual position feedback. At the same time, the driving behavior of the complete tracking system is pre-defi ned due to correct selection of the motor with suitable controls. The desired drive pro-fi les such as acceleration and deceleration ramps, as well as the ideal rpm range for achieving the various operation speeds at the required torques can be defi ned.

Success through teamworkThe differences in driving accuracy requirements are: from several degrees of posi-tion accuracy deviation for conventional tracking systems (i.e. the system has to be adapted to the sun position every 10 to 15 minutes), to highly effi cient solar systems equipped with concentrator modules. These solar modules continuously track the sun position, and the focal point is adjusted to the optimum position as the sun moves across the sky.

A drive system virtually free from backlash must be chosen to fulfi ll these requirements. When combining the gear unit and motor, major attention is paid

From a large surface to a point focus

By Ingrid Kremtz & Stefan Kitschke

solar energy

Solar PowerSystems

Experience You Can Count OnOver 20 Years Experience Designing for the Utility-Scale Solar Industry

Hub City began designing and manufacturing custom gear

drives for the utility-scale solar industry in the 1980s with

Solar One, the world’s first solar power plant located

in the Mojave desert.

Today, engineers put these rugged Hub City

drives in parabolic trough tracking systems

as well as Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector

(CLFR) systems.

When you need single or dual axis tracker drives

for collector troughs or units for other types of

mounting and tracking systems for solar panels, you can

count on Hub City to provide expert application support.

Solar 10 MWe Solar Thermal One Central Receiver Pilot Plant

Parabolic Trough Solar Panels

Solar Dish Technology


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Will your module last?Put it to the test.

Combining the advancements in environmental chamber and xenonsolar simulation technology, the XR360 comes in three models withcapacity to test more than 90% of current PV modules.

• Chamber is equipped with four high performance water-cooled xenon arc lamps

• Full climatic functionality

• Expanded capability to run IEC environmental tests

Introducing the new Atlas XR360 PV Module Weather Durability Testing System

Your company may be a market leader, but are yourproducts ready for the long haul? One sure way to know isto employ Atlas testing products and services designedspecifically for the solar energy market. With our proprietaryAtlas 25PLUS Comprehensive Test Program, we can determinehow PV modules will stand up to UV, salt spray corrosion,moisture, heat, freezing temperatures and extreme outdoorconditions. Put the elements to work for you and gain areputation for reliability and durability.

Visit today to request a freewhite paper on the Atlas 25PLUS program.

to ensure that the backlash for power transmission is reduced to a minimum. The positional accuracy of the complete system fi nally depends on the interlinking tolerances of the individual components (i.e. gear unit and motor). Using special gearing technology, a circumferential backlash of almost “zero” can be achieved. In combination with the high-resolution transmitter system of the drive and the positional fi xing using the integral brake, sustainable improvements in the effi ciency of solar power systems with concentrator modules or within the Heliostat sector can be achieved.

ConclusionThe main criteria for selecting a drive system for solar applications are its robustness, cost factor, and ease-of-operation. Selection of individual components and lubricants used should guarantee maintenance-free operation for 20 years. Last but not least, the cost for acquisition, opera-tion, and maintenance of solar power systems should not neutralize the increase in effi ciency and the benefi ts gained due to tracking. The com-plete system, as described, will ensure higher accuracy for increased power generation. It does not merely form the basis for further use of renewable energy but, even more important, renders solar power competitive for the future.

GFC AntriebsSysteme

Heidolph Elektro GmbH & Co.

Solar connectors & grid tie electrical productsRemke Energy is a one-stop source for solar connectors and select grid tie electrical products. Their expanded family of Helio-Link solar connector products includes male and female fi eld wireable connectors, male and female molded bulkhead connectors for inverter housings and combiner boxes, 18- through 8-gauge PV/USE cable, as well as assembly tools and kits. Thin-fi lm junction boxes and combiner boxes are also available upon request. Where other suppliers offer only connectors, Remke Energy offers components that connect to the grid including mechanical connectors (lugs and splices), heat shrink tubing, strain relief cord grips, and nylon or metallic dome-style connectors. Helio-Link solar connectors are fully intermateable with MC 4 connectors. Custom cable assemblies are also available for specifi c application needs. Remke Energy |

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solar energy

Energy Storage:The Holy Grail for renewable

energy & the Smart GridBy John Battaglini

As the Smart Grid continues to develop and integrates more

renewable energy sources, energy storage will represent a key value proposition for the electricity grid of the future. Solar and wind will certainly pose challenges to the grid as more of these intermittent energy sources come online. Moreover, with the future adoption of plug-in vehicles, smart energy management will be needed to assure the quality and reliability of the grid. To this end, energy storage systems will serve as a key foundation technology that will advance the grid to its full potential.

According to the Energy Storage Council, the Department of Energy (DOE) estimated in 1993 that energy storage could have a $57.2 billion positive impact from the widespread use of “high-density storage devices to…store power during off-peak periods and deliver it when loads exceed generating capacity.” The Council has since updated this forecast to $175 billion over the next 15 years. Interestingly, Japan and Europe far outpace the US in energy storage with 15% and 10%, respectively. The US falls way behind with just 2.5%. Needles to say, the States is playing catch up, but not for long.

Putting energy storage to the testRecently, utilities and system integrators in the US have initiated several demonstration pilot programs to prove the viability of energy storage and its potential impact on the grid. Besides grid stabilization and load leveling, storage systems can potentially provide back-up power to thousands of residential and commercial customers, especially when solar or wind is not available. As more renewable energy sources are integrated into the grid, managing and storing energy is essential due to the intermittent nature of these renewable sources.

Another key driver for energy storage is the renewable portfolio standard (RPS), adopted by states to signifi cantly increase the amount of electricity generated by renewables. According to the DOE, as of May 2009, there are 24 states plus the District of Columbia that have RPS policies in place. Together, these states account for more than half of the electricity sales in the United States. The state of Maine has an aggressive goal of 40% by year 2017.

Imagine BIG Possibilities.The ISYS Ground Mount solution is the fi rst modular framing system utilizing modern techniques for large scale utility and commercial projects. Designed to deliver the most cost effective system, the ISYS Ground Mount has a total installed cost as low as $0.40 per watt with an industry leading installation rate of more than 10 modules per man-hour.

THE NEXT BIG THING!Introducing the fastest, strongest, most revolutionary ground mount solution EVER!


Bright Thinking in Solar

Size compared to

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Be a jump ahead - visit our new website

Controllers for solar thermal systems

Pump stations and heat exchange modules

Solar- and differential temperature controllers

Additional modules such as remote display modules, dataloggers, etc.

California wants to reach 33% by 2030, and many other states want to reach between 15% and 20% in the next fi ve years and beyond.

Bringing storage closer to the consumerA future outcome of the Smart Grid is Community Energy Storage (CES). Coined by utility, American Electric Power, CES is part of the utility’s gridSMART demonstration project. This project, funded in part by $75 million DOE stimulus funding, will be deployed to 110,000 AEP customers in northeast central Ohio. The idea is to provide the utility and its customers many benefi ts including load leveling, back-up power, support for plug-in electric car deployment, as well as grid regulation and improved distribution line effi ciencies.

As part of this fi rst-of-its-kind project, AEP and system integrator, S&C will test large format lithium ion batteries (Li-Ion). Different from their smaller cousins used in fl ashlights and IPods, large format lithium ion prismatic batteries (see Figure 1) provide the right-size building blocks to deliver higher amounts of energy and scale up as energy demands increase. Of course, controlling and understanding the state of the batteries is vital, and that’s where highly intelligent battery management comes in to play. Using state-of-the-art software and electronics, today’s advanced battery monitoring systems can tell users the exact state of the battery, state of health charging status, and temperature.

Figure 1. Large format lithium ion prismatic battery.

Another interesting project utilizing energy storage has been deployed in Maui, Hawaii. With electricity rates the highest in the country, the

Maui Economic Development Board wanted to assess the effectiveness of storing solar energy using effi cient battery technology. The renewable energy system is comprised of sixty 224-watt photovoltaic panels, a bi-

directional three-phase inverter system, and a state-of-the-art charge-controller network provided by HNU Energy in Maui. A 48V, 16.4kWh lithium-ion based energy storage system was integrated—complete with

battery management and controls—to store the energy generated from the solar array.

The energy storage system includes four battery modules, totaling 32 160Ah lithium iron phosphate (LFP)

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solar energy

Active system management for PV projectsThe Tigo Energy Maximizer Solu-tion begins with small, reliable elec-tronics on each module that enable module-level power point tracking for up to 20% more energy output. The system also captures module level output data to feed an advanced analysis engine. This automated software enables real-time module level performance views, sends alerts for system faults or module theft, and guides targeted maintenance actions. The net result is informed, active management, which minimizes O&M costs while keeping the system running at peak performance. Ad-ditional control capabilities include the Tigo Energy PV-Safe Feature for arc detection, thermal overstress, and shutdown in case of maintenance or fi re emergency. Compliant with relevant UL, CE, and FCC require-ments, and CEC listed, the Tigo Energy Maximizer Solution is a cost-effective addition to existing or new utility scale, commercial, or residen-tial projects. Tigo Energy |

cells and a battery management system (BMS) that is integrated into a standard 19" portable rack mount chassis and enclosure (see Figure 2). As with the CES project, large-format lithium ion batteries were chosen because of their proven high-energy density, robust thermal, and cycling performance, as well as easy system expandability.

Necessity driving innovationAs electric vehicles and the Smart Grid transform their respective industries, the role and signifi cance of energy

storage will continue to increase. And, while there are different storage solutions such as fl ywheels, compressed air, and hydro, as well as various battery technologies, large format lithium ion cells are leading the way in many high-energy applications due to their near 100% effi ciency, scalability, and versatility. It is interesting to note that the energy storage market made huge strides during the course of 2009. So much so in fact, that of the $185 million granted from the DOE for 16 projects, $83.1 million went to 11 battery related projects. From

an economic and environmentally sustainable perspective, the future looks very bright for energy storage.

International Battery

Figure 2. Lithium ion battery modules with battery management system (from International Battery).

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37North American Clean Energy

Solar mounting systems

Upcoming Exhibitions:Intersolar Munich

June 9 – 10, 2010, Munich

Intersolar North America

July 13 – 15, 2010, San Francisco

Bore shaft encoderUS Digital is pleased to announce the release of its latest absolute, blind hollow bore shaft encoder, the HBA4. This single-turn absolute encoder provides 16-bits of resolution over 360° of shaft rotation. The HBA4 is available with a 12mm or 0.500" diameter bore size, with either a ball bearing or sleeve bushing bearing assembly, and is sealed to an IP65 rating. The absolute encoder slips over a shaft and is locked in place with a unique self-centering ring clamp. A fl exible anti-rotation tether provides single point mounting for bolt circles ranging from 2.50" up to 5.00" in diameter, and compensates for shaft run out up to +/- 0.01". The HBA4 communicates serially to a host via the industry standard RS485 bus. HBA4 absolute encoders were designed for solar tracking systems and are commonly used as an Azimuth position sensor in two axis tracking systems. A two-year war-ranty is available.US Digital |

Shade analysis toolSolmetric Corporation’s Solmetric SunEye 210 is the newest version of the SunEye, which represents the next generation for solar energy professionals doing site evaluation and energy produc-tion estimates. The SunEye 210 is an integrated shade analysis tool for solar site assessment. It includes a fi sheye lens on a digital camera and a dedicated on-board processor to perform digital im-age processing and analysis to compute shading and solar access percentages. The SunEye 210 comes in a new rugged pack-age, enabling one-handed operation and improved user control. It includes the convenience of an integrated electronic inclinometer, compass, and GPS. The SunEye 210 features a live preview mode where the sun paths adapt to the position of the instrument, giving instant feedback on solar access. The SunEye 210 has a high-brightness, high-resolution screen and a signifi cantly extended battery life.Solmetric

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Technology and the Reliability of Wind Turbines

Making Solar SmarterIncreasing grid stability & integration

The Potential of Osmotic Power



The Potential of Osmotic PowerOsmotic PowerPLUS Show in Print features…• IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference

• International BIOMASS Conference & Expo

• WINDPOWER 2010 Conference & Exhibition

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38 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Engineering and Manufacturing for the Renewable World

2.5 - 10.0 kW Single-axis Modular PV Trackers

2.5 - 10.0 kW Fixed Ground Modular PV Systems

2.0 - 4.0 kW Dual-axis, Pole-mount, Modular PV Trackers

2.0 - 4.0 kW Fixed, Pole-mount, Modular PV Systems

Patriot Solar Group (PSG) has been manufacturing and distributing products for more than 14 years. PSG is an excellent choice for companies looking to partner with a U.S. manufacturer for its solar needs.

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solar energy

Register now at www.SOLAR2010.orgfor SOLAR 2010, the premier educational opportunity forsolar energy and energy efficiency professionals in the U.S.

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Solar tracking systems PV installations and tracking systems are now being constructed on increas-ingly diffi cult substrates—for example, on former farmland or decommissioned landfi lls. DEGERenergie has developed solutions for anchoring its systems se-curely in place. The operational safety of solar tracking systems is a matter of how fi rmly the system is attached to the substrate. The standard solution, using concrete foundations, is suited to a secure system installation in any substrate. That involves the foundation being permanent-ly installed above ground or sunk into the ground with the mast anchored in the concrete foundation. To help with a fu-ture dismantling of the systems, eye hooks may be affi xed to the concrete founda-tions. In cases where local building laws don’t permit concrete foundations, the systems with drill or screw foundations are recommended. Screw foundations are equipped with a spiral at the lower end, which is then screwed into the substrate.DEGERenergie |

Internal temperature sensor for solar collectorsSolar Skies Mfg., manufacturer of solar thermal collectors, is now offering an option to maximize the effi ciency of their solar collectors. The new inter-nal temperature sensor well allows for a more accurate internal temperature measurement of the collector, allowing a system’s controller to respond quicker and collect more BTU’s per day. The internal temperature sensor is: designed for drain back and pressurized systems; available for use with 10K (Domestic) and 1K (European) Ohm temperature sensors; standard on the Solar Skies EZ End Collectors; and offered as an option on the Solar Skies’ standard col-lectors. The SRCC rated collectors are offered in a multiple of series and a wide range of sizes. Solar Skies Mfg. |

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39North American Clean Energy

Comparative calculation of PV solar energyPROINSO, a Spanish multinational company specializing in the distribution of modules, inverters, trackers, and fi xed structures for PV systems (both on the ground and on roofs), has launched a new application on its company website. Under the name “Solar PV Tracker,” this application allows the comparative calculation of solar energy produc-tion anywhere in the world. Free of charge and accessible, both in English and Spanish, its goal is to carry out the calculation of photovoltaic solar energy production generated in kWh, based on the kWp of the installation, and using both 1- and 2-axis trackers, globally.PROINSO |

Certifi ed passive solar systems Premium Solar LLC is the southern distributor of Ezinc Solar Products in the United States. Their fl agship products are their SRCC certifi ed 46- and 80-gallon thermosy-phon systems. Premium Solar claims these systems to be some of the most effi cient, certifi ed passive solar products in the US. Thermosyphon systems are also some of the most widely used solar hot water heating systems around the world, and also have some of the lowest installation costs as there are no moving parts. Premium Solar LLC |

Full spectrum monitoring in a weathering deviceTo help customers show objective evi-dence that they are in compliance with test specifi cations during ISO 17025 quality audits, Atlas is pleased to offer an Atlas LS-200 Full Spectrum Monitoring device. The LS-200 has been specifi cally designed for use in Ci Series Weather-Ometers to precisely measure the SPD output of the xenon lamp. Validation tests have shown this device has excellent cor-relation to the spectroradiometers used in the Atlas Calibration Laboratory. The device is easily mounted on the specimen rack, and the output is measured over a short amount of time (30 minutes is suffi cient). The data can be downloaded and exported into a common spreadsheet program and analyzed to quickly and eas-ily determine compliance to the perform-ance-based standard that is running. Atlas Material Testing Technology

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World’s Best Racking & Mounting Solutions



Brought to you by Next Generation Energy® “Empowering the world through innovative energy solutionsSM”

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solar energy

WieSPislandadnacemar10OL.indd 1 2/25/10 3:32 PM

High-tension mesh screens for solar cell printingMicroScreen now manufactures screens with new HT stainless steel mesh. Produced from specially developed wires and woven on state-of-the-art looms, the HT mesh is a high-tension mesh capable of achieving tension values much higher than traditional meshes. The higher tension on the screen allows the use of a lower off-contact and less squeegee pressure. Less off-contact and quicker snap-off of the ink behind the squeegee improves print quality and contributes to increased cell effi ciency. Screens fabricated with HT mesh show improve-ments in the separation of the ink from the mesh. Ink clears the mesh opening much easier, producing better print consistency and image quality, particularly on fi ne lines. MicroScreen is a manufacturer of screens for solar cells, mem-brane switch, large format and thick fi lm printing, as well as laser cut and elec-troformed stencils.MicroScreen LLC |

Medium voltage inverterPowerVault is a turnkey and fully customizable DC-to-medium voltage solar inverter platform that provides signifi cant cost savings in multi-megawatt solar installations. The 1 MW PowerVault delivers industry leading 97% effi ciency, with standard 295VDC minimum MPPT and an optional full-power 265VDC minimum MPPT—the lowest MPPT voltage of any utility scale inverter in the industry. This makes the PowerVault ideal for use in the North American market and for getting the most power out of the new lower-cost thin-fi lm solar arrays. The conduit-ready pier-mount confi guration saves installation time and eliminates tens-of-thousands of dollars in engineering design, site preparation, and installation costs for commercial and utility customers. The PowerVault platform is backed by a 10-year nationwide warranty and an unprecedented optional 20-year warranty. PV Powered |

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The power behind the panel.

Discover the value behind the panelTo us, the true value of a panel lies in the electricity it generates. In independent tests around the world, our panels have proven their superior energy performance. Choosing Trina isn’t just a quality purchase; it’s a sound investment. With Trina Solar panels, you get the best $/KWh.

Mobile solar power units Coupled with creative engineering and real-world input, GreenTow has created the fi rst of its kind: a functional, state-of-the-art mobile unit providing clean, quiet, green power. From homes and cabins to large military and disaster services, GreenTow Trailers are the most advanced mobile solar power units to be constructed. GreenTow incorporates the highest quality compo-nents, coupled with some of the most experienced mechanical and electrical green engineers. Additionally, their teams of me-chanical and electrical engineers are prepared to meet custom and unique green mobile power needs.GreenTow |

Pre-packaged grid-tied solar electric kits CENTROSOLAR introduced their own brand of PV modules (CENTROSOLAR D & E Series) to the US market in 2009, and is now expanding its systems offering with CENTROPACKS, pre-packaged grid-tied solar electric kits. The package includes CENTROSOLAR branded high-effi ciency polycrystalline photovoltaic modules, Unirac mounting system, SMA or Fronious inverters, as well as all electrical and mechanical components including NEC code compliant labels and installation guide. CENTROPACK comes with complete electrical engineering, NEC drawings, 1 and 3 line drawings, as well as all site engineering documents for layout to fast track the permitting process. CENTROPACK helps small- to mid-size solar integrators streamline their procurement efforts. Instead of spending hours on the phone with multiple vendors separately sourcing components, the contractor gets everything they need, with one call, delivered to the jobsite at a competitive price.

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solar energy

Fasteners for solar power systemsMudge Fasteners, Inc. is an expert in fasteners for re-newable energy industries, offering a specialized selec-tion of products used in manufacturing, installing, and maintaining solar power systems. Their newest product offering: EJOT – Solar Fastenings. Engineered for rooftop installation, EJOT Solar Fastenings is com-patible with all solar mounting systems, provides fast/consistent installation, is completely water tight and will not damage metal roofs. Material: 304 stainless steel. Mudge Fasteners, |

Solar charging kitsSamlex Solar’s easy to install plug and power kits come with 50, 85, or 120 Watt high-effi ciency solar panels. Also in each kit is a Samlex 30 Amp fl ush-mount charge controller with LCD monitoring screen, connecting wires, and a solar panel mounting system—everything needed to start running a soundless and sustainable so-lar system. Preserve batteries and generate power main-tenance free for years. Samlex Solar |

Embedded computerThe V2101 embedded computer is based on the Intel Atom Z560PT x86 processor and features two serial ports, dual Gigabit LAN ports, four USB 2.0 hosts, and an SD socket. V2100 computers offer both VGA and LVDS outputs, making it perfect for industrial applications such as SCADA and factory automation. This tiny, yet powerful industrial computer is well suited for industrial applications that require high-speed serial communication, network redundancy, and multiple storage expan-sions. Wide temperature models of the V2101 support an operating temperature range of -40° to 85°C, making them suitable for harsh industrial environments. In addition, V2101 computer comes pre-installed with Linux, Windows CE 6.0, or Win-dows Embedded Standard 2009 to provide programmers with a friendly environment for developing sophisticated applica-tion software. Moxa provides easy to use software tools to alleviate a programmer’s workload, making it easy to write bug-free code and saving valuable time and development costs. Moxa Americas, Inc. |

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Crystalline module for metal roofsSOLON presents the fi rst crystalline module that can be attached to metal roofs using an adhesive. The frameless design of the SO-LON Black 280/12 module is attached directly to the roof using a silicone-based adhesive—without any roof penetration. This way, there is generally no need for an assembly system. Assembly time is substantially less when compared to a conventional solar power system using crystalline modules because fewer components are required and installation is uncomplicated when using an adhesive. The SOLON Black 280/12 is manufactured using 72 monocrystalline cells and weighs only 8.5 kg/m, making it extremely lightweight. This feat is made possible by eliminating the frame and using 3.2 mm of glass. The connection socket is rotated by 180° to facilitate assembly and improve cable routing. The modules are particularly well-protected against theft since they are attached with an adhesive. It is also protected against corrosion with other foreign materials on the roofs.SOLON |

Deep cycle batteries for improved powerTrojan’s T2 Technology is a series of refi nements that has been made to enhance performance characteristics of Trojan batteries, resulting in a more robust battery design, which ef-fectively addresses the increasing per-formance demands of original equip-ment manufacturer requirements for applications including golf and utility vehicles, PV systems, wind turbines, micro hydro systems, etc. T2 Technol-ogy builds upon Trojan’s historically proven technology and incorporates improvements in electrochemi-cal processing and battery design to achieve maximum sustained perform-ance and deliver more total energy in applications requiring heavy duty power. Specifi c enhancements made to Trojan’s Alpha Plus Paste and the Maxguard separator, two vital compo-nents that affect battery performance, result in even more sustained capacity, higher total amp-hours, and overall improved electrical performance, mak-ing Trojan Battery deep cycle products some of the best in quality and value. T2 Technology batteries will be avail-able starting June 2010 from Trojan’s global network of distributors, with an 18-month, limited warranty offered on most popular Trojan batteries includ-ing the T105, T105+, T875, T1275, and T1275+. Trojan Battery

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solar energy

Thin-fi lm solar panel laser scribing systemJPSA’s new PV-5000 is a fully automated, high-volume production laser system that enables thin-fi lm solar panel manufac-turers to set new benchmarks in cost and solar energy conversion effi ciency due to JPSA’s unique proprietary laser scribing technology. The PV-5000 delivers high throughput, accuracy, and fl exibility in a state-of-the-art industrial laser scribing system. The system’s multi-beam laser system speeds panel processing to an astounding 12 meters per second. To meet the high production demands of the solar industry, the PV 5000 features proven glass panel handling technology, innovative laser and optics modules, vision technology, and debris control systems integrated into a turnkey scribing solution. The system’s highly accurate and repeatable laser scribe placement maximizes the active area used in the panel to convert sun-light into electricity, signifi cantly boosting the panel’s effi ciency. JPSA Inc. |

Intelligent Pressure Compensation Seal (PCS) Schreiner ProTech has introduced an innovative, rugged, self-adhesive Pressure Compensation Seal (PCS), specially designed to provide solar module junction boxes with long-lasting protection against severe environmental conditions, preventing damage to sensitive electrical components. Schreiner ProTech has further developed a new splash-proof (PCS) membrane vent material that delivers permanent weather resistance and prevents the intrusion of water, oil, and dust within the junction box housing, even after the component has been submerged into water for 30 minutes. Condensation, specifi cally when formed in the PV module and transferred into the junction box, can decrease power output and corrode electrical contacts resulting in safety issues. Ideally suited for use with solar power systems, Schreiner ProTech’s new water-repellent membrane ventilates solar module junction boxes, thereby reducing the harmful effects of condensation within the housing while offering reliable protection to PV modules that is vital to improving their longevity.Schreiner ProTech

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International Trade Fair for Photovoltaics and Solar Thermal Technology

June 9–11, 2010New Munich Trade Fair Centre, Germany

w w w. i n t e r s o l a r. d e CONNECTING SOLAR BUSINESS

130,000 m2 Exhibition Area 60,000+ Visitors1,500 Exhibitors


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The 2010 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition April 19th to 22nd, 2010Ernest N Morial Convention Center—New Orleans, Louisiana

The 2010 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition in New Orleans is designed and organized to provide the international power-delivery community with the information and details necessary to manage technology and business solutions now and in the decades ahead.

Show in PrintFeatures just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Box pads for wind turbine foundationsConcast Inc. offers an integrated tunnel “IT” box pad designed for the wind industry. The Windcast lines of box pads are built for transformer installation at turbine foundations. Boxes are designed to support most three-phase transformers. They are 36" deep and feature many opening sizes, as well as knockouts for cables. The tunnel mates the turbine foundation to the box pad. This provision results in less cable pulling and fewer tight radius/ bending problems. Concast is now NPCA certifi ed, providing specialty concrete productions to meet individual customer requirements and specifi cations. Their box pads and fl at pads are precisely engineered with high-strength (8000 PSI) concrete, and their proven durability will outlast most conventional poured-in-place concrete. No petroleum materials are used, providing a cost-effective fi re and UV-resistant base. Concast Inc. |

Capacitor switchThe Southern States CapSwitcher is a high-voltage capacitor switching device specifi cally designed for the unique duties of capacitor switching. Volt-age and current transients are minimized and re-strikes virtually eliminated by the innovative design of the CapSwitcher interrupter. It is available in pedestal or rack mount designs for single and back-to-back capacitor-bank applications through 170 kV. Southern States

Medium voltage cable for wind farm systemsGeneral Cable’s team of experts have once again applied extensive R&D experience to re-engineer their EmPowr Link 35 kV medium voltage cable, improving the performance of collection systems and making renewable energy more effi cient and affordable than ever before. EmPowr Link CL is the next-generation in wind farm collection systems. It is the only medium voltage cable that costs less now and pays more later. General Cable’s EmPowr Link cables are already the greenest choice for wind farm construction with environmentally friendly compounds that provide one of the highest levels of dielectric strength cable insulation. With its built-in cost benefi ts and long-term effi ciencies, EmPowr Link CL is the total green solution—allowing users to go green and save green for an overall better return on investment.General

Engineering & consulting services for utility projectsCommonwealth Associates, Inc. of-fers a broad range of engineering and consulting services to electric utilities and independent power developers. They provide selected services and can help with every step of a project by providing Owner’s Engineer services. Commonwealth is well-respected in the industry for their understanding of utility practices, technical expertise, and professional approach to trans-mission project completion. Their staff’s expertise includes high-voltage transmission design, including: elec-trical systems analysis; transmission and substation conceptual to fi nal design; protective relaying design; communication and SCADA system design; substation commissioning and start-up; overhead and underground transmission design; routing and envi-ronmental permitting for transmission facilities; public meetings; regulatory fi lings; land acquisition; scheduling; expediting; development of construc-tion or EPC contract documents; and, construction management. Commonwealth Associates,

Mobile cutting toolBURNDY announces the PATHCC10 series of hydraulic self-contained C-head cutters. The PATHCC10 is an innova-tive compact and mobile cutting tool that allows users to interchange four different cutting blades customized for their application. The blades are made from high-strength tool steel and hard-ened to ensure long lasting life. With a C-head style head, it’s easy to scoop and cut without the need to close a latch. The four blade types are designed for particular uses including aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) wire, copper and aluminum wire, ground rod, rebar, soft steel bolts, standard guy wire, and EHS guy wire. The PATHCC10 series cutters operate on 18-volt nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries. Each tool comes equipped with a high-impact formed carry case, along with a tool re-tention lanyard, battery charger, and two batteries. The carry case also has pre-formed pockets to house all four blade types. The PATHCC10 series has a life-time powertrain warranty and a fi ve-year limited warranty on the tool. The blades, batteries, and charger come with a one-year limited warranty. BURNDY |

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Power-installed foundationsChance power-installed steel foundations can be used to support solar panels, small turbines, and a variety of equipment. They are proven in the electric utility and telecommunications industry for a variety of applications including steel transmission towers, substation, as well as equipment sup-port applications. Chance also manufacturers power-installed earth anchors for tieback, residential, soil nail applications. Company micropiles are used for supporting large buildings.CHANCE |

Electric utility constructionWilson Construction Co. specializes in elec-tric utility construction. They are one of the few independently owned and managed fi rms that perform all facets of electric distribution and transmission construction projects. Their expertise includes all types of underground construction including voltages up to 345kV, overhead transmission lines to 500kV, and substations and switchyards from distribution to 500kV. Wilson Construction also provides helicopter and environmental services.Wilson Construction Co.

DC-to-medium voltage platform for MW-scale projects PV Powered, Inc. announces its PowerVault DC-to-medium voltage inverter plat-form. PowerVault is a fully engineered and factory assembled turnkey inverter pow-er plant with DC inputs on one side and medium voltage outputs on the other. The enclosure provides an ideal service environment and protection from vandalism, while the integrated design eliminates the need for separate pads, trenching, and conduits between components, signifi cantly reducing the need for fi eld labor, saving money and accelerating the construction schedule. The PowerVault platform offers a variety of confi gurations designed around the 97% effi cient PVP260kW inverter with standard 295VDC minimum MPPT and an optional full-power 265VDC minimum MPPT—the lowest MPPT voltage of any commercial inverter in the in-dustry. This makes the PowerVault ideal for use in the North American market and for getting the most power out of the new lower-cost thin-fi lm solar arrays. With the benefi t of a 20-year operating life and PV Powered’s commitment to reliability engineering, their fl eet of inverters set the industry standard in reliability and effi -ciency and have been delivering 99% uptime. PV Powered, Inc. |

Wire & cable providerAmerican Wire Group (AWG) is a premier wire and cable specialist for the renewable energy market. AWG supplies all conductors for the electrical infra-structure for wind energy, transmission, distribution, and substation projects. AWG offers ACSR, AAC, AAAC Bare Aluminum Conductors, Underground Collection System 34.5KV, OPGW and Fiber Optic Cables, Galvanized Steel and Alumoclad Steel Shield Wire, Bare Copper, Copperclad steel grounding wire, 2kV DLO, TowerGuard 2kV, and all designs of control cables. American Wire Group |

Troutman Sanders LLP is one of the world’s leading energy law firms. We have represented clients in energy matters since the 1920s, and our climate change practice has been active for nearly two decades. From this foundation of experience, we have developed a dynamic renewable energy practice that advises clients worldwide at every stage, from investment and tax structuring to development, construction and operation.

As your plans for solar, wind and renewable energy projects emerge, put the energy of our lawyers to work for you. For more information, contact:

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Protection against transformer oil spills SorbWeb Plus is a cost-effective and reliable passive system that provides continuous protection against oil spills from transformers. The system al-lows rain water and snow melt to pass through with no pumps and no main-tenance required. The SorbWeb Plus SOC has proven effective in severe weather conditions. SorbWeb Plus is an engineered containment system designed to contain 110% of the oil volume in the event of a catastrophic failure. Load capacity of 28-ton per axle allows users to reclaim the real estate. Typical design applications include: ground-based transformers on pads; ground-based transformers on grade; deck-mounted transformers; and, transformers protected with deluge systems. Albarrie | |

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2010 IEEE show in print

Dry battery technologyXtreme Power’s Dynamic Power Resource enables cost-effective power delivery for the smart grid through the company’s proprietary, highly effi cient, dry battery technology known as the PowerCell. Xtreme’s technology is unique in its ability to provide power on demand through precision control and complex power capabilities (VARs), and to time-shift large amounts of energy, all at low cycle life cost. The systems range in size from 375kW to 100 MW. Xtreme Power’s technology is produced via Zero Emissions manufacturing, minimizing waste and environmental impact, and all products are re-called and recycled at end of life. Xtreme Power’s products enable consistent delivery of renewable energy onto the grid, limiting the need for environmentally damaging practices as running spinning reserves and peaking power plants.Xtreme Power |

Medium voltage circuit protection fusesFerraz Shawmut will present a comprehensive line of medium voltage circuit protection fuses including E-Rated, R-Rated and PT fuses, as well as high-power switches. Ferraz Shawmut’s medium voltage fuses are used for the protection of capacitors, transformers, or motors and have been designed to meet various mounting con-fi gurations or standards requirements. Two of the featured products from Ferraz Shawmut’s high-power switches line will be the Field Excitation Contactor and the Medium Voltage Disconnect Switch. Field Excitation Contactors are used by alternator manufacturers worldwide for the exci-tation and de-excitation of power inductors up to 900 MW. Medium Voltage Disconnect Switches up to 36KV are preferred by many manufacturers of excitation systems for its ability to carry high-current up to 24kA with a very low contact drop. Ferraz Shawmut |

Control panels, enclosures & switchgearCrown Technical Systems designs, manufactures, and tests protective relay and control panels, power control enclosures, and low to medium voltage switchgear. Based in Ontario, California, Crown Technical Systems has provided the high-est quality products and services to the US Gov-ernment, publicly owned utilities, general con-tractors, and other corporations since 1996. With the experience of 5,000 control panels, 60 power control enclosures, and 30 switchgear lineups, Crown Technical Systems is an expert within the energy equipment industry, offering the perform-ance and quality customers expect. Crown Technical

Transformer box pad for net meteringNordic Fiberglass, Inc. brings a new idea for renewable energy products: the GS-37-39-15-MP-MG-22x22. This all-in-one combination of a plastic meter pedestal and single phase fi berglass transformer box pad can be used for net metering. Net metering is a simplifi ed method of metering the energy consumed and produced at a home or business that has its own renewable energy genera-tor. The 15" high fi berglass pad accommodates single phase transformers ranging from 25kVA up to 167kVA. The MPP-141480-MG plastic pedestal accommodates up to three-meter enclosures. The meter pedestal also has a large service entrance door for easy accessibility for mounting meter enclosures. Additional equipment can be installed inside the pedestal, too. Underground wiring can be fed underneath the box pad and up into the meter pedestal safely and securely. Other net metering products available from Nordic are the GS-37-52-15-TMS and the GS-72-40-18-TMS (Transformer Meter Switch). Nordic Fiberglass, Inc. |

Construction, transmission & distribution Chain Electric is a full-service construction com-pany specializing in transmission, distribution, overhead, and underground. They also do all facets of fi ber installation from transmission static to underground. Additionally, they offer services to wind farm developers for collector ring to util-ity interconnect construction. Chain Electric has an alliance with USA Solutions, Inc. along with Booth & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers that allows the company to offer a complete EPC package. Booth & Associates ( specializes in electric utility design and can handle all transmission line design, ROW, permit-ting, distribution, and substation engineering de-sign and bill of material. USA Solutions ( can provide total project manage-ment and full procurement of all required materi-als. With this team approach, the companies are capable of quoting full EPC or individual portions from transmission lines to wind turbine collector rings to substations and utility interconnects. Chain Electric |

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PV Powered, the innovation leader of grid-tied solar inverters, introduces the PowerVault, a utility-scale 1MW turn-key power conversion solution with DC inputs on one side and medium voltage outputs on the other.

The integrated design is fully engineered and factory assembled, significantly reducing the need for field labor, saving money and accelerating the construction schedule. Inverters are the intelligent interface between distributed photovoltaic systems and the smartgrid. PV Powered is leading the industry in dynamic two-way communication providing utilities with awareness and control, and is setting the bar for inverter reliability and performance, while dramatically lowering the lifetime cost of ownership. And with the industry’s first standard 10-year warranty and optional 20-year warranty, choosing PV Powered is … simple.

541-312-3832 | [email protected] |



1040kW PowerVault

75kW 100kW 260kW

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investing in clean energy

The fi nancial crisis spawned two major stimulus pack-ages in the US that have reshaped the federal policy

landscape for renewable power. Most notably, qualify-ing solar, wind, and other renewable energy generation projects can choose either a 30% investment tax credit (“ITC”), or a 30% cash grant in lieu of the ITC (so-called “section 1603 grants”). Wind and other non-solar projects formerly eligible only for the production tax credit (“PTC”) can, for a limited time, elect any of the PTC, the ITC or the cash grant. To qualify for the cash grant, projects must be operational (placed in service) by the end of 2010, or else must begin construction by then and be placed in service by the end of 2012 for wind, and by the end of 2016 for solar.

A fairly simple statute and online application process has made the cash grant program a success. As of this writing, the Department of Treasury has paid or allocated over $2 billion in cash grants. Most of the money has gone to large-scale wind projects that had been completed or were “shovel ready” when the program opened in July 2009. Many solar projects, including commercial and mu-nicipal distributed generation, have also benefi ted from this program. Treasury has not published detailed formal written guidance addressing technical questions arising under the program. Much of the guidance has been anec-dotal; comments made by IRS offi cials at conferences, re-ports of comments made, or positions taken by the IRS in the applications process. In January, however, The Treas-

ury Department released “Frequently Asked Questions and Answers” (“FAQs”), providing supplemental guidance under the cash grant program.

Tax-exempt entitiesThe most signifi cant FAQs relate to tax-exempt entities including schools, colleges, charitable organizations, state and local governments and agencies, and some foreign persons. These entities are not typically owners of energy projects and could not benefi t from the ITC if they owned the project. The FAQs confi rm that tax-exempt owners of projects are not eligible for the cash grant. The ITC is also not allowed for a project owned by one party and leased to a tax-exempt entity; however, if the tax-exempt merely purchases the power generated by the project un-der a power purchase agreement (“PPA”), then the owner may claim the ITC. For this reason, many fi nancings of distributed generation projects with municipal or other tax-exempt customers are structured as PPAs, rather than as leases. Under a common structure, a third-party tax equity investor is the owner of the project under a sale-leaseback with the developer-lessee, who in turn sells the power to the tax-exempt customer under a PPA.

In a signifi cant variation from the ITC rules, the FAQ provides that the cash grant is available to the owner of a project leased to a tax-exempt entity. Rooftop solar compa-nies will be able to lease rooftop systems to public schools and government agencies without losing the cash grant.

Financing Renewableswith Federal Grants By Philip H Spector

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Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

But, there will be loss in tax depreciation benefi ts because all assets leased to tax-exempt entities are subject to a slower tax depreciation allowance. A solar project leased to a tax-exempt is depreciated over 12 years (or 125% of the lease term if longer) on a straight-line basis rather than over fi ve years on an accelerated basis. Other tax constraints on tax-exempt entity leasing may have to be satisfi ed to avoid further reductions in depreciation deductions. From a tax standpoint, to avoid a loss in the depreciation benefi ts it is still preferable to enter into PPAs with tax-exempt entities, rather than leases. Such transactions must be structured carefully to ensure that for tax purposes the lease qualifi es as a “true lease,” and the PPA is classifi ed as a service contract and not a lease. However, the parties may wish to do a direct lease for non-tax reasons.

The relaxation of the ban on cash grants for tax-exempt leasing may help projects designed for ownership by a partnership that includes members that are tax-exempt entities. Under current guidance, a project owned by a partner-ship does not qualify for the cash grant if any interest in the partnership—no matter how small or remote—is owned by a tax-exempt or other ineligible en-tity. Some unique types of tax-exempt entities that are experienced power play-ers, such as municipal utilities and electric cooperatives, may wish to enter into partnerships with developers under which the partnership would sell, lease back, and operate the project. The new rule will allow that project to benefi t from a full cash grant.

The FAQ, however, does not change the rule that if a partnership is the owner (rather than a lessee) no cash grant is available if there is any tax-exempt ownership interest in the partnership. Most private equity funds have at least some tax-exempt entities as investors. Market participants have been pressing Congress to eliminate this rule, or at least rewrite it so that partial ownership of a partnership by tax-exempt entities would not lead to a loss of the entire grant, but only that portion of the grant that is proportional to the tax-exempt entity’s interest in the partnership.

Passive loss rules inapplicableAnother cash grant development benefi ting partnerships and private equity funds was not addressed in the FAQs, but has been addressed by Treasury and the Department of Energy in other contexts. This relates to the so-called “pas-sive loss” rules that primarily affect individual investors. Any individual who is an investor in a renewable energy project, but is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the project will be subject to the “passive loss” limitations. These limitations require that the ITC and losses attributable to depreciation deductions be used to offset only passive income from the project or similar investments. Most projects will generate net losses in the early years and most individuals do not have other forms of passive income. As a result, most passive investors can only use the ITC and tax depreciation deductions from a par-ticular project to reduce the project’s own passive income. Excess credits and deductions are carried forward to future years until they can be fully absorbed by project income. This could take years, a delay that reduces the present value of the tax benefi ts compared to using them in the year they are fi rst generated.

Notably, the 30% cash grant in lieu of the ITC is not subject to the passive credit limitations. Therefore, an individual investor that would be required to defer and carry forward the ITC and tax losses due to the application of the passive loss rules, can still claim and receive the full 30% cash grant in lieu of the ITC immediately. (Net operating losses attributable to depreciation re-main subject to the “passive loss” limitations.) This further liberalization of the cash grant rules should be of interest to funds that are managed for wealthy individuals who would otherwise be subject to the passive loss rules. A fund composed of taxable individual investors would be able to claim a full 30% cash grant for qualifying projects.

Commencement of constructionA third issue that has arisen in the context of the grant program relates to when construction of a project is considered to have begun. Projects must be under construction by December 31st, 2010 to qualify for grants under the existing program. Under existing guidance, a developer can demonstrate that construction has commenced by showing “physical work of a signifi cant nature” has started or that the developer has “incurred” more than 5% of the total project cost. Developers of large-scale wind and solar projects have strug-gled with the defi nition.

Treasury considers each wind turbine, pad, and tower to be a separate project, each of which must commence construction by the end of 2010. If the

developer pours concrete for the fi rst of a 40-turbine wind farm, has physi-cal work of a signifi cant nature begun on all 40 projects? If a large-scale solar project involves off-site manufacture or assembly of components, how much must have occurred before physical work of a signifi cant nature is considered to have begun? Legislative updateSeveral different bills have been or are expected to be introduced in Congress to amend or extend the cash grant program and other aspects of the stimulus bills that created it. One proposal would extend the current program’s con-struction commencement deadline from 2010 to 2012, and would extend the placed in service deadline for all renewables to the end of 2016. Another bill would alter the program by treating the cash grant amount as a tax refund. The tax refund would be paid a lot later than the current cash grant—after the tax return is fi led for the year the project is completed—and the amount of the refund would be subject to offsets for other taxes owed.

Philip H Spector is a tax partner in the New York offi ce of Troutman Sanders LLP.

Troutman Sanders LLP |

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investing in clean energy

At a glance, a fi eld of wind turbines or a solar panel farm may look like a simple development involving real property and clean energy equipment. On closer inspection, the variables involved in fi nancing and closing these transactions are

often multi-faceted and complex. Projects can cover many different types of land interests: private, lease-hold interests, as well as native and federal lands. Similarly, the security a lender will take to fi nance a project is not restricted to the real property. It may also extend to the moveable assets.

If you think about the assets of the wind farm, there are the fi xed assets: the land and the concrete base for the turbine; while the wind turbine itself may be a moveable asset as it can be loaded onto a fl atbed truck and moved to another location. As such, acquiring and securing interests on renewable energy developments poses a challenge for operators and lenders because of the multiple factors at play.

One growing method of dealing with these challenges is the bur-geoning use of title insurance to streamline transactions, reduce risk, and provide the lender with security for fi nancing. Separate policies are available for owners, as well as for lenders to protect their respec-tive interests in a deal. The cost of a title insurance policy is based on the value of the property transaction. It is a one-time fee with no deductible and stays with the lender or owner for as long as they main-tain an interest in the property.

“We often get calls just as a deal is about to close because an issue has arisen and the deal cannot close on time,” says John Rider, vice president of the Commercial Division at First Canadian Title, the Canadian division of First American Title Insurance Company. “We work with counsel by taking on the risk in a transaction addressing issues such as zoning compliance, easements, off-title work orders, absence of land survey—so a deal can proceed to closure.”

Renewable energy farms often cover many jurisdictions and involve a variety of owners, leasors, and lenders. Title insurance provides the policy holder with continued secured interest over the development. This “contiguity” of secured title protects the policy holder from defects, charges, liens or encumbrances on the title, the title’s unmarketability, and the lack of a right of access.

Furthermore, some title insurers may also provide coverage for collateral that is personal property. A personal property title insurance policy can be issued concurrently with a traditional title insurance policy, eliminating concerns that lenders may have as to whether any portion of the security, like a wind turbine, falls into either the legal defi nition of realty or personal property.

“More and more companies and their legal counsel are turning to title insurance to structure their renewable energy devel-opments. Increasingly, we have become involved in the early stages of a deal on solar and wind farms, pipe and transmission lines from the get-go, because of the risk transfer we provide to parties.” advises John Rider. “One of the most attractive fea-tures of our policy is the ‘Duty to Defend.’ With so many interests involved in a complex renewable energy project, knowing that an experienced insurer will defend your interests reduces the risk for fi nancers and owners.”

“Duty to Defend” is an insurance term whereby the insurer must defend the insured’s interest if they are legally challenged. As such, a policy holder can rely on their title insurance company to take on the legal costs and challenge of defending their interest in court.

For more information, legal counsel can enquire on a party’s behalf about how title insurance can mitigate the risk of a clean energy project or development.

Wendy Rinella is the director of corporate affairs at First Canadian Title.

First Canadian Title |

Mitigating Risk with Title InsuranceBy Wendy Rinella

“ More and more companies and their legal counsel are turning to title insurance to structure their renewable energy developments…”

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53North American Clean Energy

www.dicksteinshapiro.comPrior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. © 2010 Dickstein Shapiro LLP. All Rights Reserved.

What’s Missing from Your Wind Project?

When Competitive Power Ventures Inc. (CPV), a power generation development and asset management company with extensive wind energy development experience, decided to sell Phase I of its Keenan wind farm project to Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company, CPV turned to Dickstein Shapiro’s experienced wind energy and corporate counsel to structure, negotiate, and document the transaction. CPV continues to rely on Dickstein Shapiro’s energy transactional and regulatory attorneys in connection with all aspects of its wind energy development program to help ensure that it remains a significant player in the North American wind energy sector.

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According to their website, the US Department of En-ergy’s (DOE) Loan Guarantee Program paves the way for federal support of clean energy projects that use innovative technologies, and spurs further investment in these advanced technologies. A principal purpose of the Loan Guarantee Program is to encourage early commercial use in the United States of new or signifi -cantly improved technologies in energy projects. DOE believes that accelerated commercial use of new or

improved technologies will help to create jobs and sus-tain economic growth, yield environmental benefi ts, and produce a more stable and secure energy supply.

To date, DOE has conditionally offered or closed 12 loans or loan guarantees. According to estimates from the companies, these projects will collectively create or save about 50,000 jobs. They will also lead to the capacity to produce more than 3 GW of clean power each year and will avoid more than 30 million tons of

CO2 per year. Vehicle projects (under the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program) will also save—up to 270 million gallons of gasoline each year.

For a list of the 12 projects announced as of press time, visit of Energy (DOE) |

No extension for Canadian renewable power program The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) recently expressed disappointment with the Canadian federal government’s failure to expand and extend its ecoENERGY for Renewable Power Program in the 2010 federal budget. The ecoENERGY for Renewable Power Program was created in January 2007, and has now allocated all of its funding and met its target to support the deployment of more than 4,000 MW of new renewable energy projects in Canada.

“The failure to extend and expand the ecoENERGY program will slow wind energy development and reduce our ability to compete with the United States for investment and jobs at a critical time in our economic recovery,” said CanWEA president, Robert Hornung. “While we remain committed to working with the federal government to fi nd ways to attract new investment in the world’s most rapidly growing source of electricity, we are shocked and disappointed that it has chosen not to extend a cost-effective program that facilitated record levels of investment and job creation in Canada’s wind energy sector in the midst of the recession of 2009.”

While the US federal government’s key incentive program will provide support for new wind energy projects constructed through to the end of 2012, Canada’s ecoENERGY program has now allocated all of its funding and is supporting no wind energy projects built after March 2011—almost two years before US sup-port is scheduled to end. The fact that fed-eral funds are no longer available to sup-port new wind energy projects in Canada means wind energy investors will increas-ingly shift new investments and job crea-tion out of Canada to the greater policy certainty and more attractive investment climate found in the United States.

“Federal government incentives have played a critical role in wind energy de-velopment in Canada by supporting and complementing provincial government initiatives in this area. The success of this partnership is clear—Canada’s installed wind energy capacity has increased 10-fold in six years,” said Hornung. CanWEA |

The Department of Energy’s Loan Programs

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WINDPOWER 2010 May 23rd - 26th, 2010 • Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, Texaswww.windpowerexpo.orgEach year AWEA hosts the WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition, which gathers the thought leaders of the wind industry to discuss opportunities for the expansion of this market, how to strengthen the economy with wind technology, and how to established long-term policy support for wind energy integration in the US.

WINDPOWER is the premier annual wind energy conference and exhibition in the world, and is an exciting and dynamic conference that has the potential to provide business leads to break into this fast growing wind market, or to further grow with it.

Show in PrintFeatures just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Solutions for poor performing wind generatorsEngineering personnel at Morgan AM & T studied wind turbine generators to determine how they could be improved with less maintenance, fewer failures, and overall reduced annual cost. This study created a “new design” that enabled wind farm owners to accomplish robust im-provements in the performance (up time) for the entire wind farm. The problems are a combination of the existing brush material, brush holders, and rigging, where all the current materials in use are not optimum. The Morgan Solutions are designed to eliminate costly slip ring damage, heavy carbon dusting, and rapid brush wear that create costly downtime and ineffi cient operation.

Morgan AM & T solutions use a fi nely machined (highly polished) brush rigging that reduces sidewall friction and utilizes full length radial holders for stability. These re-engineered designs directly and easily mount in place of the original holders and can be installed in two hours without any additional up-tower machining. It is the one and only tested and proven solution.Morgan AM & T |

Booth 8235

Renewable energy contractorSignal Energy is a full-service Balance of Plant general contractor in the North American renewable energy industry. With over 25 full design-build renewable energy projects ranging in size from 10 MW to over 120 MW completed, Signal Energy is one of the most experienced EPC/BOP renewable energy general contractors with accomplished employees in both the design and construction of wind, solar, biomass, nuclear, fossil, and CHP projects. Their capabilities extend to every aspect of wind farm development and construction. With a strong commitment to safety, Signal Energy has maintained EMR, TRIR, and DART statistics that consistently rank far below the national industry average. By taking the time to understand customer needs, both operational and fi nancial, Signal Energy provides “value engineering” options that save both time and money.Signal Energy |

Booth 10850

Wind power for diverse energy applicationsIn introducing a new line of community wind turbines, from 1kW to 1 MW, Polaris America will be addressing the needs of home owners, businesses, schools, universities, governmental institutions, and other applications the company feels has been overlooked by current large wind turbine suppliers. Polaris has a size that fi ts with a proven technology that delivers the next generation of wind power needed for diverse energy applications. Current wind turbines are being designed to meet the IEC 61400 -02 standards; however, Polaris will also participate in the new SWCC certifi cation program that will certify their turbines against the new AWEA Small Wind Turbine Performance and Safety Standards. The Polaris turbine advantages include: low cut in speed; 20-year rated lifespan; ultra quiet braking; industry best power to weight ratio; low operating noise level (50-55 db) at 100ft; lightest generators available; normal operating temperature range generators (-5 to 140°F); extended temperature range to -58°F; as well as high-effi ciency levels.Polaris America

Booth 6829

Large diameter slewing bearings & rolled ringsRotek Incorporated, which engineers, manufactures, services, and supports large diameter slewing bearings and seamless rolled rings, has recently doubled the size and capacity of its ring rolling and machining operations. The expanded capabilities allow Rotek to manufacture seamless rolled rings in diameters up to 275 inches. These large diameter rings are ideal for wind turbine tower fl anges necessary to achieve the increased tower heights required to maximize generator effi ciency. Rotek also manufactures ball and roller type slewing bearings in sin-gle-row and multi-row designs with the following features: internal or external gearing or gearless with diameters from 12 inches to 50 feet, in a wide range of capacities, materials, and seals. Design as-sistance from Rotek is available, without charge, for any application.Rotek Incorporated |

Booth 8606

Safe & quick bolting methodsBolting made simple: Superbolt, Inc. manufactures patented Multi-Jackbolt Tensioners designed to eliminate unsafe and time-consuming bolting methods. Only hand tools are required to install or remove any size tensioner. This greatly increases worker safety on criti-cal wind turbine bolting applications. Superbolt’s products are accurate, eco-nomical, and can reduce installation and removal times—saving users money. Superbolt, Inc. |

Booth 2310

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56 MARCH / APRIL 2010

windpower 2010 show in print


In order to keep your wind turbine running reliably and to extend component lifetime, we supply a wide range of manufacturer approved, innovative lubricants backed by global expertise delivered by on-the-ground technicians. Shell’s portfolio of lubricants and greases for the wind industry includes:

Shell Omala HD – Synthetic gear oil for the main gearboxShell Rhodina BBZ – High performance blade bearing greaseShell Tellus Arctic – Low temperature hydraulic fluidShell Tivela S – Synthetic (PAG) gear oil for yaw and pitch drives

Complemented by a complete line of greases including Shell Stamina HDS main bearing grease, Shell Albida EMS synthetic electric motor bearing grease, Shell Malleus open gear greases for yaw gear rings, and Shell Tactic single point lubricators. We also offer predictive maintenance tools with Shell LubeAnalyst oil condition monitoring program.

Business-friendly economic climate Abilene is a business-friendly city with a pro-business attitude. The Develop Abilene team is committed to creating a healthy economic climate, fi nding the best way to strengthen its businesses, building a better, more diverse economic base, and creating jobs for its residents. Abilene so-licits new industries with aggressive incen-tives and opportunities, as well as assisting existing industries with their expansion plans. In addition to helping companies through incentives, Abilene also offers an outstanding quality of life, proximity to ground, rail, and air transportation, and an incredible workforce. Whether it’s site selection assistance, marketing, or existing business retention and expansion, they are a source of comprehensive information for expanding the relocating business—see how business can develop in Abilene. Develop Abilene |

Booth 8826

Torque tool specialty MobileCal is a “Torque tool specialty company.” Whether on-site or in-house certifi cation of torque equipment is needed, the rental of bolting equipment is required, the repair of broken or leak-ing tools or pumps is necessary, bolting training is sought after, or it is simply time for new torque tools—MobileCal can help. MobileCal recently completed torque tool certifi cation, repair, and rental, on-site at four wind farms in two days. MobileCal is not a manufacturer and, therefore, this allows for an un-biased point of view. MobileCal tracks torque tool inventory and traceability for national companies with a propri-etary software. MobileCal is convenient, thorough, professional, and an expert in the bolting

Booth 10249

Wind project consultingWind Prospect Inc. (WPI) has exten-sive experience in all aspects of the wind energy industry dating back to the early 1990s, and have been involved in >20GW of wind projects worldwide. They are a consultant who brings extensive hands-on experience to the NA market, offering a unique ‘developer for hire’ service to help clients bring projects to fi nancial close on time and on budget. Services to NA clients are provided by their team (based), in Denver, at the heart of the US wind belt. WPI offers a wide range of services through the wind project life cycle to de-velopers, utilities, American Indian tribes, and fi nancial institutions. Services include, due diligence, site layout, data manage-ment and wind resource assessment, con-struction management, turbine selection, assessment, and preparation of RFP bids. Wind Prospect Inc. |

Booth 5420

Distribution & importation of wind turbine componentsThe Port of Ogdensburg is ideally situ-ated for the distribution of wind turbine components for projects in Ontario and Quebec, Canada and the United States. The Port has experience with handling wind turbines, recently completing the importation of 86 complete turbines for the Wolfe Island Wind Farm project. The Port also provides a full range of marine terminal services, including stevedoring. Rail is also available at the facility with a connection to CSX. Over 30 acres of outside storage is available. The Port of Ogdensburg is a US cus-toms port of entry with full customs services and is a designated Foreign Trade Zone.Port of Ogdensburg, New

Booth 20020

Geo-support systems for tower foundationsCon-Tech Systems supplies Geo-Sup-port Systems to anchor wind turbine tower foundations and transmission line towers. The company offers strand, high-strength solid bar and the CTS/TITAN Hollow Bar IBO Injection Bore System. The latter is particularly well-suited for transmission line towers in all ground conditions, specifi cally in sandy and gravelly soils where it offers substantial advantages over conven-tional systems. Con-Tech Systems backs up all their products through ongoing development and technical service to clients. They have developed a post-tensioned deep foundation system for wind turbines as an alternative to con-crete spread footings. This foundation is more economical than conventional mass foundations, is environmentally less intrusive, and works in soil and rock. Germanischer Lloyd certifi cation is applied for.Con-Tech

Booth 9750

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58 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Green energy meets green transportationUnion Pacifi c Railroad, one of the largest railroads in North America, in conjunction with Union Pacifi c Distri-bution Services (UPDS), specializes in providing rail-based logistics solutions for the wind and solar industries. They offer customers a total logistics solution with high-end shipment visibility to support effi cient supply chains. They’re dedicated to the wind industry and transport virtually all wind project com-ponents—from the sand and steel at the site to the complete turbine. Shipping by rail is inherently more economical and greener than truck—Union Pacifi c can move a ton of freight 830 miles on a single gallon of diesel fuel, the equiva-lent to 400 mpg in an automobile. Union Pacifi c Railroad |

Booth 9854

Bolt tensioning tools TorcUP, a designer and manufacturer of bolt torque and tension equipment, has launched a new series of bolt tensioning tools for the wind power generation industry. The tool range is suitable for complete wind turbine erection or maintenance programs on a variety of wind turbine models. The products feature quick-release swivel fi ttings, automatic piston reset, and hands-free operation. The products are manufactured from aircraft-quality, high-strength tensile steel and are compact and lightweight for ease of handling. This new range is designed for manufacturers of wind turbines, installation companies, and subcontractors. From Hydraulic Torque Wrenches to Pneumatic Torque Wrenches to Hydraulic Tensioners, TorcUP has it all. TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools

Booth 9748

Wind energy component machining tool With seven-foot diameter bore capability and standard lengths up to 84.84-inches, Seco Tools alu-minum Jumbo Bridge Bars are well-suited for holemaking in large component applications such as windmill production. Made of high-tensile aluminum with steel interfaces, the bridge bars are lighter-weight yet rigid enough to handle multiple operations such as using the same insert holder including rough boring, OD-overturning, back boring, and fi ne boring within IT5 tolerances. Seco’s Jumbo Bridge Bars can lower machining times, produce better quality, and reduce the stress on a machine spindle as compared to results obtained with milling by interpolation. Seco Tools | |

Booth 15924

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60 MARCH / APRIL 2010

STAR-CCM+ : POWER with ease.

For more information: [email protected]/energy

STAR-CCM+:Simulation for Renewable Energy

Visit us at:


23-26 May 2010


Wind energy education The Texas Wind Energy Institute (TWEI) is a partnership between Texas Tech University and Texas State Tech-nical College. TWEI recognizes that the future of Texas wind energy lies in the hands of a well-educated, highly skilled workforce. The Institute pro-vides certifi cates, degrees, and continu-ing education options in wind energy. As a student looking for a career or a professional looking to advance a career, TWEI can provide the education. The multidisciplinary graduate certifi cate in wind energy has two options: a technical track designed for professionals working in the technical aspects of the industry such as engineering, manufacturing, or designing, and a managerial track designed for professionals working in managerial or supervisory positions. Funding for the Texas Wind Energy Institute is provided through a grant by the Texas Workforce Commission. The Texas Wind Energy Institute (TWEI)

Booth 4403

Electrical construction & production of wind farms Rosendin Electric is a number one ranked private electrical contractor in the US, which includes the production of wind farms. Rosendin Electric’s core mission continues to be providing unparalleled service, safety, and value, which is the reason over 90% of their work is with repeat customers. Installations total over 7 GW of generated wind power and more than 8,000,000 circuit feet of collection systems, as well as over (30,000) 35 kV termination and splices, and 32 completed substations. For Rosendin Electric, no job is too small; they offer 24 hours a day emergency service.Rosendin Electric |

Booth 2112

Lubrication solution for wind power applications Klüber Lubrication, a worldwide manu-facturer of specialty lubricants, will showcase three innovative, specialty lubricants for the wind power industry: Klüberplex BEM 41-141, Klüberplex AG 11-462, and Klübersynth GEM 4-320 N. Klüberplex BEM 41-141 is high-performance grease with a special blend of base oil and additives to cover the different lubrication requirements of the individual bearing applications within wind power stations. The beige grease is ideal for pitch and yaw bear-ings, main bearings, and generator bearings. Klüberplex AG 11-462 is an effective lubrication for open gears. White in color, it is esthetically neu-tral and provides excellent adhesion, as well as superior protection against high loads and corrosion. Klübersynth GEM 4-320 N is outstanding, synthetic oil for enclosed gear drives subject to a wide range of service temperatures. Klüber Lubrication

Booth 9648

Circuit breaker series Phoenix Contact introduces a new range of circuit breakers that combines the advantages of fuse terminal blocks with the benefi ts of thermal-magnetic circuit breakers. The UT 6-TMC M series is a re-settable, single-pole cir-cuit breaker with screw connection. Tripped circuit breakers on the TMC are clearly indicated and can easily be reset with the press of a button. The series is available in 11 graded steps for nominal currents from 0.5 to 16 A. Two bridge shafts simplify distribu-tion. Measuring just 12.3 mm wide, the UT 6-TMC M circuit breakers occupy 30% less space than conven-tional 17.5-mm circuit breakers. The series is part of Phoenix Contact's CLIPLINE Complete system, which features standardized push-in bridging, marking, and testing accessories for all connection technologies.Phoenix Contact

Booth 2115

Copper & aluminum compression terminals BURNDY, a manufacturer and provider of connector and tooling solutions to the wind industry, announces the expansion of the wire range for its BREAK-AWAY HYLUG line of copper and aluminum compression terminals for the wind energy market. The BREAK-AWAY HYLUG provides maximum fi eld fl ex-ibility by allowing the installer (using the BREAK-AWAY feature) to easily convert a two-hole terminal to a one-hole terminal to best suit the specifi c application. The BURNDY UL Listed and CSA Certifi ed BREAK-AWAY HYLUG line of terminals is rated to 90°C, 600 volts to 35kV. With a slotted second stud, the BREAK-AWAY line of terminals can conform to various bus bar dimensions. For additional fl exibility, the Narrow Tongue design allows the termi-nal to fi t into tight spaces. Additionally, the BREAK-AWAY line of terminals ac-commodates a wide range of conductor combinations including AWG, Compact, DLO, Flex, and Metric. BURNDY |

Booth 10238

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Reduced installation timeStringent standards laid down by the grouting contractors at the instal-lation phase of Mono Pile supports prior to transition pieces being placed and grouted can cause problems if the driven piles are left for any period of time. Any subsequent marine growth can severely affect the bonding proc-ess of the infi ll and unnecessary delays and severe cost implications can occur. Conventional methods of cleaning the pile surface utilizing divers and clean-ing lances can be accomplished but take time—up to 36 hours. Proserv Offshore has developed a tool that can take care of the problem in less than two hours from start to fi nish, substantially reduc-ing the overall period for each transition piece installation.Proserv

Booth 16237

Wireless slip rings United Equipment Accessories an-nounces their new product technology of contactless, wireless slip rings. This technology is found nowhere else in the world and is only available through UEA. These are the most cost-effective, maintenance-free contactless slip rings on the market. The new slip rings eliminate friction and heating between rotating and stationary circuit contacts and are multi-channel (power and data). Power is transferred at frequencies ranging between 20kHz and 100kHz; 110/220V AC mains or a 24/48V DC power supply (converter or battery) can be used to power the transmitter. United Equipment Accessories has been a supplier to the wind generator market for years and works with top turbine manufacturing companies. It’s a long climb to the top of the turbine to service a slip ring—don’t make that climb again. United Equipment Accessories

Booth 1926

Wind turbine serviceWindIngen, a division of Mechanical Dynamics and Analysis, is a top non-OEM service provider to steam turbine owners. WindIngen will provide wind owners and operators access to the same premium level of service enjoyed by Mechanical Dynamics and Analysis fossil generating customers over the past 25 years. WindIngen provides on-site and on-call wind turbine service using reliable, highly trained technicians, and industry leading safety practices to ensure the highest possible reliability for wind turbine owners and operators. WindIngen |

Booth 15201

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REVOLUTIONARY TECHNOLOGY PROVEN TO: • Significantly Increase Wind Turbine Power Output • Dramatically Reduce Stress Loading on Main Bearing • [email protected]



The nacelle-mounted Vindicator® Laser Wind Sensor (LWS) generates three-dimensional wind speed and direction information by sensing the wind in the undisturbed air up to 300 meters in front of the turbine. This supplies the control system with the most accurate feed-forward wind measurements available, facilitating smarter turbine control.

Give your turbines the knowledge to consistently Catch the Wind!


A “smart” turbine sees the wind coming...

INTELLIGENT YAW CONTROL informs the control system before directional changes in the wind reach the turbine, which keeps the turbine blades facing into the wind. Improved alignment with the wind increases power output and reduces wind turbine maintenance costs and downtime by lowering off-axis stress loads that damage the blades, gearbox and other components.

PREDICTIVE PITCH CONTROL allows for smoother operation at rated power. Stress and fatigue can be reduced when blade pitch control is based on detecting wind gusts. Rated power output can be maintained even in inconsistent wind without additional stress on system components.

Learn more about our cutting edge technology at AWEA WINDPOWER 2010 - May 23-26 - Dallas, TX - Booth #10863


Instantly measure wind speed and direction up to 1000 meters using a compact, lightweight device! See varying wind conditions at different heights with the built-in wind profiling mode. The ideal tool for wind prospecting, turbine siting and turbine performance evaluation.

Copyright ©2009 Catch the Wind, Inc. All rights reserved.

OO 22 OOOver 12% Power Output OOOOOOOvvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrr 1111122222222%%%%%% PPPPPPPoooooowwwwweeeeeerrrrr OOOOOOOuuuuuuttttttpppppppuuuuuttttttttOver 12% Power OutpuOOOOOOOvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrr 11111112222222%%%%%% PPPPPPPPooooooowwwwweeeeeerrrrrrr OOOOOOOuuuuuttttttttpppppppuuuuuuIncrease in Recent Trials!IIIIIIInnnnnnncccccccrrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssseeeeeee iiiiiiinnnnnnn RRRRRRRReeeeeeeccccccceeeeeeennnnnnntttttttt TTTTTTTTrrrrrriiiiiiiaaaaaaallllllsssssss!!!!!!!

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64 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Polyamide cable protections systems PMA has been developing, producing, and selling top-quality polyamide cable protections systems since 1975. Their high-quality Swiss products have rapidly earned an excellent reputation world-wide, and their range of more than 6,500 products gives customers the protection required in wind energy. PMA products are the solution of choice where power and data cables require dependable pro-tection. The key benefi ts to PMA cable protection systems are that they provide: a safe, reliable system that is easy to install; vibration-proof connections; ingress protection conforming to recog-nized test methods (IP66, IP68, IP69K, Nema 4, Nema 4X, Nema 6, Nema 6P); high-impact strength even at low tem-peratures; high compression strength; long-term reversed bending resistance; outstanding fi re safety performance; as well as, weathering resistance (including resistance to UV rays and atmospheric corrosion). Wherever there is a need for cable protection, the PMA product port-folio provides safe, dependable, forward-looking solutions or will develop them to meet individual needs. PMA USA |

Booth 15104

Wind farm constructionWhite Construction specializes in renewable energy power genera-tion projects by utilizing the strengths of their long-standing history of heavy industrial construction. White Construction was one of the pio-neering companies in the early days of wind farm construction across North America. Currently, they have installed more than 4,000 MW in the United States and Canada. White Construction is distinctive in their ability to provide the engineering, procurement, and construc-tion necessary to provide a turnkey approach to any renewable energy project. They have the knowledge, experience, equipment, and manage-ment to ensure a project is on time and within budget. This philosophy has led them to many repeat customers in the wind power industry. White Construction |

Booth 8433

Industrial drive modulesABB’s new drive module ACS850 is now available and UL listed up to 600 HP. The ACS850 fea-tures on-board safe-torque-off, a removable memory block, intelligent user interface with a series of assistant wizards, a built-in energy saving calculator, and modular hardware and software. It also includes an advanced adaptation of ABB’s exclusive high-performance motor-control platform, Di-rect Torque Control (DTC). The ABB industrial drive modules are designed for industrial machin-ery and applications such as extruders, cranes, mixers, web handling, and converting, in the power range 1.5 to 600 hp at 480 Vac. Safety as standard is provided by an integrated Safe Torque Off (STO) feature, which removes the torque from the motor shaft. A removable memory block in-creases the fl exibility of the drive and provides for easy maintenance. The intelligent user interface with advanced assistants signifi cantly decreases the need to refer to manuals, while saving time in commissioning. The drive is targeted specifi cally at OEMs, panel builders, and system integrators.ABB, Inc. |

Booth 2820

Ripley’s UtilityTool™ cable preparation tools will strip and prepare XLPE cable and every manufacture’s EPR cable from 15kv up to 35kv, with conductor sizes from 4/0

to 1000 mcm and higher. They are available individually or as a kit.

R (860) 635-2200

hey aas a kit.

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CONTACT-LESS slip ringIntroducing the NEW

1-800-394-9986 Waverly, IA

Assembly completely friction free

Compatible with existing power supplies

Reduced total cost of ownership

Unaffected by non-metallic contaminants

Come seeus at booth#1926!


S sS lip


p ringContactless power and data transfer!

Lubrication and cooling not required

windpower 2010 show in print

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Lincoln Electric’s advanced Power Wave® equipment platform, combined with our complete lineof submerged arc wire and flux, delivers superior welding performance on typical wind towerapplications, such as longitudinal and circumferential seams, flanges, door frames and more.

For a custom welding solution that delivers consistent, reliable performance while meeting thestrict requirements for products used in wind tower fabrication–choose Lincoln Electric.

AR10-11© The Lincoln Electric Co. All Rights Reserved.


[email protected]




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66 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Location for renewable equipment manufacturers Ranked among the top six states for wind generation potential, Nebraska is one of the best locations for renewable equipment manufacturers. Proximity to regional markets makes the state a strategic supply chain location and hub for timely delivery throughout America. Shipped by truck or rail, equipment can be delivered within hours, if not days. In addition, Nebraska offers competitive industrial electric rates and ample location possibilities. Renewable equipment manufacturers will fi nd a partner in Nebraska Public Power District. The utility’s economic development team has assisted hundreds of companies fi nd productive and profi table locations in Nebraska by offering personal service and a comprehensive online database. Nebraska Public Power District |

Booth 7558

Wind turbine platformSafway Services, LLC offers safe, reli-able, suspended access solutions and now has the SafAscent Wind Turbine Platform for external wind tower access. Available for rental or sale, SafAscent is designed specifi cally for maintenance and inspection of wind turbines, ena-bling unrestricted access to the tower and blades. The 6'6" modular platform provides a safe, simple, and fast way to travel up the tower. Hoists ensure quick access to the worksite with quick climb-ing speeds of 35 feet per minute. Three sets of padded rollers protect the wind tower and blades. SafAscent exceeds OSHA, OH&S, and ANSI standards, and meets all UL & CSA requirements. Safway has nearly 90 branches in the US and Canada to provide SafAscent at wind farms in any location, no matter how remote.Safway Services, LLC

Booth 10247

Measurement & control dataloggersCampbell Scientifi c has been manu-facturing measurement and control dataloggers for over 35 years, includ-ing the CR800, CR1000, and CR3000. These dataloggers are ideal for wind energy prospecting, and provide reli-able monitoring for a large variety of wind applications. Sustainable energy researchers choose Campbell Scientifi c dataloggers because of their wide range of sensor compatibility, reliability, and multiple communication options in-cluding custom API for data collection. The dataloggers can be programmed to record data for pre-installation research and for monitoring turbine power and performance. They offer rugged design, low power consumption, and versatility. The newest version of their datalogger software, LoggerNet 4, shines in appli-cations that require telecommunications or scheduled data retrieval in large da-talogger networks. Campbell Scientifi c has renewable energy experts ready to help with wind resource applications. Campbell Scientifi

Booth 5020

Wind attachment to boost crane capacityAn innovative new attachment for Manitowoc’s Model 16000 crawler crane boosts the crane’s capacity to place the latest generation of wind turbines. The Manitowoc 16000 wind attachment uses existing hardware in a new confi guration and gives the crane signifi cantly enhanced lift ability when working at short radii, as is generally required in wind turbine erection.

In recent years, wind turbines with a 1.5 MW generating capability have been common in many markets. More recently, there has been a shift to 2.5 MW and larger turbines as wind farm operators maximize the power generating productivity of their land. Positioning these larger turbines requires cranes with greater capac-ity and reach, which the Manitowoc 16000 wind attachment is designed to offer. The Manitowoc 16000 wind attachment fi ts to any standard Manitowoc 16000; it is rated at 400 t (440 USt) lift capacity. The Manitowoc Company, Inc. |

Booth 15932

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Wind energy projects require an experienced project team and construction partner. Tetra Tech is the only firm in North America that provides a full range of integrated environmental,

engineering, and construction services for all phases of a wind energy project. We support wind energy projects from site investigation through operations and maintenance, with

expertise in environmental studies, permitting, design, and construction, including EPC and BOP through The Delaney Group, a wholly owned subsidiary. Tetra Tech provides clear

solutions in consulting, engineering, program management, construction, and technical services worldwide.

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68 MARCH / APRIL 2010

21st Century Technology requires 21st Century Enclosures

• 10 classic sizes,

100 configurations

• Highest ingress ratings

• Superior UV resistance

• Robust strength

• Higher impact resistance

• Lightest weight JIC enclosure

• Easily modified with

standard tools

• Field maintainable design


ARCA® enclosures for Your Technology

Engineering and wind energy services PBS&J is an employee-owned, full-service provider of engineering and wind energy services. They provide the range of engineering, scientifi c, and technical expertise needed for successful energy projects involving wind power generation, transmission, or distribu-tion, siting, and permitting. To facilitate the timely and cost-effective design, construction, and operations of wind farm projects for their clients, PBS&J employs an experienced staff that un-derstands wind farm projects. Their wind farm team has completed 35 wind farm projects throughout the western states, and over a thousand miles of transmission projects on western public and private lands.PBS&J |

Booth 10354

Wind energy design & engineering solutionsJRL Ventures, a composites product development, design, engineering, and tooling company, provides manufactur-ers in the US and abroad with patterns, plugs, molds, and parts. Using reverse engineering, large envelope 5-Axis CNC mills, 3-Axis routers, and a team of experienced and professional engi-neers, project managers, and a highly skilled production staff, JRL Ventures offers large- and small-scale solutions for the wind and renewable industries, as well as many others. With over 60,000 square feet of manufacturing space and 35 years of experience, JRL Ventures ensures quality and reliable, on-time composites engineering and products. JRL Ventures,

Booth 15805

Transmission line installation The installation of wind energy farms has grown dramatically over the past fi ve years, and so has the equipment to install these lines. In the past, contrac-tors have had to make multiple passes to install these lines—until now. Vermeer Corporation has developed an attach-ment to its track trencher line that al-lows for the installation of transmission lines in one pass. The Vermeer CL80 cable layer attachment sorts, confi gures, and feeds a series of cables, as well as ground wire and tracer tape, in a speci-fi ed confi guration into the trench—all in one pass. For profi cient cross-country transmission line installations in soft soils, the Vermeer bucket wheel attach-ment features a series of buckets, which rotate in a circular motion, removing dirt from the trench. Finally, for trans-mission line installation under rivers, streams, and sensitive areas, horizontal directional drills are an ideal solution.Vermeer

Booth 402

Wind project environmental permitting supportWith today’s potential for opposition to wind energy projects, the right environ-mental permitting strategy is critical to a project’s success. Ecology and Envi-ronment, Inc. specializes in strategic en-vironmental permitting, agency consul-tation, and public outreach, plus the full range of required avian, bat, terrestrial, aquatic, cultural, socioeconomic, and historic resource studies. Their multi-disciplinary expertise has proven valu-able for clients at over 200 wind energy sites from coast to coast. Find out how E & E can help get the green light for wind energy projects. Ecology and Environment,

Booth 8158

Ecological solutions provider JFNew, a full-service ecological solu-tions provider and an AWEA corporate member, assists wind energy develop-ers in environmental and archaeologi-cal compliance matters including site assessments and inventories, wetland delineations and GIS mapping, habitat and migratory species studies, as well as impact assessments. Their archaeologi-cal, migratory avian/bat, and wetland services provide clients with valuable siting information and streamline the permitting process to keep projects on time and on schedule. For more than 20 years, JFNew has provided clients with natural resource design, planning, and restoration services. JFNew |

Booth 11539

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70 MARCH / APRIL 2010

High-voltage substations & transmission linesDIS-TRAN Packaged Substations specializes in the design and supply of high-voltage, open-air substations, switchyards, and transmission lines. They approach each project as an op-portunity to improve their customers’ success by providing innovative designs, effi cient material logistics, and success-ful partnering strategies. DIS-TRAN’s fast, friendly, and experienced staff is dedicated to supporting projects at every phase, from development through close-out. DIS-TRAN Packaged

Booth 5804

Wind assessment, siting & monitoringGolder Associates services span the entire lifecycle of wind power projects from resource assessment and sit-ing, through licensing, to operational forecasting, environmental monitor-ing, and decommissioning, as well as post-closure restoration. Innovative and technically driven, Golder engi-neers and scientists provide practical solutions that meet the technical and business goals of clients. Their famili-arity with current and emerging wind technologies, as well as their North American regulatory knowledge is a proven asset in working through the environmental requirements in any ju-risdiction. Golder wind power services include meteorological studies, pre-development monitoring (avian and bat conditions), construction logistics, viewsheds, impact assessment, and licensing/permitting, including NEPA compliance, construction compliance planning, and monitoring and opera-tion compliance for on-shore and off-shore projects. Services include linear facilities such as transmission lines and access roadways.Golder Associates |

Booth 8238

windpower 2010 show in print

Excellence in Castings Since 1876Excellence in Castings Since 1905

Blade and turbine hydraulic fl uid & gear oil Shell offers a variety of products for the wind power industry including hydraulic fl uid, gear oil, and blade bearing grease. Shell Tellus Arctic low-temperature hydraulic fl uid is a high-viscosity index, shear stable fl uid offering a wide operating tem-perature range even for wind turbines operating in extreme climates. It provides excellent protection against pump and valve wear and reduces problems resulting from contamination with water in service. Shell Omala HD is a top-tier, synthetic gear oil for the main gearbox in wind turbines for the protection of bearings and the main gear against wear and micropitting. Omala HD offers excellent low-temperature fl uidity, protection against deposit formation and corrosion, and a long service life. Shell Rhodina BBZ semi-synthetic blade bearing grease provides excellent pumpability, even down to temperatures as low as -55°C. It further presents resistance to false brinneling and fretting corrosion failures common with blade bearings, and of-fers a long service life allowing for extended re-greasing intervals. Shell Lubricants |

Booth 12463

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72 MARCH / APRIL 2010

UL listed power distribution blocksMarathon Special Products has re-leased a new series of UL Listed Power Blocks. The features of the 135 Series Power Distribution Block include high-current carrying capacity (up to 950A), wide range of wiring options, optional hinge cover, and suitability for UL508A Control Panel Applications with Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) up to 100,000 SYM Amps. The advantage of using a 135 series listed Power Distri-bution Block versus a recognized block is that a listed block (UL1953) can be used in “as supplied condition,” since it meets the feeder circuit terminal spac-ing requirements per UL508A section 10.2 (1" through air and 2" over surface at 600V). These blocks comply with National Electric Codes (NEC) for use in service equipment. Applications of the 135 series Power Blocks include connec-tion of modular tower sections for wind turbines, large motor connections, and interconnection of multiple panels in control and power distribution systems. Marathon Special

Booth 11837

Bearing products for wind turbinesWhen it comes to the design and pro-duction of high-quality bearings for gearboxes, generators, and turbines, INA and FAG—brands of the Schaef-fl er Group—are most commonly rec-ognized. Bearing products for the wind energy industry include X-life Cylin-drical Roller, E1 Spherical Roller and Spherical Plain Bearings, and Slewing Ring Bearings. However, the Schaef-fl er Group offers much more than just bearings. FAG Industrial Services de-livers a complete line of products and services including measurement equip-ment, mounting and alignment, bearing maintenance, condition monitoring, vibration analysis, heater products, lu-brication, and fi eld services. Schaeffl er Group Industrial supplies superior qual-ity products and comprehensive reliable solutions for all wind energy needs.Schaeffl er Group USA Inc.

Booth 12457

Environmental, engineering & construction servicesWind energy projects require an experienced project team and construction partner. Tetra Tech is the only fi rm in North America that provides a full range of integrated environmental, engi-neering, and construction services for all phases of a wind energy project. They support wind energy projects from site investigation through operations and maintenance, with expertise in environmental studies, permitting, design, and construction, including EPC and BOP through The Delaney Group, a wholly owned subsidiary. Tetra Tech provides clear solutions in consulting, engineering, program management, construction, and technical services worldwide. Tetra Tech | The Delaney Group

Booth 2406

Castings for wind turbines Hodge and Elyria specialize in applica-tions for both the fossil fuel and alterna-tive energy markets. Combined, they are able to supply a full spectrum of iron castings ranging from 40 lbs to 200,000 lbs, and are comfortable with both high- and low-volume production runs. Their products for the global wind industry include a complete array of nodular iron castings including mission-critical hubs, mainframes, gearbox housings, bear-ing housings, braking components, and other ancillary castings. They also have a depth of experience in meeting the rigorous metallurgical and non-destruc-tive testing (NDT) standards, which are required to operate in the harshest of environments. To date, Hodge and Elyr-ia have manufactured castings for wind turbines with power ratings ranging from 1.5 MW to 2.5 MW, and due to their unique, ultra-heavy manufacturing capabilities, they are ideally positioned to provide the largest castings for the next-generation of utility grade (3.0+ MW) turbines. Hodge and

Booth 11648

Turbine testingBelieved to be the fi rst commercially available products that have been specifi cally designed for wind turbine applications, Megger’s new KC series of test leads eliminate the need for engineers and technicians involved in wind turbine testing to fabricate their own test leads—a time-consuming and inconvenient process—or to resort to makeshift arrangements that may deliver uncertain results. KC-series wind turbine test leads are available in 100m versions, and are equally suitable for use on-site or in the manufacturing plant. For convenience and ease-of-handling, they are supplied as standard on a heavy duty cable reel that is fi tted with a friction brake to avoid tangles when paying out the cable. The leads are terminated with large, robust Kelvin clips that have been specially designed to offer ease-of-use while providing the consistently reliable connections needed to ensure accurate and repeatable test results. Included with each lead set is a 5m cable fi tted with a duplex handspike for probing the lightning receptors on the tips of the turbine blades.Megger |

Booth 4510

y business

Look to Foley. With a long history of managing wind projects and financings,

Foley is one of the leading wind energy legal practices in the country.

From permitting, community relations, land and coastal rights, to finance,

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Foley has the experience needed to help you reach your business goals.

At Foley, we treat your business like ours, because we’re in this together.

To learn more, please contact Jim Tynion at [email protected].

Seeking to capture the power of the wind?

Copper compression connectorsSureCrimp copper compression connectors from ILSCO reduce inventory requirements; the connectors accept multiple conductor classes including fi ne stranded and build-ing wire. UL Listed and CSA certifi ed with ILSCO’s and major competitor’s compres-sion tools; range taking when installed with approved tools and dies. Manufactured from high-strength seamless copper tubing and electro-tin plated, which offers corrosion resistance and improved connector longevity. Circumferential dies produce strong, long-lasting crimps with a tight crimp profi le for greater pull-out strength. The increased con-tact area reduces resistance and eliminates the potential for fl ash. SureCrimp |

Booth 9347

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73North American Clean Energy

Small wind technologyA&C Green Energy has announced their new Variable Pitch Technology for the small wind market. Variable Pitch Technology involves copying the ac-tive pitch control of megawatt systems; the PowerMax+ systems use a passive pitch control. Imagine three blades that concurrently pitch, depending on wind speed, to regulate rotation speed. This technology allows for lower start-up speeds, higher effi ciency, and increased power output. With higher winds, other systems have a decreased power output because of over-speed protection, but the PowerMax+ 2000D and 5000D sys-tems are able to maintain peak perform-ance up to 56mph. A&C Green

Booth 5913

Wind power development locationThe business environment in Sweetwater and Nolan County has continued to prosper with a diverse eco-nomic base and a strong manufacturing sector. Nolan County is home to 1371 wind towers and over 2060+ MW of wind power development. They have started construction on both an equipment manufacturing facility for power distribution for EMA (Electro Mecanica out of Argentina), as well as a new industrial park with spaces available. They are a community that not only utilizes its natural resources, like wind, oil, gas, gypsum, and limestone, but also their transportation location—they are located on Interstate 20 near High-ways 70 & 84. Sweetwater has both the Union Pacifi c and Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad lines run-ning through, and are fortunate to have Texas State Technical College West Texas as their training provider. Sweetwater Texas |

Booth 8602Full service EPC contractorCarstensen Contracting, Inc. is a full service EPC contractor with more than ten years experience constructing wind energy projects. With a solid back-ground in general contracting, concrete paving, and site preparation, they’ve built a reputation for safety, innova-tive thinking, and quality. Carstensen Contracting, Inc. begins each project by thinking through every angle, every detail, every possible scenario; they also know that the most important thing they build is relationships. Their wind energy services include general contracting, foundation design and con-struction, civil design and construction, tower and turbine installation, electrical design and installation, and building construction. Carstensen Contracting, Inc.

Booth 10350

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74 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Wind blade effi ciency & production speedThe rapid expansion of the wind power generation market, fueled by both private and government initiatives, requires a similarly rapid increase in the production of wind turbine components. To main-tain or increase output effi ciency, larger blades must meet the divergent need of also being lighter in weight. Larger blades also require increased precision in the production process. To help increase accuracy, quality, and production speed, Carter Products introduced their CPS 3-D laser alignment system. With Cart-er’s new LP-HFD models, the improve-ments on this proven technology include more sophisticated projection capabilities and software. It is also available with a green laser output, which is more visible in many manufacturing environments, and is smaller and lighter than previ-ous models. For blade production, the Carter laser alignment systems provide an interface to industry standard CAD design software. Layout and production information is extracted from the CAD program and projected to the work area. Carter Products Company,

Booth 10039

Laser wind sensorCatch the Wind’s Vindicator laser wind sensor (LWS) is a revolutionary, fi ber-optic LIDAR system—the fi rst of its kind. Mounted on the nacelle of a wind turbine, the Vindicator LWS measures three dimensional wind speed and di-rection in the undisturbed air out to 300 meters in front of the turbine blades. Advanced wind data facilitates improved yaw alignment and pitch control to signifi cantly increase power output while dramatically reducing wind tur-bine stress loading. Recent trials have shown power output increases of over 12% when using feed-forward wind data from Vindicator LWS to make smarter control decisions. In addition to intelligent turbine control, this LIDAR technology is easily deployed for both terrestrial and offshore wind resource assessment and site prospecting. Catch the

Booth 10863

Increased turbine availability & operating effi ciencyOSIsoft’s PI System can increase turbine availability and operating effi ciency, and improve utility integration of forecasting and scheduling. In terms of effi ciency, OSIsoft’s PI System increases total kWh produced during wind farm operation by increasing turbine availability and op-erating effi ciency, identifying downtime drivers, and process events and alarms in real time. The system further increases dollar value of kWh produced by in-tegrating forecasting and scheduling, improving the market value of power generated by providing real-time infor-mation to the trading fl oor, and assisting in grid stability management. Enter-prise-wide integration and heightened data collaboration enables separation of the process control network from the enterprise; handles regulatory compli-ance, plus real-time KPIs and reporting; and protects against technology risk. OSIsoft’s PI System also offers warranty management and reports the warranty status to the turbine manufacturer.OSIsoft, LLC |

Booth 8054

Power transmission& friction management solutions Wind turbine designers and operators are turning to the Timken Company for power transmission and friction management solutions that increase uptime and improve total system per-formance. Timken offers a full range of products and services for the wind energy industry including bearings, steel, lubrication and condition moni-toring systems, sealing technologies, and more. Through their engineer-ing knowledge, innovative designs, and customer collaboration, they are helping to maximize the performance and reliability of tomorrow’s wind turbines, today. The Timken

Booth 2803

Wind power construction & maintenanceThe AEVENIA Renewable Energy Di-vision provides new construction and continued maintenance services to the renewable energy sector (wind, biomass, solar) for collection systems (aerial and underground), tower wiring, substations, interconnect facilities, fi ber optic systems, and transmission lines. They offer design, installation, management, and mainte-nance of all electrical systems of a project, as well as a guarantee of effi ciency and quality. They also maintain the equipment and personnel to professionally exceed stringent expectations in this demand-ing fi eld. Collectively, for over 75 years, AEVENIA has worked alongside a host of general contractors and developers in the Midwest, and their quality conscious work ethic, time-management skills, and cost controls, places them in a position to accomplish the needs of all developers.AEVENIA |

Booth 7020b

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75North American Clean Energy

Turbine health managementParker, global manufacturer of motion and control technologies, now offers condi-tion monitoring technology to provide real-time, onsite solutions to turbine health management. Parkers’ portable analyzers provide fast, accurate in-line measure-ment of fl uid conditions including contamination levels in hydraulic systems. The robust construction, portability, and internal computers make them ideal for use in the hostile and remote environments of wind turbines, with consistent accuracy.Parker Hannifi n Corporation |

Booth 10443

Safety & industrial wind industry trainingHagemeyer North America, through its “Wind Energy Center for Safety Excellence” offers com-prehensive safety and industrial hygiene consulting and training services for the wind energy indus-try. One of the training offerings is an 80-hour safety course entitled, “Safety 101 – Safety for the Wind Technician.” The course content includes an introduction to wind energy, accident investigations, fall prevention and protection, high-angle rescue, CPR/FA/BBP/AEC, electrical safety, lifting, hand tools, and more. The course is taught by top professionals in the business. Hagemeyer North

Booth 824

Wind analysis, modeling & forecasting AL-PRO Wind Energy Consulting Canada Inc. is a new fi rm established by AL-PRO GmbH & Co. KG of Ger-many to deliver wind energy consulting services to the North American market. AL-PRO provides a wide range of wind analysis, modeling, and forecasting for wind farm developers, operators and manufacturers. AL-PRO also specializes in completing diffi cult wind analysis in simple and complex terrain situations. The company’s core services are certi-fi ed by Germanisher Lloyd to DIN ISO 9001, which allows the fi rm to provide accredited wind reports to clients. AL-PRO has partnered with Weather Central LLC, provider of the world’s most-viewed on-air, online, print, mo-bile, and enterprise weather solutions to create GMS—Global Microcasting Service—a complete set of forecasting solutions designed for the wind energy industry. GMS combines the global, high-resolution weather forecasting data and tools from Weather Central with the wind farm modeling experience of AL-PRO to deliver wind forecasts at any scale, from regional down to indi-vidual turbine locations.AL-PRO Wind Energy Consulting Canada,

Booth 6404i

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Visit us at WINDPOWER 2010 Conference & Exhibition, booth #8629

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76 MARCH / APRIL 2010

SEED - Sweetwater Enterprise for Economic Development, IncP.O. Box 785 810 E. Broadway, Sweetwater, TX 79556 877.301.SEED (f) 325.235.1026//

// //

- 2000+ MW of Wind Power Production- Nolan County is Home to the World’s Largest Wind Farm- Center of $5 Billion Texas PUC Transmission LineExpansion (18,000 MW)

- Direct Access to I-20 with infrastructure in place

- Texas State Technical College - West Texas

- Highways 84, 70, & Interstate 20 (19,200 vehicles/day)�

Renewable Energy

New Industrial Park

Custom Training

800+ Manufacturing Jobs in 4 Industry SectorsMajor Highway / Railway Transportation

One Million Population - 120 Mile Radius

Automated manufacturing solutionsGerber + Virtek provide automated ma-terial processing solutions for wind ener-gy. With an increased focus on the value chain, Gerber + Virtek provide a stream-lined workfl ow around nesting, cutting, and assembly lay-up. Their feature products include ComposiNest, a power-ful nesting engine, designed to yield the highest utilization for composite mate-rial. GERBERcutter DCS3600, the ideal ply cutter for composites manufacturer. Combined with an innovative mate-rial feed/rewind system, the DCS3600 provides ultimate cutting precision and throughput. And, Virtek LaserEdge, a combination of speed, precision, and im-age clarity that accurately positions ply’s within a mold. Gerber + Virtek

Booth 12443

Small wind self-supporting towerSmall wind turbine tower manufacturer Parafold Towers has introduced a self-supporting tower that does not require cranes or concrete for installation. Parafold’s towers reduce the cost of small wind turbines, as well as lowering maintenance expenses, COE, and installation time. The tower’s unique folding design greatly decreases the loads required to raise the tower and allows the turbine to be easily lowered for repairs or in the event of a severe storm. It can be ordered in heights from 56- to 140-feet. Parafold’s anchor foundation technology can be installed in one day, is PE certifi ed, doesn’t require soil conditions to be analyzed prior to installation and is strong enough for wind turbines up to 100kW. Parafold Towers |

Booth 15413

Wind developmentTradeWind Energy is one of the largest independent wind development companies in the US. TradeWind’s meteorology capabilities have enabled it to secure more than 30 premium wind sites in multiple power markets. Located where utility demand will exist for wind power, many sites combine premiere wind resources with ro-bust transmission lines, eliminating the need for major long-term build-out of high voltage transmission lines. The company is continuing to selectively expand its green fi eld wind development activities, while also partner-ing with smaller developers to help bring their projects to completion. TradeWind’s end-to-end development expertise includes land acquisition, meteorology, environment, transmission, design/engineering, and negotiat-ing PPAs. TradeWind developed the Smoky Hills Wind Project, one of the highest producing wind energy sites in the central US, and anticipates completing 300 MW to 500 MWs per year from 2011 to 2015.TradeWind |

Booth 11249

Turnkey gearbox oil exchange services A proper and detailed approach to gearbox oil exchanges is vital to long-term gearbox reliability and performance. The end goal of any oil change procedure is to ensure that all remnants of the dirty, used oil, as well as any unwanted contaminants are completely removed and replaced with ultra clean virgin oil that meets industry ISO cleanliness standards. Anything less threatens the long-term health and performance of a gearbox fl eet, as well as increasing the likelihood of costly repairs later down the line. Turn Energy Maintenance offers a turnkey oil exchange solution, which includes state-of-the-art equipment, fi ltration to meet and exceed ISO cleanliness standards, proper execution of fl ushing procedures, and delivery of ultra clean oil into any gearbox asset.Turn Energy Maintenance,

Booth 10050

Wind industry access equipment & safety trainingWind Access Engineering has the ability to provide a wide variety of access solutions along with custom engineered equipment. The com-pany’s main focus is getting customers to the areas they need to access to perform their work safely and effi -ciently. Whether rentals or purchase equipment is needed, Wind Access Engineering has the knowledge to address access issues whether large or small. Wind Access Engineering can provide anything from a small basket to a large platform for all uses from inspections to complicated repairs. Wind Access Engineering has quali-fi ed personnel to provide all levels of safety training to keep the jobsite safe and compliant with all governing authorities.Wind Access Engineering,

Booth 7456

Wind energy engineering simulation solutionsCD-adapco is an independent provider of general-purpose powerful 3D engi-neering simulation software solutions (CAE) and related consulting, training, and mentoring services for understand-ing fl ow, thermal, and stress behavior during the design of engineered prod-ucts and systems. They have, among others, facilitated widespread networked access to these solutions for Wind Re-source Assessment (WRA) for the entire worldwide fi eld engineering organiza-tion of the largest global vendor of wind turbines. CD-adapco’s solutions can also be used for wind turbine and blade design, nacelle thermal management, and any other fl ow/thermal/mechanical issues encountered by engineers across a broad spectrum of industries. CD-adapco |

Booth 10143

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77North American Clean Energy

Liebherr Cranes, Inc.4100 Chestnut Avenue,Newport News,VA 23607-2420, USATel.: (757) 928-2505Fax: (757)

Liebherr-Canada Ltd.1015 Sutton DriveBurlington,Ontario L7L 5Z8Tel.: (905) 319 9222Fax: (905) 319 The Group

Experience theProgressLTM mobile cranes from Liebherr

Shrink disc systemWhen a wind turbine manufacturer needed to reduce an assembly time by nine hours for the shrink disc connection, they contacted HYTORC for a solution. HYTORC’s engineering team worked together with the manufacturer to develop a customized solution for the application. The system developed uses multiple torque tools that operate simultaneously to achieve an accurate and parallel closure. With the HYTORC Shrink Disc System, at least eight hours of time is saved on each assembly, reducing costs for the manufacturer and preventing future issues by increasing bolt load accuracy. HYTORC’s engineering team is available to all manufacturers worldwide to solve any bolting issues, in manufacturing and maintenance environments. With over forty years of experience in industrial bolting technology, HYTORC is a manufacturer of hydraulic and pneumatic torque wrenches. HYTORC is continually developing new products to make bolting jobs as safe and hassle-free as possible.HYTORC |

Booth 4803

Engineering & EPC servicesMSE Power Systems are a highly focused solution provider specializing in industrial and utility type electric power systems. Responsible for interconnecting close to 25% of all wind energy in the US and 8% in Canada, MSE Power Systems has proven they consistently complete wind projects in up to 50% less time than other EPC companies. MSE’s extensive experience includes projects with voltage levels ranging from 2.4 kV to 500 kV, both domestic and overseas. They have provided engineering, procurement, construction management, as well as commissioning and testing services on numerous medium and high voltage substation and transmission line projects. MSE projects have been designed to both ANSI and IEC standards.MSE Power |

Booth 8226

Independent services providerGES USA, Inc. is an independent services provider for the entire renewable energy indus-try. They continually invest in training and knowledge sharing to maintain a high standard of service. As part of Global Energy Services, a group of companies with over 25 years of demonstrated experience and success in maintenance, assembly, and installation of renewa-ble energy infrastructure, GES USA, Inc. is positioned to service clients through all phases of the project lifespan. Services include operations and maintenance, construction, installa-tion and assembly, quality control, and the company specializes in turnkey solutions.GES USA, Inc. |

Booth 8038

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78 MARCH / APRIL 2010

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Transit & storage turbine protectionDr. Shrink offers a complete line of the highest quality shrinkwrap products to safe-guard heavy duty equipment during transit and storage. With premium shrinkwrap up to 50' wide, custom blade and blade-end covers, venting systems, and professional train-ing, Dr. Shrink is a one-stop shop for total product protection. Dr. Shrink’s 100% virgin resin shrinkwrap is extremely durable (up to 12 mils thick) and contains maximum UV inhibitors for long-term protection. Vapor corrosion intercept products are available for extra protection of metal parts and electrical circuits. The company’s Rebag program provides effective recycling of used shrinkwrap. Dr. Shrink also has a comprehensive line of heat tools and installation accessories to make application fast and trouble-free. Dr. Shrink, Inc. |

Booth 6724

Wind farm construction & contracting Mortenson Construction has built safe, quality construction projects since 1954. Mortenson is a US-based, family owned construction company and provides a complete range of services including planning, program manage-ment, pre-construction, general contracting, construction management, design-build, and turnkey development. The company’s Renewable Energy Groups provide EPC and BOP construction services for customers in wind, solar, and next-generation biofuels. Mortenson has been involved in the construction of more than 85 wind power projects, totaling more than 8,400 MW across the US and Canada. The company currently employs more than 2,200 people nationwide with dedicated teams to help deliver renewable en-ergy projects to its growing list of customers. Mortenson Construction |

Booth 2620

Gearbox fi lter lifetime extension kitOver the lifetime of a gearbox, fi ltration needs may change. When this hap-pens, HYDAC has cost-effective solutions that allow for an expanded range of fi lter element options. Benefi ts include: longer fi lter service intervals; ability to address oil-aging issues; improved oil cleanliness levels; two-stage fi ltration for protection during cold start and optimal use of available space; and, a sim-ple design that keeps costs and installation diffi culty to a minimum. It is im-portant to always ensure the proper condition of turbine oil before attempt-ing any changes to the fi ltration system. Ensure that proper oil analysis has been completed using the oil manufacturers recommended test procedures. HYDAC International |

Booth 3619

windpower 2010 show in print

Wind farm equipment & construction Fagen, Inc. is the largest merit shop green energy design-builder, having constructed a variety of projects including wind farms, biomass plants, and power generation facilities. Fagen, Inc. owns the equipment necessary to meet industrial demand growth, including one of the largest heavy crane fl eets. Their standard for quality, safety, and service has led Fagen, Inc. to be listed in the top 40 in ENR’s largest contractors in the US.Fagen, Inc. |

Booth 8656



• 16 regional service centers• Uptower maintenance services• Authorized OEM generator repair• Generator unit exchange program• Spare parts—electrical & mechanical• On-site generator pickup and delivery

888.694.6200 •

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79North American Clean Energy

Together we move the world


Schaeffler Group Will Blow You Away

When it comes to the design and production of high quality bear-ings for gearboxes, generators, and turbines, INA and FAG - brandsof the Schaeffler Group - are the recognized world leaders. It’s nosurprise that our X-Life Cylindrical Roller, E1 Spherical Roller andSpherical Plain Bearings, along with our Slewing Ring Bearings, arethe bearings of choice for this rapidly growing industry.

However, we offer much more than just bearings. FAG Industrial Services (F’IS) delivers a complete line of products and services, including:

• Measurement Equipment • Mounting & Alignment• Bearing Maintenance• Condition Monitoring

• Vibration Analysis• Heater Products• Lubrication• Field Services

Schaeffler Group IndustrialSuperior Quality Products and Comprehensive Reliable Solutions

A Comprehensive Line Of Product, Engineering AndMaintenance Solutions For The Wind Turbine Industry

We’ll Make Your Life A Breeze.

Visit us at the Windpower Show – Booth Number 12457



Machinery moving servicesW. O. Grubb is a provider of crane rental and steel erection services in the Mid-Atlantic. Founded in 1960, they are one of the largest family owned and operated crane rental companies in the nation, providing high-quality steel erection services, equipment, manpower, and superior responsiveness to customers. W.O. Grubb further offers machinery moving services for indus-trial facilities, as well as contractors. They are equipped to handle oversized equipment and small delicate machines. Their riggers are experienced in operating in the various power plant environ-ments. Whether a customer plans to move one machine or an entire plan, W.O. Grubb has the capability to provide safe, timely, and effi cient service.W.O. Grubb Crane Rental, Inc. |

Booth 229

Wind farm installationsWith more than 1,100,000 installed cubi-cles around the world and 12 GW of in-stalled power capacity around renewable energy installations, Ormazabal offers secondary distribution switchgear units fully insulated in SF6 and up to 40.5 kV. Over 16 years of wind farm installations has allowed Ormazabal to design and manufacture products that perform un-der the most climate extreme conditions, guaranteeing personnel safety and the networks protection. As a top switchgear manufacturer and solution provider for utilities developing offshore wind farm installations, Ormazabal offers techni-cal advice and training, commissioning service, and their unique High Power Laboratory offers after-sales support to achieve best results and know-how.ORMAZABAL |

Booth 5610 (Spanish Pavilion)

Wind bolting applications Titan’s newly released WindMaster 2010 is no exception to the high cal-iber of products Titan has continued to produce. The WindMaster is extremely robust and very quiet. The use of Hy-draulic Pistons instead of a two-stage piston/intensifi er arrangement results in a cooler operating temperature and a more robust product. The WindMaster 2010 is built for the extreme duty seen in wind bolting applications. All internal parts are upgraded for extreme tasks. The WindMaster 2010 pump can be run at 115 2-phase or 230V 3-phase, when most similar devices are only able to run at either or. The WindMaster lifting hook is rated for the full load capacity of the lifting mechanism. Titan continues to deliver a higher value to the customer as a result of their prod-ucts, service, engineering support, and customer-driven technologies. Titan |

Booth 616

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80 MARCH / APRIL 2010

THE WINDS HAVE CHANGED.There is a new direction in wind power bolting tools.

We are going to change the way you look at wind turbine bolting solutions. Titan Technologies has taken local service to a higher level, delivering the most dependable, fast and efficient gold label service.


2010 Windpower Conference & Exhibition Booth #6161-281-449-9994




Work Wear Safety Shoes... ...Your Source For Safety Footwear

Torque certifi cation Snap-on Industrial’s torque certifi cation program is designed to meet the global requirement for trained wind technicians. Torque is the turning motion used to tighten or secure a fastener around an axis point. The Snap-on torque certifi cation program, developed in collaboration with educa-tors, explores both torque theory and proper use and application of equipment; testing for certifi ca-

tion focuses on equipment use. The 24-hour course is integrated into courses cur-rently available at technical schools across the country. The torque curriculum in-cludes modules on theory, technique, mechanical torque wrenches, electronic torque wrenches, hydraulic torque wrenches, torque multipliers, and safety. The program is designed to cover every aspect of torque, from the basics through master-level skills. Snap-on Industrial, a division of Snap-on Inc., designs, manufactures, and distributes hand and power tools, specialty tools, storage solutions, and training to meet the needs of industry. Snap-on Industrial |

Booth 1600

Forecast predictions for wind farm operators Through intense efforts to bring a responsible forecast product to wind farm operators, utilities, and energy traders, Smart Energy developed WindVision. WindVision pinpoints all important hub height weather phenomenons impacting a facility for any given environment throughout the world. They provide intra-hour, 0-6 hour, 24 hour through seven-day forecasts, with longer-range weather outlooks available, as well as historical outlooks. WeatherNation Smart Energy’s WindVision provides a true, reliable weather forecast. They keep their systems tuned, watching for lightning, freezing conditions, ramp events, along with other weather-related events that may impact production, threaten crew or facilities. As a result of WeatherNation Smart Energy’s intense focus on the weather impacting a facility, they become intimate with the weather affecting a given area. Weather briefi ngs bring full circle a true, reliable, forecast and weather guidance service. Weather Nation Smart Energy |

Booth 20064

Wind energy resource The winds of change are sweeping across the Western Plains and Wyo-ming’s potential for wind energy is outstanding. The fi rst of 11 states in the Mountain West and Pacifi c Northwest regions for Developable Nameplate Wind Power Production by class, Wyo-ming boasts more than 40% of class 5, 6, and 7 inland wind resources with the potential of producing 116,670 MW. With 4,625 MW of proposed projects in various stages of development, Wyo-ming also has the education facilities to back-up the industry, including: the Wind Energy Research Center (at the University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources), the College of Engineering and Applied Science, and other wind energy training programs at colleges around the state. With a tax climate extraordinarily favorable for business, higher education programs to develop a skilled workforce, and wind resources consistent with utility scale production, Wyoming is poised to be a top player in the wind-power industry. Wyoming Business

Booth 10135

Pre-assembled control buildings for wind farmsTrachte pre-assembled control build-ings are available in custom sizes and confi gurations for wind farms and utilities, shipped pre-erected with wall- and ceiling-mounted electri-cal gear, and cable tray pre-installed. Buildings are available with or without a structural steel fl oor. Trachte’s de-tailed design and drawing support and factory pre-assembly provide clients with tremendous project management effi ciencies, convenience, and a consist-ent, exceptional level of quality. With over 90 years experience in small span buildings and shelters, Trachte bases its success on mutually benefi cial re-lationships and strategic partnerships with end users, consulting engineers, contractors, OEMs, and value-added resellers. A large percentage of current company growth comes from repeat customers who indicate they return because of unsurpassed product quality and overall satisfaction.Trachte, |

Booth 3003

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81North American Clean Energy

Rubber Track Conversion Systemsfor 4x4 Vehicles and ATVsALL TERRAIN - ALL SEASONSMud, sand, snow, swamp, rocks,as well as hard surface!


202 Cleveland Ave. E.P.O. Box 214

Karlstad, MN 56732




Wind power generation presents unique challenges to access work areas.Mattracks can help provide access for maintenance services and repair,and with the low ground pressure, there is minimal impact on soft terrain.

Tower lighting & power outlet systemMoltec Windpower Products Quik-Fit II is ETL Listed for the US and Canada as a modular, Plug & Play tower/nacelle lighting and power outlet system. It is pre-engineered, pre-fabricated, and pre-tested, providing fast and simple instal-lation, without hand wiring. Moltec will design a Quik-Fit II system into a tower/nacelle and provides complete engineering documentation. No guesswork, trouble-shooting, or re-work; a mechanical instal-lation only with a perfect fi t every time. Compared to costly “hand-wired” systems, Quik-Fit II provides speedy installation and the lowest installed cost. Moltec is also introducing its new purpose-built light-ing fi xtures for wind power applications offering emergency back-up and heaters options. They are designed to out-perform typical industrial fi xtures, and are available independently of system purchases. Also available are custom built grounding ca-bles/straps, low voltage supply cables, and electrical panels, plus a wide range of fl ex-ible non-metallic conduits and fi ttings.Moltec Windpower |

Booth 2623

Voltage & electrical system solutions for wind energyAmerican Superconductor (AMSC) pro-duces a range of proven solutions for the wind industry. AMSC’s D-VAR stabilizes voltage levels by injecting dynamic reac-tive power (VARs) precisely where voltage problems occur. D-VAR systems enable wind farms to meet local grid interconnec-tion requirements. AMSC’s D-VAR cus-tomers include more than 50 wind farms.

AMSC Windtec provides licenses and customized designs for wind turbines from 600kW to 10 MW. Customers receive unlimited service and support from the prototype stage to production and can be-gin manufacturing wind turbines in as little as 12 months. Based on its PowerModule power converter, AMSC also provides wind turbine electrical systems and components that provide DC to AC power conversion, control the operation and monitor wind turbine performance with an advanced SCADA and Condition Monitoring System. American

Booth 12254

Wind turbine rescue systemGravitec Systems, Inc. designed the G4 Wind Turbine Rescue and Evacuation System to address the need in the wind industry for a user-friendly, high-angle rescue system that can be used to quickly evacuate personnel from turbines. In a matter of minutes, the G4 can be confi gured for one- or two-person rescues utilizing overhead anchorages to lift, lower, or drag the rescue subject. Unlike other rescue systems, the G4’s design virtu-ally eliminates rope entanglement in windy environments. Each system is contained in a weatherproof PVC storage bag and is individually numbered for easy tracking. The kit includes a detailed instruction manual and plasticized quick-view instruction cards illus-trating the G4’s confi gurations.Gravitec Systems, Inc. |

Booth 2014

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82 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Narrow track crawler craneWith the new LR 1600/2-W from Lie-bherr, the successful concept of a nar-row-track version of a crawler crane is being extended into the 600-tonne class. This takes account of the requirements posed by the new, large-dimension wind power installations. With this 600-tonne crawler crane it is now possible for 3 MW wind power units to be installed on 100-metre towers—without the need for a derrick system to be set up. With a crawler chassis only 5.8m wide, the LR 1600/2-W can move, fully equipped, along the narrow tracks on wind farms from one installation to the next. The crane is supported for hoisting work. For optimum movement, the new nar-row track version of the 600-tonner from Liebherr comes as standard with a four-fold crawler drive. Likewise stand-ard are the two-metre-wide track pads on the crawler carrier, which enable the ground pressure to be reduced. Liebherr-Werk Ehingen

Booth 10450

FAA turbine lighting with lightning protection TWR/Orga introduces the latest evo-lution of the fi eld proven “All-in-One Solution” LED L350-864G. The NEW LED Beacon, the Orga L350-864G -EGD (Enhanced Grounding Design) was developed jointly with two of the world’s largest wind turbine manufac-turers to meet their goal of protecting the operational integrity of the turbine in the event of a large voltage discharge such as a lightning strike. The new de-sign has accomplished this and is the only product currently on the market that is approved by both turbine manu-factures as meeting their requirements. With over 13,000 systems installed worldwide and over 4,000 Systems in North America, this enhancement, along with the Community Friendly Proprietary Optics and most compre-hensive fi ve-year full product warranty, make the “NEW L350-864G-EGD” the only solution for lighting needs. TWR Lighting,

Booth 6120

Safety shoes for wind power industryWork Wear Safety Shoes is a supplier of safety boots and shoes for the wind energy industry. Work Wear sells safety boots made by Hytest, Wolverine, Cat, Bates, Harley Davidson, Hush Puppy, and over 25 additional brands. All of their safety boots meet or exceed ASTM 2413-05 I-75 C-75 standards. Work Wear safety boot programs include retail stores, on-site shoe mobiles, mail order, Internet sales, and consignment stores. Work Wear Safety Shoes

Booth 20052

Fully automated tower-less wind monitoring system Wind turbines have reached new heights and the need for accurate meas-urements at the hub and across the blades are growing rapidly. ASC has a readily deployable, easy to maintain, and user-friendly solution: the Wind-Explorer (model 4000we). This system provides wind speed, wind direction, turbulence, and other information in 5m resolution up to 200m. Also, the Wind-Expolerer is designed to be fully au-tonomous with remote communications, solar power, and a heating system all controlled by the SoDAR, which comes with every system. Atmospheric Systems Corporation (ASC) is a manufacturer of Sonic Detection and Ranging (SoDAR) systems, and has experience in remote sensing dating back to the 1970s. Atmospheric Systems

Booth 6716

Providing Products and Support for the Renewable Energy Industries

Schunk Graphite TechnologyW146 N9300 Held Drive, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

Products for the manufacturing of polysilicon

and the finish processing of silicon wafers

for photovoltaic (solar) energy.

Brushes and brushholders for grounding, lightning protection, power transfer, and

control circuitry for wind turbines.

Fully automated Wind power construction & maintenanceSince 1921, the Graycor Companies have been providing construction, main-tenance, and facilities services across North America. For nearly fi ve decades, subsidiary Graycor Industrial Construc-tors has been providing construction services within the power, metals, and process markets. Within the power industry, the team offers a full comple-ment of construction services including wind energy, transmission and distri-bution, air quality and environmental, balance of plant, new generation, and nuclear. Within the power market, the contractor is helping clients stay ahead, building cleaner and greener ways to produce power. Graycor Industrial brings knowledge in a range of disci-plines, which helps the team remain focused on the many aspects and nu-ances of managing complex wind energy projects. Their long-term relationships with many of the industry’s top corpora-tions is a result of their commitment to providing progressive management, aggressive scheduling, and the forward thinking required to keep power clients on the cutting edge.Graycor |

Booth 9948

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83North American Clean Energy

Wind Power Wire Connections & Circuit Protection Devices

13300 Van Camp Road P.O. Box 468 Bowling Green, Ohio 43402Phone: (419) 352-8441 Fax: (419) 352-0875 [email protected]

Visit our booth # 11837 at WINDPOWER 2010

Port server for secure communicationSchweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. (SEL) introduces the SEL-3610 Port Server, the latest addition to SEL’s secure communications line-up. The SEL-3610 economically expands serial port availability and secures Ethernet access to serial products. The new port server adds 17 additional serial ports for communications processors and/or computers and communicates over Ethernet using Secure Shell (SSH), Telnet, or raw TCP protocols. With SSH, the SEL-3610 provides secure engineering access and restricts all unconfi gured logical and physical ports. Users can: simplify confi guration and maintenance from a secure (HTTPS) web interface, eliminating PC confi guration software; confi gure and manage serial ports, IRIG-B time source, and security features from the web interface; synchronize time accurately for event logs or for time-sensitive applications like synchrophasors; and, collect logs centrally with Syslog protocol, and log and store 60,000 events locally or to three remote servers.Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

Booth 2210

Submerged Arc Flux for wind tower welding Recognizing the unique demands faced by wind tower manufacturers, Lincoln Electric has introduced Lincolnweld WTX—a submerged arc fl ux designed to meet the strict requirements of wind tower welding applications. Created for submerged arc welding on wind tower bases and door frames, Lincolnweld WTX provides a number of features including excellent twin and multi-arc AC and DC operations, as well as affording increased productivity when combined with Lincoln’s Power Wave AC/DC 1000. Low-temperature impact properties make Lincolnweld WTX capable of producing Charpy V-Notch test results exceeding 20 ft-lbf (27J) at -80°F (-62° C)). Outstanding performance when welding circumferential and longitudi-nal butt and fi llet welds provide a multi-purpose fl ux capable of achieving optimal results on a variety of wind tower seam welding applications. A smooth bead profi le allows for the achievement of excellent toe angles, tie-in and bead appearance on interior and exterior applications alike.Lincoln Electric |

Booth 10744

Concrete wind tower base systemThe Atlas CTB Concrete Tower Base for hybrid wind towers answers the need for higher effi ciency turbine output, economical tower/foundation installation, and low-cost life-cycle maintenance. The Atlas CTB enables wind farm developers to raise hub heights beyond 80m to 100m—plus into stronger, steadier winds that generate more power. All components are road and rail transportable from the new Tindall Corporation pre-cast, pre-stressed manufacturing facility to be constructed in Newton, Kansas. Erection takes place rapidly on a simple ring foundation requiring 1/4 to 1/3 of the concrete found in conventional tower footings. A typical Atlas hybrid tower base diameter is 15m to 18m, with a height of 32m. A steel monopole upper section extends hub heights to 100m to 130m. The base requires no painting or bolt torquing; the anticipated service life is 50 years.Tindall Corporation |

Booth 9354

Port server

Wind resource assessment & analysisDouble-K Consulting, Inc. offers met tower sales and installation. Their aluminum lattice towers measure 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m, and 100m, and do not require concrete foundation. Other met tower types, such as steel tube or composite are available upon request. A wide variety of measurement instruments and loggers allow the com-pany to confi gure and adjust measuring sets to individual investor needs. The installation of all instruments is conducted and based on specifi c industry standards and procedures. Each step of measurement process is docu-mented and available to the client in the form of monthly or quarterly reports. Double-K Consulting performs analysis of acquired data as part of the complete wind as-sessment service. The data analysis, wind farm layout and design is performed by their own analytic department. Double-K Consulting, Inc. |

Booth 103

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84 MARCH / APRIL 2010 • 218.284.9500 3030 24th Ave So. Moorhead, MN 56560

We are Aevenia, Inc., a premier energy and electrical construction company. We offer a powerful bundle of services and back it up with 40 years in the energy and electrical construction industry. Every day, we show our customers what it’s like to do business where trust, integrity, efficiency and quality are principal values.

We are Aevenia. The way energy moves.




Wind energy legal & business solutionsIf harnessing and supplying one of the fastest growing fuel sources, look to Foley and Lardner—one of the top wind energy legal practices. Foley’s wind energy attorneys can help develop comprehensive solutions to any business needs. From assisting with joint ventures, investments, turbine supply, and construction contracts to project fi nancings, including Section 45 Produc-tion Tax Credit Financing Structures, Treasury grants, DOE programs, and new issues involving offshore wind, they have experience that can be relied on in the fi eld of renewable energy. (Image courtesy of Acciona) Foley and Lardner

Booth 5022

Lubricant solution for wind turbines For the wind industry, ExxonMobil offers a wide range of lubricants that are formulated to deliver exceptional protection for all parts that make up a wind turbine including greases to lubricate bearings, hy-draulic oils that help pitch rotor blades, and its fl agship fully synthetic Mobilgear SHC XMP 320. Mobilgear SHC XMP 320 is used to lubricate more than 25,000 wind turbines worldwide, and is the ini-tial-fi ll gear oil of choice for the majority of the world’s top 12 wind-turbine builders. With its proprietary, balanced additive system, Mo-bilgear SHC XMP 320 is an ideal lubricant solution for wind turbine operators, providing excellent protection against conventional wear modes, such as scuffi ng and micropitting. This performance attribute can help lead to less wear on critical parts and valuable cost savings.ExxonMobil |

Booth 12243

Track conversionsMATTRACKS manufactures rub-ber track conversions for four-wheel drive ATVs, SUVs, mid-sized rractors and trucks up to 20,500 pounds gross vehicle weight [9290 Kg]. MATTRACKS track conver-sions provide mobility and traction in mud, sand, snow, swamps, and muskeg, getting users there when ac-cess roads can no longer be traveled by tires, with less impact on vehicles and on the environment.MATTRACKS,

Booth 1229

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85North American Clean Energy

Carbon brushesfor wind generators

Minimize downtime

Maximize lifetime

With a perfect contact face after a long operating period, our carbon brushes avoid dusting, excessive wear and save you on maintenance and downtime. The result of our extensive R&D program with the major international generator OEM’s and many years of experience in the fi eld. 1 800 526 0877




OEM Supplier Worldwide Manufacturer Engineering Upgrades Performance Optimization R & D

Turbine tracker applicationAll Rev1 Wind service packages include the storage of inspection results in the Rev1 Tracker DB maintenance manage-ment system. This fully customizable, electronic asset management system was developed to track all inspections and service work from construction and commissioning of a turbine through its entire life cycle. Information captured is available to any technician or manager who seeks to learn the full history of a component. In addition, Rev1 Tracker DB provides a secure, web-based, real-time look at an entire fl eet, allowing managers to review local parts issues, view fault and serial issues, and business leaders to understand the total cost of ownership for a growing turbine fl eet. Rev1 Wind provides this service at no additional cost to the client. Technicians are equipped with handheld devices or laptops that serve to document inspec-tion and service activities in the fi eld. Comments, photos, and fi le attachments are uploaded and transmitted wirelessly to a primary database. The database can be queried according to turbine number, inspection category, or priority code as-signed. Results are compiled into a fi nal report and an inspection punchlist is provided to the customer.Rev1 Power Services,

Booth 10232

Wind repair & tower maintenance TRICO TCWIND an IPS com-pany offers coast-to-coast wind generator repair services, up-tower maintenance, and spare parts sales through a national network of 16 regional service centers and a dedicated staff of wind power fi eld service technicians. They also offer high-quality, in-house repair on all brands of wind power generators at their service centers includ-ing authorized repair for Leroy Somer, ABB, VEM, and GE Energy. TRICO TCWIND is a preferred distributor for many premium lines of products for the wind industry including Kluber Grease and Oils, Morgan AM&T brushes and brush holders, Zero-Max Couplings, and AEGIS Grounding Rings. TRICO TCWIND

Booth 3610

Brush rigging assemblyCarbone of America has re-designed the phase and ground brush holders for Hitachi generators installed in the GE fl eet of 1.5 MW wind turbines. The new Carbone of America brush rigging assembly is a totally re-engineered system, designed to reduce wear, maintenance, and downtime in the long term. The new brush holders are plug-and-play; up-tower installation is fast, simple, and requires no modifi cations to the generator. The mass-produced holders, die-cast from bronze alloy, are sturdy and built to withstand rigorous fi eld use and turbine maintenance without sustaining damage. Carbone of America engineered radial-mounted brush holders to eradicate the previous reaction and trailing confi guration, and improve load-sharing and equal wear rates between brushes. The brush di-mensions were changed to provide equal surface area for the same energy transmission. The ratios of brush cover-age to slip-ring diameter, width and helical groove, have been optimized for peak performance.Carbone of America |

Booth 12049

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86 MARCH / APRIL 2010

Turbine site erection & mechanical completionBarnhart has become a premier turbine erection contractor in the United States, hav-ing erected a signifi cant portion of the new wind energy technology in the country. They have worked on some of the most challenging projects imaginable with services ranging from site erection and mechanical completion to ongoing maintenance and repair. Barnhart has brought signifi cant innovation to the industry to help get projects on-line faster and bring down construction and maintenance costs.Barnhart Crane & Rigging Company |

Booth 9150 Integrated manufacturing processesSAP offers comprehensive solutions to help wind power companies leverage best practices across their network of solution providers. With highly vis-ible integrated manufacturing proc-esses, customers gain superior quality throughput and utilization, while con-trolling costs and maximizing on-time delivery performance. SAP enables companies of all types in the wind power industry to become best-run businesses addressing fi nancial and op-erational performance, manufacturing, product development, demand and supply planning, as well as sales, serv-ice and support, etc. SAP |\usa\wind

Booth 5223

Missing A Piece?Challenge HYDAC and put our experience to the test. We can solve your puzzle!HYDAC products and solutions can be found in thousands of wind energy systems worldwide. From complete systems, including cooling systems for gear boxes and generators, to fi ltration and diagnostic concepts for lubrication and hydraulics, the answer is HYDAC.

• Complete Package Solutions • Global Presence • Local Competence

Your Leader and Technical Solution Partner for Wind Power.



Booth 3619

See us at:


Metals fabricating & processingElixir Industries has taken steps to broaden their focus into the renew-able energy market sectors. With 12 locations, the company has under-taken extensive manufacturing equip-ment upgrades over the past several months at many of their key manu-facturing facilities across the US. As a result, Elixir Industries can now offer full-service metals fabricating and processing including advanced CNC laser cutting, plate cutting, CNC punching and forming, CNC press braking, MIG and TIG welding, primer, powder coating, aluminum extrusion, aluminum fabrication, ro-botic welding, and advanced CNC water-jet fabrication. In addition to fabrication services, Elixir Industries has mechanical and chemical fi nishing capabilities. Elixir Industries further operates a full-service aluminum ex-trusion and fabrication facility. With an array of state-of-the-art extrusion and fabricating equipment, Elixir In-dustries can offer customers with one-stop solutions.Elixir Industries |

Booth 15306

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87North American Clean Energy

Deep Foundation Systems* for wind turbines


* Germanischer Lloyd certification pending; patent pending





Wind energy logistics solutionsKR Wind works globally providing turnkey and single-service solutions for wind turbine manufactures, wind farm developers, investors, and owners. With offi ces in Europe, North America, and one in Australia, KR Wind handles the construction and setting up of wind farms worldwide. KR Wind provides transportation, logistics solutions of wind turbine parts to site. KR Wind also offers complete BOP/EPC solutions along with one of the largest and most specialized fl eet of cranes for erection of wind tur-bines, installation with mechanical and electrical completion and a wide range of service and maintenance solutions. KR Wind |

Process controller system for wind tower manufacturingWith more than 100 years of expe-rience, ESAB Welding & Cutting Products is one of the largest and most knowledgeable manufacturers of welding and cutting equipment and welding fi ller metals. ESAB Welding & Cutting Products introduces the A2-A6 Process Controller PEK system. This controller is adapted for use with ESAB’s automatic power sources LAF 631/1001/1251/1601 and TAF 801/1251 and can be used for submerged arc welding, GMAW welding and arc goug-ing. The control system is connected to the power source via a control cable and incorporates a CAN bus system for data transfer. The system is designed for ease-of-use with a clear text menu and a large display to keep the user informed about main parameters such as current, voltage, and travel speed. Users can choose from a large number of differ-ent language options, allowing them to work in their native language in most cases. Manual control keys for wire feed and travel direction allow fast access to frequently used settings. ESAB Welding & Cutting

Booth 8629

Small wind turbine technologyAmerican Zephyr Corporation presents its 250VDC Airdolphin GTO small wind turbine. Designed for connection directly into a home or business’s electrical grid (GTO = Grid-tie Optimized), the Airdolphin GTO provides a peak power output exceeding four kilowatts with a total body and blade weight of only 19.5 kilograms (42.9 pounds); thereby, opening up new markets for roof-top mini-wind farms and other applications previously not possible with existing small wind turbine technol-ogy. Designed for reliability under the most extreme weather conditions, the GTO is currently un-dergoing SWCC certifi cation testing at WEICan. With its unique power assist function and regen-erative electromagnetic braking system, the GTO operates with a start-up wind speed of 0, and no cut-out speed, producing power under gale conditions. AZC will also be unveiling its dealer training and tower sales programs, as well as its 24VDC Mark-Zero and 48VDC Pro Airdolphins. American Zephyr Corporation |

Booth 6013

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90 MARCH / APRIL 2010


Holland & Hart is the largest law fi rm based in the

Mountain West. The Firm can handle geothermal

energy projects from inception to completion includ-

ing those with permitting, negotiating agreements,

environmental compliance, public lands, water

rights, project development and fi nance, legislative

and regulatory affairs, and real estate matters.


Thermochem, Inc.

Thermochem is an integrated consultancy,

service, and OEM fi rm with over 25 years

experience in the geothermal energy industry.

The company provides comprehensive fi eld

sampling, source testing, laboratory analysis,

and chemical process design services to

geothermal projects across the globe. Thermo-

chem’s USA and Indonesian analytical labora-

tories specialize in high-purity steam conden-

sate, high-salinity brine, and non-condensable

gas analysis. Thermochem also performs

on-site chemical analysis and pilot testing

for corrosion and scale control systems. Proc-

ess chemistry modeling and design services

include detailed chemical mass and heat bal-

ance studies, gas partitioning, scale formation,

corrosion potential, acid steam and brine treat-

ment, and power plant environmental emis-

sion calculations. Thermochem designs and

manufactures pH-control and inhibitor delivery

systems for scale and corrosion management

in the sub-surface, gathering systems and

power plants; two-phase fl ow metering, steam

purity, and steam quality instrumentation.


At CLP, they work with some of the nation’s largest

developers of wind, solar, and geothermal energy.

They know renewable energy projects rely on hav-

ing a qualifi ed, experienced fi eld workforce—often

in remote locations. They have specialized industry

knowledge in: recruiting specialized tradespeople

with experience on renewable energy projects;

deploying a traveling workforce, locally or to the

most remote locations; phasing a project workforce

to eliminate delays and keep projects on track.

Customers can rely on CLP to deliver the specialized

renewable energy workforce needed. Verifi ed refer-

ences, drug screening, and integrity testing, plus

skill and tool checks.




GEFCO offers the design, manufacturing, and

marketing of a complete line of portable drilling

rigs and related equipment for the waterwell,

environmental groundwater monitoring,

construction, as well as mining and shallow oil

exploration and production industries. GEFCO

also manufactures SpeedStar, Failing, and King

Oil Tools drilling rigs and drilling equipment.


Drilling engineer and project management

company ThermaSource is currently drilling in

The Geysers for one of the largest geothermal

developers in the United States. The Geysers is

home to the largest geothermal resource in the

world and it’s conveniently located within an

hour of ThermaSource’s headquarters. The wells

ThermaSource are drilling and working over

range from 8,000' to 12,000' and produce vary-

ing levels of steam and pressure. ThermaSource

is also operating in Southern California, for an-

other large geothermal developer in a multi-year

work-over program. After a slow 2009, Ther-

maSource is excited about their 2010 drilling

schedule, and look forward to helping the nation

meet their renewable portfolio standards.

Atlas Copco Construction Mining Technique


Atlas Copco Construction Mining Technique USA

LLC is responsible for the sales, after sales service,

and rental of equipment for surface and under-

ground rock excavation, exploration drilling, rock

reinforcement, ground engineering, water well, oil,

and gas drilling. Several Atlas Copco drill rig models

such as the T2W, T3W, T4W, TH60, and Mustang

4-F1 also are ideally suited for geothermal drilling.

In addition, Atlas Copco Construction Mining Tech-

nique has the geothermal drilling industry’s most

complete consumables product range including the

Secoroc Aqua 60 down-the-hole hammer, which

leaves no trace of oil in the drill hole; Symmetrix

casing advancement systems; and Econo-Crown

Polycrystalline Diamond Cutter (PDC) bits that offer

high performance at an economical price.

MEMBERSHIPAt GEA, we represent companies and individuals who are part of the fast-growing geothermal energy industry. We embody a wide variety of members ranging from industry developers to investors and other supporters. We are interested in providing our members with the most relevant and up-to-date information on what is going on in the geothermal industry today and the factors that shape the industry for tomorrow.

Your participation is critical as we endeavor to expand the use of this clean, renewable, and sustainable energy source. Geothermal has the potential to preserve the environment, create jobs, and increase domestic clean energy production.

WHO IS GEA?The Geothermal Energy Association is a trade association composed of U.S. companies who support the expanded use of geothermal energy and are developing geothermal resources worldwide for electrical power generation and direct-heat uses.

GEA advocates for public policies that will promote the development and utilization of geothermal resources, provides a forum for the industry to discuss issues and problems, encourages research and development to improve geothermal technologies, presents industry views to governmental organizations, provides assistance for the export of geothermal goods and services, compiles statistical data about the geothermal industry, and conducts education and outreach projects.

Our members have offices or operations in many states and in numerous countries throughout the world.

GEOTHERMAL ENERGY WEEKLY AND REPORTS: GEA PUBLICATIONSThe Geothermal Energy Weekly (formerly GEA Weekly Update) is the Geothermal Energy Association’s electronic newsletter and the most widely circulated weekly in the geothermal industry. The newsletter provides updates on the national, state, and international levels, and includes news from GEA member companies. Upcoming events, job opportunities, and Requests for Proposals are also found here.

GEA also provides reports on the state of the geothermal industry on topics ranging from technology, jobs, costs, and environment, to a twice-yearly detailed survey report on current production and development of geothermal power plants in the U.S.

ANNUAL GEOTHERMAL ENERGY EXPO AND OTHER GEOTHERMAL EVENTSOur mission is to conduct education and outreach projects and events that provide a forum for the industry to discuss issues and problems. Our events are educational in nature, with the top experts in the industry, while also maintaining a business networking environment that we find key in a successful event.

Every year, the Geothermal Energy Expo hosts the world’s largest gathering of vendors providing support for geothermal resource exploration, characterization, development, production and management. It provides a unique opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their projects, equipment, services and state of the art technology to the geothermal community.











POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT: Large-scale projects



OTHER (Overpressure relief devices)

OTHER (Geothermal heat pumps)

OTHER (Distric energy)

OTHER (Developing & operating geothermal projects)


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Boart Longyear Company, Energy Products Group

Boart Longyear’s Energy Products Group provides

capital equipment, products, and technical services

to the global geothermal drilling industry. Their high-

ly portable, state-of-the-art (LF-series) hydraulic core

rigs and coring consumables allow operators to drill

‘slim holes’ to explore and delineate geothermal re-

sources; thereby, signifi cantly reducing drilling risks

and associated costs. Boart Longyear also provides

geothermal drilling fl uids and experienced mud en-

gineers, applying innovative technologies to reduce

trouble time and control geothermal drilling costs.

DSC Incorporated

For over 30 years, DSC Incorporated has provided

superior drilling fl uids products to the geothermal

industry (TORKease, VISCease, SEALease, etc).

TORKease has global recognition as a cost-effective

geothermal lubricant, exhibiting excellent tem-

perature stability for projects with BHT over 600°F.

TORKease reduces drilling torque and drag, frees

stuck pipe, and reduces trouble time/drilling costs.

DSC’s products are rigorously fi eld tested for hi-

temp drilling applications.

Vermeer Corporation

Vermeer Corporation has introduced two new prod-

ucts designed specifi cally to assist with geothermal

fi eld loop installations. The D20x22FX Series II will

be the industry’s fi rst fl ex-angle drill capable of

drilling at any specifi ed angle ranging from 18° to

90°. Engineered with input and feedback from con-

tractors who specialize in geothermal loop system

installations, specifi cally for residential applications,

the D20x22FX Series II is another Vermeer product

innovation in response to the increasing worldwide

focus on renewable energy. Capable of completing

vertical and steep-angle geothermal loop installa-

tions, the D20x22FX Series II is also a fully function-

ing horizontal directional drill that can install hori-

zontal loops, as well as conventional utilities. The

Navigator D20x22FX Series II fl ex-angle drill comes

equipped with an automated rod loader that is mod-

eled after a conventional HDD rod loader with modi-

fi cations to operate at the fully vertical position.


MSE Power Systems, Inc.

MSE Power Systems has extensive experience

working with developers on the electrical

design of utility grade projects, ranging from

5 MW to 500 MW. To date, MSE has provided

engineering/EPC services on six geothermal

projects, accounting for 185 MW. Adding to

this project portfolio, MSE recently secured

an 18 MW to 30 MW geothermal project in

Nevada where their role includes engineering,

procurement, and commissioning services.

MSE’s involvement in geothermal is a natural

extension of proven success in wind energy,

where the company is responsible for connect-

ing approximately 22% of all existing North

American wind power. MSE’s proven track

record for speed-to-grid and project manage-

ment expertise will prove invaluable to the

geothermal sector.

Atlas Copco Gas and Process Solutions

Unlock the Vast Potential of Renewable Energy

For several decades, Atlas Copco Gas and Process has helped customers around the world to unlock the vast potential of renewable energy sources. Our technical experts have contributed to groundbreaking projects in the geothermal industry and have invaluable experience in all types of energy recovery processes.

Find out more at

Expander generator for geothermal applicationsCustomer benefits:

gear box

complete recovery solutions

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POWER Engineers, Inc.

Since 1995, POWER Engineers have provided detail

design and fi eld engineering for more than 550 MW

of new fl ash plant capacity. They have provided

engineering services for steam plants in California

and Indonesia; fl ash plants in Africa, Turkey, Mexico,

Costa Rica, and the Philippines; as well as binary

plants in the US and Iceland. Their engineers have

fun working on geothermal projects and the team

includes veteran project managers and engineers,

as well as project-tested specialists in the civil,

structural, electrical, mechanical, chemical, and

instrumentation and controls disciplines.


Quantec Geoscience

With geothermal exploration one of the top

challenges today, industry players are seeking

geophysical survey providers who can provide

insight into geothermal reservoirs at depth.

At the forefront of exploration is Quantec

with numerous projects completed globally.

Spartan Magnetotellurics (MT) acquires

resistivity information that can be used to

model the boundaries, orientation, and size of

geothermal reservoirs to 5km or more. Titan

24 is another valuable tool that delivers high-

resolution results at shallower depths. With

more than a decade of experience in deep

surveys, consider Quantec for a geothermal ex-

ploration programme. The company offers top

technologies, along with premium quality data,

a commitment to health and safety, and proven

interpretations that set Quantec apart.

Thermochem, Inc.

Thermochem is an integrated consultancy,

service, and OEM fi rm, which has been servic-

ing the geothermal industry from the ground

up for over 25 years. The company provides

green fi eld exploration services worldwide

from US and Indonesian offi ces. Geologic

and state-of-the-art geochemical surveys are

conducted by highly experienced staff. Ther-

mochem operates comprehensive in-house

laboratory facilities to rapidly process gas,

water, condensate, soil, and rock samples for

geochemical analysis using specialized tech-

niques. Field staff perform on-site geochemical

analysis for reconnaissance surveys to focus

efforts on high-quality features. Soil analysis

and soil gas surveys are conducted in regions

where blind resources may exist. Expert geo-

chemists interpret the survey data, develop

conceptual reservoir models, and direct explor-

atory drilling programs. Sampling equipment

and training courses in sampling techniques

and data interpretation are also available.

Datum Horizon Geological Consultants, LLC

Datum Horizon Geological Consultants is a Moun-

tain West States source for: geothermal mud log-

ging services; geological mapping; resource assess-

ment, reservoir modeling, and/or block modeling;

GIS; site support services; and, production/injection

well testing.


Taylor-DeJongh (TDJ) is an energy investment

banking fi rm that has advised on over 240

power projects globally. The fi rm brings project

development, capital structuring, project fi nancing

skills, and over 29 years of experience in closing

power projects. TDJ has successfully advised on

the structuring and fi nancing of US$70 billion worth

of debt and equity investments in more than 100

countries. The fi rm also advises clients on corporate

fi nance, capital raising, and M&A transactions.

TDJ currently advising on several power projects

(conventional and renewable) internationally, and is

a fi nancial advisor to the US Department of Energy’s

Loan Guarantee Program.


Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco expander generators are large,

radial infl ow turbines capable of producing up

to 15 MW per unit utilizing the Organic Rank-

ine or Kalina Cycles. For several decades Atlas

Copco has helped customers around the world

unlock the vast potential of sustainable energy

sources. In 2009, the company was recognized

for the fourth time as part of the “Global 100”

list of the world’s most sustainable corpora-

tions. In addition, Atlas Copco is a member

of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes and

the FTSE4Good Index. Atlas Copco is ISO 9001

certifi ed and ISO 14001 compliant.

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TurboCare provides a wide range of products

and services for geothermal applications in-

cluding refurbished turbines for new geother-

mal plants, uprates of existing steam turbines,

repair of damaged equipment, and supplying

of replacement parts. Whether a project in-

volves the construction of a new geothermal

plant, a rerate due to a change in steamfi eld

pressure, redesigned turbine blades to with-

stand the harsh geothermal environment, or

the replacement of old or damaged parts,

TurboCare provides the steam turbine products

and services that are required.

101 Pipe & Casing, Inc.

101 Pipe & Casing, Inc. is a steel pipe distributor

and fabricator specializing in the water well and

geothermal well industry. They stock a wide variety

of sizes and grades of steel pipe and have complete

threading and machine shop capabilities. 101’s pri-

mary product line is Pump Column and Tube & Shaft

or Lube String as it is known in geothermal applica-

tions. They can manufacture Pump Column to any

specifi cation and application.

Brush Turbogenerators Inc.

Brush Turbogenerators is an original equipment

supplier of Steam & Gas Turbine driven electrical

generator equipment for industrial, utility, and

process applications on and offshore. Direct air—

TEAAC (air to air) and TEWAC cooling is available in

most powers. General range rated from 10 MW to

800 MW. Products include: salient pole generators

for geared turbines 5 MW to 50 MW; turbo type

direct coupled generators and motors rated 10

MW to 150 MW; water and hydrogen cooled

turbogenerators rated 150 MW to 1000 MW; and,

brush excitation control products provide state-of-

the-art monitoring and protection of the generator

support system. Brush customizes new build

generators for geothermal applications and provides

aftermarket support services worldwide.

Gardner Denver Nash

Gardner Denver Nash, a supplier of gas removal

systems for geothermal power plants around the

world, has over 100 years of experience design-

ing and manufacturing both liquid ring pumps

and steam jet ejectors. Since every geothermal

resource and every plant site is unique, their en-

gineers draw on a wealth of application engineer-

ing know-how and product development data to

optimize each system to its maximize performance.

Nash has over 90 successful operating installa-

tions around the world, many operating for over

20 years. As part of their continuous improvement

process, Nash has introduced the 905 series of

stainless steel vacuum pumps with improved per-

formance over their time-tested 904 series. They

are confi dent they can engineer a solution for gas

removal needs that will meet any customer’s fi nan-

cial and performance objectives.

The Heat is OnThe Power of Steam


ThermaSource = Geothermal. As a worldwide leader in geothermal drilling and consulting, ThermaSource provides the necessary expertise and services to developers interested in the discovery and development of geothermal resources for power generation and direct use applications.

Drill Rig Operations • Drilling Engineering • Geothermal Economics • Field SupervisionProject Management • Resource Assessment • Well Testing

Cementing • Drilling Fluids • EGS Exploration • Well Logging

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L.A. Turbine

L.A. Turbine has developed a new Turboexpander

wheel/shaft attachment technology that reduces

coupling stress and, therefore, improves reliability.

This technology will be utilized in an upcoming

re-design of one of the largest Geothermal

Power producing Turboexpanders in the world.

In addition, L.A. Turbine will utilize its Expanding

Innovation program to complete the work on an

ultra-expedited schedule; by delivering a 35 week

project in less than 15 weeks. This extensive

re-design—a direct steam, Turboexpander/Gear/

Generator unit—requires L.A. Turbine to leverage

extensive experience in geothermal with its ability

to react to customer’s needs, and use its highly

experienced in-house capabilities to meet the

rigorous project demands.

Siemens Industry, Inc.

Siemens has the answers to making geothermal

energy that is affordable. With the technology to

provide complete electrical and process control

systems for power plants, Siemens offers the

most comprehensive Balance of Plant solutions.

Focused on creating energy effi cient equipment and

systems that lower the cost of production, Siemens

is ready to help customers keep their commitment

to generate and sell clean energy at a price that

people can afford.

Stork H&E Turbo Blading Inc.

Stork H&E Turbo Blading Inc. is ISO 9001 certifi ed

and has been manufacturing new replacement Steam

Turbine Blades (as well as Gas Turbine Compressor

blades) in the USA for over 30 years—without a

single failure. They manufacture to the exact same

specifi cations as the OEM, the main differences

being that Stork H&E Turbo Blading can make blades

faster when needed (especially useful in the case of

a forced outage situation or for an unexpected need),

and their prices are consistently lower.

Vooner FloGard Corporation

Vooner offers conical port 316 and 316L stainless

steel liquid ring vacuum pumps for removing non-

condensable gases from geothermal condensers.

The VG and V4 Series’ of single stage liquid ring

vacuum pumps have capacities up to 15,000 ACFM.

Vooner pumps are direct bolt-in replacements for

CL or 904 Series pumps. Every pump is performance

tested to HEI standards in Charlotte, NC. These

rigorous quality control inspections and performance

tests guarantee that each Vooner pump matches

the capacity and power consumption shown on their

performance curves. The pumps are designed to re-

duce and maintain low long-term operating costs for

tough geothermal condenser applications. Complete

technical information including performance curves,

specifi cations and 2D & 3D drawings can be down-

loaded at the company website.

November 1–3, 2010Montreal, QuebecCanWEA’s 2010 Annual Conference and Exhibition will bring together over 2,500 delegates and 250 exhibiting companies from around the world to discuss emerging opportunities in Canada’s rapidly growing wind energy industry. The event will provide an exclusive opportunity to network with industry leaders and generate new business.

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geothermal buyers guide 2010

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POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT: Large-scale projects

Thermochem, Inc.

Thermochem leverages 25 years of experience

in the geothermal industry to provide specialist

testing equipment and instrumentation to fi eld

operators and power plants. This includes two-

phase sampling separators, isokinetic sample

probes, two-phase fl ow measurement systems,

on-line steam purity and quality meters, acid-

dosing and pH-control systems, and inhibitor

dosing systems for sub-surface, production,

and injection pipelines. Thermochem

specializes in the design of steam wash

systems to remove impurities that can scale

and corrode turbine blades, from the fi rst HCl-

scrubbing systems at The Geysers to new Dry

Steam Scrubbing technology for acid steam

treatment. Thermochem designs, fabricates

and supplies well testing packages including

fl ow lines, instrumentation, atmospheric steam

muffl ers, and H2S abatement equipment. Pilot

plants are supplied to evaluate and optimize

power cycle options for each resource,

which is critical at the design stage of any

geothermal power project.

ElectraTherm, Inc.

ElectraTherm, Inc. provides fuel-free power systems

to industries worldwide. The company’s proven,

patented Twin Screw Expander enables its line

of heat to power generating systems to make

electricity from low- to mid-temperature heat that

would otherwise go to waste. ElectraTherm’s fuel-

free, emission-free, and low-cost “Green Machines”

offer the industry’s shortest payback period on

investment. For more information on ElectraTherm

and its cleantech, green power products, visit the

company website.

SNC-Lavalin Thermal Power

SNC-Lavalin’s commitment to sustainability translates

into the exploration of new and innovative ways to power

the planet. They promote the use of non-conventional

fuels, including geothermal, wind, solar, and biomass.

SNC-Lavalin Thermal Power has a 60-plus year history

of engineering and constructing utility scale renewable

energy facilities. They have provided leadership in the

industry in the innovative application of new technology

that enables additional renewable sources of energy

to contribute to the displacement of fossil fuel based

generation, while ameliorating the impact of any other

emissions. At SNC-Lavalin, they have increased support

for renewable energy production, adding geothermal,

solar, and wind power to their expertise in biomass and

hydroelectric generation. |


Ormat Technologies, Inc.

Ormat Technologies, Inc. is the only vertically

integrated company primarily engaged in

the geothermal and recovered energy power

business. The company designs, develops,

owns, and operates geothermal and recov-

ered energy based power plants around the

world. Additionally, the company designs,

manufactures, and sells geothermal and re-

covered energy power units and other power-

generating equipment, and provides related

services. Ormat Technologies has more than

four decades of experience in the development

of environmentally sound power, primarily in

geothermal and recovered-energy generation.

Ormat products and systems are covered by

75 US patents. The company has built over

1,200 MW of plants (including geothermal and

recovered energy based power plants in the

US, Guatemala, Kenya, and Nicaragua)—half

for its own account and half as supplies to

utilities and developers.

DESIGNED FOR OUR READERS AND OUR ADVERTISERSGo to www.nacleanenergy.comto see all our print content, subscription and advertising information, and much more.


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96 MARCH / APRIL 2010

OTHER(Developing & operating geothermal projects)

Ram Power, Corp.

Ram Power, Corp. is a renewable energy

company focused in the business of acquiring,

exploring, developing, and operating geother-

mal power projects to address the growing

demand for green energy in the United States

and around the world. Founded in 2008 as

Ram Power, Inc., by a highly experienced

geothermal project development and manage-

ment team, the company combined with three

publically traded Canadian geothermal power

companies in October, 2009 to take advantage

of the economies of scale in project develop-

ment. Ram Power Corp., as the new corporate

platform has an interest in geothermal projects

in California, Nevada, Nicaragua, Canada,

and elsewhere. The company’s mission is to

become a global supplier of clean and reliable

geothermal power.

OTHER(Geothermal testing facility)


With over 1,000 existing wellbores and its 10,000-

acre oil fi eld, RMOTC offers its partners the unique

opportunity to test their geothermal technologies

while using existing oilfi eld infrastructure. RMOTC

is a Department of Energy fi eld test site for emerg-

ing and developing technologies to address critical

energy issues. The fi eld test site is an operating oil

fi eld offering a full complement of associated facili-

ties and equipment located north of Casper, Wyo-

ming. Field equipment includes a drill rig (shown)

capable of drilling into the granite. RMOTC recently

expanded its testing and demonstration of power

production from low-temperature, co-produced

oilfi eld waste water. With the existing geologic

structure at RMOTC, promising potential exists for

Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) testing. RMOTC

can support multiple fi eld-scale geothermal testing

and demonstration.

OTHER(Subsurface data acquisition &wireline services)

Tiger Energy Services

Tiger Energy Services is a US-based geo-

thermal technology and subsurface data ac-

quisition company that specializes in high

temperature (600°) wireline services. For the

past 25 years, Tiger has proudly provided high

temperature perforating, pipe recovery, and

drilling support solutions to the domestic and

international energy market. High temperature,

real-time solutions for acoustic borehole imag-

ing, radial cement bond logging, and pressure/

temperature/spinner surveying are also avail-

able worldwide with the exclusive geothermal

wireline instrument array, HALO.


Geothermal Education Offi ce

The educational materials offered by the Geother-

mal Education Offi ce, for ages 11 through adult,

are of the highest quality. Some have won national

green power awards. Audio-visual and print ma-

terials for any non-technical staff, as well as for

students and for community education, are available

for use. Please visit the below websites for more


OTHER(Overpressure relief devices)

BS&B Safety Systems LLC

BS&B Safety Systems, LLC offers the S-90 Rupture

Disk designed specifi cally for overpressure relief

needs required by Geothermal Power. Solutions

include combining the S-90 rupture disks with safety

relief valves or using the rupture disk as a stand-

alone overpressure device for production wells,

injection wells, seperators, fl ash vessels, surface

condensers, or direct condensers.

OTHER(Geothermal heat pumps)


ClimateMaster is the world’s largest and most

progressive manufacturer of geothermal heat

pumps. They are committed to innovation and

dedicated to environmentally clean, economi-

cally sound, and superbly comfortable home and

business environments. Each ClimateMaster

product is produced in a state-of-the-art facility

utilizing quality managements systems that are

ISO 9001:2000 certifi ed. They strive for the high-

est product quality and service after the sale to

give customers peace of mind. An LSB Indus-

tries, Inc. company, ClimateMaster has been de-

signing and building equipment that enhances

the environments lived and worked in every day

for than 50 years. In addition to geothermal heat

pumps, ClimateMaster offers the most exten-

sive product line of water source heat pumps for

use in a wide variety of applications.

OTHER(District energy)

Corix Utilities Inc.

Corix provides a broad range of infrastructure servic-

es, which include district energy and geoexchange.

They also design, build, own, and operate for cities

and municipalities, as well as for residential and

commercial energy use.

geothermal buyers guide 2010

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97North American Clean Energy


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re-li-able1: suitable or fit to be relied on

2: giving the same result

on successful trials

No longer is the power generation industry dependent upon the utilization of food crops to supply suffi cient

biomass for a power station. Bianchi Energy Solutions LLC, through its subsidiary White Technology, LLC, has conducted research to fi nd plant species that address the needs of the power industry, but do not divert food-based crops. Efforts have been focused around perennial rhizomatic grasses.

“Perennial rhizomatic grasses are a classifi cation of energy crops that are noted around the world for their potential as excellent biomass sources,” according to Kenn Davis, president of White Technology. “Through our extensive research into bio-energy crops, we have identifi ed two species that make terrifi c sources of biomass: Miscanthus giganteus and Giant Reed (Arundo donax). These energy crops have the ability to produce strong yields, with test plots indicating that annual yields can exceed 20 dry tons of biomass per acre within an 18-month period from the initial planting, with yields in warmer climates of the United States exceeding 25 dry tons per acre.”

Miscanthus giganteus is a genus of “woody” rhizomatous peren-nial grasses, growing nine to 12 feet in height. The plant grows new shoots annually that produce erect, robust stems and appear similar to bamboo canes, having a diameter of approximately two centimeters. As a biomass crop for the US, yields of 15 to 25 dry tons per acre make this plant a very attractive choice for feed-stock. Studies have shown Miscanthus giganteus to grow and pro-duce high or reasonable yields on a wide variety of soils, ranging from sands to high organic matter soils. Studies also have shown that Miscanthus giganteus tolerates a wide range of pH values.

Giant Reed is a giant perennial grass. Studies have shown that it produces more biomass per acre than any other non-food bio-mass plant. Giant Reed is recognized as an important non-wood industrial biomass-producing plant that can be grown on a wide variety of soil types and under a wide range of climatic condi-tions. The plant reaches a height of 15 to 25 feet in approxi-mately 18 months after initial planting. Annually, Giant Reed can produce 20 to 25 dry tons of high-quality biomass per acre.

One of the most signifi cant uses of Giant Reed will be to pro-duce chipped fuel feedstock for biomass power production. Also, the plant can be used to supply coal power stations with a stable co-fi ring material reducing CO2 emissions by up to 50%. Giant Reed is distinctive in that it has a lifespan of up to 25 years with-out the need for annual tillage. Testing indicates there is little or no need for additional fertilizer after the fi rst two years, and its probable growth is among the highest on the planet.

Another benefi t of both Miscanthus giganteus and Giant Reed is the ability to use these plants for remediation purposes. Stud-ies have shown that these grasses can remove most toxins from the soil, especially organohalogens. Because of their C3/C4 photosynthetic processes, these plants retain the extracted toxins

in their roots, eliminating any potential contamination from the use of the plants’ stalks or leaves.

Although Miscanthus giganteus and Giant Reed have tremendous potential as an energy crop, as well as for phyto-remediation, the ability to grow these plants on a large scale has, to date, been diffi cult. Both are sterile grasses due to the polyploidy of the plants. The traditional method to grow these grasses has been through rhizomatic propagation, which uses root systems to produce new plants. The arduous nature of this process limits the ability to produce these plants on a large scale.

To solve the production issue, an exclusive license from the University of South Carolina has been obtained related to a micro-propagation process that is well suited for large-scale production of Miscanthus giganteus, Arundo donax, and other po-tential energy crops. The micro-propagation process, developed by Drs. Laszlo Marton and Mihaly Czako, will allow White Technology to effi ciently and effectively produce millions of plants on an annual basis for use in agricultural operations and for phyto-remediation purposes.

To augment these efforts, Bianchi Energy Solutions has researched farming techniques for these grasses. This research indicates that some traditional farming techniques can be used for the planting, monitoring, and harvesting of these perennial grasses. However, it has been determined that certain crop-specifi c techniques are required to ensure productive biomass yields and, as a result, a turnkey energy crop offering for parties interested in using these plants for energy crops or phyto-remediation has been developed. This offering includes procuring plants, crop planting, crop monitoring, and harvesting guidance and also includes access to proprietary planting and harvesting equipment.

With regard to crop monitoring offering, Bianchi Energy Solutions not only monitors the crops to improve biomass yields but also works with farming operations to minimize the poten-tial encroachment of the crops into surrounding areas.

“While the sterile seed of these grasses greatly reduces any invasive attributes of the plants, we still recommend that proce-dures be put in place at the farming operation to limit any en-croachment,” said Davis. Strategies have been generated to limit such encroachment.

David Allen is the director of sales and marketing at White Technology.

Through its subsidiary White Technology, Bianchi Energy Solutions, LLC produces energy crops through a patented micro-propagation process, which is licensed from the University of South Carolina.

White Technology LLC |

Case Study: Advancements in Energy Crop ProductionBy David Allen

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Volatile gasoline prices, concerns over global climate change, fossil fuel de-pendence, and the desire to expand domestic agricultural economies have led

to increased interest in biofuels as an alternative to petroleum in the US transporta-tion sector. Ethanol is blended into nearly half of all US gasoline. Today, most of the ethanol in the US is produced from starch contained in corn.

The cellulosic ethanol industry involves turning renewable biomass, such as crop residues and bionenergy crops, into fuel-grade ethanol. This year, the industry has reached an important point in its evolution. The science is ready, the federal government has re-affi rmed advanced biofuels mandates, and projects to scale-up production are underway. Within the next few years, the industry aims to deliver cellulosic ethanol that is competitive with gasoline.

Producing cellulosic ethanol involves converting lignocellulosic feedstocks, such as crop residues like corncobs and energy crops like switchgrass, into liquid fuel. Due to strong biofuels research over the past decade, conversion technology is already highly advanced. The technology continues to improve, but the main chal-lenges to scale-up and deployment are optimizing engineering and establishing a reliable, cost-effective biomass supply chain. Of the many cellulosic ethanol projects

under development and construction around the US, most are still in lab or pilot phase. However, a few leading players are poised to deliver commercial production within the next three to four years.

In January of this year, DuPont Danisco Cellulosic Ethanol (DDCE) cut the rib-bon on a demonstration-scale facility in Vonore, Tennessee, which marked a mile-stone for the advanced biofuels sector. The cellulosic ethanol industry is under a federal mandate to deliver 36 billion gallons of renewable fuel by 2022, of which 16 billion gallons must come from cellulosic sources. The DDCE project is one of the fi rst demonstration-scale facilities for cellulosic ethanol, and is unique in its focus on converting both crop residues and energy crops, which means it plays an impor-tant role in advancing the industry toward commercial-scale production.

The Vonore facility is a collaboration between DDCE, the state of Tennessee, and Genera Energy. The plant has the capacity to produce 250,000 gallons of cel-lulosic ethanol annually, but its main purpose is to test and validate processes for large-scale production. The fi rst commercial plants will produce between 25 and 50 million gallons of ethanol per year.

Production processEthanol from lignocellulosic sources is often referred to as 2nd generation ethanol. It differs from 1st generation ethanol made from starchy materials because break-ing down lignocellulosic plant materials is a fairly complex process. DuPont and Danisco took on this challenge by forming the DDCE joint venture to integrate the companies’ proprietary technologies into a complete production solution, es-sentially bringing together a long history of R&D work in biofuels.

The basic steps in cellulosic ethanol production are pre-treatment, saccharifi ca-tion (hydrolysis), microbial fermentation, and distillation and dehydration...• Pre-treatment. Lignocellulose has a very rigid structure that must be broken

down to make the sugars—hemicellulose and cellulose—accessible. There are several methods for pre-treating biomass that run the gamut from acid hydroly-sis to steam explosion. The DDCE pre-treatment process applies a proprietary mild alkaline technology. The method, which uses steam and ammonia to break down the plant material, is not as harsh as some others and minimizes degrada-tion products that can inhibit the subsequent production steps.

• Saccharification (also called hydrolysis). The pre-treated biomass is trans-ferred into the saccharifi cation equipment to break down the biomass into its component sugars. Saccharifi cation technologies usually involve acid or en-zymes. DDCE has been able to improve production economics signifi cantly through its enzyme technology. The enzymes work in relatively mild tem-perature and pH conditions, diminishing formation of byproducts that inhibit enzyme activity. Onsite enzyme production also provides performance and cost advantages.

• Fermentation. The “hydrolysate” that leaves the saccharifi er is full of 6-carbon (hexoses) and 5-cabon sugars (xylose and arabinose). The hydrolysate heads to the fermenters where microbes convert the sugars to ethanol and byproducts.

• Distillation/dehydration. Finally, the fermented ethanol enters the distillation and dehydration processes where it is brought to fuel-grade ethanol.

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Commercial Production of Cellulosic Ethanol

Cellulosic ethanol as a sustainable fuelEnvironmental sustainability is integral to commercial success for cellulosic etha-nol. To meet, and exceed federal emis-sions thresholds, rigorous lifecycle analy-ses examine total environmental impacts of cellulosic ethanol. Depending on the feedstock used, cellulosic ethanol can reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions from 85% to 130% over its li-fecycle compared to gasoline. The emis-sions advantages are achieved because the biomass recaptures carbon when it undergoes photosynthesis. Cellulosic ethanol biorefi neries further reduce en-vironmental impacts through features such as water recycling and by-product capture. Prior to distillation, energy by-products are captured to sell or provide energy for the cellulosic ethanol facility.

The cellulosic ethanol industry is prepared for a busy and exciting decade during which it will meet those mandates and play a key role in building the clean energy economy.

DuPont Danisco Cellulosic Ethanol LLC (DDCE) |

Genera Energy |

Depending on the feedstock used, cellulosic ethanol can reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions from 85% to 130% over its lifecycle compared to gasoline.

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Biofuel manufacturing process: Preventing fi res & dust explosion Bioenergy and biofuel manufacturing has become one of the fastest growing industries for spark detection systems. This is due to the aggressive nature of shredding, granulating, and pelletizing processes and the high risk of generating ignition sources, which are quickly conveyed along the production line. Sparks are commonly generated by the process of pellet, disk, and briquettes production. These sparks can ignite product and waste dust causing fi res and dust explosions within fi lters or along conveying systems. The GreCon system is a preventative system, which detects initial sparks or glowing embers and extinguishes them before they cause a fi re or an explosion.

The main areas where a spark detection system is used are: rotary dryer; hammer mill; pellet press; pellet cooler; silos; conveyors; and, extraction ductwork to protect fi lter units. Sparks, glowing embers, hot particles, and burning material are all extinguished without shutting down the conveying systems, damaging fi lter bags, or interrupting production. Improvements in plant safety and insurance risk are important benefi ts, but the primary reasons for installing a GreCon spark detection system is to reduce the risk of personnel injury, plant downtime, and to protect production volumes and market share. GreCon, Inc. |

Solving the cold soak dilemma in biodieselSchroeder Biofuels has announced the release of two new product sizes for ColdClear, the fi rst multi-stage treatment system for solving the cold soak dilemma in biodiesel and biodiesel blends. After some great success with the 5, 15, and 45 gpm ColdClear units, Schroeder recognized the need for a 60 gpm unit, BCC1200, and a 75 gpm unit, BCC1500. Both of the new sizes are built on the same foundation of the original ColdClear unit. With the introduction of these new sizes, ColdClear can now be implement-ed in larger plants and diesel fuel distribution centers.

ColdClear is a proprietary, multi-stage separation technology designed specifi cally to ensure that biodiesel products conform to the new ASTM D6751 Standard for cold fl ow properties. It is a patent-pending technology, which ensures that any potential factors that would initiate crystallization or plugging are dramatically reduced. ColdClear is effective for B100 and a range of diesel blends meaning that producers, distributors, or even fl eet consumers of biodiesel blends can use it. Schroeder Biofuels |

Waste energy generatorCyclone Power Technologies Inc., and its licensee Phoenix Power Group LLC (PPG), announced that Clean Burn Inc. has joined the team to help develop and market the fi rst commercial electric generator system running on waste oil. The Phoenix waste energy recovery system will be powered by Cyclone’s heat-regenerative, external combustion engine. An initial system based on the Cyclone Mark V engine is expected to produce approximately 30kW to 55kW of grid-tied electricity from the clean combustion of used oil, a renewable fuel source. The team anticipates bringing beta versions of these environmentally benefi cial products to businesses like oil change shops, transport fl eet operators, airports, and railroad yards later this year. Clean Burn will be providing engineering expertise to the project in the areas of waste oil delivery and fi ltration, combustion systems, UL testing, and emissions standards.

Waste motor oil is a major source of contamination of waterways and can result in the toxic pollution of drinking water sources. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, waste oil from one oil change can contaminate one million gallons of fresh water, equivalent to a year’s supply for 50 people. Ad-ditionally, the US Department of Energy has estimated that the effi cient recycling of wasted energy such as used oil over the next 20 years can help reduce the national dependence on petroleum imports, spark billions of dollars in private investments, and create up to one million jobs in the US.Cyclone Power Technologies, Inc. |

Clean Burn Inc. |

RFS2 readyRenewable Energy Group (REG) offi cials welcome the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) is-suance of the fi nal rule to implement the expanded Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS2), which includes a national volume requirement for biodiesel.

“The implementation of fi nal RFS2 rules is a long-awaited victory for our clean biodiesel energy in-dustry and our nation’s energy independence,” said Renewable Energy Group’s chief executive offi cer, Jeff Stroburg. “In addition, we urge our leaders to extend the biodiesel blenders tax credit to ensure short-term success of this clean energy industry and help keep our clean energy workers, working.”

Under the RFS2 fi nal rule recently released, biodiesel’s greenhouse gas emission improvement threshold makes the fuel eligible in two categories: biomass-based diesel and advanced biofuels. The rule calls for combined 2009 and 2010 volume requirements of 1.15 billion gallons of biodiesel to be utilized by the end of compliance year 2010. As anticipated, biomass-based diesel will earn 1.5 RINS.

As a multiple feedstock biodiesel producer, REG applauds EPA’s re-consideration and utilization of updated science-based models for crop yields and indirect land use calculations, as well as values for co-products like glycerin.

“REG markets both glycerin and fatty acid as co-products of biodiesel production,” said REG VP, supply chain, Dave Elsenbast. “We are proud to have worked in close coordination with industry part-ners to supply accurate production and value data for comments to the EPA, which led to an updated greenhouse gas emission reduction number qualifying all biodiesel feedstock as eligible under the RFS2,“ Elsenbast added. Renewable Energy Group |

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2010 International BIOMASS Conference & Expo May 4th to 6th, 2010 • Minneapolis Convention Center—Minneapolis, Minnesotawww.biomassconference.comNow in its third year, following an immensely successful event in 2009, BBI International unites current and future producers of biomass-derived power, fuels and chemicals with waste generators, energy crop growers, municipal leaders, utility executives, technology providers, equipment manufacturers, project developers, investors, and policy makers. BBI International is adding a new layer of value to BIOMASS in 2010 with an unprecedented effort to reach out to waste generators—eager new players in today’s biomass utilization movement. The 2010 BIOMASS program will include more than 90 speakers, including 72 technical presentations on topics ranging from anaerobic diges-tion and gasifi cation to pyrolysis and combined heat and power.

Show in PrintFeatures just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

Metal components for power generationPowerhouse Technology produces cast-ings and other metal components in the power generation industry. Most of their customers are solid fuel-fi red ener-gy producers. Powerhouse Technology is known worldwide for traveling-grate improvements including several patents, as well as fl uidized bed components (nozzles and support hardware). They are proud to announce an agreement with Access Industrial and Power for Minnesota, the Dakotas, and most of Wisconsin.Powerhouse Technology

Floor systems for woody biomass HALLCO Live Floor Systems are used for the self-loading and unloading of all forms of woody biomass, demolition de-bris, tree trimmings, mill residues, and green wastes. They can fi t a number of HALLCO drive units and deck styles to fi t a 45' trailer or pull behind. HALLCO Industries,

Units for alternative solid fuel The Hurst Reciprocating Grate Stoker with automated ash removal is the latest edition in Hurst Boiler’s biomass boiler series. The unit offers the best of solid fuel combustion, allowing mechanical replacement of fuel with the least amount of moving parts. This effi cient multi-fuel design is offered in various confi gurations to utilize a wide selection of solid fuels. All Hurst fac-tory stokers are cast from the highest quality steel alloys and mounted on a robust undercarriage system. Capable of burning wood, coal, bark, construction debris, nuts, shells, husks, paper, cardboard products, hog fuel, sawdust, shavings, sludge, and agricultural biomass, the Hurst BIOMASS-TER features a CO2 Neutral Release and PLC based total systems monitoring. Hurst’s biomass product line is available with options including Flat Grate Stokers, Underfeed Stokers, and Traveling Grate Stokers to meet all biomass system requirements. The company also offers many alternative fuel solutions and shovel-ready packaged projects that can help reduce carbon, emissions, and operating and fuel costs, as well as enabling eligibly to sell car-bon credits.Hurst Boiler |

Biomass processing equipmentKomptech is a top provider of biomass processing equipment. The company continues to evolve and create new tech-nology for effi ciently and cost-effectively processing organic material. Komptech highlights the “Crambo Forest” wood shredder, the only one pass shred, size, and screen machine available.Komptech |

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101North American Clean Energy

Don’t miss Canadian District Energy Association’s (CDEA) 15th Annual Conference and Exhibition, June 23 - 25, 2010 at the Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier, North Vancouver, BC.

Keynote speakers include:Mayor Darrell Mussatto, City of North Vancouver; Hon. John Yap (tbc), Minister of State for Climate Action; Lisa Coltart, BC Hydro’s Director of Power Smart and more...

Contact [email protected] for conference information.

District Energy:Now’s the Time! bring local solutions for sustainable communitiesunnnniiities


Platinum Sponsors:

High-volume drum chipper The Peterson 4300 Drum Chipper is designed for high-volume biomass producers. It is powered by a C18 Caterpillar engine available in three power ratings, 630 HP, 700 HP, and 765 HP. The chipper utilizes a 36-inch (914 mm) diameter by 40-inch (102 mm) wide drum. It is available with optional material sizing bars and a chip ac-celerator to minimize oversize twigs and branches in the chips. Other key features include a sloped feed deck for ease of feeding the chipper, and an adaptive feed control to maintain chip quality and engine RPM. The 4310, a tracked version of this machine, will be available in the late spring for biomass producers who need to move their machine on a regular basis. Peterson Pacifi c Corporation |

Biomass & biofuel processing systemsWest Salem Machinery’s (WSM) fi eld-proven grinding, screening, milling, and conveying equipment and complete systems supply superior biomass and biofuel processing solutions. Primary processing of raw feedstock and green fi ber can be done with WSM’s rugged horizontal grinders and screens; secondary processing of pre-hogged fuel with WSM’s high-volume disc screens and vertical grinders. Finish milling with WSM’s heavy duty hammermills. WSM supplies metering feed hoppers, motor starters/controls, in-feed and discharge chutes, support structures, access platforms, and associated conveyors to deliver a complete system. From feedstock to premium quality fi nished fuel, WSM takes pride in supplying the best equipment available and creating long-term partnerships with their customers. Their solution-oriented approach and application expertise in processing systems is demonstrated at successful fi ber prep systems in operation throughout the world. West Salem Machinery |

Spark detection & moisture meterGreCon is demonstrating their Spark Detection & Extinguishing system and their technology advanced Drift-Free IR Moisture Meter. GreCon Spark Detec-tion provides safety for production—detect sparks and extinguish them before the fi lter. Detect heat buildup in silos, bag houses, and storage bins. Reduce risk of fi re or dust explosions in transport and collection systems as outlined in NFPA 69, 654, and 664 standards. GreCon drift-free moisture meter is unaf-fected by particle size, product height, temperature, relative humidity, or ambi-ent light. With the use of new technology, there is no recalibrating this highly accurate infrared moisture meter. GreCon, Inc. |

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Join us for the largest hydrogen conference in the U.S. and the longest running annual hydrogen conference in the world.

Register today!


Horizontal grinders that produce bio-sawdustNew technology developed by Bandit Industries for its Beast horizontal grinders may change the way material is processed for biomass power plants and pellet plants. In 2007, Bandit Industries developed a chipping option for its Beast Recyclers, enabling Beast owners to quickly convert the machine from a grinder to a whole tree chipper. Since then, Bandit has refi ned the chipping option, allowing the Beast to effectively produce a 1/4"-minus sawdust-like chip, a conventional chip size of 3/4"-minus, or any size in between. This option is offered on all four models of the Beast Recyclers. The Beast can be converted from a grinding type machine to a whole tree chipper in a matter of hours and at a relatively low cost. Several discharge conveyor options are of-fered along with a hydraulic thrower, allowing the machine to load end-opening trailers.Bandit Industries, Inc. |

Drum chipper for biomassThe Morbark Model 40/36 Whole Tree Chipper is a compact, affordable, productive drum chipper designed with the biomass industry in mind. Equipped with the same internal drive perfected on Morbark horizontal grinders, along with an extra wide feed opening, the Model 40/36 aggressively feeds brushy tops and limbs, quickly and effortlessly fi lling a chip van to maximum legal load capacity. The feed system is more effi cient due to a stag-gered knife confi guration and contains less moving parts reducing mainte-nance. The 40/36 comes equipped with the Morbark Integrated Control System allowing for diagnostic moni-toring both onsite and remotely. This heavy duty brush chipper is also easily moveable in the woods and requires no extra permits for transport.Morbark |

Bio-Harvester attachmentFecon’s Bio-Harvester attachment allows a single operator to fell, chip, and collect underutilized bio-mass resources such as willow harvesting and other short rotation woody crop. The Bio-Harvester at-tachment can be mounted to large bi-directional tractors or the Fecon FTX440 tractor. Intended for harvesting material that is 6" DBH (diameter breast height) and under, the Bio-Harvester proc-esses this material and it is blown into a collection wagon. Targeting previously felled material, the Fecon RTC-22 Biomass Chipper/Forwarder uses a grapple to load its chipper. The captured material is blown directly into a collection wagon. A single operator has the ability to load, chip, and collect biomass. The FCM-22 Chipper Module gives con-tractors the ability to mount on a variety of trailers and carriers such as forestry forwarders, log trucks, roll-offs, and more. Build a system to chip road-side, in-woods, or at a log landing, feeding a tow collection wagon or hopper.Fecon, Inc. |

Enzyme for cellulosic ethanol production Novozymes’ newest cellulase complex can provide more than twice the performance, making it the fi rst commercially viable enzyme for cellulosic ethanol pro-duction. As with previous cellulosic ethanol enzymes, Cellic CTec2 is a concentrated product that is globally available in commercial-scale quantities. But compared to the earlier version, it allows up to a 50% lower dos-age, driving the enzyme use cost down to as low as $.50 per gallon of ethanol produced. CTec2 provides increased process fl exibility, offering ways to lower operating and capital costs, including: higher conver-sion yields; better performance at higher total solids; higher tolerance to inhibitors; improved performance; and, realistic dosing. CTec2 contains a unique protein complex that improves the enzyme’s performance and reduces dosage. This technology speeds up the conversion process and increases the ethanol yield. It also has a new beta-glucosidase that delivers better performance when hydrolyzing pretreated lignocellu-lose substrates at higher total solids. This allows more substrate to be processed, resulting in lower capital costs and higher ethanol yield. Cellic CTec2 is the fi rst commercially viable enzyme solution for cellulosic ethanol production. Novozymes |

2010 international biomass show in print

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103North American Clean Energy

Continental Biomass Industries, Inc. (CBI) has spent the past twenty years engineering grinding technology, from the ground up, around the singular goal of efficiency – all in the name of doing our part in creating Environmental Sustainability. CBI equipment can process more material using less energy per ton of material processed. It efficiently converts all types of wood debris into biofuel ... faster and cheaper. CBI has become the World-standard for grinding, chipping and shredding because we deliver a cost-effective and Earth-friendly means of producing alternatives to fossil fuel and a wide range of other end products.

To learn more, visit or call us at 603.382.0556 today.

Fuel the Future.TM

Continental Biomass Industries, Inc. 22 Whittier Street Newton, NH 03858 © 2008. All rights reserved. Fuel the Future is a CBI Trademark.

Make quality, uniform biofuel with CBI Grinders & Chippers

● More throughput using less energy/ton● 3mm - 6mm Chips for Pellets in 1 Pass● Convert all types of Wood Debris

● Make Biofuel Faster & Cheaper● Portable & Stationary Systems● 2 Decades Experience in Biofuel

Commercial & industrial assets marketing Maas Companies is an international marketing company specializing in the sale of com-mercial and industrial assets. Maas Companies has sold more ethanol and biodiesel plants with related equipment via auctions and orderly negotiated sales than any other company in the world. They provide customized, successful marketing plans that market surplus assets for maximum price recovery. They also utilize top industry consultants and engineers from around the world and, as a result, have a unique clientele of buyers from which to draw. Maas Companies |

Industrial horizontal grinder The 9564 Horizontal Grinder is the fastest, most effi cient way to reduce biomass resources into usable materials for the processing and produc-tion of low-emissions fuel products. This massive machine, with its 40 x 60.5-inch feed opening and a CAT C27 1050hp diesel engine, can grind nearly anything from entire trees to heavy green waste and wood pal-lets. Equipped with an enclosed engine compartment that produces the lowest decibel reading in its class and the only self-cleaning air intake system on the market, the 9564 is a heavy duty green machine. DuraTech Industries |

Fuel-free power systemsElectraTherm, Inc. provides fuel-free power systems to industry worldwide. The company’s proven patented Twin Screw Expander enables its line of heat-to-power generating systems to make electricity from low- to mid-temperature heat that would otherwise go to waste. ElectraTherm’s fuel-free, emission-free, and low-cost “Green Machines” offer the industry’s shortest payback period on investment. Visit the company website for more information on ElectraTherm and its cleantech green power products.ElectraTherm, Inc. |

Elemental determinator The TruSpec performs fast analysis of nitrogen, combined carbon/nitrogen, and si-multaneous carbon/hydrogen/nitrogen confi gurations. Sample sizes up to one gram are easily analyzed in less than four minutes for organic matrices such as foods, feeds, meats, plants, pet foods, and biofuels. This versatile instrument is also available with sulfur and micro oxygen add-on modules, as well as both solid and liquid autosam-plers. A micro version of the TruSpec is also available for samples between 1 mg and 10 mg. PC-controlled Windows-based operating software supports compliance to strict regulations mandated by the FDA (21 CFR Part 11). LECO Corporation |

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hydro and marine energy

While solar and wind remain at the forefront of most renewable energy dis-cussions, another form of power generation is emerging that has the poten-

tial to be a signifi cant source of energy: osmotic power. Osmotic power is created through the natural phenomenon of osmosis. When

two fl uid streams of varying salt content—such as low-salinity river water and high-salinity ocean water—meet on either side of a membrane, osmosis causes the less salty water to be drawn toward the seawater side. The membrane blocks the salt, allowing only fresh water to fl ow through. This creates a pressure on the seawater side that can be used to drive a turbine to generate electricity.

In November 2009, Norwegian energy company Statkraft opened the world’s fi rst pilot osmotic power plant in Tofte, Norway to demonstrate the viability of this emerging alternative energy source. According to Statkraft’s research, osmotic power has a global potential of 1,600 to 1,700 terawatt hours (TWh) annually. To harness this energy production potential, it is essential to understand precisely how the process works, the challenges of the technology, and the critical elements neces-sary to overcome these hurdles ensure the net-positive production of energy.

How osmotic power worksIn the natural world, osmosis requires three components: a low-salinity water sup-ply, a high-salinity water supply, and a membrane that blocks the salt while allowing fresh water to fl ow through it. To sustain osmosis in a man-made process and create osmotic power, the same three elements are required. For example, river water can serve as the low-salinity water supply, the ocean can supply the high-salinity water, and membranes capable of separating salt from water, which have been developed for modern desalination applications, can be adapted for osmotic power.

When the river water and seawater merge, osmosis causes water to fl ow through the membrane from low salinity to high salinity. The membrane selectively blocks and fi lters out salt, only allowing fresh water to pass through. The force exerted by the water—called osmotic pressure—is highest when the salinity difference across the membrane is the greatest. Therefore, wherever a river fl ows into the ocean, os-motic energy is potentially available if an effi cient osmotic power process is used.

The osmotic power process is illus-trated in Figure 1. Low-salinity water and high-salinity water are supplied to the opposite sides of a membrane. Fresh water is drawn across the mem-brane by the seawater, building pres-sure on the seawater side and diluting it. The pressure of the diluted seawater is released through a turbine, which turns a generator to make electricity. The diluted water fl ows to the sea just as it would have without the process. The result is a clean, continuous source of renewable energy.

Overcoming challenges of the osmotic power process Maximizing energy output through the osmotic power process is not as simple as mixing river water and seawater. To understand the challenges that must be over-come, consider the diagram of a basic osmotic power process shown in Figure 2.

Seawater is supplied to the membranes with a high-pressure pump. River water is supplied to the membranes at low pressure. Osmosis “pumps” the river water across the membrane where it merges with the seawater, increasing its fl ow rate. This dilute water is released through a turbine

that drives a generator. In this design, the high-pressure pump consumes electric-ity and the turbine produces electricity. Because the fl ow rate through the turbine is greater than the fl ow rate through the high-pressure pump, the process has the potential to produce more energy than it consumes.

However, one of the challenges is the dilution of the seawater. As the river wa-ter mixes with the saltier ocean water, the osmotic pressure reduces. With a lower osmotic pressure, the driving force that moves the water across the membranes is reduced. Therefore, more seawater must be supplied at high pressure to keep the permeate fl owing and maintain high pressure in the dilute water stream—a process that consumes more energy and reduces the net power output.

A second challenge is mechanical losses in the pump, turbine, and generator. Even large, effi cient modern devices experience some losses when they convert electrical energy to hydraulic energy or vice versa. A more viable design would eliminate the high-pressure pump so that more of the electricity generated by the turbine could be sent to the electric grid.

The high-effi ciency osmotic power processTo overcome the challenges associated with the basic osmotic power process, en-ergy recovery devices can be inserted into the process. As outlined in Figure 3, an energy recovery device eliminates the high-pressure pump and only a portion of the dilute water from the membranes passes through the turbine.

The rest of the high-pressure dilute water fl ows to the en-ergy recovery device where it is replaced with salt water. This exchange occurs at extremely high ef-fi ciency, with no en-ergy consumption and without signifi cant reduction of the pres-sure of the stream. A

circulation pump (which consumes very little energy because it does not pressurize the stream) moves the now pressurized salt water through the membranes to be diluted again in a continuous process. As a result, nearly all of the water that enters the high-pressure loop through the membranes leaves through the turbine.

Incorporation of energy recovery devices solves both the problems identifi ed in Figure 2. Specifi cally, this technology allows for the replacement of the high-pres-sure pump with a low-energy circulation pump and limits the fl ow through the tur-bine to just that necessary to produce net power, making the process more effi cient. Energy recovery devices also effectively keep the salinity in the high-pressure loop high, increasing the driving force for osmotic power production.

Potential powerOsmotic power has tremendous potential as a global source of renewable energy and Statkraft is already demonstrating the net-positive production of power at its pilot facility in Norway. The plant is designed with a capacity of 10 kW and by 2015, Statkraft plans to build a full-scale osmotic power plant with a capacity of 25 MW, which could produce more than 166 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity per year—enough to power 30,000 homes in Europe.

The potential for osmotic power is undoubtedly signifi cant, but requires precise engineering and a design that properly addresses the challenges associated with the basic osmotic power production process. Eliminating the high-pressure pump by implementing highly effi cient energy recovery devices into the process helps en-sure net-positive production of electricity. Signifi cant refi nement of the membrane technology is required before this process becomes commercially viable. However, the incorporation of energy recovery devices will help the world to realize the enor-mous potential of osmotic power as an emerging source of renewable energy.

Jeremy Martin is the director of engineering at Energy Recovery, Inc., a company that designs and develops technologies for reducing energy consumed by desalination, oil and gas processing, osmotic power, and other processes.

Energy Recovery, Inc.

By Jeremy Martin

The Potential of Osmotic Power A promising source of renewable energy

Figure 1. High-effi ciency osmotic power process in Norway (source: Statkraft)

Figure 2. Basic osmotic power process

Figure 3. High-effi ciency osmotic power process

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intersolarNorth America

North America’s Premier Exhibition & Conference for Photovoltaics and Solar Thermal Technology

San Francisco | Moscone CenterJuly 13–15, 2010

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1,600 Conference Attendees 20,000 Visitors700 Exhibitors CONNECTING SOLAR BUSINESS

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eventscalendarMARCH 201024-26 GLOBE 2010 Vancouver, BC—Vancouver Convention Centre;

APRIL 201012-16 ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT WEEK Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—David L Lawrence Convention Center; 18th World Hydrogen Conference 2010 Essen, Germany—Messe Essen; 19-22 2010 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition New Orleans, Louisiana—Ernest N Morial Convention Center; www.ieeet-d.org25-30 2010 World Geothermal Congress Bali, Indonesia—Bali International Convention Centre;

MAY 201003-06 NHA Hydrogen Conference & Expo 2010 Long Beach, California—Long Beach Convention Center; www.hydrogenconference.org04-06 International Biomass Conference & Expo Minneapolis, Minnesota—Minneapolis Convention Center; www.biomassconference.com07-09 The Solar and Wind Expo 2010

Baltimore-Timonium—Timonium Fairgrounds; www.thesolarandwindexpo.com11-13 18th Annual North American Waste to Energy Conference (NAWTEC)

Orlando, Florida; www.nawtec.org16-21 World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010 Essen, Germany—Messe Essen; www.whec2010.com17-22 Solar 2010: ASES National Solar Conference Phoenix, Arizona—Phoenix Convention Center; http://ases.org21 GEA Global Geothermal Showcase and Forum Washington, DC—Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center www.geo-energy.org23-26 WINDPOWER 2010 Dallas, Texas—Dallas Convention Center;

JUNE 20108-10 EnergyOcean 2010 Ft Lauderdale, Florida—Hyatt Regency Bonaventure Conference Center & Spa Intersolar 2010 Munich, Germany—New Trade Fair Centre; www.intersolar.de15-16 28th West Coast Energy Management Congress Seattle, Washington—State Convention Center; www.energyevent.com14-16 Smart Electricity World Los Angeles, California—Millennium Biltmore Hotel; Clean Technology Conference & Expo 2010 Anaheim, California—Anaheim Convention Center; 4th Annual Concentrated Solar Power Summit USA

San Francisco, California—Parc 55;

JULY 201013-15 Intersolar North America San Francisco, California—Moscone Center; www.intersolar.us22 GEA Geothermal Energy Workshop Las Vegas, Nevada—Las Vegas Convention Center; www.geo-energy.org27-30 HydroVision International Charlotte, North Carolina—Charlotte Convention Center;

SEPTEMBER 201006-10 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition Valencia, Spain—Feria Valencia, Convention & Exhibition Centre;

www.photovoltaic-conference.com21-23 GridWise Global Forum Washington, DC—Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center; www.gridwise.org28-30 4th Annual Algal Biomass Organization

Phoenix, Arizona—JW Marriott Desert Ridge;

OCTOBER 201012-14 Solar Power International

Los Angeles, California—Los Angeles Convention Center;

Send us your clean energy show and event listings. Email information to the Editor at

[email protected]

advertisers’websitedirectory Page Company Website 84 Abilene Industrial Foundation 24 Advanced Power Products 84 Aevenia 64 AL-PRO Wind Energy 61 American Electric Technologies 83 American Zephyr Corporation IFC Applied Materials 91 Atlas Copco 33 Atlas Material Testing Solutions 19 AZZ Galvanizing Services 5 Baja Construction 44 Bibb Engineers Architects & Constructors 20 Campbell Scientific 94 CANWEA 2010 85 Carbone of America 63 Catch the Wind, Inc 103 CBI, Inc. 60 CD-Adapco 101 CDEA 31 Centrosolar 87 Con-Tech Systems Ltd 25 Cooper Power 18 DAR Corporation IBC DEGERenergie Tracking Systems 53 Dickstein Shapiro LLP 81 Double-K Consulting 81 Dr Shrink 73 Ecology and Environment, Inc. 19 Equipment Express Inc. 75 ESAB 55 Fagen Inc. 100 Fecon 74 Fibertech USA INC 68 Fibox Enclosures 72 Foley & Lardner LLP 95 GEFCO 90 Geothermal Energy Association 81 Global Energy Services 26 Haticon Solar 70 Hodge Foundry 32 Hub City 22 Huber+Suhner 26 HuksefluxUSA Inc 101 Hurst Boiler 20 Husum Wind Energy 86 Hydac 62 Hytorc 45 Intersolar 2010 105 Intersolar North America 17 Iowa Department of Economic Development 16 JRL Ventures Inc 29 Kaco New Energy 86 KR Wind 42 Kuka Systems Corporation 77 Liebherr Cranes Inc. 87 Ludeca, Inc. 83 Marathon Special Products 81 Mattracks 51 Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP 12 & 13 Mobil Industrial Lubricants 23 MSE Power Systems 98 NAWTEC 2010 9 New Jersey Economic Development 40 Next Generation Energy 102 NHA Hydrogen Conference and Expo 57 Nordic Windpower 14 Northwind Solutions 66 NRG Systems, Inc 18 Obsta 92 Ormat Technologies, Inc 71 Ormazabal 36 Panel Claw 38 Patriot Solar Group 97 Percival Scientific, Inc. 28 Pivot Point 85 PMI OBC Polaris America LLC 78 Port of Ogdensburg 11 Power Ready 49 PV Powered 35 Resol 64 Ripley 54 Rosendin Electric 58 Safway Services, LLC 3 Satcon 79 Schaeffler Group USA Inc. 37 Schletter Inc. 30 Schneider Electric 82 Schunk Graphite Technology LLC 42 Session Solar 56 Shell Lubricants 38 SOLAR 2010 39 Solectria Renewables LLC. 15 SSB Services Inc 18 Superbolt 76 Sweetwater Enterprise for Economic Development, Inc 67 Tetra Tech 65 The Lincoln Electric Co. 93 Thermasource 96 Thermochem, Inc. 69 Tindall Corporation 80 Titan Technologies International, Inc 48 Trachte 78 TRICO TCWIND 41 Trina Solar 47 Trountman Sanders 27 TTI 70 TWR Lighting, Inc 34 Unirac Inc 64 United Equipment Accessories, Inc 43 Upsolar 18 VBINE 59 Wanzek Construction 99 West Salem Machinery 21 White Construction 40 Wieland Electric, Inc. 88 WINDPOWER 2010 80 Work Wear Safety Shoes

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Page 107: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

Patented control system: The DEGERconecter identifi es the strongest light source at any time of day.

DEGERtraker: The single and dual axis fastening system ideally aligns the photovoltaic modules.

Up to 45 % more energy gained using the DEGERconecter

Intelligence designed by Nature. Solar tracking systems from DEGERenergie

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Tracker effi ciency should always be measured by the yield

NACE Mar Apr 2010.indd 107NACE Mar Apr 2010.indd 107 3/9/10 12:13 PM3/9/10 12:13 PM

Page 108: North American Clean Energy - March April 2010

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NACE Mar Apr 2010.indd 108NACE Mar Apr 2010.indd 108 3/9/10 12:13 PM3/9/10 12:13 PM