normal values

SERUM GASTROINTESTINAL STUDIES Protein: 6.0 – 8.0 g/L Albumin: 3.4 to 5 g/dL – binds protein decrease in malnutrition Alkaline phosphatase: 4.5 to 13 King-Armstrong units/dL Increase as osteophoris marker Ammonia: 35 to 65 ug/dL Amylase: 50 – 150 - increase pancreatitis Lipase: 10 - 140 U/L – increase in pancreatitis Bilirubin: direct: <1.0 mg/dL increase jaundice Uric acid: 2.5 – 8 ng/dL Transferrin: > 100 for Protein test Lipids: 400 – 800 mg/dL no contraceptive may increase level Cholesterol: 140 to 200 mg/dL LDL: <130 mg/dL HDL: 30 to 70 mg/dL Triglycerides: <200 mg/dL THYROID STUDIES Thyroid –stimulating hormone (thyrotropin; THS): 0.2 to 5.4 ug/dL Triiodothyronine (T3): 80 to 230 ng/dL Thyroxine (T4): 5.0 to 12.0 ug/dL Thyroxine free (FT3) : 0.8 to 2.4 ng/dL RENAL FUNCTION TEST Creatinine: 0.6 – 1.3 mg/dL increase level indicates decrease GFR Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): 7 – 20 mg/dL Urine specific gravity: 1.016 - 1.022 increase in SIADH; decrease in diabetes insipidus Creatinine Clearance: 100-120 Glumerular Filt Rate: 125 ml MI MARKERS CK-MB: 5% Normal CK is 25-175 U/L Troponin T >0.1 to 0.2 ng/mL = MI Troponin I value: normal (<0.6 ng/mL)

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Page 1: Normal Values

SERUM GASTROINTESTINAL STUDIESProtein: 6.0 – 8.0 g/LAlbumin: 3.4 to 5 g/dL – binds protein decrease in malnutritionAlkaline phosphatase: 4.5 to 13 King-Armstrong units/dLIncrease as osteophoris markerAmmonia: 35 to 65 ug/dLAmylase: 50 – 150 - increase pancreatitisLipase: 10 - 140 U/L – increase in pancreatitisBilirubin: direct: <1.0 mg/dL increase jaundice

Uric acid: 2.5 – 8 ng/dLTransferrin: > 100 for Protein test

Lipids: 400 – 800 mg/dL no contraceptive may increase levelCholesterol: 140 to 200 mg/dLLDL: <130 mg/dLHDL: 30 to 70 mg/dLTriglycerides: <200 mg/dL

THYROID STUDIESThyroid –stimulating hormone (thyrotropin; THS): 0.2 to 5.4 ug/dLTriiodothyronine (T3): 80 to 230 ng/dLThyroxine (T4): 5.0 to 12.0 ug/dLThyroxine free (FT3) : 0.8 to 2.4 ng/dL

RENAL FUNCTION TEST Creatinine: 0.6 – 1.3 mg/dL increase level indicates decrease GFRBlood urea nitrogen (BUN): 7 – 20 mg/dL Urine specific gravity: 1.016 - 1.022 increase in SIADH; decrease in diabetes insipidus Creatinine Clearance: 100-120Glumerular Filt Rate: 125 ml

MI MARKERSCK-MB: 5%Normal CK is 25-175 U/LTroponin T >0.1 to 0.2 ng/mL = MITroponin I value: normal (<0.6 ng/mL)

COAGULATION STUDIESActivated partial thromboplastin time(APTT): 20 – 35 seconds - heparin 1.5 – 2.5 secondsProthrombin time(PT): male: 10 – 12 secondsInternational Normalized Ratio(INR): 2.0 - 3.0 for standard Coumadin therapy

Bleeding time: 2.5 to 8 minutes

Page 2: Normal Values

Clotting time: 8 – 15 minutesPlatelet count: 150,000 to 400,000 cells/UlFibrinogen: 180 – 400 mg/dl

ERYTROCYTES STUDIESBlood volume: 5000mLRed blood cell (RBC): male: 4.5 to 6.2 million/uLHemoglobin– 14 – 17Hematocrit: male: 42% - 52% (increased in hemoconcentration, fluid loss and dehydration)Serum Iron: 65-175 Erytrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR): 0 – 30 mm/hr increase inInflammation Dx Hodgkin (RedStenberg cells)-painless lympnode

Phenylalanine Level: <2 mg/dLPKU: >25 mg/dLWhite blood cell (WBC): 4500 to 11,000

WHITE BLOOD CELL DIFFERENTIALNeutrophils 56% or 18000 – 7800/uLLymphocytes 34% or 1000 – 4800/uLMonocytes 4% or 0 – 800/uLBands 3% or 0 – 700/uLEosinophils 2.7% or 0 – 450/uLBasophils 0.3% or 0 – 200/uL

CD4: 500-1600 cellsViral Load < 400 (without AIDS)

PRESSURESSpinal pressure: 70 to 200mmH2ONormal serum osmolality: 285 – 295 mOsmlkgH2O increase in dehydration;Decrease in over hydration

Central venous pressure: 4 to 10 cmH2O (increased in cardiac overload; decreased in dehydration)Pressure within the right atrium: 2 to 7 mmHgLeft Atrial Pressure: normal (1 to 10 mm Hg)Pulmonary capillary Artery pressure: 5 to 20 mmhgPulmonary artery pressure: systolic: 16 to 30 mmHgDiastolic: 0 to 7 mmHgNormal cardiac output : 4 to 8 L/minCSF pressure: 5 – 15 CSF protein: 15 – 45 mg/dL increase in Guillain-Barre syndrome


Page 3: Normal Values

Normal sweat chloride: <40 mEq/Lscalp pH: 7.26 and aboveSafe Suction Range: normal [Infant] 50-95 mm Hg [Child] 95-115 mm Hg [Adult]100-120 mm Hg)

PR Interval: normal (0.12-0.20 seconds) QRS measurements: normal (0.04 to 0.10 second)

Page 4: Normal Values

Normal Lab Values

Partial List of “Normal” Lab Values

The following information is just a partial listing of the information provided to Meditec students enrolled in select training courses.

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HEMATOLOGY – Red Blood CellsRBC (Male) 4.2 – 5.6 10^6 / µL [Scientific Notation: 10^6 = 1,000,000]RBC (Female) 3.8 – 5.1 10^6 / µLRBC (Child) 3.5 – 5.0 10^6 / µLHEMATOLOGY – White Blood CellsWBC (Male) 3.8 – 11.0 10^3 / mm3 [Scientific Notation: 10^3 = 1,000]WBC (Female) 3.8 – 11.0 10^3 / mm3WBC (Child) 5.0 – 10.0 10^3 / mm3HEMOGLOBINHgb (Male) 14 – 18 g/dLHgb (Female) 11 – 16 g/dLHgb (Child) 10 – 14 g/dLHgb (Newborn) 15 – 25 g/dLHEMATOCRITHct (Male) 39 – 54%Hct (Female) 34 – 47%Hct (Child) 30 – 42%MCV 78 – 98 fLMCH 27 – 35 pgMCHC 31 – 37%neutrophils 50 – 81%

Page 5: Normal Values

bands 1 – 5%lymphocytes 14 – 44%monocytes 2 – 6%eosinophils 1 – 5%basophils 0 – 1%CARDIAC MARKERStroponin I 0 – 0.1 ng/ml (onset: 4-6 hrs, peak:12-24 hrs, return to normal: 4-7 days)troponin T 0 – 0.2 ng/ml (onset: 3-4 hrs, peak:10-24 hrs, return to normal: 10-14 days)myoglobin (Male) 10 – 95 ng/ml (onset: 1-3 hrs, peak:6-10 hrs, return to normal: 12-24 hrs)myoglobin (Female) 10 – 65 ng/ml (onset: 1-3 hrs, peak:6-10 hrs, return to normal: 12-24 hrs)GENERAL CHEMISTRYacetone 0.3 – 2.0 mg%albumin 3.5 – 5.0 gm/dLalkaline phosphatase 32 – 110 U/Lanion gap 5 – 16 mEq/Lammonia 11 – 35 µmol/Lamylase 50 – 150 U/dLAST,SGOT (Male) 7 – 21 U/LAST,SGOT (Female) 6 – 18 U/Lbilirubin, direct 0.0 – 0.4 mg/dLbilirubin, indirect total minus directbilirubin, total 0.2 – 1.4 mg/dLBUN 6 – 23 mg/dLcalcium (total) 8 – 11 mg/dLcarbon dioxide 21 – 34 mEq/Lcarbon monoxide symptoms at greater than or equal to 10% saturationchloride 96 – 112 mEq/Lcreatine (Male) 0.2 – 0.6 mg/dLcreatine (Female) 0.6 – 1.0 mg/dLcreatinine 0.6 – 1.5 mg/dLethanol 0 mg%; Coma:greater than or equal to 400 – 500 mg%folic acid 2.0 – 21 ng/mLglucose 65 – 99 mg/dL(diuresis greater than or equal to 180 mg/dL)HDL (Male) 25 – 65 mg/dLHDL (Female) 38 – 94 mg/dLiron 52 – 169 µg/dLiron binding capacity 246 – 455 µg/dLlactic acid 0.4 – 2.3 mEq/Llactate 0.3 – 2.3 mEq/Llipase 10 – 140 U/L

Page 6: Normal Values

magnesium 1.5 – 2.5 mg/dLosmolarity 276 – 295 mOsm/kgparathyroid hormone 12 – 68 pg/mLphosphorus 2.2 – 4.8 mg/dLpotassium 3.5 – 5.5 mEq/LSGPT 8 – 32 U/Lsodium 135 – 148 mEq/LT3 0.8 – 1.1 µg/dLthyroglobulin less than 55 ng/mLthyroxine (T4) (total) 5 – 13 µg/dLtotal protein 5 – 9 gm/dLTSH Less than 9 µU/mLurea nitrogen 8 – 25 mg/dLuric acid (Male) 3.5 – 7.7 mg/dLuric acid (Female) 2.5 – 6.6 mg/dLLIPID PANEL (Adult)cholesterol (total) Less than 200 mg/dL desirablecholesterol (HDL) 30 – 75 mg/dLcholesterol (LDL) Less than 130 mg/dL desirabletriglycerides (Male) Greater than 40 – 170 mg/dLtriglycerides (Female) Greater than 35 – 135 mg/dLURINEcolor Strawspecific gravity 1.003 – 1.040pH 4.6 – 8.0Na 10 – 40 mEq/LK Less than 8 mEq/LC1 Less than 8 mEq/Lprotein 1 – 15 mg/dLosmolality 80 – 1300 mOsm/L24 HOUR URINEamylase 250 – 1100 IU / 24 hrcalcium 100 – 250 mg / 24 hrchloride 110 – 250 mEq / 24 hrcreatinine 1 – 2 g / 24 hrcreatine clearance (Male) 100 – 140 mL / mincreatine clearance (Male) 16 – 26 mg / kg / 24 hrcreatine clearance (Female) 80 – 130 mL / mincreatine clearance (Female) 10 – 20 mg / kg / 24 hrmagnesium 6 – 9 mEq / 24 hrosmolality 450 – 900 mOsm / kgphosphorus 0.9 – 1.3 g / 24 hrpotassium 35 – 85 mEq / 24 hrprotein 0 – 150 mg / 24 hrsodium 30 – 280 mEq / 24 hrurea nitrogen 10 – 22 gm / 24 hr

Page 7: Normal Values

uric acid 240 – 755 mg / 24 hrCOAGULATIONACT 90 – 130 secondsAPTT 21 – 35 secondsplatelets 140,000 – 450,000 /mlplasminogen 62 – 130%PT 10 – 14 secondsPTT 32 – 45 secondsFSP Less than 10 µg/dLfibrinogen 160 – 450 mg/dLbleeding time 3 – 7 minutesthrombin time 11 – 15 secondsCEREBRAL SPINAL FLUIDappearance clearglucose 40 – 85 mg/dLosmolality 290 – 298 mOsm/Lpressure 70 – 180 mm/H2Oprotein 15 – 45 mg/dLtotal cell count 0 – 5 cellsWBCs 0 – 6 / µLHEMODYNAMIC PARAMETERScardiac index 2.5 – 4.2 L / min / m2cardiac output 4 – 8 LPMleft ventricular stroke work index 40 – 70 g / m2 / beatright ventricular stroke work index 7 – 12 g / m2 / beatmean arterial pressure 70 – 105 mm Hgpulmonary vascular resistance 155 – 255 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5pulmonary vascular resistance index 255 – 285 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5stroke volume 60 – 100 mL / beatstroke volume index 40 – 85 mL / m2 / beatsystemic vascular resistance 900 – 1600 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5systemic vascular resistance index 1970 – 2390 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5systolic arterial pressure 90 – 140 mm Hgdiastolic arterial pressure 60 – 90 mm Hgcentral venous pressure 2 – 6 mm Hg; 2.5 – 12 cm H2Oejection fraction 60 – 75%left arterial pressure 4 – 12 mm Hgright atrial pressure 4 – 6 mm Hgpulmonary artery systolic 15 – 30 mm Hgpulmonary artery diastolic 5 – 15 mm Hgpulmonary artery pressure 10 – 20 mm Hgpulmonary artery wedge pressure 4 – 12 mm Hgpulmonary artery end diastolic pressure 8 – 10 mm Hgright ventricular end diastolic pressure 0 – 8 mm HgNEUROLOGICAL VALUEScerebral perfusion pressure 70 – 90 mm Hg

Page 8: Normal Values

intracranial pressure 5 – 15 mm Hg or 5 – 10 cm H2OARTERIAL VALUESpH 7.35 – 7.45PaCO2 35 – 45 mm HgHCO3 22 – 26 mEq/LO2 saturation 96 – 100%PaO2 85 – 100 mm HgBE -2 to +2 mmol/LVENOUS VALUESpH 7.31 – 7.41PaCO2 41 – 51 mm HgHCO3 22 – 29 mEq/LO2 saturation 60 – 85%PaO2 30 – 40 mm HgBE 0 to +4 mmol/L

Page 9: Normal Values

Normal Laboratory Values - Patient Test ChartsNormal Laboratory Values (Haematology Reference Values)

In the following tables, normal haematology reference values for commonly requested laboratory tests are listed in traditional units and in SI units. The tables are a guideline only. Values are method

dependent and normal lab values may vary between laboratories.

Determination Normal Reference Value Conventional units SI units

Blood, Plasma or SerumAmmonia (NH3) - diffusion 20-120 mcg/dl 12-70 mcmol/L

Ammonia Nitrogen 15-45 µg/dl 11-32 µmol/L

Amylase 35-118 IU/L 0.58-1.97 mckat/L

Anion gap (Na+-[Cl - + HCO3- ]) (P) 7-16 mEq/L 7-16 mmol/L

Antithrombin III (AT III) 80–120 U/dl 800–1200 U/L

BicarbonateArterial 21–28 mEq/L 21–28 mmol/L

Venous 22–29 mEq/L 22–29 mmol/L

BilirubinConjugated (direct) Total 0.2 mg/dl

&0.1–1 mg/dl

4 mcmol/L &

2–18 mcmol/L

Calcitonin < 100 pg/ml < 100 ng/L

CalciumTotal 8.6–10.3 mg/dl 2.2–2.74 mmol/L

Ionized 4.4–5.1 mg/dl 1–1.3 mmol/L

Carbon dioxide content (plasma) 21–32 mmol/L 21–32 mmol/L

Carcinoembryonic antigen < 3 ng/ml < 3 mcg/L

Chloride 95–110 mEq/L 95–110 mmol/L

Coagulation screenBleeding time 3–9.5 min 180–570 sec

Prothrombin time 10–13 sec 10–13 sec

Partial thromboplastin time (activated) 22–37 sec 22–37 sec

Protein C 0.7–1.4 µ/ml 700–1400 U/ml

Protein S 0.7–1.4 µ/ml 700–1400 U/ml

Page 10: Normal Values

Copper, total 70–160 mcg/dl 11–25 mcmol/L

Corticotropin (ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone) - 0800 hr

< 60 pg/ml < 13.2 pmol/L

Cortisol0800 hr 5–30 mcg/dl 138–810 nmol/L

1800 hr 2–15 mcg/dl 50–410 nmol/L

2000 hr 50% of 0800 hr 50% of 0800 hr

Creatine kinaseFemale 20–170 IU/L 0.33–2.83 mckat/L

Male 30–220 IU/L 0.5–3.67 mckat/L

Creatinine kinase isoenzymes, MB fraction 0–12 IU/L 0–0.2 mckat/L

Creatinine 0.5–1.7 mg/dl 44–150 mcmol/L

Fibrinogen (coagulation factor I) 150–360 mg/dl 1.5–3.6 g/L

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)Female 2–13 mlU/ml 2–13 IU/L

Midcycle 5–22 mlU/ml 5–22 IU/L

Male 1–8 mlU/ml 1–8 IU/L

Glucose, fasting 65–115 mg/dl 3.6–6.3 mmol/L

Glucose Tolerance Test (Oral) (mg/dl) (mmol/L) Normal Diabetic Normal Diabetic

Fasting 70–105 > 140 3.9–5.8 > 7.8 60 min 120–170 200 6.7–9.4 11.1 90 min 100–140 200 5.6–7.8 11.1

120 min 70–120 140 3.9–6.7 7.8

() - Glutamyltransferase (GGT)Male 9–50 units/L 9–50 units/L

Female 8–40 units/L 8–40 units/L

Haptoglobin 44–303 mg/dl 0.44–3.03 g/L

Hematologic TestsFibrinogen 200–400 mg/dl 2–4 g/L

Hematocrit (Hct)female 36%-44.6% 0.36–0.446 fraction of


male 40.7%-50.3% 0.4–0.503 fraction of 1

Hemoglobin A 1C 5.3%-7.5% of total Hgb 0.053–0.075

Page 11: Normal Values

Hemoglobin (Hb)female 12.1–15.3 g/dl 121–153 g/L

male 13.8–17.5 g/dl 138–175 g/L

Leukocyte count (WBC) 3800–9800/mcl 3.8–9.8 x 109/L

Erythrocyte count (RBC)female 3.5–5 x 106/mcl 3.5–5 x 1012/L

male 4.3–5.9 x 106/mcl 4.3–5.9 x 1012/L

Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 80–97.6 mcm3 80–97.6 fl

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 27–33 pg/cell 1.66–2.09 fmol/cell

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrate (MCHC) 33–36 g/dl 20.3–22 mmol/L

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sedrate, ESR) 30 mm/hr 30 mm/hr

Erythrocyte enzymesGlucose-6 - Pphosphate dehydrognase (G-6-PD) 250–5000 units/106

cells 250–5000 mcunits/cell

Determination Reference Value (Conventional units) (SI units)

Blood, Plasma or Serum:

Ammonia (NH3) - diffusion20–120 mcg/dl 12–70 mcmol/L

Ammonia Nitrogen 15–45 µg/dl 11–32 µmol/LAmylase 35–118 IU/L 0.58–1.97 mckat/L

Anion gap (Na+-[Cl - + HCO3-]) (P) 7–16 mEq/L 7–16 mmol/L

Antithrombin III (AT III) 80–120 U/dl 800–1200 U/LBicarbonate: Arterial

Venous21–28 mEq/L22–29 mEq/L

21–28 mmol/L22–29 mmol/L

Bilirubin: Conjugated (direct) Total 0.2 mg/dl(0.1–1 mg/dl)

4 mcmol/L(2–18 mcmol/L)

Calcitonin < 100 pg/ml < 100 ng/LCalcium: Total

Ionized8.6–10.3 mg/dl4.4–5.1 mg/dl

2.2–2.74 mmol/L1–1.3 mmol/L

Carbon dioxide content (plasma) 21–32 mmol/L 21–32 mmol/LCarcinoembryonic antigen < 3 ng/ml < 3 mcg/L

Chloride 95–110 mEq/L 95–110 mmol/LCoagulation screen:

Bleeding timeProthrombin time

Partial thromboplastin time (activated)Protein CProtein S

3–9.5 min10–13 sec

22–37 sec

180–570 sec10–13 sec

22–37 sec

Page 12: Normal Values

0.7–1.4 µ/ml0.7–1.4 µ/ml

700–1400 U/ml700–1400 U/ml

Copper, total 70–160 mcg/dl 11–25 mcmol/LCorticotropin

(ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone) - 0800 hr< 60 pg/ml < 13.2 pmol/L

Cortisol: 0800 hr 1800 hr 2000 hr

5–30 mcg/dl2–15 mcg/dl

50% of 0800 hr

138–810 nmol/L50–410 nmol/L

50% of 0800 hrCreatine kinase: Female

Male20–170 IU/L30–220 IU/L

0.33–2.83 mckat/L0.5–3.67 mckat/L

Creatinine kinase isoenzymes, MB fraction 0–12 IU/L 0–0.2 mckat/LCreatinine 0.5–1.7 mg/dl 44–150 mcmol/L

Fibrinogen (coagulation factor I) 150–360 mg/dl 1.5–3.6 g/LFollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH):


Male2–13 mlU/ml5–22 mlU/ml1–8 mlU/ml

2–13 IU/L5–22 IU/L1–8 IU/L

Glucose, fasting 65–115 mg/dl 3.6–6.3 mmol/LGlucose Tolerance Test (Oral)

Fasting60 min90 min

120 min

(mg/dl)Normal Diabetic70–105 > 140

120–170 200100–140 20070–120 140

(mmol/L)Normal Diabetic3.9–5.8 > 7.86.7–9.4 11.15.6–7.8 11.13.9–6.7 7.8

() -Glutamyltransferase (GGT):Male

Female9–50 units/L8–40 units/L

9–50 units/L8–40 units/L

Haptoglobin 44–303 mg/dl 0.44–3.03 g/L

Determination Reference ValueConventional units SI units

Hematologic tests:Fibrinogen

Hematocrit (Hct),femalemale

Hemoglobin A 1C

Hemoglobin (Hb),

200–400 mg/dl


2–4 g/L

0.36–0.446 fraction of 10.4–0.503 fraction of 1

Page 13: Normal Values


Leukocyte count (WBC)

Erythrocyte count (RBC):femalemale

Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)

Mean corpuscular hemoglobinconcentrate (MCHC)

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate(sedrate, ESR)

5.3%-7.5% of total Hgb

12.1–15.3 g/dl13.8–17.5 g/dl


3.5–5 x 106/mcl4.3–5.9 x 106/mcl

80–97.6 mcm3

27–33 pg/cell

33–36 g/dl

30 mm/hr


121–153 g/L138–175 g/L

3.8–9.8 x 109/L

3.5–5 x 1012/L4.3–5.9 x 1012/L

80–97.6 fl

1.66–2.09 fmol/cell

20.3–22 mmol/L

30 mm/hrErythrocyte enzymes:

Glucose-6 - Pphosphate dehydrognase


FerritinFolic acid: normal

Platelet count


250–5000 units/106 cells

10–383 ng/ml>3.1–12.4 ng/ml

150–450 x 103/mcl

0.5%-1.5% of

250–5000 mcunits/cell

23–862 pmol/L7–28.1 nmol/L

150–450 x 109/L

Page 14: Normal Values

Vitamin B12


223–1132 pg/ml


165–835 pmol/LIron: Female

Male30–160 mcg/dl45–160 mcg/dl

5.4–31.3 mcmol/L8.1–31.3 mcmol/L

Iron binding capacity 220–420 mcg/dl 39.4–75.2 mcmol/LIsocitrate dehydrogenase 1.2–7 units/L 1.2–7 units/L


Fraction 1

Fraction 2

Fraction 3

Fraction 4

Fraction 5

14%-26% of total

29%-39% of total

20%-26% of total

8%-16% of total

6%-16% of total

0.14–0.26 fraction of total

0.29–0.39 fraction of total

0.20–0.26 fraction of total

0.08–0.16 fraction of total

0.06–0.16 fraction of total

Lactate dehydrogenase 100–250 IU/L 1.67–4.17 mckat/LLactic acid (lactate) 6–19 mg/dl 0.7–2.1 mmol/L

Lead 50 mcg/dl 2.41 mcmol/LLipase 10–150 units/L 10–150 units/LLipids:

Total CholesterolDesirable




HDL (low)

< 200 mg/dl200–239 mg/dl

> 239 mg/dl< 130 mg/dl

130–159 mg/dl

< 5.2 mmol/L< 5.2–6.2 mmol/L

> 6.2 mmol/L

< 3.36 mmol/L3.36–4.11 mmol/L

Page 15: Normal Values



Very high

> 159 mg/dl< 35 mg/dl

< 200 mg/dl200–400 mg/dl

400–1000 mg/dl> 1000 mg/dl

> 4.11 mmol/L< 0.91 mmol/L

< 2.26 mmol/L2.26–4.52 mmol/L

4.52–11.3 mmol/L> 11.3 mmol/L

Magnesium 1.3–2.2 mEq/L 0.65–1.1 mmol/LOsmolality 280–300 mOsm/kg 280–300 mmol/kg

Oxygen saturation (arterial) 94%-100% 0.94 - fraction of 1PCO2, arterial 35–45 mm Hg 4.7–6 kPapH, arterial 7.35–7.45 7.35–7.45

Determination Reference ValueConventional units SI units

PO, arterial: Breathing room airOn 100% O

80–105 mm Hg> 500 mm Hg

10.6–14 kPa

Phosphatase (acid), total at 37°C 0.13–0.63 IU/L 2.2–10.5 IU/L or2.2–10.5 mckat/L

Phosphatase alkaline 20–130 IU/L 20–130 IU/L or0.33–2.17 mckat/L

Phosphorus, inorganic, (phosphate) 2.5–5 mg/dl 0.8–1.6 mmol/LPotassium 3.5–5 mEq/L 3.5–5 mmol/L


Follicular phaseLuteal phase


0.1–1.5 ng/ml0.1–1.5 ng/ml2.5–28 ng/ml< 0.5 ng/ml

0.32–4.8 nmol/L0.32–4.8 nmol/L

8–89 nmol/L< 1.6 nmol/L

Prolactin 1.4–24.2 ng/ml 1.4–24.2 mcg/LProstate specific antigen

Protein: TotalAlbuminGlobulin

0–4 ng/ml6–8 g/dl

3.6–5 g/dl2.3–3.5 g/dl

0–4 ng/ml60–80 g/L36–50 g/L23–35 g/L

Rheumatoid factor < 60 IU/ml < 60 kIU/LSodium 135–147 mEq/L 135–147 mmol/L

Testosterone:FemaleMale 6–86 ng/dl

270–1070 ng/dl0.21–3 nmol/L9.3–37 nmol/L

Thyroid Hormone Function Tests:

Page 16: Normal Values

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)Thyroxine-binding globulin capacity

Total triiodothyronine (T3)Total thyroxine by RIA (T4)

T3 resin uptake

0.35–6.2 mcU/ml10–26 mcg/dl75–220 ng/dl4–11 mcg/dl


0.35–6.2 mU/L100–260 mcg/L1.2–3.4 nmol/L51–142 nmol/L

0.25–0.38 fraction of 1Transaminase, AST (aspartate aminotransferase,

SGOT)11–47 IU/L 0.18–0.78 mckat/L

Transaminase, ALT (alanine aminotransferase, SGPT) 7–53 IU/L 0.12–0.88 mckat/LTransferrin 220–400 mg/dL 2.20–4.00 g/L

Urea nitrogen (BUN) 8–25 mg/dl 2.9–8.9 mmol/LUric acid 3–8 mg/dl 179–476 mcmol/L

Vitamin A (retinol) 15–60 mcg/dl 0.52–2.09 mcmol/LZinc 50–150 mcg/dl 7.7–23 mcmol/L

1 Age dependent2 Infants and adolescents up to 104 U/L3 Infants in the first year up to 6 mg/dl


Determination Reference ValueConventional units SI units

Calcium 50–250 mcg/day 1.25–6.25 mmol/dayCatecholamines:

EpinephrineNorepinephrine < 20 mcg/day

< 100 mcg/day< 109 nmol/day< 590 nmol/day

Catecholamines, 24-hr < 110 µg < 650 nmolCopper 15–60 mcg/day 0.24–0.95 mcmol/day




8–22 mg/kg8–30 mg/kg

0.6–1.5 g/day0.8–1.8 g/day

71–195 µmol/kg71–265 µmol/kg

5.3–13.3 mmol/day7.1–15.9 mmol/day

pH 4.5–8 4.5–8Phosphate 0.9–1.3 g/day 29–42 mmol/dayPotassium 25–100 mEq/day 25–100 mmol/day


TotalAt rest

1–14 mg/dL50–80 mg/day

10–140 mg/L50–80 mg/day

Protein, quantitative < 150 mg/day < 0.15 g/day

Page 17: Normal Values

Sodium 100–250 mEq/day 100–250 mmol/daySpecific gravity, random 1.002–1.030 1.002–1.030

Uric acid, 24-hr 250–750 mg 1.48–4.43 mmol1 Diet dependent.

Drug Levels*

Drug Determination Reference ValueConventional units SI units



1–8 mcg/ml1.7–13.7 mcmol/L

20–30 mcg/ml34–51 mcmol/L


0.5–2 mcg/ml6–10 mcg/ml

1–4.2 mcmol/L12.5–20.9 mcmol/L


5–10 mcg/ml20–25 mcg/ml



0.5–2 mcg/ml6–10 mcg/ml



< 5 mcg/ml5–20 mcg/ml



0.5–2 mcg/ml5–20 mcg/ml

1.1–4.3 mcmol/L12.8–21.8 mcmol/L

Drug Determination Reference ValueConventional units SI units


Amiodarone 0.5–2.5 mcg/ml 1.5–4 mcmol/LBretylium 0.5–1.5 mcg/ml ndDigitoxin 9–25 mcg/L 11.8–32.8 nmol/LDigoxin 0.8–2 ng/ml 0.9–2.5 nmol/L

Disopyramide 2–8 mcg/ml 6–18 mcmol/LFlecainide 0.2–1 mcg/ml ndLidocaine 1.5–6 mcg/ml 4.5–21.5 mcmol/L

Mexiletine 0.5–2 mcg/ml ndProcainamide 4–8 mcg/ml 17–34 mcmol/mlPropranolol 50–200 ng/ml 190–770 nmol/LQuinidine 2–6 mcg/ml 4.6–9.2 mcmol/LTocainide 4–10 mcg/ml ndVerapamil 0.08–0.3 mcg/ml nd

Anticonvulsants Carbamazepine 4–12 mcg/ml 17–51 mcmol/LPhenobarbital 10–40 mcg/ml 43–172 mcmol/L

Phenytoin 10–20 mcg/ml 40–80 mcmol/LPrimidone 4–12 mcg/ml 18–55 mcmol/L

Page 18: Normal Values

Valproic Acid 40–100 mcg/ml 280–700 mcmol/L


Amitriptyline 110–250 ng/ml 500–900 nmol/LAmoxapine 200–500 ng/ml ndBupropion 25–100 ng/ml nd

Clomipramine 80–100 ng/ml ndDesipramine 115–300 ng/ml nd

Doxepin 110–250 ng/ml ndImipramine 225–350 ng/ml ndMaprotiline 200–300 ng/ml nd

Nortriptyline 50–150 ng/ml ndProtriptyline 70–250 ng/ml ndTrazodone 800–1600 ng/ml nd


Chlorpromazine 50–300 ng/ml 150–950 nmol/LFluphenazine 0.13–2.8 ng/ml ndHaloperidol 5–20 ng/ml nd

Perphenazine 0.8–1.2 ng/ml ndThiothixene 2–57 ng/ml nd

Drug Determination Reference ValueConventional units SI units



300 ng/ml3.7 mcg/ml


Chloramphenicol 10–20 mcg/ml 31–62 mcmol/LCyclosporine 250–800 ng/ml

(whole blood, RIA)50–300 ng/ml (plasma, RIA)


Ethanol 0 mg/dl 0 mmol/LHydralazine 100 ng/ml nd

Lithium 0.6–1.2 mEq/L 0.6–1.2 mmol/LSalicylate 100–300 mg/L 724–2172 mcmol/L

Sulfonamide 5–15 mg/dl ndTerbutaline 0.5–4.1 ng/ml nd

Theophylline 10–20 mcg/ml 55–110 mcmol/LVancomycin

(trough) (peak)

5–15 ng/ml20–40 mcg/ml


* The values given are generally accepted as desirable for treatment without toxicity for most patients. However, exceptions are not uncommon.

1 nd = No data available.2 Parent drug plus N-desmethyl metabolite.

3 24–hour trough values.4 Toxic: 50–100 mg/dl (10.9–21.7 mmol/L).

The following table is adopted from the Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, National Institutes of Health.

Classification of Blood Pressure *

Page 19: Normal Values

Category Reference valueSystolic (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg)

Optimal < 120 and < 80Normal < 130 and < 85

High-normal 130–139 or 85–89Hypertension

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

140–159160–179 180


90–99100–109 110

* For adults age 18 and older who are not taking antihypertensive drugs and not acutely ill. When systolic and diastolic blood pressures fall into different categories, the higher category should be

selected to classify the individual's blood pressure status. In addition to classifying stages of hypertension on the basis of average blood pressure levels, clinicians should specify presence or

absence of target organ disease and additional risk factors.1 Optimal blood pressure with respect to cardiovascular risk is below 120/88 m Hg. However, unusually

low readings should be evaluated for clinical significance.2 Based on the average of two or more readings taken at each of two or more visits after an initial
