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Download Nordic standardization meeting Copenhagen 2014-05-20/21 National report – Norway Nordic standardization meeting Copenhagen 2014-05-20/21 National report

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  • Nordic standardization meeting Copenhagen 2014-05-20/21 National report Norway Nordic standardization meeting Copenhagen 2014-05-20/21 National report Norway [email protected]
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  • OutlineOutline Standardization (Standarder Geografisk Informasjon) Standardization (Standarder Geografisk Informasjon) Revised standards Revised standards New standards New standards National standardization (Standards Norway) National standardization (Standards Norway) Involvement in CEN/TC 287 Involvement in CEN/TC 287 Involvement in ISO/TC 211 Involvement in ISO/TC 211 Involvement in OGC Involvement in OGC Standardization strategy Standardization strategy Major projects in NMA Major projects in NMA
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  • Revised standards - SOSI Part 1 Introduction Part 1 General concepts ? Part 1 Common types Part 1 Geometry and topology Part 1 SOSOi product specifications requirements and approval Part 1 Rules for UML modelling Part 1 Realisation in SOSI syntaks Part 1 Realization in GML SOSI part 1 General concepts
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  • New/revised standards - SOSI Adm. and statistical areas Contanimation Outdoor life INON (Areas in Norway free of intervention) Landscape Aviation-restrictions SOSI part 2 Feature catalogue: Expected revisions Geology (several) Under revisions:New/Revised Adresses (4.5) Buildings (4.5) Regional planning (4.6/4.6.1) Graveyard Planning Svalbard (4.5) Land property, land parcels
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  • New/revised standards - Other Geodata standard Positioning services real time Under revisions:New/Revised
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  • SOSI model respository Managed by Norwegian Mapping Authority Now also hosting the European Location Framework model repository
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  • Norwegian Standards 45 Norwegian standards / revised standards all adopted from CEN/TC 287 and ISO/TC 211
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  • ISO/TC 211 Commitments ChairOlaf stensen SecretariatBjrnhild Stery WG4 ConvenorMorten Borrebk Project leaders: ISO 19103 - CSL Kent Jonsrud ISO 19109 RFA Steinar Hseggen ISO 19119 - ServicesArne Jrgen Berre ISO 19135 -1 Proc. for item registr.Morten Borrebk ISO 19147 Transfer nodesTrond Hovland Editors: ISO 19147 Transfer nodesTrond Foss Experts: ISO 19103 - CSLSteinar Hseggen (EC) ISO 19101 - Reference modelMorten Borrebk ISO 19109 - RFAKent Jonsrud/Erling Onstein
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  • ISO/TC 211 Commitments Experts (cont): ISO 19110Erling Onstein ISO 19160-1 AddressesKnut Jetlund ISO 19162 Well known text repr. of coordinate reference systemsOdd Arne Steinlein ISO 19147 Transfer nodesMarit Natvig Advisory group on strategyMorten Borrebk JAG (ISO/TC 211 and OGC)Morten Borrebk TMG Convenors HMMGConvenors/ project leaders PMGMorten Borrebk XML MGKent Jonsrud /Erling Onstein Ad hoc GIS/BIM Erling Onstein (Inger Hokstad fra ISO/TC 59/SC 13).
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  • CEN/TC 287 Head of delegationMorten Borrebk Delegation Expert contribution - nationalNone Expert contribution contracted by JRC:Dr. Arne J. Berre Last meeting : Frascati (Sept 2013).
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  • OGCOGC Statens kartverk Still full member of OGC: Contact person: Morten Borrebk Experts:Morten Borrebk Last meeting Frascati, Italy Sept 2013
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  • Strategy work for the SOSI standardization During revisions of national application schemas related to the INSPIRE I- III themes, seriously consider the INSPIRE data specifications. Consider the applicability of the use cases who were the basis for the specifications for Annex I III. Consider appropriate revisions in the SOSI standards and related product specifications.. In 2020 we should have seriously considered all optional (and voidable) feature types and attributes (including assocaitions) defined in Annex I-III, and included in our standards those elements who have considered to be important. Issues to be discussed : Komplexity Scenario 2020
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  • A reliable source Trends with special focus in the work with the strategy A globalized mapping business The modelled reality Sensors and satellites The fight of resources Security and crisis managment International labour Increased pressure on public sector
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  • A reliable source Trends and challenges More focussed tasks Draw the line for authorative data Do the right things vs. doing things right Production processes More efficient production Innovation/disruption New methods for aquisition and updating satellites Crowdsourcing Maintenance Strategy for maintenance of basic (primarely) geodata
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  • A reliable source 4 NMA projects in the picture National Geoportal Geosynchronization National Detailed Elevation model ELF New National database of Geotechnical Boreholes
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  • New national Geoportal - version 1 Launched May 9th. Launched May 9th. Content: Content: Web pages: Epi-server Articles from Norway Digital Metadata catalogue (GeoNetworks) Metadata editor (developed in project) Metadata validator (developed in project) Map client ( developed inhouse NMA) Autentification and access control (BAAT, Shibboleth linked together in GeoNetworks with some modifications) SOSI/Inspire feature catalogue
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  • Development in cooperation with Digital Norway Agile development
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  • The Geosynchronization project Led by the Mapping Authority Supported by Ministry of Environment Participants: GIS providers, Municipalities and NALRA (Norwegian Associaton of Local and Regional Authorities)
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  • Targets 1: Standardisation (June 2013) National standard for syncronization of geographic information between data systems developed Ver 1.0 2: Develop a common component (Nov 2013) Developed a common component for synchronization of databases with geographic information 3: Testing/Pilots (fall 2014) Test of synchronisation of geographic information based upon standard (1) and common component (2) in pilot projects
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  • National detailed Digital Elevation Model Preliminary project
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  • A reliable source increased readiness against climate change improved protection against flooding, landslides and avalanches adapting the land use to climate changes more efficient land use planning both on land and in the coastal zone better protection of agricultural areas and soil erosion safer air services better knowledge about forestry resources and carbon fixation good possibilities for new business Detailed elevation data can prevent loss of lives and values, and will give socioeconomic profit
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  • A reliable source Modelling of outflow distance dynamic models Requires detailed input Detailed topographic data (laserdata as a basis for making the DTM) Meteorological parameters Source:
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  • Method for data aquisition Project period 2015 -2019 Total area 350 000 km 2 New measurements lidar 2 pt/m 2, 260 000km 2 Image matching in mountainous areas, and use of existing lidar data of covering > 100 km 2 and produced after 2010 A test project in the coastal zone (0-5m) Higher point density (up to 5 pt/ m 2 ) - additional cost funded by interested parties Total costs (maintenance solution included) ~38 mill NOK 302 mill
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  • Geotechnical boreholes Eksempel generator Doku- mentasjon SOSI modell- register Shape Change Plug-in XML 19110+ OWL/ RDF Dokumenta- sjon SOSI Plug-in EA- tool GML skjema (ISO 19136) GisTools GML Skjema? SOSI.kontr. Parameter- filer ESRI UML modell mapping FME Excel- mappingfiler TKN Objkat. database Replikering WEB innsyn ESRI data base Auto matisk ISO tool XML (ISO 19139) Andre systemer Postgis Geoserver Kontroller Solid ground ? SOSI syntaks SOSI DOT Format OWL/ RDF xls STU/2013-11-19
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  • Thank you for your attention!