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  • 7/29/2019 NoPic Symposium 2013


    The Symposium


  • 7/29/2019 NoPic Symposium 2013


    MC Quiz for Understanding the Text Odyssey and Symposium

  • 7/29/2019 NoPic Symposium 2013



    Richard David Precht

  • 7/29/2019 NoPic Symposium 2013


    Core Question:

    How does Love open our eyes to anIdeal Way of Living?

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    From Mythos to Logos

    Platos Symposium Logos through Mythos

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    Ancient Greek philosophers

    Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

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    Born in Athens, father Sophroniskos, a scruptor and

    mother Phainarete, probably a midwife

    Married with Xanthippe and had three sons

    Took part in the Peloponnesian War as heavy-armed

    foot-soldier (hoplite)

    Held several public offices, refused to execute the order

    of the Thirty Tyrants to arrest a political opponent

    Main occupation: discussed virtues, knowledge and

    other things with people at the market (agora)

    Condemned to death in Athens, refused to go into exile

    and died in prison

    Socrates (469-399 B.C.E.)

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    According to the oracle

    of Delphi, Socrates wasthe wisest man.

    PlatoApology, 21a

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    I am wiser than this man; it is likely that neither of us

    knows anything worthwhile, but he thinks he knowssomething when he does not, whereas when I do not

    know, I do not think I know; so I am likely to be wiser than

    he to this small extent,that I do not think I know what I do

    not know.

    PlatoApology, 21d

    Why is Socrates the wisest man?

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    Know thyself (gnthi seauton) inscribed in theforecourt of the Temple of Apollon at Delphi

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    The Socratic method

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    The Elenchos (refutation)

    The interlocutor is asked to make clear his viewpoint

    He will discover that his viewpoint (or definition) istoo narrow or self-contradictory (aporia)

    Inconsistency of speakinginconsistency of thinking

    He is forced to re-examine the viewpoints he has takenfor granted

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    for the unexamined

    life is not worth livingfor men

    Plato, Apology38a

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    Through question and answer the interlocutor is invitedto rethink his viewpoint and is thus led to a deeper and

    clearer understanding of it. He is guided to grasp the

    correct viewpointwhich was latent in him.

    The method of Maieutics (midwifery) The positive side of the Platonic method

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    Plato (428/427-348/347 B.C.)

    Born in Athens, both his father Ariston and his motherPerictione came from prominent families

    Became Socrates follower at about 20

    Refused to join the regime of the Thirty Tyrants

    Refused to participate in the Athenian democracy after

    its re-establishment

    Traveled to Megara (Greece), Cyrene (Libya), Sicily(Italy) and maybe even to Egypt

    Founded the Academy in the northwestern outskirt of

    Athens at the age of 40 (387 B.C.)

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    Stephanos pagination

    Henricus Stephanus

    (Henri Estienne) Plato edition 1578

    Page 142





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    a symposium

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    symposion syn together

    posis drinking, drink

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    a symposium

    a drinking party, an enlightened conversation

    A fresco taken from the north wall of the Tomb of the Diver

    showing the image of a symposium

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    Anselm Feuerbach,

    Platos Symposium (1869)

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    Six speakers, six eulogies of Eros




    and an interloper

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    Pederasty in ancient Greece


    pais = kid, boy

    erasts = lover

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    Lover: older, maybe

    married, supposed to bethe intellectual and ethicalteacher of the beloved

    The beloved (the boy):younger, must avoid over-ready compliance

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    I can see nothing better in life for a

    young boy, as soon as he is old enough,than finding a good lover (erasts), norfor a lover finding a boyfriend(paidika).

    Plato, Symposium 178c


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    The Eros associated with CommonAprodite is, in all sense of the word,

    common For as start, he is aslikely to fall in love with women aswith boys. Secondly, he falls in lovewith their bodies rather than their

    minds. Thirdly, picks the mostunintelligent people he can find,since all hes interested in is thesexual act.

    Symposium, 181abPausanias

    How about the heavenly Eros?

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    But I cannot accept his implicationthat Eros is found only in humanhearts, and is aroused only byhuman beauty. I am a doctor byprofession that Eros is aroused by

    many other things as well, and thathe is found also in nature in thephysical life of all animals

    So great and widespread in fact, universal is the powerpossessed, in general by all Eros

    Symposium, 186a and 188d


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    Our original nature was not as it isnow, but quite different. For onething there are three sexes, ratherthan two Secondly, each human

    being formed a complete whole So he [Zeus] started cutting them into two Each ofus is a mere fragment of a man (like half a tally-stick);

    weve been splite in two Were all looking for ourother half

    Symposium, 189de and 191d


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    How about Socrates?

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    Then suddenly he will see a beauty of a breathtakingnature It is eternal, neither coming to be nor passing

    away, neither increasing nor decreasing. Moreover it is

    not beauty in part, and ugly in part, nor is it beautiful at

    one time, and not at another; nor beautiful in somerespects, but not in others; nor beautiful here and not ugly

    there, as if beautiful in some peoples eye, but not inothers. It will not appear to him as the beauty of face, or

    hands, or anything physical

    Plato, Symposium 210e-211a

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    The Ideas the Beauty itself,

    intelligible, changeless, eternal, objects of knowledge

    Worldly things numerous beautiful things,

    sensible, always in change, perishable

    PlatosTwo-World Theory

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    Immortality, beauty and the pursuit of wisdomSymposium, 206a-209e

    Human beings want to be everlasting and immortal

    They try to achieve immortality by means ofreproduction

    There are two forms of reproduction, physical andmental

    Mental reproduction is higher than physical one

    Reproduction, both physical and mental, needs somebeautiful medium

    The highest form of mental reproduction is the

    attainment of wisdom, i.e. the knowledge of ideas

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    Climbing up to the ideasPlatos ladder of love

    Symposium, 210a f.

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    Physical beauty of individuals

    Physical beauty ingeneral

    Beauty in mind/character

    Beauty in customs andinstitutions

    Beauty in knowledges/sciences

    Beauty itself = the idea of beauty

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    Eros ist

    Love of physical beauty

    Love of beauty in character

    Universal force of harmony

    Finding the other self of us

    Pursuing the eternal, absolute beauty itself

    and more

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    Socrates image

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    The person Socrates

    The speech of Alcibiades

    The opening scenes the conversation

    between Apollodorus and his friend and the

    account of Aristodemus (172a-175e)

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    I think hes very like one of those Silenus-figuressculptors have on their shelves You can open them up,

    and when you do you find little figures of the godsinside. I also think Socrates is like the satyr Marsyas You may not play the pipes, like Marsyas, butwhat youdo is much more amazing

    Symposium, 215bc

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    Drunken Silenus


    c. B.C.E.

    King Midas asked him:What is the best thing fora man?

    Silenos answered

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    Butwhat you do is much

    more amazing Plato, Symposium 215c


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    415 B.C.E. defects to Sparta,advising Spartans on how to defeat

    Athens in Peloponnesian WarAround 412 B.C.E. falling out offavour, defects to Persia

    407 B.C.E. temporarily returnsto Athens

    404 B.C.E. murdered

    Alcibiades Athenian orator, politican

    and general (450-404 B.C.E.)

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    He [Socrates] seduces them, like a lover seducinghis boyfriend, and then it turns out hes not their

    lover at all; in fact, theyre his lovers.Alcibiades in Symposium, 222b

    What kind of lover is Socrates?

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    What is meant byphilosopher, alover of wisdom?

    Wh t th t f l ( f t f ti

  • 7/29/2019 NoPic Symposium 2013


    1. What are the aspects of love (purpose, feature, function ornature of love) introduced in the speeches ofPhaedrusand Pausanias? Put any one of them in the perspective ofthe ladder of love.

    2. What are the aspects of love (purpose, feature, function ornature of love) introduced in the speeches ofEryximachusandAgathon? Put any one of them in the perspective ofthe ladder of love.

    3. Examine Diotimas speech, as told bySocrates (What isnature of Eros, why is reproduction important? What arethe levels of ladder and according to the text, how can aperson climb up to the top)? (201d-212c) (2 Groups)

    4. How do Socrates andAlcibiades describe each other. IsSocrates a good lover? Is Socrates a lover? What is therelationship between the image of Eros and that ofSocrates?