nonverbal communication

NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION KINESICS the study of body movements involved in communication

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Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal CommunicationKinesicsthe study of body movements involved in communication

HISTORYThe first known experts to consider aspects of body language were the ancient Greeks, notably Hippocrates and AristotleIn 1872 Charles Darwin could be regarded as the earliest expert to have made serious scientific observations about body languageIn 1950 Dr. Ray Birdwhistell established the modern concept of Kinesics Only as of 1971 has Kinesics become a field of academic study, with only a handful of experts available in the world today

Charles Darwin - The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals written in 1872Experts (25): Julius Fast, D Hartland, C Tosh, P Ekman, E R Sorenson, W V Friesen, Tinbergen, N Watchtel, P L Schlefen, A E Ortega, Y Gasset, J Carpenter, C R Cherry, C Dittman, Parloff Frank, Boomer Frank, L K Goffman, E Kinzell, A F Mehrabian, Wiener Nielsen, G Lorenz, K Mahl, Judi James, E Kuhnke, C Boyes2

WHAT IT MEANS TO OUR CUSTOMERSYou never get a second chance to make a first impressionThe first impressions dominates over other contexts in conversations and never entirely fades awayFirst impressions are made in the first 1 - 7 seconds of meeting someoneBe aware of your body language and what its saying


WHAT IT MEANS TO YOUNo body movement in itself has a precise meaning, but as part of a group they can shed light on the subconscious and inner thoughts of an individual.No single motion ever stands alone and is always part of a group. So by seeing the group and knowing the meanings one can reveal the underlying truth in almost any situation.

Nonverbal Communication7-38-55 rule is not true!BUT non-verbal clues are very important and do have a great affect in communication

Notes:7% is the words we say, 38% is the way we say it (tone), and 55% is body languageThe "7%-38%-55%" rule is based on two studies reported in the 1967 papers from Albert Mehrabian that were merged and misinterpreted.


ABILITY TO READ BODY LANGUAGEAllows you to ask smarter questionsDirect a conversations, influence responsesBe aware of sensitive topicsPredicting when you might risk breaking trustNotes:The US Government spends millions of dollars every year analyzing body language of dignitaries.



HEADWhen in a conversation and they nod three or more times in agreement to what is being said and they have interest, if they nod only once you are starting to loose their interest.

HEADYes/No the subtle movements of the head no when saying yes means noCharlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin

SMILEThe smile is in the eyes(squinting of the eye is genuine smile)A true smile is also momentary and not pasted on for extended moments of time

EYESA brief touch of the eyes during a conversation is a clue that the person has a negative perception of what is being said.A slowed eye blink shows a negative emotion or displeasure to what is being discussed (normal is 6-8 eye blinks per minute)The pulps will dilate when they hear something they like and restrict when its something they dont like.

EARSScratching the ears shows loss of interest in what you are saying.

NOSERubbing the nose could mean that their telling a lie or upset with you or what you are saying

MOUTHIf they run their tong over their teeth it is a sign of aggression or upsetTouching the mouth with hand or finger while talking indicates there is something they wish not sayPursed lips might be an indicator of disapproval or distrust

NECKTouching the front of the neck may indicate concern about what the person is saying. This may because they are lying or uncomfortable with what they are sayingScratching the neck is a signal of doubt or uncertainty

HANDSIf they are talking and gesturing with their palms up they are open to new ideas. If gesturing with palms down they have a strong opposition and may not be so flexible.Stashing the hands in the lap, pockets, or holding them behind their back are movements of deceit, the person may be telling you one thing, but youre probably not getting the whole story.

ArmsBe aware when their arms are crossed and loose, the receptiveness to what is being said goes down by 40%

Uncrossing your arms will also increase your memory retention by 38%

Notes:If the arm are crossed and loose and the head is tilted back a touch the recipient has lost interest in the pitch


BODYPeople lean forward when they hear something they like and away in conversations on things they dont like.

CHESTIf they puff up their chest they are animate about what they are saying or interested in what youre sayingIf they slouch or lower their shoulders youre loosing their interest in whats being said

SKINTheir skin will get flush when speaking if they are trying to mislead you

LEGSWhen standing and they shift their weight to one leg they are losing interest.

If siting and the legs are crossed at the knees the person is reserved, nervous, or defensive (look for other body positioning for clarity) If crossed at the knee and ankle then the listener is preparing to be argumentative or competitive

ANKELSWhen sitting if their ankles crossed they are hesitant.When sitting with their feet up under the chair they are not going to be very concessive.The person with their feet out in front of their chair is going to be a leader within the group

FEETWhen standing and their feet are pointing at you they are interested in what you are saying.When standing with one foot behind or off to the side with their toes pointing outward they are not really interested in what you are saying.

In many Asian and Arab cultures pointing the foot or feet at anyone is insulting/rude23

RANDOM MOVEMENTSIf movements are led by the right side of the body what is being said is true. If lead by the left side its false.Restrained hand gestures during a conversation depict someone starting to mislead you.

The Hand ShakeWhen going to shake hands, if fingers are apart they are uncomfortable in the situation, if hand is cupped they could be untrustworthy. The ideal handshake is strait hand and fingers closed (with eye contact).

in Japan do not offer a handshake, instead bow shallowly25

The Hand ShakeWhen shaking hands step forward with your left foot, this enables you to counter power handshakes with a supportive move


How To Achieve Positive ResultsIf you can get the customer to be in a power posture for two minutes their potential to purchase from you will go up 20%

Notes:True nonverbal communication is achieved when you hear with your ears, look with your eyes, and listen with your gut.