non use occasional use regular use abuse dependency · pdf file ·...

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Every user has the potential to be an abuser.

Non Use

Experimental Use

Occasional Use

Regular Use










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Substance abusers are 18 times more likely to be involved in criminal activity

Drug overdoses

Society Costs








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2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health - SAMHSA

"Results from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health""Results from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health"








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BAC levels < 0.08 - legal limit in Wisconsin

0.30– stupor, passed out, difficult to awaken

0.35– typical for coma

0.40– coma, possibly death due to respiratory arrest

BAC continues to rise even after passing out Alcohol in the stomach and intestines continues to

enter the blood stream

A fatal dose can be ingested before becoming unconscious








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Alcopops are sweetened alcoholic beverages that are bubbly and fruit flavored. They are made to taste like soda, lemonade, punch and have 4-8% alcohol by volume.

They are marketed to bring in new drinkers who don’t like the taste of beer and who haven’t matured to bourbon, vodka or other hard liquors.








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Alcohol marketers state they are aiming at the 21-30 year old crowd when marketing these drinks. However marketing research has shown that the 12-20 year old population drink twice the amount of alcopops that the 21-30 year old market does.

In 2005, estimates were that 17.3% of total sales/consumption of alcopops were consumed by underage drinkers.

Alcohol Energy drinks are marketed at the same population, promoting “energy” while getting one drunk. The main ingredients are alcohol and caffeine. However, they are marketed with purportedly “healthy” ingredients such as Ginseng.








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Vodka soaked gummy bears. Could make it more appealing for teenagers to

take their first taste of alcohol.

Hand Sanitizer (dope on a rope) Drink straight or distill it using salt to break up

the alcohol from the sanitizer

60% to 65% ethyl alcohol

▪ 120 proof (vodka = 80 proof)








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Powder could lead to adverse uses -Inhaling -Snorting-Food

Appealing flavors to children

Could increase underage drinking

Encourage over consumption

Further health risks under research








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Sold as a no-calorie, no carb, no hangover option to drinking

Alcohol bypasses the digestive system

Instant euphoria

Short lasting buzz








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Lack of regulation – lots of unknown

Not a tobacco product!

Covert use

Use of illegal substances








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Darth Vapor

Hospitalized 4 teens since March 2015 in Michigan.

Tests revealed that it contained synthetic cannabinoids.








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First six months has produced an approximate $20 million in tax revenue in Colorado

Black market sales outpace legal sales.

Youth use of marijuana in US – 7.6%, CO – 10.7%

OWI’s w/marijuana have increased 116%








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Wisconsin allows individuals with seizure disorders to possess non-psychoactive cannabidiol if they have their physician’s written approval. (2013)

In 2014, New York approved varying forms (except smoking) of marijuana for medical use








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A highly concentrated version of THC known as Butane Hash Oil, Dabs, or Wax is made using highly explosive butane.

A clear, golden-brown cannabis derivative, BHO has little smell, either in its solid form or when vaporized.

It sells on average for $50 a gram. BHO has a very high percent THC, and a drop or two can be as potent as a joint.

It is said to be so potent that it will keep a person high for more than a day.








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• A product marketed as herbal incense or potpourri, not intended for “human consumption,” that contains herbs/plant material sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids.

• When smoked can deliver a desired high similar to that of marijuana. Has been reported to cause a high that is 4 – 100 times stronger than THC. Also reported to last 12 hours in some cases.

• Also known as:K2, Spice, CaboWabo, Miami Crunk, Sexy Monkey, Tree Monkey, Green

Dragon, Purple Dragon, Purple Magic, and many others.








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It’s just a pill








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Strong Pain Relievers Used to relieve moderate-to-severe pain, these medications block pain signals to

the brain

To get high, increase feelings of well being by affecting the brain regions that mediate pleasure

Vicodin, OxyContin, Percocet, Lorcet, Lortab, Actiq, Darvon, codeine, morphine,methadone








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Fentanyl is a prescription narcotic used to relieve severe or chronic pain, commonly used for cancer patients or as a last-resort pain medication.

It’s available as a skin patch, lozenge, pill, shot, and a dissolvable film strip.

As a recreational street drug, fentanyl may be referred to as China White.








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Sedative/anesthetic agent for elephants,polar bears, and other large exotic animals.

Classified as a Schedule II controlledsubstance in the U.S., but is not approved forhuman use.

Very powerful

10,000 times more potent than morphine

5,000 times more potent than heroin

100 times more potent than fentanyl

It’s estimated that 2 milligrams of fentanylcan be fatal, therefore as little as 200micrograms of carfentanil might be lethal








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StimulantsPrimarily used to treat ADHD type symptoms, these speed up brain activity causing increased alertness, attention, and energy that comes with elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing

Feel alert, focused and full of energy—perhaps around final exams or to manage coursework, lose weight

Adderall, Dexedrine,Ritalin, Concerta








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Sedatives or tranquilizersUsed to slow down or “depress” the functions of the brain and central nervous system

Feel calm, reduce stress, sleep

Valium, Xanax, Ativan,Klonopin, Restoril, Ambien, Lunesta, Mebaral, Nembutal, Soma








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It is literally killing people!








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• Pure heroin: fine white powder

• Street heroin: grey, tan, brown

• Sometimes a black, tar-like consistency

• “Cut” with substances like sugar, caffeine, Benadryl

• Buyer is never sure of true contents or strength of each hit








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• Chicago and Rockford are the primary sources of Wisconsin’s heroin supply

• Cities in Wisconsin have also become “source” cities: Milwaukee, Madison, Fox River Valley

• Users pool their money, travel to a source city, purchase, use, return to their homes and then distribute to friends








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• First use: intense, euphoric “rush”

• Flushed skin, “heavy” arms and legs, dry mouth, slowed breathing/heart rate

• Nods in and out of consciousness aka “on the nod”

• Next fix to just feel normal, “keep the sick off”

• Vicious cycle of use








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Narcan quickly reverses the effects of heroin on the CNS (usually within 5 minutes)

Generally, these patients are not pleased to have their “high” wiped out by our Narcan

May cause withdrawal symptoms including seizures

If large doses of heroin were used, there could be a relapse when the Narcan wears off

Narcan may be shorter acting based on dose of heroin taken 37








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Easy to make.

Easy to obtain ingredients.

HUGE profit margin.$600 worth of chemicals produces$2,000 worth of Methamphetamine.








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Orally Ingested: “NO RUSH”Bitter taste. Effects last 15-20 minutes.

Inhaled /Snorted: “NO RUSH”Burns linings of nostrils. Effects last 3-5 minutes.

Smoked: (Highly addictive) “RUSH”Heat and inhale vapor. Effects immediate, last only a few minutes.

Injected: (Highly addictive) “RUSH”Dangers associated with shared needles. Effects same as smoking.








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Typical products used

Explosive environments








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UNUSUAL ODORS – Making meth produces powerful odors that may smell like ammonia or ether. These odors have been compared to the smell of cat urine or rotten eggs

COVERED WINDOWS – Meth makers often blacken or cover windows to prevent outsiders from seeing in

STRANGE VENTILATION – Meth makers often employ unusual ventilation practices to rid themselves of toxic fumes produced by the meth-making process. They may open windows on cold days or at other seemingly inappropriate times, and they may set up fans, furnace blowers, and other unusual ventilation systems.








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ELABORATE SECURITY – Meth makers often set up elaborate security measures, including, for example, "Keep Out" signs, guard dogs, video cameras, or baby monitors placed outside to warn of persons approaching the premises.

DEAD VEGETATION – Meth makers sometimes dump toxic substances in their yards, leaving burn pits, "dead spots" in the grass or vegetation, or other evidence of chemical dumping.








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EXCESSIVE OR UNUSUAL TRASH – Meth makers produce large quantities of unusual waste that may contain, for example: packaging from cold tablets lithium batteries that have been torn apart used coffee filters with colored stains or powdery residue empty containers – often with puncture holes – of

antifreeze, white gas, ether, starting fluids, Freon, lye, drain opener, paint thinner, acetone, alcohol, or other chemicals

plastic soda bottles with holes near the top, often with tubes coming out of the holes

plastic or rubber hoses, duct tape, rubber gloves, or respiratory masks.








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Short for molecule

Pure form of MDMA (Ecstasy)

Oftentimes it is mixed with other drugs such as TFMPP or BZP

BZP base is corrosive and causes burns, irritant to eyes and skin, respiratory system.

BZP acts as a stimulant in humans. Produces euphoria Increases in heart rate Elevates systolic blood pressure

Induces mild psychedelic effects similar to LSD and psilocybin (mushrooms)








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A product marketed as bath salts or plant food.

A central nervous stimulant used as a recreational drug. Contains manmade chemicals such as: MPDV;

Mephedrone; Methylone

High is similar to cocaine and ecstasy

Initial euphoria lasts 3-4 hours.

Psychosis, suicidal

Long term effects unknown








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Cough syrup w/codeine mixed with soda (Mt. Dew or Sprite) and hard candies added for flavor Sometimes OTC (Robotussin) is used

but there effects are more hallucinatory than euphoric.

Other times vodka and pain pilss are added to the mix

Highly addictive and can lead to overdoses

Increased heart rate, fever, liver damage








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Cough syrup/tablets available over the counter.

Common DXM effects can include Confusion Dizziness Double or blurred vision Slurred speech Impaired physical coordination Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting Rapid heartbeat

Can lead to liver failure, heart issues, can shut down central nervous system








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Brownie that contains herbal relaxation blends such as melatonin.

Some of the brownies contain 8mg of melatonin. ½ of the brownie contains more than the recommended daily limit.








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Caffeine powder is cheap, available through many online retailers -- including Amazon, e-Bay and other sites -- for under $20

A single teaspoon is the equivalent of 30 cups of coffee, and too much can give a person something much worse than the jitters.

If there's too much of it, the heart can get so stimulated that it gets confused over the timing of the next beat – which causes arrhythmia.

Various ways of use – mixed with drink or snorted

Often used to “keep the party going”!








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There are many different signs or symptoms that drug use will present in a person.

Different drugs will present different signs

Follow up on these changes!








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•“DENORMALIZE” THE BEHAVIOR While 1 in 5 teens are abusing drugs, 4 in

5 are not.

•DEBUNK COMMON MYTHS: Rx abuse is just as dangerous as abusing

other substances; marijuana is legal in other states; etc.

•PROVIDE CLEAR GUIDELINES If you’re a parent, let teens know you will be

disappointed if they use illegal substances and watch how you behave in

front of teens.

•GIVE TEENS ESCAPE ROUTES Teach them how to get out of bad

situations; and suggest responses they can use so they don’t feel “uncool.”

“No, thanks – not into it.", "Not today.”, “I’m not interested.”

Talking with teens








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Target audiences



Older adults

Health care













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CD/DVD toolkit

Presentations for target audiences

Radio/TV PSA’s










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Community Talks

School meetings

Lunch & Learn

Town Hall meetings

Community Events



Local TV

Cable Access

Social Media








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Social Media




Traditional Media











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Weekly tests

Random – Suspicionless

Eligible students

Promise Makers, co-curricular, parking passes

Substances tested will include: alcohol (EtG screen), amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines,

cocaine metabolites, marijuana metabolites, methadone, methaqualone, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), propoxphene, and ecstasy.

Drugs may be exempted if a legal and current prescription for use is confirmed by the Medical Review Officer within 48 hours.








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Follow up visits to overdose victims

Addicts who want to get clean can come to police department

Recovery Coach will work with them on getting help and navigating that process.








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Option for parents

Urine and Saliva based kits

Not just handed out

Have to go through someone to get a kit.

Now What? pamphlet








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It is certainly easier and cheaper to prevent than to address!

But becoming sober is also achievable!








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Jason Weber

Fox Crossing PD


[email protected]






