nomura- coal india -mining behemoth with pseudo-utility attributes

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  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Connecting Markets East & West

    See Appendix A-1 for analyst certification, importantdisclosures and the status of non-US analysts.

     Any authors named on this report are researchanalysts unless otherwise indicated.

    Global Markets Research

    Mining behemoth with pseudo-utility attributes

    May 2016

    Coal India

    Anirudh Gangahar – NFASL+91 22 4037 4516

    [email protected]

    Archit Singhal – NSFSPL

    +91 22 4037 [email protected]

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Accumulate on dips

    Note: [1] Pricing as of April 20, 2016; [2] Adjusted EBITDA = Reported EBITDA + OBR (Overburden Removal Provisioning); [3] Adjusted Net Profit = ReportedPAT + OBR less Extraordinary Items; [4] Ratings and price targets are as of the date of the most recently published report ( ratherthan the date of this document.

    COAL IN  – BuyCMP: INR279 | TP: INR310

    Constructive for the long haul on volume growth, but needs a price injection to sustain FCF

    World’s largest coal miner (production and reserves) with 7.2bn tons of proven coal reserves; collective

    impetus to boost coal output seems to be materializing  – FY16 offtake was up 8.8% y-y, trunk rail links to

    augment evacuation capacity to come on stream starting CY2016. Favorable geology + output ramp-up mostly via OC mines to keep cost of production manageable.

    However, upcoming wage revision this year (FY17) and envisaged ramp-up in capex necessitates a hikein notified coal prices to ensure healthy levels of FCF generation (yield at ~8%)

    Catalysts: Hike in notified coal price in 1HFY17, 6-8% y-y rise in offtake materializes

    Headroom to raise notified coal price of sub-5200GCV linkage coal (~40% below CIF price of comparablegrade imported coal) + reasonable financial merit and apolitical reasons (wage revisions) for GoI tosupport CIL’s cash flows. We expect a 3% y-y hike in notified coal prices in FY17F.

    We expect ~8% CAGR in offtake during FY16-20F (reasonably conservative relative to GOI’s target);

    issuance of bridge linkages, potential improvement in State Discoms’ financials & build-out of trunk raillinks provide visibility for offtake growth.

    The auction of coal linkages (for non-regulated sectors as of now), GOI’s directive to increase proportionof crushed & washed coal sales should augment earnings, ease grade-slippage concerns.

    Valuations: The stock offers a 6.5% dividend yield and ~8% FCFE yield

    TP (INR310) = sum of the DCF value of cash flows of proven reserves (INR127); value of probablereserves & resources (INR110), and FY16F cash on hand (INR73).

     At INR240-250, the stock price would reflect flat FSA realization during FY17-20F + 30% hike in wages.

    CIL trades at 6.3x FY18F adjusted EV/EBITDA (at a premium to its regional peers + below its 3-yraverage); 12mnth forward FCFE yield of ~8% seems reasonable

    Risks: Disinvestment overhang; inability to effect a price hike to offset wage revision impact

    [1] Lingering divestment overhang (divestment of up to a 10% stake on GoI’s agenda), [2] Inability to raise

    notified coal prices sufficiently + a drop in e-auction realizations. [3] Adverse policy decisions by GoI suchas curtailing e-auctions, [4] Delay in start-up of trunk rail links, [5] Demand for coal remains lackluster

    Key financials and valuation metrics

    Note: Adjusted Net Profit = Reported Net Profit + OBRemoval Adjustment -extraordinary items

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates


    (INR m n) FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Revenue 741,201 774,977 825,522 901,392

    Reported EBITDA 173,354 185,477 178,381 189,641

     Adjusted EBITDA 211,621 209,087 199,106 208,178

    Reported net pro fit 137,267 140,415 130,084 136,401

     Adjusted net prof it 177,155 163,667 150,809 154,937

     Adjusted EPS 22.0  22.2  20.6  21.6 

    EPS grow th (%) (7.2)  0.8  (7.1)  4.9 

    BPS 64.0  53.2  52.2  52.1 

     Adjusted P/E (x) 12.7x 12.6x 13.5x 12.9x

    Price/book (x) 4.4x 5.2x 5.3x 5.3x

    EV/EBITDA (x) 8.3x 6.7x 6.6x 6.4x

    ROE (%) 33.1  37.9  39.1  41.4 

    Dividend yield (%) 7.4  9.8  6.5  6.5 

    Net debt/equity (1.3)  (1.3)  (1.3)  (1.3) 

    (Rs mn) FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F


    Reported 173,354 185,477 178,381 189,641

     Adjusted 211,621 209,087 199,106 208,178

    Net Profit

    Reported 137,267 140,415 130,084 136,401

     Adjusted 177,156 163,666 150,809 154,937EPS (Rs)

    Reported 21.7  22.2  20.6  21.6 

     Adjusted 28.0  25.9  23.9  24.5 

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Stock price movement & valuations

    Source: Bloomberg, Nomura research

    Coal India – Key events and share price performance

    2014: The stock rallied in May 2014on prospects of the new infra-focused GoI’s removing bottlenecks

    in increasing domestic coal supply.However, orders to curtail e-auctionsales volume to 25-30mt (revokedlater) and disinvestment overhang(GoI divested 10% stake in Jan-2015) led to the correction thereafter.

    2015: The stock rallied to reach itspeak in August on the back of aconsistent 7-10% y-y output growth + growing belief that the volume-ledgrowth will be sustainable due to

    collective impetus by Centre/Stateand CIL to address bottlenecks &improve efficiencies. In August, therally fizzled out as GOI announcedits intent to divest a 10% stake (vs.widely expected 5% divestmentneeded to meet listing norms).

    2016: YTD, the stock has correctedsharply on the back – [1] weakeningnear-term coal demand leading to

    negligible y-y volume growth over thepast 3 months, [2] doubling of cleanenvironment cess to US$6/ton fromMarch 1 + sustained weakness inINA coal prices weighing on the needto take a substantial price hike, [3]lingering disinvestment overhang. 

    CIL – 1yr fwd EV/EBITDA (Adjusted)

    CIL trades at a 1-year fwd EV/EBITDA of 6.6x 

    Source: Bloomberg, Nomura estimates

    CIL – 1yr fwd P/E (Adjusted)

    CIL trades at a 1-year fwd P/E of 11.7x 

    Source: Bloomberg, Nomura estimates2






    Nov-10 Mar-11 Jul-11 Nov-11 Mar-12 Jul-12 Nov-12 Mar-13 Jul-13 Nov-13 Mar-14 Jul-14 Nov-14 Mar-15 Jul-15 Nov-15 Mar-16

    Selective hike in

    notified pricesby 11%

    40% gain

    on listing

    GOI approves

    10% divestment


    100% wage



    Notified prices

    normalized; wage

    revision finalised

    GCV based pricesnotified

    Board approves new

    FSAs with minimalpenalty structure

    Diesel prices

    hiked by Rs5/ltr

    Diesel price

    hiked by


    Board approvesinterim dividend

    of Rs9.7/sh

    CIL hikes coal

    prices by ~5%

    GOI hints at

    divesting 10%

    stake in CIL


    dented by



    ST & Loading

    charges hiked

    Hike in sizing

    charges & WCL'snotified col prices





    BJP-led govt.comes to power 

    MoP demands

    CIL stops selling

    coal via e-auction

    GOI divests 10%

    stake via OFS

    INR20.7 interim

    DPS declared

    GOI issues draft

    policy for auction

    of coal linkages

    GoI starts process

    of divesting 10%


    GoM approves

    'mining tax' at 26%

    of net profits

    Diversion of e-

    auction coal to


    CIL asked to

    cut e-auction


    INR27.4 interim

    DPS declared

    GoI approves

    linkage auctions to












    N  ov -1   0  

    M ar  -1  1  

     J   ul    -1  1  

    N  ov -1  1  

    M ar  -1  2  

     J   ul    -1  2  

    N  ov -1  2  

    M ar  -1   3  

     J   ul    -1   3  

    N  ov -1   3  

    M ar  -1  4  

     J   ul    -1  4  

    N  ov -1  4  

    M ar  -1   5  

     J   ul    -1   5  

    N  ov -1   5  

    M ar  -1   6  

    1yr Fwd EV EBITDA (Adj.) Mean

    -1SD +1SD







    N  ov -1   0  

    M ar  -1  1  

     J   ul    -1  1  

    N  ov -1  1  

    M ar  -1  2  

     J   ul    -1  2  

    N  ov -1  2  

    M ar  -1   3  

     J   ul    -1   3  

    N  ov -1   3  

    M ar  -1  4  

     J   ul    -1  4  

    N  ov -1  4  

    M ar  -1   5  

     J   ul    -1   5  

    N  ov -1   5  

    M ar  -1   6  

    1yr Fwd PE (Adj.) Mean

    -1SD +1SD

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Global valuation comparables


    Note: [1] Pricing as of April 20, 2016; Jan 5, 2016 for US-listed companies; [2] CIL numbers are adjusted for provisioning of OB removal, [3]R1=Resources andR2=Reserves, [4] ‘NR’ = Not Rated; [5] US coal companies have Dec-ending fiscal year, hence for these companies, CY15=FY16

    Source: Bloomberg for data on not rated stocks; companies; Nomura estimates

     At CMP, the stock trades at a 1-yrforward EV/EBITDA of 6.6x and P/Eof 11.7x on our FY17F/FY18F

    adjusted EBITDA/EPS forecast: themultiples are ~8%/16% below theirrespective three-year averages butabove historical trough levels.

    However, on our below-consensusearnings forecast, the stock offers areasonable FCFE yield of 8%/7%for FY17F/FY18F.

    Relative to the average valuationmultiples of GOI-owned power

    utilities in India, CIL trades at a 10%premium to normalized FY17F P/Eand a discount of 22% tonormalized FY17F EV/EBITDA;although normalized RoE remainssignificantly higher.

    Relative to most of its Indonesianpeers, CIL trades at a premium onboth FY17F P/E and EV/EBITDA,however, on a resources-based

    valuation (at US$1.0 EV/ton ofreserves and US$0.3 EV/ton ofresources), CIL is in line with itsIndonesian peers.

    M. Cap Pr ice

    (US$m) (Local) FY16F FY17F FY18F FY16F FY17F FY18F FY16F FY17F FY18F FY16F FY17F FY18F


    Coal India - Adj. COAL IN Buy 26,578 278.7  10.8  11.7  11.4  6.3  6.6  6.4  24.5  23.1  23.1  9.8  6.5  6.5 

    Coal India - Rep. COAL IN Buy 26,578 278.7  12.5  13.5  12.9  7.1  7.4  7.0  37.9  39.1  41.4  9.8  6.5  6.5 India Power Utilities

    NTPC NTPC IN Buy 17,594 141.3  13.1  12.1  10.5  11.1 9.9  8.2  10.7  10.9  11.8  2.8  3.4  3.9 

    PWGR PWGR IN Buy 11,692 148.0  12.5  10.2  8.7  9.2  7.6  6.6  15.3  16.5  17.1  1.7  3.0  3.7 

    NHPC NHPC IN NR 3,929  23.5  10.1  9.6  8.5  8.1  7.8  7.0  8.2  8.1  8.9  4.6  4.3  4.8 

    Average 11.9  10.6  9.3  9.5  8.5  7.3  11.4  11.8  12.6  3.0  3.6  4.1 


    Shenhua Energy-H 1088 HK NR 43,729 13.4  12.6  12.3  11.4  5.1  6.2  5.9  5.5  6.1  6.3  2.9  3.0  3.3 

    Yanzhou-H 1171 HK NR 6,021  4.5  NM NM NM 13.7 18.7 13.9 1.3  (1.6)  (1.0)  0.3  0.1  0.4 

    Average 12.6  12.3  11.4  9.4  12.4 9.9  3.4  2.2  2.6  1.6  1.6  1.9 


    ITMG ITMG IJ NR 636  7,400  9.4  10.2  13.7  1.2  2.7  3.4  7.3  7.9  6.6  n/a 8.9  7.6 

    Bukit Asam PTBA IJ NR 1,332  7,600  8.1  10.8  10.2  5.9  8.0  7.2  23.2  16.0  15.9  3.8  4.6  4.4 

     Adaro ADRO IJ NR 1,752  720  11.5  13.7  13.7  4.6  6.1  6.1  5.4  4.1  3.7  n/a 1.8  1.8 

    Average 9.6  11.6  12.5  3.9  5.6  5.5  12.0  9.3  8.7  3.8  5.1  4.6 


    Whitehaven Coal WHC AU NR 1,011  0.8  NM NM 55.0  na 8.4  7.5  (8.2)  0.4  0.9  -  -  - 

    New Hope Corp NHC AU NR 1,542  1.5  NM 41.4  28.4  na 2.3  1.4  0.2  1.5  3.1  4.5  3.4  3.9 

    Average NM 41.4  41.7  na 5.3  4.5  (4.0)  1.0  2.0  2.2  1.7  2.0 

    Company Ticker Rating

    Div yield (%)EV/EBITDAP/E ROE (%)

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Target price build-up

    Coal India – Target price build-up

    Note: [1] For calculating the value of resources, we assign a value of 0.3 times probable reserves (considering 80% conversion ratio); [2] We assume WACC of12.0% for CIL | Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    We peg our 12-month TP (INR310)as the sum-of-the-parts based fairvalue of the stock

    SOTP = DCF value of cash flows ofproven reserves (INR127/sh) + valueof probable reserves (INR45/sh) &resources (INR65/sh) + FY15F cashon hand (INR73/sh)

    Earnings are most sensitive toblended realization and offtake.

    1% change in blended realization/offtake results in a ~3% change in

    EPS and 3.5-4.0% change in TP.

    1% change in e-auction volumes (asa % of total raw coal sold) results in~1% change in EPS and TP for CIL.

    1% change in realization of e-auctioncoal results in 0.4-0.5% change inEPS and TP

    On employee cost, 1% higher wage

    hike for employees results inEPS/TP being lower by 0.7%


    CIL – Earnings and TP sensitivity to Offtake/ASP CIL – Earnings and TP sensitivity to e-auctions

    Source: Nomura estimatesSource: Nomura estimates

    CF from proven/probable reserves FY17F FY18F FY19F FY20F FY21F FY22F FY26F FY35F

    (INR m) Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-26 Mar-35

    EBITDA (Adj for provisions/Write-offs) 211,062  221,717  250,076  279,983  313,018  338,655  356,636  140,312 

    % grow th -4.8% 5.0% 12.8% 12.0% 11.8% 8.2% -2.4% -13.4%

    Less: Adjusted taxes (65,623)  (68,106)  (74,716)  (81,417)  (90,892)  (98,018)  (99,294)  (20,225) 

    NOPLAT 145,438  153,611  175,359  198,566  222,126  240,637  257,342  120,087 

    % grow th -4.8% 5.6% 14.2% 13.2% 11.9% 8.3% -1.8% -10.2%

    Change in WC 19,105  947  (439)  (4,199)  (2,617)  49,766  (2,090)  16,386 

    Capex (INR mn) (60,500)  (66,500)  (64,000)  (64,000)  (60,000)  (60,000)  (60,000)  (60,000) 

    FCF - Explicit period 104,043  88,058  110,920  130,367  159,509  230,402  195,252  76,472 

    Discount factor (WACC) 1.00  0.89  0.80  0.71  0.64  0.57  0.36  0.13 

    PV of FCFFs 104,043  78,623  88,425  92,764  101,339  130,696  70,366  9,935 

    Cumulative PV (FY17-35) 1,089,152

    per-share Key assumptions

    Net Cash (FY17F) 459,039  73 Risk free rate 7.5%

    Value of proven & probable reserves 1,089,152 172 Market risk premium 5.0%

    Value of resources 408,712  65 Beta 0.90 

    Target Price 1,497,863 310 WACC 12.0%

    Se ns itivity to k ey me tr ics FY17F FY18F


    Base case 23.9  24.5  310 

    5-6mt higher 24.7  25.5  324 

    5-6mt low er 23.5  24.1  303 

    Sensitivity to 1% variation 2.6% 2.9% 3.4%

    Sensitivity to 1mt variation 0.5% 0.6% 0.7%

    Blende d ASP

    Base case 23.9  24.5  310 

    +1% change 24.6  25.3  322 

    -1% change 23.2  23.8  298 

    Sensitivity to 1% variation (%) 2.9% 3.1% 3.9%

    Fair Value


    Adj. EPS (INR/sh)

    Sens itivity to key metr ics FY17F FY18F

    E-auction coal (% of raw coal sold)

    Base case 23.9  24.5  310 

    +1% change 24.1  24.8  313 -1% change 23.6  24.3  307 

    Sensitivity to 1% variation (%) 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%

    Realization of e-auction coal

    Base case 23.9  24.5  310 

    +5% change 24.5  25.1  316 

    -5% change 23.3  23.9  304 

    Sensitivity to 1% variation 0.5% 0.5% 0.4%

    Fair Value


    Adj. EPS (INR/sh)

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Key assumptions / metrics

    Note: [1] Cash cost of production = Total opex less provision/write-offs and OB removal adjustment , [2] Cost metrics calculated on production whereas realization/EBITDA/PAT is calculated on offtake, [3] INR/USD taken as 66.5 from FY17F onwards

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    FY16 production/offtake was536.5mt/532.3mt (+8.6%/+8.8% y-y).

    Based on demand/supply dynamicsfor domestic coal in the near term,we build in lower 4.5% y-y growth inproduction 6% y-y growth in offtakefor FY17F.

    We expect production to grow from537mt in FY16 to 710mt in FY20Fand offtake to grow from 532mt inFY16 to 711mt in FY20F, implying aCAGR of 7.4%/7.6% over this period.

    We expect a 1% CAGR in blendedrealization over this period, drivenlargely by our assumed price hike in1HFY17.



    FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F FY15-18F


    Production mt 494.2  536.5  560.7  602.7  6.9% 8.6% 4.5% 7.5% 6.8%

    Offtake mt 489.4  532.3  564.1  609.2  3.8% 8.8% 6.0% 8.0% 7.6%

    Inventory mt 54.2  58.4  55.0  48.4  9.9% 7.8% -6.0% -11.9% -3.7%


    Blended Realization INR/ton 1,470  1,413  1,421  1,437  0.7% -3.9% 0.6% 1.1% -0.7%

    Cash cost INR/ton 1,051  1,031  1,096  1,128  0.4% -1.9% 6.3% 2.9% 2.4%

    Cost of production

    Reported  INR/ton 1,149  1,099  1,154  1,181  0.5% -4.4% 5.1% 2.3% 0.9%

     Adjusted  INR/ton 1,072  1,055  1,117  1,150  0.0% -1.6% 5.9% 2.9% 2.4%


    Reported  INR/ton 354  349  316  312  4.4% -1.4% -9.3% -1.6% -4.2%

     Adjusted  INR/ton 432  393  353  342  -3.0% -9.0% -10.2% -3.2% -7.5%

    Net Profit

    Reported  INR/ton 280  264  231  224  -12.5% -5.9% -12.6% -2.9% -7.2% Adjusted  INR/ton 358  308  268  255  -8.6% -14.0% -13.1% -4.8% -10.7%


    Realization USD/ton 23.5  21.3  21.4  21.6  -3.5% -9.3% 0.2% 1.1% -2.8%

    Cash cost USD/ton 16.8  15.6  16.5  17.0  -3.8% -7.5% 5.9% 2.9% 0.3%

    Cost of production

    Reported USD/ton 18.4  16.6  17.4  17.8  -3.7% -9.8% 4.7% 2.3% -1.1%

     Adjusted  USD/ton 17.1  15.9  16.8  17.3  -4.2% -7.1% 5.5% 2.9% 0.3%


    Reported  USD/ton 5.7  5.3  4.8  4.7  0.1% -7.0% -9.6% -1.6% -6.1%

     Adjusted  USD/ton 6.9  5.9  5.3  5.1  -7.0% -14.1% -10.5% -3.2% -9.4%

    Net Profit

    Reported  USD/ton 4.5  4.0  3.5  3.4  -16.1% -11.3% -12.9% -2.9% -9.1% Adjusted  USD/ton 5.7  4.6  4.0  3.8  -12.4% -18.9% -13.4% -4.8% -12.6%

    UnitKey metrics YoY growth

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Production roadmap up to FY20

    CIL’s five year roadmap – Envisagedproduction in FY20 = 908mt; balance92mt to come from new projects to beidentified over the next 2-3 years. Output

    growth is back-ended (17% y-y growthpegged in FY19F/FY20F). MCL andSECL to contribute ~60% of productionincrease between FY15-20.

    Pre-requisites  – Enhanced and timelyavailability of rail links and evacuationcapacity (rakes), facilitation of landacquisition/possession (incl. R&R),streamlining process to secure FC.

    Mgmt. commentary on the roadmap – [1] Identified subsidiary-wise projectswhere evacuation is a problem and hasset continuously monitored timelines forresolving the issues, [2] Senior ex-Railway officials taken on board to createsynergies with the Railways in de-bottlenecking and boosting evacuationinfrastructure, [3] In order to achieve10% annual production growth, CILwould need annual incremental landpossession of ~2000 hectares.

    What do we build into our forecast –

    We assume coal production to grow from536.5mt in FY16 to 710mt in FY20F(7.4% CAGR) vs. the 14.1% CAGRimplied as per the five-year roadmap


    CIL – production targets vs. Nomura estimates

    CIL targets imply FY16-20F CAGR of 14.1% 

    CIL – Subsidiary wise production targets

    Subsidiaries target a double-digit CAGR for FY16-20 

    Note: [1] Figures for North Eastern Coalfields (NEC) are not included, [2]*Adjusted for Actuals, [3] As per Ministry of Coal year-end review (Dec-2015), WCL has revised its target from 60mt to 100mt by 2020 (year-wisetargets not available)

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates, Sigma Insights

    * Adjusted for Actuals | Source: Nomura estimates, Sigma Insights

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    CIL – Deviation of offtake vs. CIL’s own target 

    FY16 offtake is 3.2% below CIL’s target 


















    FY16* FY17F FY18F FY19F FY20F

    CIL Target

    Nomura Estimate

    CIL Target (YoY)

    Nomura Estimate (YoY)


    mt FY16* FY16E FY17E FY18E FY19E FY20E

    BCCL 36  36  37  41  46  53 

    CCL 61  61  67  80  102  134 

    ECL 40  42  47  52  57  62 

    MCL 138  150  167  187  222  250 

    NCL 80  78  82  90  99  110 

    SECL 136  137  150  161  193  240 

    WCL 45  45  48  50  55  60 

    Total 536  549  597  661  774  908 



















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    D  e c '    1  4  

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    n'    1   5  

    A  u

      g'    1   5  

     O c  t   '    1   5  

    D  e c '    1   5  

    F  e

     b  '    1   6  

    Deviation from Target (LHS)

    Deviation as a % of Target (RHS)


  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Subsidiary wise production/offtake

    CIL – Monthly trend in production/offtake in FY16 Relative to CIL’s MoU-based FY16

    production / offtake targets of 550mteach, actual production / offtakestood at 536.5mt / 532.3mt, implyinga shortfall of 2.5% / 3.2%. Theabsolute shortfall was 13.5mt /17.7mt.

    Majority of the shortfall was seen atMCL wherein production/offtake was12mt/10mt (8.1%/6.5%) lower ECL/WCL also contributed tothe shortfall in offtake (8.5%/6.2%lower vs. their respective targets)

    Rake availability and loading pickedup significantly in FY16.

    Our FY17F, production/offtake is561mt/564mt (+4.5%/+6.0% y-y), vsa target of 598mt set by the GoI.

    It’s been a disappointing start toFY17 as coal production/offtake in April declined 3.4%/2.5% y-y – thefirst y-y drop in monthly volume since

    January 2015

    Note: Minor discrepancy between the total FY production / offtake vs. sum of individual months is potentially due to a restatement of provisional historicalnumbers by CIL | Source: Company data, Nomura research


    CIL – Rakes availability (since 2012)

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    2012 185.0  193.0  195.0  182.0  180.0  176.0  175.0  155.8  154.0  183.0  186.0  199.0 

    2013 210.0  209.0  220.0  201.0  184.0  187.0  189.0  176.8  182.0  169.0  190.0  200.0 

    y/y growth 13.5% 8.3% 12.8% 10.4% 2.2% 6.3% 8.0% 13.5% 18.2% -7.7% 2.2% 0.5%

    2014 210.0  208.3  205.9  197.7  186.6  178.9  175.5  179.6  180.1  192.0  207.4  207.0 

    y/y growth 0.0% -0.3% -6.4% -1.6% 1.4% -4.3% -7.1% 1.6% -1.0% 13.6% 9.2% 3.5%

    2015 204.5  211.9  217.3  215.0  207.0  198.2  197.0  194.0  198.0  211.0  224.0  224.0 

    y/y growth -2.6% 1.7% 5.5% 8.8% 10.9% 10.8% 12.3% 8.0% 9.9% 9.9% 8.0% 8.2%

    Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Actual YoY Target Var 

    Coal production (mt)

    ECL 5.0  3.3  3.1  2.7  2.0  1.8  2.1  2.9  3.9  4.3  4.6  4.5  5.1  40.2  0.5% 42.1  -4.6%

    BCCL 3.7  3.0  3.0  2.9  2.6  2.7  2.7  2.8  2.9  3.1  3.2  3.3  3.9  35.9  3.9% 35.9  0.0%

    CCL 7.5  4.8  3.9  4.0  3.6  4.3  4.3  4.9  5.9  5.9  5.7  6.2  8.0  61.4  10.3% 60.6  1.2%

    NCL 9.7  5.9  6.3  6.1  5.5  5.7  5.7  6.9  6.8  7.6  8.0  7.3  8.4  80.2  10.7% 78.1  2.7%

    WCL 4.7  3.4  4.0  2.9  3.0  2.5  2.6  3.6  3.9  4.5  4.5  4.8  5.3  44.8  8.9% 45.1  -0.6%

    SECL 14.1  10.4  10.4  10.3  9.1  9.1  10.0  12.0  12.1  12.9  13.1  12.1  14.3  135.7  5.7% 137.0  -1.0%

    MCL 12.4  10.7  10.3  10.0  9.0  10.1  9.8  11.4  12.1  13.9  13.7  12.8  14.1  137.9  13.6% 150.0  -8.1%

    NEC 0.2  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.5  -37.8% 1.2  -59.8%

    Total 57.3  41.5  41.0  38.8  34.8  36.2  37.2  44.4  47.5  52.1  52.9  51.0  59.2  536.5  8.6% 550.0  -2.5%

    Coal offtake (mt)

    ECL 4.1  3.7  3.7  3.2  2.6  2.1  2.3  2.8  3.2  3.6  3.9  3.7  4.1  38.6  0.3% 42.1  -8.5%

    BCCL 3.2  3.2  3.1  2.9  2.8  2.9  2.9  2.9  2.9  3.0  3.1  3.1  3.3  36.1  7.4% 35.9  0.8%

    CCL 5.8  5.0  5.0  4.8  4.7  4.9  4.7  4.8  5.2  5.2  4.9  5.0  5.4  59.6  7.7% 60.6  -1.7%

    NCL 7.7  6.2  6.3  6.2  5.7  5.8  6.1  6.8  6.7  7.3  7.4  6.6  7.3  78.5  6.5% 78.1  0.5%

    WCL 3.8  3.7  3.6  3.5  3.8  3.1  2.9  3.5  3.6  3.9  3.7  3.4  3.7  42.3  2.6% 45.1  -6.2%

    SECL 11.3  11.1  10.9  11.0  10.7  10.1  11.0  11.9  11.9  12.4  12.1  11.3  12.3  136.6  10.9% 137.0  -0.3%

    MCL 11.5  10.7  11.1  10.7  10.6  11.6  10.6  11.7  11.9  12.8  13.2  12.5  13.0  140.2  14.0% 150.0  -6.5%

    NEC 0.1  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.3  -53.4% 1.2  -72.1%

    Total 47.5  43.6  43.7  42.2  40.9  40.6  40.4  44.4  45.3  48.2  48.3  45.5  49.1  532.3  8.8% 550.0  -3.2%

    FY16FY15 FY16

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Linkage auction

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    In June-2015, MoC issued an Approach Paper on auction of coallinkages for non-regulated sectors,linkage auctions were approved byGoI in Feb-2016. The approachpaper indicated tenure of linkages tobe 5 years.

    Key points – [1] CIL has flexibility topeg reserve price based ondemand/supply. [2] No prematuretermination of existing FSA, but FSAmaturing in FY16 would not berenewed. [3] Quantity = FSAsterminating in FY16 + 25% of

    incremental production of CIL/SCCL.

    24mt to be auctioned in FY17;assuming CIL’s share is ~20mt (i.e.

    3-4% of its total offtake). Even ifthere is a 10% variation (uptick) inrealization for this 20mt, our FY17FCIL’s earnings would rise by 1-2%.

    CIL sells ~60mt coal to non-regulated sectors. We estimate avg.

    price of coal sold under FSAs to thiscategory at ~INR1700/ton (~35%above RoM price to power sector).

    What next on the dispatch front?

    Linkage auction for power sector,supply of coal under ‘bridge linkages’

    and ramping up supply of washedcoal

    CIL – sector-wise coal dispatchesLinkage coal to non-regulated sectors at 60mt in FY15

    CIL – Price realization by coal category

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    CIL- Revenue realization by coal category

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    (mt) FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15

    E-auction 47.7  50.9  49.1  58.0  46.9 

    Linkage - Pow er 304.2 312.1 345.4 353.8 384.2

    Linkage - Non-Power 72.5  70.0  71.6  59.6  58.3 

    Steel 9.3  4.1  4.7  3.7  3.8 

    Cement 10.0  6.7  6.5  5.5  5.6 

    Fertilizer 2.7  2.8  2.5  2.3  2.3 

    Others 50.6  56.4  57.9  48.2  46.7 

    Total 424.5 433.0 466.2 471.5 489.4


    (Rs mn) FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    E-auc tion coal 114,920 116,167 109,323 110,244

    Beneficiated coal 28,100  31,647  31,481  55,261 

    By products 11,670  13,134  11,964  12,605 FSA coal 565,456 590,564 648,193 696,758

    Total revenues 720,146 751,512 800,961 874,868

    % breakdown of revenues

    E-auction coal 16.0  15.5  13.6  12.6 

    Beneficiated coal 3.9  4.2  3.9  6.3 

    FSA coal 78.5  78.6  80.9  79.6 

    By products 1.6  1.7  1.5  1.4 

    Total 100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0 

    (INR/ton) FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    E-auction coal 2,450  1,903  1,744  1,717 

    Beneficiated coal 2,348  2,302  2,298  2,876 

    FSA coal 1,327  1,320  1,356  1,353 Blended ASP 1,470  1,413  1,421  1,437 

    yoy (%)

    E-auction coal 12.3  (22.3)  (8.3)  (1.5) 

    Benef ic iated coal (0.1)  (2.0)  (0.1)  25.1 

    FSA coal 1.1  (0.5)  2.7  (0.2) 

    Blended ASP 0.7  (3.9)  0.6  1.1 

    CIL- Revenue realization by coal category















    FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    INA - Comparable Coal (US$/ton) - CIF

    CIL - Gross Blended ASP (US$/ton)

    CIL - Gross FSA Realization (US$/ton)

    Disc. of Blended ASP to INA

    Disc. of FSA ASP to INA


    Note: Calculations based on CIF prices of ex-Indonesia comparable GCVcoal at port vs. ex-mine cost of CIL coal (after adding royalties/exciseduties/levies to net realization of CIL | Source: Company data, Nomuraestimates

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Notified pricing and grading structure

    CIL – Summary of revision in coal grading and pricing mechanism

    Notes: (1) Priority Sectors = power utilities (incl. IPPs), fertilizers and defence; (2) For WCL, there shall be a 10% add on overand above the price mentioned above for GCV bands not exceeding 5800 Kcal/Kg; (*) For GCV exceeding 7000 Kcal/Kg, theprice shall increase by INR150/ton over and above the price applicable for GCV band exceeding 6700Kcal/kg but less than7000 Kcal/kg, for every 100 Kcal/Kg increase in GCV. (3) An additional Rs300/ton shall be charged over and above the notifiedprice in respect of coal produced from Rajmahal mine of Eastern Coalfields Ltd

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    Linkage coal price revision – WhileCIL hiked coal prices thrice in FY14,there was no hike in FY15 & FY16.During FY14, CIL’s revision of

    notified prices (May 28, 2013)effectively raised price for 3400-4600GCV coal by 10%. CIL’s Dec-2013 revision of non-coking coalprices for WCL and sizing chargestogether implies an effective pricehike of ~1.5%. Pricing premium fornon-core sectors at ~35%.

    For FY14/FY15, e-auction realizationwas at a 69%/87% premium to CIL’s

    average realization for notified coalprices (excluding YE incentives).This realization premium has shrunkto 51% during 9MFY16.

    For IPPs, at INR/USD=66.5, the CIFprice of 4,200GCV coal (ex-INA) is~INR2,900/ton, whereas ex-minecost of coal from Coal India is~INR1900/ton, implying ~35%discount.

    Supply to be considered for ACQ,incentive/compensation to beadjusted for sub-3100GCV coal.


    Grade GCV Priority Other Priority Other Priority Other  

    I >7000II 6,700-7,000 4,870  4,870  4,870  4,870  0.0% 0.0%

    III 6,400-6,700 4,420  4,420  3,890  3,890  -12.0% -12.0%

    IV 6,100-6,400 3,970  3,970  3,490  3,490  -12.1% -12.1%

    V 5,800-6,100 2,800  2,800  2,800  2,800  0.0% 0.0%

    VI 5,500-5,800 1,450  1,960  1,600  2,150  10.3% 9.7%

    VII 5,200-5,500 1,270  1,720  1,400  1,890  10.2% 9.9%

    VIII 4,900-5,200 1,140  1,540  1,250  1,690  9.6% 9.7%

    IX 4,600-4,900 880  1,180  970  1,310  10.2% 11.0%

    X 4,300-4,600 780  1,050  860  1,160  10.3% 10.5%

    XI 4,000-4,300 640  870  700  950  9.4% 9.2%

    XII 3,700-4,000 600  810  660  890  10.0% 9.9%

    XIII 3,400-3,700 550  740  610  820  10.9% 10.8%

    XIV 3,100-3,400 500  680  550  740  10.0% 8.8%

    XV 2,800-3,100 460  620  510  680  10.9% 9.7%

    XVI 2,500-2,800 410  550  450  610  9.8% 10.9%

    May 28, 2013 onwardsPre-May 28, 2013 Change in Price

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Headroom to raise low GCV coal prices


    CIL – Discount of CIL's grade-wise coal price to comparable imported coal price (from Indonesia)

    Note – For our calculations, we assume – [1] INR/USD = 66.5; [2] Royalty = 14%; Central Excise Duty + Education cess = 6.2%; [4] Clean environment cess =INR400/ton; [5] Surface transport & loading charge of INR42/ton; [6] Port handling charge of INR350/ton; [7] Customs duty of 2.58%; [8] State-specific taxesof ~5%. | Source: Nomura estimates

    Grade GCV








    FoB Price

    (INA coal -

    HBA / Platts)

     INA coal


    (CIF)- [B]

    Kcal/kg (mt) % Power Others Power Others $/mt $/mt Power Others

    I >7000 0.2  0.1%

    II 6,700-7,000 0.6  0.1% 4,870  4,870 

    III 6,400-6,700 4.7  1.1% 3,890  3,890  81.2  81.2  52.6  70.4  -15.4% -15.4%

    IV 6,100-6,400 18.1  4.1% 3,490  3,490  73.6  73.6  52.3  70.0  -5.1% -5.1%

    V 5,800-6,100 15.7  3.6% 2,800  2,800  60.4  60.4  44.5  62.1  2.7% 2.7%

    VI 5,500-5,800 12.5  2.8% 1,600  2,150  37.5  48.0  43.1  60.6  38.2% 20.8%

    VII 5,200-5,500 17.2  3.9% 1,400  1,890  33.6  43.0  43.3  60.8  44.6% 29.2%

    VIII 4,900-5,200 32.4  7.4% 1,250  1,690  30.8  39.2  37.4  54.8  43.8% 28.5%

    IX 4,600-4,900 54.9  12.5% 970  1,310  25.4  31.9  34.2  51.5  50.6% 38.0%

    X 4,300-4,600 39.9  9.1% 860  1,160  23.3  29.1  33.5  50.7  54.0% 42.7%

    XI 4,000-4,300 109.0  24.8% 700  950  20.3  25.0  26.3  43.4  53.3% 42.3%XII 3,700-4,000 76.7  17.5% 660  890  19.5  23.9  20.6  37.5  48.1% 36.3%

    XIII 3,400-3,700 57.2  13.0% 610  820  18.5  22.6  17.3  34.2  45.8% 34.0%

    XIV 3,100-3,400 -  0.0% 550  740  17.4  21.0  14.4  31.2  44.2% 32.6%

    XV 2,800-3,100 -  0.0% 510  680  16.6  19.9  13.7  30.5  45.4% 34.7%

    XVI 2,500-2,800 -  0.0% 450  610  15.5  18.5 

    44.6% 33.5%

    CIL RoM price


    CIL - Gross

    Realization ($/mt)

    -- [A]

    Discount of CIL to

    INA coal price


    Average Discount --->

    CIL's ex-mine coal price is at anaverage discount of 33%/45% fornon-power / power sectors vs.comparable price of INA coal.

    We expect that the coal pricerationalization exercise would entaila 20-25% cut in the notified price ofhigh grade (G1-G5 grades) coal anda 10% hike in the notified price oflower grades of coal (G8-G17).

    In absolute terms, this would implyan INR50-125/ton rise in notifiedprices for sub-5200GCV coal for the

    power sector. In turn, this wouldtranslate into a potential INR0.04-0.08/kWh rise in the variable cost ofgeneration (2-4% rise in the totalcost of generation depending uponthe inland transportation cost + thefixed cost of the project).

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Offtake and revenue mix


    CIL – Offtake by coal category

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    CIL – Premium of e-auction over FSA realization

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    CIL – Subsidiary-wise coal inventory (mn tons)

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

     As per NCDP, e-auction salesvolume can be in the vicinity of 10%of the offtake. As per a subsequentguidance, it was suggested that the

    quantum may gradually be taperedto 7% of the offtake in case there isneed to meet minimum supplycommitted under FSAs.

    MoC had effectively clarified thatthere are no additional cap / riderson the sale of coal via e-auction.

    Special e-auctions for both powerand non-power consumers were

    being undertaken in FY16 at thebehest of the Coal Ministry.

    Coal inventory stood at 58.4mt as ofFY16 (vs. 54.2mt as of FY15).

    Premium of e-auction over FSA isexpected to drop to ~30% in FY17F /18F vs. 87% in FY15.

    We build in an e-auction salesvolume of 61-64mtpa during FY16F-18F, implying 11-12% of offtake.

    CIL – Coal despatch by mode of transport

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    (mn tons) FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15

    Rail 229.1  251.1  259.4  266.5 

    MGR 79.3  88.8  88.8  90.1 

    Road 113.4  115.7  112.8  122.1 

    Others 11.2  10.7  10.5  11.3 

    Total 433.0  466.2  471.5  490.0 

    % of total des patch

    Rail 52.9  53.9  55.0  54.4 

    MGR 18.3  19.0  18.8  18.4 

    Road 26.2  24.8  23.9  24.9 

    Others 2.6  2.3  2.2  2.3 













    FY13 FY14

    FY15 FY16

    FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Total off take (mt) 489.4  532.3  564.1  609.2 

    E-auction offtake (mt) 46.9  61.1  62.7  64.2 

    Offtake split (%)

    E-auction coal 9.6  11.6  11.2  10.7 

    Beneficiated coal 2.4  2.6  2.4  2.3 

    FSA coal 87.2  84.8  85.5  86.2 

    Others 0.7  0.9  0.8  0.7 

    Total Revenues ( INRmn) 720,146 751,512 800,961 874,868

    E-auction Revenues (INRmn) 114,920 116,167 109,323 110,244

    E-auction Realization (INRmn) 2,450  1,903  1,744  1,717 

    Revenue split (%)

    E-auction coal 16.0  15.5  13.6  12.6 

    Beneficiated coal 3.9  4.2  3.9  6.3 

    FSA coal 78.5  78.6  80.9  79.6 Others 1.6  1.7  1.5  1.4 








    FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Assessing the operating costs


    CIL – Volume growth + price hike to help keep pre-OB EBITDA/ton stable

    CIL – Employee cost to account for ~40% of sales

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    CIL – Employee count to reduce by 3-4% annually

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    Note: OBR = Overburden Removal Adjustment | Others = Repairs + ‘Miscellaneous expenses + Provisions/write-backs

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates
















    FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Employees in '000 (LHS)

    Employees per '000 ton of production


















    FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Employee cost (INR bn)

    % of Total Cost (RHS)

    % of Revenues (RHS)

    INR bn

    (INR mn) FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Operating Expense s 430,537 470,174 495,603 529,580 565,890 626,416 693,214

    Employee cost 263,874 273,208 279,144 298,741 295,044 332,084 363,705Social Overheads 3,176  6,224  4,094  2,981  9,239  5,717  5,437 

    Change in Invesntory (3,810)  4,939  927  (5,305)  (5,909)  3,033  5,640 

    Consumption of Stores & Spares 55,041  60,621  70,221  72,564  70,894  71,861  74,934 

    Pow er & Fuel 20,125  23,335  22,822  23,473  24,716  25,312  26,938 

    Contractual Expenses 49,010  58,020  68,275  85,126  112,597 129,100 150,454

    Others (Ex OBR) 43,122  43,827  50,121  51,999  59,309  59,309  66,106 

     Y-Y grow th (%) in Opex 17.9% 9.2% 5.4% 6.9% 6.9% 10.7% 10.7%

    Employee cost 44.9% 3.5% 2.2% 7.0% -1.2% 12.6% 9.5%

    Social Overheads -86.0% 96.0% -34.2% -27.2% 209.9% -38.1% -4.9%

    Change in Invesntory -69.6% NM -81.2% NM 11.4% -151.3% 85.9%

    Consumption of Stores & Spares 5.2% 10.1% 15.8% 3.3% -2.3% 1.4% 4.3%Pow er & Fuel 14.7% 15.9% -2.2% 2.9% 5.3% 2.4% 6.4%

    Contractual Expenses 7.0% 18.4% 17.7% 24.7% 32.3% 14.7% 16.5%

    Others (Ex OB Removal Adj.) -24.7% 1.6% 14.4% 3.7% 14.1% 0.0% 11.5%

    Opex per ton of production 988  1,040  1,072  1,072  1,055  1,117  1,150 

    Employee cost 605  604  604  604  550  592  603 

    Social Overheads 7  14  9  6  17  10  9 

    Consumption of Stores & Spares 126  134  152  147  132  128  124 

    Pow er & Fuel 46  52  49  47  46  45  45 

    Contractual Expenses 112  128  148  172  210  230  250 

    Others (Ex OB Removal Adj.) 99  97  108  105  111  106  110 

     Y-Y grow th (%) in Opex/ton 16.7% 5.3% 3.1% 0.0% -1.6% 5.9% 2.9%

    Employee cost 43% 0% 0% 0% -9% 8% 2%

    Social Overheads -86% 89% -36% -32% 186% -41% -12%

    Consumption of Stores & Spares 4% 6% 13% -3% -10% -3% -3%

    Pow er & Fuel 14% 12% -4% -4% -3% -2% -1%

    Contractual Expenses 6% 14% 15% 17% 22% 10% 8%

    Others (Ex OB Removal Adj.) -25% -2% 12% -3% 5% -4% 4%

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    CIL – Key financial metrics


    CIL – RoE and cash (% of total assets)

    Note: RoE is calculated for after adjusting for OB removal . Source:Company data, Nomura estimates

    CIL – Strong operating cashflows

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    CIL – FCF generation and yield

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    CIL – Adjusted non-operating income at ~25% of PBT

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates
















    FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Normalized RoE (LHS)

    Cash as % of Total Assets(RHS)














    FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Non-operating income (INR bn)

     As % of PBT

    INR bn














    FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Free Cash Flow

    FCF Yield (RHS)

    INR bn
















    FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Operating CF (LHS)

    Capex (LHS)

    Capex per ton of production (RHS)

    INRbn INR/ton

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Quarterly trend in financials

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    9MFY16 vs. 9MFY15 snapshot

    Revenues: Up 7.3% y-y as the 9.1%y-y rise in offtake more than offset

    the 2.3% y-y drop in blendedrealization (INR1454/ton).

    Margins: Pre-OBR margin posted a60bps y-y drop to 25.2% on the backof higher contractual expenses.

    EBITDA/ton: Pre-OB EBITDAdropped by 4.6% to INR366/ton.


    Qtrly - Snapshot 1QFY15 2QFY15 3QFY15 4QFY15 1QFY16 2QFY16 3QFY16 QoQ YoY 9MFY15 9MFY16 YoY

    (INR mn) Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 (%) (%) Dec-14 Dec-15 (%)

    Produc tion (mn tons ) 108.3  102.4  131.6  151.9  121.4  108.2  144.0  33.0% 9.4% 342.4  373.5  9.1%

    Of ftake (mn tons) 119.6  110.5  124.6  134.7  129.4  122.0  137.9  13.0% 10.7% 354.7  389.3  9.8%

    Realization (Rs/t) 1,488  1,419  1,426  1,490  1,465  1,390  1,376  -1.0% -3.5% 1,488  1,454  -2.3%Pre-OB EBITDA (Rs /t) 457  281  405  554  437  250  403  61.4% -0.4% 384  366  -4.6%

    Reported EBITDA (Rs/t) 400  231  323  437  382  247  350  41.7% 8.1% 321  328  2.3%

    Key Financials (INR m)

    Revenues 183,056 161,645 183,105 213,396 195,181 174,899 195,994 12.1% 7.0% 527,805  566,074  7.3%

    Employee cost (70,466)  (72,866)  (74,914)  (80,341)  (71,852)  (75,304)  (73,541)  - 2.3% -1.8% (218,247) ( 220,697) 1.1%

    Materials consumed (15,707)  (16,928)  (18,420)  (21,510)  (15,867)  (16,443)  (17,805)  8.3% -3.3% (51,055)  (50,115)  -1.8%

    Power & Fuel (5,435)  (5,854)  (6,089)  (6,095)  (5,882)  (6,537)  (6,183)  -5.4% 1.5% (17,378)  (18,602)  7.0%

    Contractual Expenses (17,989)  (16,264)  (22,825)  (28,048)  (24,903)  (22,542)  (29,615)  31.4% 29.7% (57,078)  (77,061)  35.0%

    Others (18,789)  (18,636)  (10,401)  (2,740)  (20,143)  (23,579)  (13,233)  -43.9% 27.2% (47,826)  (56,955)  19.1%

    EBITDA (pre -OB) 54,671  31,096  50,454  74,661  56,534  30,494  55,617  82.4% 10.2% 136,221  142,644  4.7%

    Margin 29.9% 19.2% 27.6% 35.0% 29.0% 17.4% 28.4% 25.8% 25.2%

    OBR (6,801)  (5,536)  (10,179)  (15,752)  (7,091)  (410)  (7,419)  NM -27.1% (22,515)  (14,920)  -33.7%

    EBITDA ( reported) 47,870  25,560  40,276  58,909  49,442  30,084  48,198  60.2% 19.7% 113,706  127,725  12.3%

    Depreciation (5,183)  (5,363)  (5,672)  (5,999)  (5,575)  (5,864)  (6,279)  7 .1% 10.7% (16,218)  (17,718)  9.2%

    EBIT 42,687  20,197  34,604  52,910  43,867  24,220  41,920  73.1% 21.1% 97,488  110,007  12.8%

    Interest expenses (11)  (11)  (22)  (29)  (40)  (15)  (30)  95.4% 33.8% (44)  (85)  NM

    Other Income 16,745  15,357  16,344  17,261  14,471  14,314  13,539  - 5.4% -17.2% 48,445  42,324  -12.6%

    PBT 59,420  35,543  50,925  70,142  58,298  38,518  55,429  43.9% 8.8% 145,889  152,245  4.4%

    Taxes (19,246)  (13,668)  (18,131)  (27,624)  (20,429)  (13,328)  (18,584)  39.4% 2.5% (51,044)  (52,341)  2.5%

    Minority Interest 1  0  -  0  0  0  0  1  0 

    Norm alized PAT 40,175  21,876  32,795  42,518  37,869  25,191  36,845  46.3% 12.4% 94,846  99,905  5.3%Extraordinary 158  48  (170)  (133)  (226)  248  337  36  359  NM

    Reported PAT 40,333  21,924  32,625  42,386  37,644  25,438  37,183  46.2% 14.0% 94,882  100,264  5.7%

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Quarterly pricing/volume metrics

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    Realizations:  9MFY16 FSArealization is flat y-y, whereas e-auction prices down 21% y-y in9MFY16.

     Year-end incentives: CIL securedINR13bn / INR8bn / INR7bn supply-linked incentives in FY13 / FY14 /FY15. Going forward, rising domesticcoal commitments under FSAs is arisk to this benefit. We peg FY16F /FY17F year-end incentives atINR5.6bn / INR4.2bn.

    Sales mix: Absolute quantum of coal

    sold via e-auction was down 19% y-yin FY15. E-auction as a % of salesstood at 11.8% in 9MFY16 vs. 9.3%in 9MFY15.


    1QFY15 2QFY15 3QFY15 4QFY15 1QFY16 2QFY16 3QFY16 QoQ YoY 9MFY15 9MFY16 YoY

    Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 (%) (%) Dec-14 Dec-15 (%)

    Sales volume (mt)

    E-auction 16.8  10.6  5.6  13.9  16.0  14.7  15.2  2.8% 171.2% 33.0  45.9  39.1%

    Beneficiated coal 3.0  2.8  3.0  3.2  3.4  3.1  3.7  16.6% 22.0% 8.7  10.2  17.0%

    Notif ied (FSA) 99.2  96.1  114.7  116.0  109.0  103.0  116.4  13.0% 1.5% 310.0  328.4  5.9%

    Sales Mix (%)

    E-auction 14.0% 9.6% 4.5% 10.4% 12.4% 12.1% 11.1% 9.3% 11.8%

    Beneficiated coal 2.5% 2.5% 2.4% 2.4% 2.6% 2.6% 2.7% 2.5% 2.6%

    Notified (FSA) 82.9% 87.2% 92.4% 86.5% 84.2% 84.7% 84.9% 87.5% 84.6%

    Realization ( INR/ton)

    E-auction 2,246  2,496  3,134  2,386  2,184  1,788  1,866  4.4% -40.5% 2,477  1,952  -21.2%

    Benef ic iated coal 2,393  2,446  2,618  1,971  2,229  2,328  2,369  1.8% -9.5% 2,487  2,310  -7.1%

    Notified (FSA) 1,320  1,260  1,298  1,358  1,318  1,294  1,277  -1.3% -1.6% 1,293  1,296  0.2%

    Blended (on offtake) 1,488  1,419  1,426  1,490  1,465  1,390  1,376  -1.0% -3.5% 1,488  1,454  -2.3%

    Revenues (INR mn)

    E-auction 37,680  26,530  17,520  33,190  34,940  26,350  28,290  7.4% 61.5% 81,730  89,580  9.6%

    Benef ic iated coal 7,060  6,800  7,854  6,386  7,600  7,310  8,670  18.6% 10.4% 21,714  23,580  8.6%

    Notified (FSA) 130,885 121,100 148,921 157,539 143,630 133,340 148,700 11.5% -0.1% 400,907 425,670 6.2%

    Revenue Mix (%)

    E-auction 21.2% 16.9% 9.9% 16.5% 18.4% 15.5% 14.9% 16.0% 16.3%

    Beneficiated coal 4.0% 4.3% 4.4% 3.2% 4.0% 4.3% 4.6% 4.2% 4.3%

    Notified (FSA) 73.5% 77.2% 83.8% 78.5% 75.8% 78.6% 78.4% 78.2% 77.6%


    Sales volume (mn tons)

    Coking 0.5  0.5  0.6  0.5  0.4  0.5  0.6  21.4% 4.1% 1.6  1.5  -7.5%

    Non Coking 2.4  2.3  2.4  2.7  3.0  2.6  3.1  -12.0% 14.8% 7.1  8.7  22.4%

    Sales Mix

    Coking 17.6% 17.6% 19.7% 16.4% 12.3% 16.2% 15.0% 18.3% 14.5%

    Non Coking 82.4% 82.4% 80.3% 83.6% 87.7% 83.8% 85.0% 81.7% 85.5%

    Realization ( INR/ton)

    Coking 5,981  6,245  5,559  3,019  4,619  4,745  5,127  2.7% -24.0% 5,906  4,851  -17.9%

    Non Coking 1,626  1,633  1,898  1,766  1,893  1,859  1,881  -1.8% 13.8% 1,720  1,879  9.2%

    Revenues (INR mn)

    Coking 3,110  3,060  3,280  1,600  1,940  2,420  2,820  24.7% -20.9% 9,450  7,180  -24.0%

    Non Coking 3,950  3,740  4,574  4,786  5,660  4,890  5,850  -13.6% 30.7% 12,264  16,400  33.7%

    Key Revenue


  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Coal India – Financial summary

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates | Note: Financials/Valuations are as of the date of the most recently published report ( rather than the date of this document.16

    Income Statement (INR mn)

     Year-end 31 Mar FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Revenue 706,075 741,201 774,977 825,522 901,392

    Cost of goods sold -162,245 -175,859 -202,298 -229,306 -257,966

    Gross profit 543,831 565,342 572,679 596,216 643,426

    SG&A -107,044 -116,445 -116,573 -112,275 -119,445

    Em ployee s hare expens e -279,144 -298,741 -295,044 -332,084 -363,705

    Operating profit 157,643 150,156 161,062 151,857 160,276

    EBITDA 177,607 173,354 185,477 178,381 189,641

    Depreciation -19,964 -23,198 -24,415 -26,524 -29,366

    EBIT 157,643 150,156 161,062 151,857 160,276

    Net interest expense -580 -73 -111 -77 -72

    Other income 71,719 65,706 54,369 50,091 50,967

    Earnings before tax 228,781 215,789 215,320 201,871 211,170

    Income tax -79,074 -76,902 -75,263 -71,787 -74,769

    Net profit after tax 149,708 138,888 140,057 130,084 136,401

    Minority interests 0 1 0 0 0

    Normalised NPAT 149,708 138,889 140,056 130,084 136,401

    Extraordinary items 1,409 -1,622 359 0 0

    Reported NPAT 151,117 137,267 140,415 130,084 136,401

    Dividends -211,427 -154,994 -208,198 -136,773 -136,773

    Transfer to reserves -60,311 -17,727 -67,783 -6,688 -372

    Valuations and ratios FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Reported P/E (x) 11.6 12.8 12.5 13.5 12.9

    Normalised P/E (x) 11.8 12.7 12.6 13.5 12.9

    FD normalis ed P/E (x) 11.8 12.7 12.6 13.5 12.9

    Dividend yield (%) 10.4 7.4 9.8 6.5 6.5

    Price/cashflow (x) 10.0 9.0 10.8 8.9 9.5

    Price/book (x) 4.2 4.4 5.2 5.3 5.4

    EV/EBITDA (x) 7.0 7.1 7.1 7.4 7.0

    EV/EBIT (x) 7.9 8.2 8.2 8.7 8.3

    Gross margin (%) 77.0 76.3 73.9 72.2 71.4

    EBITDA margin (%) 25.2 23.4 23.9 21.6 21.0

    EBIT margin (%) 22.3 20.3 20.8 18.4 17.8

    Net margin (%) 21.4 18.5 18.1 15.8 15.1Effective tax rate (%) 34.6 35.6 35.0 35.6 35.4

    Dividend payout (%) 139.9 112.9 148.3 105.1 100.3

    ROE (%) 33.3 33.2 38.0 39.1 41.5

    ROA (pretax %) 33.0 28.5 28.2 25.0 24.4

    Growth (%) FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Revenue 1.1 5.0 4.6 6.5 9.2

    EBITDA (9.5) (2.4) 7.0 (3.8) 6.3

    Normalised EPS (13.4) (7.2) 0.8 (7.1) 4.9

    Normalised FDEPS (13.4) (7.2) 0.8 (7.1) 4.9

    Cashflow statement (INR mn)

     Year-end 31 Mar FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    EBITDA 177,607 173,354 185,477 178,381 189,641

    Change in working capital 2,050 37,504 -2,621 39,829 19,483

    Other operating cashflow -4,059 -15,555 -19,570 -21,319 -23,944

    Cashflow from operations 175,598 195,302 163,287 196,892 185,181

    Capital expenditure -41,482 -49,923 -50,420 -60,500 -66,500

    Free cashflow 134,116 145,380 112,866 136,392 118,681

    Reduction in investments -13,799 9,615 2,127 0 0

    Inc in other LT liabilities 6,750 4,826 5,687 5,250 5,804

     Adjustments -4,609 -982 -1,763 -1,123 -920

    CF after investing acts 122,458 158 ,838 118 ,918 140 ,519 123 ,565

    Cas h dividends -211,427 -154,994 -208,198 -136,773 -136,773

    Debt issue -11,272 2,302 -1,818 -136 -136

    Others 1,776 884 686 668 989

    CF from financial acts -220,923 -151,808 -209,330 -136,240 -135,919

    Net cashflow -98,465 7,030 -90,412 4,279 -12,354

    Beginning cas h 622,360 523,895 530,925 440,513 444,792

    Ending cash 523,895 530,925 440,513 444,792 432,438

    Ending net debt -522,114 -526,842 -438,248 -442,663 -430,444

    Balance Sheet (INR mn)

    As at 31 Mar FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Cas h & equivalents 523,895 530,925 440,513 444,792 432,438

     Accounts receivable 82,410 85,219 93,463 94,576 102,046Inventories 55,681 61,838 67,440 64,310 59,141

    Other current assets 124,850 154,856 148,105 159,507 173,031

    Total current as sets 786,836 832,838 749,521 763,185 766,657

    LT investments 37,749 28,134 26,007 26,007 26,007

    Fixed assets 198,121 224,846 250,850 284,827 321,961

    Tota l assets 1 ,022 ,706 1 ,085 ,818 1 ,026 ,379 1 ,074 ,019 1 ,114 ,625

     Accounts payable 16,943 20,833 23,910 28,179 30,352

    Other current l iabi li ti es 563,729 636 ,315 637 ,713 682 ,657 715 ,793

    Total current liabilities 580,672 657,148 661,623 710,837 746,146

    Long-term debt 1,781 4,083 2,265 2,129 1,994

    Other LT liabilities 15,572 20,398 26,085 31,335 37,139

    Total liabilities 598,026 681,629 689,973 744,301 785,279

    Minority interest 636 658 659 659 659

    Common stock 63,164 63,164 63,164 63,164 63,164

    Retained earnings 360,881 340,367 272,584 265,896 265,524

    Tota l shareho lders ' equi ty 424,045 403 ,531 335 ,748 329 ,059 328 ,687

    Total equity & liabilities 1,022,706 1,085,818 1,026,379 1,074,019 1,114,625

    Per share   FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Reported EPS (INR) 23.9 21.7 22.2 20.6 21.6

    Norm EPS (INR) 23.7 22.0 22.2 20.6 21.6

    BVPS (INR) 67.1 63.9 53.2 52.1 52.0

    DPS (INR) 29.0 20.7 27.4 18.0 18.0

    Activity (days)   FY14 FY15 FY16F FY17F FY18F

    Days receivable 48.4 41.3 42.2 41.6 39.8

    Days inventory 125.8 122.0 116.9 104.9 87.3

    Days payable 35.3 39.2 40.5 41.5 41.4

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    India – Coalfields and rail/port infrastructure

    India – Coalfields, ports and proposed railway freight corridors

    Note: * Not operational; Opt = Operator; Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor is from Ludhiana to Dankuni In West Bengal

    Source: Coal India RHP, CPCB, Industry Sources

    Focus on three arterial rail links foraugmenting coal evacuation – Tori-Shivpur-Kathotia (CCL, Jharkhand),East and East-West Corridor (SECL,

    Chhattisgarh) and Jharsuguda-Barpali-Saradega + Angul-Kalinga(MCL, Odisha).

    Work on these critical rail links haspicked up pace, key constraints ofland acquisition (incl. R&R) andforest clearances are beingaddressed. Evacuation capacity canbe augmented by ~250-300mtpawhen these rail links are in place.

    In addition, work on 60 spur rail linesis also targeted for completion overthe next 5 years.

    CIL to invest INR60bn in six railprojects – Tori-Shivapur-Hazaribagh,Mekhlaiganj-Pipawar, Jharsugdaand Sardegha, Angul and Kalinga(Orissa) Barud-Bukhdebpur andBarud-Annupur (Chhattisgarh).

    CIL would also invest in: [1] build outof road infrastructure for linking themines with the proposed railwaytracks and [2] procurement of railwaywagons.


  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Railways – Status of three trunk rail-links

    Coal India – Status of three trunk rail-links (Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh) for coal evacuation

    Source: Ministry of Coal, Railways Ministry, company data, Nomura research

    Feedback across channel checkssuggests that build-out of the trunkrail links (one each in Odisha,Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh) is

    progressing broadly as per indicatedtimelines, suggesting incrementalevacuation capacity being availablefrom FY18 (Jharsuguda-Barpali-Saradega), FY19 (Tori-Shivpur) andFY20 (Dharamjaigarh-Kharsia)onwards.

    We expect the Odisha rail link to befully operational by March 2017 andTori-Shivpur single line + East Rail

    Corridor to be completed by Dec2017


    Tori-Shivpur-Kathautia Jharsuguda-Barpali-SaradegaEast Rail Corridor (ERC)/

    East West Rail Corridor (EWRC)

    Location North Karanpura, Jharkhand Ib Valley, Odisha Mand-Raigarh, ChhattisgarhLength of rail link (km) 92 53 168

    Evacuation Capacity (mtpa) 100 95 150

    Project Cost (INR bn) 36.0 10.1 65.6

    Project Segments [1] Tori-Shivpur (44km) Jharsuguda-Saradega [1] Kharsia - Dharamjaigarh (74km)

    + Dharamjaigarh - Korba (62km)

    [2] Shivpur-Kathautia (48km) [2] Gevra Rd - Pendra Rd (135km)

    Linked Coal Blocks Magadh, Amrapali Basundhara, Garjanbahal, Korba, Gare Pelma, Mand Raigarh

    Siarmal, Kulda

    Implementation ModeTori-Shivpur:  Customer Deposit

    (Line #1) + JV (Line #2,3)

    Customer Deposit (Line #1)

    JV (Line #2,3)JV

    Shivpur-Kathotia:  JV

    Build-out Status

    Tori-Shivpur:  Possess ion of

    24% of land from Jharkhand

    Govt. was outstanding as of Dec


    Railw ay line up to Barpali likely to

    be completed by Sep 2016.

    Barpali-Saradega link likely to be

    completed by 1QCY17

    ERC (Phase #1):   75% of land (i.e.

    all land for Kharsia-Dharamjaigarh)

    in possession; construction is


    Shivpur-Kathautia:  Forest

    Clearance (Stage II) pending

    EWRC:   Assessments & land

    surveys underw ay, Forest

    Clearance (Stage II) is WIP

    Commissioning TimelineTori-Shivpur : Dec-2017

    Shivpur-Kathotia : Mar-2020

    Jharsuguda-Barpali : Sep-2016

    Barpali-Saradega: Mar-2017

    ERC (Phase #1) : Mar-2018/2019

    EWRC:  Mar-2019

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    India – Thermal coal demand/supply balance

    Demand: We expect thermal coalconsumption (demand) from utilities at682mt in FY18F, implying FY15-18FCAGR of ~7% We forecast overall

    demand for thermal coal to rise to914mt in FY18 (3-yr CAGR of ~6%).

    Domestic supply: We expectdomestic thermal coal supply to rise to786mt in FY18F, implying a FY15-18FCAGR of 9%. Within this, we build in109mt of supply from captive coalblocks in FY18F (vs. ~75mt in FY16).In the context of GOI’s targeted coal

    production of ~1.5bn tons by FY20,

    our domestic coal supply forecast isconservative.

    Imports: Provisional data suggeststhermal coal imports at 136mt inFY16, down 19% YoY. We expect ahealthier pick-up in electricity andindustry demand. We forecast thermalcoal imports to rise 4% in FY17, anddecline 4% in FY18F. 

    Key items to monitor in assessing

    the ‘demand supply gap’ – [1] Start-up of trunk rail links, [2] Uptick incaptive coal supply after leasetransfers and in the context of‘negative bids’, [3] Captive coal output

    from PSUs, particularly NTPC.

    India - Thermal coal demand/supply scenario

    Source: CEA, Nomura estimates Note: Mar-2016 generation is tentative | Source: CEA, Nomura estimates

    Note: Imports at higher GCV shown to reflect the typically higher quality of imported coal | Source: MoC, CEA, Company data, Nomura estimates

    India – Grid-connected electricity requirement

    Y-y growth in electricity requirement has picked up India – Coal-fired generation and PLF

    PLF for coal-fired capacity remains in 60-65% range 

















     J   ul    -1   0  

    N  ov -1   0  

    M ar  -1  1  

     J   ul    -1  1  

    N  ov -1  1  

    M ar  -1  2  

     J   ul    -1  2  

    N  ov -1  2  

    M ar  -1   3  

     J   ul    -1   3  

    N  ov -1   3  

    M ar  -1  4  

     J   ul    -1  4  

    N  ov -1  4  

    M ar  -1   5  

     J   ul    -1   5  

    N  ov -1   5  

    M ar  -1   6  

    Coal-fired Generation (bn kWh) [RHS]

    Coal-fired PLF [LHS]
















     J   ul    -1   0  

    N  ov -1   0  

    M ar  -1  1  

     J   ul    -1  1  

    N  ov -1  1  

    M ar  -1  2  

     J   ul    -1  2  

    N  ov -1  2  

    M ar  -1   3  

     J   ul    -1   3  

    N  ov -1   3  

    M ar  -1  4  

     J   ul    -1  4  

    N  ov -1  4  

    M ar  -1   5  

     J   ul    -1   5  

    N  ov -1   5  

    M ar  -1   6  

    Requirement (Mn kWh) -- RHSRequirement growth (%) -- LHS

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    India – Thermal coal imports and domestic supply

    20Source: Ministry of Coal, ICMW, Nomura research

    For FY15, overall coal imports were212mt (168mt thermal coal + 44mtcoking coal).

    For FY16, provisional figuressuggests total coal import of ~180mt,of which thermal coal imports is 135-140mt. .

    India – Coal supply/demand gap & imports (mt)

    India’s yawning domestic coal deficit is evident 

    India – Coal imports by countries

    ~56% of coal imports are sourced from Indonesia 

    Source: Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Coal (Govt of India)

    Coal India – Production and Offtake (mt)

    Production/offtake at 537/mt/532mt in FY16 

    Coal production – SCCL and Captive mines (mt)

    Captive coal production to rise rapidly from FY17F 

    Source: Company data, Nomura estimates

    Source: Ministry of Coal (Govt of India)

    Source: Company data, Ministry of Coal (Govt of I ndia), PIB, Nomura estimates

    FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15

    Total (mt) 68.9  102.8  145.8  166.9  212.1 

    Indonesia 35.9  55.3  82.4  101.9  118.2  Australia 15.9  27.8  30.5  34.5  47.5 

    South Af rica 11.2  12.2  20.3  20.6  30.7 

    USA 1.8  3.0  6.4  3.65  4.27 

    New Zealand 0.8  1.0  1.0  1.13  NA

    Others 3.2  3.6  5.2  5.10  11.43 

    Total (INR bn) 415.5  788.4  868.5  923.3  1,045.2

    FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15

    Demand 656.3 696.0 772.8 739.4 787.0

    Supply 524.1 535.3 568.8 572.5 608.2

    CIL 424.3 432.7 463.8 471.5 489.4

    SCCL 50.1 51.4 53.3 47.9 52.7

    Others 49.6 51.3 51.7 53.1 66.0

    Gap 132.2 160.7 204.1 166.9 178.8

    Total Imports 68.9 102.8 145.8 166.6 212.1

    YoY (%) -6% 49% 42% 14% 27%








    FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17F FY18F













    FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17F FY18F


    Captive Blocks (incl. PSUs/UMPPs)

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    CIL – ‘New’ Fuel Supply Agreements (FSAs) 

    ‘New’ FSAs peg trigger level

    (guaranteed coal supply) at 80% of ACQ. Within this, committed domesticcoal supply is 65% for FY14/FY15,

    67% for FY16 and 75% from FY17onwards; balance to be made up viaimports.

    The tenure of the FSA is the earlier of‘20 years or life of the project’ ; areview is possible by either party oncompletion of 5 years of the FSA.

    Drawdown of coal under the FSA (i.e.the effective ACQ) is linked to the

    proportion of offtake (net) under longterm PPAs with Discoms (directly, orvia PTCs), grossed-up by 10%.Minimum tenure of a long-term PPA ispegged at 7 years. 

    Purchaser (IPP or state/centralGenco) can modify the proportion ofcapacity tied-up in long-term PPAs, ifrequired, only once a year.

    CIL has the right to reset penalty

    levels pursuant to fresh directives bythe government (MoC).

    Fuel supply agreements (FSAs) for power companies – what’s new? 

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    Penalty structure in FSAs (FY14-15) – Old vs. New

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    Sh o rt fa l l (f r om tr i g ger l ev el ) Im p l i ed Ra ng e P en a lt y ( %)  

    15% and 20% and 25% and 30% less than 50% 40.0 

    Excess (b eyon d tr igg er l evel ) Ran ge Incen t i ve (%)  

    5% and 10% above 100% 40.0 

    Sh o rt fa l l (f r om tr i g ger l ev el ) Im p l i ed Ra ng e P en a lt y ( %)  

    5% and 10% less than 80% 40.0 

    Excess (b eyon d tr igg er l evel ) Ran ge Incen t i ve (%)  

    5% and 10% above 100% 40.0 

    Proposed FSA with Trigger level at 80% of ACQ

    Pre-FY10 FSAs with Trigger leve l at 90% of ACQ

    New FSAs – Committed coal supply mix

    Notes: * FY17 onwards; ACQ = Annual Contracted Quantity; actual deliveries =actual quantity including coal offered from imported coal but not accepted

    FY14 total coking + non-coking coal import stood at ~167mt as per ICMW

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    Clause FSAs (for projects commissioned post March 31, 2009) FSAs (for projects commissioned by March 31, 2009)

    Force  Additional clauses covering third-party operational risk Traditional conditionalities included…

    Majeure - Law & Order problem affecting coal production / transport - Flood, mine fire, civil disturbance

    - Failure of supply of power f rom Power Supplier (s) - Industry wide st rikes, epidemic

    Side Agreement for import of coal has separate clauses - Delays on part of Government, logistics constraints

    Imported - IPP to confirm upfront acceptance/surrender of imported coal - Any additional cost to be borne by buyers

    Coal - IPP may rev iew its options, but w ith at least a 3-mth notice

    - Price = Landed imported coal price + CIL's services charge

    - Supply at project site

    - For ACQ, 1mt of imported coal = 1.5mt of domestic coal

    Long-term - Draw down of coal only for capacity linked to long-term PPAs - PPA for not less than 50% of installed capacity

    PPA - ACQ = 110% of net capacity tied-up in long-term PPAs - Drawdown of coal not linked to long-term PPA capacity

    - Certification (from Regulator) of sale to discom, is required

    Penalty - Graded structure, but distinct for imported/domestic coal - Graded structure

    Structure - Minimum (trigger) level is

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    New FSAs – Side Agreement for Import of Coal


    In relation to coal imports, the ‘Side

     Agreement’ safeguards CIL’s

    payment risks and covers itsintermediating costs by imposing a

    ‘service charge’ 

    For assessing supply obligations, 1ton of imported coal = 1.5ton ofdomestic coal

    Penalty = Quantum of shortfall *graded penalty level * correspondingprice of domestic coal

    We believe the year-end incentives

    are likely to diminish progressivelyfrom FY16F itself as the company isforced to divert the ‘excess’ coal for

    supply under the new FSAs

    CIL may supply high grade domesticcoal under FSAs with CPPs for up to25% of ACQ as part of the importedcoal supply commitment.

    Up to 5% of ACQ can be offeredfrom loading points at SECL, MCL

    and CCL.

    Salient Features of Side Agreement for import of coal

    Source: Company data, Nomura research

    Clause Explanation

    Delivery Point  Power plant for w hich coal is consigned.

     Applicable Laws All laws including those laws eff ected by any Province/State/Country having jurisdiction over source of

    imported coal.

    Obligation to accept

    imported coal 

    Once agreed, purchaser cannot reject or not accept the coal consignment. In case of refusal, CIL has the r ight

    to recover base price and all costs incurred on bringing the coal

    Quantity/Quality of

    Imported coal 1ton of imported coal = 1.5ton of domestic coal, for purpose of meeting quantity obligations

    Weighment of Coal  Weight recorded at the time of unloading at delivery point.

    Price of Imported Coal Includes the Base Price (CF price + costs up to loading into railway w agons), as notif ied by CIL, and other

    taxes, duties, levies and cess.

    Service Charge CIL to levy 2% service charge of CIF Price plus all applicable statutory charges.

    Security Deposit


    at the rate of 6% on sum of base price and statutory charges; issued in form of a Bank guarantee within 15

    days of quantity/price notification by CIL

    Payment realization Currently cost plus pric ing follows. 100% payment to be made in advance by the Purchaser. Difference inprice to be paid w ithin 3 days of supplementary invoicing.

    CIL – Penalty structure for supply shortfall under new FSAs

    Source: Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal, Nomura research

    Supply Level of Delivery/ Lifting of Coal FY13-15 FY16



    Customer opts for receiving both domestic and imported coal

    Below 100% but upto 80% of ACQ NIL NIL NIL

    Below 80% but upto 75% of ACQ 0-1.5

    Below 75% but upto 67% of ACQ -

    Below 67% but upto 65% of ACQ - -

    Customer opts for receiving only domestic coalBelow 75% but upto 70% of ACQ - - 0-5

    Below 70% but upto 67% of ACQ - -

    Below 67% but upto 65% of ACQ - 0-2

    Below 65% but upto 60% of ACQ 0-5 2-7 10-20

    Below 60% but upto 55% of ACQ 5-10 7-20

    Below 55% but upto 50% of ACQ 10-20

    Below 50% of ACQ 20-40



    Imported Coal Supply0-1.5


    Domestic Coal Supply


  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Captive coal blocks – The de-allocation saga

    Since CY1993, the GOI allocated 218coal blocks for captive use to publicand private firms via 3 modes – [1] Via36 screening committees, [2] Govt

    dispensation route, [3] Allocation forUMPPs (12 coal blocks).

    Further, GOI allocated 17 coal blocksunder the new ‘auction’ rules (notified

    in Feb-2012). Total 235 coal blockshad ~55bn tons geological reserves.40% of coal blocks allocated have enduse specified as power generation. 

    Of the 218 coal blocks, 23 were de-

    allocated by Jun-2011 (3 wererestored back to NTPC in Jan-2013).Further, de-allocation notices weregiven to allottees of 31 coal blocks inFeb-2014.

    In Sep-2014, the Supreme Court (inresponse to a PIL filed in Sep-2012 toexamine arbitrariness & legality inawarding coal blocks) ordered de-allocation for 204 coal blocks – 12coal blocks for UMPPs and 2 others

    were exempted.

    The producing coal blocks (53mtproduction in FY15) were given timeup to Mar 2015 to wind up operations,post which new winners (in auctions)or custodian (CIL) would operate theblocks.

    Coal Blocks – Only 4 out of 46 producing/ready-to-produce coal blocks were not de-allocated by the SC

    Notes: [1] Blocks highlighted in grey were exempted from de-allocation; [2] Out of the 12 coal blocks allocated for UMPPs (all exempted from de-allocation), onlytwo are currently in production | Source: Ministry of Coal, Nomura research

    S No Company Name Block Name Linked project / plant Capacity PPA-tied Fuel cost Production Govt Geologica

    ( MW) Capacit y ( MW) p as s- th ru s tar t d at e / Pvt FY13 FY14 FY15F Re se rve s (m t

    Designated end-use -- Power 

    1 CESC Sarisatolli Budge Budge 750 750 Yes Oct-02 P 3.1  3.0  2.8  140.5 

    2 DVC Barjora (North) Mejia TPS-II 500 500 Yes Mar-11 G 1.8  1.5  2.2  85.5 

    3 Hindalco Talabira-I CPP 750 n/a n/a Oct-03 P 2.2  2.5  2.5  22.6 

    4 PSEB Panchw ara Central Ropar, Bhatinda, Lehra Mohabbat 2620 2620 Yes Mar-06 G 6.9  6.0  7.0  562.0 

    5 Jindal Steel & Power Gare Palma IV 2 & 3 Tamnar TPP 1000 150 No Jun-07 P 5.3  6.2  6.3  246.0 

    6 Reliance Power * Moher & Moher Amlori Ext. Sasan UMPP 3960 3960 Yes Sep-12 P 0.2  1.7  2.0  600.0 

    7 WBSEB Tara (East & West) 1997 G 3.0  2.3  2.0  210.2 

    8 WBPDCL Pachw ara (North) Mar-14 G 0.1  4.0  125.7 

    9 RRVUNL Parsa (East) & Chhabra-II & Kalisindh TPP 1700 1700 Yes Feb-13 G 0.3  1.2  5.5  360.0 

    Kanta Basan

    10 WBPDCL Barjora Bakreshw ar & Kolaghat TPS Mar-09 G 0.3  0.0  0.5  8.0 

    11 WBPDCL Bakreshw ar & Kolaghat TPS  Aug-13 G 0.2  0.0  14.0 

    12 KPCL Baranj I-IV, Kiloni & Bellary TPS U-2 500 500 Yes  Aug-08 G 2.5  2.5  2.5  152.5 

    Manora Deep

    13 GVK Pow er  Tokisud North Goindw al Sahib 540 540 Capped FY15F P  NA 92.3 

    14 NTPC Pakri Barw adih Barh-II, Kudgi, Lara 3720 3720 Yes FY15F G  NA 1,600.0 

    15 DVC Khagra Joydev Mejia TPS-II 500 500 Yes FY15F G  NA 196.2 

    Total producing coal blocks as of FY14 22 25.6  27.3  37.3 

    Designated end-use -- Iron & Steel

    15 Jindal Steel & Power Gare Palma IV/1 CPP Feb-99 P 6.0  6.0  6.0  124.0 

    16 Monnet Ispat Gare Palma IV/5 CPP Jun-04 P 0.8  0.9  1.0  126.0 

    17 Jayasw al Neco Gare Palma IV/4 CPP Sep-06 P 0.5  0.4  1.0  125.0 

    18 Prakash Industries Chotia CPP Jul-06 P 1.0  1.0  1.0  34.5 

    19 Sunflag Iron Steel Belgaon CPP Dec-07 P 0.2  0.1  0.2  15.3 

    20 Usha Martin Kathautia CPP Dec-08 P 0.6  0.8  0.8  29.8 

    21 Electrosteel Castings Parbatpur  Coking coal block Dec-08 P 0.1  0.5  0.6  231.2 

    22 Sarda Energy Gare Palma IV/7 CPP Mar-09 P 1.0  1.2  1.2  156.0 

    23 SAIL Tasra Coking coal block Nov-09 G 0.1  0.1  0.1  285.0 

    24 B.S.Ispat Marki Mangli-I CPP Mar-11 P 0.1  0.1  0.1  34.3 

    25 Shree Virangana Steel Marki Mangli-II CPP Dec-11 P 19.0 

    26 Shree Virangana Steel Marki Mangli-Ill CPP May-13 P

    27 Sova Ispat & Jai Balaji Ardhagram CPP Nov-12 P 0.1  0.3  0.3  243.0 

    Total producing coal blocks as of FY14 13 10.7  11.6  12.7 

    Designated end-use -- Commer cial28 ANPMDL Namchik Namphuk NA NA NA NA  Apr-07 G 0.1  Ops Suspended 27.0 

    29 BLA Indus tries Gotitur ia (Eas t & Wes t) Gadarw ara TPS 135 47 Yes Oct-04 P 0.3  0.3  0.3  9.3 

    30 MPSMCL Amelia North JPVL Nigrie 1320 495 Yes Dec-13 G 0.0  1.5  101.2 

    31 WBMTDCL Trans Damodar   Multiple (Particularly for SMEs) NA NA NA  Apr-12 G 0.4  0.7  1.0  103.2 

    32 MPSMDC Bicharpur   0.5mtpa for linked Cement plant NA NA NA FY15F G 0.0  36.0 

    Total producing coal blocks as of FY14 4 0.7  1.0  2.8 

    Designated End use - Cement

    34 Jaiprakash Associates Mandla North CPP FY15F P 0.0  195.0 

    35 Prism Cement Sial Ghogri CPP FY15F P 0.1  30.4 

    Total 37.0  39.9  52.9  6,340.5 

    Gangaramchak &

    Gangaramchak Bhadulia

    0.3  0.3  0.4 

    Production (mt)

    Projects of WBPDCL - Bandel,

    Santaldih, Sagardighi2030 2030 Yes

    2310 2310 Yes


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    Captive coal blocks – Progress on auctions

    Post the Supreme Court’s cancellation

    of erstwhile coal block allocations, GoIhas auctioned 34 coal blocks in threephases – 18 operational coal blocks inphase#1, 13 ‘ready to produce’ coal

    blocks in phase#2 and 3 blocks fornon-regulated sectors in phase#3.

    The total extractable reserves of the34 coal blocks are ~1.9bn tons withthe 18 operational blocks accountingfor half of it. Out of the 34 coal blocks,11 blocks have been auctioned forend-use ‘Power’ – 6 each in phase#1and 5 in phase#2.

    The 11 blocks auctioned for ‘Power’have total extractable reserves of~1.2bn tons. All these blocks sawaggressive bidding in the reverse e-auctions (i.e. saw negative bid prices).

    Indicative GCV of coal reserves forpower sector ranges from 3200-5400kCal/kg; typical GCV of balancecoal reserves is 3800-4000kCal/kg.

    GoI had planned to auction 10 blocksfor non-regulated sectors in phase#3but only 3 of these were successfullybid in phase#3 held in Aug-2015.

    8 coal blocks were lined up forauctioning in Phase#4 in Jan/Feb2016. However, auctions have beenpostponed due to lack of demand

    Coal Blocks – Details of 34 coal blocks auctioned in Phase#1, #2 and #3

    Source: Ministry of Coal, Nomura research | Note – JSPL’s winning bids for Gare Palma IV/2 & IV/3 and Tara coal blocks + Balco’s winning bid for Gare PalmaIV/1 coal blocks have not been accepted by the GoI (under litigation); ‘Res.’ = Reserves 

    Tranche Auction


    Coal Blocks Winner Bid Price



    Res. (mt)

    Mine plan


    Coal GCV


    CIL FSA price



    1 14-Feb Talabira-I GMR Energy (478)  28.8  3.0  3600-4200 610-700

    1 15-Feb Sarisatolli CESC (470)  83.0  3.5  3200-4800 550-970

    1 16-Feb Trans Damodar Durgapur Projects (940)  48.4  1.0  3600-5800 610-1600

    1 17-Feb Amelia North JPVL (712)  70.3  2.8  3600-5400 610-1400

    1 18-Feb Tokisud North Essar Pow er (1,110)  52.0  2.3  3200-5800 550-1600

    1 19-Feb Gare Palma IV/2 & IV/3 JSPL (108)  187.2  6.3  3200-5400 550-1400

    2 4-Mar Jitpur Adani Pow er (302)  65.5  2.5  3200-4800 610-1070

    2 5-Mar Mandakini-A MEML (650)  287.9  7.5  3200-6400 610-3490

    2 7-Mar Tara JSPL (126)  166.9  6.0  3200-5400 610-1540

    2 8-Mar Ganeshpur GMR Energy (704)  91.8  4.0  3200-4800 610-1070

    2 9-Mar Utkal-C Monnet Pow er (770)  123.9  3.4  3200-4200 610-770

    Non Power 

    1 14-Feb Sial Ghogri Reliance Cement 1,402  5.7  0.3  3600-5800 820-2150

    1 15-Feb Belgaon Sunflag Iron & Steel 1,785  14.2  0.3  4800-5800 1310-21501 15-Feb Kathautia Hindalco 2,860  26.0  0.8  5400-6400 1890-3490

    1 16-Feb Mandla North JP Associates 2,502  84.0  1.5  4200-5400 950-1890

    1 16-Feb Marki Mangli-Ill BS Ispat 918  4.2  0.2  3600-5400 820-1890

    1 17-Feb Ardhagram OCL Iron & Steel 2,302  19.3  0.4  3600-6400 820-3490

    1 17-Feb Chotia Balco 3,025  24.0  1.0  3600-5800 820-2150

    1 18-Feb Gare Palma IV/5 Hindalco 3,502  42.4  1.0  4200-6400 950-3490

    1 19-Feb Bicharpur Ultratech Cement 3,003  29.1  0.8  3200-5800 740-2150

    1 20-Feb Gare Palma IV/4 Hindalco 3,001  27.4  1.0  4200-5400 950-3490

    1 21-Feb Gare Palma IV/1 Balco 1,585  126.5  6.0  3200-4200 740-950

    1 22-Feb Gare Palma IV/7 Monnet Ispat 2,619  56.6  1.2  3200-4800 740-1310

    2 4-Mar Brinda & Sisai Usha Martin 1,804  25.4  0.7  3200-6700 740-3890

    2 4-Mar Moitra JSW Steel 1,512  29.9  1.0  3600-4800 820-1310

    2 5-Mar Meral Trimula Industries 727  12.7  0.4  4200-6700 950-38902 7-Mar Dumri Hindalco 2,127  46.1  1.0  3200-6400 740-3490

    2 7-Mar Nerad Malegaon Indrajit Pow er 660  10.3  0.4  3200-5400 740-1890

    2 8-Mar Mandla-South Jaypee Cement 1,852  13.4  0.3  4200-5800 950-2150

    2 8-Mar Gare-Palma IV/8 Ambuja Cements 2,291  11.8  1.2  3200-4800 740-1310

    2 9-Mar Lohari Araanya Mines 2,438  9.0  0.2  4200-6700 950-3890

    3 11-Aug Marki Mangli-I Topsw orth Urja 715  10.0  0.3  4200-4800 950-1070

    3 11-Aug Bhaskarpara Crest Steel & Pow er 755  24.1  1.0  3600-6400 610-3490

    3 13-Aug Majra Jaypee Cement 1,230  14.9  0.5  4200-5800 950-2150


  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    Captive coal blocks – Allotment to PSUs

    Government of India allotted 27 coalblocks to Central & State PSUs inMarch 2015.

    NTPC was allotted the five captivecoal blocks – Chhatti Bariatu, ChattiBariatu (South), Dulanga, Kerandariand Talaipalli. These coal blocks werede-allocated by the Supreme Court(SC) in September 2014.

    Separately, in September 2015, theMinistry of Coal allotted theMandakini-B coal block (in Odisha,having extractable reserves of 1.2bntons) to NTPC for its proposed4000MW project in Telangana.

    Coal Blocks – Details of 27 coal blocks allotted to PSUs

    Source: Ministry of Coal, Nomura research

    S.No. Coal Block New Allottee Prior AllotteeGeological

    Reserves (m t)

    Schedule-II mine s

    1 Khagra Joydev DVC DVC 196.2 

    2 Baranj I to IV, Kiloni, Manora Deep KPCL KPCL 152.5 

    3 Pachhw ara Central PSPCL PSEB 562.0 

    4 Parsa East, Kanta Basan RRVUNL RRVUNL 360.0 

    5 Barjora North WBPDCL DVC 85.5 

    6 Barjora WBPDCL WBPDCL 8.0 

    7 Gangaramchak, Gangaramchak - Bhadulia WBPDCL WBPDCL 14.0 

    8 Tara (East) & (West) WBPDCL WBSEB 210.2 

    9 Pachhw ara North WBPDCL WBPDCL 125.7 

    Schedule-III mine s

    1 Badam Bihar Genco Tenughat Vidyut 144.6 

    2 Gare Palma Sector III CSPGCL GIDC 210.2 

    3 Gidhmuri, Paturia CSPGCL Chhattisgarh SEB 80.3 

    4 Gare Palma Sector I GSECL CMDC 900.0 

    5 Banhardih JUUNL JSEB 400.0 

    6 Gare Palma Sector II Mahagenco MSMC & TNSEB 768.0 

    7 Kerandari NTPC NTPC 229.0 

    8 Talaipalli NTPC NTPC 965.0 

    9 Chatti Bariatu, Chatti Bariatu South NTPC NTPC 597.0 

    10 Dulanga NTPC NTPC 260.0 

    11 Manoharpur, Dipside Manoharpur OCPL OPCL 531.7 

    12 Parsa RRVUNL Chhattisgarh SEB 150.0 

    13 Rajbar E & D Tenughat Vidyut Tenughat Vidyut 385.0 

    14 Tadicherla - I TGenco APGenco 61.3 

    15 Naini SCCL GMDC & PIPDICL 500.0 

    16 Sitanala SAIL SAIL 108.8 17 Saharpur Jamarpani UPRUVNL DVC 600.0 

    18 Kasta (East) WBPDCL DVC 105.0 


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    Captive coal blocks – Block Linkages

    ‘Bridge Linkage’ is a short-term coallinkage (for a period of up to threeyears) to meet the coal requirement ofeligible Central / State owned power

    plants until coal is available from theirrespective linked/allotted coalmine/block.

    Coal will be supplied by CIL on a ‘besteffort basis’ after meeting existingcontractual obligations. CIL shallendeavor to supply 75% of 'AgreedRequirement' of coal, i.e., 90% ofnormative coal requirement of theplant at 85% PLF.

    So far, 19 Central/State owned powerplants with an aggregate capacity of24.6GW have been granted BridgeLinkage.

     At 60% utilization level, annualizedcoal requirement of this capacity is~90mt. However, if the power plantsstart generation as per indicatedtimeline, potential demand for coalwould be 20-45mt/yr over the next

    three years.

    Coal India  – 24.6GW of PSU capacity has granted coal supply under ‘Block Linkage’ 

    Source: Ministry of Coal, Nomura research


    Plant Name Captive Coal Block Scheduled Start Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

    NTPC Kudgi - I 3x800 2,400  Bhalumuda Jun-21 Apr-16 Jul-16 Jan-17

    Barh-II 2x660 1,320  Chatti Bariatu & Chatti Bariatu (South) Nov-19 Nov-14 Feb-16

    Tanda-II 2x660 1,320  Kerandari Nov-19 Sep-18 Mar-19

    Barethi 4x660 2,640  Banai coal block May-20 2019-20

    Lara 2x800 1,600  Talaipalli Nov-19 Dec-16 Jun-17

    Darlipalli 2x800 1,600  Dulanga Nov-19 Feb-18 Aug-18

    Bilhaur 2x660 1,320  Kudanali-Luburi Aug-22 2019-20

    Total (NTPC) 12,200 

    UPRVUNL Obra C 2x660 1,320  Saharpur-Jamarpani Jun-20 Sep-20

    Panki 1x660 660  Saharpur-Jamarpani Jun-20 Sep-20

    Jawaharpur 2x660 1,320  Saharpur-Jamarpani Jun-20 Apr-20

    Harduaganj 1x660 660  Saharpur-Jamarpani Jun-20 Sep-19

    OPGCL IB Thermal 2x660 1,320  Manoharpur & Dipside of Manoharpur Mar-19 Mar-18

    KPCL Bellary Unit 3 1x700 700  Deocha Pachami Dewanganj - Harinsingha Jan-21 Mar-16

    Yermarus 2x800 1,600  Deocha Pachami Dewanganj - Harinsingha Jan-21 Mar-16 May-16

    CSPGCL Marwa 2x500 1,000  Gare Palma - III May-19 Mar-16 May-16

    TSPGCL Kakatiya 1x600 600  Tadicherla - I 2018-19 Oct-15 Synchronized

    Mahagenco Koradi 3x660 1,980  Gare Palma - II Apr-19 Dec-15 Mar-16 Jun-16

    Chandrapur (U8,9) 2x500 1,000  Gare Palma - II Apr-19 Mar-16 Apr-16

    Parli (U8) 1x250 250  Gare Palma - II Apr-19 Mar-16

    Total (State Gencos) 12,410 

    Grant Total 24,610 

    Indicated start-up of power plant

    Capacity (MW)

    Source: Ministry of Coal, Nomura research

  • 8/16/2019 Nomura- Coal India -Mining Behemoth With Pseudo-utility Attributes


    New FSAs – Eligible Power Generation Capacity

    Eligible generation capacity + coal requirement as per the FSAs In February 2012 and June 2013, theGOI ministries shortlisted powerprojects which were to be eligible forsecuring FSAs with CIL.