nominalisation (nominalization)


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Page 1: Nominalisation (Nominalization)


Page 2: Nominalisation (Nominalization)

What is Nominalisation?When we turn an adjective

or a verb

into a noun,we create a


And?Note: Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs are ‘Parts of Speech’

Page 3: Nominalisation (Nominalization)

What is a ‘verb’?

A VERB is a ‘doing word’.

The function or ‘job’ of a VERB is:• an action, or• state.

That is a VERB:• shows a physical or mental

action, or• describes a state of being.

Example of a ‘physical action’:The student works long hours.

Example of a ‘mental action’:She is going but knows about that.

Example of ‘state of being’:There is more to life than work.

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What is an ‘adjective’?

An ADJECTIVE is a ‘describing word’.

The function or ‘job’ of an ADJECTIVE is:• is to describe a NOUN.

That is an ADJECTIVE:• describes a proper noun,• a common noun, or• a pronoun

by describing how many, what kind or which one.

Example of a ‘how many’:The five classmates study at home.

Example of a ‘what kind’:He left for a long trip overseas.

Example of ‘which one’:He took that road to go to the shop.

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What is a ‘noun’?

There are:• Common nouns;• Proper nouns;• Pronouns.

Common Noun is a:• Person• Place• Idea or• Thing.

It can be a single word, a group of words or a hyphenated word.

There are:• Common nouns;• Proper nouns;• Pronouns.

Proper Noun is the name of a:

• Person• Place or• Thing.

It is always capitalized. It may be a single word, a group of words or a hyphenated word.

There are:• Common nouns;• Proper nouns;• Pronouns.

Pronoun Noun is a word used in place of a noun(s). It can be as the subject “the doer” of the action or acting as a “receiver” of the action in the object case. Pronouns can also be singular or plural possessives to show ownership.

Examples:Person: Girl Place: OceanIdea: Self-control Thing: Table

Examples:Person: Josh Place: LibraryThing: (the) Brownlow Medal

Example:He gave her his wallet.

Subject: He Object: herPossessive: his

Page 6: Nominalisation (Nominalization)

Transform the verbs into nounsVerbs Nouns Verbs Nouns

Communicates Composes

Concludes Creates

Decides Demonstrates

Develops Diagnoses

Discusses Explores

Identifies Indicates

Inspires Introduces

Investigates Promotes

Reflects Represents

States Suggests

Summarises Sympathises

Page 7: Nominalisation (Nominalization)

Transform the verbs into nouns

Possible answers…Verbs Nouns Verbs Nouns

Communicates Communication Composes Composition

Concludes Conclusion Creates Creation

Decides Decision Demonstrates Demonstration

Develops Development Diagnoses Diagnosis

Discusses Discussion Explores Exploration

Identifies Identification Indicates Indication

Inspires Inspiration Introduces Introduction

Investigates Investigation Promotes Promotion

Reflects Reflection Represents Representation

States Statement Suggests Suggestion

Summarises Summary Sympathises Sympathy

Page 8: Nominalisation (Nominalization)

Transform the adjectives into nouns

Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns

Careless Difficult

Different Elegant

Applicable Intense

Hungry Grammatical

Nosy Major

Eventful Negotiable

Neurological Anxious

Coastal Dangerous

Delightful Doubtful

Economic Energetic

Harmful Healthy

Page 9: Nominalisation (Nominalization)

Transform the adjectives into nounsPossible answers…

Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns

Careless Carelessness Difficult Difficulty

Different Difference Elegant Elegance

Applicable Application Intense Intensity

Hungry Hunger Grammatical Grammar

Nosy Nose Major Majority

Eventful Event Negotiable Negotiation

Neurological Neurology Anxious Anxiety

Coastal Coast Dangerous Danger

Delightful Delight Doubtful Doubt

Economic Economy Energetic Energy

Harmful Harm Healthy Health

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Assembled by: A. Ballas