nofa conference co-op presentation, august 2011

Monadnock Community Market Monadnock Community Market Co-op Co-op Locally Owned. Locally Grown. Locally Eaten.

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Monadnock Community Monadnock Community Market Co-opMarket Co-op

Locally Owned. Locally Grown. Locally Eaten.

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I. Project Evolution

II. Elements of Success

III. Lessons Learned

IV. Resources

V. Questions?

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What is a Co-op?What is a Co-op?

An organization of people who work together for a mutual benefit

All Cooperatives:• Owned and controlled

by the people who use them (member-owners)

• Return profits back to their members-owners• Accountable to internationally recognized


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What will OUR Co-op be What will OUR Co-op be like?like?

Local, natural, and healthy food for the Monadnock Region

A community gathering place, offering education around food

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The Monadnock Community Market Co-opwelcomes neighbors, connects community, and contributes economically to build a healthy &

sustainable food system and community.

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Project EvolutionProject EvolutionFebruary 2008Monadnock Farm and Community Connection forms and 4 committees are created (Co-op, Infrastructure, Education and Inventory)

April 2008The MFCC Co-op Committee has its first official meeting

September 2008MFCC Co-op Committee creates Mission and Vision statement

November 2008Co-op Committee and the Keene Farmer’s Market co-host community forum, Local Food Downtown “bringing agriculture to the center of Keene,” (75 people)

December 20083 officers are voted in: Committee chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

January 2009 Co-op Committee votes to hire Cooperative Development Services to conduct food co-op feasibility study. Co-op Advisory Committee forms.

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February 2009Subcommittees form: Marketing & Communications, Governance, and Finance & Fundraising

April 2009April 2009The City of Keene approves $5,000 appropriation to support the Co-op Committee feasibility study. $35,000 raised in total from 5 local orgs.

June 2009Start of Marketing Feasibility Study

October 2009Start of Financial Economic Feasibility Assessment

November 2009Co-op Committee votes on Monadnock Community Market Co-op as name (based on review of community surveys)

December 2009Timeline is put together for the remaining development of the Monadnock Community Market Co-op.

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January 2010Finishing the organizing phase of Co-op: By-laws and certificate, definition of Membership (responsibilities, benefits, member equity requirement), logo, and Brochure to prepare for Membership drive, select founding Board of directors.

April, 2010Founding Board of Directors formsMembership drive launched, April 22, 2010

August, 2010101 Member-owners

October, 2010Work on Pro-Forma and business plan, Marketing, etc.Signed contract with National Cooperative Grocer Association DC

November, 2010Marketfest Fundraiser/Membership Drive—30 members joined, $5k raised355 Member-owners

December, 2010Joined Neighboring Food Co-op Association404 Member-owners

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Winter 2011: Preliminary Store Design Revised Pro Forma/Business Plan 600 Member-owners

April, 2011: Launch Member Loan Campaign August, 2011: Complete Member Loan Campaign

Finalize Design Build process/submit plans

October, 2011: Begin Construction Hire General Manager

800 Member-owners

June, 2012: Open the Co-op doors! 1,000 Member-owners

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The Founders --Board of Directors --Project Manager

The Work Force --Volunteer Management --Working Groups/Committees

Support --Best Practices from other Co-ops --CDS, NCGA DC,  NFCA

Elements of SuccessElements of Success

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Membership --Membership Presentations/Events/Tabling --Figuring out the “right” membership structure  Fundraising --Events—most successful, high input --Member Loan Campaign

Communications --Facebook --Website --Newsletters --Have you Heard?

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Lessons LearnedLessons Learned• Get the Right people on the bus• Use all Co-op resources: webinars,

consultants, newsletters, Co-ops• Leverage Members to get Members• Be strategic about Events• Share Membership benefits• Think of the Big Picture• Messaging/It’s OK to not know • Have FUN!

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Get theGet theRight People Right People on the Buson the Bus Deborah O’Meara, Vice President, Keene Industrial Paper Co.

Ed Guyot, CPA/Partner, John G. Burk and Associates

Jaime Contois, New Hampshire Director, Working Families Win

Jennifer Risley, Program Coordinator, Hannah Grimes Center

Jim O’Neil, Management, Keene State College

Joe Marks, President, Baudelaire Inc.

Michael Faber, General Manager, Wild Oat’s Market Co-op

Paul Pezone, Senior VP, Facilities Planning & Support Services, CMC

Kathy Harrington, Executive Director, Monadnock United Way

Bonnie Hudspeth, Project Manager, Monadnock Community Market Co-op

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Leverage MembersLeverage Members• Have you Heard?• Co-op Potlucks• Word of Mouth• Advertising

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Plan Events with High Plan Events with High ROIROI

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Benefits of Co-op Benefits of Co-op MembershipMembership

1) The STORE!

2) You have a voice in the business

3) If the Co-op does well, YOU do well

4) Investing in your community

5) Specials from local businesses

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Have Have Fun!Fun!

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Co-op Consultants/Support Organizations• Cooperative Development Services • NCGA Development Co-op • Neighboring Food Co-op Association • Cooperative Development Institute Other Co-ops• Start ups• Best practices from Established Co-ops Community Partners• Local developer• Supportive Businesses 

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Websites/Webinars•  Food Co-op Initiative Listserves• CGIN• COMFOOD Books•Humanizing the Economy: Cooperatives in the Age of Capitalism (John Restakis)•Good to Great (Jim Collins)

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Building our own local food co-op on Railroad Square

(603) 355-8008(603) 355-8008

Join the Co-op Today!Join the Co-op Today!

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Contact us:Contact us:


Email:Email:[email protected]


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