node.js in a heterogeneous system

Node.js in a heterogeneous system Alexey Migutsky : Senior Software Developer @ Lohika

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Post on 01-Sep-2014




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Node.js !in a heterogeneous system

Alexey Migutsky : Senior Software Developer @ Lohika

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What do we do?�

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What do we do?�PaaS for BigData analytics in cloud environments.

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What do we use?�

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What do we use?�





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What do we use?�

BDAS (Spark + Shark)


Black Voodoo Magic™



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What’s next?�

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What’s next?�

Node & Maven



Jenkins & Node testing

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Why Node.js?

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Why Node.js? Fast and easy Easy websockets support Plays nice with AWS We use it as a web-tier orchestrator

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Node & Maven

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Node & Maven We use maven (pom.xml) We use npm (packege.json) We have node+maven projects!

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Project structure

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Project structure + Subprojects are maven modules + Subprojects use common code base + Easy « build process » + Easy deployments - Uber root package.json - Mangled dependencies

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Custom modules

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Custom modules Live in root /node_modules right now Planning to move to separate git repos Tested with subprojects

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Tests Mocha + Sinon + Chai Sinon-chai + mocha-sinon Chai-as-promised Rewired Jenkins TAP plugin

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Test example describe('##getConfiguration', function () {! it('should return promise and resolve with data ', function (done) {! var promise = sysStore.getConfiguration('somekey');! promise.should.eventually.become({key: 'somekey'}) !

" .then(function () {! !

! mockTables.system, !" " {key: sinon.match.string} !" "); !

}) ! .should.notify(done);! });! });  

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Test Env How-to

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Test Env How-to Goals: -  run from root using mvn test -  run from sub using npm test -  human-readable result logs -  result >> in console and file -  Jenkins support

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"devDependencies": {   "mocha": "*",   "sinon": "1.6.*",   "chai": "*",   "sinon-chai": "*",   "mocha-sinon": "*",   "chai-as-promised" : "*",   "rewire" : "*"   },   "scripts" : {   "test" : "./"   }  

Test Env How-to

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#!/bin/bash!mocha $(find test -name '*.js') -R tap | !tee test/testresults.tap; (exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]})  

Test Env How-to

The whole command runs in a single line. Wrapped here for display purpose J

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pom.xml (maven-antrun-plugin)

<execution> ! <id>test-nodejs</id> ! <phase>test</phase> ! <configuration> ! <tasks name="Run mocha tests"> ! <exec dir="${basedir}”! executable="npm” ! failonerror="true"> ! <arg value="test"/>! </exec> ! </tasks> ! </configuration> ! <goals> ! <goal>run</goal> ! </goals> !</execution>  

Test Env How-to

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Build process

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Build process

-  No npm install on build server (too slooow)

-  Fixed deps versions (update by-hand)

-  All deployable deps are checked in!

-  Build phase only copies deps in subprojects

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-  Builds are stored at S3

-  Copied to instances by orchestration tools

-  Managed by upstart

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upstart (server.conf)    #this should be put in /etc/init/server.conf on Ubuntu !description ”Node.js server" !author "Alexey Migutsky" !!# used to be: start on startup !# until we found some mounts weren't ready yet while booting: !start on started mountall !stop on shutdown !!# Automatically Respawn: !respawn !respawn limit 20 5 !!# Max open files are @ 1024 by default. Bit few. !limit nofile 32768 32768 !!script !

"# Not sure why $HOME is needed, but we found that it is: "!"export HOME="/root” !"exec /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/server/app.js >> /var/log/server-err.log 2>&1 !

end script !!post-start script !end script


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Deployment hint

Have a look at

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Continuous Integration

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Page 35: Node.js in a heterogeneous system

« hack some node.js » npm test

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push code

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push code

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push code

build & test

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push code

build & test


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push code

build & test


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push code

build & test


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push code

build & test



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That’s it!

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That’s it!

