nobel peace prize: ethiopia pm abiy ahmed letter of the week...

of the week October 2019 Ethiopian news agency monitoring Service Nobel Peace Prize: Ethiopia PM Abiy Ahmed wins

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Ethiopian news agency monitoring Service

Nobel Peace Prize: Ethiopia PM Abiy

Ahmed wins

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The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who made peace last year with bitter foe Eritrea.

He was awarded the prize for his ef-forts to “achieve peace and interna-tional cooperation”.

Mr Abiy’s peace deal with Eritrea end-ed a 20-year military stalemate fol-lowing their 1998-2000 border war.

He was named as the winner of the 100th Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, where he will receive the award in December.

It is worth some nine million Swedish crowns (about £730,000; $900,000).

Following the announcement, Mr Abiy said he was “humbled and thrilled”.

“Thank you very much. It is a prize given to Africa, given to Ethiopia and I can imagine how the rest of Africa’s leaders will take it positively to work on [the] peace-building process on our continent,” he added in a phone call with the secretary of the Norwe-gian Nobel Committee.

A total of 301 candidates had been nominated for the prestigious award, including 223 individuals and 78 or-ganisations.

There had been great speculation over who would win the prize, with climate activist Greta Thunberg wide-

ly tipped as the favourite. Under the Nobel Foundation’s rules, nomination shortlists are not allowed to be pub-lished for 50 years, and the organi-sation says any speculation ahead of the announcement is “sheer guess-work”.

What has Abiy Ahmed done?

After becoming prime minister in April 2018, Mr Abiy introduced mas-sive liberalising reforms to Ethiopia, shaking up what was a tightly con-trolled nation.

He freed thousands of opposition activists from jail and allowed exiled dissidents to return home. Under him, several women have also been ap-pointed to prominent positions.

Most importantly, he signed the peace deal with Eritrea.

But his reforms also lifted the lid on Ethiopia’s ethnic tensions, and the re-sulting violence forced some 2.5 mil-lion people from their homes.

Why did he win?Mr Abiy, 43, was honoured for his “decisive initiative to resolve the bor-der conflict with neighbouring Er-itrea”, the Norwegian Nobel Commit-

tee said.

“The prize is also meant to recog-nise all the stakeholders working for peace and reconciliation in Ethiopia and in the East and Northeast African regions,” they said.

“Peace does not arise from the ac-tions of one party alone. When Prime Minister Abiy reached out his hand, President Afwerki grasped it, and helped to formalise the peace process between the two countries. The Nor-wegian Nobel Committee hopes the peace agreement will help to bring about positive change for the entire populations of Ethiopia and Eritrea.”

Since the Eritrea deal, Mr Abiy - the youngest head of government in Af-rica - has also been involved in peace processes in other African countries, the committee said. This has includ-ed helping to broker an agreement between Sudan’s military leaders and civilian opposition after months of protests.

Mr Abiy’s office said the award was testimony “to the ideals of unity, co-operation and mutual coexistence that the prime minister has been con-sistently championing”.

Nobel Peace Prize: Ethiopia PM Abiy

Ahmed wins

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A palace that once housed Ethiopia’s emperors and also served as a torture site under the communist Derg regime is to open to the public in a controversial government tourism project. The palace compound in Addis Ababa, which Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government has rebranded “Unity Park”, was formally launched Thursday and will be open from Friday. Abiy’s office said on Twitter Thursday that the project “symbolises our ability to come together”. But critics have dismissed it as vanity project for Abiy that could prove divisive. Backed by the United Arab Emirates, the project cost more than $160 million (145 million euros), Ethiopian officials told reporters at a briefing earlier this week. Built in the late 1800s by Emperor Menelik II, who founded Addis Ababa, the palace was the residence of Ethiopia’s rulers for more than a century.Abiy himself does not live there, and it has seen little activity in recent years. Abiy’s advisers say he has taken a keen interest in transforming the palace into

a tourist attraction since coming to power in April 2018 -- visiting the site every day in recent weeks to monitor progress. The government’s “Home-Grown Economic Reform” agenda, unveiled last month, describes tourism as a primary engine of potential job creation.On Thursday, government officials and the diplomatic corps toured the expansive site before attending a banquet that was expected to draw five regional heads of state and other dignitaries.The restored rooms feature items like Menelik’s sword and a life-size wax replica of former Emperor Haile Selassie, who lived at the palace and was then detained there after the Derg overthrew him in 1974. The site also includes a sculpture garden with installations representing Ethiopia’s nine regions, and a zoo is expected to open by the end of the year. Aklilu Fikresilassie, an Ethiopian employee of the United Nations who attended the launch Thursday, said he was “really fascinated” to set foot inside

a place that had been closed to the public his entire life. “For us it’s like a government house, so now when you enter that palace it tells you that we are getting somehow closer to our leaders,” he said. But not everyone is convinced the palace will succeed in bringing Ethiopians together. In a country grappling with ethnic divisions, some worry that the palace could alienate ethnic Oromos who contend that their ancestors were forced off their land when Addis Ababa was built. Journalist and former political prisoner Eskinder Nega said the renovations were undertaken “without consultation from the public”, which he called “a huge mistake.” “This is all about heritage, about preserving heritage. The people should have had a say in it,” he said. “Like everything else this was decided from the top and implemented only by the decision of the prime minister.”

Ethiopia turns former palace, torture site into tourist drawa

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Ethiopia on Thursday turned a late 19th-century palace in its capital Addis Ababa into a major tourist destination. The brainchild of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Unity Park was constructed on a 40-acre National Palace compound at the heart of the city, comprising of historical buildings where both imperial and Marxist governments passed decisions that affected millions of Ethiopians. Perched on a central plateau overlooking hot spring plains nearby, the palace was constructed as part of the founding of the city of Addis Ababa in 1887 by Emperor Menelik and his influential wife Empress Taitu. Ever since, it saw a succession of leaders including the country’s final Emperor Haileselassie I, Marxist former President Mengistu Hailemariam, Ethiopian-style ethnic federalist former prime ministers Meles Zenawi and Hailemariam Desalegn and now the reformist and progressive Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Costing 5 billion Ethiopian Birrs ($170.7 million), the Unity Park features a wide banquet hall made of wood and leather ropes, wooden and glass houses once inhabited by princes and princesses and an imperial court and hall, Tamirat Hailu, a historian who coordinated the park project, said in a pre-launch press briefing.

The park also includes a spacious green area including a botanical garden, a zoo where primates and endemic black-mane lions will roam among 300 individual animals of 46 species, to be watched from an artistic tunnel with grass portions for viewing. According to Tamirat, ticket prices are set at $7 dollars for ordinary visitors and $34 for VIP -- who would enjoy special access to restricted areas in a guided tour. “1000 -- 1500 people are expected to visit the site each day when it is open for the public this coming Monday,” he said. The grand opening of the Unity Park was attended by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and Somalian President Mohammed Abdella in addition to diplomatic officials, businesspeople and others.

Abebaw Ayalew, the deputy director general of the Ethiopian Heritage Conservation and Research Institute who co-managed the construction of the park, told visiting reporters that experts from Gujarat and Punjab participated in the restoration of the Banquet hall as architects from the two Indian states had participated in its original construction. Visitors will have access to an

Ethiopia turns history-packed palace into tourist spot

19th-century palace, now park, zoo, historical attraction, to display Ethiopian heritage for visitors from all over world

underground cellar, which was used as a cold area to keep liquor in barrels and kegs, before its legacy later took a turn for the darker when the military-junta regime of Colonel Mengustu used it as torture chamber for prisoners, especially those from the imperial era.

A photograph exhibition including images of imperial-time ministers executed by the military “Derg” regime is also featured in addition to written descriptions. Turkish Ambassador to Ethiopia Yaprak Alp told Anadolu Agency: “Today, we have, under the invitation of the prime minister along with all ambassadors to visit the beautiful complex which will be open for the public tomorrow. “It is a beautiful heritage that the Ethiopian government is now showing to all the people and tourists who are hopefully coming very soon. I hope it will prove to be a huge asset for Ethiopia,” she said. Rwandan Ambassador to Ethiopia, Hope Tumukunde Gasatura said: “This is a huge and exciting project and one can only congratulate the prime minister who initiated the project. It is the palace where the prime minister sits. Renovating it and opening it to tourists would contribute to the city and the country’s tourism in general. It is commendable”.

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The Egyptian parliament voted, on Wednesday, to form a special committee headed by its deputy to discuss

the cabinet statement delivered by Prime Minister Mostafa Kamal Madbouly on the stalled negotiations on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. According to the official Egyptian news agency, Ali Abdel Aal, Speaker of the House of Representatives, referred the statement of the government, which was submitted by its head, and the ministers of foreign affairs, irrigation and housing, on the crisis of the Renaissance Dam, to a special committee, headed by Suleiman Wahdan, the second deputy of parliament. The Committee includes the foreign relations, African affairs, defence and national security committees, and is expected to write a report and send it to the Bureau of Cabinet for discussion in a plenary.According to local media, the Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives said in a meeting Wednesday that while his country “is keen to protect its vital

interests, national security, and its inalienable rights by virtue of history, international covenants and conventions, it stresses that it will not allow the undermining of its rights in the waters of the Nile River, as a vital issue.” The Egyptian Prime Minister reiterated before the parliament on Wednesday his country’s adherence to an international mediator in the negotiations on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, stressing its refusal to undermine its share in the waters of the Nile River. Madbouly also stressed that “the agreement on the Declaration of Principles was reached between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia in March 2015, and this declaration includes the constants and foundations of one party’s non-harming of the other.”Earlier on Wednesday, the official Ethiopian news agency quoted a statement by the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, stressing that “Egypt’s new proposal on the Renaissance Dam has become a point of disagreement between the two countries (…) as it had crossed

the red line drawn by Ethiopia.” The statement went on, “Egypt proposed the release of 40 billion cubic meters of water each year, and release more water when the Aswan Dam (southern Egypt) reaches less than 165 meters above sea level, and called for a fourth party in the discussions between the three countries,” which has not been possible to confirm by the Egyptian authorities immediately. Ethiopia has repeatedly said that negotiations have not reached a dead end and that Egypt is stipulating “unreasonable demands”, according to previous statements by the Ethiopian Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy Seleshi Bekele. Cairo fears a possible negative impact of the dam on the flow of its annual share of the Nile River water (55 billion cubic meters), while Sudan gets 18.5 billion cubic meters. In return, Ethiopia says it does not aim to undermine Egypt’s interests and that the dam is basically aimed at generating electricity.

Egyptian parliament forms ‘special committee’ on Renaissance Dam crisis

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Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly on Wednesday delivered an urgent statement to

the plenary session of the House of Representatives regarding the latest developments of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) crisis and the results of Egypt’s diplomacy with Ethiopia and Sudan. Madbouly said that Ethiopia had made a unilateral declaration to start the construction of the dam in 2011, taking advantage of the turmoil in Egypt at that time. Egypt has made efforts to avoid any political crises with these countries, or crises related to the water shortage crisis, the Prime Minister stressed. He reviewed what the Egyptian state has done and what projects it made and will undertake to conserve and utilize water resources and secure Egypt’s historical rights to the Nile water.

“I assure the people that the state, with all its institutions, is committed to preserving Egypt’s historical rights in the Nile waters, both through political and technical means

and full consultation, and to support all bridges of cooperation with Ethiopia and Sudan to reach a consensus with them, provided they do not affect Egypt’s historic rights,” Madbouly said. He added that Egypt has made great effort in negotiations and dialogue with Ethiopia and Sudan, yet although all international conventions established that any announcement on any project should be in consultation with the countries affected by the establishment of this project, as of the 2011 unrest in Egypt, Ethiopia had started its operational steps unilaterally. Egypt has met many obstacles from the Ethiopian side, Madbouly stated. The last round of negotiations witnessed intransigence from Ethiopia on certain baselines, related to the filling and operation of the dam as a mechanism that will be sustainable after the dam becomes a reality.

He added that Egypt has found it necessary to stage an urgent intervention and bring in an international mediator, especially after Ethiopia

announced the start of the dam’s pilot operation in 2020. The Prime Minister stressed that Egypt is not against any developmental projects serving any country. There are dozens of projects implemented by countries in agreement with Egypt, and Egypt has even participated in the financing and implementation of these dams, such as the implementation of a giant dam in Tanzania. On its end, the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Egypt’s proposal to invite a third party in the discussions is an unwarranted denial of progress in the trilateral technical dialogue, and violates the agreement on the Declaration of Principles signed by the three countries on March 23, 2015. The Ethiopian News Agency published a statement from the Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, saying that “Egypt’s new proposal on the GERD has become a point of contention between the two countries, and it’s crossing the red line drawn by Ethiopia.” It added that “Egypt proposed that the dam should be filled in seven years and the filling could progress if the level of the water at Aswan Dam reaches 165 meters above the ground. It also proposed that Ethiopia should release 40 billion cubic meter water annually.” “Ethiopia rejected the proposal because the construction of the dam is a matter of national survival and sovereignty,” the statement read.

Ethiopia took advantage of 2011 turmoil in Egypt to build GERD: PM

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Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said Ethiopia’s insistence to fill and operate the

Renaissance Dam without reaching an agreement with Egypt and Sudan “is unacceptable, and a clear violation of the Declaration of Principles Agreement,which might negatively affect the region’s stability.” In his speech at the Parliament’s plenary session, Shoukry urged the international community to shoulder the responsibility of reaching a fair agreement regarding the Renaissance Dam, and to activate Article 10 of the Declaration of Principles Agreement that allows parties to integrate mediation in case negotiations fail to solve the dispute.

Shoukry referred to Egypt’s previous demand for the World Bank’s mediation, and its adoption of a scientific approach when addressing the issue rather than the fait accompli policy, which confirms “Egypt’s goodwill towards reaching a fair agreement.” The foreign minister continued that Egypt is always seeking to establish brotherly and cooperative relations based on mutual respect among the peoples of the three countries to create brighter present and future and to reach a fair deal regarding the Renaissance Dam. “Egypt is open to dialogue and communication, and is aware of

its responsibilities and duties towards its people and their water rights,” Shoukry said, adding that Egypt will devote all its political tools not only to protect its interests but also to implement the international law.

Shoukry further pointed the importance of Sudan’s cooperation with Egypt in this vital cause in light of the unity of both countries’ destinies, and the 1959 agreement signed between both countries on common water interests that must be preserved to protect the peoples’ rights. “The Renaissance Dam issue has reached a very delicate and sensitive stage after long negotiations without reaching an agreement that respects the rights of the three countries,” Shoukry reiterated. The session was attended by Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly who said that Egypt has entered the water poverty phase, according to the international definition of the term, under which the individual’s share of water is below 1,000 cubic meter/year. “Today, our River Nile resources account to 55.5 billion cubic meters, while the figure rises to 10 billion cubic meters or a little more if other resources including rain water, ground water and desalinated water are included,”Madbouly clarified, adding that an individual’s share of water in Egypt nowadays is 700 cubic meters/year, with

the figure declining with the increase in population.

The premiere affirmed that Egypt is taking all the necessary measures to develop water resources, and aims to reduce the needs of each individual of water taking into consideration the rising population. On October 5, Ministry of Irrigation said that the Ethiopian position has brought the negotiations to a standstill, especially after Ethiopia rejected the Egyptian integrated proposal for the rules of filling and operating the Renaissance Dam, which is fair and balanced and takes into account the interests of the three countries. During a round of negotiations in Khartoum at the level of the independent scientific research group, and during the ministerial meeting that followed from September 30 to October 5, 2019,Ethiopia refused to discuss the rules of operation of the Renaissance Dam and insisted on limiting the negotiation to the filling phase and the rules of operation during the filling phase. This contradicts with Article 5 of the text of the Declaration of Principles Agreement signed on March 23, 2015, and with the international norms for cooperation in the construction and management of dams on shared rivers.

Ethiopia’s insistence to fill GERD without agreement threatens

region’s stability

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The failure of the Renaissance Dam negotiations poured more oil on the burning fire in the chest of Egyptians, from the policies of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and many considered him responsible for the thirst that threatens Egypt during the period of filling and operating the Ethiopian dam, which Cairo fears its impact on Water security, and the drought of millions of acres of agricultural. An undocumented page called “Ethiopia in Arabic” has sparked controversy on social media, after it published a video in which it said that Sisi signed an agreement that includes a clause enabling Ethiopia to acquire 80% of the Nile water for 10 years. The account that published the video does not have any official status, but identifies itself as “a voluntary youth project to the Arab world to introduce Ethiopia.”

Informal denial

Media outlets affiliated with the Sisi regime denied the Ethiopian page video, stressing that the Renaissance

Principles Agreement signed between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan in March 2015 stipulated that the three countries should take all appropriate measures to avoid causing significant harm while using the Nile. Blue main river. She explained that the terms of the agreement does not include that Ethiopia would take 80% of the Nile water for 10 years. Ahmed Mufti, an independent member of the International Commission for the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and an international law expert, said in previous statements that «the agreement of principles signed by the leaders of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, has led to the legalization of the Renaissance Dam, and turned it from an internationally illegal dam, to a draft law». He added that «the agreement contributed to the strengthening of the Ethiopian position in the tripartite negotiations, and did not give Egypt and Sudan a single point of water, and the weakest historical agreements», pointing out that «the agreement of principles was redrafted to achieve Ethiopian

interests only, and the deletion of water security, which means legal weakness of the Egyptian And Sudanese.

In his latest video, Egyptian artist Mohamed Ali, owner of the Spanish-based construction company, Sisi, the ministers of defense, interior, irrigation and housing, and senior army leaders, vowed to hang by hanging following the removal of the country’s military rule for their involvement in the construction crisis of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Egypt ‘s share of Nile water. He added that «Sisi signed an agreement in 2015, under which Egypt ceded the historic share of the Nile water, adding,« Sisi misled the Egyptians, who is responsible for the crisis of water shortage of the Nile, and also responsible for the spread of high prices, slavery, administrative failure, and the destruction of the economy ». “General Ashraf Hamed, the director of the National Company of the Ministry of Defense, who was replaced by General Karam Salem, called me earlier to ask for drilling

Ethiopia exposes Egyptian president’s failure to renaissance

dam: granted us the right to acquire 80% of the wate

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wells to extract the groundwater, claiming to face Egypt’s declining share of Nile water”.

He added: «They asked some companies to import the largest number of pumps from abroad, but the cost was very staggering, knowing that Egypt does not have large quantities of groundwater», wondering «Is it possible to replace the Nile water with water wells? I say this so that the Egyptians know how the army leaders think ?! He pointed to an alternative plan announced by the current Minister of Transport, Kamel al-Wazir, when he was chairman of the Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces, to establish desalination plants for sea water, he continued, «Minister said in an intervention with the media Amr Adib that the five largest desalination plants in Egypt, and this matter Absolutely a lie. He continued: «I say to Sisi, why did you sign with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia and the President of Sudan, the agreement to establish the dam, and ceded Egypt’s share of the Nile water? Is Egypt managed by the (swearing) way, in which I hoped the Prime Minister of Ethiopia not to reduce Egypt’s share of the Nile water… You have licensed the people of Egypt, O cheap! ».

He continued to say: «Sisi is responsible for the loss of Egypt’s share of the Nile water, and now resort to America, even if there is a shortage of water in the Nile, the President of the Republic and the Ministers of Defense, Interior, Irrigation and Housing, they are all executed, because the predominant is the convergence of water, and agricultural land will grow. Anyone who supported Sisi will pay dearly. ” Egyptians inaugurated the label «Sisi wasted the water Nile» to blog against Sisi as the real responsible for the loss of the Nile water, after

the Egyptian regime announced the failure of negotiations with the Ethiopian side on the Renaissance Dam, and attempts by the media and electronic battalions, to blame the January revolution.

Real famine

Nour Hanem published a video of an Egyptian farmer calling on Sisi after the water shortage. “What if he knew we were on the verge of a complete water drought, land paralysis and real famine?” Islam Says: «Sisi warns the people against a revolution against him .. And holds the people responsible for what is happening in Egypt from the lack of Nile water». “Without the agreement of the principles of the Renaissance Dam signed by Sisi, Ethiopia would not have been able to build the dam,” Guevara wrote. The Egyptian parliament entered the Renaissance Dam crisis plan, and its president, Ali Abdel-Al, called on the council members to coordinate with him before talking to the media or issuing any foreign policy statements, according to Article 9 of the list, referring to the statement of the African Affairs Committee on the Renaissance Dam.

The African Affairs Committee in the Egyptian House of Representatives announced that it is ready to use all the tools it has to Ethiopia in relation to the file of the Renaissance Dam, noting that it will start escalation by inviting the Ethiopian Ambassador to Cairo to the Parliament, to inform him of Egypt’s fear of unjustified and deliberate escalation by Addis Ababa. MP Mustafa Bakri said that «Egypt can not overstate its water rights in any case», adding that Egypt is using all its political and diplomatic tools to activate the agreements that took place and at the time to return to the old agreements that affirm the right of Egyptians to the amount of water

“Less than 55.5 billion cubic meters.” He added that «that amount is not commensurate with the size of the rates of population increase, however, Egypt welcomed the intervention of the United States of America and any other parties seeking to resolve this crisis to ensure water security for Egypt». MP Yahya al-Kadwani, a member of the National Defense and Security Committee in the parliament, said: “So far, there has been no coordination with the African Affairs Committee on the summoning of the Ethiopian ambassador in Cairo regarding the crisis of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.” Current meetings.

He added that «the intervention of the United States of America as a mediator comes as a response from the major powers to Egypt raised from the rostrum of the United Nations, where the White House took a clear position to declare its support for an agreement that does not achieve nothing less than mutual benefit, on the operation of the dam, and not monopolize a single party to achieve and approve each “What he sees from his point of view.” In a related context, said MP Majid Abu al-Khair, Deputy for African Affairs in the House of Representatives, that the Ethiopian ambassador will be hosted in parliament to discuss the latest developments on the recent crisis over the Renaissance Dam, pointing out that the parliament will take steps to reach a solution in this matter. He added that «Parliament will address members of the African Parliament to reach an ideal solution suitable for all parties in this issue, pointing out that the date of the meeting of the Ethiopian ambassador in Cairo has not yet been determined». He stressed that «Egypt will defend its right to the Nile water by all diplomatic means».

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Cairo kicked off its first official move to support Sudan in its  security and political issues. On Sept. 22-30, a tourist resort in Ain Sokhna hosted figures from the political forces and armed movements represented by the Sudan Revolutionary Front and Nidaa al-Sudan to sponsor a national dialogue and come up with agreements for peace in order  to establish security in all Sudanese territory. Cairo was among the first countries to closely follow up on the developments in Sudan since the ouster of President Omar al-Bashir in April, and it has been in constant contact with the Transitional Military Council. It has sponsored the dialogue between Sudan’s Forces of Freedom and Change and the Sudanese Revolutionary Front, from which the document of the Constitutional Declaration emerged. At the government level, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry was among the first officials to visit Sudan Sept. 9, to coordinate with the new government, only hours after Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok was sworn in.

An Egyptian security source familiar with the Sudanese dossier told Al-Monitor, “After the relative stability inside Sudan since  Bashir’s ouster  on April 11 and the signing of the  Constitutional Declaration, the security issue became the main dilemma in the equation of political stability. This reflects negatively on the Egyptian national security should security tension persist and armed movements continue to control various parts of the Sudanese territory.” The source added, “Egypt  —  through its sponsorship

of dialogue and negotiations  — shares  its experience and vision regarding security arrangements, the integration of armies and armed movements into the Sudanese [National Army] and the formation of a unified, professional, national army to serve the state.” Prior to Bashir’s ouster, Sudan had  five irregular armies, each with its own social and political interests. In addition to the Sudanese National Army, there were  the Rapid Support Forces, the Revolutionary Front Forces,  and other armed  forces that included military formations of the Islamists, Salafist warfare and tribal militias.

Sabah Moussa, a journalist focusing on Sudanese affairs who works at Sudan’s  Al Youm Al Tali  newspaper, told Al-Monitor, “Egypt has started cooperating with the new Sudan in order to establish peace and security to ensure the cessation of any civil wars and put an end to all tensions and security concerns in Sudan.” She said, “It is not easy to sponsor negotiations between armed movements, each with their own interests, but they need strong diplomatic and security expertise and skills, especially given that one option is to demobilize some armed forces or integrate them into the Sudanese National Army.” Moussa noted, “Here, complex arrangements are needed given the difference in ideology between the Sudanese National Army and those of the armed movements, which rely on guerrilla warfare and tit-for-tat techniques.” She added, “The results of the recent meetings were a sign of the willingness to start negotiating a unified vision of peace, over which all civil and armed movements can


The Ain Sokhna meetings, which were attended for the first time by most figures and forces that oppose Bashir’s regime,  ended in agreement  on the main points on the agenda of future negotiations to achieve peace, including reform in the security sector and rebuilding the national army to include organized and armed forces to be at the service of the Sudanese people. Moussa stressed the importance of Egyptian coordination with the various Sudanese parties to ensure harmony in visions and positions, not only in terms of bilateral cooperation such as the economy, security and trade, but in the regional cooperation dossier, especially in regard to security issues in the Nile Basin and Red Sea are. She noted the differences in the intentions of some new leading figures in Sudan toward the surrounding countries, whether in the Arab or African region.

Moussa added, “So far, Hamdok’s political orientation has not been determined, although Cairo is among the  first capitals he visited  Sept. 18, after assuming responsibility and before attending the UN General Assembly meetings in New York. Meanwhile, Hamdok does not hide how greatly he is influenced by  Ethiopia  and its experience in promoting growth and development, which he underlined in his first media appearance [with Sudania24 on Aug. 24] in Sudan. This raises questions about Sudan’s position on the Nile water, one of Cairo’s most sensitive issues.”

Other regional intermediaries intervened in Sudan alongside

Egypt tries to get new Sudan government to its side

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Cairo, notably  South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and  Ethiopia. Egypt is trying to unify regional efforts to produce unified results to resolve outstanding security problems. Speaking to Al-Monitor on the sidelines of the recent meetings in Ain Sokhna, Sudan Revolutionary Front leader Yasir Arman said, “Several of Sudan’s neighboring countries wish to push forward the peace process on Sudanese territory, but a mechanism must be found to coordinate international and regional efforts so as not to have too many cooks spoil the broth.”

Several regional countries are deploying efforts to advance Sudanese peace negotiations, and Egypt has sought a role to coordinate these efforts. He added, “Egypt has made an effort to coordinate between South Sudan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. We are willing to extend this coordination to the international community.”  In addition to the security issue and uniting armed movements, the Sudanese government has several priorities, including the attempts to remove Sudan from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list, and achieve economic

reform by raising the standard of living of the Sudanese citizen who suffered under harsh economic conditions during Bashir’s rule. In the  official talks  between the Egyptian and Sudanese prime ministers Sept. 18, there were several Egyptian promises to support Sudan economically and diplomatically. A diplomatic official familiar with Egyptian-Sudanese relations told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “The Egyptian diplomatic action now focuses a great deal on coordination with Sudan as the most important issue on the Egyptian foreign policy’s agenda to secure Egyptian interests in the southern neighborhood and the Nile waters.”

The official added, “Winning clear and frank positions from the Sudanese regime to support Cairo’s positions in the Nile water issue  —  especially the negotiating position with Ethiopia on filling and operating the  Renaissance Dam  —  is Egypt’s priority at the moment. Sudan’s stances were pro-Ethiopia and against Egyptian interests throughout the periods of negotiations since the signing of the agreement on

the Renaissance Dam in March 2015, which has been one of the reasons why agreements were yet to be reached.” Amid action aimed at attracting Sudan to Egyptian positions, the new Sudanese government, headed by Hamdok, is still sensing a path to balanced external relations far from what Hamdok described in his  first television talk  with Sudania24 on Aug. 24 after taking power as a “regional hub war.” In the interview, Hamdok said, “Foreign forces play a major role in Sudanese affairs now, even the political agreement and the Constitutional Declaration have been mediated by foreign parties. We praise this role and appreciate the help, but some interventions complicate the political scene even further.” Speaking about Sudan’s foreign policy, he noted in the same interview, “We aspire to regional cooperation in order to break out of isolation. Foreign policy will be managed based on common interests.” Egypt faces a serious task to intensify its efforts to achieve security stability in Sudan in order to ensure the protection of its southern surroundings and secure it from the control of armed movements, especially Islamic-oriented ones. It would have to attract the  Sudanese government  with common interests  all the while ensuring its interests in the Nile waters, and this issue has become even more critical to Egypt after the failure of negotiations with Ethiopia about filling and operating the Renaissance Dam.

in the regional cooperation dossier, especially in regard to security issues in the Nile Basin and Red Sea are. She noted the differences

in the intentions of some new leading figures in Sudan toward the surrounding countries,

whether in the Arab or African region

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Ethiopian Airlines on Wednesday denied w h i s t l e b l o w e r accusations that it

tampered with the maintenance records of the Boeing 737 MAX jet which crashed in March, killing all 157 people on board. The accident, in which the plane nose-dived into a field outside Addis Ababa, led to the six-month grounding of the aircraft model as numerous reports faulted an automated control system which pushed the nose of the jet sharply downward. The same system error was blamed for the crash of an Indonesian Lion Air plane in October last year which killed 189 people. However Ethiopia Airline’s former chief engineer Yonas Yeshanew -- who is seeking asylum in the United States -- highlighted dubious

maintenance practices and corruption at the fast-growing airline, in an article carried by the Associated Press news agency.According to the AP, Yonas said someone from the airline had entered the maintenance record system after the crash. He said he did not know if anything was altered, but referred to a history at the company of falsifying records and signing off on dodgy maintenance and repair jobs. Ethiopian Airlines said in a statement emailed to AFP that directly after the crash “all relevant hard copy maintenance records of the aircraft involved in the accident” were sealed, stored in a secure place and delivered to investigators. “All maintenance activities done and pilot remarks reported on the aircraft before the

The Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) has invited proposals from eligible bidders for the construction of solar-powered mini-grid projects in 25 rural towns and villages throughout the African country. Interested parties will bid to execute projects that include the construction of a solar power generation facility, installation of a back-up diesel generator and a battery storage system, as well as the operation and maintenance of those for a period of three months. The deadline for proposals is November 11, 2019. The overall project has the financial support of the African Development Bank (AfDB), which has provided financing in various currencies, according to an announcement from late September.

Ethiopia invites bids for solar mini-grid projects

Ethiopian Airlines denies it tampered with flight records after crash

accident are recorded on hard copy documents. Hard copies are the official records of aircraft. The allegation that pilot and technicians´ notes were changed is completely false,” the airline said. The airline has presented Yonas as a “disgruntled employee”, while he told AP he fled the country after being arrested and interrogated for talking to journalists about his concerns following the crash. Ethiopian Airlines is the biggest carrier in Africa and has rapidly expanded, regularly adding new routes to its already busy schedule across the globe. On Tuesday night Ethiopian Airlines jet made an emergency landing in Dakar with one of its engines on fire, though all 90 passengers and crew were unharmed.

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The Ethiopian Arabic account on Twitter revealed today a major scandal for

Al-Jazeera TV channel, which transmitted tweets from a fake account called Ethiopia in Arabic, publishing abusive tweets against Egypt, and Al-Jazeera aimed to exploit the Renaissance Dam crisis between the two countries. Al-Jazeera’s lies and its transmission When it was published on the fake account, Ethiopia’s official Arabic account prompted Twitter to issue a notice saying: “We have already noted that this account (@EthiopyAr) is fraudulent, impersonating our account name and identity and deliberately publishing abusive tweets for brothers in Egypt.” So we would like to assure our followers that we are in the account of Ethiopia in Arabic to adopt such an approach or method in Twitter, and it is unfortunate to publish such a tweet in a channel claiming professionalism and


In the first response from Al-Jazeera in order to bleach the face of the false channel in front of this scandal said the official account of the channel: We clarify that when dealing with this tweet published we said that the activists circulated the tweet from an account called “Ethiopia in Arabic” and did not mention from near or far that it is an official account, We dealt with reactions to them in the context of their wide spread.” In the early hours of dawn today, Ethiopia’s fake Arabic account witnessed unprecedented interaction by the Muslim Brotherhood’s electronic committees. Since the outbreak of the Renaissance Dam crisis between Cairo and Addis Ababa, the terrorist group’s channels in Turkey as well as Al-Jazeera have deliberately published false reports of the crisis.

Ethiopian official urges

African countries to

benefit from ties with


An Ethiopian official Tuesday

called on African countries to

develop their own strategies

on how to benefit from the

enormous opportunities

arising from ties with China. Arkebe Oqubay,

Minister and Special Assistant to the Prime

Minister of Ethiopia, made an opening

remark here at a seminar on industrialisation

strategies organised by the African Centre

for Economic Transformation. Mr Oqubay

said China is exemplary in areas such as

modern agriculture and Africa should

tap into China’s expertise for further

development. He also shared Ethiopia’s

experience and commitment to structural

transformation, noting that Ethiopia has

plans for long-term investment, especially

in energy, manufacturing and modern

railway system. Very good policies, backed

by strong leadership, are needed to achieve

the transformation and development the

citizens seek, said Mr Oqubay. (Xinhua)

Ethiopia reveals the

island ‘s plot

for the rift between Cairo and Addis Ababa

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Police teargassed hundreds of protesters outside a court in Ethiopia’s northern city of Bahir Dar on Tuesday, a local party official and an eyewitness said, reflecting public tensions over high profile violence that left dozens dead there in June.  The man, who requested  anonymity  for  fear  of reprisals,  told Reuters the protesters were chanting demands that the government reveal “the truth” over the killings described by the government as a regional coup attempt. The June violence flared up after a rogue state militia leader killed the region’s state president and other top level officials, sparking a shootout in Bahir Dar, the capital of Amhara. Desalegn Chane, president of the new National Movement of Amhara (NAMA) party,  confirmed police fired tear gas at protesters.  “Youth protested, police fired tear gas and dispersed them,” he told Reuters, adding that there were no casualties. The regional

spokesman declined to comment. The region’s top police official did not respond to a request for comment.

Amhara is a northern region in Ethiopia and is home to Ethiopia’s second largest ethnic group which bears the same name.    The June violence there was the most serious challenge yet to the rule of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, whose political and economic reforms in what was once one of Africa’s most repressive nations have also emboldened powerful regional strongmen, leading to an upsurge in ethnicaly-fueled clashes. Tuesday’s protest appears to be a show of strength by Amhara’s increasingly strident ethnically-based political movement, which may challenge the Amhara-based party in the ruling coalition in next year’s elections. “They were chanting and saying the government should reveal the whole truth about  June 22,”

the man said. Protesters  were also demanding the release of prisoners due to appear in court over the violence, he said. It was not clear how many prisoners were due to appear in court or what the charges were. But state-run  Amhara Mass Media said those due to appear in court included  Brigadier General  Tefera Mamo, the former head of special forces in Amhara, and noted the prisoners have been held for 64 days without charge. The witness said he didn’t see police arresting or beating any protesters, a common occurrence under Abiy’s predecessor Hailemariam Desalegn. Three years of deadly protests culminated in Hailemariam’s resignation in April last year, ushering in Abiy’s rule and the gradual loosening of the state’s iron grip. (Reuters)

Ethiopian police teargas protesters in Amhara:

local party official

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Airport and airline officials said the plane turned around in mid-air due to an engine fire.

An Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 767 on route from Dakar, Senegal to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia returned to Dakar airport shortly after takeoff after its pilot discovered that one of the plane’s engines had caught fire, Dakar Airport spokesperson Tidiane Tamba has told AFP. Thanks to the timely mid-air manoeuvre, none of the estimated 90 passengers or crew onboard were harmed. Ethiopian Airlines later confirmed via Twitter that one of its aircraft had returned to the Senegal airport “due to a technical problem.” The airline stressed that everyone onboard was safe.

Unverified photos reportedly taken at the Dakar airport showed the airliner’s wing being doused by firefighting foam as the plane stood on the runway.

Tweet reads: “#Africa: An #EthiopianAirlines #Boeing 767 made an emergency landing this morning shortly after

taking off from the #Dakar airport in Senegal. The incident was caused by a a fire starting on one of its engines. The plane was set to head to Addis Ababa with a stop-over in #Bamako [Mali].”

The fire was thought to have started on the plane’s right engine five minutes after takeoff. Video footage soon appeared online showing airport firefighters arriving to fight the blaze. Ethiopian Airlines grounded its fleet of Boeing 737 Max aircraft in March after one of the jetliners taking off from Addis Ababa airport crashed, killing all 157 passengers and crew onboard. The incident was the second deadly crash involving a Boeing 737 Max since the October 2018 crash of a Boeing 737 Max operated by Lion Air in Indonesia, which killed all 189 people onboard. The incidents prompted airlines around the world to ground their fleets of 737s.

Ethiopia, WB partner to

rehabilitate 22,000 street

childrenEthiopia’s Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) announced on Tuesday plans lift up 22,000 people living on streets and reintegrate with the society.According to a survey conducted in 11 cities, about 88,000 people are estimated to live on streets, including children, women, youth, and elderly people. Feleke Jenber, director of social security development promotion at MoLSA said that preparations have been made to rehabilitate those who are living on the streets.

In the Ethiopian capital alone, 50, 820 people are estimated to live on the streets and 92% of them came from different parts of the country in search of better living situations. The remaining 8% came from the 10 sub-cities driven by various reasons.

A total of the $35 million has been put aside by the Government of Ethiopia and the World Bank for the project to be held in 11 cities this Ethiopian fiscal year (2019/20). Alem Assefa, deputy head of the Addis Ababa City Administration’s Labor and Social Affairs, said the administration plans to provide support to 13,000 of them this fiscal year. Special attention would be given for children first, followed by women, youth and elderly people, Alem added.

Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 767 Makes

Emergency Landing in Dakar Shortly After

Takeoff- Reports

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Facebook on Tuesday

announced the expansion of

its third-party fact-checking

programme to 10 new African

countries in partnership

with Agence France-Presse and

other media. The programme

will be available in Ethiopia,

Zambia, Somalia and Burkina

Faso in partnership with AFP;

in Uganda and Tanzania with

Pesa Check and AFP; in the

Democratic Republic of Congo

and Ivory Coast with France

24 and AFP and in Guinea

and Ghana in partnership with

Nigerian fact-checking platform

Dubawa. “The expansion of

third-party fact-checking to

now cover 15 countries in a little

over a year shows first-hand our

commitment and dedication to

the continent, alongside our

recent local language expansion

as part of this programme,” said

Kojo Boakye, Facebook head of

public policy, Africa.

“Taking steps to help tackle

false news on Facebook is a

responsibility we take seriously,

we know misinformation is

a problem, and these are

important steps in continuing

to address this issue. “We know

that third-party fact-checking

alone is not the solution, it is

one of many initiatives  and

programmes we are investing

in to help to improve the quality

of information people see on

Facebook.” “AFP is delighted to

be expanding its fact-checking

project with Facebook. We are

known for the high quality of our

journalism from across Africa

and we will be leveraging our

unparalleled network of bureaus

and journalists on the continent

to combat misinformation,”

said AFP Global News Director

Phil Chetwynd.  AFP has fact-

checkers in nearly 30 countries,

working in nine languages.

Eric Mugendi, managing

director of Pesa Check, which

will provide fact-checking

services in Swahili and English,

said: “Social networks like

Facebook  haven’t just changed

how Africans consume the news

… They shape our perceptions

of the world. “This project helps

us dramatically expand our

fact-checking to debunk claims

that could cause real-world

harm.” (AFP)

Ethiopian Airlines

switching to Airbus after

deadly Boeing 737 MAX

crashEthiopian Airlines is reportedly at the final stages of striking a $1.6 billion deal with European aerospace giant Airbus  for the purchase of 20 of its narrow-body A220 jets. According to a report, citing the airline’s CEO  Tewolde Gebre Mariam, the state-owned airline is considering a purchase of a whole fleet of Airbus aircraft. This is not the first time Africa’s largest air carrier is looking at purchasing the 100-seat Airbus A220s for its fleet. The airline was considering European jets last year, however, it eventually had decided to go with larger Boeing 737 family aircraft. “It’s a good airplane – we have been studying it long enough,” Tewolde was cited as saying about the Airbus A220 aircraft.The agreement is set to be completed by the end of the year. Should the deal go through, it would be the airline’s first order since the crash of its Boeing 737 MAX in March. According to Tewolde, Ethiopian Airlines faced difficulties operating large Boeing 737 MAX, as it had to stop off at a second destination on flights from Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to cities including Windhoek in Namibia and the Botswana capital Gaborone for refueling. Operating Airbus A220s will allow direct flights with no additional stops. Ever since Boeing’s best-selling 737 MAX jets have been grounded after two deadly crashes earlier this year, Airbus’ profits have been growing exponentially, while Boeing posted its largest-ever quarterly loss in July, calculating the total cost of the 737 MAX crisis at over $8

Facebook extends fact-checking programme

to 10 new African states including Ethipoia

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Residents of the upper eastern region have been urged to take advantage of the

recently established One Stop Border Point in Moyale to boost trade between Kenya and Ethiopia. Acting Treasury CS Ukur Yatani said the facility, among other six in the country, was being underutilized. “We should see more trade volumes passing through the OSBP at Moyale- an indication of robust business activity between Kenya and Ethiopia. Unfortunately, we are not witnessing this,” he said. He said there is potential for additional revenue collection from the region hence adding that the state was looking to establish more OSBPs along the common border with Ethiopia to facilitate trade.Yatani said that the government

was keen on working towards full implementation of an agreement on free trade earlier agreed between the two countries. The OSBPs are aimed at alleviating movement across borders by improving speed and efficiency hence reducing barriers to trade and improving business competitiveness. At the OSBPs, KRA has put in place measures such as installation of scanners and intelligence aided verification of cargo to address mis-declarations, concealments, and substandard cargo. “Movement of goods across the borders in undesignated crossing points amounts to smuggling,” KRA commissioner of customs and border control Kevin Safari said.

Over 90,000

Ethiopians have left

exile: president

Ethiopia’s president Zewde Sahle-Work on Monday said more than 90,000 nationals had returned to the country because of her government’s citizen-

centered diplomacy.

Sahle-Work, who was appointed to the role in October last year, was delivering her maiden speech to the country’s parliament. Since taking office in April last year, the country’s prime minister Abiy Ahmed has released political prisoners, engaged opposition parties and pursued radical economic and diplomatic reforms. These reforms have been cited by several opposition leaders and other Ethiopians who returned from exile, as the reason they have come back home.The government granted amnesty to individuals and groups, either under investigation or convicted on treason, crimes against the constitutional order and armed struggle. Prominent Ethiopians that have returned home include members of the Oromo Liberation Front, activists Jawar Mohammed and Mohammed Ademo, and the current electoral commission chief, Birtukan Mideksa. Sahle-Work, also reiterated the government’s commitment to deliver a free, fair and credible election next year. The polls will be a critical test of the reforms, that have been premised on widening the political space. The president added that the country would launch a satelite into space in December this year.

State to boost Kenya-Ethiopia trade There is potential for additional revenue

collection from the region

• Acting Treasury CS Ukur Yatani said the One Stop Border Point in Moyale, among other six in the country, was being underutilized

• Yatani said that the government was keen on working towards full implementation of an agreement on free trade earlier agreed between the two countries.

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KCB Group  is eyeing the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), chief executive Joshua Oigara disclosed on Friday. The lender is looking at additional markets for expansion while awaiting a licence to operate in Ethiopia, where it already has a representative office. “We are talking about two markets in trying to scale up our businesses so the market we are looking at is Congo and Ethiopia because they are very much aligned to our business,” he said. “For us there is a chance to really grow our business to reach the psychological height of Sh1 trillion of balance sheet size which is a strong size.” Mr Oigara did not provide a timeline for the DRC entry by KCB,

which also operates in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. By setting its eyes in the DRC, KCB will be taking the war for regional dominance to its local rival Equity Bank  , which recently deepened its presence in DRC after acquiring Congo’s second largest lender Banque Commerciale du Congo (BCDC).Access to banking services in the resource-rich nation is lower than other countries in sub-Saharan Africa. About 90 per cent of the population is unbanked, according to official statistics.Both banks, Kenya’s two biggest by profit and asset size, have been looking beyond Kenya’s borders in search

Ethiopia reduces internally displaced significantly

Flare-up of ethnic conflict led to displacement internally of 2.3 million people in last one-and-a-half years

The number of internally displaced people went down to less than 100,000 from a staggering more than 2 million, said President Sahle-Work Zewde on Monday. She was speaking this afternoon before members of parliament at the annual joint session of the House of People’s Representatives and the House of the Federation. The two Houses usually hold joint sessions after a three month rainy season sojourn. This is the beginning of the fifth and last year of the fifth term of parliamentary tenure. A flare-up of ethnically motivated and instigated conflict led to the displacement internally of 2.3 million people in the last one-and-a-half years. The number of internally displaced that had stood at a little more than one million before April 2018 jumped to 2.3 million after that time period, which is marked by a political transition ushered in by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who came to power in 2018.

of new revenue generating markets. KCB has meanwhile continued to eye establishment of operations in Ethiopia where reformist Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is opening up the economy, creating opportunity for foreign investors. The lender said last year it hopes to enter the market of 100 million people through a partnership with an Ethiopian bank or opening a fully-fledged subsidiary in the country, which has no foreign bank. KCB profit for the first six months of 2019 hit Sh12.7 billion, surpassing its rival Equity Bank whose half-year net earnings increased nine percent to Sh12 billion, in the period.

KCB sets sights on Congo, Ethiopia in growth plans

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ጥ ቅ ም ት 2 0 1 2 ዓ . ም

የኢትዮጵያ ዜና አገልግሎት ሞኒተሪንግ ክፍል

የተመረጡ ዜናዎችበ ዚ ህ ሳ ም ን ት

በቤተ መንግሥት ግቢ ውስጥ የተሰራው አንድነት ፓርክ 5

ቢሊየን ብር ተመድቦለት የተገነባ ሲሆን ዛሬ ከፍተኛ የመንግሥት

ባለሥልጣናትና የተለያዩ ሀገራት መሪዎች በተገኙበት ተመርቆ

ተከፍቷል። ይህንን ፓርክ ለመገንባት የገንዘብ ድጋፍ የተገኘው

ከዩናይትድ አረብ ኢሚሬትስ እንደሆነ የጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር

ጽሕፈት ቤት ለጋዜጠኞች ባስጎበኘበት ወቅት ተናግሯል። ቤተ

መንግሥቱ በ40 ሔክታር መሬት ላይ ያረፈ ሲሆን በውስጡ

ሦስት ዋነኛ የቱሪስት መስህቦች ይገኙበታል።

ታሪካዊ መስህብ

ከ1880ዎቹ ጀምሮ የተገነቡ የነገሥታት መኖሪያና ጽህፈት ቤቶች

በዋናኝነት እዚህ ውስጥ የሚካተቱ ሲሆን በዚህ ፕሮጀክት

የነበሩበትን ይዞታ ሳይለቁ ዕድሳት እንደተደረገላቸው ተገልጿል።

ከእነዚህ መካከል አንዱ የሆነው የሚኒሊክ የግብር አዳራሽ ሲሆን

ንጉሡ በዚህ አዳራሽ እንግዶቻቸውን ያስተናግዱ እንደነበር

ታውቋል። የአዲስ አበባ ወንዞችና ዳርቻዎቻቸውን የማልማት

ሥራን ለመተግበር በጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ጽህፈት ቤት ታቅዶ

በነፍስ ወከፍ አምስት ሚሊዮን ብር በማበርከት የእራት ድግስ

የተካሄደበት ‘ገበታ ለሸገር’ መርሃ ግብር የተደረገውም በዚሁ

በታደሰው አዳራሽ ውስጥ መሆኑ ይታወሳል። የቀድሞው ጠቅላይ

ሚኒስትር ኃይለማሪያም ደሳለኝ ልጅ የተዳረችውም በዚሁ አዳራሽ

እንደሆነ በጉብኝቱ ወቅት ተነግሯል። እኚህ የታሪክ ቅርሶች ሦስት

ጊዜ እድሳት እንደተደረገላቸው በገለፃው ወቅት መረዳት ተችሏል።

የመጀመሪያው በ1963 ዓ.ም በኃይለ ሥላሴ ሲሆን፣ ሁለተኛው

ደርግ 10ኛ ዓመቱን ሲያከብር፣ ሶስተኛው ደግሞ ቫርኔሮ በሚባል

የኮንስትራክሽን ድርጅት ነው።

በዚህ ሥፍራ መጀመሪያ የምናገኘው የፊት አውራሪ ኃብተ

ጊዮርጊስ ዲነግዴን (አባ መላ) መኖሪያ ነው። አባ መላ የአጤ

ሚኒሊክ የጦር ሚንስትር የነበሩ ሲሆን ይኖሩበት የነበረ ትንሽ

የእንጨት ቤት ከአጤ ምኒሊክ መኖሪያ ቤት ጎን ላይ ይገኛል።

አጤ ሚኒሊክ ከዚህ ዓለም ከተለዩ በኋላም እንደ መኖሪያና ቢሮ

አድርገው ሲጠቀሙበት ነበር። ቤቱ ፈርሶ የነበረ ሲሆን አሁን

ሙሉ በሙሉ ታድሷል። ወደ አጤ ሚኒሊክ ባለ አንድ ፎቅ

መኖሪያና ጽ/ቤት በሮች በእንጨት የተሠሩ ሲሆን በሚያምር

መልኩ የአበባና የሐረግ ጌጥ የተፈለፈለበት ነው። ይህ ቤት

ከሁለት ሌሎች ቦታዎች ጋር በድልድይ ይገናኛል። አንደኛው

በቤተ መንግሥት ግቢ የተገነባው

አንድነት ፓርክ በውስጡ ምን ይዟል?

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በሰሜናዊ አቅጣጫ የአጤ ምኒሊክ የፀሎት

ቤትና የሥዕል ቤት ሲሆን እንቁላል ቤት በመባል

ይጠራል። አንዳንዴም እንደ ጽ/ቤት ይጠቀሙበት

ነበር። ወደ አጤ ሚኒሊክ ባለ አንድ ፎቅ መኖሪያና

ጽ/ቤት በሮች በእንጨት የተሠሩ ሲሆን በሚያምር

መልኩ የአበባና የሐረግ ጌጥ የተፈለፈለበት ነው።

ይህ ቤት ከሁለት ሌሎች ቦታዎች ጋር በድልድይ

ይገናኛል። አንደኛው በሰሜናዊ አቅጣጫ የአጤ

ምኒሊክ የፀሎት ቤትና የሥዕል ቤት ሲሆን እንቁላል

ቤት በመባል ይጠራል። አንዳንዴም እንደ ጽ/ቤት

ይጠቀሙበት ነበር።

በሌላ በኩል አጤ ምንሊክ ከጦር መኮንኖቻቸው

ጋር የሚገናኙበት ክፍል ይገኛል። በወቅቱ የጦር

ሚኒስትር የነበሩት ፊት አውራሪ ኃብተ ጊዮርጊስ

ዲነግዴ እንደ ቢሮ ይጠቀሙበት ነበር። ሌላኛው

የዘውድ ቤት ነው። ይህ ህንፃ በአጼ ኃይለ ሥላሴ

ዘመን ነገሥታትንና ዲፕሎማቶችን የተለያዩ ሀገራት

ተቀብለው ያስተናግዱበት ነበር። በዚህ ህንፃ

ከተስተናገዱ የውጪ ሀገራት እንግዶች መካከል

በ1965 ንግሥት ኤልሳቤጥ 2ኛ፣ በ1966 የፈረንሳዩ

ፕሬዝዳንት ቻርልስ ደጎል እንዲሁም በ1956

የዩጎዝላቪያው ፕሬዝደንት ቲቶ ይገኙበታል።

ኮሎኔል መንግሥቱ ኃይለማሪያም፣ የዚህን ህንፃ

ምድር ቤት የአጼ ኃይለሥላሴን ባለስልጣናት አስሮ

ለማሰቃየት ተጠቅመውበት እንደነበር ታሪክ ሰነዶች

ያስረዳሉ። የፀሎት ቤቱና የሥዕል ቤቱ ባለ ሁለት

ፎቅ ነው። ሁለተኛው ፎቅ ላይ ከፍ ብላ የተሠራች

በመስታወት የተሸፈነች ቤት አለች፤ ይህች ቤት

‘ቴሌስኮፕ’ ያላት ሲሆን አዲስ አበባን በሁሉም

አቅጣጫ ማየት ታስችላለች።

በዚች እንቁላል ቤት መገናኛው ድልድይ ጋ

የመጀመሪያው ስልክ የገባበት ቤት ይገኛል። ቤቱ

ከድንጋይና ከእንጨት የተገነባ ነው። አርክቴክት

ዮሐንስ የኪነ ህንፃውን ጥበብ ሲገምቱ ከአርመኖችና

ኢትዮጵያውያን በተጨማሪ ሕንዶች ሳይሳተፉበት

እንደማይቀሩ ይገምታሉ። ይህ ቤት በደርግ ጊዜ

የውይይት ክበብ በመሆን አገልግሏል። ሌላኛው

ከአጤ ሚኒሊክ ቤት ጋር በድልድይ የሚገናኘው

የእቴጌ ጣይቱ ቤት ነው። ይህ ቤት ከቤተ

መንግሥቱ በምሥራቃዊ አቅጣጫ የሚገኝ ባለ

አንድ ፎቅ ሕንፃ ነው። በምድር ቤት የዙፋን ግብር

ቤት ይገኛል። የነገሥታቱ መመገቢያ አዳራሽ ሲሆን

ንጉሣዊ ቤተሰቦች ምግብ የሚመገቡበት ክፍል

ነበር፤ ይህ ቤት በደርግ ጊዜ የደርግ ምክር ቤት

መሰብሰቢያ በመሆን አገልግሏል።

የተፈጥሮ መስህቦች

በፓርኩ ከተሰሩ መስህቦች መካከል የእንስሳት

ማቆያና አኳሪየም (የውሃ አካል) አንደኛው ነው።

በዚህም ውስጥ የጥቁር አንበሳ መኖሪያ፣ የዝንጀሮ

መጠለያ፣ የአሳ ማርቢያ (አኳሪየም) ጨምሮ የ46

ዓይነት ዝርያ ያላቸው 300 ለሚሆኑ እንስሳት

መጠለያ የሚሆን ስፍራ ይገኛል። ለእንስሳቱ ምግብ

የሚዘጋጅበትና ሕክምና የሚሰጥበት ስፍራ በዚሁ

አለ። ይህ የእንስሳት መጠለያ ሕዳር 2012 ስራ

እንደሚጀምር ለማወቅ ተችሏል።

ባህላዊ መስህብ

በአንድነት ፓርክ ከተካተቱት አንዱ የብሔር

ብሔረሰቦች ባህል የሚንፀባረቅበት ስፍራ ነው።

ይህ ስፍራ የተገነባው በብሔር ብሔረሰቦች ቤት፣

ባህል፣ ምጣኔ ኃብትና የሕዝቦችን አኗኗር መሰረት

በማድረግ ነው። በዚህ ሕንፃ ብሔር ብሔረሰቦች

ባህላቸውን እንዲያንፀባርቁ እንደሚደረግ የጠቅላይ

ሚኒስትሩ ጽህፈት ቤት ገልጿል። በፓርኩ የጓሮ

አትክልት፣ የሚገኝ ሲሆን የኢትዮጵያን መልክዓ

ምድር አቀማመጥ በጠበቀ መልኩ ተሰርቷል።

በዛሬው እለት የተመረቀው የአንድነት ፓርክ

በነገው እለት የመከላከያ ሰራዊት እና የፌዴራል

ፖሊስ አባላት እንደሚጎበኙት ለማወቅ ተችሏል።

ቅዳሜ እና እሁድ ደግሞ አዛውንቶች እና የጎዳና

ተዳዳሪዎች ይጎበኛሉ ተብሏል። ከሰኞ ማለትም

ከጥቅምት 3 2012 ጅምሮ ማንኛውም ዜጋ 200 ብር

እንዲሁም በቪአይፒ (VIP) 1 ሺህ ብር በመክፈል

ቤተ መንግስቱን መጎብኘት ይችላል የተባለ

ሲሆን 1000 ብር የሚከፍሉ ጎብኝዎች ታሪካዊ

ቁሳቁስ የሚገኙበትንና ሌሎች እንግዶች እንዲያዩ

ያልተፈቀደላቸው ስፍራ መጎብኘት እንደሚችሉ

ለመረዳት ችለናል።

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በትናንትናው ዕለት መስከረም 28፣ 2012 የግብፁ

የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር ሳሚህ ሹኩሪ ፓርላማ

ላይ ባደረጉት ንግግር ኢትዮጵያ በህዳሴ ግድቡ

ላይ የውሃ ሙሌቱን መቀጠሏ ተቀባይነት የለውም


“ኢትዮጵያ በኦፕሬሽኑ ቀጥላለች፤ የህዳሴ ግድብን

የውሃ ሙሌት መቀጠሏ ተቀባይነት የለውም።

ይህ ተግባር የተደረሰውን ስምምነት የሚጥስ እና

በቀጠናው ላይ አለመረጋጋትን በመፍጠር አሉታዊ

ተጽእኖ ያስከትላል” በማለት አፅንኦት ሰጥተው

ተናግረዋል። የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትሩ አክለውም

“ዓለም አቀፉ ማህብረሰብ ሁሉንም አካላት

የሚያስማማ መፍትሄ በማፍለቅ ግዴታቸውን

እንዲወጡ ጥሪ እናቀርባለን” ማለታቸው ሮይተርስ

የዜና ወኪል ዘግቧል። የኢትዮጵያ፣ የግብፅና

የሱዳን የውኃ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትሮች፤ መስከረም 23

እና 24 በህዳሴ ግድብ የውሃ አሞላልና አለቃቀቅ

ላይ የተደረገውን የሦስትዮሽ ምክክር ተከትሎ

ግብፅ ዓለም አቀፍ አደራዳሪዎች ጣልቃ እንዲገቡ

ጥሪ አቅርባ ነበር። ኢትዮጵያ በበኩሏ የሶስተኛ

ወገን ጣልቃ ገብነት፤ በሦስቱ አገራት መካከል

የተደረሱ አበረታች ስምምነቶችን የሚያፈርስ

ከመሆኑ በተጨማሪ ሦስቱ አገራት በመጋቢት

2017 የፈረሟቸውን የመግለጫ ስምምነቶችም

ይጥሳል በማለት የሦስተኛ ወገን ጣልቃ ገብነት

እንደማትቀበል ገልፃለች።

ግብፅ ማን አደራዳሪ ይሁን በሚለው ላይ ምንም

ባትልም የግብፁ ፕሬዚዳንት አብደል ፋታህ

አልሲሲ፤ አሜሪካ በህዳሴ ግድብ ላይ ያላት ሚና

ከፍ ያለ እንዲሆን ጥሪ ማቅረባቸው የሚታወስ

ነው። ግብፅ ዓለም ባንክ ሶስተኛ ወገን ሆኖ

ልዩነቶችን በመፍታት እንዲያደራድር ግብፅ

ምክረ ሃሳብ እንደምታቀርብ የግብፁ አሀራም

ኦንላይን የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትሩን ዋቢ አድርጎ

ዘግቧል። በትናንትናው ዕለት ሳሚህ ሽኩሪ “ግብፅ

ከናይል ወንዝ ማግኘት የሚገባትን ጥቅም አሳልፋ

አትሰጥም” ስለማለታቸው እንዲሁ አህራም

ዘግቧል። “[ኢትዮጵያ] 630 ሚሊዮን ኪዩቢክ

ሜትር የዝናብ ውሃ ታገኛለች፤ 10 ወንዞቿን

ሳንጠቅስ ማለት ነው። ግብጽ ግን በውሃ እጥረት

አጣብቂኝ ውስጥ ወድቃለች። . . . የናይል ውሃ

ጉዳይ ለግብጽ የህይወት እና የሞት ጉዳይ ነው።”

በማለትም ተናግረዋል። አህራም እንዳስነበበው

የግብጹ የውጪ ጉዳይ ሚንስትር ሳሚህ ሹኩሪ

ሱዳን ከግብጽ ጋር ትብብር እንድታደርግም ጥሪ

ቀርቦላታል። “ወንድማማች ህዝቦች ብቻ ስለሆንን

ሳይሆን፤ የህዳሴ ግድቡ ግብጽን ብቻ ሳይሆን

ሱዳንንም ይጎዳል” ብለዋል።

ከዚህ በተጨማሪም የግብጽ ፓርላማ የህዳሴ

ግድብ ግንባታን የሚከታተል ልዩ ጊዜያዊ ኮሚቴ

ማቋቋም ተገልጿል። ኮሚቴው የግብጽን የናይል

ውሃ የመጠቀም መብት ለማስከበር አስፈላጊ የሆኑ

እርምጃዎችን እንደሚያጠናም አህራም አስነብቧል።

የግብጽ ፓርላማ አባላት የሃገሪቷ የውጪ ጉዳይ

ሚንስትር፣ ኢትዮጵያ የምትገነባው የህዳሴ ግድብ

ያስከተለውን ቀውስ ለመቅረፍ የወሰደው እርምጃ

እጅግ ደካማ ነው ሲሉ ስለመተቸታቸው አህራም

ዘገባው ላይ አስፍሯል። ታላቁን የኢትዮጵያ

ህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታንና የውሃ መሙላት ሂደትን

በተመለከተ ለአራት ዓመታት ሲካሄድ የነበረው

የሦስትዮሽ ውይይት ምንም ውጤት እንዳላመጣ

ሳሚህ ሽኩሪ መናገራቸው ይታወሳል።


“መንገደኞች የሚጓዙት

በመከላከያ ታጅበው ነው” የማዕከላዊ ጎንደር ኮሙኒኬሽን

ባለፈው ሳምንት በማዕከላዊ ጎንደር ዞን በተለይ ጭልጋ አካባቢ በቅማንት

የማንነት ጥያቄ አስመላሽ ኮሚቴና በመንግስት የጸጥታ ኃይሎች መካከል

ተፈጠረ በተባለው ግጭት በዞኑ ማህበራዊ አገልግሎቶችና መንገዶች

እስከመዘጋት መድረሳቸው ይታወሳል።

የማዕከላዊ ጎንደር ዞን የመንግስት ኮሙኒኬሽን ጽ/ቤት ሃላፊ አቶ ሃብታሙ

ጌታሁን ለቢቢሲ እንደተናገሩት ግጭቱ ከተነሳባቸው አካባቢዎች

መካከል ቢያንስ በሶስት ወረዳዎች እስከ አሁን የማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ

እንቅስቃሴዎች ቆመዋል። አቶ ሃብታሙ እንደሚሉት “በዞኑ ከሶስት

ወረዳዎች ውጭ ሁሉም ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ እንቅስቃሴ እየተከናወነ

ይገኛል”። እንቅስቃሴው የተገደበባቸው ሶስቱ ወረዳዎችም ጭልጋ ነባሩ፤

ጭልጋ አዲሱ (በቅማንት የራስ አስተዳደር የተካለለው) እና አይከል ከተማ

መሆናቸውን ተናግረዋል። ችግሩን ለመቀነስ በፍጥነት መሰራቱን የገለጹት

አቶ ሃብታሙ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎትን በተመለከተ ከጎንደር መተማ

በደርሶ መልስ በቀን ሁለት ጊዜ ጉዞ መኖሩን ገልፀዋል። “ተሽከርካሪዎቹ

በመከላከያ ታጅበው የሚመላለሱ ሲሆን ጥዋት ከጎንደር-መተማ ይሄዱና

ማታ ከመተማ ወደ ጎንደር ይመለሳሉ” ብለዋል።

በሶስቱ ወረዳዎች የህዝብ ትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ሙሉ በሙሉ የቆመ

ሲሆን፤ እንደገና ያልተጀመረበት ምክንያት “አንደኛ ችግሩ በዘላቂነት

ባለመፈታቱና በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ባለሃብቶቹ ‘ንብረቴ ይወድምብኛል’

ከሚል ስጋት ፍቃደኛ ባለመሆናቸው ነው” ብለዋል አቶ ሃብታሙ።

ማዕከላዊ ጎንደር የሚገኙት ማለትም ከትክል ድንጋይ ወደ ታች አርማጭሆና

ጠገዴ የሚወስዱት ሌሎች የዞኑ መንገዶች ግን ያለምንም የመከላከያ እጀባ

አገልግሎት እየሰጡ መሆናቸውን ገልጸዋል። ከሰሞኑ በተያያዘ ሁኔታ

ከጭልጋ ወደ ጎንደር የሚጓዙ የዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች የመታገታቸው ዜና

በማህበራዊ ሚዲያዎች ላይ በስፋት ተሰራጭቶ እንደነበረ ይታወሳል። አቶ

ሃብታሙ ግን ይህ መረጃ ከእውነት የራቀ እንደሆነ ያስረዳሉ።

“ተማሪዎች ታግተዋል የሚባለው መረጃ እውነትነት የለውም። እንዲያውም

ተማሪዎች ወደተመደቡበት ዩኒቨርሲቲ መጉላላት ሳይደርስባቸው

እንዲሄዱ ጥረትና ድጋፍ እየተደረገ ነው” ብለዋል። በሶስቱ ወረዳዎች

አሁንም በነዋሪው ዘንድ ውጥረትና ስጋት እንዳለ የሚናገሩት ኃላፊው

“እንደ አጠቃላይ ግን በዞኑ ሁሉም አካባቢዎች ምንም አይነት ትንኮሳና

ግጭት የለም” የሚል ምላሽ ሰጥተዋል። በተነሳው ግጭት የሰዎች ህይዎት

ማለፉ ቢነገርም የሟቾችን ቁጥርና የወደመውን የንብረት መጠን ለመግለጽ

እንደሚቸገሩ የተናገሩት አቶ ሃብታሙ፤ በቀጣይ በጉዳዩ ላይ ምርመራ

የጀመረው የጸጥታ መዋቅር እንደሚያሳውቅ ተናግረዋል። መረጃውን

ለማረጋገጥ የዞኑን ፖሊስ በስልክ ለማግኘት ያደረግነው ተደጋጋሚ ሙከራ


ግብጽ በአባይ ላይ ያለኝን መብት ለመከላከል ኃይሉም

ቁርጠኝነቱም አለኝ አለች

Page 26: Nobel Peace Prize: Ethiopia PM Abiy Ahmed letter of the week October 13.pdf · The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister

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ባለፈው ሳምንት አዲስ አበባ ላይ በተከበረውን

የኢሬቻ በዓል ላይ የክልሉ ምክትል ርዕሰ

መስተዳደር አቶ ሽመልስ አብዲሳ ያደረጉት

ንግግር የሚያብራራ የሚመስል መግለጫ

ፓርቲያቸው ኦዴፓ ዛሬ አውጥቷል። ቅዳሜ ዕለት በበዓሉ

ላይ ምክትል ርዕሰ መስተዳደሩ አደረጉት የተባለው ንግግር

በስፋት መነጋገሪያ ሆኖ በተለይ አንዳንድ የአዴፓና የኦዲፒ

ከፍተኛ አመራሮች ሳይቀሩ በማህበራዊ መድረኮች ላይ

ሲወዛገቡና ጠንከር ያሉ ቃላትን ሲለዋወጡ ቆይተዋል።

ይህንንም ተከትሎ ትናንት ኢትዮጵያ ዜጎች ለማኅበራዊ ፍትህ

(ኢዜማ) የተባለው ፓርቲ ባወጣው መግለጫ ላይ ጉዳዩን

በማንሳት ትችትን ሰንዝሯል። ዛሬ ጠዋት የወጣው የኦዲፒ

መግለጫ በበኩሉ የምክትል ፕሬዝዳንቱን ንግግር ተከትሎ

የተከሰተውን ውዝግብ ለማጥራት የሰጠው መግለጫ መሆኑን

ባያሰፍርም ያነሳቸው ነጥቦች ግን ንግግራቸውን የተመለከቱ

እንደሆነ የሚያመላክቱ ጉዳዮችን ይዟል።

ኢዜማ የተለያዩ ወቅታዊ ጉዳዮችን በዳሰሰበትና ትናንንት

ባወጣው መግለጫ ላይ ይህንኑ ጉዳይ አንስቶ ትችት

ሰንዝሯል። ፓርቲው “የኦዴፓ አደረጃጀት የሰላም፣ የይቅርታ

እና የምስጋና ታላቅ በዓል የሆነውን ኢሬቻን መጥለፉ ሳያንስ

የተለመደውን የ100/150 ዓመት የሠባሪ/ተሠባሪ ትርክት

ማቀንቀኑ ሀገሪቱን ወደ አንድነት ለማምጣት የሚደረገውን

ጥረት ወደኋላ የሚጎትት” እንደሆነ አመልክቷል። ኢዜማ

በመግለጫው ላይ እንዲህ ዓይነቱ ትርክት በአስቸኳይ

እንዲታረም በመጠየቅ፤ “የአገር አንድነትንና ዴሞክራሲያዊ

ሥርዓትን በማምጣት ሂደት የምንጠቀምበት ቋንቋ ላይ

ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄ ማድረግ የሁላችንም ኃላፊነት መሆኑን

እናሳስባለን” ሲል መክሯል። ኢዜማ አክሎም የአዲስ አበባ

ህዝብ የተለያዩ አፈናዎችና ትንኮሳ እየደረሰበት እንደሆነና

“የከተማ ሕዝብ ተፈጥሮአዊ የሆነና በሕገ መንግሥቱም

እውቅና የተሰጠውን ራሱን የማስተዳደር መብት

ለመሸርሸር የሚደረግ ምንም ዓይነት አካሄድን አይቀበልም”

ብሏል። የአዲስ አበባ ህዝብ የሚደርስበትን የመብት

ጥሰት ለመቃወምና ተቃውሞውንም በሰላማዊ መንገድ

ለመግለፅ የሚያደርጋቸውን እንቅስቃሴዎች እንደሚደግፍ

በመግለጫው አስታውቋል።

ዛሬ ጠዋት ባወጣው የኦዲፒ መግለጫ የህዝቡን ዘርፈ

ብዙ ፍላጎቶች ለማሟላት ከእህት ድርጅቶችና ከአጋሮቹ

ጋር ኅብረት ፈጥሮ ሲታገል፣ በጋራ መሥዋዕትነት ሲከፍል

መቆየቱንና አሁንም እየታገለ መሆኑን ገልጿል። አክሎም

“በታሪክ ውስጥ የተሠሩ ስህተቶችን በጋራ ነቅሶ ማረም፣

እንዲሁም ካለፈው ትምህርት ወስዶ ተጨማሪ ስህተቶችን

ባለመድገም፣ ብሎም የነበሩንን ድሎች አስፍቶና አጠናክሮ

በማስቀጠል የመጪውን ትውልድ ፍላጎትና ጥቅም ማሳካት”

ዋነኛ አላማው እንደሆነም አመልክቷል። መግለጫው ኦዲፒ

ሲያደርግ የነበረው ትግል “ከጨቋኝ ገዥዎች ጋር እንጂ

ከሕዝቡ ጋር አልነበረም። ሕዝቦች ሲጨቆኑ እንጂ ሲጨቁኑ

አልኖሩም። ከየትኛውም ወገን የመጡ ጨቋኝ ገዥዎች

ጥቅማቸውን እንጂ የመጡበትን ወገን እንደማይወክሉ በጽኑ

ያምናል” ይላል።

ስለዚህም የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ባለፈዉ ታሪካቻው

ከተፈጸሙ ስህተቶች ይልቅ በአንድነት የሚያስተሳስሯቸው

መልካም ነገሮች በርካታ እንደሆኑ ጠቅሶ “ከመጣንበት

መንገድ በላይ ወደፊት አብረን የምንጓዘዉ ረጅም ጉዞ

እንደሚረዝም” ፓርቲው እንደሚረዳ ጠቅሷል። በተለይም

መግለጫው በኦሮሞና የአማራ ሕዝቦች መካከል ያለው

የወንድማማችነት ትስስር በቀላሉ የሚበጠስ እንዳልሆነ

በማንሳት “የአዴፓና የኦዴፓ የዓላማ እና የተግባር አንድነት

ከዚህ በፊት ያጋጠሙትን ፈተናዎች እንዳለፈ ሁሉ ወደፊትም

መሰናክሎቹን ሁሉ እየተሻገረ ተጠናክሮ እንዲቀጥል

ፓርቲያችን በቁርጠኝነት እንደሚሠራ ደግመን ለማረጋገጥ

እንወዳለን” ብሏል።

የሲዳማ ውሳኔ ህዝብ ለማስፈፀም የሚረዳ የህግ ሰነድና የአሰራር ማዕቀፎችን እያዘጋጀ መሆኑን የውሳኔ ህዝብ ማስፈፀሚያ ፕሮጀክት

ፅ/ቤት አስታውቀ።

ብሄራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ ሰሞኑን ባወጣው መግለጫ በጊዜ ሰለዳ መሰረት ቅድመ ዝግጅት እያደረገ መሆኑን ገልፆ የደቡብ ክልል

መንግሥትና የሲዳማ ዞን አዘጋጅተው እንድያቀርቡ የተጠየቁትን አስተዳደራዊ ግንኙኝነት፥ የሃብት ክፍፍልና የሃዋሳ ከተማ ጉዳይ

በተጠየቀው ወቅት አለማቅረባቸውን መግለፁ ተዘግቦ ነበረ። ፕሮጀክት ፅ/ቤቱ ሥራዎች አልተጓተቱም፣ ይልቁንስ በክልሉ የነበረው

የፀጥታ ችግር ቀላል የማይባል አሉታዊ ተፅዕኖ ማሳደሩን ገልፆ የክልሉ መንግሥት በቅድሚያ ሰላም ለማረጋገጥ ትኩረት ሰጥቶ ሲሰራ

መቆየቱን አስታውቋል።

የሲዳማ ውሳኔ ህዝብ ለማስፈፀም እየተሰራ ነው

“ኦዴፓ የሠባሪ/ተሠባሪ ትርክት ማቀንቀኑ የሃገሪቷን አንድነት የሚጎትት ነው”


Page 27: Nobel Peace Prize: Ethiopia PM Abiy Ahmed letter of the week October 13.pdf · The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister

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በቻይና በተደረገው ዓለም አቀፍ የቴክኖሎጂ ውድድር

ሦስት ኢትዮጵያውያን ከዓለም 17ተኛ ከአፍሪካ

አልጄሪያን ተከትለው 2ተኛ በመውጣት አበረታች

ውጤት አስመዝግበዋል። ህዋዌ በተባለ የቴክኖሎጂ

ድርጅት በተዘጋጀው ይህ ውድድር ሦስቱ ኢትዮጵያውያን

ያቀረቡት ሥራ ከኔትዎርኪንግ ቴክኖሎጂ ጋር የተዛመደ ነው።

በቻይና ለሽልማት የበቁት ሦስቱ ኢትዮጵያውያን

ሦስት ኢትዮጵያውያን ባለሞያዎች ቻይና ውስጥ በተደረገ

የቴክኖሎጂ ውድድር አሸናፊ ኾነዋል። የመቀሌው ዘጋቢያችን

ሚሊዮን ኃይለ ሥላሴ ያነጋገራቸው እነዚህ የኤምአይቲ

ምሩቃን በቀጣይነት በሀገራቸዉ የኔትወርክ ደሕንነት ላይ

የመሥራት እቅድ እንዳላቸው ገልፀዋል። ያሬድ ወልደገብርኤል፣

ይብራህ መሓሪና ኤልያስ ኪዳነማርያም የተባሉት እነዚህ

የኢንፎርሜሽን ቴክኖሎጂ ባለሞያዎች ባለፈው ዓመት ነበር

ከመቐለ ኢንስቲትዩት ኦፎ ቴክኖሎጂ በኮምፒውተር ሳይንስና

ኢንጅነሪንግ የተመረቁት። ከዩኒቨርሲቲያቸው ጀምሮ በየደረጃው

እስከ ሀገር በተካሄዱ ውድድሮች የተሻለ ውጤት በማስመዝገብ

ነበር ለዓለማቀፉ የህዋዌ ቴክኖሎጂ ውድድር የበቁት።

በኔትዎርኪንግ ከኤስያ፣ አውሮፓና አፍሪካ ከተውጣጡ

ባለሙያዎች ጋር በቻይና ሀገር በተደረገ ዓመታዊ ውድድር

የተሳተፉት እነዚህ ኢትዮጵያውያን ወጣቶች ከዓለም 17 ከአፍቃ

ደግሞ ሁለተኛ ሆነው ውድድራቸው አጠናቀዋል፡፡ በቆይታቸው

ከውድድር ባለፈ ከተለያዩ የዓለም ክፍሎች ከመጡ የቴክኖሎጂ

ባለሙያዎች ጠቃሚ ልምድ እንዳገኙም ይገልፃሉ፡

ዓለምቀፍ የትግራይ ተወላጆች ንቅናቄ ለፖለቲካ እስረኞች ተብሎ የተቋቋመ እንቅስቃሴ ለዓለምቀፍ ማኅበረሰብ የሚቀርብ ፊርማ

እያሰባሰበ መሆኑ አስታወቀ፡፡

እንቅስቃሴው ከ20 ሺ በላይ ፊርማ በማሰባሰብ “ብበሄራቸው ምክንያት ስለታሰሩ የትግራይ ተወላጆች የፖለቲካ እስረኞች” ያለውን

ጉዳይ ለተባበሩት መንግሥታት የሰብዓዊ መብት ኮሚሽን እንደሚያቀርብ አስታውቋል፡፡ የፌደራል ጠቅላይ ዓቃቤሕግ በበኩሉ

በፖለቲካና ብሄር ምክንያት ክስ የተመሰረተበት የትግራይ ተወላጅ የለም ብለዋል፡፡

ዓለምቀፍ የትግራይ ተወላጆች ንቅናቄ ለፖለቲካ እስረኞች

ፊርማ እያሰባሰበ ነው

በቻይና በተደረገው ዓለም አቀፍ የቴክኖሎጂ ውድድር ለሽልማት

የበቁት ሦስቱ ኢትዮጵያውያን

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ትግራይ ክልል ዓዲ ዳዕሮ ከተማ የሚገኙ ነዋሪዎች በዜጎች

ላይ በደል ፈፅሟል ያሉት ኃላፊ “ከሕግ አግባብ ውጪ በዋስ

ተለቋል” ሲሉ ዛሬ የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ወጡ።

በሰሜን ምዕራብ ዞን የላይኛው አድያቦ ወረዳ ዓዲ ዳዕሮ

ከተማ የሚገኙ ቁጥራቸው ወደ 15 ሺሕ የሚገመቱ ነዋሪዎች

ተቃውሟቸውን የሚገልፁበት መፈክር ይዘው፤ ስሙን

ለይተው በጠቀሱት አንድ የወረዳ አመራር ሳጅን አማካኝነት

በዜጎች ላይ ደረሰ ያሉትን በደል በመዘርዘር ድምፃቸውን

አሰምተዋል። በሰልፉ ላይ የተሳተፉት ስለ ተቃውሞው

ምክኒያት ሲናገሩ፤ በመንግሥት የሥራ ኃላፊነት ላይ

የሚገኘው ግለሰብ ፤ በተለይ ቁጥራቸው ለጊዜ ያልተረጋገጠ

ነገር ግን ከአስር በላይ የሆኑ ባለትዳር ሴቶችን በመድፈር

በሴቶች ላይ ባደረሰው ተደጋጋሚ ጥቃት ምክኒያት ግምገማ

ቀርቦበት ነበር።

በግምገማው ላይም ጉዳቱ ደርሶብናል ያሉ ሴቶች ፊት

ለፊት እየተነሱ የምስክርነት ቃላቸውን ሰጥተው ነበር።

ከሴቶቹ በተጨማሪም በሐሰት በማስመስከር ወንዶች ያለ

አግባብ እንዲታሠሩ አድርጓል በሚል ሰልፈኞቹ አቤቱታ

አሰምተዋል። ከዚህ ግምገማ በኋላ ግለሰቡ እንዲታሰር

ቢደረግም ብዙም ሳይቆይ ወዲያውኑ በዋስ እንዲፈታ

መደረጉ ቁጣን ቀስቅሷል ብለዋል - የሰልፉ አስተባባሪዎች።

በሰልፉ ላይ ተሳታፊ ከነበሩት አንዱ ሌተናል ኮረኔል መኮንን

አማረ ለአሜሪካ ድምፅ ስለ ሰልፉ ዓላማ ለአሜሪካ ድምፅ

ሲያስረዱ፤ “ኅብረተሰቡ በተለይ በሴቶች ላይ የደረሰውን

በደል ተቃውሞ ድምፃችን ይሰማ ሲል ነው አደባባይ

የወጣው” ብለዋል።

የኢትዮጵያ ጠቅላይ ምኒስትር ዐብይ አህመድ እስራኤል የሚገኙ ኤርትራውያን ጥገኝነት ጠያቂዎች ወደሃገራቸው መመለስን ጉዳይ

አስመልክቶ ከቤንጃሚን ኔታንያሁ ጋር ያደረጉት ውይይት የለም ሲሉ የፅህፈት ቤታቸውን ምንጮች ለአሜሪካ ድምፅ ገለጡ።

የእስራኤሉን ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር በዋቢነት የጠቀሰው ‘The Times Of Israel’ /ዘ ታይምስ ኦፍ ኢስራኤል/ “የኢትዮጵያው መሪ

ኤርትራውያን ስደተኞችን ወደሃገራቸው በመመለሱ ሂደት ዕገዛ ለማድረግ ተስማምተዋል” ሲል ነው ሰሞኑን የዘገበው። የጠቅላይ

ሚኒስትር ዐብይ አህመድ ፅህፈት ቤት ምንጮች እንዳሉት ግን የስደተኞችን ወደሃገራቸው የመመለስ ጉዳይ እንዲያውም በሁለቱ

መሪዎች ውይይት አልተነሳም ።

የጠ/ሚ ፅ/ቤት እስራኤል የሚገኙ ኤርትራውያን ጥገኝነት

ጠያቂዎች ጉዳይ

በትግራይ ክልል የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ተካሄደ

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Page 30: Nobel Peace Prize: Ethiopia PM Abiy Ahmed letter of the week October 13.pdf · The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister

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