no trespassing


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Page 1: No Trespassing
Page 2: No Trespassing

1. Define: Immigrant, confluence.

2. Identify three reasons behind colonial growth.

3. Explain how English colonial growth would impact the Native Americans and French.

4. How did the French react to English encroachment? How did the English react to the French.

5. Describe why the Ohio River Valley was so important.

Page 3: No Trespassing

In 1750, the English and French colonies are growing.

Why?1. More children born.2. People living longer.3. Immigrants.

People who enter a new country to live.


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Settling west of the Appalachian Mountains in the Ohio River Valley (ORV).




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Miles to the Ohio River Valley

PhiladelphiaOhio River Valley

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The ORV offered settlers fur, farmland, and plenty of other resources.

Bullion was easily made off of this region.

The Ohio River is important because it links the interior to

the Mississippi River.


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The French claimed the interior of North America from the Great Lakes to New Orleans.


C'est C'est terre terre


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In 1749, Pierre Joseph Céloron de Blainville led the ‘Lead Plate’ expedition to expand France’s claims of

North America.

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An expedition buried lead plates along the Ohio River to mark New France’s claims.

At the confluenceconfluence of the major waterways, they also nailed a copper plate to a tree.

JoiningThe practice of burying plates first

began in Europe in the Middle Ages and was a common way to show



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Confluence of the Great

Miami & the Ohio Rivers

Indian God Rock Allegheny River at

Franklin, PA

Confluence of the Kanawha and Ohio

Rivers at Point Pleasant, WV


Confluence of the Kanawha and Ohio

Rivers at Point Marietta, WV


Confluence of the Wheeling Creek and

Ohio River at Wheeling, WV

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As European settlers pushed into the ORV, Natives were pushed west.

They were weakened by disease and warfare.


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Native American tribes were forced to settle on lands claimed by other Native American tribes.

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1. To help defend themselves and to protect their trade, they aligned with the Natives.

2. They built a series of forts.

Most Native Americans joined with the French and General Montcalm, who they

considered to be a great leader.


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Fort Presque IsleFort Presque Isle

French ClaimsFrench Claims

Fort Le BoeufFort Le Boeuf

Fort MachaultFort Machault

Fort DuquesneFort Duquesne

English ExpansionEnglish Expansion

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Fort Presque IsleFort Presque Isle Erie, PAErie, PA

Fort Le BoeufFort Le Boeuf Waterford, PAWaterford, PA

Fort MachaultFort Machault Franklin, PAFranklin, PA

Fort DuquesneFort Duquesne ??

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Fort DuquesneFort Duquesne

Monongahela River

Monongahela River

Allegheny River

Allegheny River

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Controlling the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers meant controlling the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.

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1. George Washington, was sent with a letter telling the French to leave the ORV.

His destination?


This is the only known statue of George Washington in a British


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George Washington’s guide, Christopher Gist, and their Native American companion, Half-king,

along the French Creek.

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The French officer at Fort Machault sent Washington

further North, to Fort Le Boeuf, to negotiate with an

officer of higher rank.

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The French refused to leave.


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After leaving Fort Le Boef, a Native allied with the French attempted to assassinate

George Washington.

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On the return trip from Fort Le Boef, a hastily constructed raft capsized placing Washington in

the frozen waters of the Allegheny River.

Page 37: No Trespassing

1. Define: Immigrant, confluence.

2. Identify three reasons behind colonial growth.

3. Explain how English colonial growth would impact the Native Americans and French.

4. How did the French react to English encroachment? How did the English react to the French.

5. Describe why the Ohio River Valley was so important.

Page 38: No Trespassing

1. Define: Immigrant, confluence.

2. Identify three reasons behind colonial growth.

3. Explain how English colonial growth would impact the Native Americans and French.

4. How did the French react to English encroachment? How did the English react to the French.

5. Describe why the Ohio River Valley was so important.