no. 46 january - march 2019 contents · 1 no. 46 january - march 2019. storytelling as a...

1 No. 46 January - March 2019 Storytelling As A Profession ...................3 Final Placement 2017-19 ........................4 Summer Placement 2018-20 ..................5 Spice Poll: Interim Budget FY19..............6 Alumni Speak .........................................8 Content Markeng .................................9 Guest Lecture: Mr. Abhishek Rai ..........11 Bad Jokes .............................................12 Emancipaon of Women Farmers .......14 Events at MANAGE ..............................15 Creavity Corner ..................................17 Agri Entrepreneur Diaries ....................18 Contents National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad (An Organisation of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India)

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No. 46January - March 2019

Storytelling As A Profession ...................3

Final Placement 2017-19 ........................4

Summer Placement 2018-20 ..................5

Spice Poll: Interim Budget FY19 ..............6

Alumni Speak .........................................8

Content Marketing .................................9

Guest Lecture: Mr. Abhishek Rai ..........11

Bad Jokes .............................................12

Emancipation of Women Farmers .......14

Events at MANAGE ..............................15

Creativity Corner ..................................17

Agri Entrepreneur Diaries ....................18


National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad(An Organisation of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India)

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“Spice, the book of aroma and the blend; the dias for

the rhetoric and the uncanny”

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In 2015, I went to watch a movie Tamasha. The best thing about the movie was, it brought up an idea of a very different profession – storytelling. In India each and every child grows up with some story. In the journey from childhood to adulthood one goes through a number of stories which create a great emotional impact. Hence it is also a tool to build one’s character.

A Story is nothing but one’s experience. The art of sharing those experiences, which makes people contemplate is storytelling. Stories can convert a boring lecture into an interesting one. In fact, a good public speaker can attract the attention of a listener by telling a story.

Stories are simple, contagious and easy to remember. Thus it is hard to forget a message shared by a story. Storytelling is a tool of connecting with people and relationship-building. World’s best organizations like Microsoft, World Bank, Motorola and South West Airlines use storytelling as a key leadership tool. Storytelling improves vocabulary, comprehension, sequencing skills, imaginary power and memory. Listening to a story improves listening skills and focus skills by tuning to specific details. A study by


“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” --Jimmy Neil Smith, Director of the International Storytelling Center

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” – Robert McKee, Professor, University of Michigan

the University of Massachusetts Medical School found that storytelling approach has been effective in convincing population at risk for hypertension to change their behaviour and reduce their blood pressure.

The profession of storytelling has got a craze in India as well. Several storytelling festivals like Kathakar: International Storytellers Festival, Udaipur Tales, Chennai Storytelling are being organized. Moreover, several institutions like World Storytelling Institute, Kathalaya Trust are formed to revive the art of storytelling. These institutions are using stories as a learning tool both in schools and corporates. Minket Lepcha, a Darjeeling-based filmmaker has been telling stories to increase awareness about the environment and river pollution among children.

Storytelling has unique power to shape the mind of a listener irrespective of cultural, political and religious boundaries. Let us welcome this unique profession with whole heart as it is a source of entertainment very unique from the ongoing digital sources.

Aneek PalPGDM(ABM) BATCH: 2018-20

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The interim budget is called ‘vote on account’, but it might as well be called ‘account for vote’. The Indian Government has announced massive tax benefits for the middle class, a new support scheme for poor farmers and a huge pension scheme for workers. In the domain of agriculture, a direct income support of Rs 6000/annum for farmers holding cultivable land up to 2 hectares. The Centre has made Aadhar number of small and marginal farmers optional for availing the 1st instalment of Rs 2000 under the recently launched Rs 75000 Crore. PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme. But for subsequent instalments, Aadhar

number has been made mandatory for farmers to verify their identity. To identify land ownership, the Centre will use the existing land-ownership system prevailing in states and UTs. Extension of 2% interest subvention to animal husbandry, fisheries and loan rescheduling on account of natural calamities seems to ease the pressure faced by farmers. However, for e-groceries and e-food retailers, overall sentiment across the sector remained fairly subdued as the industry is also grappling with new FDI rules for e-commerce sector that came into force from February 1 2019.

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What implementation shortcomings could have been fulfilled by the new PM-Kisan Scheme?

What are your expectations from outcome of the PM-Kisan Scheme?

What are possible impacts of the budget on Agri industries?

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Q1) What is the value addition of MANAGE in your career?

Role of MANAGE can be defined as a catalyst in my professional life. I believe I had all the necessary ingredients to become a fine profes-sional. However, I needed an impetus which came in the form of MANAGE. During my stay in MANAGE, remarkable improvement was noted in communication and interpersonal skills. Over the years, networking with Alum-ni has also added great value and helped me grow professionally.

Q2) How is the new budget beneficial for upcom-ing Agripreneurs?

Focus on digitization and saving more on taxes provide investment opportunities to budding agripreneurs. As the budget has left more money in the hands of consumers, start-ups with innovative consumer products are ex-pected to be benefited in the coming years on one hand. On the other hand, PM Kisan Sam-man Nidhi Yojana will provide farmers with ready disposable income to either invest on modern technologies for farm production or spend on consumer goods. Focus on digitiza-tion will further improve delivery of goods and services in the most efficient way at the door step of consumer and create opportunities for bankable business ideas. Thus, in my view, In-dian economy in general and agripreneurs in particular are going to be benefited largely on account of improved demand for their prod-ucts/ ideas.

Q3) In what ways can ABM course be changed or improved to meet the current industrial ex-pectations?

Start-ups are creating disruptive changes in


the landscape on which tra-ditional busi-ness-houses have been comfortab ly doing busi-ness. Thus, in my view there are two-fold chal-lenges that industry must need to solve

i) Traditional Business houses look for techno-crats who can devise strategies to ride over disruptive phase of technology for sustainable business growth and continuation of business line.

ii) Start-ups and angel investors are looking for technocrats who can devise strategies to take advantage of disruptive technologies and build Unicorns in days to come.

Thus, MBA courses in general and ABM cours-es in particular must evolve the courses to de-velop Next Level Managers who can be best fit to face both the challenges simultaneously.

Q4) In what ways can MANAGEites be ready for industry competitiveness?

As mentioned above, disruptive technolo-gies are generating unicorns and challenging established businesses across the world and also in India. MANAGEites must develop skills and capabilities to manage the fast changing landscape efficiently. My advice to upcom-ing MANAGEites in the battlefield is to find a Mentor to who they can reach out, to seek advice for their professional stride. They must also continually enhance their skills by enroll-ing in short term courses, attend workshops etc.

Udit PaliwalUdit Paliwal from the batch of 2001, is a Senior Manager at IL&FS CLUS-TER DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE LIMITED with experience in consulting, primary & secondary research and organising various events and rural marketing. His expertise is in domains of food processing, rural market-ing and channel development

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Technological development has a great influence on the way people perform day to day activities. It is evident when we observe the pattern of buying and selling in any given social environment. People getting inspired, motivated, encouraged to buy from platforms that were unimaginable a decade before. Increasing number of ways to accept payment of any sort of transaction has removed the fear of the middle-class to keep their wallets full. Gone are the days when great businesses promoted and marketed their product using Billboards, flex boards, flyers and brochures. These ways are becoming obsolete when we compare them with modern day marketing activities. Introduction of Social Media Platforms in the personal life of humans has drastically changed the way we are getting influenced by online content. Vivid graphics, alluring videos, enticing texts and detailed blogs designed for the products and services that we desire, create an impact on the purchasing pattern and purchasing intensity of the consumers. In a research by Hoot suite it was found that over 3.196 billion people worldwide are engaged on social media platforms and the number has increased by 7 percent when compared to 2017. It won’t be an

Content Marketing and its role in shaping the way how Businesses operateThe internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow – Bill Gates

understatement if we say that people are spending more time on social media platforms than any other activities they perform.

With such huge amount of online engagement among the consumers it is inevitable that marketers will exploit this opportunity to the fullest and yes, they have already initiated to capture such a huge online audience with different methodologies. Talking about this, one of the most effective and widely used methods is by using “Content Marketing Techniques”.

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Content marketing is a way in which social media platforms are used for broadcasting content that is meant for promotional purpose of a company, brand or any other service. Content marketing, as simple as the concept may appear, is more complex than any “Aam Aadmi” would expect it to be. First to understand its implications, let us evaluate the engagement of people within various social networking sites. Just to give a little idea, an Image of how much engagement content maker get with varied number of followers, the content maker possesses is given in the picture. It is evident from the picture that the maximum engaged site is none other than Instagram. Talking about Instagram algorithm (the way Instagram operates) recently Instagram itself clarified by calling a group of journalists unveiling that it works basically on 3 factors i.e. Interest, Timeliness, Relationship. The interest factor judges how much you like, care for the post you see. They measure it with past interactions you had with any genre or tag. The second factor of timeliness takes into consideration how recent the post is. The third factor “relationship” focusses on the repetitive search that a user makes into any single tag.

After considering the factors that Instagram uses to engage its users, it is evident how people search for the content that they like and with their interactions on different platforms (blogs, YouTube,

Facebook, Instagram, discussions, forums, even from comments on any platform etc.) Marketers can extract information regarding the likes and dislikes of huge online shoppers.

There are several examples where businesses used content marketing as a successful tool. Let’s see a few and discuss how content marketing has changed the entire attire of some famous business models. Take Buffer into consideration; they initiated a new concept of “guest blogging” emphasizing on the content from various visitors that influence their customers. They even posted their feeds on websites with high visibility which became the mantra for their success. Another best example is of “Zomato”. The company used humor to spice up their content and focused on posting images that were based on popular cultures and traditions. One more example is exemplary for describing how content marketing can gather audience, customers for a product. Old spice was losing its ground against the competitors until they initiated a series of videos showcasing “how a real man should smell”. This helped Old Spice to gather audience which belonged to a relatively new generation.

So, as we can see from several examples how content from your favorite artist, youtuber or singer can encourage, motivate consumers to try the product. The content marketing game is in vogue and is yet to attain its zenith.

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COMPANY NAME: NERLNational E Repository Limited

A Guest lecture on National E Repository Limited (NERL) was organized and the speaker was Mr. Abhishek Rai. The lecture was an interaction between the students and the guest speaker. The lecture primarily focused on the working of warehousing facility in India. In India around 60000 warehouses are operational and currently 1500 warehouses are registered under WDRA (Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority). Previously the warehousing receipt which is used by the warehouses for transaction of commodities was made of paper. The major drawback with paper-based receipt was that it could be easily mutilated, duplicated and its delivery many times had gone wrong and the ownership of the farmer over the receipt was under question in several instances. With the enactment of Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Act 2007 and with the formulation of WDRA in October 2010, the warehousing business has improved to a great extent.

WDRA in October 2016 came out with an idea of creation and management of Electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipts (ENWRs). This idea lead to the development of NERL, a system that consists of repository accounts which consist of the ENWRs of specific farmers who sold their commodity. With

Guest lecture: Mr. Abhishek Rai

NERL the warehousing system has become like the banking system. The ownership of the ENWRs is transferred through simple repository account transfers. This has made the entire system more integrated and flawless. The cost of transaction through ENWRs is also lower than the paper-based warehouse receipts.

Established by NCDEX (National Commodity& Derivatives Exchange Limited) NERL, incorporated in February 2017, began its operations from September 2017, getting a nod from WDRA through a letter of intent on December 2016.

“People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is

failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy. ”

- Tony Robbins, life and business strategist, and author

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If the central conflict of Batman Begins was between justice and the rule of law, then that of The Dark Knight is between order and chaos. Although Bruce struggles with questions about the propriety of his crime-fighting in a democratic society, such concerns are rather irrelevant for the charismatic villain of The Dark Knight, the Joker, sinisterly and superbly portrayed by the late Heath Ledger. The Joker indiscriminately kills, maims, steals and destroys. He has no obvious rational desires, no respect for human life, and no boundaries. He is a symbol of the most extreme form of Isaiah Berlin’s ‘negative freedom’, the absence of all constraint.


The decline in decency in the city had begun long before Joker’s arrival, but in attacking Gotham’s best and brightest he’s able to push things to new depths. There are two juxtaposed scenes showing Batman and Harvey Dent in turn torturing captives to glean information about the Joker’s whereabouts. Batman drops a mafia figure from several stories up, breaking his legs; and Harvey threatens to shoot one of the Joker’s hapless henchmen in the head. But this is exactly the kind of behavior that the Joker wants to provoke, to demonstrate that his own twisted psyche exists inside all of us, that his actions are

By orchestrating perverse social experiments, the Joker forces innocent people into making impossible life and death choices – all to articulate his central message: that human morality and social stability are not absolute, but contingent on circumstance. The Joker says of Gotham’s citizens that “Their morals, their code – it’s a bad joke, dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be.” This shows the real core of conflict – the psychological war, the struggle for the soul of the city.

those any human being would adopt in a Hobbesian state of nature. “I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve,” he declares.

The Joker is an unconventional villain waging an asymmetric war, and in confronting him Batman feels compelled to push the boundaries of law and morality farther than he ever thought would be necessary. For example, in addition to engaging in torture, he builds a phone surveillance system to locate the Joker, despite the glaring violation of civil liberties that comes from listening in on the

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telephone calls of everyone in the city. However, he does acknowledge this violation, and has the system destroyed after it has served its purpose. But the spectre of Caesar has begun to descend, and Bruce realizes that the game may almost be up: “I’ve seen what I would have to become to stop men like him,” he says. Batman needs to pass on the mantle of justice, and he wants to pass it to Gotham’s revered District Attorney. But the Joker has other ideas.

Harvey, a noble and law-abiding man who wanted nothing but to do good for the city, first emerged as Gotham’s true hero when the people began to turn against Batman. “You’re the symbol of hope that I could never be,” Batman tells him, recognizing that


+ Cereal is the second largest advertiser on television today, behind automobiles

+ Seventy percent of small businesses are owned and operated by a single person

+ Starbucks spends more on health care insurance for its employees ($300 million) than on coffee beans

+ Apple had a third founder, Ronald Wayne, who had a 10% stake in the company. He left the fledgling company after 12 days and forfeited his shares for $2,300 (about $9,600 today)

because Harvey works solely within the legal system to serve the cause of justice, he represents the only viable means of achieving stability in the long run. But the Joker knows this as well, and so goes after Harvey relentlessly. While the Joker ultimately fails to destroy the collective conscience of Gotham – the people on his bomb-rigged boats decide not to destroy each other – he does succeed in turning Gotham’s once shining symbol of hope into

a depraved criminal, and thus concludes that it will only be a matter of time before everyone else’s moral moorings also come wildly undone.

Depicting a terrorist who cannot be negotiated with, apologized to, or appeased, The Dark Knight has made a case for the occasional necessity of an extreme response to extraordinary circumstances. But it also portrays the consequences of such a response, and the importance of balancing the desire for security with the preservation of the rule of law, civil liberties, and our humanity. The Joker represents a stain on the human soul: a chronic illness rather than a fleeting sentiment. The Joker can be killed, but his call for chaos, as an idea, is something that we have faced before, that we are combating now, and that we will surely confront again. There must, then, be an open debate about the measures we take to combat the real-life Jokers. What are the appropriate means to the end of security? If we change our laws or relax our moral standards to achieve justice, can we ever restore them?

The film’s importance resides in its implicit statement that we need to continually ask the “political question par excellence,” as Leo Strauss put it in Persecution and the Art of Writing, of “how to reconcile order which is not oppression with freedom which is not license.” This question must be asked even, or especially, in times of crisis.

byArkdeep Chakraborty

PGDM (ABM), 2018-20

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How to emancipate a woman farmer and break the glass ceiling?

‘Being feminine is a bane’The classic response of the world! This is not a fem-inistic approach and so the belief is that ‘Men and Women’ are created for different Karma, hence are never equal! But the matter is about the respect, ad-oration, and demeanour that each one receives…

There is always political extrapolation of those pol-icies and schemes for Gender equality in the soci-ety but are they really being executed? There still stagnates the inequality in the labour market where women are literally denied equality to job accession. Sexual violence, unequal wages, and discrimination still fume and purge women.

Gender bias exists even in agriculture. Women had always been invisible farmers to the world. The ef-fort that a woman makes in a farm had always been considered secondary or sometimes stays unseen. According to the National Sample Survey Organiza-tion, about 18 percent of the farm families in India are led by women. 80 percent of the working women of India are employed in agriculture and allied sec-tors among which 33 percent contribute to the agri-cultural labour force and 48 percent work as self-em-ployed farmers.

The status quo tags a farmer on the basis of owner-ship of land which forbids the women farming com-munity from the government financial assistance, compensations, and insurance facilities... Rural cred-it givers used to step back from accepting women clients because of the fear of authenticated collat-eral submission. Lack of access to land, assistance, credit, training, extension and marketing facilities keeps women always under the cloak of illiteracy. In the end, to make an earning she enters into unorga-nized selling practices, works as a labourer or takes up leased land and tills on it for her daily bread.

If gender mainstreaming works out in agricultural value chains, it can help in improving the efficiency of business by developing the market opportunities representing women as buyers and suppliers and thereby penetrate into fair trade and niche markets. Gender fairness is not only a basic human right but also a crucial step towards global sustainable devel-opment. Be it a girl, lady or a woman, empowering them has a multiplier effect for the economy!

byAthira P Raj

PGDM (ABM), 2018-20

“ We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.” – Maya Angelou.’’

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ZenithZenith is a flagship event of MANAGE which supports inter-college sports and athletics. Celebrating the in house sports competitiveness Zenith took over the all rumbling and rustling nature of the cam-pus and changed it into two days of sportsmanship and team spirit. With 10 sports going on including Basketball, Badminton, Table tennis, Lawn tennis, Squash, Volleyball, Marathon, Chess and snooker, students were highly enthusiastic and huge involvement was noticed. Kudos to the Sports com!

Lohri celebrationA festival which commemorates the passing of the winter solstice was celebrated in the traditional way, with bonfire and prayers to Sun God. This harvest festival was marked by eating groundnuts and jaggery. Students danced around the fire all night long with pleasure and joy.

Events at MANAGE

PongalAt the crack of dawn of 15 January 2019, MANAGE celebrated the South Indian harvest festival Pongal. MANAGEites boiled the first rice of the season and consecrated to the Sun God. The festival pitches down to the myth of owing gratitude to the Sun for blessing the world with successful harvest and a glorious year of prosperity.

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Republic Day

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand-mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most attractive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only! – Mark Twain

India’s 70th Republic Day was celebrated at MANAGE. The celebrations kicked off with the flag hoisting by our honourable Director General, Mrs V Usha Rani, IAS. After the flag hoisting, the Director General addressed the students and faculty regarding the importance of the day and how we as citizens can make a difference. This was followed by a group song by the students which invoked feelings of patriotism. A group dance followed which also was on similar themes. This year there was a mime as well which successfully showcased The Fundamental Rights as mentioned by the Indian Constitution. At the end there was prize distribution for Zenith (the annual intra-college sports fest of MANAGE). The winners and runners up were awarded by the Director General.

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Priyanka Dazy

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

-Pablo Picasso

Priyanka has found a mantra to tackle the difficulty that Picasso mentioned. Since 2018 she and her friend together handle pages on social media platforms like Instagram & Facebook called “Handy Mandy” where they post pictures of quilled jewellery and handcrafted cards. These posts seek to promote the latest designs in her collection, which are also open for orders from customers via direct messages to their page.

Instagram link-


Kh. Munib Shah

When he plays his guitar, a crowd gathers around him. Students passing by stop for a few moments to listen to Munib sing. His melodious voice accompanied by the guitar has the ability to make people forget their worries for a few minutes. Along with singing, he is a football enthusiast. As they say, after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. So, carry on Munib, we hope to hear a few songs composed by you in the future.

YouTube video link-

“Without music life would be a mistake” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Creativity Corner

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The curious case of “golden dates”Rahul Gala after completing his BSc Horticulture from Australia decided to transform the method of doing agriculture in his native place Gujarat. He transformed arid agriculture methodology in the arid zone of Kutch. He started exporting fruit crops and dates to Dubai and Europe. The main reason for his success is incorporation of computer-based

An IIM Graduate who started selling vegetables!If he would have wanted, he could have joined a big company after graduating from IIM Ahmedabad, but Kaushalendra Kumar went back to his village in Bihar and started an agribusiness company Kaushalya

AGRI ENTREPRENEUR DIARIEStechnology which schedules farming activities like irrigation and fertigation. Just schedule your activities and the work will be done automatically. The computer-based technology can schedule activities up to a time span of 1 week till you give some other command. He is also growing barhi (a variety of dates) which can produce 50-70 kg of dates per plant. These dates are marketed around the world under the brand name of “golden dates”.

Foundation along with his brother in 2008. It all started with selling of vegetables in the streets of Patna, Bihar and now he is earning an annual profit of more than 5 crores along with giving employment to more than 20,000 farmers. Started with vending vegetables in “thelas” now he operates the vegetable business in air-conditioned karts.

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The Mushroom LadyAs the farmers of Uttarakhand are leaving their villages in search of profitable source of income and as the traditional cultivation of Pulses and Rice is not that remunerative for the farmers, this young 24-year-old lady came out with an enterprise both cost effective and profitable for the farmers of Uttarakhand. After getting trained in mushroom

cultivation from ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) she started growing mushroom in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. She replaced the traditional method which utilized expensive metal framework with cheap and easy to use bamboo framework. For her revolutionary work she is well known as “The Mushroom Lady”

Prashant Jain and Varun KhuranaThese two young entrepreneurs launched a startup named Crofarm in May 2016. Their model was F2B (Farm to business) and they have more than 10000 farmers within their reach. Crofarm currently caters to large business giants like Grofers, Big Basket, Big Bazar and Metro Foods.

Their business makes profit based on the commission they get from acting as an intermediary between farmers and retailers. Their aim is to integrate the entire supply chain of fruit and vegetable market.

byHimanshu Pant

PGDM (ABM), 2018-20

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Dr. K. Anand ReddyDirector (HRD) & Principal Coordinator, PGDM(ABM)

MANAGE, Hyderabad


Dr. Lakshmi MurthyDeputy Director (Doc)

MANAGE, Hyderabad

Team Pratibimb

SPICE is Published by: LITERARY CLUB, MANAGE National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management

(MANAGE) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500030 Tel: +91-40-240162702-706 | Fax: +91-40-2401388

Arkdeep ChakrabortyPGDM (ABM)MANAGE





Titikshya Tushar KantiPGDM (ABM)MANAGE

Note: SPICE is a mouthpiece of MANAGE PGDM (ABM) students.The opinions expressed are purely that of students and do not re�ect the opinion of MANAGE.