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    encounterObjects caught on

    radar and infrareddevices, Page 4.

    UFO over the GrandCanyon? Page 6.

    Centerville, OH, UFOlights up sky, Page 8.

    Tennessee UFOs

    caught on video, page10.Georgia sightings of

    triangles, sphere, Page16Survey indicatessupport for NASA,Page 1 7.

    ColumnsDirector's Message 2Filers'sFiles 13Jenny Randies 18Stan Friedman 20Webb's Night Sky 22

    June 2004No. 434


    Mutual UFO Network


    Is this arealphotO just might be It wastaken by anr individual considered quite credible.of areal alien? Thearticle begins onPage 3.

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    May 2004 Number 433



    (USPS 002-970)(ISSN 0270-6822)

    Post Office Box 369Morrison, CO 80465-0369

    Tel: 303-932-7709

    Fax: 303-932-9279 ,International Director

    John F. Schuessler, M.S.

    Editor:Dwight Connelly, M.S.14026 Ridgelawn RoadMartinsville, IL 62442Tel: (217)382-4502

    [email protected]

    Advertising Director:John F. Schuessler, M.S.

    ,. Columnists:Walter N.Webb, B.S.George Filer, M.B.A.;Jenny Randies >

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    40 meters - 7.237 MHzSaturdays, 7 a.m. CST or COST

    Director's MessageBy John F. Schuessler

    You s t i l l hav e t ime to t ake advantageof the spec ia l sympos ium ra tes and hote lroom rates for the 35 lh a n n u a l M U F O N In -te rna t iona l UFO Sympos ium in Denver ,

    CO, Ju ly 16-18. A special blue regis tra-t ion form is includ ed in this issue fo r yourconvenience.

    We arep l e a s e d t o a n -nounce tha t P au lDav i d s w i l l be afea tured sympo-sium speaker thisyear . Pau l wast h e e x e c u t i v eproducer and co-w r i t e r o f t h eS h o w t i m e f i l m

    " R O S W E L L , " John Schuesslers t a r i n g K y l eMa c L a c h l a n , D w i g h t Y o a k a m , a n dMartin Sheen. It received a Golden Globenom ina t ion for Best TV P ic ture of 1994.He had a close dayl ight disc s ight ing in1987, a long wi th h i s two chi l dre n , tha t l edto h i s produc ing severa l UFO informa-t i o n a l v i d e o s i n c l u d i n g : " D O W N I NR O S W E L L , " " R E P L Y T O T H E A I RF O R C E R E P O R T O N T H E R O S W E L LI N C I D E N T , " a nd the "G O L D E N A N N I -

    V E R S A R Y U F O B R I E F I N G F O R T H EW H I T E S A N D S M I S S I L E R A N G E P IO -NEE RS." Pau l is a grad uate of Princeton

    Univers i ty and the Amer ican F i lm Ins t i -tute Center for Advance d F i lm Studies , andhe has been a M UFON mem ber for moret ha n 15 years .

    His presentat ion w il l be ca l led "Profi lesin UFO Courage ." The thes i s of th i shigh ly visua l presentat ion is that UFO dis-closure has been l ik e a " t ime-release aspi-r in" in helping the public ass imilate thevery controvers ial concept that "We arenot alone!" Do n' t miss this chance to meetPau l and see h i s exc i t in g presenta t ion .Mexic an Air Force UFO Encounter

    The Mexican Ai r Force UFO Encoun-

    ter that took place on March 5, 2004 isdescribed in an a r t i c l e by Dw ight Conne l lyon page 4 of this issue and by S tantonFr iedman on page 2 1 . This incident re-ce ived more t e levi s ion , radio , and news-paper coverage than any other UFO casein the pas t several years . As a resul t theMUFON off ice has been swamped wi thcal ls , other UFO reports , and reque sts forinform at ion , c lea r ly showing tha t the pub-l ic is s t i l l very interes ted in th is subject .

    (Continued on page 21)

    Change of address and subscr ip t ion /extra copies inquiries should besent to MUFON, P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369.

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    The Mutual UFO Network. Inc is exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 ( c) (3) of the InternalRevenue Code. MUFON is a publicly supported organization of the type described in Section 509 (a) (2) Donorsmay deduct contributions from their Federal Income Tax. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are alsodeductible for estate and gift purposes, provided they meet the applicable provisions of Sections 2055. 2106. and2522 of the Internal Revenue Code MUFON is a Texas nonprofit corporation

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  • 8/14/2019 No. 434 $4.00


    Witness/photographer considered reliable

    Entity reportedly photographed in Holland


    ConnellyR obbert van den Broeke ofHoeven, Hol land , is no strangerto the readers of the MUFONUFO Journal, as his unusual associationwith crop circles has been discussed byBLT, Inc. researcher Nancy Ta lbo t t .

    The most notable was an account ofvan den Broeke and Talbott observing acrop circle being formed behind the vanden Broeke home on Aug. 21, 2 0 0 1 , re-ported in the January, 2002, Journal.

    Robbert, in conjunction with Talbott,participated in a two-week research

    project conducted by U .S. parapsycholo-gist Dr. William Ro ll and the Parapsycho-logical Service Institute three years ago.

    Dr. Roll was researching whether theremight be a human consciousness elementinvolved in the crop circle process, sim i-lar to what he had found in poltergeistcases. He was particularly interested inRobbert's ability to anticipate the forma-tion of crop circles.

    Talbott, a conscientious, reliable, andscientifically-oriented researcher, says sheis convinced of Robbert's sincerity a ndreliability, based on her own observationsof unusual occurrences at the van denBroeke home, as well as several years ofassociation with him and his family, in-cluding extended stays at their home.

    It is in view of this background thatthe Journal is printing the photo to theright, which norm ally wou ld not be pub-licized without additional investigation.While this is not the first alleged photo o fan al ien creature, it may be one of the twomost credible ones to date.

    (Another photo-a video taken in theU.S.-is being studied by specialists, butdetails have not been released. It, too,shows promise of being authentic.)

    The current incident began in the earlymorning hours of May 6, 2004, . w h e nRobbert felt compelled to get his O lympusdigital camera and wait in the livin g roomof his parents' home in Hoeven, wherethe 24-year-old lives.

    Over a period of about 90 minutes, asmoky, faint mist gradually evolved intoan e t h r e a l figure which seemed to be sit-ting on the couch in front of a photo ofR o b b e r t ' s two-year-old nephew. As theimage developed, Robbert took photos,

    June 2004

    This is the fifth in a series of photos re-

    portedly taken by Robbert van denBroeke of Hoeven, Holland, on May 6.Robbert's two-year-old nephew is in the

    photo in the background.

    without a flash. (The fifth photo is the

    one appearing on this page.)During the sessions with the entities,Robbert says there is a strange quiet, some-thing akin to the "Oz factor" often describedby participants in close encounters. He hasalso experienced this in crop circles.

    The next morning, Friday, May 7, about4 AM, Robbert was again in position, andagain the entity appeared and was photo-graphed. (May 7 was also Robbert's 24thbirthday, and once again he discovered acrop circle near his home on tha t day.)

    The sightings continued on Saturday,May, 8, again about 4 AM, but this time

    in his bedroom, where he had set up avideo camera on a tripod. The smoky,misty image again appeared, gradually as-sum ing the shape of an alien . As the en-tity took shape he recorded it with thevideo camera.

    The figure is shown fading in and out,gradually becoming more structured andsomewhat taller and brighter, as thoughgathering energy.

    The videotape has been viewed byRobbert's parents, Peter and Nanny; hissisters, Saskya and Madelon; and radio

    MUFON Journal

    reporter Bianca Venvught, who charac-terized the video as "incredible."

    Mr. van den Broeke, a general man-ager at a bank, is accustomed to paranor-mal events in the home, but still finds thephotos and video "real and special." Hesays, "We are normal people, and 15 yearsago we did not know such things arepossible."

    He adds that Robbert has shown an in-credible ability to see things, both in th epresent and in the future, "and he is al-ways 100% correct. I have no reasonnot to believe him."

    Other mem bers of the fa mi ly have re-portedly also seen the entities, though notphotographed them. Robbert 's sisterMadelon and her boyfriend reportedlywere awakened one night, seeing an en-tity in the bedroom. Madelon has, in fact,seen so many paranormal events in thehome tha t she treats them matter of factly.

    Photos of Robbert and other familymembers often show balls of light surround-ing them, and these balls of light are alsoassociated with the crop circles. Talbotthas witnessed these balls of light movingabout the van den Broeke home, as well aspoltergeist activities in the home.

    Robbert says he is able to mentallycommunicate with the beings he is pho-tographing, and that they are not the com-mon grays often described in abductionreports. Although they are not connectedwith abductions, he says they are respon-sible for crop circles.

    The entities indicated they will be mak-ing additional appearances, he said, andwill eventually m a k e mass appearancesbefore large numbers of individuals.

    They are concerned about pollution andwars, according to Robbert, and are spiri-tual beings who are totally peaceful andloving. He sees them as a "finger of God."

    The video tape has not been released tothe public, and thus fa r only one still photohas been released. Mr. van den Boeke hasbeen recording the events surrounding hisson over the past 15 years, and intends toput a book together, including some of thephotos. However, Robbert says he felt com-pelled to release the still photo.

    Talbott says she would very muc h liketo revisit the Boekes and investigate thislatest episodes in detail.


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    encounterBy Dwight Connelly

    A March 5 , 2004, encou nter between aMexican military aircraft and 1 1 U F O swhich has recently received sign ificant a t-tention in the mass media and on theInternet is unique because:

    (1) It is apparently the first time thatanomalous objects have been simulta-

    neously seen on both radar and infraredrecorders ( t h e re was no vi su al contact), and

    (2) It is apparently the first time tha t ahigh of ficia l of any government has con-tacted a ufolo gist for assistance in identi-fying and publicizing a UFO encounter,although officials in a few countries havebecome more open with researchers.

    However, there has already been an in-dication that the controversies which havedeveloped regarding this case may affectfuture cooperation by the government.

    This incident is still being researched,and some details are not clear at this point

    (mid-May), but seems to have unfolded asfollows:

    In the Ciudad del Carmen region ofCampeche, Mexico, an eight-memberMexican Air Force crew was flying in aMerlin C26A two-engine de t ec t i on/su r -veillance aircraft on a routine anti-drug pa-trol.

    The plane, which was equipped with aForward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) StarZa p p hi r II device and AN/PS B r a v o V i c t o r3 radar, was flying between Copalar in t hestate of Chiapas and Carmen.

    The aircraft was piloted by Maj.

    Magdaleno Castanon Munoz, the FL IRoperator was Lt. Mar io Ad rian V azqu ezTellez, and the radar operator was Lt. Ger-man Martin Ramirez-all members of theMexican Air Force 501 Ae ria l Squadr on.

    At approximately 5 PM as the aircraftturned toward Campeche the FLI R de-tected an unknown target at 10,500 feet,about 38 miles a way, and the plane turnedtoward the object to iden tify it , suspectingthat it might be a drug smuggling aircraft.

    The home base was told to be alert for

    H H 3 :.:

    Page 4 MUFON Journal j^g 2 Q 0 4

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    Enhanced infrared image.

    Three of the crew members of the Mexican Air Force Merlin C26A aircraft.

    an intercept. (The Merlin C26A is not de-signed for intercept or combat.)

    Although the unknown object was re-corded on radar and infrared, no visualcontact was made, even though it was ap-proached within two m iles, and the objectsuddenly flew away at a high speed.

    The Air Force crew reversed direction,but soon discovered that the object was s tillvisible to the rear of the Merlin. Then asecond object appeared in front of the Mer-lin, both showing up on radar and infra-red, but not visually. Then a third targetshowed on radar and FLIR.

    The FLIR infrared device showed thateight addi t i ona l unknown objects enter-June 2004

    ing the area, causing concern among thecrew. These eight objects did not show upon radar, however.

    The objects "surrounded" the Merlin,creating even more concern for the crew,which still could not see the objects, ex-cept through the radar and infrared devices.The distance from the plane to the sur-rounding objects was not reported, but wasapparently no closer than two miles.

    Now reportedly opera t ing in red alert,and keeping their home base appraised ofthe situation, the crew turned off the plane'snavigation lights to see if that would af-fect the situation .

    After a few moments the 11 objects de-M U F O N Journal

    parted, but some reportedly continued tofollow the aircraft. The Merlin crew re-turned to their base wi tho ut further inci-dent. The encounter had taken about 24minutes, according to the FLIR camera.

    The incident was reported through mi li-tary channels, and Gen. Rica rdo ClementeVega Garcia, Secretary of National De-fense, ordered a prelimina ry investigation.

    Finally, o n April 22 Gen. Vega con-tacted M aussan, a well-known Mexicantelevision ufologist, and asked him toeva lua te the sighting. In addition to theradar and infrared recordings, Maussanwas given full access to the Merlin crew.

    He utilized the information on h is TVshow, "Great Mysteries of the ThirdMil len ium ," on May 9, and set up a pressconference on May 11 which included theinfrared recordings, as well as the pres-ence of the crew members, apparently withthe cooperation of Gen. Vega.MUFON photo analyst Dr. BruceMaccabee noted that the size of the ob-

    jects could not be determined by the ap-parent size on the infrared screen, sincethey could be very small objects giving offa large amo unt of energy.

    It was also reported in a translation ofM a u s s a n ' s accou nt that there was anotherobject "of enorm ous proportions," suppos-edly "the size of a 15 -s to ry building ," thatthe FL IR d evice recorded durin g the inci-dent. Again , the FL IR appar ently does notprovide the m eans of judg ing the size ofobjects, only the am ou nt of energy.h i add ition , no men tion of this so-called"mother ship" was m ade in released inter-views of the pilot, so this portion ofth eenco unter is even more tenuou s than therest.

    Maccabee also pointed out that, accord-ing to FLIR engineers, some of the sec-ondary images in the FL IR could be arti-facts of the camera optics.

    He adds that the objects, even if poten-tially visible to the naked eye, could besmall enough at the reported distance fromthe aircraft not to be seen, but still largeenough to show up on the radar and infra-red recorders-especially if the objects werenot black, which would provide contrastwith the sky, or shiny, wh ich could reflectthe sun.

    The radar operator reported that the ob-jects changed speeds rapidly (60-120-300knots), and "instantly" changed flight paths(90 degrees, 130 degrees). However, onlythree of the objects a p p e a r e d on r a d a r .Maccabee has calculated that at least someof the the objects were moving at the samespeed as the plane.

    Weather conditions were reported as"optimal," with v isib ility of 96%.


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    The various geographic points are designated with letters A (Buddha Temple), B (Zoroaster Temple), and C (AngelCanyon). The inset is an enlargement of the object.

    Grand Canyon video images

    A UFO or something else?By Bernie Rains

    Fast-moving lights in the sky at nightor oddly shaped aerial objects observedduring the day fu el the UFO controversy.My technical background persuades me tosustain an open mind co ncernin g reported

    UFO encounters.I search for realism in the form of tech-nical details such as weather, sky cover,visibility, locations of the UFO and theobserver, lighting conditions, and flightpattern. These and other factors enable oneto evaluate account credibilit y.

    As a reader of this article, you wi ll ha vethe opportunity to evaluate the credibilityof the film encounter I had with an uni-dentified flying object.

    I wish to caution you, though. The tech-nical information presented herein is in-sufficien t to clearly prove that what I am

    about to share with you are prints from avideo im age of a UFO.As appropriately suggested to me by

    Jeff Sainio, a pho tographic technical con-sultant to MUFON, even a photographdoes not produce all the evidence neededto convince a neu tral ind ividua l of the re-ality of something strange. I will empha-size these data voids by quoting Sain io asnecessary.

    After spending a few vacation days inPhoenix, AZ, with our daughter and her

    Page 6

    family, my wife and I wanted to visit someof the natural wonders of the Great South-west. One site we visited was the GrandCanyon. Since more time was spent inPhoenix than originally planned, we couldonly enjoy one day at the canyon on Jun e

    9,2001.For our trip to Arizona I purchased adigital camcorder (Sony Model DCR-TRV530), which has features that allowone to extract still-images from videotapeand transf er them to computer files for usein reports, e-mails, or o ther applications.

    After returning home, work obligations,family commitments, and the events of"Sept. 11 " restrained me from an expedi-tious extraction of mem orable images ofour v a c a t i o n .

    An interesting objectWhen I finally fou nd time, one

    image I extracted ofthe Grand Canyon wasa view looking north toward Bright AngelCanyon from the South Rim Trail nearLookout Studio. This photo revealed aninteresting object in the sky that neither mywife nor I saw while at the canyon.

    Initia lly, I s peculated that due to its ap-parent size in relation to l a n d f o r m s , itsshape, and its perceived distance consid-ering atmospheric haze, the object mu stbe a dirigible (blimp) hovering over thenorth rim of the canyon.

    MUFON Journal

    However, other images extracted a fewseconds later did not contain the object.The photo containing the UFO was takenat 2:12:44 p.m. Arizona time on June 9.

    The letters A, B and C have been af-fixed to a greyscale photo to identify theprominent landform s of Buddha Temple(A), Zoroaster Temple (B) and BrightAngel Canyon (C).

    I utilized a m ap of the Grand Canyonpublished by the National Park Service,U.S. Department of the Interior, plus popu-lar post cards purchased from the GrandCanyon Association to ascertain the namesgiven to the geological features.

    Weather conditions during our visit tothe canyon were good for photographingscenery. The sky w a s c l e a r o f clouds, andthe sun was high overhead. Actual weatherconditions recorded at the Grand Canyon

    National Park Airport (KGCN) were ob-tained from the Desert Research Institute,Western Regional Climate Center, Reno,NY.

    Hourly surface airways observationsare recorded at this station daily, relatedto Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Thephoto tim e expressed in GMT was 21 1 2:44hours. Aroun d that time the wind was 14knots, gusting to 22 knots; temperature was84 degrees F; dew poin t was 30 degrees F;barometric pressure was 30.24 inches of

    June 2004

  • 8/14/2019 No. 434 $4.00


    - - *. :-"P- ** ' * *> 3** a . JV, ,! - j-ftv... *NJT1 *~.jawij -"*- B ---;'-* ^J H**Sr1'-.i*"i.. n iSsPffrBi.-..,' -- S THEf, . ' /1'it"-i 12 frames of the video superimposed to show the object's movement.

    mercury and falling ; and v isibility was tenstatute miles.

    When I showed the photo to a friend,he asked if he could view the origina l tapeand check adjoin ing recorded "frames" by

    using computer software designed for suchanalysis. He informed me that my newcamcorder "snapped" about 30 frames, orimages, per second.

    He believed he could find some ration-al and practical explanation for the objectappearing on that particular frame and noton others.

    Object in twelve framesWhile reviewing the photo frames be-

    fore and after the UFO image, my friendand I discovered that there were twelveconsecutive frames containing UFO im-ages at different po sitions across the hori-

    zon. As I later found out to my chagrin, Icould have seen the same progressivemovement of the UFO using selected frameplayback features of my camcorder had Itaken the time to thoroughly read themanual.

    It is unfortuna te that m ore of the flightpath of the UFO was not captured on f i lm,but the first UFO frame was recorded rightafter turning the camcorder on from a pre-vious filming location.

    Using a computer cut-and-paste tech-nique, photo strips containing UFO imageson frames two through twelve were joined

    to the photo containing the first UFO im -age to show the flight path on one com-posite photo.

    The UFO appeared to me to be flyingfrom northwest to southeast over thecanyon's north rim, and more distant fromme than Buddha and Zoroaster Temples.It was astonishing to bo th my friend andme that the UFO traveled across the fieldof view of the camcorder in such a shorttime period, i.e. 1 l/30ths or 0.37 of a sec-ond.

    Before continuing, I must point out thata critical assumption not based on purescientific and mathematical relationshipshas been made. The assum ption is that theobject was behind an imaginary reference

    line connecting the peaks of BuddhaTemple (A) and Zoroaster Temple (B). Myassumption has been based on the follow-ing:

    First, simple visual perception whenviewing the color photos and observing theatmospheric haze suggested the object tobe behind peaks A & B. However, thisposition cannot be proven by mathemati-cal t r i ang u la t i on techniques, nor could theobject at its perceived altitude verify suchlocation by being obscured fo r a time dur-ing flight behind Zoroaster Temple.

    Second, the object appears to be get-

    ting closer to the camera during flight byits increased distance above the horizon ineach subsequent photo frame, by a progres-sive increase in size of the object itself,and by increased distance between images.

    Third, a "rough" distance estimate us-ing a reverse color photo and changes incolor intensity of initially dark l a nd fo rmsat measured distances from the camerasuggested the object at the beginning o f itsflight sequence was about ten miles dis-tant.

    Image shortcomingsJeff Sainio has stated that "the object is

    so sm all that both JPEG artifacts and glaremake the object's color unreliable," and"since a small object is all 'edge,' theseeffects make darkness measurements un-reliable."

    If the object is more distant from thecamera than the reference line (AB), as Itruly believe, then the speed, size and a lti-tude estimates that follow are valid andsomewhat conservative. In fairness to all,I must point out that MUFON's consult-ant believes my estimate of distance "ap-

    pears to be guesswork."Contin uing wi th my assump-

    tion, th e distance traveled overground by the UFO, while beingrecorded with the camcorder,was estimated utilizing topo-graphic m aps of the Gran d Can-yon purchased from the UnitedStates Geological Survey(USGS).

    From these maps, the distancebetween B uddha and ZoroasterTemple peaks was m easured tobe 20,000 feet, or about 3.78miles. Using the compositephoto, a proportional measure-ment of the distance traveled byth e UFO between frames one and

    twelve was 16,300 feet, or 3.1 miles.The UFO, cons ide r ing "field of view"

    time, traveled 3.1 miles in 0.37 of a sec-ond. If my calcula tions are correct, thisspeed equates to about 500 miles perminute, or 30,000 miles per hour.

    Putting this in perspective, the flighttime between St. Louis and Louisvillewould be under a minute, and the flighttime from New York to San Franciscowould be about five minutes. With theearth having a circumference of about25,000 miles a t the equator, the UFO couldmake the trip around the world in a littleunder an hour.

    To estimate the size of the UFO, thedistance on photo frame five between thepeaks of Buddha and Zoroaster Temples(20,000 feet) was divided into 40 equalsegments of 500 feet each. The scale thusproduced was used to estimate the hori-zontal dimension of the UFO, which filledless than one scale increment.

    As large as a football fieldA tedious measurement of the horizon-

    tal w idth of the UFO im age estimated itswidth to be about 350 feet, or approxi-mately the size of a football field. Thevertical dimension of the object withou tconsidering possible influences from re-flected light was estimated to be 250 feet.This width to height relationship suggestedits shape to resemble that of an oblate el-lipsoid.

    The UFO captured on film appeared tobe flying only a few thousand feet abovethe ground. In an attempt to estimate thealtitude of the object, the USGS topo-graphic maps were again utilized alongwith the tenth UFO frame. In this photoframe the UFO appears directly above thepeak o f Zoroaster Temple (B). The peakof Zoroaster Temple is at an elevation of7,100 feet above m ean sea level.

    By comparing identifiable land e l eva-June 2004 M U F O N Journal P a g e ?

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    t ions on the topographic map with the photoof Zoroaster Temple, a plateau with an el-evation of6,100 feet was selected as a ref-erence point. The difference in elevation(1,000 feet) between this reference po intand the peak of Zoroaster Temple was usedto develop a vertical scale to superimposeon the photo. An estimated altitude of10,400 feet was assigned to the UFO

    (about 3,000 feet above ground).An object "flying" at low altitude andwith such speed would be extremely diffi -cult to perceive with the naked eye, letalone physically react to its presence andcapture on film . Line-of-sight in other lo-cales could be obstructed by ground ob-stacles such as hills, trees, and buildings .

    Attempts to magnify the object to seemore detail were not successful. The digi-tal camcorder used to photograph the ob-j e c t did not have an image sensor with suf-ficient pixels to allow for much enlarge-ment withou t distortion of the object edges.

    A section of frame ten with the UFOand the peak of Zoroaster Temple has beenmagnified 400% to exemplify such loss ofsharpness and distortion. In this enlarge-ment, the effects of pixelization can readilybe seen. Zoroaster Temple becomesblurred and loses edge detail, and the UFOimage, even though maintaining its ellip-soidal shape, appears blurred and indi-vidua l pixels become discernible.

    An evaluation of the audio portion ofthe videotape for 63 seconds after the lastimage appeared did not reveal a sonicboom. At my location on the south rim of

    the canyon, the camcorder was about 6.8miles from Zoroaster Temple.Considering sound to travel at about1,100 feet per second, the UFO would have

    had to be more than 13 miles distant to notregister a detectible sound-if there was asound or a sonic boom.

    As time permits, additional color analy-ses are being conducted on the 12 UFOframes. Preliminary image color interpre-tations utilizing digital photo computersoftware have been performed. The resultsindicate the presence of a yellow halo sur-rounding the image on each of the twelveframes.

    As poin ted out to me by Sainio, imagerecording form at (JPEG) may create arti-facts a t the edges of high contrast objectsand cause complementary colors (yellowbeing the complement of blue) to appear,adding another element of uncertainty.

    The U FO described in this account hadflight characteristics not common to thisw o r l d ' s generally accepted methods of airtravel. The craft, if it was a craft, mayhave its origin within our government'sresearch communi ty-o r elsewhere.PageS

    Centerville, OhioExplosive UFO visitation

    or uncanny abnormality?By Kenny Young

    Most residents of Centerville, OH, whowere up and about at 5:30 AM on Satur-day, March 6,2004, were going about theirnormal routines, waiting for daylight tobreak. Activity at police dispatch head-quarters, however, was anything bu t rou-tine.

    Phone lines began to light up with citi-zen reports of bizarre "flashing in the sky"and electrical disruptions that seized alarge area from Lakeview Drive to Bethel

    Road, Stone Lake, and Linden. One afteranother the calls came in."Centerville Police," said the flustered

    police dispatcher to yet another caller."Has the whole street called? asked the

    voice on the other end. "Oh my God. I sawit; it was right over my house, and it hov-ered d o w n . . . I can't believe I'm sayingth is! It looked like an ALIEN SHIP. . . ! "

    A solid objectThe resident on Lakeview Drive later

    contacted for this report contends that asolid physical object was present in theskies near Stingley Elementary School in

    Centerville.This object was hovering at near tree-top level and would interact with nearbypower lines, causing an arcing "flash" thatwould send a powerful explosive reportacross the sleepy and confused neighbor-hood.

    This detail is consistent with callersheard on the 911 police tapes of the inci-dent, obtained through the diligence ofUFO investigator Bruce M. Forrester, Jr.,of Bellbrook, OH, in which area residentsinform ed police of the sky lighting up andelectrical disruptions. One caller said thesource of the bright flashing was "nearStingley school."

    The Lakeview Drive resident, who livesacross from the school, and who also ob-served the object with his wife, said, "Thishouse-sized object was a saucer-shapedmetallic structure, polished aluminum sur-face, with alternating sets of rotating, flare-like lights."

    He adds, "The two sets of lights clearlyrotated in opposite directions and were verybright, consisting of several colors rang-ing from yellow, amber, white, and blue.

    MUFON Journal

    There was no smoke or exhaust that I couldsee."'This UFO was somehow interacting

    with power lines near Stingley ElementarySchool, according to the prim ary claimant.After each blinding explosion the air p r e s - .sure in the neighborhood would "change"with a loud concussion, and at that pointall the power would go out across theneighborhood.

    Following this disruption, the UFOwould vanish from its place at t r ee top levelnear the school. The same-or a separate,identical objectwould "reappear" over anadjacent field as the power in the regionwould slowly come back.

    This object would then assume a slowpath and am ble back toward the school toits previous position, where it would againexplode with a flash after making somekind of "arcing" contact with the powerlines. This procedure, as described by theLakeview Drive resident, would repeatseveral times .

    Trees in the area were burnt during thisdrama. Branches and limbs were said bythe Lakeview Drive witness to flame and"glitter" for several hours after the inci-dent like flashing 4th of July fireworks.

    "I wish that there was a good explana-tion for this," said the Lakeview Drivewitness, a 25-year old father of a newly-born baby and working in "financial ser-vices."

    He explainted that the object "movedover the school and came down in the field.I saw it raise and lower. I know it was con-trolled, and I wish I had somebody to cometo my door and lay it on the line; just giveme a good answer for a ll this."

    Officers sent to sceneAccording to police logs obtained from

    the Centerville Police Department, policeofficers were dispatched to the scene about5:45 AM, sho rtly after the calls began.

    Fire logs obtained from the Washing-ton Township f ire department indicate thata fire truck was dispatched to the locationat 5:48 AM, and another unit sent at 5:58AM.

    Making this situa tion a tad more inter-esting are reports that emergency respond-ers in the fire department ladder truck also

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    saw the UFO, and the gauges on their emer-gency vehicle "went funny."

    According to the Lakeview Drive resi-dent, "The firemen were repeatedly ask-ing me for descriptions of what I saw, andI told them , and they said 'that's the samething wesaw,'" citing firemen and policeofficers who loudly communicated witheach other at the scene of the bedlam.

    "I told the two fire officers what I sawand asked them if I sounded like a com-plete lunatic," said the Lakeview Driveresident. "He told me that I was not a lu-natic and that they saw it too, and it madethe gauges in their truck go nuts."

    Following this tantalizing lead, an in-quiry was made to find ou t if emergencyresponders were also witnesses to thisUFO.

    Offic ials refuse to talkTelephone inqu iries to the Ce n te rv i l l e

    Fire Department's "Station 41" about thisissue were not warmly received, and the

    simple phone call requesting some basicinform ation on the March 6 dispatch wasrejected.

    Lt. Sarah Lee, handling the inquiry toher department, advised that she could notbe of any help. To the contrary, the wag-ons were circling, the moat was beingfilled, and hatches were being batteneddown as it was announced that any incom-ing inquiry must be made via writtenrequest."Why don't you call WrightPatterson Air Force Base?" she said afterlistening briefly to the weird 9 1 1 tape bytelephone.

    She added, "Wright Pat can help youmore than I can. Unfortunately, I cannotanswer any of your questions. It is routineprocedure and policy for us to not give outinformation withou t proper authorization."

    Suddenly the operations and practicesof this basic publ ic agency seemed to beoperating like the Freedom of Inform ationOffice of the super-secret "Blue Room " ofWright Patterson Air Force Base, the verybase the inquiry was referred to.

    A friendly letter was then penned to FireChief Parks, basically asking to be put incontact with the emergency responders whowere on the scene of the UFO incident onMarch 6.

    "I am not sure who gave you your in-forma tion, but it appears they were awareof something we did not see or share in,"said Fire Chief Kenneth C. Parks in re-sponse to the request.

    Apparently, the chief also did not takekindly to the request for contact info withthe emergency responders who were dis-patched to the scene on March 6: "Ourpeople are required by policy to refrain

    from discussing fire department actionswithout proper authorization. By policy,their reports are their response to any ques-tions, outside of court action."C e n t e r v i l l e ' s Assistant City ManagerJudy Gilleland said she was unaware ofthe mass confusion of March 6, despiteassuring me that she would be aware ofany such report as was described to he r . Sheseemed to take little interest or show littleconcern in the report of an object hoveringover Stingley Elementary School.

    "I believe I would know about downedpower lines and trees, and I have heardnothing of the sort," she said. "Good newsfor us; perhaps bad news for you?"

    Assistant City Manager.Gilleland, FireChief Parks, and Lt. Lee were all advisedthat there should be some concern of ra-dioactivity near the site of Stingley El-ementary School. These public employeesclearly expressed a disinterest in the eventdescribed by witnesses on March 6.

    Is this a dangerous complacency thatreeks of ultimate disregard for publ ic safetyin an uncertain time? Could HomelandSecurity be any more proud?

    Weeks after the event , the damaged treebranches were analyzed with a radiationdetection monitor by Phyllis Budinger,Frontier Analysis. No radiation abovenormal background was detected.

    There may or may not be a firm expla-nation for the object described overStingley school, bu t even if it were to havebeen some classified military operation(Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Day-

    ton/Beavercreek is less than 19 milesnorthwest), there should be some validconcern regarding a military operation solow over a residential area and near aschool.

    Further, the type of propulsion methodused on such a classified project and thepossibility of lingering radiation near theschool could pose threatening conditionsfor families and children in the areas ofthe school, Lakeview Drive, Bethel Road,and Linden Road. This should be a soberconcern.

    Instead, public hirelings in Centervillehave dismissed this episode as a case of"wires arcing in high winds."

    Wind not the cu lpritHowever, an inquiry made with the Na-

    tional Weather Service at Wilmington,OH, revealed that although there was ahigh wind alert earlier on March 5, highwinds during the time of the reported inci-dent were not an issue.

    Between 4 and 5 AM on March 6 tem-peratures and conditions in Centervillewere in the m id 40s, with winds ou t of the

    northwest at only 12 miles per hou r , .Further complicating the "high wind"

    dismissa l would be comm ents from a tele-phone receptionist at Dayton Power &Light in w hich the cause of a power out-age near Lakeview Drive on March 6 wasreportedly due to a "circuit lockout" thattook place from 5:34 until 10:45 AM, re-sulting in service dis ru p t i on .The re was nomention of high winds.As for the Lakeview Drive resident, heisn't very c o m f o r t a b l e with the situation."It's clear to me that something blew upthere where the burnt trees are," he said.There is no transformer there to blow up.That concerns me, given the magn itude ofthe explosion."

    But essentially the strangeness of thiswhole s ituation rests with the testimony ofthis Lakeview Drive resident and his wife,who bo th claim they observed a very sen-sational physical and intelligently-con-trolled object situated low in the sky near

    Stingley school.This is reflected on the emergency 9 1 1police tapes as the caller considers h is ownwords with disbelief at what he is claim-ing to observe in the sky near his home.While others in the neighborhood were in-deed alarmed-and also called police head-quarters-they were reporting only generic"flashing" in the sky, along with power dis-ruptions.

    The Lakeview Drive resident also re-ports concern that his infant has experi-enced hair loss, although this could be nor-mal as babies sometimes do lose their hair.

    Or then again, perhaps it's just thosehigh winds.An inspection of the material by infra-

    red scans o f both the charred and unburnedareas by Phyllis Budinger of FrontierAnalysis, as well as spectra analysis ofsolvent extractions (hexane, acetone/m e t h a n o l mix and water) from these areasshowed nothing unusual.

    The 9 1 1 tapes of this incident can beheard on the Internet at Michigan SSD

    Leonard Styberskidies in Arizona at 64

    Leonard L. Styberski, 64, Tucson, Ari-zona, died Wednesday evening, April 28,2004 at h o m e . Rich M c V a n n e l , formerMichigan State Director, says, "RichwasSSD in the Western Upper Penninsula ofMichigan before he fell ill with cancer andmoved to Arizona. He would travel to Flintfor each meeting, and was a dedicated in-vestigator.

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    Other sightings in the areaTennessee sighting backed upby video and weather data

    Kim A.Shaffer,ASD, MUFON ofTennessee

    It was 7:45 PM , Au g. 2, 2003. As myson and I were talking in our driveway inBristol, T N , I turned and saw what ap-peared at first to be a child's ball oon ex-tremely high in the sky, mov ing thr oug hscattered clouds left over from a stormfront which had passed earlier in the day.

    This th in g was hardly wor th a secondlook, except tha t it kept "blink ing out" asif it was fiat and rotating on its axis. Bothmy son and I wa tched the object for sometime to our north as it moved towa rd us,

    southward and downwar d.Curio sity took hold , and I ran for a pair

    of binoc ulars w hi le m y son watched theobject.

    Describing the object is d i f f i c u l t . Per-f e c t i o n , a b s o l u t e s y m m e t r y , w i t h amottled copper skin wh ich seemed to beflowing like plasm a. The object was to-tally rigid, but my mind told me it was"alive" somehow. There are actually nowords to describe this object as we sawit through binoculars.

    After being absolutely awe-struck fora good three to five minutes, I finally re-alized that we needed photographic proof.After making a dash of some 100 feet tothe hilltop cabin, I retrieved a cheap digi-tal camera, a used VM S tape, and an an-cient camcorder which I was sure had adead battery.

    Upon returning outside, we werejoined now by my wife, who was well inthe fight for possession of the binocularsto view this wonderous object. I begantaking digital stills, 23 total, none of whichtook.

    I then turned on the old camcorder andinserted the used tape.The battery was halffu ll. I managed to shoot the object at fullzoom (12X), and also shot referenceswhich, as it turned out, were very help-ful for analysis.

    There was a small time period of 2.5minutes in which the object stayed in plainsight, roll ing, hovering, rising, and sim-ply appearing as a "raptor" as it soaredabout. The object moved slowly andstraight to the west, where it was wit-nessed by three sma ll children who stilldraw pictures of the "ghost" in the sky

    ._-,..,;_: ..V .:. , , ' j A characteristic of enlarged frames from video tapes is lack of detail. How-

    ever, as the two inserts show, the video does document the change in apparentshape of the object as it maneuvered in the sky.

    that frightened them that summer evening.

    The analysis and investigationIt is extremely difficult for a person

    to investigate h is /he r own sighting and re-main unbiased. I did not belong toMUFON at this time and was unawareof the procedure which a Field Investiga-tor takes to conduct an investigation, so Iproceeded as best I knew how to build asturdy "framework" on the sighting withaccurate, sound data.

    My first move was to call my localFAA office, approximately 20 miles to mywest, and inquire about possible anoma-lous returns on their radar. I was shocked

    to find that the control tower's radar willregister a return on a ircraf t only with tran-sponders. Shockingly, this object was fly-ing around on the approach to Tri-City'srunway 23.

    My next step was to confirm weatherdata for the day. I called the NWS officenearest me and received wind data for theday. Remember the wind direction fromthe beginning? Winds for August 2, timeperiod of1900-2200 hrs, at 5-10,000 feetwere from the WSW at 10-15 knots.

    This data was retrieved from radar pro-files for the time frame and from threeNWS ground stations. There goes anychance of the object being a balloon. Bal-loons do not fly across or against the wind.

    My next step was to contact local TVstations and newspapers, hoping for pub-lic reaction and possible new witnessesfor t r iangula t ion. No one would touch thestory.

    I finally met a young reporter for aweekly county paper that wished only towrite the t ruth on the story. He had filledan entire page, and his editors hacked thestory to pieces and added "scary" Hal-

    loween stories on the same page to makethe sighting appear as fictitious garbage.

    The editors of this paper also had thereporter take the tape I furnished him to alocal astrophysis t/co l lege professor, whodeemed the sighting a "hoax" perpetratedwith a "mall UFO balloon."

    He would not even consider the datathat I pains takingly collected to assurethat no scientific mind cou ld discount thesighting. I have challenged this gentlemanon Coast to Coast radio to re-create this

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    sighting with a mall advertising balloon atmy expense, and with "like" weather con-ditions. He cannot, so therefore he hasnever responded to the challenge.

    As o f this date, only three m ino r chil-dren have been identified as witnesses tothe same object.

    Jeff Sainio and Bruce Maccabee bothreceived copies of the video. Both have

    arrived at practically the same numberson t h i s sighting. Sainio foun d possibleatmospheric scattering due to great dis-tance, and determined that the object wasin excess of 20 feet at an app roxim ate dis -tance of 4 miles.

    Dr. Macabee arrived at a sl igh tly largerobject, 30+ feet at a lesser distance of16,000 feet. He also requested and re-ceived a calibration video from the samevideo camera, and I taped a yard stickhorizontally and vertically at a measured50 feet.

    This obvious ly gave Dr. Macabee a

    true bit of data from the camera for ref-erencing. This sighting, like so many wi thdata, along with photographic proof, com-bine to make a case that truly cannot beexplained.

    The same object?I was contacted by Peter Davenport(N U FO R C) soon after we had done the

    Coast to Coast show in regards to thissighting. He asked me to look at the re-port of a disc-shaped object in Washing-ton state several days after my sighting.

    This gentleman was at an air show andexperienced a carbon copy of the disc

    object which I taped, according to his de-scription. All characteristics of shape, size,and flight characteristics were identical tothe Bristol disc. In review of NUFORCdata , I have found this a slow, meander-ing object, dark in color, referred to bymany witnesses.

    Recently I did a "tape and data swap"with Jack Kasher, who is currently inves-tigating a dramatic daylight sighting inNebraska. Surprisingly, again, there areremarkable similarities to the objectwhich I caught on tape.

    My analysis of current data from all

    sources shows a marked increase in re-cent times of this type of "slow, darkdiscoid" anomaly which seems to offeran easy target for a camera .

    Sightings for Feb. 29, 2004Beautiful clear blue skies, no wind, a

    picture of a beau tifu l late winter Sundayevening. The time was approximately 5:30PM, and my wife and son had left to goshopping. I received a phone call fromthem when they were about a mile awayon 4 2 I N heading into Bristol. My wife

    1 1 rv&s'p'orr ./In / I-.D -ii" sS 5cr>. O L . S

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    job is to fill the underground tanks at gasstations here locally.

    Since the events of "9-11," truckers-especially gasoline haulers-are asked to"convoy" or to try to stay with partnerson the highway for security reasons.

    He referred back to the night of March22 at about 8:00-9:00 PM when he wasthe first of a two-truck "run" to Kn o x -vi l le . The second witness, the driver be-hind this gentleman, radioed that he waswatching something strange in the darknight sky.

    As these two trucks moved along thedark rural interstate, they were watchinga bright red pulsating light which seemedto keep pace with them as they travelledat 70 miles per hour. For short periods,the light would simply "go out" then re-appear in another part of the sky.

    While lit, the light would never go com-pletely out, bu t change intensity. He statedthat the object reminded him of a beatingheart. The two gentlemen watched the

    light un til they were near Knoxvi l l e , whenthe light simply "went out."The entire event lasted about 40 min-

    utes, and during the return trip and thesecond trip that same night, the object didnot re-appear.

    Fast foreward to the night of March23. Same two witnesses, same trucks,same highway. The time was about thesame as well, approximately 8:00-9:00PM.

    The gentleman repeated the sameevents for this night. The red light pacedthem, mile for mile, pulsating then going

    out, only to re-appear in a different partof the sky. There was a slight differencein the "light" this night, as it now had aneon green small light at its bottom whichalso pulsated in an opposing fashion tothe larger red one.

    He also stated that the object was only"with them" during their first trip to Knox-ville and not the second, nor have theyseen the light since.

    The witness to whom I spoke has hadextensive military experience, having beena crew chief on a B-52 Bomber in excessof15 years, and is adamant that the lightwas no aircraft, due to its size, shape, andlack of any other lighting.

    Filer appointed VP ofSkywatch InternationalGeorge Filer, M U F O N ' s Eastern Re-

    gion Director and author of the popularFiler's Files, has been appointed vice-president of Skywatch International, ac-cording to an announcement by JimHickman, executive director of SkywatchInternational, Inc. .

    Page 12

    Near mid-air collision

    not to be discussedBy Richard N. Motsinger

    This story c a n ' t be about a UFO "sight-ing" because I, myself, saw nothing. Nordid I feel, hear, or receive any messagefrom what had to have been a "craft" notof man's making.

    But those two Air Force majors a fewfeet feet above me sim ply went half-crazywith their sighting-and a very near mid-aircollision i nvo lving the B-25 we were in.(This was a twin-engine, medium bomberfrom World W ar II.)

    I was a student in my senior year ofaeronautical engineering at Purdue Univer-sity in West Lafayette, IN. The year was1950, and I was returning from a NavalROTC cruise.

    A few years previously, my StanfordUniversity friend and I had found that ourmodest "travel orders" to return to ourrespective universities could get us on AirForce flights accepting "transient milita rypersonnel."

    This UFO happening started atElmendorf Air Force Base in Houston,where m y B-25 free r ide was returning toCha nute A i r Force Base in I l l ino i s .

    The two Air Force officers were put-t ing in thei r required mon thly f l igh t t imes,and by strange coinc idence were return-ing to Purdue themselves, by automobilea two-hour drive from Chanute.

    The Air Materiel C o m m a n d / W r i g h tAFB, OH, had sent career officers (amongthem Gus Grissom) to engineeringschools in preparation for their transfersto the NASA space program.

    I was a bit thrilled to take up a passen-ger position on the very nose ("green-house") of the ship, on my belly. I had towear intercom headphones so the pilot(s)could move me about.

    Somewhere just south ofShrevepor t ,LA (and Barksdale AFB), my clear viewof the ground was interrupted by the pilo tgoing berserk.

    "Dallas Control! Dallas Control! Nearmid-air, near mid-air! (collision) ' Bo g i e 'headed west ... No ID could be made ...extreme velocity. Air Force B-25 return-ing to Chanute Field! Dallas, do you readme? Near mid-air!"

    After landing, the officers drove all ofus back to West Lafayette, IN, in a si-lence of dramatic proportions. Finally Icame out of my stupor and said, "Fel-

    MUFON Journal

    lows, what really happened up there? Ididn't see or hear a thing." The reply wasterse, to say the least. "You are not to re-late any of this flight to anyone, ever!Don't talk to us, now or ever again."

    And I never breathed a word, at school.Some days later, I passed one of theseAir Force officers on a crowded campuswalkway. Silence. And he had a look of...fear, dread, panic maybe. What a stare!

    The Black Vaultmay be on TV

    The Black Vault's extensive Internetcollection of declassified government docu-ments compiled by John Greenewald Jrthrough the Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) may become the basis of a TVshow.

    Black Vault sta ffersrecently completed aweek long trip to Wash-ington, DC, to film thefirst round of interviewsintended for use in thes h o w , w h i c h i s s t i l llooking for a network.

    The setting was the" X - C o n f e r e n c e , " thefirst Exopolitics Con-vention, attended by many of the world'smost qualified and credible researchers,authors, scientists, and governmental staff-ers on the subject of UFO disclosure.

    To be based on the eight-year-oldwebsite,, the TVshow is being described as "the real X-Fi les ." The series would tackle not onlythe UFO phenomenon, but also such top-ics as human chemica l /bio logica l tests andrecent releases on the alleged JFK con-

    spiracy.Each episode would look at how thegovernment operates by examining andexposing recently declassified Top Secretdocuments acquired through the FOIA,according to Greenewald, who wil l be oneof the speakers at the 2004 M U F O N In-ternational Symposium in Denver.

    To learn more about this potent ia l se-ries and to explore the the numerous de-classified documents, visit: http: / /

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    MUFNJohnF.SchueSSler AA lErlWjMWebsite: http://www.mufon.comInternational Director /j\jIII t \ Jt 1 Telephone: (303) 932-7709" ) 932.9279. , 0 r , n M o A Mutual UFO Network E-mail: [email protected]

    Morrison, Colorado 80465-0369 USA ^ -Bring the family to Denver in 2004!

    Attend MUFON's 35th Annual Symposium

    "Unconventional Flying Objects: The Body of Technological Evidence"

    July 16-18, 2004

    Pre-Symposium Kick-off at S ix Flags Elitch Gardens on Thursday, July 15thThe first 100 registrations will be entered into a drawing for:

    2 autographed House of Blues T-shirts and Blues Brothers harmonica!

    All EARLY registrations paid in full by May 31st, 2004, will be entered into a drawingfor a Panasonic DVD player ($500 value, DVD-LV70 silver), handsome leather

    carrying case & noise-canceling earphones!

    "Not of this Earth" Package: $155 per person (price before June 30, $145)Includes Six Flags (a $36 value per person) on Thursday, all speakers and work-shops, Friday night reception, dinner with speaker, debate and Symposium Pro-

    ceedings (a $25 value).

    "Dimensions" Package: $135 per person (price before June 30, $125)Includes: All speakers, workshops, Friday night reception, dinner with speaker and


    "Cosmos" Package: $110 per person (price before June 30, $99)Includes: All speakers, workshops and Friday night debate.

    Registration at the door will be priced as follows:All speakers and workshops for Saturday and Sunday will be $125 per person.

    Saturday only will be $75 per person

    Sunday only will be $50 per personSingle workshops: $15 per person, Single speakers: $25 per person

    Friday night's debate: $35 per person

    Six Flags Elitch GardensThursday, July 15th from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm

    Also sold separately for only $18 per person ($36.99 value)Order online or contact [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 No. 434 $4.00


    MUFNJohnF.SchueSSler AA t W Website: http://www.mufon.comInternational Director /IWII11 \ I Telephone: (303) 932-7709NJT1 ^ Fax: (303) 932-9279.. ~, ^ no^^o,,r

  • 8/14/2019 No. 434 $4.00



    "The UFO Continuum: Past, Present, Future" 2003"The Alien Influence: A Planetary Perspective" by Neil Freer

    "Critiquing the Roswell Critics" by Stanton Friedman"It Never Stopped: From Beyond UFO Secrecy" by John Greenewald, Jr. "Back Roads of the Universe" by Jim Hickman

    "Field Research in Norway and Brazil" by Linda Moulton Howe

    "Multiple Anomalies Within Crop Formations" by William C. Levengood

    "Even More Remarkable UFOs in History: The USS Supply Sighting" by Dr. Bruce Maccabee

    "Big Media and Little Green Men" by Jon Nowinski"Mysteries/ Anomalous Artifacts of North America:" by Tedd St. Rain"The 50th Anniversary of the Kinross Incident" by David Walks-as-Bear"The Marian Visitations: Miracles, Hoaxes, or Alien Encounters" by Dan Wright

    "Unity in Ufology/Connecting with the Scientific Community" 2002William J. Birnes, RichardDolan, Timothy Good, BettyHll,Bill Hamilton, Budd Hopkins,David Jacobs, Don Ledger, Peter Robbins, Jeffrey W. Sainio, Chris Styles, Richard Thieme

    "2001 - Joining the Cosmic Neighborhood" 2001Eric W. Davis, Barry H. Downing, Ann Druffel, Stanton Friedman, Steven M. Greer,Budd Hopkins, Roger Leir. John E. Mack, Bob Pratt, Daniel Sheehan. Robert Wood, Ryan Wood

    "UFOs In the New Millennium" 2000Gregory J. Avery, John S. Carpenter, Linda G. Corley, Stanton Friedman, Stan Gordon,John Greenewald, Jr., Colm A. Kelleher, Ted Phillips, Kevin D. Randle, Gerald Rolwes,John F. Schuessler, Robert M. Wood

    "Transcending Politics and Comfort Zones in Ufology" 1999"Closing the Great Divide Between Science and Ufology" 1998"The Fiftieth Anniversary of Ufology" 1997

    "Ufology: A Scientific Enigma" 1996"Ufology: A Scientific Paradigm" 1995"Ufology: A Historical Perspective" 1994

    "Ufology: The Emergence of a New Science" 1993"The Ultimate Mystery of the Millennia" 1992

    "UFOs: The Big Picture" 1991

    "UFOs: The Impact of E.T. Contact Upon Society" 1990"The UFO Cover Up: A Government Conspiracy" 1989"Abductions and the E.T. Hypothesis" 1988"Extraterrestrial Intelligence: A Public Forum" 1984"UFOs Canada-A Global Perspective" 1982

    "UFOs: The Hidden Evidence" 1981

    "UFO Technology: A Detailed Examination" 1980

    "Intensifying the Scientific Investigation of the UFO Surveillance" 1979"UFOs: A Historical Perspective on Close Encounters" 1978"Scientific UFO Research: Position / UFO Movement on / 30th Anniversary" 1977"New Frontiers in UFO Research" 1976























































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    Abducted, by Debbie Jordan and Kathy MitchellThe Allen Jigsaw, by Katharlna WilsonThe Andreasson Legacy, by Ray Fowler (U.S. only)The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident, by John F. SchuesslerDelphos, A Close Encounter of the Second Kind, by Ted PhillipsFinal Report on the America West Airline Case, May 25-26, 1995 by Walter N. WebbMajestic Documents Book, by Or. Robert Wood & Ryan Wood

    MUFON FIELD INVESTIGATOR'S MANUAL (MUFON Member's price)MUFON FIELD INVESTIGATOR'S MANUAL (non-MUFON Member's price)MUFON UFO Journal, back issues, when availablePresentation on UFOs to the United Nations Video

    Stanton T. Friedman, John F. Schuessler, Robert H. Bletchman (two hours)Project 1947: A Preliminary Report on the UFO Sighting Wave by Jan L. AldrichThe Secret (MJ-12): Evidence That We Are Not Alone CD-RomSOM 1-01 Majestlc-12 Group Special Operations Manual, by Robert & Ryan WoodThe UFO Crash/Retrievals Syndrome, Status Report II, by Leonard H. StringfieldUFO Crash/Retrievals:, Status Report III, by Leonard H. StringfieldUFOs: MJ-12 and the Government, by Grant Cameron & T. Scott Grain, Jr.The Zeta Reticull Incident, by Terence Dickinson

    T-shirt, MUFON logo, (white) small, medium, large, extra large

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  • 8/14/2019 No. 434 $4.00


    FILER'S FILESBy George Filer

    Director, MUFON Eastern Region

    George Filer

    Australia cluster of lightsADELAIDE - A witness reports,

    "Around 8:30 PM on April 25, 2004, Iwas inside in the kitchen on the phone tomy friend when my husband came intothe kitchen and asked if I wanted to see aUFO. I didn't really know what to think,as he is such a skeptic and is a very logi-cal thinker, so I went outside for a minute.

    "It was cloudy, and at first I couldn'tsee anything, butthen I saw a seriesof white l ights, notround, but morer e c t a n g u l a r -shaped lights, an dthey formed acluster, fla shing .

    "Then a secondcircle of lightsformed around thecluster; then a thirdand final circle oflights surroundedthe other two circles. The lights were ro-tating in a circle, and were flashing. I couldbarely believe my eyes. v"W h a t we were looking at was the baseof something of incredible size. It washuge, about the size of a football field,massive, and the small circle of lightsseemed to spin and the whole thing tilted.

    "I was f r ightened, and I kept askingmy husband what is it? He said he didn'tknow, and that is why he had to showme. Ten minutes later he went outsideagain, and it had gone.

    "It was huge, and was definitely thebottom of something very la rge; the sheersize of it is wha t got me. How couldsomething that big be in the sky? Thelights must have been extremely bright toshine through the clouds as they did. Iam a mother of four grown children, andI am a pharmacy assistant. My husbandis a supervisor at his work." Thanks toPeter Davenport, Director,

    New York flying triangleBRISTOL/CANANDAIGUA - An al-mond-shaped, disk-type object was ob-served hovering over the hills on April 30,2004, at 11 PM. The object, bigger than

    the light it projected, was observedthrough binoculars, and the outline of theobject was visible, but it was not lit.

    Two other similar objects were seenwhich changed shape as they moved backand forth, then up and down. These werenot planes, satellites and stars, the wit-ness emphasized: "I could see almost ev-ery turn they made as they changed fromalmond shape to disk shape to somethingthat seemed perfectly round and hoveredright over my house.

    "There was a design on the bottom ofthis one craft, almost like that of a phoe-nix or some type of fancy geometrical de-sign. The one that came the closest wasmostly grey, but would shif t into a brightblue, wh ite , and then i t wou ld f lash some-thing red once in a while.

    "It had an aura around it, and it wouldmove towards the other two in the sky(which were farther away then the one Iwas observing). When that happened theother two would seem to move rapidlyand disappear at random moments, andthen reappear.

    "As I watched this one come closer, Icould feel a ' pul l ' that is hard to explainunless someone has experienced what Iam talking about. I was outs ide when thishappened, and these objects were appear-ing in the eastern skies.

    "I stood there studying them for aboutthree hours. I lost track of time, and thenbecame too tired to continue. I rememberbefore walking into the house around 3AM tha t there was a huge thing that sweptright under it (the object) on my finalglance, and I am not sure how to explainthat one. Out of all the suspected U F O s Ihave seen, this one concerned me most."Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director,

    California flying triangleMERCED - The witness was driving

    north on 1-5 with his parents when around12:30 AM on April 14,2004, they noticedan odd pair of lights.

    He states, "I first noticed it when theobject was vertical with only two cornersvisible, like viewing a triangular block fromthe side. The small triangular object had

    round circular and cycled lights on threcorners. To visualize one set of lightimagine a cross section of a pipe with manlights making the circle.

    "These lights alternated like Christmalights, and looked like electricity was moving through them. It hovered over the highway for maybe 30 seconds, and quicklsped off behind the overpass. As I approached the overpass it flew speedinback over the highway and hovered verlow.

    "It actually passed right in front of mcar twice, and then hovered off to the leand shined a light right at me from thright-hand side. This light came from onof the sides, not from one of the cornerof the object, as I drove 80 mph. I saw for probably close to a minute or two total, but it seems longer.

    "It was 3 to 5 feet in length and definitely not wider than my Civic. Howeveit had great agility and speed, and it wasilent."

    Scotland speeding lightsEDINBURGH - The witness states, "A1:05 AM on Wednesday, April 2 1 , 1 wa

    standing outside my house having a cigarette, looking to the northeastern sky frommy home town Livingston when I sawtwo dots of lights suddenly shoot downward from the cloudy sky.

    "They were moving at an incrediblspeed, and they were keeping almost thsame distance, running parallel to eachother. They turned sharply and came parallel to the horizon, and went on for couple of seconds, during which t ime theboth took another short dive and cam

    back level again."From there, they seemed to shooback up into the sky and vanish backabove the clouds, and there was no soundat all! I have never seen anything movthat fast in my life. They were illuminating the clouds they were flying under."

    Arkansas nuclear facility sightingRUSSELVILLE - On April 15, 2004

    at 10:11 PM as the witness got his mail hsaw two large orange balls of light directlabove his house, about 30 degrees up and

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    over the Arkansas Nuclear 1 Reactorabout two miles from his location. Hestates, "I watched as the two lights splitinto three, then four, and then disappearedcompletely. I do not know how long theywere there, since I only caught the ap-parent end of the display."

    New Jersey shape changer

    W O O D B R I D G E - The observer wastraveling west on Oak Tree Road whenhis attention was drawn to a jet blackglossy cy l indr i c a l ly -shaped object thatwas floating northeast at less than 1,000feet on April 30, 2004, at 10:25 PM.

    The witness states, "It had to be huge,more them 75 feet in length and at least10 feet in diameter. It was shaped like aglossy black sausage casing, and it wouldperiodically go into a forma l V-shape, andthen speed up in that direction of travel.

    "As it crossed in front of me on WoodAvenue the sun would glin t off this rotat-

    ing sausage-shaped object. Two smallerspheres were also observed, one attachedat each end. This object would also rotateend over end, stop, go straight vertically,hover for a few seconds after bending inthe middle from a v-shaped profile, andmaintain this attitude for a few secondsbefore going on.

    "It also maintained a true and straightaltitude, for if it was a balloon, it wouldhave risen while in my view. I pointed itout to a few passer-bys, but they said itwas a balloon. The object then drifted ina stop-and-go manner out over the Gar-

    den State Parkway, and then I lost sightof the object.

    "The temperature was 60 degrees,partly sunny, and the wind was calm. Itis also one year ago (5-1-03) when I sawa similar changing object in the vicinity."Thanks to Peter Davenport,

    Iran has numerous reportsTEHRAN - Numerous UFO sig htin gs

    are being reported over Iran. Fa nc iful car-toons o f alien spacecraft have adorned thefront pages of newspapers, while statetelevision showed a spa rkling white discit said was film ed over Tehran. Fox Newsshowed pictures that appeared to be clas-sic disc shapes moving over a city a r e a .

    Iran is developing nuclear weapons,and U F O s almost always take an interestin these developments. Many UFOsbeam ing ou t green, red, blue, and purplerays were seen over the northern cities ofTabriz and Ardebi l and in the Caspian Sea.

    Newspapers and agencies reportedpeople rushing out into the streets in eight

    towns to watch a bright extraterrestriallight dipping in and out of the clouds.Delaware hovering craftSEAFORD/OLD BRIDGE - Drivingsouth on Route 13 the witness noticed twobright white lights low on the horizon onApril 30, 2004, at 3:15 PM, that were notmoving. As he drove closer and almostgot under them, he says he noticed that

    they were jus t hovering about 1,000 feetoff the ground, so he pulled over and gotout of the car and looked up.

    The witness states, "The two whitelights were on an object, and were aimingstraight out. The object was shaped l ike astop sign with just five sides, dark in colormaybe grey or black, and was silent, nota peep of sound.

    "I started to get a little nervous and hada delivery to make right down the street,so I jumped back in the car and made mydelivery. When I went back again to look,it was gone. First time in my life I have

    ever seen a UFO." Thanks to Peter Dav-enport, Director,

    Large disc in IndianaMOORESVILLE - Peter Davenport

    called to inform me he is having computertroubles similaivto my own. He told methat two disc-shaped UFOs were reportedover Indiana. The witness was travelingsouth on state highway 67 south, justnorth of Mooresville, when a silver disc10-12 feet in diameter about 300 feet highpassed over his RAV4 on April 3,2004, at7:30 PM.

    "It was moving from west to east atabout 100 mph at around a 3 to 5-degreeupward angle," said the witness. "It lookedto be about 3-4 feet thick; no lights, nowings, no sound, and no smoke. It was adisc or saucer-shaped object with rowsof lights."

    Another disc in IndianaLOGANSPORT - On April 8,2004, thewitness reports, "My husband and I, alongwith my oldest daughter, were leaving myin-laws when I noticed lights above aneighbor's trees around their house."There was a black and grey disc orsaucer-shaped object with rows of lightsfor about 5 or 6 seconds, then the lightsshut off like someone flipped a switch,and the object disappeared.

    "My 12-year-old daughter saw thesame thing, and my husband only saw aglare of lights on the truck and ground.He could not see it due to the position ofthe object." Thanks to Peter Davenport,Director, N U F O R C .

    Connecticut flying triangleENFIELD - The witness reports,

    "Coming out of the house at 8 PM on April5, 2004, my right eye quickly caught alight, or lights, off to the right. I lookedup and saw a craft of some kind, so Iquickly grabbed my camcorder that hap-pened to be on m y front seat of my truck.

    "From this poin t on I have it on video.

    It's not the best. I tried to zoom in andout, and the camera didn't like that in dark-ness. I took a couple of street lights, butthe craft had three triangle lights, with onein the center flashing.

    "It was coming towards me overnearby homes. I followed it with the cam-era until it got to the end of the street,when I noticed another craft coming fromthe opposite way traveling towards us.The two met at the end of the street.

    "This other craft was flashing a whitelight and had stationary lights surround-ing it, just like the one I saw up close. I

    go t into my truck to go look for them,but they had gone. But above the old townpool park I saw both of them hovering,almost fu lly cloaked in darkness.

    "One wasn't all the way cloaked; it'shard to explain, but to the right of the craft,it was lit up, jus t a little, and its lights werelower, then stronger. It was doing some-thing, while the other stayed stationary toits left. Finally the light went out, and bothof them were cloaked, but each of thecraft had one little ligh t at each end, as ifit was a distant star far off.

    "The lights were on each side, with a

    certain distance apa rt. The other craft hadthe same lights ba rely visible, and it hov-ered just a little distance from the other.The one on the left crossed over to theright, mo ving towards me, and it startedto foll ow me as I am walking. I got insidemy truck as it left, still cloaked.

    "I was roughly 35 yards away as Ifilmed the smaller craft that was a littlesma ller than a sma ll airplane. It had threelights, one in the center, wh ile the fourthwas flashing a white light. A light wasalso being beamed out towards the otherside.

    "The craft went at a good pace; trav-eling with one light as a leading part ofthe craft while the other two lights wereon the sides. There was no sound. In thevideo, it goes behind telephone poles andphone lines." Thanks to Peter Davenport,UFOcenter.

    South Carolina flying triangleVARNVILLE - On April 28, 2004,

    around 11:35 PM, the witness saw an uni-dentified cra ft heading northeast with two

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    lights blinking on and off. One was greenand the other red.

    There were three big white lights form-ing a triangular shape on what seemed tobe the bottom of the aircraft. The objectwas moving very slowly at about 30-45miles per hour.

    "The witness reports, "As I kept look-ing at the craft it tilted a little to its sidewhere I could see only the three big glow-

    ing lights at the bottom. I was amazed tosee this unusual object go by, making nosound as it passed almost on top of whereI was standing.

    "It was just a couple of hundred feetaway. This thing looked huge as it flewoff. I was unable to see it anymore, so Iwent back inside my house and tried togo to sleep. I tossed and turned a nd cou ldnot sleep. This is the second sighting Ihave seen since moving to South Caro-lina." Thanks to Peter Davenport, Direc-tor,

    Large Iowa object has big bangPERRY - The witness says, "It wasreally big, and it was glowing neon greenwhen it stopped just above the M c C r e a r yRecreation Center on April 1, 2004, at12:27 PM. Then, it started to spin, mak-ing a soft pitched whine.

    "Then, it started changing shapes, andit started turning orange, then red, thenback to green. Then after a few hours ofthat it just stopped, and it was almost l ikeit was going to fa ll o ut of the sky when ittook off, leaving a blu e trail of som ethingin the air.

    "The craft turned white, then made asound somewhat like a gunshot being firedfrom a 12 gauge, then disappeared. Later,my friend and I went over there and wefound this strange meta l book, but it won'topen, and it has strange writing on it."Thanks to Peter Davenport, UFOcenter.Tennessee backward arrowhead

    NEWPORT - "It was shaped some-what like an arrowhead flying back-wards," says the witness, "with whatlooked to be a head or knob on the fronton April 5, 2004, at 11 PM. It didn't lookmechanical; it was more like some kindo f animal.

    "It did not have extended wings like abird of any kind, but seemed to have som esort of stubby wings which were part ofthe body, like a f l y in g .squ i r r e l or sometype of bat.

    "They protruded out near the head, andtapered back to a point at the rear. Thecreature appeared to be around three feetfrom head to tail, and a little over 2 feetwide at the shoulders.

    "It was moving very fast in a straightline at an altitude of approxima tely 15 0 ft.June 2004

    I saw no method of propulsion, such aswing m ovem ent. It jus t seemed to be glid-ing, but at a high rate of speed. It main-tained level flight, moving west where Ieventually lost sight of it.

    "Other details were a light brown coloralong the sides of the wings, like skin,with a dark body color, possibly darkbrown or black." Thanks to Peter Dav-enport, UFOcenter.

    Kansas sphere-like craft.LAWRENCE - "My roommates were

    all watching TV in the dorm," the wit-ness reports, "when they sud denl y

    jumped up and started freaking out whilelooking at three lights flying over LewisHall on April 21, 2004, at 10:35 PM.

    "I was totally confused, and thoughtthey were messing with me. I got up tolook, and saw lights floating in the sky,but I was still skeptical while the lightscontinued onward towards the dorms. Itthen came into view. It was obvious that

    it had a sphere-like shape with three lights.I thought, this has to be an airplane, untilit pla inly came in view.

    "It t h e n flew over the dorm. I ran intothe room across the hall and lookedthrough their window. The UFQ at thispoint began to roll head over heels, as vis-ible by the lights, and then flew off quicklyout of sight. -

    "Unless the government has some sortof secret hovering sphere-like craft, I amnow an unwanting believer." Thanks toPeter Davenport, Director,

    Arizona object throws sparksSUPERIOR - A man was driving easton Highway 60 in rural Arizona on April28, 2004, at 9 PM, and saw an objectnorth of the road just outside Gold Can-yon.

    He states, "At first, I thought I wasseeing single sparks from fireworks, butthen I noticed that there were evenlyspaced rotating lights, and then it left myview. I called my wife on m y cell phone,and she thought I was crazy.

    "Then about 15 min utes later I saw thesame craft as I was beginning my assent

    of Gonzales Pass on the south side ofHighway 60."This time it was lower in the night

    sky, and I got scared. Again it appearedas single sparks of fireworks, but it wascertainly a craft of some sort, and the'sparks' were light. The lights did not lightup the sky; they seemed as though theywere running lights.

    "This area is notorious for military F-16 fighter training flights. I wonder if thegovernment is testing new aircraft, or ifit was something else." Thanks to PeterDavenport,

    MUFON Journal

    Washington state objectSEATTLE - The witness reports "

    huge object traveling from north to souton April 29, 2004, at 11:10 PM thaseemed very high in the sky and very massive. It was vagu ely triangle/rectangleshaped.

    "It had three irregular-shaped, very dimglowing areas. I was looking at the mooabout 15 degrees to my right when I no

    ticed it at about 80 degrees high. It fadeat 50 degrees and was a r e d / a m b e r colo

    "After testing and evaluation, I am certain that it was not an after-image fromlooking at the moon. The features wernot similar, and after looking away anback again with a little scrutiny I fo und again.

    "There was no noise and no flashinlights. At all times it was hard to discernIt seemed to pause at 50 degrees, thencontin ue. My impression was of an aircraft carrier floating across the sky!Thanks to Peter Davenport

    Object over MexicoTIJUANA - The observer was flyin

    home from San Marcos over Tijuana oApril 26, 2004, at 8:50 PM, and noticed blinking light out his airplane window. "Thobject dropped down and then da r t ed tthe right and then up again," according tthe witness.

    "I watched this light for about 15 m inutes as my plane passed by the stars. Thobject seemed to go with the plane. A ll oa sudden it flashed blue, then orange, an

    dropped straight down very rapidly anddisappeared." ht tp:/ /www.rensePennsylvania discs

    FORD CITY - On Friday, April 92004, at about 9 :15 PM, a married couplwas sitting in their hot tub, relaxing andlooking at the stars, and the husband said"Look at this coming."

    They observed two disc-shaped ob jects that looked like two plates or saucers standing on end. They were traveling at a very high rate of speed from easto west as if racing each other.

    The witness reports, "One was a smaldistance behind the other, but they crosseddirectly over us, and the gap between themclosed, and they were side by side. Nevehave I witnessed anything travel at sucha high rate of speed and about the samheight as commercial jets.

    "The sky was very clear and full ostars. The objects were an orange colorwith no flashing lights, but were illuminated, not real bright, but like a glow.Thanks to Peter Davenport.

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    Georgia sightings include

    triangles and sphereBy Tom Sheets

    SD MUFON Georgia (MUFONGA)Please note that these reports and wit-

    nesses HAVE NOT YET been vetted forcredibility or otherwise investigated.

    Calhoun, GA-05April04-At about10:30PM, a 30-year-old male resident ofCalhoun reported that he was outside withhis astronomy telescope when he felt astrange tingling sensation. He looked upand observed a large triangular-shaped ob-

    ject just above the tree tops.His first impression was that the object

    was a helicopter, but he heard no sound.

    This craft was moving slowly towardsCalhoun proper, projecting a bright bluesearchlight-like beam. It continued on,south to north, un til it went over to the otherside of an adjacent mountain and vanished.

    MUFONGA has no field investigatorin the Calhoun area. Efforts are currentlyunderway to contact our Mark Kravi tz ofMarietta so that he can attempt to developsome additional details to better vet thiscase and witness.

    Woodstock, GA-27March04,4:25PM-A 48-year-old male resident ofWoodstock reports that he had taken his

    vehicle to a repair shop in town near hishome. While waiting, he went outside toenjoy the nice weather.

    He was looking at the sky and the scat-tered cum ulus clouds when he noticed whatappeared to be a dull grey-silver metallicsphere hovering seem ingly just above thecloud tops to the north.

    He continued to watch, stating it wasdifficu lt to judge true size and distance, butit may have drifted s lightly. This object wasthen covered by a cloud. The witness con-tinued to l ook, and within 5-10 minutes no-ticed an identical object, but possibly the

    original, a little east of the first location.An occasional cloud also covered thissecond observation off and on. Three orfour jet aircraft at much higher altitudepassed the area during the approximately30 minutes of observation.

    The witness indicated in his W U F O Daccount that the size appeared to be aboutlike an aspirin at arm's length. Also thathis only conventional comparison wouldbe to that of a balloon, but unlike balloonshe had seen, these spheres seemed to havelittle or no drift. After about 30 minutes

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    the witness ' vehicle was ready and he de-parted.

    He said he would provide additional in-formation if contacted by our personnel.Mark Kravitz of Marietta will be giventhis case information .

    Manchester, GA,16April04-At 10:20PM, a 47-year-old female resident ofManchester, along with her 16-year-olddaughter, reported they were driving homefrom Columbus . They arrived in the areaof Ellerslie in Harris County, and whiledriving, observed what they thought was ahelicopter from nearby Ft. Benning .

    Upon getting closer, she felt it re-sembled a Stealth bomber, with a triangle-like shape. Their closer observation foundthe witnesses slowing and letting down thevehicle windows which revealed no sound.

    The witnesses then observed the craftto be a dark triangle hovering at re la t ive ly ,low altitude. Observed were blinking redand green lights at the rear, plus a project-ing spotlight-like beam, with an a djacentblue light under each "wing."

    The daughter became a little concerned,stating that they needed to get out of there,continue on home, and tell her father. Themother stated that she had observed simi-lar triangular cra ft before, along with herolder daughter, but had never reported it.MUFONGA's Dan Worsham of Co-

    lumbus has agreed to further investigatethis incident.

    UFO "Monster" casesscheduled for TV

    Production work on a documentary fea-turing the 1955 invasion of "little greenmen" in the Kelly, KY, community is

    nearly com plete and may be released thisfall on cable television.The documentary is entitled "Monsters

    of the UFO," which includes dramatiza-tions of three stories involving close en-counters with unexplained phenom enon.

    Director/producer Barry Conrad said itis "h igh ly probable" that the documentarywil l a ir as a two-hour special on the Sci-FiChannel, possibly around