no. 13/2011 · barquisimeto, venezuela - 29 november - 02 december 2011 iufro international...


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Page 2: No. 13/2011 · Barquisimeto, venezuela - 29 November - 02 December 2011 IUFRO International Conference - Research Priorities in Tropical Silvicuture: Towards New paradigms? Montpellier,

No. 13/2011

INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre

with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.

INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais,

français et espagnol.

INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español.

Forthcoming FAO events August Second Regional Forum for People and Forests Bangkok, Thailand - 08–09 August 2011 October Planted Teak Forests: a Globally Emerging Forest Resource San José, Costa Rica - 31 October – 5 November 2011 Rediscovering wood: the key to a sustainable future - International Conference on the Art and Joy of Wood Bangalore, India - 19-22 October 2011 November Second Asia-Pacific Forestry Week: New Challenges – New Opportunities Beijing, China - 7-11 November 2011

Other forest-related events July 10th Proforest Summer Training Programme Oxford, United Kingdom - 18-22 July 2011 Proforest summer training programme 2011 Oxford, United Kingdom – 18-22 July 2011

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August CCIKS 2011 – International Student Conference: Climate Change and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Johannesburg, South Africa - 15-17 August 2011 Ecoclima 2011: Bosques, Sociedad y Cambio Climático Valdivia-Chile - 31 August - 02 September 2011 MADERA ]+3[ Misiones, Argentina - 16-20 August 2011 September Forest Pedagogic and Environmental Education - The PAWS-MED experience Sabaudia, National Park of Circeo, Italy - 15-16 September 2011 Poplar Council of Canada - Poplars and Willows on the Prairies: Traditional Practices meet Innovative Applications Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - 18-22 September 2011 Restoring Forests: Advances in Techniques and Theory Madrid, Spain - 27-29 September 2011 Restoring Forests for Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services Bogor, Indonesia - 12-13 September 2011 Who Will Own the Forest? 7 World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon, United States of America - 19-21 September 2011 October 2º Congreso Nacional de Protección y Manejo Sustentable del Bosque Nativo Villaguay, Entre Ríos, Argentina - 27-29 October 2011 November 2011 IUFRO Forest Protection Joint Meeting ‘Pathogens, insects and their associations affecting forestry worldwide’ Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay - 08-11 November 2011 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2011) Christchurch, New Zealand - 28 November - 02 December 2011 VI Congresso Forestal Venezolano - “Conservar y Plantar Bosques No Es Un Lujo, Es Una Necesidad” Barquisimeto, venezuela - 29 November - 02 December 2011 IUFRO International Conference - Research Priorities in Tropical Silvicuture: Towards New paradigms? Montpellier, France - 15-18 November 2011 Usages, biodiversité et forêt méditerranéenne Bouches-du-Rhône, france - 17-18 November 2011

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FAO Forestry vacancies Forestry Officer (Forest Harvesting) Forestry Officer P2 (REDD+) Forestry Officer P3 (REDD+) Programme Coordinator (UN-REDD Country Implementation)

Forestry publications FAO Forestry Paper 165 - Reforming Forest Tenure: Issues, principles and proces Reforming forest tenure systems and securing forest ownership rights can significantly improve peoples’ livelihoods and enable them to gain income from forest products, said FAO in a newly published guide, Reforming Forest Tenure. Framework for Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance Developed jointly by FAO and the World Bank’s Program on Forests, assisted by a group of experts on forest governance, the Framework facilitates description, diagnosis, monitoring, assessment and reporting on the state of governance in a country’s forest sector. It features a globally relevant and comprehensive list of the major elements that describe forest governance. Tropical palms – 2010 revision Tropical palms, originally published in 1998, has been updated in 2010 by the author to include the most recent information and developments regarding the conservation status and use of various tropical palm species. The deteriorating conservation status of several tropical palm species, particularly in the rattan group, as well as recent developments regarding the use of palm products in the food, bioenergy and fibre processing industries, for example, required a thorough review of the first edition. For the reader’s comfort, as well as to make it easy to identify where updates took place, the revised edition follows the same format and chapter sequence as in the original publication, including by following as much as possible the same order of tables, graphs and illustrations and by adding new ones where applicable.

FAO in the news El planeta pierde al año el bosque equivalente a la superficie de Aragón La pérdida de masa forestal en el mundo se redujo un 37% en la última década. El planeta pierde cada año un área similar a la superficie de Costa Rica. China ha hecho una apuesta por la reforestación con una política a largo plazo. España ha duplicado su masa forestal Aunque cada verano los incendios arrasan centenares de hectáreas de bosques, España es el país europeo que más ha aumentado la superficie forestal en los últimos cinco años; y, además, es el cuarto país del mundo que más ganancia de masas boscosas ha registrado en la última década, según los datos comparativos ofrecidos por la FAO.

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FAO, EU fight illegal logging in Ghana The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations and the European Union (EU) have collaborated with the government to fight illegal logging in Ghana. To this end, the EU is supporting the FAO African, Caribbean and Pacific, and Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FAO ACP-FLEGT) support programme with 10,000 Euros to strengthen the capabilities of forest fringe communities in southern Ghana, to stop illegal logging, the FAO Representative in Ghana, Mr. Musa Saihou Mbenga has disclosed. FAO: les droits de propriété forestière améliorent les moyens d’existence des populations La réforme des systèmes de tenure forestière et la sécurisation des droits de propriété peuvent considérablement améliorer les moyens d'existence des populations et leur permettre de tirer des revenus des produits de la forêt, selon un nouveau guide de la FAO, Reforming Forest Tenure. Forest ownership rights can improve peoples’ livelihoods Reforming forest tenure systems and securing forest ownership rights can significantly improve peoples’ livelihoods and enable them to gain income from forest products, said FAO in a newly published guide, Reforming Forest Tenure. Government signs Agreement to check illegal logging Moves to check illegal logging have gone a step further with the signing of an agreement between FAO, the European Union and the Government of Ghana. Le paiement des services forestiers en retard La région Mena (Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord) est en retard en matière de paiement pour les services environnementaux (PES). En revanche, en Amérique latine, le Costa Rica en tête, ce mode de gestion des écosystèmes a réalisé de grandes avancées. Les droits de propriété forestière améliorent les moyens d’existence des populations La réforme des systèmes de tenure forestière et la sécurisation des droits de propriété peuvent considérablement améliorer les moyens d'existence des populations et leur permettre de tirer des revenus des produits de la forêt, selon un nouveau guide de la FAO, Reforming Forest Tenure. Los derechos de propiedad de los bosques mejoran los medios de subsistencia de la población Reformar los sistemas de tenencia forestal y garantizar los derechos de propiedad de los bosques puede mejorar de forma importante los medios de subsistencia de la población y permitirles obtener ingresos de los productos forestales, ha asegurado la FAO en una guía recién publicada: Reforming forest tenure (Reformar la tenencia de los bosques). L’écosystème forestier menacé Réchauffement climatique: Les affres des changements climatiques se font de plus en plus ressentir. La sécheresse, l’aridité et les incendies menacent nos forêts. Making sure the world’s forests are in the right hands In a report the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) states that reforming forest tenure systems and securing forest ownership rights can significantly improve peoples’ livelihoods and enable them to gain income from forest products.

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Polémica por superficie real del bosque nativo en el país Ingenieros forestales señalan que, si bien se registra un aumento en las plantaciones de este tipo de flora, también se verifica una baja en su participación porcentual a lo largo del país. Rwanda tipped for global Forestry Award Rwanda's National Forest Policy and law are shortlisted for the 2011 Future Policy Award, which celebrates the most inspiring, innovative and influential forest policies worldwide. The forest sector in the green economy in Africa Aim and scope of Nature & Faune magazine: Nature & Faune is a peer-reviewed open access international bilingual (English and French) publication of the FAO Regional Office for Africa.

Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa: 01-15 July 2001 International Year of Forests Anuncian Jornada Nacional de Reforestación 2011 En la víspera del Año Internacional de los Bosques, las autoridades destacaron que esta campaña contará con la participación de las 32 entidades del país. Celebra Semades mes de los Bosques con Feria Ambiental Visitantes disfrutaron de alimentos orgánicos y productos que ofrece el Ecotianguis. El Ayuntamiento de Valladolid programa 527 talleres infantiles con 8.000 plazas para ayudar a la conciliación familiar El Ayuntamiento de Valladolid pondrá en marcha un total de 527 talleres infantiles de verano con casi 8.000 plazas que ayudarán a los padres en la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral, como ha informado el alcalde de Valladolid, Francisco Javier León de la Riva. Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Conservación del Suelo Si desaparecen los bosques la erosión de los suelos y su conversión en superficies infértiles están garantizadas KK to hold bigger celebration for indigenous people This year’s International Day of the World’s Indigenous People national level celebration promises a bigger event with special focus given to indigenous women and youths as custodians of traditional knowledge. Mersch: Mise en nature C'est pour célébrer l'année internationale des Forêts proclamée par l'Unesco que Maskénada a eu l'idée de ce spectacle qui mélange théâtre, danse et musique et qui sera joué dans la forêt près de Mersch.

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Paris celebrates the International Year of Forests The United Nations has designated 2011 the International Year of Forests and Paris is celebrating with exhibitions about its trees. Preparan Jornada Nacional de Reforestación 2011 En el marco de los festejos del Día del Árbol que en México se celebra cada año, el segundo jueves del mes de julio así como del Año Internacional de los Bosques, la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, (Semarnat), la Comisión Nacional Forestal, (Conafor), el Organismo de Cuenca, Cuenca Centrales del Norte, (OCCCN) de la Comisión Nacional del Agua, (Conagua), así como el Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila, se unirán para llevar a cabo la Jornada Nacional de Reforestación 2011. Algeria Privée de son unique carré de verdure, une cité algéroise se révolte À Alger, les habitants de la cité du Bois des Pins se sont confrontés aux forces de police pour empêcher la destruction de la forêt du quartier par les autorités de la ville. En vain : d’ici 18 mois, ce carré de verdure devrait être remplacé par un parking. Angola Luanda govt for preservation and protection of trees The head of the Community Services and Green Spaces Department of the provincial government of Luanda (GPL), Sílvio Alvarenga, defended the preservation and protection of trees, so as to safeguard the environment. Argentina Bosques: se realizará otra reunión la próxima semana La Secretaría ejecutiva se convocará para el 12 de julio, en El Foyel, con la intención de abordar las cuestiones técnicas, en cumplimiento de la ley provincial de bosques nativos. Una de las organizaciones ambientales afectadas enunció suspicacias sobre el destino de los fondos solicitados para el resguardo del patrimonio forestal. En Argentina biólogas del Conicet recuperan bosques arrasados por incendios Hace tres años en una semana el fuego arrasó 6 mil hectáreas de bosques nativos entre Esquel y Trevelín, y desde entonces biólogas de CIEFAP/Conicet trabajan en la recuperación. Vida Silvestre celebrará el 9 de julio cuidando nuestros monumentos En vísperas de celebrar nuestra Independencia nacional, la fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina enarbola la bandera del Yaguareté, el felino más grande de todo el continente americano, fue declarado en 2001 Monumento Natural nacional. Sin embargo, está en peligro de extinción: quedan menos de 200 en nuestro país. La efectiva implementación de la Ley de Bosques y la aprobación de un plan de manejo de la especie son dos medidas fundamentales para asegurar su conservación. Australia Australia's shiny new carbon tax is an empty promise Australia's shiny new carbon tax is unlikely to change the country's status as the largest per-capita emitter of greenhouse gases in the developed world.

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Bangladesh Evaluating services of Sundarbans Forest is a bounteous gift of nature that provides the basis of life and livelihood for humans. According to human history, hunting and gathering, the first and foremost livelihood of homo sapiens, was forest based. Interestingly, mangrove is the most diverse forest and is maximum service provider of all the forest types. Today, it is man whose relentless activities are, however, at the root of eroding this invaluable biological capital of nature. Saving and restoring the environment It is no overstatement to say that among the ministries of the government, the performance of the environment ministry has been up to the mark, specially. It was set up in the late eighties in response to the growing environmental hazards. The environment of Bangladesh has gone on declining during the last nearly three decades. Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Análisis histórico y proyección En la investigación “Viabilidad económica en el Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure (Tipnis)” se realizó un análisis histórico y una proyección de la deforestación en este parque. Evo Morales plays a double game on Bolivia's environment How does Morales square his role as champion of Mother Earth with policies that threaten environmental degradation in Bolivia? Proyectan que en 18 años se podría perder 64% del Tipnis Un 64,5 por ciento de la superficie boscosa del Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure (Tipnis) podría perderse en 18 años si se construye la carretera Villa Tunari-San Ignacio de Moxos proyectada por el Gobierno, según los resultados de un estudio impulsado por el Programa de Investigación Estratégica en Bolivia (Pieb). Brazil Amazon: deforestation falls by 44% Deforestation in the Amazon fell 44% during the month of May compared to April this year. The data, Deforestation Detection in Real Time, came from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), which measures the clearcut and forest degradation in real time. Amazon deforestation rates double as farmers anticipate pardons Deforestation rates in the Amazon, the world’s biggest rain forest, more than doubled in May as Brazilian farmers become more confident they’ll be granted amnesty for illegal logging. Amazon facing new threat: Agent Orange Ranchers are clearing the rainforest with Agent Orange, says Brazil's environmental agency. Amazonie: la forêt victime d'herbicides répandus par avion La forêt amazonienne est victime d'une nouvelle technique discrète de déboisement clandestin: les herbicides répandus par avion qui ont déjà détruit plusieurs dizaines d'hectares, a rapporté vendredi la presse.

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Brazil considers relaxing code protecting the Amazon Within the next few months, the Brazilian government is going to have to decide whether to approve proposals to relax the Forest Code, which is designed to protect the Amazon rainforest. Brazil to protect Amazon activists threatened with murder At least 131 people to receive some form of protection after series of assassinations in tussle over land and resources. Brazil's Amazon settlers 'scratching out a living' Even though the trees here are probably the best-protected anywhere on earth - at least in theory - someone is still cutting them down and burning them. For several years now, the Brazilian government has insisted that the rate of deforestation in the Amazon has declined sharply. Conserving Brazil's 'green lung' The Amazonian rainforest, known as the "world's lung," is hurtling towards destruction. Soya farms, infrastructure projects and new settlements are encroaching on the forest. Almost half of Brazil's greenhouse gases can be traced back to deforestation. That's why there are plans to designate large parts of the rain forest as specially protected zones. The initiative comes from the residents themselves, who have commited to protecting the "Verde para Sempre" region. Crece 144% deforestación en Amazonía brasileña El Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciales (INPE) de Brasil informó el 30 que el área total deforestada durante mayo en la Amazonía brasileña alcanzó los 268 kilómetros cuadrados, 144 por ciento más que lo registrado en el mismo mes del año pasado, cuando fueron sólo 110. In Brazil, murder of activists underscores bitter fight over Amazon’s resources “The forest cries,” read a sign at the funeral of José Cláudio Ribeiro da Silva and Maria do Espirito Santo. The Amazon activists had been murdered, execution-style, by unknown assailants, less than 24 hours after Brazil's lower house of congress voted to roll back forest protections. La Amazonía brasileña pierde en un mes 268 kilómetros cuadrados de bosque La Amazonía brasileña perdió el pasado mes de mayo un área de 268 kilómetros cuadrados de bosque, según datos divulgados por el Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciales (INPE). L'agent orange est de retour pour déboiser discrètement la forêt amazonienne Selon des déclarations officielles, certains fermiers ont recours à l'épandage de l'Agent Orange, hautement toxique, pour déboiser plus discrètement la forêt amazonienne, cette méthode étant plus difficile à détecter que des tronçonneuses et des tracteurs. New "uncontacted" tribe found in Amazon Photographed during an aerial survey deep in the Amazon Basin, two large, newly built huts help confirm the existence of a previously unknown "uncontacted" tribe, Brazilian authorities announced last week. Quemando el Amazonas Pequeños agricultores y activistas se enfrentan a ganaderos y madereros en el Estado brasileño de Pará. EL PAÍS ha sido testigo de la deforestación salvaje y del miedo que se palpa en una zona con 231 muertos en 15 años; los cinco últimos, militantes ecologistas.

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Rising deforestation in the heart of the Amazon - in pictures After years of decline, the felling of trees in the Amazon and the murderous violence that accompanies it is rising ahead of proposed changes to Brazil's forest code. To document the increase in deforestation in the world's largest rainforest, Greenpeace took to the air and has published these aerial photographs for the first time. The images, combined with satellite data, are being presented to the Brazilian government. Cambodia Despite some efforts, forests continue to dwindle Cambodia’s woodlands are seeing continued deforestation, despite a plan by the government to curb illegal logging, environmental groups say. Canada Alberta sees mixed results in pine beetle battle Alberta reported mixed results on Thursday in its battle with the mountain pine beetle, with six million hectares of forest in the western Canadian province susceptible to attack. Feux de forêt: des centaines d'Ontariens évacués Des centaines de résidants de la communauté de Deer Lake, dans le nord-ouest de l'Ontario, étaient évacués jeudi en raison d'incendies de forêt qui font rage près de chez eux. Les incendies de forêt à la baisse En raison de la pluie et des températures fraîches enregistrées depuis le début du printemps, les incendies de forêt sont beaucoup moins nombreux que l'année dernière au Québec. Pas de repos pour les infractions en forêt Malgré la crise, 114 800 $ en amendes ont été imposées depuis le début de l’année. Pour sauver le caribou, des chercheurs pour la création d'aires de protection Le Canada doit créer des aires de protection géante dans la forêt boréale afin d'assurer la survie des caribous des bois, espèce menacée vivant dans le nord du pays, ont plaidé des écologistes et scientifiques. Pulp Dreams If you thought that the Canadian pulp and paper industry was environmentally irresponsible, you were right. But the new players on the clear-cut block make them look like a bunch of patchouli-scented tree-huggers. This is the story of how Canada hopped into bed with one of Asia's worst environmental criminals, and how for the Pictou Landing Indian Band in Nova Scotia, it's just one more proverbial slap in the face. Un mois de juin idéal pour les forêts du Québec N’eût été de la foudre qui s’est abattue au nord de la région du Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean au milieu du mois de juin, le nombre d’incendies de forêt aurait été bien minime sur le territoire protégé par la base principale de Roberval.

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China China: the environmental and cultural harm to Inner Mongolia's grasslands Temperatures and tensions are rising as miners - and tourists - move in to one of China's most remote and ecologically fragile regions. Right things done in Kubuqi desert: Israeli ambassador Amos Nadai, ambassador of Israel to China, spoke highly of the desertification control efforts in the Kubuqi desert of China during an exclusive interview with Xinhuanet. Colombia Colombianos quieren imitar planes de protección forestal de Brasil Lograr reducir la tasa de deforestación en 75 por ciento, en ocho años, convierte a Brasil en ejemplo de protección ambiental, se comenta en Colombia. La Pava Caucana intenta salvarse de la extinción Gracias al excelente estado en el que se encuentra la 'Reserva Nacional Bosque de Yotoco', cerca de 100 pavas caucanas han logrado sobrevivir a la extinción. Risaralda ya es Bosque Modelo Los bosques de Risaralda ya están entre los 52 Bosques Modelo del Mundo, así lo afirmó Jhon Mario Rodríguez, profesor de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira y director del Centro de Investigaciones y Biodiversidad en Recursos Genéticos. Ecuador Gobierno descarta que Parque Yasuní se esté deforestando El Parque Nacional Yasuní no se está deforestando. Así lo afirmó el Presidente de la República, Rafael Correa, durante el Enlace Ciudadano No. 228. El Mandatario informó que hace poco el Gobierno tuvo denuncias con foto satelitales que aparentemente demostraban labores de deforestación en la mencionada reserva natural. Programa Socio Bosque se difunde en Orellana Durante un diálogo con medios radiales de la provincia de Orellana, el Gerente del Programa Socio Bosque, Eco. Max Lascano Vaca, explicó los avances y funcionamiento de la inciativa ambiental en el país. Egypt Desertification threat to local food production Only about 3 percent of Egypt's land area is cultivated but desertification, and construction work fuelled by economic activity and a rapidly growing population, are eating into this resource, posing a significant threat to domestic food production, according to experts. El Salvador Cuidar del medio ambiente requiere de buenas ideas Proteger los mantos acuíferos, hacer embalses, sembrar en terrazas, etc., cuesta dinero. Pero no lo habrá para esas obras si hay inseguridad y se amenaza con despojos.

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Denuncian contaminación y deforestación en Cerro San Jacinto Habitantes de comunidades del Cerro San Jacinto y miembros de la Red de Ambientalistas en Acción denunciaron la contaminación por basura y desechos industriales y la deforestación en el Cerro San Jacinto. Ethiopia El académico de la RAI Luis Gil coopera en la reforestación de Etiopía Este profesor de la UPM encabeza el grupo investigador que actúa allí con el eucalipto, según recoge el Estudio de la RAI sobre Tecnologías para el Desarrollo Humano de comunidades rurales aisladas. France À Brocéliande, les contes enchantent la forêt En Ille-et-Vilaine, avec un pied dans le Morbihan, s'épanouit la belle forêt de Paimpont. C'est là qu'on situe Brocéliande, cadre des légendes arthuriennes, terre de Merlin et des fées. Xavier Lesèche, guide et conteur, est amoureux de ces bois depuis vingt-cinq ans. Cette sécheresse qui ravage nos forêts L'incendie de Lacanau (33) n'était pas encore maîtrisé que le feu rebondissait à Cestas (33) hier, en début d'après-midi. La sécheresse qui sévit depuis plusieurs mois faisait craindre un tel enchaînement (lire ci-dessous). Comment éviter les incendies en forêt En 2010, les 3.900 feux démarrés en France métropolitaine ont ravagé 10.300 hectares de forêt. Parmi les plus touchées: les régions du littoral méditerranéen (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Corse, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrénées et Aquitaine). Mais la sécheresse précoce de cette année élargit le périmètre des régions à risque. Voici quelques conseils pour éviter les départs de feux... Expo Yann Arthus-Bertrand, découvrez les photos en vidéo Yann Arthus-Bertrand était aujourd'hui à Decize pour l'inauguration de l'exposition "Des forêts et des hommes", organisée par GoodPlanet, la fondation qu'il préside et le pays Nevers Sud Nivernais. Forêt de Montmorency: l’ONF promet moins de coupes rases Alors que de nombreux élus et habitants du Val d’Oise réclamaient un moratoire sur les coupes rases en forêt de Montmorency, François Bland, directeur territorial de l’Office National des Forêts (ONF), s’est engagé à ce qu’aucune coupe rase ou coupe à blanc, ne soit réalisée sur de grandes parcelles durant la saison 2011 - 2012 dans la forêt de Montmorency. Gramat. Un exercice consacré aux feux de forêt Avec les fortes chaleurs que nous connaissons depuis quelques mois, la période estivale que nous abordons risque fort d'être régulièrement émaillée de feux de végétation. Les pompiers de Gramat se préparent comme tous les ans à ce type d'intervention, mais plus particulièrement cette année, avec deux manœuvres "feux de forêt" au programme. Ils traquent les bivouacs en forêt de Fontainebleau Afin de limiter les risques d’incendie, les agents de l’ONF quadrillent de nuit le massif de Fontainebleau à la recherche de barbecues sauvages. Samedi, les amendes ont plu.

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La forêt défigurée par des trouées En un an, les agents de l'Office national des forêts estiment à 71.000 m3, le volume de résineux abattus. Quant aux feuillus, la campagne va démarrer sous peu. Le long du sentier des douaniers de Wolschwiller Fraîcheur assurée en pleine canicule, couleurs, odeurs et bruits changeants à chaque saison : la forêt de Wolschwiller est de celles qui offrent chaque jour de nouvelles sensations. Car elle est diverse et riche. Le risque de feu de forêt existe aussi dans le Gers La sécheresse et la chaleur augmentent le risque d'incendie. Il suffit d'un geste anodin pour mettre le feu à une forêt ou à un champ. Gare aux barbecues sur pelouse sèche. Lentement mais inexorablement, la dune du Pilat grignote campings et forêt Plus haute dune d'Europe et joyau du tourisme aquitain , la dune du Pilat poursuit année après année son avancée vers l'intérieur des terres, un phénomène naturel qui engloutit mètre par mètre la forêt qui la borde et les campings installés sur son flanc. Les soldats français au secours de l’or guyanais La mission des soldats engagés ponctuellement depuis 2008 pour soutenir les gendarmes contre l’orpaillage clandestin est désormais pérenne. Quatrième incendie de forêt en quatre jours près de Bordeaux Un nouvel incendie de forêt s'est déclaré mardi en fin d'après-midi en Gironde, au Pian-Médoc, au nord-ouest de Bordeaux, où de gros moyens aériens et humains ont été immédiatement envoyés, a-t-on appris auprès des pompiers. Rencontre avec un indien chaman Les élèves d’une classe de primaire de l’école d’Arc-et-Senans ont fait une drôle de rencontre… Ils ont pu converser avec un indien chaman venu d’Equateur. Un choc des cultures, entre des enfants occidentaux et cet homme qui a grandi en plein cœur de la forêt amazonienne. Guatemala A race for land is destroying the Guatemalan rainforest Expansion of sugar exports, demand for palm oil, cattle farming and subsistence communities pushed off their traditional land produced the world's fastest rate of deforestation. Guinea Séjour magique en Guinée pour les Reboiseurs du monde Le séjour des Reboiseurs du monde en Guinée ce printemps a été très productif. L'organisme a implanté deux pépinières de 15 000 plants dans deux villages situés près de la rivière Fétoré. Aussi, deux étudiantes du Cégep de Saint-Félicien ont réalisé un inventaire sur la population d'hippopotame nain. Honduras Bomberos recuperan el bosque en cuencas El compromiso de los bomberos forestales en la recuperación de los recursos naturales de la capital no se detiene. De los viveros de la institución se han trasladado unos 5,000 árboles hasta las cuencas de los principales embalses de la capital, como Los Laureles y La Concepción.

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La Ruta de la Madera por bosques hondureños En la costa norte de Honduras, junto al mar Caribe, se encuentra el departamento de Atlántida, un territorio dominado por el bosque latifoliado, con árboles de hoja ancha y una madera que está catalogada como "preciosa". Allí ha comenzado a desarrollarse un destino turístico que anima a recorrer estos bosques explotados, pero no expoliados, y el desarrollo de la población local. Unas 4,968 hectáreas se deforestan al año en Patuca Decenas de bosques en todo el país están condenados a la extinción debido a los atroces descombros e invasión de pobladores, informaron ayer las autoridades del Instituto de Conservación Forestal (ICF). India 40,000 trees face the axe in Hassan district If Sankey Road tree felling was a massacre, this is macabre. Sankey saw 17 trees being felled; here it’ll be a mind-boggling 40,000. But the saddest part is that activists and locals fought the authorities to save the trees in Bangalore, while not a soul has spoken out against the tree cutting in Hassan yet. Drought-hit Bundelkhand to plant 10 crore saplings Drought-prone Bundelkhand will get more than two crore saplings this monsoon. The Bundelkhand plantation scheme began with an ambitious target of planting 10 crore saplings in 2008-09. It is entering its fourth year this time. The scheme aims at bettering up the green cover of 11 districts of Bundelkhand and Vindhya region, driven by a thought that increase in green cover would check desertification and ground-water depletion. Govt committed to protect Manas Terming the restoration of the World Heritage Site (WHS) status on Manas National Park as a commendable achievement, Forest Minister Rockybul Hussain said that the State Government would leave no stone unturned to maintain it as an ideal wildlife habitat and destination. Ministers lock horns over mining rights Coal minister Sriprakash Jaiswal is sticking to his guns in his ministry’s conflict with environment minister Jairam Ramesh, demanding that mining be allowed in all areas not described as dense forest and not considered ecologically fragile. Supremo indio permite a Lafarge y Molins reabrir cantera parada año y medio El Tribunal Supremo (TS) de la India aprobó la reapertura de la cantera de piedra caliza que explotan la española Cementos Molins y la francesa Lafarge en el estado de Meghalaya, en el este de la India, informó hoy una fuente oficial. Thousands of trees chopped down on NH-23 Thousands of trees on about thousand acres of land along the Mandu, Chutupalu, Patratu-Pithouria valley stretch of NH-23 are being chopped down for four-laning of the 135-km long Hazaribag-Ranchi and 62-km Ramgarh-Patratu-Ranchi road. Indonesia Govt reduces area of forests protected by moratorium The government issued a new version of a forest map, revising down the size of primary forests and conservation areas in the forest moratorium to 55 million hectares.

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Indonesia pledges to resolve forest land conflicts Indonesia’s government made some big promises: to resolve land tenure conflicts that plague the country while also protecting the rights of people in forest-based communities. Indonesia's pledge to forest people welcomed Forest groups welcomed an Indonesian commitment to protect the rights of indigenous people who have long complained that their land is being stolen in the name of conservation schemes. Israel Forest management in biosphere reserves Several issues in forest management were discussed at the 39th Annual Conference of the Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (ISEES) on the subject of biosphere reserves and global changes, which took place at Ein Hashofet, in northern Israel. Jamaica Jamaica redoubles forest conservation efforts The Forestry Department has redoubled its efforts to limit the loss of Jamaica's forest cover at a time when the preservation of the precious natural resource is deemed critical, given the reality of a changing climate as well as its economic value. Kenya Beehives stop elephant crop-raids in Kenya, Africa Innovative beehive fences have helped a community in Kenya to successfully protect crops from elephants, according to research. Biofuels land grab in Kenya's Tana Delta fuels talk of war Villagers vow to resist as wildlife vanishes and they are driven from their land to make way for water-thirsty crops. Eucalyptus trees safe, say expert The Kenya Forest Service has established that eucalyptus has no negative impact on the environment although it consumed large amounts of water. The head of Central Highlands Conservancy John Wachihi said farmers are to blame for the losses which emanate from planting the species in the wrong places in their farms. He said they should first seek guidance from foresters in their areas before planting. Jumbos destroy Kwale farms Rogue elephants yesterday destroyed crops and property belonging to Kwale county residents after they broke the perimetre fence of Shimba hills national park. Jumbos trample three to death in Narok South Three people, including a Kenya Wildlife Service ranger, were killed on Monday night by straying elephants from Maasai Mara game reserve. Kenya project: making safer water to sell carbon credits To protect the environment and improve the health of four million people while making a profit is the goal of a Swiss-based company distributing water filters and aiming to sell carbon

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KFS appeals for support to restore Mau The Kenya Forest Service chairman Richard Musangi has asked development partners and forest stakeholders to sponsor commercial reforestation at the Mau Forest. Migration time A lone lioness emerges from the tall red oat grass of the Mara and crosses the road, her gaze intent upon the single file of stripes that stretches to the horizon. She's totally oblivious of our presence and all we can see of her are her ears as she disappears in the tall golden grass. Nairobi's dilemma - growing a metropolis while guarding threatened ecosystem In the open grasslands past Athi River, it's not unusual to spot a Kori Bustard, a bird about the size of turkey, ambling along the ground with much poise and dignity - except during the brief mating season. Naming Maasai Mara's hyena cubs is not child's play One very hot topic at breakfast and dinner in camp this week has been what to name Roosevelt's new cub. Roosevelt is a young adult female who recently gave birth to her first litter. Although the mean litter size is two among spotted hyenas, first-time mothers often produce only one cub, and that's what happened in Roosevelt's case. Running for rhinos at the Lewa marathon The rigours of a five-hour drive from Nairobi on a Friday evening are quickly forgotten when I get to the venue of the Lewa Safaricom Marathon. It is a sanctuary for wild animals at the border of Isiolo and Meru that boasts of being the place where Prince William proposed to his wife, Kate Middleston. State must intensify efforts to eradicate poaching menace It is becoming increasingly clear that the war against wildlife poachers needs more concerted efforts by global governments to eradicate the menace. Walking with the cheetahs I think I could turn and live with animals," wrote Walt Whitman, the usually bombastic American poet. "They are so placid and self-contained, I stand and look at them long and long." Malaysia After 8 decades, tiny toad resurfaces in Asia The Borneo rainbow toad, with its long spindly legs, looks a bit like an Abstract Expressionist canvas splattered in bright green, purple and red. But when this amphibian was last seen, in 1924, the painter Jackson Pollock was just 12, and the only image of the mysterious creature was a black-and-white sketch. Lost rainbow toad is rediscovered A colourful, spindly-legged toad that was believed to be extinct has been rediscovered in the forests of Borneo. 'Rainbow toad' rediscovered in mountains of Borneo Scientists spotted a toad species from the 'top 10 most wanted lost frogs', last seen by explorers in 1924.

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Sustainability issues in the timber industry Similar to oil palm, sustainability issue has engulfed the local timber industry for the past two decades. The rise in green consumerism has led to a plethora of requirements and legislation being put into place by producer and consumer nations to validate responsible practices among timber industry players and exporters. Mexico Declara Capulalpan área protegida de bosques La comunidad de Capulalpan de Méndez, región de la Sierra Norte, declaró como "territorio histórico comunal de recarga de acuíferos" el paraje llamado "La Y", ubicado en un cerro de esa municipalidad, para su protección ante las concesiones mineras otorgadas por la Secretaría de Economía (SE) a empresas extranjeras. Declaran zona de riesgo de deslaves a zona de la monarca Existen concretamente dos puntos ubicados en la zona monarca: Donato Guerra y Temascaltepec, vecinos de Zitácuaro y Angangueo, en Michoacán, respectivamente. El Quetzal, un ave en peligro de extinción, triplica su población en México El Quetzal, un ave exótica en peligro de extinción, ha triplicado su población en México tras 25 años de trabajos de conservación, informó la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente (Semarnat). Francia presta 429 millones de dólares a México para combatir deforestación El Gobierno francés otorgó un préstamo de 300 millones de euros (429 millones de dólares) al de México para apoyar las políticas de protección de bosques y combatir el cambio climático, informó la Secretaría de Hacienda (SHCP) mexicana. Ha perdido Veracruz 80% de su vegetación: PVEM Veracruz enfrenta uno de los más grandes retos en materia ambiental con la pérdida de más del 80% de la cobertura vegetal original a consecuencia de la deforestación y a la tala inmoderada de los bosques y cuencas así como del Cofre de Perote y el Pico de Orizaba. Llaman a mejorar predicción y prevención para evitar incendios Sistemas de predicción meteorológica en conjunto con las estrategias de prevención y vigilancia ayudarán a contrarrestar la frecuencia de los incendios. Promueven iniciativa para regenerar bosques incendiados El Diputado del PVEM, Ricardo Astudillo, propuso a los propietarios de los terrenos forestales demostrar que las 600 mil hectáreas incendiadas en el país durante el estiaje permanecen vigentes. Veracruz, tercero en deforestación El cambio de uso de suelo y la actividad agropecuaria ocasionaron que en los últimos 20 años el Estado de Veracruz se quedara con un millón 400 mil hectáreas de bosques de las más de 7 millones que tenía, lo que convirtió a la entidad en la tercera más deforestada en el país, apenas seguida de Tlaxcala y el Distrito Federal, aseguró Héctor Hernández Andrade, coordinador de Medio Ambiente municipal.

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Morocco Guercif: plus de 300 HA de forêts détruits par les flammes Le gigantesque incendie qui s'est déclaré lundi dans une forêt de la commune rurale de Ras Al Kasr (province de Guercif), a détruit plus de 300 HA de forêt, selon un nouveau bilan provisoire fourni, mardi, par les autorités locales. Mozambique 72 families moved from Gorongosa Park The Gorongosa National Park (PNG), in the central Mozambican province of Sofala, is building a new village for the Mueredze community, in a bid to separate people from wild life. Conflict with wild animals in Niassa The provincial government in the northern Mozambican province of Niassa is continuing to work to identify mechanisms to mitigate the conflict between humans and wild animals, which has resulted in deaths and the destruction of extensive areas of crops. Namibia High hopes for giraffe Indaba The world's first international scientific conference on Africa's tallest animal, the giraffe, kicked off at Etosha. Pride of desert lions poisoned Conservationists and tourist operators were shocked yesterday after the news spread that an entire pride of desert lions were killed by poison in the Kunene Region. Nepal Locals blame officer for Manthali deforestation Residents of Manthali district allege forest officer’s hand in the destruction of forests in the northern part of district. Nigeria Ajimobi told to resuscitate tree planting campaign in Oyo As cases of deforestation become rampant in Oyo State, particularly in Oke-Ogun, three prominent leaders in the area have appealed to the state governor, Senator Abiola Ajimobi, to resuscitate tree planting campaign across the state. Concern over stalled forest carbon project Nearly a year after an agreement involving the Federal Government and a duo of environmental management firms was finalised, fears are being expressed over the prospects of the accord, which appears to be mired. Planting trees in arid land to fight degradation Usman Umar Kardi is a local of Kardi in Kebbi State who has decided to embark on planting tree crops using irrigation facility in order to reduce the devastating impact of desertification which is slowly destroying the land.

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Pakistan Deforestation in Chitral To promote natural growth of forests, windfall, dry and deceased trees are harvested to provide a congenial environment for green and newly-grown plants in the forests. Unchecked deforestation in Chitral flayed Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) leader Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali asked the provincial government to take notice of the unchecked deforestation in Chitral district. Paraguay Cambio climático producirá notables bajas en los cultivos de nuestro país Paraguay, al igual que los demás países de la región, sufrirá las bajas en los cultivos como consecuencia del cambio climático, según afirmó un experto en el tema durante el seminario viverista de “A todo pulmón”. El mismo se refirió también a la triste trayectoria que tiene nuestro país en deforestación. Imparable deforestación en Caazapá La fiscalía no tiene los elementos necesarios para luchar contra la deforestación en el Dpto. de Caazapá. La tala ilegal de árboles en las reservas, el desmonte en propiedades privadas y la elaboración ilícita de carbón son constantes en la zona. Insisten en crear Policía Forestal para alcanzar deforestación cero La organización “A todo pulmón” insistió en la necesidad de crear una Policía Forestal, para detener la masiva depredación de los bosques. Durante el seminario viverista, el fundador de la organización, Humberto Rubín, recordó que “duerme” en el Congreso un proyecto que sugiere el involucramiento activo de la fuerza pública en el cuidado ambiental. Los ache, en pie de guerra ante deforestación Los nativos de la parcialidad ache exigen que las autoridades nacionales frenen la destrucción de la finca 470 a manos de una rosca mafiosa vinculada a madereros de Canindeyú. La propiedad de 4.600 hectáreas está situada en Villa Ygatimí y es administrada por la Seam. Peru Universitat de València gestiona un proyecto de educación ambiental en Perú Según un comunicado de la institución universitaria, la Fundació General de la Universitat de la València ha colaborado en frenar la deforestación masiva y el creciente deterioro ambiental en la cuenca del Alto Cumbaza, en el Perú. Russian Federation Endangered sandpiper chicks hatch The first spoon-billed sandpiper chicks have hatched in a captive breeding scheme to bring the bird back from the brink of extinction. Rwanda Doctors remove snare from baby gorilla in Umubano group Zirikana is a 4-Year old infant male in Umubano group in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park. Zirikana was reported to be caught in rope snare on his left leg.

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Environmentalists raise concern over Nyungwe Park road Environmentalists have called for an assessment study on the ongoing upgrade of the Pindura-Bweyeye road, after fears emerged that the construction could affect bio-diversity in the Nyungwe National Park. Rulindo to plant 1,000 hectares of forests The Mayor of Rulindo District, Justus Kangwage has disclosed plans by his administration to plant trees covering at least 1,000 hectares in the district this year. Rutsiro schools join efforts to conserve Gishwati forest Fourteen schools in Rutsiro District have joined a conservation drive to save the endangered Gishwati forest. Senegal Un combat est gagné, un autre s’impose Le Delta du Saloum, à l’embouchure du fleuve Saloum près de Sangomar, vient d’être inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Education, la Science et la Culture (Unesco). La représentation régionale de ladite institution, en partenariat avec la Direction du patrimoine historique du Sénégal, a tenu une conférence de presse à Dakar pour décliner les enjeux de cette inscription et les nouveaux défis à relever. South Africa Mpuma residents warned to be alert during fire season The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs in Mpumalanga has called on residents to be extremely cautious and avoid situations that can lead to runaway veld fires. Quiver tree a victim of climate change Quiver trees, those iconic, long-lived giant tree aloes of the arid regions of South Africa and Namibia, are all in bloom in the Richtersveld, their yellow flowers bright against the desert background. Rhino horn 'kingpin' Lemtongthai in South African court A Thai man has appeared in a South African court on charges related to smuggling rhino horns. Rhino poaching crisis in South Africa as 200 killed in six months Organised crime gangs using assault rifles from helicopters are responsible for surge in rhino deaths, says WWF. Spain 2011 Registra mas incendios forestales en la primera mitad del año que 2010 Hasta el mes de mayo se han producido 3.195 conatos de incendio en España - 882 más que durante el mismo periodo del 2010 - aunque los fuegos de más de una hectárea se ha reducido en un 28% respecto al año anterior. Andalucía completa un plan para proteger los últimos enebros de la Sierra de Huelva La Consejería de Medio Ambiente ha completado los trabajos para proteger los últimos ejemplares de enebros existentes en el Parque Natural Sierra de la Aracena y Picos de Aroche y, prácticamente, en todo el Norte de la provincia de Huelva.

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Canarias podría duplicar sus 130.000 hectáreas de bosques El abandono de los usos agrarios tradicionales favorece la conversión en matorral, superficie que podría arborizarse y aumentar en unas 100.000 hectáreas los bosques del archipiélago, afirmó Martínez durante una rueda de prensa para dar a conocer la Asociación de Forestales de España en Canarias (PROFOR Canarias). El Consell quiere limpiar los bosques para evitar incendios y usar la madera para generar biomasa El nuevo conseller de Agricultura, Antoni Marí, ‘Carraca’, asegura que ya hay empresas interesadas en este tema. El Parque Natural de Monfragüe alberga 201 especies de líquenes La Universidad de Extremadura (UEx) ha constatado la riqueza y diversidad de la flora liquénica de uno de los enclaves más representativos del bosque y matorral mediterráneo, el Parque Natural de Monfragüe, que cuenta con 201 especies de líquenes que viven en árboles, arbustos, rocas y suelo. La superficie forestal andaluza crece un 12,8% desde 1989 La superficie forestal andaluza ha crecido un 12,8% desde el inicio del Plan Forestal Andaluz en 1989, asegura un informe hecho publico por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente con motivo de la celebración del Día Mundial de la Conservación del Suelo. Medio Ambiente certifica una "clara" mejoría de los bosques de la región Sólo siete de cada 100 árboles sufren defoliaciones superiores al 25% de la copa. Sri Lanka Loss of livelihoods in Sri Lanka’s wet zone forests Many small wet zone reserves that could serve as faunal refuges are too small, degraded and isolated to provide this service. This is also leading to increased human-wildlife conflicts… Switzerland Augmentation de 5% de la récolte de bois en Suisse en 2010 Selon la statistique forestière, "la hausse des recettes du bois, l'augmentation des récoltes et les réductions de coûts ont amélioré les résultats de la gestion des forêts". Les variations pour la récolte de bois entre 2008, 2009 et 2010 ont été influencées par les marchés internationaux: en 2008 et 2009, la récession à l'étranger a fait baisser les prix, et, par effet de mimétisme, le nombre de coupes. En 2010, l'exploitation du bois a repris, pour atteindre 5,1 millions de mètres cubes. Le nec le plus ultra de la forêt est en Suisse Les forêts suisses sont parmi les mieux protégées au monde. Leur législation concourt aux côtés de 5 autres triées sur le volet dans le monde, et sera présentée pour être distinguée aux Naitons Unies à New York. Tribus en danger Depuis trente ans, l’Américaine Dana Gluckstein parcourt le monde à la rencontre des ethnies oubliées, des tribus autochtones, des peuples indigènes. Ses portraits sobres et intimistes se veulent un rappel d’humanité et de respect aux plus forts à l’égard des plus faibles et des plus menacés d’entre tous les habitants de la planète.

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Trois cent hommes mobilisés pour un exercice en forêt dans le Valais Plus de 300 hommes prennent part à un exercice baptisé Vulcain. Il simule un gros incendie de forêt et l'évacuation d'une partie des habitants dans le Valais central. Uganda Kabaka, Omukamas, Rwot can mitigate environment deaths Their deaths may have come in a flash, literally. But they have also been in the making a long time, for the conditions had been set over the years as we looked on indifferently. Mutagamba on spot over new forestry authority boss saga Parliament has directed the Minister for Water and Environment, Ms Maria Mutagamba, to clarify the controversy surrounding the appointment of the new Executive Director of National Forestry Authority. United Kigdom Badger cull 'a mistake' suggests Government adviser Killing badgers in England would be a ‘mistake’, according to Lord Krebs, one of the Government’s key adviser on the scientific merit of going ahead with a cull. Badger cull to prevent TB in cattle a mistake, says key scientist Culling badgers to counter tuberculosis in cattle would be a mistake, the leading government adviser on the problem said yesterday, in advance of an expected announcement that a cull is to go ahead. Badger culling is ineffective, says architect of 10-year trial Former UK government scientific adviser Lord Krebs says results of the trials prove culls are not an effective way of controlling bovine TB. Badger TB cull: will the zero-cost, zero-sense policy prevail? It's B-day for badgers, with environment secretary Caroline Spelman presenting her culling plans to cabinet. But has she solved the policy's fatal flaws? British conkers under threat from alien moth invasion Scientists are asking members of the public to monitor horse chestnut trees for signs of damage by the leaf miner caterpillar. David Attenborough: badger cull could worsen TB in cattle Vaccination is the only long-term solution to the problem of bovine TB, says the naturalist and broadcaster. Eagle owl shot in Gloucestershire making good recovery An owl which was shot by an air rifle in Gloucestershire is said to be flying well after being rescued. Historic walking trails: Around St Briavels, Forest of Dean One of Britain's most ancient woodlands, the Forest of Dean is crisscrossed by myriad small paths, and littered with old mines, tramroads and signs of early industrialisation, the legacy of hundreds of years as a working forest. How can I help save our bees? The British bee is still in decline, but home hives may not be the answer.

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Johann Hari: would you trust a management consultant with the world's rainforests? Our protests stopped David Cameron handing UK forests over to corporations. Now the rainforests are being handed to management consultants. Les Britanniques veulent-ils vraiment vendre la nature ? Dans une tribune publiée par Marianne, Jean-Pierre Alliot critiquait la marchandisation de la nature symbolisée par un rapport d'évaluation de l'ecosystème publié en Grande Bretagne. Localised badger culls 'increase risk of bovine TB' New research says culling is counter-productive method of controlling tuberculosis in cattle. Map lays bare landscape of UK in intimate detail From mountains of Scotland to the broad fields of the barley barons of the east, a new map reveals the environmental "DNA" of the nation. Take action to protect Britain's bees Sign the petition to ban neonicotinoids in the UK and help safeguard Britain's threatened bee population. Tiny hope for endangered pygmy hippos Mark Holden, team leader of the Africa section at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo discusses their newest arrival, a baby pygmy hippo named Sapo. Vaccine 'won't save badgers' A vaccine to stop badgers spreading disease to cattle is at least a decade away, it has been revealed, as the country moves closer to a cull of the protected woodland creatures. Zoo 'to create a generation of online conservationists' A UK zoo has launched a website that it hopes will help bridge a growing divide between young people and conservation. United Republic of Tanzania Forest dwellers' eviction on hold An operation to evict thousands of villagers alleged to have invaded a forest reserve in Meatu District, Shinyanga region was suspended last week. The forest reserves is located within an area bordering the Ngorongoro Conservation Authority and Maswa Game Reserve. Fried birds meal threatens wildlife Illegal harvesting of the Red-billed Quelea and other aviary species in Kondoa District, is slowly but surely annihilating the birds in this rural precinct. Kilindi slaps ban on wanton tree felling The Kilindi District Council in Tanga Region has temporarily banned the harvesting of forests to allow investigations on the destruction of trees in the area. Poaching incidents increase in game protected areas The killing of wildlife for their trophies is reported to have increased in protected areas within or around Longido District in Arusha Region.

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Protect game reserves Reports that poaching is on the increase in some protected game reserves in the northern part of Tanzania are saddening, for it means there is serious threat to the national environmental conservation efforts. Put more efforts in wildlife protection For years now, tourism has been the leading foreign exchange earner for Tanzania. Revenue from the sector has increased over the years as indicated by President Jakaya Kikwete in a speech to dissolve Parliament in 2010. Tanzania waters down controversial Serengeti road plan Government will now build unpaved road through national park while rangers ensure traffic does not disturb migrating wildlife. Tanzania 'will mine uranium on Selous Game Reserve' Tanzania will go ahead with plans to mine uranium in the UN World Heritage site Selous Game Reserve, the natural resources minister has told the BBC. Tanzania's road through Serengeti to be unpaved Tanzania will build an unpaved road through the Serengeti National Park and game rangers will control traffic to avoid disturbing the annual migration of wildebeest. Villagers vow to conserve forests A group of villagers engaging in conservation of natural forests in Nangaru Village in Lindi District, have blamed the district council leadership for issuing permits to businessmen to harvest trees against regulations. United States of America 2 Mich. Girl Scouts seek palm oil ban in cookies Two Michigan Girl Scouts concerned about deforestation’s effect on orangutans have launched a campaign to remove palm oil from the cookies the organization sells by the millions. A fight over keeping boards in the boardwalk The Coney Island Boardwalk, opened in 1923, has inspired songs (The Drifters’ “Under the Boardwalk”), plays (Herb Gardner’s “The Goodbye People”) and fiction (Delmore Schwartz’s “In Dreams Begin Responsibilities”). Now, it is inspiring a question of Talmudic complexity: Can a boardwalk be called a boardwalk if it is not made of boards? Contaminated soil a concern at Los Alamos lab Following a massive wildfire, crews at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have begun removing contaminated soil from nearby canyons out of a concern that flash flooding could wash toxins into the Rio Grande, officials said. Federal plan targets barred owls to save spotted owls The greatest threat to the northern spotted owl, an imperiled bird at the center of a decades-old environmental clash in the Pacific Northwest, is no longer the timber industry - it's another owl.

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Fracking water killed trees, study finds A study that argues for more research into the safe disposal of chemical-laced wastewater resulting from natural gas drilling found that a patch of national forest in West Virginia suffered quick and serious loss of vegetation after it was sprayed with hydraulic fracturing fluids. In a twist, loggers nurture spotted owls As I reported in Friday’s Times, the release of a final recovery plan for the northern spotted owl came more than 20 years after the bird was first listed as a threatened species. It so happens that over that same period of time, a stand of evergreens in a remote forest in the Cascade Range could grow from being a relatively young 45 years old to a more mature 65 years old. In Midwest, flutters may be far fewer As recently as a decade ago, farms in the Midwest were commonly marred — at least as a farmer would view it — by unruly patches of milkweed amid the neat rows of emerging corn or soybeans. Insect attacks among threat to US forests, worsened by drought, climate change Marauding insects have become a leading threat to the nation’s forests over the past decade, a problem made worse by drought and a warming climate, a federal report says. New herbicide suspected in tree deaths A recently approved herbicide called Imprelis, widely used by landscapers because it was thought to be environmentally friendly, has emerged as the leading suspect in the deaths of thousands of Norway spruces, eastern white pines and other trees on lawns and golf courses across the country. New Mexico rains douse flames but fuel flood fears The monsoons arrived on schedule in northern New Mexico, bringing with them the promise of containing a monster wildfire that has broken records in the state. Plan issued to save northern spotted owl It has been two decades since the fate of a bashful bird that most people had never seen came to symbolize the bitter divide over whether to save or saw down the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest. Yet it was not until Thursday that the federal government offered its final plan to prevent the bird, the northern spotted owl, from going extinct. Preserving land for Northward migration A new report from a conservation group about the wildlands that surround Glacier National Park in Montana and Canada says that unprotected public lands within the “Crown of the Continent” ecosystem should be protected to assure that the wildest ecosystem in the country stays that way as the climate changes. Redwood monster is a co-champ In theory, the tallest people and buildings and trees stand out. Take a really, really tall tree like a giant redwood. Hard to miss, right? Except in this year’s annual big tree hunting competition, in which volunteers try to find the largest tree in each of hundreds of species, a new redwood co-champion was added.

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Retour à la normale à Los Alamos après le feu de forêt La pluie a donné un coup de pouce aux pompiers affrontant un immense feu de forêt près de Los Alamos, aux États-Unis, permettant à quelque 12 000 résidants de rentrer chez eux pour la première fois en près d'une semaine. Two scouts want palm oil out of famous cookies A lot of adult environmentalists have been trying for years to focus attention on tropical rain forests in southeast Asia, but it took two teenagers to get the issue on the front page of a national newspaper and on the network news. Whipped by winds over land parched by drought, a New Mexico wildfire rages Driven by a relentless drought and surging summer winds, a wildfire continued to burn virtually unchecked in the Jemez Mountains near Los Alamos National Laboratory, having already scorched tens of thousands of acres in its path and leaving firefighters scrambling to keep pace. Wolves could lose federal protection in Wyoming In another blow to the wolf, the secretary of the interior, Ken Salazar, said Thursday that he had struck a deal with Gov. Matt Mead of Wyoming to take the state’s wolves off the endangered species list and out from under federal protection. Wyoming has long agitated to have the wolves delisted so that hunting could be broadened under state regulations. W.Va. study raises questions about fracking fluid A gas company that legally doused a patch of West Virginia forest with salty wastewater from a drilling operation killed ground vegetation within days and more than half the trees within two years, a new report from the U.S. Forest Service says. Yellowstone National Park grizzly bear kills hiker A female grizzly bear has killed a man out on a hike with his wife in the US after the couple apparently surprised the bear and its cubs, officials say. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) L’environnement sacrifié du Bassin de Maracaibo Les efforts pour assurer la répartition égalitaire des ressources promue par le président Hugo Chávez à travers la « révolution bolivarienne », bien qu’ayant atteint d’importants objectifs dans les secteurs sanitaire et éducatif, ont relégué à l’arrière-plan les graves conséquences du développement économique sur l’environnement. Les populations de la région doivent faire face à des niveaux de pollution très préoccupants et à des dommages à la biodiversité susceptibles de remettre en cause la survie des communautés rurales et des pêcheurs. Viet Nam Concern grows over forest concessions Sixty community representatives from Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces expressed concern over a string of recent economic land concessions granted within the bounds of the Boeung Per Wildlife Sanctuary.

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Le Vietnam n'en a pas fini avec l'agent orange Il y a cinquante ans, les Américains déversaientleurs premiers bidons d'herbicide toxiquesur le Sud-Vietnam.Leur stratégie : gagnerla guerre en délogeant les communistes des forêts. Le Vietnam compte encore de nombreuses victimes de l'agent orange et les dégâtssur l'environnementsont colossaux. Zambia Giving back to Mother Earth “Zambia has approximately 50 million hectares of forest, with an estimated deforestation rate of 250,000 to 300,000 hectares per year.” This is according to the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+). Zimbabwe Transfrontier conservancy hit by rampant poaching The Zimbabwe section of the world's largest inter-regional conservation park has been hit by rampant poaching, with at least 20 elephants being slaughtered in recent months. World Alianza de países amazónicos para cuantificar la deforestación Los ocho países amazónicos emprenderán en agosto el primer proyecto regional para cuantificar de una manera "comparable" la deforestación de esa región y sus recursos hídricos, informó la Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica (OTCA). As ‘sinks’ for carbon, forests are even mightier than assumed The world’s forests are magnificent palaces of biodiversity, teeming with wacky and wonderful creatures and plants that seem otherworldly. But they’re also something far more mundane although useful: they’re giant sponges, soaking up vast amounts of carbon dioxide. Can the palm oil we eat ever be wildlife-friendly? Conservationists battling to save Indonesia's rainforests are locked in a dispute over moves to make oil palm plantations more wildlife-friendly. Climate change could kill one in 10 species by end of the century Climate change is speeding up the rate at which animals and plants are becoming extinct. By the end of the century, one in 10 species could be on the verge of extinction because of the effects of global warming, a study has found. Climate conversations - how much do the rural poor depend on forests? The development of programmes to reduce emissions from deforestation has sparked debate about the need for climate change actions in the forest sector to create extra benefits for local communities and biodiversity. Combustible ecológico a partir del aceite de eucalipto La compañía aérea Virgin apuesta por producir biocombustible a partir de los árboles de eucalipto para hacer frente al aumento de los precios de los carburantes, dijo el fundador del grupo, Richard Branson. Could big cats be facing extinction? Humans can learn a lot from them say two noted conservationists – so we must preserve these noble beasts.

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Expertos alertan del peligro de extinción de grandes simios en unos 20 años Un grupo de expertos primatólogos y responsables de zoológicos han alertado hoy sobre el grave peligro de extinción, en menos de 20 años, de algunas especies de grandes simios, especialmente de los gibones, de los gorilas del Río Cross o de los orangutanes. Forest sustainability group considers loosening membership restrictions One of the world's top forest management groups says it is reviewing a policy that could loosen its membership requirements to admit more companies that have recently cleared natural forests. The controversial move is backed by some environmentalists who say the move is necessary to curb deforestation in countries such as Indonesia. Greenpeace félicite Lego pour ses nouveaux engagements Greenpeace dénonçait, il y a environ un mois, l'utilisation, par les grands fabricants de jouets, d'emballages conçus avec des matériaux entraînant la déforestation. Aujourd'hui, seul le géant danois est félicité pour avoir "réagi positivement". Tout le contraire de Mattel, Hasbro et Disney. Greenwash and spin: palm oil lobby targets its critics The spread of oil palm plantations has come at the expense of vast swathes of tropical rainforest. But the billion-dollar palm oil industry is now mounting a major PR offensive. Here be monsters Sceptics love to poke fun at cryptozoologists, but there are strange creatures out there whose existence has yet to be confirmed by science. Horse chestnut collections rewrite leaf miner spread Horse chestnut leaf miners were living on natural stands of trees in Greece a century before they were first described by science, a study shows. How to teach ... forest biodiversity Species extinction is now occurring at a faster rate than at any time in Earth's history, while at the same time thousands of new creatures are being discovered, mostly in the world's forests. How can children at home and in schools get their heads around this vast subject? Los días contados: peligro de extinción de grandes simios en unos 20 años Un grupo de expertos primatólogos y responsables de zoológicos han alertado en Barcelona sobre el grave peligro de extinción en menos de 20 años de algunas especies de grandes simios, especialmente de los gibones, de los gorilas del Río Cross o de los orangutanes. Macquarie, IFC agree forest carbon investment fund Australia's Macquarie Group, World Bank member the International Finance Corp and a forest management firm said on Thursday they had raised $25 million for forest carbon projects in poorer nations. Male and female giant pandas prefer different habitats Male and female giant pandas prefer to use different habitats, say scientists. Female pandas frequent high altitude conifer forests and mixed forests on steeper slopes, whereas males roam more widely, researchers found.

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Nadie sabe cuánta selva amazónica ha sido destruida La Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica (OTCA) anunció un convenio firmado por los países de América Latina que comparten este ecosistema para estudiar el impacto de la deforestación en la región. New weed a threat to wildlife in Serengeti Tanzania may have withdrawn its plan to build a two-lane highway across the northern edge of Serengeti National Park but a new threat to the ecosystem is emerging. Nursery effect study shows trees remember their roots Genetically identical forest trees raised in different environments react differently when exposed to drought conditions, a study has shown. Pacific-Atlantic route drives up fears of crime and destruction Carretera Interoceánica boosts links with China for Brazil and Peru but causes anxiety for environmental groups. Plus de mille nouvelles espèces animales découvertes en Nouvelle Guinée! Une grenouille verte fluo, un escargot jaune et rouge ou encore un dauphin "à aileron retroussé" : une véritable Arche de Noé vient d'être découverte en Nouvelle-Guinée. Primate malaria may be jumping species A malaria parasite from gorillas has been found in an African monkey, suggesting it has jumped species and may be able to transfer to humans. Realizarán monitoreo regional de deforestación en la Amazonía Los ocho países suramericanos que integran la Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica (OTCA) acordaron en esta capital iniciar en agosto un monitoreo regional de deforestación en los países miembros. Rhino poaching threatens conservation gains Twenty years of careful conservation efforts have nurtured rhinoceros populations in Africa back to relative health, after they were close to extinction in the early 1990s. Now those efforts risk being undone because of a sharp increase in poaching. Study shows forests have bigger role in slowing climate change The world's forests can play an even greater role in fighting climate change than previously thought, scientists say in the most comprehensive study yet on how much carbon dioxide forests absorb from the air. The transformation of the Chaco is an ecological and human tragedy As the Natural History Museum's expedition is abandoned, the area is being converted to ranchland faster than ever. Un millier d’espèces découvertes en dix ans en Nouvelle-Guinée Une grenouille avec des crocs, un serpent aveugle et un dauphin à tête arrondie font partie des plus de 1.000 nouvelles espèces découvertes sur l'incroyable île de la Nouvelle-Guinée en dix ans, a annoncé lundi le WWF (Fonds mondial pour la nature).

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Un monte quemado sufre "fobia al agua" durante casi un año El suelo de un monte o de un bosque que ha sufrido un incendio padece "hidrofobia" durante un año después de soportar el fuego, lo que aumenta la erosión derivada del propio siniestro, según un estudio realizado por el equipo de investigación de Degradación y Conservación de Suelos de la Universidad canaria de La Laguna (ULL). Woody biomass facts: a look at the myths regarding a sustainable energy source Biomass has the capability to play a significant role in the future of the nation’s energy security. Unfortunately, many misunderstandings prevent it from being viewed as the renewable and sustainable energy source that it is. Would you trust a management consultant with the world's rainforests? Our protests stopped David Cameron handing UK forests over to corporations. Now the rainforests are being handed to management consultants.

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