nmnttw -...

X •<> '; v <"' ; f r f. *', S"**v ' ^ 7^/f*r^''A >FC. 14, 19291 fUSON SIGNS BOX ART SHI It r i r. J v. •• •" !IP had elos* >Urk WUSon, •^ «• guiles Arthur iM.tlmgWhite; :•-:• a '4*roumt ..i:-. Mullen, a|* . <-. ?; r ooo. IWN PLAYERS !NG GOOD GAME "-'••• :••• •• fast^pee ,'i-.•:. .ma Thursday .:••-• ., r!ow gauu^ > .at ,,:-. ,. ,r and lest Olif ouiiu should &ddres& HM t;» ro A . Gordon* h .-.<• .*.:'-L-22 £ e r a . \T I.:.::..:•.'-; head ^n :vi"pj back. nasi?". lu-SK-.r. ;.o t h e ropes «nd> .T. wish boy full : 6fcl *!i hi- famout right:' toppled over the lowe* I) .;I>c. himself back $ht$ [d «-2Tiffl\ by a barrage ir.h'" to the head that v. jr-rsrlc-ss on his -$ajC% |thr rn-.tor Of t h e * & & w~a:. a mere formality;,; I lasted only 52 seconds. Fresh Foo&t j Low Prices! >cjk B o t t o m Prices m. 16* .. tt». LAMB I Lamb Stew 1^. 38 c FRESH COTTAGE t&s. t.y 25e 1 MT„ DEC. H 192? '••% Mfl?*SffA9 w#» COT AND ¥ICBHT¥ Raises Himself Froi Sofa And Takes Two Steps ri Confident that s6me day he will walk again Prancis Sorrell raised himself from the $ofa upon which he was lying yesterday afternoon and. placed his feet on the Ifoor. With the aid of a chair he braced himself and stood' up and attempted to w»lk. H"e took two steps forward, the first time that'he has ever tried to walk since he was afflicted ten years ago; While the youth is still V&f weak » Mwaird Pordhiuu of ihji city w*J arrested yesterday by Acting Chief of Police John B, 'Sweeney oil » (charge of petit larceny. He Ji al- leged to have stolen a bicycle from to fronit of the; 0rand Union. ftotO on Mtagarefc street &bou| lour weeks ago. tile bicycle was owned* by a man named Qiflto. \ According to police, JPbrdham was released from a reform achool. JTe. will be gften a hearing before City Judge R. O. Booth on Monday* - NADTUEDNN V —A Christmas party will be held in the K. of G. rooms on Monday night at eight o'clock; Cards and refreshments. There will be a Christ As Elmer Oilman drove into a driveway at Massena, preparatory to turning around. James MeDon- he shows marked improvement each aldf &m 7> ^anm the sidewalk For The Benefit Of CW jfek Valley H 0 9 W AftiiRDl Tfal* Xe*r Marked By $jf*ilW M~ fort For stcwant Affair -\ day and sleeps soundly at night. He has no trouble in eating: Visitors still call at the house to maT^rGif^may^ brought tojf* * e *™*™ and ch ** he Miss Anderson's hat shop or to t h j , ^ J ^ f °f J * * " f r ^ ^ a s 'all over the state and other suites. rooms on Monday night. —There wiil be a speciBl meeting of St. John's church choir at the church Sunday morning immediate i marked improvement since he re tesferday he received a letter and a picture of fattier Power from a on his isledl right tMhintf .the car. Tlte driter backed out the car and i b r o k e €toe" b c ^ ' s rigfet rfiouidef. The Curtiss-Wrlght ftyfag a*rvic© has received permission to operate an airpliine on Mirror Lake during t h e Winifcer s p o r t e s e a s o n [at iAlse Placid. A fii*? passenger I^drcBild lady in Maine who had read of W a L ^ plme ^ be «mipp^ with ly after the? 10:30 Mass. ~-W&, !aM Suhday. destroyed the garage and JJaSalle car it house in it, the property of Prank Clough of Peru: *ilte members 1 ' of the village fire company worked hard and Sjaveft" Che residence from also be- ing a prey to the flames. f < -j^Mlss I>oroi3iy tiangdbn of Jthis City will broadcast over station CKAC, Montreal Saturday night between 8:30 and 9 o'clocfe. ~A special rehearsal of Christ- mas miusic by St. Peter*s church ceived a bag- fuU of eartti from the grave of JSathfir JPower sent him by jMayor C?urley of Boston. MfNERVlANS HELD CHRISTMAS PARTY The Mlnervian society of Platts- biirgh Sigh School held a Christ- inas party last evening. It proved a most enjoyable affair. The program was as follows: I. The First NowelL fTraditional skiis for landing on snow or kev Air. tow* ov&t m motititiirji irtil feature «&e winter proerarrt. Two changes haVe MNSi mad^ in tlie linkup of the Saranid iMkH basketball team. The scholastic skhdmf of Don Ml^tillip. cap%i!n and Waller Pinttegin, guard, wade it impossible for them to play at presenfe. At TuiJiper |4ike Wednesday night the lowest temperafere this sea- son was recorded. It varied /rom 54 to 3d t^low. THe Ways and Mean* Ootttfhlttw of*«4 ^omen^s Auxiliarjr h/t_ tfe* CmmipWitt, t « » ^ &»P*w fill hoM It* amiual Christmas dabce i% the WittiertU Hotel, rxoember twenty-fiftft at nine o*o*fc, 4, this is' thfe twentieth eontaxtlve dance given by this groOt* 1 * tbk purpose it is the aim of tbo* H* Crested to nave this pirtieiila* »f- i*ir ecllpt* ail others iWaliy aad iwancltiiy. ' . • ' So com*, Whether yoii danc* or 160I, aaeet your friends in m* charming hotel, so gen»f«o% vt* fered, and «nd a perfect <Hqr by doing something for sctimm out- side your jtaimediate j t t t f t ' , 4f frivlKl£«' vche it^Oomhae i*d^e* - ami'' - Sb charge: ' * Mrs. Q*m* K mt&m, chair* man. S£OL it. s. MacSom^ti, Mint wmiim mm. Mt% Wit**)***. Pier«. Itek- Ictoh P. &W&KL ttKk, ;Prank Fittp-trick. Mr*, fttifcf Sinltli. 'Hm Andrew^ SeMttta, Mia. R. i . Laridn, I l k A l p h a s **+ cal. lies. Johft Myers. Un. 9rank Chapman. Mr*. Fred Buffcaoi, M* >Thmai Parr*. Mr, M t e l fcm, •i >«ni >ii,iii4wiiiy»4ii>Mrt»>i"*#«Mi^^^Br m aarriqp e»cape fr«n"ln3tirie«^nl5fe on m$ way to war* ^ notMe« |»oiftt »«#r<l«r Morning, T ^ wheel*, on Wj« car loci** and>'&xm&.«» ma- mm to ro mid %wmm mm* turiMWt l*drbfce was cut 0*1 the lip i*n4 wai given first «W tre*tm«ufc bytaoclar,, .*•• BR0AC ST. SCHOOL , OiTt* Ta^rtay Wr»mh*f By «t«feBU ' .' mmm ^mimim hew m atwat*^, :Kjnd^|i«iM-riwiay : morajog. Parents and Metxtt were Both Railroad Crossings Located South of ChazyV%e .OBDELL'S DINER ARRIVES IN CITY |?Hisl%laitsbui'gh» ) the new diner ^urctMed-ISy ifiielyin X^obdell which' m kM frwt on* his lot ort\Pro- %\^Mja& avenue was uhloaded >yes- ^dial'/b^'affarry c. Carpenter and W$ men Md "Hilled' t$ JPrute^tion a^re^ue^ 'ptSn^y expect to nave the dinner ejected today. -J$$»-#ti& weighs IS'tons and is W -te^'fe jEorif and' 10 feet wide. It Was Wit iti^ew Kocheue, %• *ervtci v ifeblmnissldni mtam^"*mbibtom ' of- tne- .Ghl^.Boujsei Point hpiwmy. and Sciote orqiaBiag J^JUth pf ^Jtta3^» 7 5*ht t)M«y^3toiSi Mm mmm- wiU hmi* an,iinde^Hi«|l * ^biot& erdttrihg.wln be c l o ^ t t wiSha*•"*&&* offer * 3»»w 5,Wo marginiia nlgliwsy r .ott tfte^ '*e*fc Kide ot , ^ tracks 'to' nREM£ffCALLE0 f OUT IN TEST SW The Members gi? tihe fire deWf J nient made a. record, Tun- ta ttie JPnysidan^t hospital i ^ ' 4 ^ y#t»# day after noon as a |e«t run, AjpfeK eral-alarm,was turned i& fUMJKAftf? niemtier^jof the department i -wp» unaware that,it was t^st run." > v MASON IS PRESIDENT *i /?• At a meeting of the Science d u b ,M«^nah idtti« iiity „..?V '- ir^dergarten M(May'l*»l ..... Boinik Hewitt Jtoe.-^the ii&ott: Man .».»,>,«!>». Mary Joyc* Ma<J*arfm Me^& ii ClM^MlieiMi »W*>*;/ • ' ^ Jamea Calloway. . Burton Hartntan Rec IhOav G e r t i e ............... * l6UJ»er1tt* EowlAto c. Kltner Movweau fr-Wh*l Can ttifey-.Bo ».** -. ''«be M&oad- lKitt«e'i3v^„ii«t4fti' 't^feffcy is? t o : be «*'• .plate' girder' eon*to»^i .mmmtifa,'®®$ trick* and resting on concrete'a^ut- jnentfc ym mmt mitt^m^ W'^ipn^M^lkt J^sefe witfe and '^mj * » « W t wi»c. 1 0 ^ grades w p* apptoaebes to' the underpese -are'to' be fire per cent and the «ttm*ted of Mnd and property dama**v J*. dlr#cU that dnring conatmeUr* ^€W«S^M.',Bruce passed orary tr*Je croiainf to be £^Ctod of jplattsburgh High School yester- .0i& alt^MOdn at 4:6ft v o'clbck' ^he e^JUon of officers took place and WP& as toiiows: -^ .^aAt«li« Virginia Mason; Vice- ^4enj^: l^rank Morrison; "Secre- IMtaridn Wright; ^erge'ant-at- l^dyii Wilcox; Field SCoufe, fanpie; Treasurer, Prof. ienton? faculty .Aavttor, iloydS Benton. BORN hospital, December 13, 1929,, a «»>, to Mr. and. Mils. Pihilip KiJey «f |*p .OHatnplainBt. • ,. , ! eral ilospital, I.ako'Pladid,,^"4»* tJedeinber jli, 1929,, fcwtn daugait^sf, Dorothy Cecile and Doris Lucil^ to Mr. and Mrs;-Francis Favro,,«a^' granddaugjhters to Mr* And- Hfrk, Fred Gowett of' South Platteburgft and to Mr, and Me* Alex Fairs of South Plattsburgh, IE. ii •'.*•*>» M. BRUCE MANOR—At Mooers Forks»^* 3^ Dec. 12, i929, d daughter, Mfele ^ B&ulah, t^ Mr. and Mrs.' William ' TWfarior and grand«*ug»^ to Mr. ana Mrs. Hose Manor of Cannons, comers, tti x., and to Mr, and MW t Peter jlabideatt s of Mooer? j?Wits» at all time^ by m itt«aian: ^,.^ -'••'"•• ' - ; ' • • " n if ' -in l | n | | •*- rVC The Cteamber of Conaaerce of (*•*»• M*yo*fd ^**vy ciioir will be held in the Church 9 . H ^ rm#irM ^ 8|ate<) To ^ sun g| Ma ! 6 r» istapto oiTMtll ItttKfl fof « ^ ^ ^ Wft taorrow mornmg tfffir ffleh Mass L y . aljaa ^ 1 toga|ls aGCOmvaxiyixxs , the b ^ ottfasoor tune deoatw8atB.p.«fca*o«^»to. P. J Xhte wai be tiie semi-final rehear- >. pl!tao A1] ^ aeco ^ ttom> cj^rior OMO-f*** I ^ i * *** A4lf,,l ^1 and m.mmmtsmmmm to a ^^ from DltlC(!aar chrl£t . i ^ ^ b . dtftof^iwittK;** ' » w aeisfcr, J*** Mm« attend. - ^ carol. , in order ^ ' compete for llicr ,prtsBe^| E3,0 3o,: ^, * ifc *' **• J - . ir '"^ i *^ ^* 5 , , - ^ ^jjjpjg^ '^^ij^ g^^gyy, t*st f«a>-tkere **re sbmi b e a n t t * W ^ ^ 2 ^ * -wf 4 "' ^"'^ j Scene I —Office of Serogee and^ful home decoratton* and &ie rival-J**** 6 *- ****• Cnaries .Mfey. the m mm ektymm. ' Scene TT^-The Cratchit Dining »*e.-tlttte Pi« ..... Doii« ftenecal wife' A' *H*w. <WJ •#••»»»•»•••* ,. ' Jo«*phine Nichols Kat-ZitUe Piah ... Philip Gordon fW^HTJhe'Cl<J^C . . . , . . , » K, QltH « a c _ « y Puwy . . Carohne Beemer Mrs, 2*WMt ifcc, j£ Trfti' 1fti N. T« w^njt mum ^CbBtwtiTm Frank Lloyd Averill * , ! ,t Funeral services for Prank Lloyd t ^•eriRr^er,.former Superintendent theUbraty of dongress' and pro-' 'Room. Scene III —game as Scene I, Directed by Virginia Mason. ^ Characters, as 'they Appear niintlit statural em^neer. who.Scrbgee K 1 Virginia Mason died' Monday. December Mh, at his|Bo» Cratchit ,, , l-aura Taylor feme. 14*19 Columbia ifeoad 1 ,. Wash-p>ed : ,.C&m&a*ie© Kearney, ^^^ iagton. p."--<X, : Were held Wednes-M Gentleman ^Softdttng- Funds forliSj l%trifej| TdfUwt* Hi :jtey •§&&&&*** ^§^WxJL. tv-l 'the-Poor ^». s *-,.-^»0aiTiiet- *Q««ay»jf<HP' iXm dttito <% foment Waflr*i^Bge^.%«ncHteryjMot^r"'*Cra^ ...Amanda .^fiascjit »k«sevffl*, ' "" "'", W3th. Mllnffitary ttonors, 'and Vte<*ttbi6 <?rat^t;ichiiarcn-.,,-.. : .ftJuaca sdnic Rites. | Holland, Arm Trompsoa TDurint «w Spanish-American JMiertha < Merle Oarcy liai*as«s' in .&e 'number- of ^lee^fMlff^M^^" 1 WU f^ . I*.A^«. WM*a ! ile 'p«st' «em^n ovet n/^rl 1 **** 1 *' » Woman, Bur«^-»M .ago, wererteoMied.In' Clintoa cotn* I*~5?^L ^ ^St ¥£ .1y ,ana. d*ct«ase» In t U f t FranlQli^^*KCaffrey, .Mr*. Thcmptm m4 St. ILAWTOKC- counties, Tr*re Were- C,62C deer killed thk year. 1** :nattfc orflfctcjrBBilieiw oif »»eaei*Ue waa aent M tto* *«a»e'; -A- xtxmve Girl JOrtph Frank' aC# ShS was^C years old. Sur- vivlnsr her are her husband and Wo 'f^^i^tliS^^i funeral^ later. jflwtpr- nmnttw.i ^W3g^bj|^^^^^^^i^^^^ ^^Jk War, Mr. AveriE served In Coba as.Tiny Ttm .Carolyn ScWff ai captain of the Engmeer Corps of the tTnited States Aftny Volun- iMr. AveriB was the son of Mr and Mrs. S. K. Averill, formerly of ^frfcs&ments were Kcrved. 'P^WK™«"> tH«i-4ay «H|» > . WEST RECESS UNTO. coin- nays* wcjr oaaa aw*HP * ^p»rwf all »ay Wednettiair ipf W ^green below in the rTming - Mrt. OerirutJe B, OPiH WMI. .Mtaf Btrbtf Sruih B w - M y Hobby Houae ... ' Minardiarkin * / * Rtwiivmiy ~- - - Marfaret Mayctte Anne Moo«rs t.-OO a. m. '(Bftllg 1 ' TT^JHIJ Ctniatmaa "Wit:; Ifcinli'i lMndiw # * * % » The foUowiae atatement relative lb wfia^oir -•«Srtee*ifr' t h e local" |>0«t^ c*rks# during the enrtatmas holl daya J^a been laeued by pcetauMter 'mm Ord*. will <**ft on week «taya unttt «;*o .p. M . for =tfae'-3#?; «tpt of fllktom*. maii, c* D*. f 3Mti ra ' nWMhtvii « w , tartfl T«>- In Orter that a complete deliTery «f p r i g t e » i f ftt WM|» : i)#ffl«»"^6i f 36th. there will be a dehtftry of paefca«e« in the reaWential a*cUom oii ItaHiaT't «tfe 3Swl^ b^ttnhinf at Manager Rftipft riftirT of tbe Strand' Theater aimtmbottl 4&st *va ^ttcT il»3, Japanese wook put- ning that beginning' Sunday, ~&' chases in foreign markets liave av- Sunday show* wiU sfcfsrt ^ 8 > . M^ 13^000,000 to fSS/KKtOoolThere witf be three 'ahow* &&&£ ^. . the evening, Inttead^tifc, If .L ., 1 i *• ~ ''"!''.** ' ' ' ' ' ' " 'i" '" «" 1 *m*Wi*bmmm&*mm-- * af ^ i-^ i sf iiiiilMlflHiiMiiitiniMiiiMiiiiiiiMtniintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiintuiiiii tt i'|ggl'M«f **#- Mat. 2^lrEve,'^b- tintioua 3:30 to IO ^SQ iti 7' flUIAM FOX^pwea«iit» t * Tlililifiii DaV* - Dee. iitiL,' n6 Witt Jilti 6t'<fMi aJMk oMMbgTww m:^ ! feSfes I Terns ranks thirty-fourth among ftC count^ rami 'be .In by mmm New. assortment of Afternoon *and the states in educational rating. ^enftif Dressflg' jtK*i?©a txxJay.] ' '""""• "" •"•'" <• \>^>T ,mm v mi1 iL ' t , " j , " r "" 1 " 11 r "" • ••» Kalhyrinr Botwjrltv J 'Sataerday. .'•:..» .... u w , M|J « .^.^ ^jv^^-^hou** witii * bad Ills, am! Mr. 4, Ik ]day raoraieg. The- -chairman «n-<«n rfliWw* J^undiy j noune#d Uftat all audit* of town i a - | Iwkiter and «To3W Liwjr* «t debtedness, 8iht aftd fir* dbtHct<vf!ie-«tui tbe giieiili «t f t « , ,ftti* III,—Jingle Bells, (Singing by aU> Arrival of Santa. Claus. Bmnbutiou of pfe»cnte. r%>Howtns the oatertainment re-led yexteribRy afternoon Wpttl M0IJ- Dressog Jenne'tte's Shop • Nook.—adr. | Sfefee Your Gift a [Year's Subscription to ie l%««burgh Daily Press CHRISHASDECORAIIONWF HOMES IDEA IS SPREADING j^irkk. 'Saturday aod fcoiay.. mr, ma ur& imsm pcfd, wejw the iu**u of U*ir imhltr. Mrr B. Jftnaey. of- Per^t," 3Wr * few day*.- Mm Kwiaret ,p* ]Mp** - who ha* been- the fu«*t «f 4 n r ewurfn, Ati*. l*Kr|iar!* .Irwin* «PT **» P«* few 'wtrlai it..tftt p**** *wr <»«* «n, Mn. itriii O* wm & tw* »* prcaent. rt was noticed yesterday that al-|!of less trofble, but any number of j Mfc and Mr*, Jinx* Jfinnix mo- ready some of the etmei in towntottutifaHyoolored lilht* ttm be ^or*4 tortautboig^Miseday. 'fcad already began to Ug^it up for||jarchaaed atooat "for *. *ottf." ; Mr, »n4 M » , Phihp IWWfll Were Christmas and clusters of b^uUMJWJieiher people enter the wtefct red. green and white Ughts gjave ihe j^paasowd by'the Prea» or no^, they establishments 4 most cheery -op- {are urged this year .to 'beautify thejjr jjeamnce -. |.l»mes for'the Christmas season, it 'The business men who are start* the Wtfhttnf is 011 the in«fd$ have FOR Christmas SflOES 1 t'iag Usus 'early to do U«ir part tnift m that lit wiU ahow throttgh jmaktaff the business .streets reflect, windows, TJns may be nxed- very «f- jtli© Christmas spirit are to be. con flgratultted. The particular interest fjof this paper ax tbe present time'Is fecttveiy wimh outside lighting* When one thinks of the lovely homes In pjat^jorf h it scenw a» t?>o»gt» tW» We would like to see dty might be madle. to look Uk© a busMeti caaera at Mn; l » » h o. Sdyd's Tuesdas*. -Mr. Mark Deoim'of Jay was a a bualness. caller at F. %. Ktzpat- 'Hck 1 ! Tuesday. USat Com Morrow spent the wee*' end wife her cousin Mill Dorothy Morrow of the l?nion. Jitc»««CTBlilniaa Oraatln^ rWWp Wavon Doris LeJendr* »»C.-~ChtiltiBU« ; to All «..».. . JMO&Bridy »on«v^tittie'war . . ; Ktoaeitafcrteti H^a.»~jjKMiA i^t^wa' TMJLW' lifilm. SMMN^#-» ^» jn| WsW%w* *• * Dong' 3Bell Gloria Besaett t* Uliniii..! ««>.«» 'mtm^mmm^" •Oomtny»-»•' jf ,-• eong^Th* Toy Falri*s ^ *«*»*•*•' rm Sf- ' DRESS:;*-. I FORK I ' PLAV : ; |l For ALL the Fartty •g Make the Be>»t of. M CHRISTMAS I* S> QUALITY the 'homes 'every home to Flatt&burgh Ufhted |tor Christmas. This idea is not new by any means and long years ago : p£e4iJe' us^d to place candles in 1&elr wiaiDws-^ev«|ry. window in the SBuse-i-and hang holly wreaths ; a$4'0hristmas bells.in these win- %tm,'MQi>i a/tjm-magnilaet whit a Utfanttful effect; this simple taeoora.- '&&£• naade at »it*t *rith Jhe' glow (regular fairyland. There 1» no re- ctrletloii 0 * the kind of. mal«rial used in trimming the homes* but many .beautiful effects; 'may be Wwught of by those Who, love to have their homes radiate the *ptr4t of Christmas. As was stated -before,' it. not necessary.t© enter the contest, but .Jjprs. »ubcr6 J3«rra«|p, who. has feeelt iU is able to be 'gait asain, Peter Quinn was a .ieeefit caDer at the home of Fred' Boyd's. Mr, andS&x. Peter McGarr made a bwslness trip to Peru, Saturday.., Mr, mi Mrs. CNforf© Douglass, were the wuesta. oC jtbtefe parents. My, and Mrs, John. Dooohue, Svn~ 4*y; '•' . 1 Henry Walker spent the week-end * friendly, rivalry win U&p a great ** **** home'In West'Fern, A$i\. If y§u wish to enter the con- *^. *»d MM. WiUiap Irwin wre (test for one of the very valuable ***»»«»* caMers ta Peru, MOoday. Tmw«H.u. • Marl*n hvu-.. - •>mmim*~mm''*mmmmmmm*i!Mmmmmmmmlk cvocDT nArc DDCC n>ni WORK ON L CHAMFUIN 1 Dec, 7-Qntte a hewTy fall of j SDOW, enough for very fan- sleigh- : i . * * ) •• " -, ^:^mm&t^:.}i^lmiAilgU^ a i r i e r Oooflale wh6 te»ch- | ec at Behodaek LiiKJmc "-- :r:af - 4:xi *tory or Amerlca*c : ' scene* ph*A*ft*fltiM tit thfr fe«f[ .. aB ...__. witn ag«B*l rt*- lit nil nit all WfTili J: :• f#^ VITAPHONE VAUDEVILLE jfcdS^-*~« A TsJkiris C«medry- s* kt FOOTWEAR STACKPOLE'S 23 CUST&S STBEET . C' ' ' PLATTSBl RGH, Jf, Y. of "fee' 'wfedofs -confrwied^ttjitosti fb# d'.lpc shade* oif- nifM- | If is pot i^eessai^ to «et can* prises clip and fill out the following Ut ' ^^ Byta °* P * * * ^ - « » .dfe%»t?'thisiMefor-fi&ey-jtr«inoi*cxmpoo: * ed at the Fitxpatriek Jjomestead , • . .Sunday eiiiOnf, ttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^immmmmmmmmmm^ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel firwin re-. ^«mt^? msS^P'f business trip to Peru ,'vfilaie. t Mrs; Hebert I«Mesa and chlMtem of Kaeieville ealied At the Wtepai- iriclc homestaad Sunday. < F, T. Flbtpatrlcjk madf a business trip to Peru* Monday. I Mr, and- Mrs.- j, n, twokt m»- W to Peru, Satoidaj. P W f t $ « U R a H DMLY FRESS ^ ****: ^** **» *^ f^ "^m '-*fl •* DH -»^ward:- .T, mm*' -of Mon* irtai, snow and lot removal axpert. who gained an mtematlonsl repu- tmtidii; to .aaartbtfle d&cJe* w n a e j*or Lici'profftsior at MaOttl Univmity, Is maklnr K*»e interrMinr diseor- eries aboul ttm Hudson liter. •' Rttejaich wo** done toy'Dr, Barnit has itswaled' 'jrlmarily thai.. |h«' temperature of Lake ChampJain's waters has * direct b«*rto« -on' the! tem|wsrs*are' of' ese. «*«*. Watef as. far »puUi 41 YooJtfo. D r . iWKrnes and his imflneers hawj- beta' japateagr «. -cryowraf^te?* sumy of the Httdioti*** «ur«y d«* dfned to rf«sal the oooUnt factors of the stream'at various .point* ato6i Wi cods* ifrom Wko dbim.< plain to Manhattan. a^^^^^^siS/w^ri ' i ^^^fl*# i ^^wjrt^i I^^W»WWK ™W it jiwVin^w^WTi Miss. LUUan Stem Who- .teaches; ! at Adam*. N. 'T^, 'spent her Thanks- |; girinf racaUon with her ptrent*, | pM^'phti#l%#„^' 1 ^':^^_. : ,,« Mr^ Ina Robin*(» naa returned'! McDonald to Chicago. \ ' Norton Foster.lias retunjed home | after spending mm* nwnths in €Wl&* . ' ' ' . -•. . J ' ' Raymocrtf Atwood has returned' tera,. Mrs. Mosher 'and. Mrs. Matott | \ at johhiTille, N. Y, Mr. and Mrs, Abram Budro hsve | 1 st-,n*w d4uwnter, born Dec. 7.. ' Mrs, H. D. Carlton is home, and'-1 [ -M^z&ofra^-'-it^pvt- recent 1: operaUoh at the Physician's Hcepl- M>, 'and.Mrit.ILC. 'PeKom haylji- retuined. from, a H&% to S^racitsev •• j; 3ite,m. JPC Peawrand famjay have | t4Wte& Ui IM Pltcld *h»r« ififti- J Pe^MM? has a position. ,.'';' Mr, and' Mrs. ^ h d u n arei ihJ*o|t ; '| in. th<j "#» Ifc Robinaon residence. •"'::: Wilis Stone, who lias been at? the |! I^yalelan*s hospital for teaitnieati |> has returned home. ~ Mr. and.Mri. Lawrence' ' j e n f :(, Fox Sound News Mat. 25c; Eve. 25cattd40fe ' *\! i 3 Shows Sunday Starting atfip. m. hivft » mw L M^, f j y Ttm. COJmjnoa <SmncH held the# regular meeting last evening, Onl$t routine business oame to the attenW tion of the city legislators. i t * vtae jM^mr mvl ^ ** * «njk*ft»t in tfee Frise Csntesl far tae best Cfarisimas OBtdow or Onidoor and WiHuEaw X>ec«ratiaf|.' ' ' - . * . ' ' •Ifiuwwt- H*<"»f''t'* < I AWffS*. >*^j^ri-*jyj >••*»« , , . • • , • , . « . . , , , , jrwwie,«, < < ,..,,,,,.,* 5 AJtE t O C CATWG OUT i^Try the Hew Way-fcancH.A very lied dinner at moderate cost Ctmibi food. a3pisi^J»ado 'Pies. Try -our Irish star* ft»* best i« IMQL- «eir W«y' -toeh, o«!o*iteJE i^unty cleric's off^^Had?. ii^iiwtii|»inifittmHHlHlTllHHIH« * ! TOKteHT City Hall Auditorium DANCING 8:30 to 12K» 4' *••* '•• * * * *•» J.^Jf*'*>*'>* % *»V • •* #• •«.*%• •*•*•''* «r* *•*•* t«-*-"*'* •»•»•##'•*•••#»'' **I*##**»***»i «*##*"*• **'*••* *.**»,*! »**2

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Page 1: nmnttw - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1929-12-14/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · ceived a bag- fuU of eartti from the ... turiMWt l*drbfce was cut 0*1 the

X •<>'; v <"'; fr f. *', S"**v ' ^ 7 ^ / f * r ^ ' ' A

>FC. 14, 1 9 2 9 1


It r

i r. J


•• •" !IP had elos* >Urk WUSon,

• «• gui les A r t h u r • i M . t l m g W h i t e ;

:•-:• a '4*roumt ..i:-. Mullen, a|*

. <-. ?; r ooo.


"-'••• :••• •• fast^pee

,'i-.•:. .ma Thursday .:••-• ., r !ow gauu^> .at

,,:-. ,. ,r and lest Olif

ou i iu should &ddres& HM t;» ro A . Gordon* h • .-.<• .*.:'-L-22 £ e r a .

\T I.:.::..:•.'-; head ^n :vi"pj back. nasi?".

lu-SK-.r. ;.o the ropes «nd> .T. wish boy ful l :6fcl

*!i hi- famout right:' toppled over t h e l o w e *

I) .;I>c. himself back $h t$ [d «-2Tiffl\ by a b a r r a g e

ir.h'" to the h e a d t h a t v. jr-rsrlc-ss o n h i s -$ajC%

| t h r rn-.tor Of t h e * & & w~a:. a mere formality;,;

I lasted only 52 s e c o n d s .

Fresh Foo&t

j Low Prices!

>cjk B o t t o m Prices

m. 16*

.. tt». LAMB —

I Lamb Stew 1^.

38 c



t . y


1 M T „ DEC. H 192? '••%




Raises Himself Froi Sofa And Takes Two Steps

ri Confident that s6me day he will

walk aga in Prancis Sorrell raised

himself from the $ofa upon which he was lying yesterday afternoon and. placed h i s feet o n t h e Ifoor. With the aid of a chair he braced himself and stood' up and attempted t o w»lk. H"e took two s teps forward,

the first time that 'he has ever tried to walk since he was afflicted ten years ago;

While the youth is still V&f weak

» Mwaird Pordhiuu of ihji city w*J arrested yesterday by Acting Chief of Police John B, 'Sweeney oil » (charge of petit larceny. He Ji al­leged to have stolen a bicycle from to fronit of the; 0rand Union. ftotO on Mtagarefc street &bou| lour weeks ago. tile bicycle was owned* by a man named Qiflto. \

According to police, JPbrdham was released from a reform achool. JTe. will be gften a hearing before City Judge R. O. Booth on Monday* -


—A Christmas party will be held in the K. of G. rooms on Monday night at eight o'clock; Cards and refreshments. There will be a Christ

As Elmer Oilman drove into a driveway at Massena, preparatory to turning around. James MeDon-

he shows marked improvement each a l d f &m 7> ^anm the sidewalk

For The Benefit Of C W jfek Valley H09W

AftiiRDl Tfal* X e * r Marked By $jf*ilW M~

fort For stcwant Affair - \

day and sleeps soundly at night. He has no trouble in eating:

Visitors still call at the house to

m a T ^ r G i f ^ m a y ^ brought tojf* * e *™*™ a n d ™ch ** h e

Miss Anderson's h a t s h o p or to t h j , ^ J ^ f ° f J * * " f r ^ ^ a s

'all over the state and other suites. rooms on Monday night.

—There wiil be a speciBl meeting of S t . John' s church choir a t t h e c h u r c h S u n d a y m o r n i n g immedia te i marked improvement s ince h e re

tesferday he received a letter and a picture of fattier Power from a

on his isledl right tMhintf .the car. Tlte driter backed out the car and

i broke €toe" bc^'s rigfet rfiouidef.

T h e Curt iss-Wrlght ftyfag a*rvic© h a s received permission t o operate a n airpliine on Mirror Lake dur ing t h e Winifcer sporte season [ a t iAlse Placid. A fii*? passenger I^drcBild

lady in Maine who had read of W a L ^ plme ^ be «mipp^ with

ly after the? 10:30 Mass .

~-W&, !aM Suhday. destroyed the garage a n d JJaSalle car it house in i t , t h e property of P r a n k Clough of Peru: *ilte members1' of t he village fire company worked hard and Sjaveft" Che residence from also be­ing a prey to the flames. f

< -j Mlss I>oroi3iy tiangdbn of Jthis City will broadcast over station CKAC, Montreal Saturday night between 8:30 and 9 o'clocfe.

~A special rehearsal of Christ­mas miusic by St. Peter*s church

ceived a bag- fuU of eartti from the grave of JSathfir JPower sent him by jMayor C?urley of Boston.


The Mlnervian society of Platts-biirgh Sigh School held a Christ­inas party last evening. It proved a most enjoyable affair.

The program was as follows: I. The First NowelL fTraditional

skiis for landing on snow or kev

Air. tow* ov&t m motititiirji irtil f e a t u r e «&e winter proerarrt.

Two changes haVe MNSi mad^ in tlie linkup of the Saranid iMkH basketball t eam. T h e scholast ic skhdmf of Don Ml^tillip. cap%i!n and Waller Pinttegin, guard, wade it impossible for them to play at presenfe.

At TuiJiper |4ike Wednesday night the lowest temperafere this sea­son was recorded. It varied /rom 54 to 3d t^low.

THe Ways and Mean* Ootttfhlttw o f * « 4 ^ o m e n ^ s Auxiliarjr h/t_ tfe*

CmmipWitt, t «»^ &»P*w fill hoM It* amiual Christmas dabce i% the WittiertU Hotel, rxoember twenty-fiftft at nine o*o*fc, 4 , this is' thfe twentieth eontaxtlve dance given by this groOt* 1 * tbk purpose it is the aim of tbo* H* Crested to nave this pirtieiila* »f-i*ir ecllpt* ail others iWaliy aad iwancltiiy. ' • . • '

S o com*, Whether yoii danc* or 160I, aaeet your friends in m* charming hotel, so gen»f«o% vt* fered, and «nd a perfect <Hqr by doing something for sctimm out­side your jtaimediate j t t t f t ' , 4f frivlKl£«'

vche it^Oomhae i*d^e* - ami'' - Sb charge: ' *

Mrs. Q*m* K mt&m, chair* m a n . S£OL it. s . MacSom^ti, Mint

wmiim mm. Mt% Wit**)***. Pier«. Itek- Ictoh P. &W&KL ttKk,

;Prank Fittp-trick. Mr*, f t t i fcf Sinltli. 'Hm Andrew^ SeMttta, Mia. R. i . Laridn, I l k A lphas **+ cal. lies. Johft Myers. Un. 9rank Chapman. Mr*. Fred Buffcaoi, M* >Thmai Parr*. Mr, M t e l fcm,

•i >«ni >ii,iii4wiiiy»4ii>Mrt»>i"*#«Mi ^ Br

m aarr iqp e»cape fr«n"ln3tirie«^nl5fe on m$ way to war* ^ notMe« |»oiftt »«#r<l«r Morning, T ^ wheel*, on Wj« car loci** and>'&xm&.«» ma-

mm to ro mid %wmm m m * turiMWt l*drbfce w a s c u t 0*1 t h e l i p i*n4 w a i given first «W tre*tm«ufc

bytaoclar,, .*•• *»


, OiTt* Ta^rtay Wr»mh*f • By « t«feBU ' .'

mmm ^mimim hew m atwat*^, :Kjnd^|i«iM-riwiay:

morajog. Parents and Metxtt were

Both Railroad Crossings Located South of



| ?H i s l%la i t sbu i ' gh» ) t h e new diner ^urctMed-ISy ifiielyin X^obdell which'

m kM frwt on* his lot ort\Pro-%\^Mja& avenue was uhloaded >yes-

^dial'/b^'affarry c. Carpenter and W$ men Md "Hilled' t$ JPrute tion a re^ue^ 'ptSn y expect to nave the dinner ejected today. -J$$»-#ti& weighs IS'tons and is W -te 'fe jEorif and' 10 f e e t wide . I t Was

Wit iti^ew Kocheue, %• * e r v t c i v • ifeblmnissldni

mtam^"*mbibtom ' of- tne-.Ghl .Boujsei Point hpiwmy. and S c i o t e orqiaBiag J^JUth pf ^Jtta3^» 7 • 5*ht t)M«y^3toiSi Mm mmm-

wiU hmi* an,iinde Hi«|l * biot& erdttrihg.wln b e c lo^ t t wiSha*•"*&&*

offer * 3»»w 5,Wo marginiia nlgliwsy r.ott tfte^ '*e*fc Kide o t , ^ t r acks ' to '


The Members gi? tihe fire deWf J

nient made a. record, Tun- ta ttie JPnysidan t hospital i ^ ' 4 ^ y#t»# day after noon as a |e«t run, AjpfeK eral-alarm,was turned i& fUMJKAftf? niemtier jof the department i-wp» unaware that,it was t^st run." > v


* i / ? •

At a meeting of the Science dub

, M « ^ n a h idtti« i i i ty „..?V ''- ir^dergarten

M(May'l*»l . . . . . Boinik Hewitt Jtoe.-^the ii&ott: Man .».»,>,«!>».

• Mary Joyc* Ma<J*arfm Me^&iiClM^MlieiMi »W*>*;/ •

' ^ Jamea Calloway.

. Burton Hartntan

R e c IhOav G e r t i e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* l6UJ»er1tt* EowlAto

c . Kltner Movweau fr-Wh*l Can ttifey-.Bo ».**

-. ''«be M&oad- lKitt«e'i3v^„ii«t4fti' 't^feffcy • is? to: be «*'• .plate' girder'

eon*to»^i .mmm tifa ,'®®$ trick* and resting on concrete'a^ut-

jnentfc ym mmt mitt^m^ W'^ipn^M^lk t J sefe witfe and ' mj * » « W t wi»c. 10^ grades w p* apptoaebes to' the underpese -are'to' be fire per cent and the «ttm*ted of Mnd and property dama**v J*.

dlr#cU that dnring conatmeUr* ^ € W « S ^ M . ' , B r u c e passed

orary tr*Je croiainf to be £ ^ C t o d

of jplattsburgh H i g h Schoo l ye s t er -

.0i& alt^MOdn a t 4:6ftvo'clbck' ^he e ^ J U o n of officers took place a n d WP& as toiiows: - .^aAt«li« Virginia Mason; Vice-

^4enj : l^rank Morrison; "Secre-IMtaridn Wright; ^erge'ant-at-l^dyii Wilcox; Field SCoufe,

fanpie; Treasurer, Prof. ienton? faculty .Aavttor,

iloydS Benton .

BORN hospital , December 13, 1929,, a « » > , t o Mr. and. Mils. P ih i l ip KiJey « f |*p

.OHatnplainBt. • ,. ,


eral ilospital, I.ako'Pladid,,^"4»* tJedeinber j l i , 1929,, fcwtn daugait^sf,

Dorothy Cecile and Doris Lucil^ to Mr. and Mrs;-Francis Favro,,«a^' granddaugjhters to Mr* And- Hfrk, Fred Gowett of' South Platteburgft and to Mr, and Me* Alex Fairs of South Plattsburgh, K» IE. ii •'.*•*>»


MANOR—At Mooers F o r k s » ^ * 3 ^ D e c . 12, i929 , d daughter , M f e l e ^

B&ulah, t^ Mr. and Mrs.' William ' TWfarior and grand«*ug»^ to Mr. ana Mrs. Hose Manor of Cannons, comers, tti x., and to Mr, and MW

t P e t e r j lab ideat t s o f Mooer? j?Wits»

at all time^ by m itt«aian: ^,.^ - ' • • ' " • • ' - ; ' • • " n if ' -in l | n | | •*-


The Cteamber of Conaaerce of (*•*»• M*yo*fd ^**vy ciioir will be held in the Church 9 . H ^ r m # i r M ^ 8 | a t e < ) T o ^ s u n g | M a ! 6 r» i s tap to oiTMtll ItttKfl fof « ^ ^ ^ Wft taorrow mornmg tfffir ffleh Mass L y . a l j a a ^ 1 toga|ls aGCOmvaxiyixxs,the b ^ ottfasoor t u n e deoatw8atB.p.«fca*o«^»to. P. J Xhte w a i be t i ie semi- f ina l rehear- > . p l ! t a o A 1 ] ^ a e c o ^ t t o m > c j ^ r i o r O M O - f * * * I ^ i * * * * A 4 l f , , l

^1 and m.mmmtsmmmm to a ^ ^ from DltlC(!aar chrl£t. i ^ ^ b . dtftof^iwittK;** ' » w aeisfcr, J*** Mm« at tend . - ^ caro l . , i n order ^ ' compete for llicr ,prtsBe^|E3,0*«3o,:^, * i f c *' **• J - . i r ' " ^ i * ^ ^ *

5 , , • - ^ ^jjjpjg^ ' ^ ^ i j ^ g^^gyy, t*st f«a>-tkere **re sbmi b e a n t t * W ^ ^ 2 ^ * -wf4"' ^ " ' ^ j Scene I —Office of Serogee and^ful home decoratton* a n d &ie rival-J****6*- ****• Cnaries

.Mfey. the m mm ektymm. ' Scene TT^-The Cratchi t D i n i n g

»*e.-tlttte Pi« . . . . . Doii« ftenecal wife' A' *H*w. <WJ •#••»»»•»•••* ,.

' Jo«*phine Nichols Kat-ZitUe Piah . . . Philip Gordon fW^HTJhe'Cl<J^C . . . , . . ,» K, QltH « a c _ « y Puwy . . Carohne Beemer

Mrs, 2*WMt ifcc, j£ Trfti' 1fti N. T« w^njt mum


Frank Lloyd Averill • * , !

,t Funeral services for Prank Lloyd t ^ • e r i R r ^ e r , . f o r m e r Superintendent

theUbraty of dongress' and pro-'

'Room. Scene III —game as Scene I, Directed by Virginia Mason. ^

Characters, as 'they Appear niintlit s t a t u r a l em^neer. who.Scrbgee

K 1 Virginia Mason

died' Monday. December Mh, at his|Bo» Cratchit ,, , l-aura Taylor feme. 14*19 Columbia ifeoad1,. Wash-p>ed: ,.C&m&a*ie© Kearney, ^^^ iagton. p."--<X, :Were held Wednes-M Gentleman ^Softdttng- Funds forliSj l%trifej| TdfUwt* Hi :jtey •§&&&&*** ^§^WxJL. tv-l 'the-Poor ^».s*-,.-^»0aiTiiet- *Q««ay»jf<HP'' iXm dttito <% foment Waflr*i^Bge^.%«ncHteryjMot^r"'*Cra^ ...Amanda .^fiascjit »k«sevffl*, ' "" "'", W3th. Mllnffitary ttonors, 'and Vte<*ttbi6 <?rat^t;ichiiarcn-.,,-.. :.ftJuaca sdnic Rites. | Holland, Arm Trompsoa

TDurint «w Spanish-American JMiertha < Merle Oarcy

liai*as«s' in .&e 'number- of ^lee^fMlff^M^^"1 WUf^ . I * . A ^ « . WM*a! i le 'p«st' «em^n ovet n/^rl1****1*' » Woman, B u r « ^ - » M

.ago, were rteoMied. In' Clintoa cotn* I * ~ 5 ? ^ L ^ ^ S t ¥ £

.1y ,ana. d*ct«ase» In t U f t FranlQli^^*KCaffrey, .Mr*. Thcmptm m4 St. ILAWTOKC- counties, Tr*re Were- C,62C deer killed t h k year .

1** :nattfc or flfctcjr W» BBilieiw oif »»eaei*Ue waa aen t M tto* *«a»e ' ;

-A- xtxmve Gir l JOrtph Frank'

aC# ShS was^C years old. Sur-vivlnsr her are her husband and Wo 'f^^i^tliS^^i funeral^ later.



^ W 3 g ^ b j | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J k

War, Mr . AveriE served In Coba a s . T i n y T t m . C a r o l y n ScWff ai capta in of the Engmeer Corps of t h e tTnited S t a t e s Aftny Volun-

iMr. AveriB w a s the son of Mr and Mrs. S . K. Averill, formerly of frfcs&ments were Kcrved.


tH«i-4ay « H | » >.



coin- nays* wcjr oaaa aw*HP * ^p»rwf all »ay Wednettiair ipf W ^green below in the rTming -

Mrt. OerirutJe B, OPiH WMI. .Mtaf

B t r b t f Sruih Bw-My Hobby Houae ... '

Minardiarkin * / *


~- - - Marfaret Mayctte

Anne Moo«rs t.-OO a. m. '(Bftllg1' TT^JHIJ Ctnia tmaa

"Wit:; Ifcinli'i lMndiw

# • • * * % »

T h e foUowiae a ta tement relative l b wfia^oir -•«Srtee*ifr' t h e local" |>0«t^ c*rks# dur ing t he e n r t a t m a s holl daya J ^ a been laeued by pcetauMter

'mm Ord*. will 1» <**ft on week «taya unt t t «;*o .p. M . for =tfae'-3#?; «tpt of fllktom*. maii, c* D*. f3Mtira' nWMhtvii « w , tartfl T«>-

In Orter that a complete deliTery «f p r ig te » i f ftt WM|» :i)#ffl«»"^6if

36th. there will be a dehtftry of paefca«e« in the reaWential a*cUom oii ItaHiaT't «tfe 3Swl b^ttnhinf at

Manager Rftipft riftirT of tbe St r and ' Thea te r aimtmbott l 4&st *va

^ttcT il»3, Japanese wook put- ning that beginning' Sunday, ~&' chases i n foreign m a r k e t s l i ave a v - Sunday show* wiU sfcfsrt ^ 8 > . M^

13 000,000 to fSS/KKtOoolThere witf be three 'ahow* &&&£ ^ . . the evening, Inttead^tifc, If.L

., 1 i *• ~

''"!''.** ' ' ' ' ' ' " 'i" „ '" «" 1 *m*Wi*bmmm&*mm--

* af ^

i-^ i s f


tt i'|ggl'M«f


Mat. 2^lrEve,'^b-t in t ioua 3 : 3 0 t o I O SQ

i t i

7' flUIAM F O X ^ p w e a « i i t »


*» *

Tl i l i l i f i i i DaV* - Dee. iitiL,' n6

Witt Jilti 6t'<fMi aJMk oMMbgTww




I • Terns ranks thirty-fourth among ftCcount^ rami 'be .In by mmm New. as sor tment of Afternoon *and t h e s t a t e s in educat ional rat ing.

^enftif Dressflg' jtK*i?©a txxJay.] ' '""""• "" •"•'" <• \>^>T,mmvmi1 • iL't,"j,"r""1"11 r"" • ••»

Kalhyrinr Botwjrltv

J'Sataerday. . ' • : . . »

. . . . ^ » u w, „M|J« . ^ . ^ ^jv^^-^hou** witii * bad Ills, am! Mr. 4, Ik

]day raoraieg. The- -chairman «n-<«n rfliWw* J^undiy j noune#d Uftat a l l audi t* o f town i a - | Iwkiter a n d «To3W L i w j r * « t

debtedness, 8iht aftd fir* dbtHct<vf!ie-«tui tbe giieiili «t f t « , ,ftti*

III,—Jingle Bells, (Singing by aU> Arrival of Santa. Claus.

Bmnbutiou of pfe»cnte. r%>Howtns the oater ta inment r e - l e d yexteribRy afternoon Wpttl M0IJ-

Dressog Jenne' t te 's Shop • Nook.—adr. |

Sfefee Your Gift a [Year ' s Subsc r ip t i on t o

ie l%««burgh Daily Press


j^irkk. 'Saturday aod fcoiay.. mr, ma ur& imsm pcfd, wejw

the iu**u of U*ir imhltr. Mrr B. Jftnaey. of- Per^t," 3Wr * few day*.-Mm Kwiaret ,p* ]Mp** - who

h a * been- t h e fu«*t «f 4 n r ewurfn, Ati*. l*Kr|iar!* .Irwin* «PT **» P « * few 'wtrlai it..tftt p**** *wr <»«* «n, Mn. itriii O* wm & tw* »* prcaent.

rt was noticed yesterday that al-|!of less trofble, but any number of j Mfc and Mr*, Jinx* Jfinnix mo-ready some of the etmei in town tottutifaHy oolored lilht* ttm be or*4 to rtautboig^ Miseday. 'fcad already began t o Ug^it u p for | | jarchaaed a t o o a t "for * . *ottf." ; Mr, » n 4 M » , P h i h p IWWfll Were Christmas and clusters of b^uUMJWJieiher people enter the wtefct red. green and white Ughts gjave ihe j^paasowd by'the Prea» or no^, they establishments 4 most cheery -op- {are urged this year .to 'beautify thejjr jjeamnce -. |.l»mes for'the Christmas season, it

'The business men w h o are s tart* t h e Wtfhttnf i s 011 t h e in«fd$ h a v e


Christmas SflOES

1 t'iag Usus 'early to do U«ir part tnift m that lit wiU ahow throttgh U» • jmaktaff the business .streets reflect, windows, TJns may be nxed- very «f-• jtli© Christmas spirit are to be. con flgratultted. The particular interest fjof t h i s paper ax tbe present t ime ' I s

fecttveiy wimh outside lighting* When one thinks of the lovely homes In pjat^jorf h it scenw a» t?>o»gt» tW»

We would like to see dty might be madle. to look Uk© a

busMeti caaera at Mn; l » » h o. Sdyd's Tuesdas*. -Mr. Mark Deoim'of Jay was a a bualness. caller at F. %. Ktzpat-'Hck1! Tuesday.

USat Com Morrow spent the wee*' end wife her cousin Mill Dorothy Morrow of the l?nion.

Jitc»««CTBlilniaa Oraatln^ rWWp Wavon

Doris LeJendr* »»C.-~ChtiltiBU«;to All « . . » . . .

JMO&Bridy »on«v^tittie'war . . ; Ktoaeitafcrteti H a.»~jjKMiA i t wa' TMJLW' lifilm.

SMMN^#-» » jn| W s W % w * * • *

Dong' 3Bell Gloria Besaet t

t * • Uliniii..!


'mtm^mmm^" •Oomtny»-»•' jf ,-•

eong^Th* Toy Falri*s ^



Sf- ' DRESS:;*-. I FORK

I ' PLAV :; | l For ALL the F a r t t y

• g Make the Be>»t of.


t h e 'homes ' every h o m e to Flatt&burgh Ufhted |tor Christmas. This idea is not new by any means and long years ago :p£e4iJe' us^d to place candles in 1&elr wiaiDws-^ev«|ry. window in the SBuse-i-and hang holly wreaths

;a$4'0hristmas bells.in these win-%tm,'MQi>i a/tjm-magnilaet whit a Utfanttful effect; th i s s imple taeoora.-'&&£• naade a t » i t * t *rith Jhe' g low

(regular fairyland. There 1» no re-ctrletloii 0 * the kind of. mal«rial used in trimming the homes* but many .beautiful effects; 'may be Wwught of by those Who, love to have their homes radiate the *ptr4t of Christmas.

As was stated -before,' it. i§ not necessary.t© enter the contest, but

.Jjprs. » u b c r 6 J3«rra« |p , w h o . h a s

feeelt iU is able to be 'gait asain, P e t e r Quinn was a .ieeefit caDer

a t t h e home of Fred' Boyd's. „ Mr, a n d S & x . Pe te r McGarr made

a bwslness t r ip t o Peru , Saturday. . , Mr , mi Mrs . CNforf© Douglass,

were t h e wuesta. oC jtbtefe parents. My, a n d Mrs, John . Dooohue, Svn~ 4*y; '•' . 1

Henry Walker spent the week-end * friendly, rivalry win U&p a great ** **** home'In West'Fern,

A$i\. If y§u wish to enter the con- *^ . *»d MM. WiUiap Irwin wre (test for one of the very valuable ***»»«»* caMers ta Peru, MOoday.

Tmw«H.u. • Marl*n hvu-..

- •>mmim*~mm''*mmmmmmm*i!Mmmmmmmmlk

cvocDT nArc DDCC n>ni



Dec, 7-Qntte a hewTy fall of j SDOW, enough for very fan- sleigh- :i .

* * • ) •• • • " €

-, ^:^mm&t^:.}i^lmiAilgU^

a i r i e r Oooflale wh6 te»ch- | ec at Behodaek LiiKJmc "--:r:af-4:xi ™

• *tory o r Amerlca*c :' scene* ph*A*ft*fltiM tit thfr

fe«f[ ..aB...__. witn ag«B*l rt*-

• lit n i l nit all WfT i l i J: :•


A T s J k i r i s C«medry- s*



C' ' ' P L A T T S B l RGH, Jf, Y.

of "fee' 'wfedofs -confrwied ttjitosti fb# d'.lpc shade* oif- nifM- |

If is pot i^eessai^ to «et can* prises clip and fill out the following Ut' ^ ^ B y t a °* P * * * ^ - « » .dfe%»t?'thisiMefor-fi&ey-jtr«inoi*cxmpoo: * ed at the Fitxpatriek Jjomestead

, • . .Sunday eiiiOnf, ttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^immmmmmmmmmm^ Mr . a n d M r s . S a m u e l firwin re-.

^«mt^? msS^P'f business trip to Peru ,'vfilaie. t Mrs; H e b e r t I « M e s a a n d chlMtem of Kaeieville ealied At the Wtepai-

iriclc homestaad Sunday. < F, T. Flbtpatrlcjk madf a business trip to Peru* Monday.

I • Mr, and- Mrs.- j , n , twokt m»-W to Peru, Satoidaj.


^ * * * * : ** **» * ^ f^ " m '-*fl

•* DH -» ward:- .T, mm*' -of Mon* irtai, snow and lot removal axpert. who gained an mtematlonsl repu-tmtidii; to .aaartbtfle d&cJe* w n a e j*or

Lici'profftsior at MaOttl Univmity, Is maklnr K*»e interrMinr diseor-eries aboul ttm Hudson liter. •' Rttejaich wo** done toy'Dr, Barnit has itswaled' 'jrlmarily thai.. |h«' temperature of Lake ChampJain's waters has * direct b«*rto« -on' the! tem|wsrs*are' of' ese. «*«*. Watef as. far »puUi 41 YooJtfo.

Dr. iWKrnes a n d h i s imflneers hawj- be ta ' japateagr « . -cryowraf^te?* sumy of the Httdioti*** «ur«y d«* dfned to rf«sal the oooUnt factors of the stream'at various .point* ato6i Wi cods* ifrom Wko dbim.< plain to Manhattan.

a^^^^^^siS/w^ri 'i^^^fl*#i ^^wjrt^i I^^W»WWK ™W it j iwVin^w^WTi

Miss. LUUan Stem Who- .teaches; ! at Adam*. N. 'T^, 'spent her Thanks- |; girinf racaUon with her ptrent*, |

p M ^ ' p h t i # l % # „ ^ ' 1 ^ ' : ^ ^ _ . : , , « Mr^ Ina Robin*(» naa returned'!

McDonald to Chicago. \ ' Norton Foster.lias retunjed home |

after spending mm* nwnths in €Wl&* . ' ' • ' . • -•. . J ' ' Raymocrtf Atwood has returned'

tera,. Mrs. Mosher 'and. Mrs. Matott | \ at W» johhiTille, N. Y,

Mr. and Mrs, Abram Budro hsve | 1 st-,n*w d4uwnter, born Dec. 7..

' Mrs, H. D. Carlton is home, and'-1 [ -M^z&ofra^-'-it^pvt- recent 1: operaUoh a t the Physician's Hcepl-

M>, 'and.Mrit.ILC. 'PeKom haylji-retuined. from, a H&% to S racitsev •• j; • 3ite,m. JPC P e a w r a n d famjay h a v e | •

t4Wte& Ui IM Pltcld *h»r« ififti- J PeMM? has a position. , . ' ' ; '

Mr, and' Mrs. ^ h d u n arei ihJ*o|t;'| in. th<j "#» Ifc Robinaon residence. •"':::

Wilis Stone, who lias been at? the | ! I^yalelan*s hospital for teaitnieati |> has returned home. ~

Mr. and.Mri. Lawrence' ' j en f

:(, Fox Sound News Mat. 25c; Eve. 25cattd40fe

' *\! i

3 Shows Sunday Star ting at fi p. m.

hivft » mwLM^,fjy

Ttm. COJmjnoa <SmncH h e l d t h e # r egu la r meet ing l as t evening, Onl$t rou t ine business oame t o t h e attenW t ion of t h e city legislators.

i t


v t a e j M ^ m r m v l ^ ** * «njk*ft»t in tfee Frise Csntesl far tae best Cfarisimas O B t d o w or Onidoor a n d WiHuEaw X>ec«ratiaf|.'

' ' - . * . ' '

•Ifiuwwt- H * < " » f ' ' t ' * <

I A W f f S * .

> * ^ j ^ r i - * j y j

>•• *»« , , . • • , • , . « . . , , , ,

jrwwie,«, < < , . . , , , , , . , *

5 AJtE t O C CATWG OUT i Try the Hew Way- fcancH. A very

lied dinner at moderate cost Ctmibi food. a3pisi J»ado 'Pies. Try -our Irish star* ft»* best i« IMQL- «eir W«y' -toeh, o«!o*iteJE i^unty cleric's off^^Had?.

i i ^ i i w t i i | » i n i f i t t m H H l H l T l l H H I H «


! TOKteHT City Hall Auditorium

DANCING 8:30 to 12K»

4 '

*••* '•• * * * * •» J.^Jf*'*>*'>*%*»V • •* #• •«.*%• •*•*•''* « r* * • * • * t«-*-"* '* •»•»•##'•*•••#»' ' * * I * # # * * » * * * » i « * # # * " * • **'*••* * . * * » , * ! » * * 2